5 minute read
Before We Start
Why this Book Was Written
ithouta doubt, we live in uncertain and challenging times. People fromall walks of life are anxious andeven angryW about the direction of our society. Bitter divisions in our Nation’s social and political fabric, increased violence, and ever-present injusticesseem overwhelming. Such turmoil does not contribute to personal hope or domestic peace as enshrined in our Constitutionand leaves great uncertainty about the futureof our country.
Grow Strong in Today’s World is more than informing followers of Jesus about the current state of our society. Instead, thisbook heraldsa call to action to be alert, strong in faith, and to engage our culture with the Truth about God—His Word. Further, it is a call to be discerning about the present threat of our adversary, Satan. And to recognize the tools he masterfully uses to create turmoil among people—deception, despair, destruction, and death. Since the beginning of time, his tools have remained the same.
The book seeks to awaken followers of Jesus from a life of mediocrity to their God-empowered calling. It is a passionate calling to be bearers of His image,truth, and light in a dark and fallen worldthat desperately needs to know God. Further, it is an urgent call to advance the difficult work of His Kingdom. Time is short! Finally, the book pushes us toward intimacy with an awesome Sovereign God as a powerful, loving, and inseparable part of ourlives—to be strong in faith in Jesus and His Word.
What’s in the Book
The book has eight chapters and an appendix. We begin in Chapter 1 by looking realistically at our world—It’s A Wonderful World–Not So Much! Then, in Chapter 2, we examine Idolatry— Both Then and Now. Here we explore how idolatry of all shapes and sizes has consumed humanity, yes, even us, his Church. In Chapter 3, What Is Truth? we engage the agonizing subject that is millennia old but still under current debate. The question continues to createas much confusion as ever. Chapter 4 directs our attention God-ward as we consider The Sovereignty of God. Here we ponder an incredible view of an unfathomable God. We will see whatHis sovereignty means to us practicallyas we engage ourworld.
Chapter 5, A Republic—If You Can Keep It, surveys the beginnings of our country, where we are today, and then confronts us with the provocative question, “Will it survive?” The question is followed by a challenge: What does our current National condition mean for us as followers of Jesus?Beyond
our Nation, we want to hear What God Says About Our World—And You. Chapter 6 covers this subject.
To become strong, we are now ready to exercise. Chapter 7 lists Eleven Exercises to Grow Strong. Finally, in Chapter 8, we have our Conclusion—So What? We reflect on the issues covered in this book. Our challenge is to think and pray about what growing strong in faith means for us in today’s world.Then to act! The Appendix includes a fewitems of interest that provides added information to our understanding of subjects covered in this book.
How to Use the Book
Thebook is a resourceto beusedas an adult Sunday School discussion curriculum, home group study, or individual study. There are plenty of opportunities to record notes along with your reading. You will find open space between paragraphs to write short thoughts. “Your Thoughts” at the end of each subsection within the chapter will give you additional space for notes. “Additional Notes” provide space between some chapters for more lengthy comments.
After each chapter is a list of discussion questions, “Let’s Talk About It.” From these questions, the group leader or facilitator andthe group can select from the list ofquestionsto be discussed as time permits. Everyone using the study guide needs to read the respective chapter and the Bible verses in bold font before the group meets. Indeed, reading the chapter is a requirement for the leader or the facilitator.
Final Thoughts
To Grow Strong in Today’s World is not a Sunday afternoon easy-read. You will be required to think, interact, and, if needed, challenge what you read. Every effort is made to assure textual and biblicalaccuracy. However,you are free to investigate other sources to determine orreexamine your understanding.A yellow highlighter is recommended to mark the text for emphasis and reference.The objective is to personalize what you read.
Be sure to read all Scripture references in the bold-faced font. Reading theScripture allows the Spirit of Godto speakto youand provides His commentary to the text. Examiningeach verse will take time and thought. As you reflect on theverses,you will better understand how theyapplyto the text.Don’t be in a hurry! Pray and ponder! (A helpful hint: Using aBible app on your cell phone will give you more time to pray and ponder.) The Berean believers took what they heard and examined the Scriptures to determine if what they heard was true (Acts 17:11). The Bible is your plumb line for Truth. Be sure you use it!
Names and labels change over time, sometimes quickly. As a result, themeanings attached to these identifiers also change. It is no longer enough to call ourselves “Christians” or even “Evangelicals.” These terms may suffice for use within our walls (among fellow believers). However, our culture has given different meanings to these terms—meanings that do not adequately describe who we are, or worse, create associations that do not represent our true identity as belonging to Christ the
King and His Kingdom. Therefore, throughout the book, the term, followers of Jesus is used in most places instead of Christians, evangelicals, or believers. Followers of Jesus is a term that best describesto whomwe belong and what we do.
Additional Notes:
Lord, may I so walk with You today That when You speak You need only to whisper.
To the choirmaster: according to Lilies. A Maskil of the Sons of Korah; a love song. My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe. Psalm 45:1