A Welcome Note from Gov't Affairs Chair Jim Nau Federal, State, & Local Highlights A Moment with Mayor Whelchel Legislator Look-Up - Bill Hager
For Business ~ For Jobs ~ For Prosperity ... For Boca Raton A MESSAGE FROM:
JIM NAU Chairman
Boca Chamber Government Affairs Committee The GBRCC Government Affairs Committee has three primary goals. First, to monitor, discuss and assess public policy issues that affect the Boca Raton business community. Second, make recommendations on public policy matters to the GBRCC Board of Directors so that they can make informed decisions on such matters. Third, to be an active advocate for the Boca Raton business community, by communicating with Boca Raton government officials and representatives, describing the Chamber’s positions to various government and community stakeholders, and actively participating in the public policy process. Our efforts toward these goals have been demonstrated by our work to defeat Amendment 4 to the Florida Constitution in 2010, our visit with the Boca Raton Congressional and Senate delegation in Washington DC in 2011 and our 2012 trip to Tallahassee to meet with our State Representatives in January 2012. Jim Nau is responsible for the administration of the workers compensation residual market reinsurance pools and assigned risk plans approved in NCCI states. Previously, he served as division executive for National Policy Development, and as senior vice president, Government, Consumer & Industry Affairs. A graduate of Butler University, Indianapolis, IN, Nau is a Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter, an Associate in Risk Management, and a frequent author and speaker on workers compensation issues. Jim Nau is an active member and past president of the CPCU Society.
"The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act"
The Supreme Court upheld nearly all of President Obama's health care overhaul, in a landmark ruling that will have sweeping consequences for the economy and America’s Health Care System. To learn more about how businesses will be affected, two chamber events in the near future will focus on this issue. A panel with professionals from industries affected by the changes will convene at the Chamber Membership Breakfast, July 12th, at Via Mizner Country Club, and the Chamber Government Affairs Meeting on August 9th will feature a speaker from the US Chamber of Commerce explaining the ramifications for business. Visit www.bocaratonchamber.com to register. To read a message from Tom Donohue, President & CEO of the U.S. Chamber about the ruling, visit www.uschamber.com.
Florida Gained Two U.S. Congressional Seats from the Reapportionment of the 2010 Census Interested in how that process works? Visit www.ballotpedia.org.
U.S. House Committee on Small Business
The U.S. House Committee on Small Business is dedicated to protecting American entrepreneurs from over-regulation and high taxes that burden business. You can stay current on the latest business news by visiting their web site. www.smallbusiness.house.gov
Vote “YES” on Amendment 4
This year you have to opportunity to vote “yes” on a state amendment in November that will significantly reduce your cost of doing business. Amendment 4 lowers the maximum assessment increase on non-homestead properties from 10% to 5%. Visit www.taxyourassetsoff.com for information and to receive updates.
State Issues That Affect Your Business
Learn the latest news from the Florida Chamber. Click on www.stateissues.com.
Redistricting Update
Redistricting is the redrawing of Florida’s Political Boundaries, every 10 years, to reflect changes in the population. The district in which you live may have changed. www.flredistrictinfo.com
County Budgeting Fiscal Year 2013
The county is currently in the process of budgeting for FY 2013. If you would like to keep updated on budgeting activities, click on www.countybudget.com.
Interested in Serving on a City Board? Click link for more information: www.bocacityboards.com
Sign up for City of Boca Raton Electronic Communications click www.brcitycomm.com.
LOCAL LEADERSHIP A Moment With ... Mayor Susan Whelchel, City of Boca Raton What are the top 6 priorities for the City of Boca Raton? A. Wildflower and Spanish River property Request for Proposals B. Annexation action plan C. Arvida Park of Commerce/Planned Mobility Development D. Land Development Regulation changes and funding for staff E. Study of overlay District for 20th Street corridor F. Sister City program and funding What do you see as being the biggest challenge for the City? Retaining our quality of service without raising taxes. What steps is the City taking to ensure we are heading in the right economic direction? A. The City, within the past several years, has developed a strong partnership with the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce and the Palm Beach County Business Development Board, as well as being a supporter of the newly formed MEDUTECH program. The City has developed an economic incentive program that provides for business retention, expansion, and relocation. Over the last three years, we have outperformed other cities in Palm Beach County. We ended 2011 with over 3,175 jobs created and/or retained. The State of Florida has supported our programs with over $2.2 million in funding. Together, the county and City of Boca Raton have provided over a million dollars of financial support to the program. In our recent goal setting, the council listed having an economic development position internal to the City, but we will need to find funding for that position. There will be major changes in the northwest business district that will facilitate increased performance in that area. B. The city has completed the Downtown Promenade/Palmetto Park Road project to enhance new economic development in that area. Four new high-end residential rental apartments are forthcoming and when completed, will enhance our commercial, retail, and pedestrian friendly downtown. The Request for Proposal for the Wildflower property goes public in August. We look for a successful conclusion around early fall. The development of a waterfront restaurant will be a great addition to our downtown. C. The City is coordinating with Lynn University in the planning for the upcoming October 2012 presidential debate. This is a great economic opportunity for the City. With millions of viewers watching the debate, the eyes of the world will be focused on Boca Raton. D. The City of Boca Raton is currently developing a mobility strategy for designated areas in the City. The City only has 3% vacant land. Therefore, we must consider necessary changes to allow for new business plans, greater mobility and sustainability, specifically in our northwest corridor to include the Arvida Park of Commerce and Boca Tech Center. I believe the strategic changes in the area will open the door for increased corporate and business opportunities. Personally, what do you appreciate the most about the City? The people. I do not know another city that supports the needs of our community as much as the forward-thinking people of Boca Raton.
Contact Your Legislators About the Issues that Affect Your Business City of Boca Raton Mayor & City Council
Palm Beach County Commissioners
Palm Beach County School Board
Florida Senate Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation
Click on the shortened link below: www.flsenatepbc.com
Florida House of Representatives Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation Click on the shortened link below: www.flhousepbc.com
United States Government Click on the shortened link below: www.federalgovtfl.com
Business Leaders United Political Action Committee
Supporting candidates who support a pro-business environment in Boca Raton
LEGISLATOR LOOK-UP This Issue Features:
Florida State Representative Bill Hager, District 87 Bill Hager is a 20-year resident of Boca Raton. Before he was elected to the House in 2010, he served three terms on the Boca Raton City Council. He serves on the Civil Justice Subcommittee, Insurance & Banking Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee, PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee, and the Transportation & Highway Safety Subcommittee. Bill has two daughters attending Florida universities and is an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in Delray Beach, where he taught Sunday School and serves as a Church Elder. More information about Representative Hager can be found at www.rephagerinfo.com.
District 87 includes eastern Lantana south to Boca Raton and parts of central Boca Raton, along with other areas shown in the map.
The Boca Chamber's Government Affairs Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at the Boca Chamber from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. US Chamber Info: www.uschamber.com Florida Chamber of Commerce Info: www.flchamber.com City of Boca Raton: ci.boca-raton.fl.us Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce: www.bocaratonchamber.com • (561) 395-4433