2 minute read
About the Author Connie Moyes
About the Author
By Connie Moyes
Teacher and Special Friend
I first metDon and Bev Zoller one Sunday morning in 2004 at Colonial Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri. They had just moved from Pinehurst, NorthCarolina,and were looking for a new church home. My husband and I facilitated an adult Sunday School class, andwe needed help—we needed a teacher! Don was a Bible teacher and writer in North Carolina. (Among his publications are: Learning to Suffer God’s Way—Discovering Purpose in Suffering and The Last Shofar! What the Fall Feasts of The Lord Are Telling the Church, which he co-authored.)Aware of how God answers prayer, I wasted no time seeking Don’shelp,and quickly he and Bev becamemembers of our church—and Don was soon teaching our class.
As I listened and taught with Don, I learned he is a humble Bible scholar. His research is in-depth, and details are exact; he teaches with authority and sound judgment. In addition, Donhas a great sense of humor and immediately connects with any group he leads. All these qualities make him a much-sought-after teacher.As a result, ourclass developed a deeper understanding of Biblical concepts and how to apply Biblical principles in everyday life. God’s Word sets Don’s moral compass,making him anexcellentexample for all of us.
Don’s varied life experiences are many, which he shares on the pages of The Master Weaver, a recently published book. In the book,we discover his wonderful marriage of 56 years to his godly bride, Bev. We see how together they raised and nurtured three sons and cared for Bev’s mother, Jean,during the last 25 years of her life.
His lifelong passion for maps led him to spend time in the Army Corps of Engineers and laterto a 35-year career for the U.S. Geological Survey as a cartographer. His heart for missionstook him on several international trips, caring for the spiritual and physical needs of the homeless, and working with a media ministry inthe Middle East.
In later years, as he witnessed the progression of Bev’s dementia, he learnedhow to be her caregiver, and finallysuffered theloss after herdeath. All these, and so much more, have shaped the man Don is today. The results show up in his writing and teaching. He loves God and uses his gifts of teaching and writing to help others understand and navigate their path through this present-day world filled with cultural potholes and satanic attacks.
You will discover that Grow Strong in Today’s World answers the following questions: • What words would describe the world you live in today? • What occupies most of your waking thoughts? • Do you have feelings of dread, anxiety, or panic if you leave your cell phones at home? • What does the phrase “my truth” mean? • Why does God allow terrible things to happen in ourworld?
As you read thisbook, please be honest with yourself. Assess your truthfulness, what you hold in high esteem,and your relationship with God. Many of your answers may surprise you. Nevertheless, I hope you use this book to help you navigate a changing and challengingworld by using God’s Word as your “map.”