12 - Edition 559
West Palm Beach CRA Seeking Navy Seal Commander to Speak at Restaurant/Lounge Operator for Annual Luncheon of The Salvation Army of Palm Beach County Newly Restored Sunset Lounge
The West Palm Beach Community Re- tion of the project now in its final phases, development Agency (CRA) has issued a I couldn’t be more excited about the future Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking an ex- of the Sunset Lounge and our city.” The CRA has tapped award-winning perienced restaurant/lounge operator to manage programming and operations for and West Palm Beach-based design firm V the historic Sunset Lounge venue in the Starr led by principal and CEO world-reCity of West Palm Beach’s burgeoning nowned tennis player Venus Williams. A Northwest District. Interested parties have full-service commercial and residential design firm, V Starr will lead the interior resuntil May 11, 2022 to submit proposals. The Sunset Lounge was one of the pre- toration of the Sunset Lounge. V Starr will mier African American entertainment ven- look to historic images and artifacts as a ues in the South during the 1940s and 1950s reference to maintain the character of the and featured such notable artists as Count establishment, while incorporating a modBasie, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Ike ern, contemporary flair to match its eleand Tina Turner, Duke Ellington, and Nat vated quality. When complete, the renovated Sunset King Cole. The City, through the CRA, has invest- Lounge will include the following: · A complete ed $12.5 million to rehabilitation of renovate the Sunthe existing 12,308 set Lounge, which square foot building is located at 609 8th The City, through the · A renovated Street. The CRA is CRA, has invested bar and a new fullanticipated to comservice restaurant plete its historic $12.5 million to on the first floor restoration of the · A second floor venue by this winrenovate the Sunset of ballroom with a ter. The renovatLounge, which is large elevated/floated lounge will feaing stage and third ture a 150-seat bar, located at 609 8th floor mezzanine restaurant/supper Street. · The addition club, state-of-theof a new, two-story art entertainment 7,200 sq. ft. buildvenue, and a roofing on the east side top bar and patio, among other amenities. The CRA is seek- of Sunset Lounge featuring a roof garden, ing an operator that will develop and imple- the restaurant kitchen, restrooms, dressing ment programming and events at the en- rooms for performers, lobby, office space, tertainment venue and manage food and box office, and a broadcast facility · A new parking lot will also be addbeverage operations for the restaurant/suped to the rear of the Lounge, with valet in per club and bars. “The renovated Sunset Lounge will front, along with a gathering plaza, and a honor and celebrate the rich African Amer- rooftop bar and patio All details and submission forms for ican and music histories of our city,” said Mayor Keith A. James. “As a future cultur- the RFP can be found here: http://wpb. al destination, it will add to the vibrancy org/government/procurement/solicitaof the Historic Northwest. With comple- tions/bids-list. April 15 - April 21, 2022
The Salvation Army of Palm Beach Salvation Army of Palm Beach County is County is honored to announce retired U.S. celebrating its Centennial Anniversary, we Navy Commander Grant Mann as keynote wanted to select a speaker that would inspeaker for their 2022 Annual Luncheon to spire an afternoon gathering of local nonbe held from 11:30AM-1PM at the Pelican profit leaders to more effectively collaborate Club on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Entitled “The for the greater good of our community. As Ties That Bind,” the luncheon aims at gath- a courageous member of two SEAL Teams, ering local charities and nonprofits around we cannot imagine a more appropriate individual than Comthe theme of philanmander Mann to thropic partnerships. speak on the value Commander of partnerships!” Mann was born in CommandToronto, Canada, “We are honored that er Mann presentand raised in Vero Beach, Florida. UpCommander Mann has ly serves as the Executive Director of on his enlistment accepted the invitation the National Navy in 1986, Mann imSEAL Museum in mediately reported to be the featured Fort Pierce, Florida, to Boot Camp and speaker at our Annual dedicated solely to was subsequently preserving the hisassigned to the USS Luncheon,” tory of the U.S. NaHarry W. Hill. After vy SEALs and their two years on board, predecessors. From he was selected and humble beginnings attended Basic Unin 1985, the facility derwater Demolihas experienced tretion/SEAL Training Class 162, graduating in October 1989. His mendous growth, achieving national stature operational overseas deployments were in in 2007. The main objective of the Museum support of Operation Desert Shield/Storm, remains the promotion of public education Bosnia, Philippines, Iraq, Afghanistan, and by providing the opportunity to explore the East Africa. Commander Mann’s enlisted history of the Navy SEALs through interoperational assignments include two tours active exhibits, while honoring the fallen at as a Boatswain Mate, two deployments at the SEAL Memorial and caring for those SEAL Team FIVE, and seven years at SEAL warriors’ families through Trident House Team SIX. He is the recipient of a Bronze Charities. For more information or to purchase Star Medal and numerous other awards over tickets to the Annual Luncheon please call his 34 years of service. “We are honored that Commander The Salvation Army of Palm Beach County, Mann has accepted the invitation to be the at (561) 686-3530 or visit the organization’s featured speaker at our Annual Luncheon,” Website: https://salvationarmyflorida.org/ said Majors James and Leisa Hall, Area Com- westpalmbeach. Facebook information can manders of The Salvation Army. “Since The be found by searching for @salarmypbco.