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Body Mind Spirit




For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©




Get started with your Free Consultation with Dr. Ka patients who sign up to start care during the mon Free will receive One FREE MINDO Organic Artisan Cho For more information & to schedule, call 734-42


m erapy m ercises m

(Exp. 5/31/ 2012 –Medicare Guidelines Apply)



In Salute to MOTHERS Everywhere

er Library -8220

Why Homeopathy

oss Strategies & Support ʞʞʞ Pain Relief ʞʞʞ Protocols for Allergy Reduction & Elimin ents ʞʞʞ Natural Hormone Balancing ʞʞʞ Erchonia “Healing” Cold Laser Therapy (LLL nse Testing ʞʞʞ Safe & Gentle Chiropractic ʞʞʞ Erchonia Ionic Detoxification hic Remedies ʞʞʞ Nutritional Consultation with ZYTO Bio-communication Technolo May 2012


Family Owned, Locally Grown, Globally Known!©



Body Mind Spirit Guide

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

produced by: Golden Galleries Post Office Box 85413 Westland, MI 48185 Phone: (734) 513-6137 Fax: (734) 956-4150

Hours: Weekdays 10:00am - 6:00pm info@bodymindspiritguide.com www.BodyMindSpiritGuide.com Editor & Publishers Howard & Penny Golden Contributing Writers: Carol Clarke Jean Cornell RN Ph.D Don Daughtry Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C., N.D.

Kathy Garbe Monica Gurnani BHMS, CCH, RSHom(NA)

Carole Lynn Hovsepian Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Aluna Michaels Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. Kamela Torvinen Ginger B. Wiechers Barbra White Eve Wilson

We are grateful to the many Doctors and Leaders that write for the Guide and contribute to us all having a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit.

Copyright 2012 Golden Galleries Productions Inc. & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated. Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a qualified wellness consultant to determine issues regarding your personal health.

Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The BMS Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout S.E. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit. Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and

as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother and the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 weekdays from 10 to 6 or email us at: info@bodymindspiritguide.com.

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May 2012


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Mike’s lifelong quest to Let’s Talk Health Radio Program maintain health7:00 has PM made BMS Radio Thursdays, him an expert holistic on bodymindspiritradio.com consumer. “Let’s Talk

On Sept. 15, Mike’s special Guest will be Health” offers interviews Ragen Chastain, dancer, and infothe onauthor alternative medicine, blog speaker, of the controversial

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Kriya Yoga Public Programs With Paramahansa Atmanandaji Swami Paramahansa Atmanandaji, one of the greatest living masters and authority on Kriya Yoga and practical spirituality, will be visiting metro Detroit and leading a variety of public programs. The following events will take place on four Saturday’s in June: June 9, 10:00a.m.-2 :00p.m., Kriya Yoga Workshop, 34600 Quaker Valley Rd., Farmington Hills, $40, registration required; June 16, 3:30-5:00p.m., FREE Discourse, Ann Arbor Library, 343 S. Fifth Ave.; June 23, 10:30a.m.-1:30p.m., Discourse, Renaissance Unity, 11200 E. 11 Mile, Warren, Love Offering; June 30, 3:305:00p.m., FREE Discourse, Bloomfield Hills Library, 1099 Lone Pine Rd. A Kriya Yoga Retreat will be held July 20-22 in Farmington Hills for those who have learned the techniques from Swami Atmanandaji, or would like to learn them at the Retreat. Swami Atmanandaji has been coming to metro Detroit for over ten years. Kriya Yoga is a scientific and ageless practice that brings peace to everyday life. “Listen, practice, prepare and be ready to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world,” says Guruji. ‘’Life is to be lived positively, happily, healthily, harmoniously and lovingly.” For information call Ray at (772) 40-KRIYA, email Detroit.kriyayog@gmail.com, or visit www.kriyayog.org

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May 2012

Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


In Salute to Mothers Everywhere.................................................6

IN STORES: Printed and delivered to 1400 locations throughout SE Michigan.

Learning by Eve Wilson............................................................8 Neu’s News: Treat Illness at Its Source......................................10 HERB OF THE MONTH: Red Clover......................................... 11 Healthy Program for the Entire Family.......................................12 Confidently Humble....................................................................14 Body MInd Spirit RADIO.............................................................16 A Perspective from Carole Lynn… Dial-up Your Frequency! Strategies for Living a Balanced Life in a Busy World................18

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you. ON THE WEB: Use our zip code search tool to find the closest location or download a e-copy on your computer. IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 4 full details.

Food Is a Sensual Experience...................................................20 Spring Cleaning Your Body........................................................22 Spiritual Horoscopes..................................................................26 Rock of the Month: Cleansing Physical Body and Energy Renewal with Amber...................................................................28 What You Need to Know About the Health Risks of Smart/Advanced Meters....................................29 Why Homeopathy?.....................................................................30

We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Are we all One?..........................................................................33 Things That Make Us Smile and Feel Good .............................35 LOVE YOUR MOTHER..............................................................36 Classes & Events.......................................................................37 Community Classified . ..............................................................39

Laughter is good exercize. It’s like jogging on the inside. May 2012


One Whole One People, One World, One Love!

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER! Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide!


In Salute to Mothers Everywhere

for many reasons. For example, if no one purchases chemically processed non-food items, there will no longer be a market for them.

A mother’s physiological The miracle influence on her children begins of birth never long before birth with her ceases to amaze own nutrition. This is why it’s me. After I watched a TED.com essential for a prospective mother video showing incredible footage to have adequate mineral reserves. of a fetus from conception through Since these mineral reserves are birth, I was inspired to write about used to build the skeletal structure something near and dear to my heart of the baby which begins to form Pain Relief ʞʞʞ Protocols for Allergy Reduction & Elimination – helping future generations thrive only 36 days after conception, her ancing ʞʞʞ and Erchonia “Healing” Cold Laser Therapy (LLLT) survive in the best possible way. nutrition is extremely important.

e Chiropractic ʞʞʞ Erchonia Ionic Detoxification Throughout my thirty-some It’s fairly common knowledge Consultation with ZYTO Bio-communication Technology

years of practice, I’ve taken care that a growing fetus will take of many new mothers and their calcium and other minerals from & CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, P.C. 734-425-8220 families. Starting with a baby’s the mother’s body as needed during wellnesscenter.com first adjustment to helping people pregnancy, but it doesn’t work this in their golden years adjust to way when it comes to the adrenal changes, my work with families and thyroid glands. Exactly the and people of all ages has always reverse can occur. A pregnant been very rewarding. Knowing mother will utilize the glands of the that life is always better when we baby pre-birth to help supplement have good health reassures me that her own glands if they are exhausted everything I can do to help people due to a rough pregnancy or other live healthier lives is important. A factors, which means that many good example of this is based on babies begin life with exhausted one of my most recent adventures thyroid and/or adrenal glands. - kayaking with one of my oldest One of the most important minerals patients. An amazingly agile 96 needed by everyone, especially year old, Jessie takes an active role expectant mothers is calcium. This in her health by exercising and mineral adds strength to the body eating well. Thankful to be able structure and is important for the to do so many of the things she transmission of nerve signals and loves, she attributes it to having muscle contractions. Calcium is an active lifestyle and chiropractic utilized by the immune system to adjustments throughout her life. help rid the body of bacteria, virus, In honor of Mother’s Day, a big thank you goes out to everyone who has made it a priority to provide good healthy nutrition for themselves and the people they love. Although historically this was the mother’s job, it is now often delegated to other family members. Preparing good food takes time and energy, and responsible choices are healthy choices in many ways and

rouge cells, and other offenders if they’ve gotten past the acid barriers of the stomach and large intestines and the alkaline barrier of the small intestines. Other significant minerals needed in appropriate ratios by the body include magnesium, boron, and potassium. Interestingly, postmenopausal women don’t need to maintain the same reserves to build a baby’s skeletal structure so


the amount of mineral held in the bone is decreased at this time of life without loss of structural integrity. What’s the best way to obtain optimal nutrition? The best diet for everyone starts with fresh fruit and vegetables - 80% vegetables and 20% fruit, with the fruit being primarily berries as they are low glycemic, meaning that they release their sugars slowly. Check the glycemic index link on our website to check for low glycemic foods. Although pregnant mothers are often prone to gestational diabetes, they may be able to avoid using drugs by taking good care of themselves. Check out www. environmentalworkinggroup.org to find out which foods should be organic and which are safe to eat when grown conventionally. Although one’s religious and/ or philosophical outlook often influences their decision about including eggs, meat, and fish in their diet, only pasture-raised meats and eggs obtained from healthy animals raised without chemicals and wild-caught fish should be consumed. For the best nutrition, most foods should be either organic or environmentally verified –a certification similar to organic used by many smaller farms. A caution to pregnant women is that even wild-caught fish may contain some mercury and that extra bit of toxic metal could cause a problem when combined with the toxic metals in vaccinations. Since the prevalence of autism is currently at astronomical levels, it’s never a good idea to take chances. On the other hand, healthful additions to the diet including chlorophyll and wheat germ oil are encouraged. According to Gina L. Nick PhD, N.D., the use of these natural substances during pregnancy helps to prevent miscarriages and contributes to an May 2012

exceptionally healthy pregnancy. Both prospective parents should detoxify before planning to conceive a child. Specific nutritional cleanse programs, ionic foot baths, chelating supplements, and/or homeopathic remedies may be utilized to help safely remove heavy metals. If someone is dangerously toxic because they waited too long to rid their body of toxins in more conservative ways, intravenous chelation therapy may be indicated. The body uses many types of organic metals but doesn’t like elemental metals. When you become free of toxins and heavy metals, you may be able to think more clearly and have a better memory but you should not detoxify during pregnancy. All parents and prospective mothers are invited to a have a full body system evaluation in my office utilizing one of our latest

high-tech instruments known as the Zyto. Using sophisticated bio-communication technology, this system is able to effectively assess a person’s current physical and nutritional state, including the endocrine system, meridians, and glands such as the extremely important adrenal glands and the thyroid. This is another tool to help find nutritional deficiencies and work at correcting them before starting on the most important and rewarding journey of a lifetime –that of becoming a parent! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 30 years experience helping people on their journey to health! Attend a free public workshop with Dr. Karl at the Livonia Civic Center Library on Wednesday, May 23rd from 78:30pm on Special Nutrition for Women. For more information visit: www.karlwellnesscenter.com or call 734-425-8220.


FREE WORKSHOPS! May 15th ~ 7pm Trigger Point Therapy May 15th ~ 8pm Essential Daily Exercises May 23rd ~ 7pm

Get started with your Free Consultation with Dr. Karl: All new patients who sign up to start care during the month of May will receive One FREE MINDO Organic Artisan Chocolate bar! For more information & to schedule, call 734-425-8220 (Exp. 5/31/ 2012 –Medicare Guidelines Apply)



@ Livonia Civic Center Library R.S.V.P. 734-425-8220

Successful Weight Loss Strategies & Support ʞʞʞ Pain Relief ʞʞʞ Protocols for Allergy Reduction & Elimination Whole Food Supplements ʞʞʞ Natural Hormone Balancing ʞʞʞ Erchonia “Healing” Cold Laser Therapy (LLLT) Muscle Response Testing ʞʞʞ Safe & Gentle Chiropractic ʞʞʞ Erchonia Ionic Detoxification Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies ʞʞʞ Nutritional Consultation with ZYTO Bio-communication Technology Certified Wellness Doctor with over 30 yrs experience!

May 2012












Training Healers, Empowering Lives Since 1986

The Healer Development Program Attend from anywhere in person, live internet, phone Legal UCM Healer Practitioner Certification -

Healer & Ascension Certification Course Enrolling for June Session

13 mos alternate weeks (Students pick night) 7– 10p

Advanced, Rapid / Effective Techniques Include: Aura Reading, DNA, Soul Contracts, Power Animals, Inner Child, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual Healing, Retroactive Healing for Present & Past Lives, Healing Qabalah, Ascended Masters, Etheric Surgeons, Archangels, Healing Pets & Children, Earth Healing, & Ascension Work. Cost $2850 in advance, $3000 pay as go All Classes & 5 Healings with Eve Wilson

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6 Tuesdays in September (dates to be annoumced)

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Learning by Eve Wilson Outside my second story window is the beginnings of a robins nest. The young pair of robins are busy carrying last year’s dry lily leaves and other carefully chosen items to the crook of my tiny maple tree. With each new addition the mother- to- be lays her belly down and snuggles the nesting material into the shape of a nest, turns a bit and does the same again in each direction. The young parents seem very happy with this spot directly above my bird bath and feeder. The problem they seem to be missing is the large amount of traffic to this area for those same accoutrements by other birds. I am particularly concerned about the starlings who I am confident would find robin eggs a treat. Watching these blindly confident young parents I was reminded of the way that each of us has to learn from our experiences. I thought about how God allows us to do that, confident that next time the opportunity arises we will be wiser in our choices and learn some deep lessons along the way. I am certain that the next brood these robins have will be placed in a safer spot. This made me think of a new mother I recently met. She was so greatly overwhelmed by the need to be perfect for her child and everyone else that she couldn’t conceive of a few minutes a day to just relax and care for her own emotional needs. I have observed this tendency a lot in recent generations of parents who want so badly to be better parents than the previous generations or as good as those they had. Popular psychology has placed the blame for the problems of individuals on their parents. Sometimes that is the case, but mostly it is the children’s own soul contracts which define their experience of life. Parents may blame themselves or try too hard feeling that their child’s success is all about their parenting. Carried to an extreme these attitudes encourage parents to neglect their own needs which can create an imbalance of another sort.

$280 Advance $300 pay as go.

Since 1986 Eve Wilson has been Creator and Director of The Healer Development Program, an ordained UCM Minister, Healer Practitioner & Reiki Master. Recommended by therapist, nurses, & doctors. Eve is a natural psychic/intuitive, able to perceive the body’s aura and clearly interpret the information it holds about a person’s life and health. Classes accredited by NCBTMBCont. Ed Massage Therapist

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May 2012

Like the robin, children have to learn from their experiences. They need to think for themselves, choose and make mistakes for themselves. Failing, they will of necessity learn to go within and find the motivation and will power to succeed for their selves. No one can do these things for them. If we allow others to drive our lives we never learn to drive them for ourselves. Truly, it is easier to control or push our children than to watch them struggle to find their own motivation, will power and courage, and it takes a greater amount of trust. It is less frustrating to do for our children than to wait for them to do for their selves, or to sit by while they leave things undone. But if we do everything for them, we become slaves to our children. Parents teach by example and the stress of trying to hyper-parent, teaches a fearful, overwhelmed, and imbalanced way of life. It may make them not want to grow up to live that level of hyper-responsibility they see in their parents. To model life for your children,learn to live a life that your children will long to experience for their selves. This is an endeavor that will reward everyone! Let your children observe your learning process and how you problem solve. Let them see you take time for yourself and enjoy relaxing and being alive and whole.

This will help them learn to solve their own problems, relax into their own life, find joy and wholeness. They will need unstructured time to choose their direction and find their motivation; time to make poor decisions and learn for their selves what they really want and what will work for them. The greatest level of vigilance will not prevent circumstances which are predetermined to occur for your child. They have a destiny which is not in your control. Like the robin, children will learn from their experience and will succeed because they have tried and failed and are encouraged to see that as OK. Failure is a step toward success and a necessary part of learning. God knows this and has allowed a couple of generations to try hyper-parenting in an attempt to create happy and whole people. If you have gone to this extreme, it is OK to change your approach and find more balance. There is no time like the present and no blame for trying to the best of your ability, and then choosing a different, more balanced approach. One of my favorite meditations is to see life as God’s river. I surrender into the flow of life and release all the hard things (metaphorically rocks in the river create turbulence and rapids) to God. When traveling down a river, there is always a


EVE WILSON Since 1986 Director of the Healer Development Program, a full time UCM Healer Practitioner and trainer of healers, Eve works with a person’s aura and higher consciousness to assist their evolution and heal the cause of issues. She works actively with planetary healing and ascension. visit www. spiritualhealers.com for information and The Healer & Ascension Blog. Contact Eve: 734-780-7635.

Cheryl Beshada


May 2012

Spend your day in the flow of God’s river. The world is changing so fast right now. If you try to control things you will feel frustrated and stressed out. You can trust God’s river to take you to the perfect place for you.

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As you wake up in the morning and step out of bed, step into God’s river and release all your objectives and agendas into God’s care. Ask God to help you find a way to accomplish with grace, power and ease all that is important today and to let go and trust that whatever doesn’t get done is really not important at this time.

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current that flows deep through the rocky places and will carry you safely through, but if you try to grab hold of the rocks you will get beat up by them. Trust the flow of life’s river and surrender the rocks, or the hard things to God. When you do, you’ll find there is a way through the hard and dangerous places that is safe and amazingly smooth.

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Neu’s News: Treat Illness at Its Source

ing to his patient’s yet unmet needs, Dr. Neu offers integrative healing at its best, which he describes as, “alternative care under the umbrella of a medical doctor.”

Despite the undeniable power of modern medicine, people continue to remain chronically ill. Why is this so?

Complementary & Alternative Medicine

James Neuenschwander, M.D., director of the Bio Energy Medical Center in Ann Arbor is eager to answer this question. University of Michigan alumni, Dr. Neu (as he’s affectionately called) was frustrated with the many ways traditional medicine fails to educate and successfully treat patients. Historically, allopathic doctors rejected a holistic approach to healing by treating the symptoms of a condition without understanding the source of the disease. To counter the trend, this passionate, independent thinker created Bio Energy Medical Center in 1988 to treat “illness at its source” and to focus on the entirety of the patient’s physical and mental health.

Services at the Bio Energy Medical Center include Acupuncture, Classical Homeopathy, Colon Therapy, Detoxification, IV-Therapy, Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Children’s Health and more. To determine the right treatment plan, patients are assessed based on an individualized approach. Evaluations include highly specialized lab tests, energy tests and live blood cell analysis to detect imbalances that cause illness. To complete the patient profile, nutritional, vitamin and toxin levels are also measured.

In the years since its inception, the Center has grown and evolved in direct correlation to our country’s healthcare crisis. Despite innovative technology and miracle medications, a vast portion of our population continues to get and stay sick. Respond-

As diseases among adults and children continue to rise including cancer, autoimmune disorders, allergies, Autism and ADHD, Dr. Neu looks to the underlying commonalities. Our unhealthy diets, toxic home, school and work environments, polluted water and contaminated food sources all wreak havoc with the

Bio Energy Medical Center



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A full service holistic center specializing in Alternative & Complementary Medicine We specialize in: Hormone imbalances|Women’s Health Infertility|Autism|Weight Issues|Allergies Metal Toxicity|Lymes Disease Irritable Bowel|Chronic Fatigue|Pain Asthma|ADD/ADHD|And Many Others

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body’s innate ability to heal. Collaborating with patients is essential to identifying which of these factors contribute to an individual’s toxic load and manifestation of disease. Integrative Cancer Therapy An encouraging example of utilizing an integrative approach to wellness is in the treatment of cancer. Integrative cancer therapy allows Dr. Neu to determine how best to support patients going through chemotherapy and/or radiation by balancing holistic care with medical intervention. Part of a cancer fellowship at the University of Southern Florida, he has witnessed improvements and outcomes of cancer based on molecular profiling of tumors. “Each cancer cell has its own pattern of active genes and proteins. Molecular profiling tests for a variety of biomarkers in the DNA of a tissue sample to improve diagnosis and treatment on an individualized basis. Therefore, cancer treatment can be targeted with both medications and supplements based on the patient’s tumor,” explains Dr. Neu. Staff and Services Expanded Bio Energy Medical Center was relocated and expanded two years ago to better accommodate the increased number of people searching for holistic care. Newly hired specialized wellness practitioners complement the current staff offering enhanced care for new and existing patients. The contemporary office space emanates a relaxing vibe with its environmentally friendly combination of an earthy color palate and sustainable furnishings, flooring, paint and lighting. Inviting and attractive, the Center was truly designed with the patient in mind. To find out more, call 734.995.3200. Bio Energy Medical Center 3131 Professional Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. www.bioenergymedicalcenter.com & on Facebook.

May 2012


Red Clover (Trifolum Pratense)

Common names: Trifolium, purple clover, sweet clover, cow clover. Description: Leaves arranged in groups of three. Red or purple globular flowers. Plant grows to two feet and is found worldwide, Part used: Flowers tops. Common use: Red clover is a fantastic herb for nagging upper respiratory complaints such as cough and bronchitis. It loosens and breaks up congestion, and is a good expectorant. Often used by asthma sufferers to end attacks and ease symptoms. Menopausal women find it can relieve the pain and suffering that often come during the “change of life.” Red clover has been touted in some circles as useful in the treatment of certain cancers. This is controversial at best. In fact, some experts believe that red clover can actually aggravate some cancers, making them worse. Ask your doctor for details if you have cancer and are interested in this use. Comments: Dried flower tops added to hot water to make tea. By Daniel Ray

You can’t turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again. --Bonnie Prudden YOGA, PIYO, PERSONAL TRAINING, DANCE & FITNESS CLASSES All new clients are invited to attend their first class for FREE! Mention AD in BMS Guide in May receive $10 off a 10-class yoga package

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May 2012

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Healthy Program for the Entire Family

and good fats, these crowd out the less nutritious, high GI foods. High GI foods tend to make you hungry quicker, thus you overeat and often go to the unhealthy Hi GI foods to satisfy the hunger again.

Low Glyemic diets were first studied related to diabetics, however it was found to simply be a healthy way for all of us to eat. Eating healthy does not need to be difficult or complicated or excessively costly. As a health coach I teach people of all walks of life to make slow but steady modifications for not only themselves but also their families. There are several diet programs that promote low glycemic eating. Low glycemic eating is based on how carbohydrates increase the blood sugar in your body. For example, orange juice causes a quick rise in the blood sugar whereas oatmeal takes longer due to the type of carbohydrate ( complex) and the amount of fiber. Orange juice causes the quick rise but then a quick fall causing sensations of hunger when blood sugar is lower. Where some low glycemic diet programs go awry is ignoring the glycemic load. The load has to do with portion control. Additionally you need to look at the healthier choices like choosing brown rice over white rice. Focus on Natural Healthy and Whole foods in the least processed state possible. Learning combinations that rev up the metabolism helps too! Using the glycemic index in a nutrition program is based on the fact that low glycemic foods are more satisfying because they take longer to absorb and help dieters feel full longer. No one should ever feel hunger for any length of time. When you choose low GI foods and pair up with protein 12

Admittedly some scores are confusing as cooking ( a form of processing changes the score) It is fairly easy to work out these discrepancies for most people with a just little guidance. GI foods are rated on a scale of 0-100.The goal is to stay on the lower end of the scale with only an occasional choices of higher GI foods. More nutritious and whole foods lead to a healthier environment in the body which also leads to less of an inflammatory state of the body. When we consume a low glyemic diet, we may avoid or decrease the severilty of many chronic diseases. In my Transitional Lifestyle Solutions Classes, we discuss many aspects of making more nutritious choices and respecting the quality of what we put in our bodies. We journal our successes, use affirmations and group support, learn how to shop, get recipes, and learn how to read labels. We help each other succeed. Not just short term but for the long term too! The things that promote keeping weight off are really changing your lifestyle to one that includes a lifetime of healthier choices, less processed foods, higher in fiber and nutrient dense foods.Using supplements designed to support your efforts is also a plus. This is a health management system for everyday people. It is for people like you. You do not need to be a genius or a health nut. Everyone can succeed. Everyone falls off the wagon (even me). You just learn to get back on faster without beating yourself up!


It also includes increasing activity and making that a part of a permanent lifestyle change. There is absolutely nothing better that you could do for your family than to gradually improve what you provide them to eat and the activity you promote. This means getting rid of the junk food in the house and making choices for those types of food more difficult. Include them in cooking and finding new healthy recipes to try. Have them help you with the shopping for vegetables and fruits and avoid the inner aisles, be creative and make it a game, staying in the perimeter of the stores. Use organic when you can. Have a family bike ride or play ball with the kids or take a walk with a family member. There are benefits beyond the actual energy expended that make that bit of effort worth it! Start slow, and work up. Little steps over time lead to big results! Attitude is 90% of the battle. If you look at weight loss as a diet then it is something you go off of at some point. If you look at it more as a health management tool for you and your family that includes the lifestyle I mentioned then you are setting you and your family up for many less health issues in the long run. Start with one area of the diet and grow from there! Get support until you feel comfortable in truly making the changes as an ingrained part of your new life and for your family. Jean Cornell RN, Ph.D Start today! Free information session. Transitional Lifestyle Weight Loss and Health Solution Classes are forming now- your site or mine Natural Health and Wellbeing Network in Shelby Twp. Call for more information 888217-3174

May 2012

Good Pets... A single guy decided life would be more fun if he had a pet. So he went to the pet store and told the owner that he wanted to buy an unusual pet. After some discussion, he finally bought a millipede, which came in a little white box to use for his house. He took the box back home and found a good location for the box. He decided he would start off by taking his new pet to church with him. So he asked the millipede in the box, “Would you like to go to church with me today, to pray and worship the Lord.” But there was no answer from his new pet. This bothered him a bit, but he waited a few minutes and then asked him again, “How about going to church with me and receive blessings.” But again, there was no answer from his new friend and pet. So he waited a few minutes more, thinking about the situation. He decided to ask him one more time; this time putting his face up against the millipede’s house and shouting, “Hey, in there! Would you like to go to church with me we will have a good time!” A little voice came out of the box: “I heard you the first time! I’m putting on my shoes.”


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Free your heart from hatred Free your mind from worries Live simply Give more Expect less

The Natural Health and Wellbeing Network Customized Health Solutions for Individuals, Health Practices, Workplaces • Gene SNP Assessment and Wellness Plan • Natural Health Assessment and Wellness Plan • TLS Weight Loss Solution (12 week classes forming NOW!)

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Jean Cornell RN, Ph.D, nutraMetrix, TLS Consultant, www.jeancornell.com Shelby Twp. MI 48316 May 2012



Confidently Humble Have you ever tried to fit into a crowd? When you’re tried to ‘fit in’ did this leave you feeling separate, alone and isolated? Have you noticed that when you let yourself be yourself, you actually feel a sense of belonging to the group? You must be yourself and shine to feel your belonging to God, or Oneness. You are not here to be bland oatmeal, trying to blend in and follow someone else’s rules. You are here to courageously listen to the scripture of your heart and dare to be who God has intended you to be. You are magnificent and divine. In being the ‘you’ that takes no effort, you feel one with God. The true you is beyond roles, rules, goals, failures and accomplishments. The true you is the eternal qualities of love, beauty, joy and intelligence that cannot be found, only uncovered. Being humble does not mean diminishing what you have done, or playing small. Being authentically humble means allowing yourself to be as amazing, empowered and gifted as you are, knowing that your consciousness is still learning. Reverence and respect are important aspects of any spiritual practice. It is important to honor our teachers, preachers, rabbis, rinpoches, priests and priestesses who







May 2012

remind, ignite or attune us to what is already within. Even your lover (spouse, partner) is only reminding you of the love you already are. Healing insecurities and fears is part of the process of realizing your divinity. Witnessing your thoughts and emotions takes great courage; your vulnerability is your power. Paying attention to your emotions and taking time to compassionately witness them keeps you authentically and confidently humble. Fear to acknowledge one’s genius or divine nature is false humility. You are the Guru, Preacher, and Healer. As you accept your innate divinity, when someone sees you, they also see the One who sent you. Your living example is the greatest way to teach. Accept your gifts, beauty, and power on behalf of all beings. Affirm before you go to bed tonight: I accept the love I am on behalf of all beings. accept the within meme on behalf of allofbeings. II accept theunique uniquegifts gifts within on behalf all beings. I accept the beauty & power within me on behalf of all beings.

I accept theinnocence beauty and power meofon accept the within me within on behalf allbehalf beings.of all beings. As you accept your humanity you feel your divinity as you. The paradox is, as you give yourself permission to shine, you feel like a child. As you give yourself permission to be big, you feel small. When you own and claim the divine qualities within (intelligence, beauty, love) you see and feel yourself as part of the One, the Christ consciousness, Buddha nature, or inner Divinity. You can only perceive in another what you have seen in yourself. When you fully acknowledge your divinity and unique gifts, you realize this for everyone. Like a tree, you support and uplift those around you by standing tall in who you are created to be. As you accept your humanity you become a bridge between heaven and earth.

Community Gala Fundraiser in Celebration and Support of Yoga 4 Peace’s New Building! Join in on Saturday, June 2 as the community comes together for the first annual Yoga 4 Peace Unity Gala. Be part of the celebration as the festivities kick-off at 7:00p.m. The historic 19th century Wyandotte Arts Center, located at 81 Chestnut in the heart of downtown Wyandotte, will serve as the backdrop for this night of magical wonderment. Proceeds will go towards a new Yoga 4 Peace building to support the donation-based mission of the non-profit studio. Local 4 News Reporter and Sports Final Edition host, Katrina Hancock will be the Mistress of Ceremonies. The highlights of the evening will be a silent auction featuring various items, artistic displays and performances by the Detroit Circus via Detroit Fly House, One Spirit Belly Dancers and music provided by DJ, Imagine Do. Help spread the word! Invite your friends and be mesmerized by the extremely talented aerial performers, fire breathing acts, belly dancing, snake charming and contortionists. It’s our version of Cirque De Soliel, yet with our gifted local performers!” Tickets go on sale May 5. For more info or to purchase tickets, visit www.y4peace.org . 734-282-9642 If you are interested in sponsoring this event or providing an auction item please email angela@y4peace.org.

Proudly Presents

Satruday June 2, 2012

Your self-acceptance links the heart to the mind, the body to the soul, and the physical to the spiritual. You don’t have to wait until you ‘do something’, or ‘fix something.’ Accept that you are gifted, loved and magnificent right now, as you are. Barbra White Barbra White B.S., Di.Hom was raised to be a healer, and is a spiritual teacher, mentor, and self acceptance counselor. She has over a decade of experience and hundreds of success stories. Barbra is a bestselling author and considers it her honor and mission to guide others into their innate magnificence. AccetpedAsIAm.com 734-455-1438

May 2012

www.Y4Peace.org/UnityGala.html Performances by:



The voices of the Body Mind Spirit Community...

FEATURED HOST... 05/01 Women’s Empowerment Circle 7-8pm Pat Krajovic, BodyWorksHealingCenter.com and Barbra White, AcceptedAsIAm. com hold the space for personal empowerment inviting amazing people to share their stories.

Leslie Blackburn

05/08 Intuition Path with Shala Kilmer 10-11am Learn all about Maximizing Your Intuition this morning with Shala! Call in and get answers to your questions. 05/08 On The Edge with Chrissie Blaze 1-2pm Dr. Lynne Kitai graces the airwaves to tell us about The Phoenix Lights Mystery. 05/12 Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10-11am Gifted angel reader, Adrianna invites you to call in and receive guidance and counsel from the angels. Adrianna takes your calls for free readings. 05/15 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 12-1pm Helping you connect with your sacred sexuality! Leslie welcomes your LIVE phone calls during the show at 646-3780378. 05/22 Accepted As I Am 10-11am Barbra White AcceptedAsIAm. com guides you into loving yourself easily and effectively. This program will leave you feeling peaceful and loved. 05/27 Chillin’ with Mr. Peace 1:30-3:00pm Kevin (Mr Peace) Szawala opens the airwaves, phones lines and his heart to share and discuss topics of importance to the furtherance of tolerance, peace and love in this world. 16

Women Empowerment

Annette Aben

Shala Kilmer

Chrissie Blaze


Global Breath Int.

Global Prayer Aid

Barbra White

‘Mr. Peace’

PRAYER-AID, Global relief through prayer Every Tuesday, 8-8:15am; May 1st, 5th, 15th, 22nd & 29th Chrissie Blaze leads us in morning prayer for a happier, healthier, safer world. Be part of this miraculous experience. INTOUCH INTERVIEWS Every Wednesday from 7-8pm 05/01 (special edition on Tue) 10-11am Annette invites you to the gentle presence of Bob Haskins, learn more about this truly Spirit guided man. 05/02 Annette Discusses woman’s health issue with Michigan’s own Dr. Laura who focuses on minimally invasive gynecology surgery, robotic surgery, menopausal management and hormone therapy along with her obstetrics and gynecology practice. 05/09 Annette welcomes Author, Teacher, Int’l Speaker Gary Blaze to the show this evening. Gary has recently opened his Qi healing practice and here is where we learn more. 05/15 (special time 10-11am) Annette highlights Wellness Enhancement LLC which is located in Clarkston, MI and Janet Tait RN, BSN, CHTP/I will explain what she does there and why it is important to us. 05/16 Annette welcomes back Winnalee Zeeb, Founder of Heartdance Studio in Lansing, MI. Nia, the “Body, Mind, Spirit Workout” is our topic. 05/23 Annette introduces us to Self-Acceptance counselor, Dory Jolin. Your questions and comments are welcome and encouraged at 646-378-0378. 05/30 Annette is joined by Eve Wilson to get us ready and help us set up our energy for the Summer Solstice. This is going to be a great show you don’t want to miss. CARE TO SHARE Every Saturday from 3:30-4pm

Listen to all our shows on: www.bodymindspiritRADIO.com


May 2012

Genuis Quotes Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.

In order to be an immaculate member of a flock of sheep, one must above all be a sheep oneself.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science. Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT’S relativity. If the facts don’t fit the theory, change the facts. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them. Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish. If I had my life to live over again, I’d be a plumber. Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

Example isn’t another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.

I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.

Human beings, vegetables, or comic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?

The Aetherius Society

MAY EVENTS Lecture: The Power of Non-violence FRIDAY, MAY 11 7:30PM $5.00 By Dave Capraro, a founder of “Gandhi and Khan: Power of Nonviolence” which Dave presented with a team from Metro Detroit at the Parliament of World Religions in Spain in 2004.

Sunday Service SUNDAYS - 11:00 a.m. followed by Spiritual Healing


MONDAYS – 7:55 p.m.

Coming in June: Spiritual Development: A 3-part Series with Gary Blaze

June 8, 15 & 22 at 7:30p - $40

The Aetherius Society 3119 N. Campbell Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 Tel: (248) 588-0290 www.aetheriusmi.org

Visit us on the web...

May 2012



HEALING ENERGY FOR YOU Spiritual healing for Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual well being Jule’s practice, “Healing Energy for You”, involves helping her clients move through many forms of physical or emotional pain, energetic imbalances or spiritual disturbances. Your body, mind and soul are all parts of your energetic self so physical symptoms involve healing at the emotional and spiritual level as well as vice versa. Jules uses many healing modalities to successfully work energetically with a wide range of symptoms including but not limited to: •

Physical pain in any area of the body Stress and Anxiety Irrational Fears Feelings of helplessness Chronic Headaches Relationship Issues Addictions Compulsive behaviours Issues dealing with past lives and soul contracts

• • • • • • • •

Dial-up Your Frequency! Strategies for Living a Balanced Life in a Busy World Have you ever heard the phrase “Work smarter and not harder”? From a technological perspective, your Blackberry could be considered a great tool to help you work smarter and not harder. It helps you accomplish what you need to get done. You can answer that important phone call you have been waiting for, access your calendar to schedule an appointment, Map Quest directions, photograph that favorite antique you want to buy, send an email to a friend, or check your bank account. In the everyday world, technology can be a useful tool to help you work smarter and not harder. It helps you move through your day easily and efficiently. From an energetic perspective how could this same statement support greater balance in our busy lives? It’s pretty simple. Keep this in mind…Form Follows Thought. When you think positive thoughts you nurture and create a positive space! You are shifting your energy and the action that brings about positive outcomes on a daily basis.

Spiritual Healing appointments may take place in person (Auburns Hills, MI area) or by telephone.


www.healingenergyforyou.com jules@healingenergyforyou.com “Our emotions and thoughts are always accompanied by biochemical reactions in our bodies. Energy fields interact within an individual person, interact between one person and another, and between one person and the world in general. When we begin to appreciate ourselves as fields of energy with the ability to affect the quality of our own experience, we will be getting in touch with our innate ability to heal ourselves and create health every day of our lives.” ~Christiane Northrup, M.D.

Women’s Bodies, Woman’s Health


A Perspective from Carole Lynn…

That shift in positive thought, space and action dials up your vibration frequency! In turn, your vibration supports living in greater balance, peace and joy. From an energetic perspective, this “tool” helps us go with the flow rather than live with resistance and negativity. It’s the energetic key to working smarter and not harder!

Present Moment Meditation


. . . a practical, light-hearted approach that makes meditation inviting & beneficial for everyone!

Kathy Bindu Henning


* Release stress, enjoy inner peace * See positive results in every area * Workshops, Classes, CD's * Group Presentations * Private Sessions * 734-674-6965 LivinginthePresentMoment.com May 2012

Yes, yes, I know that at times getting started can be a challenge. However, once you shift just one thought from a negative to a positive you are on the right track! Remember, Form Follows Thought. Shifting our negative thinking can provide us the opportunity for growth. We are now in the beautiful month of May. The sun is shining and spring is here. Get outside and walk your local nature trail, ride the bike path or work in the garden. While you are soaking up the sun’s beautiful energy, thinking positive thoughts and physically moving, you are dialing up your vibration frequency! Before you know it, you are creating, living and maintaining the positive energetic space that supports greater balance, peace and joy in your life. You will live life from a positive perspective, feel happier and be more present with those you love…so get going and Dial-up Your Frequency! Carole Lynn Hovsepian


What is Unity? Unity is a positive, practical, approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. We honor universal truths in all religions and respect each person’s right to choose a spiritual path.

We invite you to join our Spiritual Community... ANN ARBOR - Unity of Ann Arbor| Ann Arbor | 734-434-8545 ANN ARBOR - On Campus Ministry| U of M & Eastern MI University |734-787-3664 BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Bloomfield Hills Center|Call for location |248 835-5382 CLARKSTON - Peace Unity Church|Clarkston |248-625-5192 CLINTON TWP - Unity East Church|23057 N. Nunneley Rd. . |586-783-1546 DETROIT - Urban Ministerial School| Samaritan Bld. 5555 Ste.1214 |313-922-0999

Carole will be teaching a Spring-Summer Series. Tools for Living a Balanced Life: Part I on May 7th & May 14th 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. and Connecting with Your Energy/Chakra Centers: What are They, What can We Learn from Them, How can They Support Our Life Path Journey? For more details and registration please contact Carole Lynn 313.929.3543 or clhovsepian@gmail.com West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Carole Lynn Reiki Master | Medium Angel Healing & Guidance • Usui & White Dove Reiki • Chakra/Energy Centers: Clearing & Balancing • Angel Healing & Guided Messages • Life Path Journey: What’s Your Next Step? • Classes!! Contact Carole… 313.929.3543 clhovsepian@gmail.com West Bloomfield, MI 48322

DETROIT - Detroit Unity Temple|17505 2nd Blvd. |313-345-4848 DETROIT - God Land Unity Church| 22450 Schoolcraft St. |313-794-2800 DETROIT - West Side Unity Church| P.O. Box 04659. |313-895-1520 FARMINGTON HILLS - Unity| 32500 W 13 Mile Rd. | 248-737-9191 FLINT - Unity Church of Flint| 4506 Fenton Road. |810-235-3155 JACKSON - Unity Church of Jackson|3385 Miles Rd. | 517-764-6900 LAKE ORION - Unity Church of Lake Orion|3070 Baldwin Road. |248- 391-9211 LANSING - Unity of Greater Lansing|240 Marshall St. | 517-371-3010 LANSING - Spiritual Renaissance Ministries| 230 S Holmes Street. |517-484-2360 LIVONIA - Unity of Livonia| 28660 Five Mile Rd. |734-421-1760 LIVONIA - Unity of Redford| 28660 Five Mile Rd. Livonia |313-272-7193 PLYMOUTH - Friends of Unity| 774 N. Sheldon Road. | 734-454-0015 PONTIAC - Unity of Pontiac| 780 W. Huron | 248 335-2773 ROCHESTER - Unity Church of Rochester| 1038 Harding Rd, |248-656-0120 ROYAL OAK- Unity Church of Royal| 2500 Crooks Rd. |248-288-3550 SOUTHGATE - Unity Chapel| 14951 Northline Rd. |734-285-7722 TROY - Spiritual Life Center| Edu. Center, 811 W. Square Lk Rd |248-925-6214 WARREN - Renaissance Unity| 11200 E Eleven Mile Rd. |586-353-2300 WESTBRANCH - Unity of the Lakes Church| (call for location) |989-873-4886

Practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant & meaningful living ● Excellent Youth Services ● Space for Rent ● Classes and Workshops ● Weddings ● Christening ● Memorial Services ● Spiritual Baptism May 2012



Food Is a Sensual Experience In my world there are at least six senses. Let’s entertain this notion and how it relates to food. The obvious...smell Apple pie baking in the oven Thanksgiving dinner Fresh roasted coffee at Mentobe Café, Farmington The visual bliss...sight Chocolate covered strawberries A fresh, fruit torte (Anything prepared by the chefs at Iridescence, Motor City, Detroit)

The delightful...sound The crunch of biting into fresh buttery corn The snap of fresh peas The ahhs when someone takes their first bite of perfect eggs benedict The sublime...touch Try an Ethiopian restaurant...a lot of touch with no silverware; experience this at the Blue Nile in Ferndale or Greek Town in Detroit Make bread...you need to knead, at least one time Lettuce wraps at PF Chang, Somerset or Northville The joy...taste Butternut squash soup at Café Cortina, Farmington Stuffed egg plant at Luigi’s, Farmington Nutty French toast with bananas, walnuts and caramel at Ginger’s Café, Farmington Chocolate mousse The beyond...intuition (sixth sense) • Headed to Tiger Stadium you start to sense that a Kowalski hot dog is in your near future… You smell peanuts • You get a “gut feeling” after visiting a Mexican restaurant • You have a premonition - you see yourself driving to Busch’s and buying a New York Style canoli

Ginger’s Café & Gourmet Shoppe 32905 Grand River Avenue

Farmington, MI 48336 (248)987-6551

Breakfast & Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11am - 4pm Saturday & Sunday 9am - 4pm

High Tea




www.gingerscafeoffarmington.com info@gingerscafeoffarmington.com ♥



Angel Readings

May 2012

• The phone rings...And yes, it’s your friend Mary, who you haven’t seen in ten years, but she’s been on your mind lately. She brings you oranges from Florida and amazing as it may be...you dreamt last night you were in a Florida orange grove picking fruit.


The moral to this article is‌ We are sensual, amazing beings. Enjoy your senses and all the amazing ways it relates to food. My recommendation is to visit Ginger’s CafĂŠ and Gourmet Shoppe soon and “Helping You Back on the experience a sustainable, sensory overload ‌., French pressed ginger Dr. Amy Dean, eggs D.O. benedict peach tea,L.salmon and dark chocolate, cherry, pecan ~ Diplomate, AOBIM,ABHM clusters to go. INDULGE YOUR SENSES!

There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it.. You surround yourself with Road to Good Health�

people who make you laugh, forget the bad, & focus on the good.. Arden Wykes Stanton, M.S. ~ Holistic Nutrition Advisor love the people who treat ~ iLs Professional

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Spring Cleaning Your Body

discomfort during detoxification.

Spring is officially here! As you clean your house, you also need to help cleanse your body. The liver is responsible for detoxifying all the chemicals that we are exposed to through our diet, water, personal care products and the environment. Every spring your liver attempts to detoxify all the toxins that have been stored over the winter. What causes Toxicity? We live in a toxic world. Four billion tons of chemicals are used all over the world each year. Our amazing liver performs 500 functions.. Spring is the best time to help the liver work more efficiently. The liver is located under the rib cage on the front right side of the body. The liver will store toxins in body fat if it cannot neutralize and eliminate them. This creates unwanted body fat that is difficult to get rid of. The liver is an efficient fat burning organ, but when it is overloaded with toxins, it cannot burn fat, resulting in weight gain. There are 60 thousand chemicals today in the USA. Besides living in a toxic environment, we also ingest toxins as well. All of these chemicals are toxic to the human body and produce stress on the liver and the entire system. Cleanse Your Body When detoxifying you want to avoid the detox symptoms of nausea, feeling sick, headaches etc. It is essential whenever detox is done to make sure that you have specific foods and herbs to bind the toxins and to remove them from the body. Making sure the toxins are removed safely eliminates 22

Fasting can mobilize toxins, but it can also release them too quickly. Using protein powders can help facilitate detox by reducing caloric load, which mobilizes toxins from the fatty tissues. Supplementing with herbs to bind and remove the toxins is essential to preventing a detox reaction. Detox herbs that can help improve liver function include red clover, yellow dock, dandelion and milk thistle or silymarin. The organs of elimination also need to be functioning when doing any kind of detox. Support for the colon needs to be included when detoxifying if your bowels are not moving several times a day. Less than optimal bowel function is related to body hydration and mineral deficiencies, and sometimes, hormonal imbalance. Improving elimination frequency is key to removing the toxins that the liver will be releasing from the stored body fat. The nutrients and fiber from organic fruits, vegetables, and particularly organic sprouts of cruciferous vegetables aid in the entire detox process. Cruciferous vegetables include kale, broccoli and brussel sprouts. Beets, onions, garlic, asparagus and radishes are more foods that assist in liver detoxification. Increasing your water consumption is essential to help flush the toxins out of the body. Drink good filtered water, minimally 1/2 your body weight in ounces daily. If eating these foods causes digestive distress, there are gentler ways to help the liver detoxify using homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic detoxification is a gentle, effective way to ease the burden on your liver and to help improve digestion and elimination.


Combination detox kits are available with specific liver and digestive support for easy use. There are several physician supervised detoxification programs combining diet, customized nutritional support, and lifestyle modifications that can result in weight loss, and improved liver enzymes as measured in the blood. Dietary changes to avoid sugar and processed foods are always helpful to the liver, as well as reducing your exposure to environmental toxins. Ionic detox foot-baths and infrared detox are another way to help cleanse the liver and the whole system. These detox methods enhance the functioning of the detoxifying organs, including the liver, kidneys, colon, skin and lungs by facilitating capillary micro-circulation. The increased microcirculation helps to increase oxygen and blood flow through out the body. Detox massage can improve blood and lymphatic flow, helping the liver and the entire body. Gentle chiropractic can improve brain communication to the liver to enhance liver function. There are specific liver reflexes that become activated during these procedures that aid the liver in its spring cleanse. Take advantage of the natural cycle of nature and use springtime to give your liver some help and cleanse your body. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, B.S., D.C., N.D. owns TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia. She has provided holistic and nutritional recommendations using live water & whole food supplements for 26 years as a practicing chiropractor, naturopath-wellness consultant. Visit www.TLCHolisticWellness.com for more information and free public workshop dates, or call (734) 664-0339.

May 2012

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May 2012

Three Very Different Women With Three Different Stories… All Having One Thing In Common, …PARASITES

gravate them with medicines or scratching the area where they are, it can cause them to move to another area. He said he could test me to see if it were parasites and/or possibly fungus. He tested me and the results were positive for both parasites and fungi. He gave me herbs to take and immediately the pain went away. Also my sleep problem went away. Dr Reggish said parasites are awake at night moving around and can keep you awake all night. I was so happy to not have these problems any longer.

What you’re about to read is a story of three very different woman who suffered needlessly because they had no idea as to what was lurking inside their bodies. Here are their stories… The first story is about Janet who came into my office with a huge open sore on her right cheek. This sore was the size of a silver dollar and had been plaguing her for over five years. Here’s what Janet had to say… I came to see Dr. Reggish because I had been to many doctors trying to heal a terrible open sore that was on my face for over five years. I tried everything from antibiotics to creams to even holy water from my priest. Nothing was working and I hated to leave the house everyday because I had to cover-up the sore with a huge bandage. I thought I would try a holistic approach and was referred to Dr. Reggish by my cousin. Dr. Reggish helped her with her digestive problems. She had great results. I figured I’d give him a chance. He was the 17th doctor I had been to see for this problem. After being tested by Dr Reggish, I was surprised with the results. He felt indeed, that parasites were the problem…After taking his herbs; the sore began to heal within a few days and each day it was getting better and better. In less than two weeks the sore was completely healed. To my amazement there was no scarring. Not knowing me and seeing me for the first time, you would never know I had an open sore for all those years. I wish I knew about Dr. Reggish sooner. Here’s a story about a patient named Rita. Here’s what Rita had to say… I came into Dr. Reggish to see if he could help me with my sleeping problems and jaw pain. I told Dr. Reggish that I had been to my dentist concerning terrible pain in my upper molar. I told him that the dentist operated on my gums to get rid of the pain. I told him that the pain shifted immediately after the operation to my jaw. I told Dr. Reggish that the pain in the jaw was now 10 times worse. My dentist put me on pain medication with no good results. Dr Reggish said that parasites and fungus are like animals and when you agMay 2012

Thank you Dr. Reggish. Here’s what Mary had to say: I came to see Dr. Reggish about a lot of small open sores that were all over my legs and arms. I had been suffering with these sores for many years and was going nuts trying to find someone that could help me heal these sores. They would itch all the time and I would get scabs and scratch the scabs off and have more open sores that would multiply in numbers. I needed help and was referred to Dr. Reggish. I spoke to Dr. Reggish and he tested me and found that my problem could be parasites. He gave me some herbs and within two weeks the sores had vanished. I’m so happy to have nice skin once again. The scratching has stopped and I’m a happy camper. Thanks Dr. Reggish. As you can see parasites can cause many health problems. In our office we test for Parasites, Major Foods Allergies and Immune Challenges (Viruses, Flu Viruses, Retro Viruses, Four different types of Fungus) and also Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals. All of these tests are done for a single fee of $45. With these tests we can identify the parasites that are affecting you and determine what other factors are contributing to your health concerns. It is our practice to use herbs that are well known for their ability to kill off parasites. I hope this article will open your eyes to the possibility of eliminating a lot of ailments that you thought may never go away. God Bless, Dr Michael D. Reggish D.C., N.D. REGGISH HOLISTIC WELLNESS Willow Wood Professional Village 31586 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI Contact Dr Reggish at 1-734-427-7110

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Spiritual Horoscopes

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Happy birthday Taurus! Please be extra kind to yourself. Give yourself the gift of being aware of how foods affect your health, energy level and mood. Also notice how your thoughts impact your day. When you feel you’re best inside, your aura blesses everyone. Relationships improve if you speak your mind and don’t just say what you think others want to hear. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Venus (planet of relationships and self-esteem), is retrograde in your sign. It’s time to forgive and release old romantic pain, so you can receive more love in the future. You’ll also improve your current partnership if attached. Make it your spiritual discipline to say positive affirmations about your appearance. Don’t go crazy with diets, hair cuts or shopping sprees – change how you feel on the inside! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Like Gemini pals, it’s great for you to release old relationship hurts. Meditate on how you repeat negative family/childhood patterns in your romantic bonds. Write in a journal, then burn the pages,

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Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Do your friends match your belief system? It’s important to let go of people who are your “yes men” and start connecting with those who challenge you to walk your spiritual talk. The key is letting your ego die and your soul gains strength. It’s easy to read books, but still act the same -- or to practice yoga in the studio, but not follow the concepts in your “real life”. Seek out friends who make you accountable. Then your soul will truly shine! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) If you’re having confusion or trouble at work, don’t take impulsive actions this month. It’s better to meditate, get centered and really examine what’s going on. Your soul could likely be working out an old parental issue with one of your superiors. Do journal writing about problems with family that could be re-enacted in career. Once you’ve uncovered the subconscious topic, you’ll be able to forgive and release the pattern. Then you’ll know if you actually need to make a move or not. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Aluna Michaels, M.A.


after you’ve forgiven yourself and everyone involved with creating and reinforcing that pattern. Change is scary for Cancers, but these patterns make you unhappy, even if they feel strangely comfortable!

Keep up with your daily meditations, because your subconscious is trying to give you helpful information. You’ll have insights about why you feel unaccepted in groups, or even why you feel disconnected with your spiritual guides. These next two months will improve your self-


esteem and you’ll be better able to see your value to others. Knowing you’re secure in relationships, and loved by the Universe, will give you great peace. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Trust is an ongoing theme in your life, and being able to depend on other people is a major part of your soul’s journey. Meditate and journal about feelings of betrayal and disappointment you’ve had over these past seven years. They could be about romance or even about finances. Cleansing your heart will help you be open to future situations that are healthier and worthy of your commitment and loyalty. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Be patient if you’re frustrated in a relationship. Venus is retrograde opposite your sign, and this means confusing romantic (or financial) situations. You’re not clear about what is actually happening now, or what is merely triggering old trauma from the past. Challenge yourself by staying put. Meditate and investigate your subconscious. Current issues are likely old fears that need healing, so you can accept the love and prosperity that is here for you now! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) The way you’re treated at work is a reflection of how you treat yourself. Your spiritual challenge is to be more gentle and forgiving with yourself – to not overwork yourself – to schedule breaks to breathe, eat well, stretch and move. When you treat yourself with respect and dignity, rather than being your own slave driver, you’ll draw work situations that also have healthy limits and expectations. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) In romantic relationships, looks and surface appearances aren’t May 2012

very important to you. For a happy partnership, you need someone who shares your spiritual values and life ethics. That may not sound sexy, but if you’re both bonded by deeper concepts, you’ll be more able to surrender to the emotional and sexual intimacy that develops. You’ll be able to let go of control, and of the loneliness most Aquarians have. You’ll believe in your core that you’re not alone! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) If you’re feeling irritated with your romantic partner, examine how family issues could be in the way of deeper trust. It would be great if you could meditate with your partner and be open to insights s/he has about your family “stuff” and how it’s affecting your relationship. (Single? Ask a spiritually-minded pal to help.) This trust level will add a renewed “pizzazz” to your bond, or, if single, you can attract a healthy new partnership. Aries (March 21 – April 19) Be aware of your quick wit, sarcastic humor and snarky comments when irritated. You could be driving someone close away, or cause a new person to be emotionally cautious of you. Think before you speak – daily meditation helps you be conscious of thoughts in your head before they blurt out of your mouth! Make sure you’re saying positive affirmations for yourself too, since you’ll feel more at ease in your own skin. Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version. Ms. Michaels is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels. com

May 2012

St. Jude’s Novena

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; by the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Gratefully... M.L.N.

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“A candle loses nothing if it is used to light another one.” And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary Paul The Apostle



Rock of the Month

bringing dreams and goals into reality. It is an excellent stone for eliminating the self-imposed barriers and helps build positive attitude in our own abilities. It is also a fabulous stone for renewal of strength during rehabilitation and accelerating the process of cell and/or tissue regeneration after long illnesses.

Cleansing Physical Body and Energy Renewal with Amber

Amber is a fossilized tree resin, not tree sap, which is a very common misconception. This resin is the semi-solid organic substance secreted through the many epithelial cells of the tree. The fossil resin happens to form and mix with sediments and soils, which over millions of years change into rock such as shale and sandstone. This fossilization of resin takes millions of years and involves a progressive oxidation and polymerization of the original organic compounds. There seems to be many contrasting views as to why resin is produced, but the most common reason is that it is the plant’s protection mechanism. The resin may be produced to protect the tree from disease and injury inflicted by insects and fungi. Resin may be exuded to heal a wound such as a broken branch, and resins possess odors or tastes that both attract and repel insects Amber has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since caveman existence. Amber is used as an ingredient in perfumes, as a healing agent used by shamans in ancient medicine, as jewelry and was even burned to help clear spaces of negative energy/entities. Because it originates as a tree resin, amber contains animal and plant material as inclusions. Amber ranges in different colors, from a whitish color through a pale lemon yellow, to brown and almost black. (We also know Black Amber as Jet) Other more uncommon colors include red amber (sometimes known as “cherry amber�), green amber, and even blue amber, which is extremely rare and highly sought after. Amber is most abundant in the Prussia, Dominican Republic, Poland, Latvia, Russia, Italy, Spain and Mexico. Amber is a stone of cleansing and purification. It emits sunny, light and warm feelings which calms nerves and enlightens the entire body. Amber activates unconditional love and provokes a deep sense of happiness and pleasure. It has been used as renewal for marriage vows and promotes fidelity. It is most often used to facilitate opening and cleansing of chakras, connecting conscious self to universal perfection, 28

In 6th century BC, Thales of Miletus is credited with observing that rubbing fur on various substances, such as amber, would cause an attraction between the two, which is now known to be caused by static electricity. The Ancient Greeks noted that the amber buttons could attract light objects such as hair and that if the amber was rubbed sufficiently a spark would jump. In Greece, the name for yellow amber is electron, and from this the term electricity was derived. A simple amber necklace is a sort of electricity capacitors, able to auto-charge and recharge and to help the owner get rid of the excess bad positive ions in the body. It can provide amazing protection against radiation especially from x rays and other harmful sources of energy. Amber protects from illnesses, helps diminish pain through childbirth and cleanse birthing or re- birthing healing spaces. When placed on the solar plexus, it can help ease digestive problems or diseases of the belly, gall bladder, liver, or thymus. Amber also calms the kidneys, teeth, bone related problems, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and rheumatism. When placed directly on to the skin, it can help eliminate deep skin allergies. Amber should NEVER be cleaned with harsh jewelry cleaners or agents, only water and charged with sunlight. The origin of amber gives us hints about its spiritual qualities, which can become obvious if we take a look at trees as entities with roots descending deep into the earth, and branches ascending towards the sky. In spiritual sense, trees show us how to connect down to the earth and ground our physical bodies through the roots and upreach toward the sky with our higher opened chakras. Therefore, the life force of a tree can carry, transform and deliver energy just like our physical bodies. Amber initiates feelings of connection to the physical plane. Many ancient traditions have considered amber to be the stone of universal life force, as it encloses life within. Carol Clarke is an USUI Reiki Master and Melody certified TAOMCHI Master Crystologist in Plymouth, MI. She has been working with crystals and minerals for many years and loves sharing her knowledge about them. She offers many different types of crystal healing techniques. If you would like to attend or host a crystal class or would like an appointment, please call Bodyworks Healing Center at 734-416-5200 or visit www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com.


May 2012

What You Need to Know About the Health Risks of Smart/ Advanced Meters

A Smart Meter, also called an Advanced Meter, is a wireless, digital meter that transmits customer electricity use back to the power companies (DTE) using high Radio Frequency (RF) communication, the same frequency used by cell phones. Replacing analog meters, they are part of the “Smart Grid” being installed in residential and commercial properties to monitor energy use. Unfortunately, they are mini cell towers and making thousands of people sick. Smart Meters continuously emit high levels of non-ionizing radiation and are considered by many to be a dangerous health risk. Radio Frequency readings of Smart Meters show levels up to 8 times that of an iPhone 4 and 107 times that of a laptop Wi-Fi antenna. The World Health Organization recently classified this type of radiation as a possible class 2B carcinogen, on par with lead and DDT. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine published a recommendation for the immediate halt to the Smart Meter rollout due to the health impacts. Across the country and around the world, thousands of people are reporting symptoms such as ringing in the ears, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart problems, fatigue, chronic anxiety, joint pain, insomnia and cognitive dysfunction after these meters have been installed.

the meter, the direction of the meter antenna (which can be configured to transmit directly through a home) and the meter installation. Additionally, the meters cannot be turned off, pulsating radiation into a home several times an hour, 24 hours p/day without shielding. Although the meter itself may barely meet the highest end of the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) guidelines for safe RF levels, limits which have not been updated for over 20 years, the measurement does not account for the “Smart” mesh wireless infrastructure. Additionally, the utility companies are time averaging the RF output in order to downplay significant transmission spikes. According to the Energy Act of 2005, residents were to be given a choice of whether to accept a wireless meter or not. Citizens have the right to tell DTE that they do not wish to have a wireless meter installed. “Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Your Health,” a talk by Dr. Darren Schmidt, is the first in a series of public awareness seminars to address Smart Grid issues and how they negatively impact your health, on Wednesday, May 9, at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore, 114 S. Main, Ann Arbor. 734-665-2757. Presented by CHASM (Citizen Heroes Against Smart Meters) 734-277-0098. To get on the delay/opt-out list, call 855-864-2271.

Doctors, physicists and environmental experts have been warning government and industry officials about the dangers of long term exposure including neurological diseases and cancer. Dr. Amy Dean, D.O. President-Elect of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine in Ann Arbor says, “Many studies show low level Radio Frequency emissions like those from Smart Meters and cell phones pose a serious health risk to humans. An opt-out option is a great first step to help consumers protect their health. The AAEM has called for a moratorium on Smart Meters, which should occur in Southeast Michigan and nationwide. Independent research is needed to understand the health effects of this technology before putting the public at risk.” DTE (Detroit Edison) claims the devices are safe, which many believe is untrue, claiming DTE does not want to stall or alter the meter rollout, a multimillion investment. DTE claims that the meters give off no more radiation than commonly used wireless electronic devices such as a cell phone, television, Wi-Fi router, microwave, and garage door opener. Many disagree with this however, partly due to the use of antenna boosters which boost the transmission power of May 2012

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Why Homeopathy?

4th Annual Health and Spirituality Fair Saturday, June 5th 1:00 AM — 5:00 M

Please mark your calendar and bring your friends and family for a day of fun! Unity Church , 3070 Baldwin Road, Lake Orion, MI 48359

Call for more info 248.391.9211 www.unitylakeorion.org Vendors: Classic Cars on Display Energy Workers Reflexology Massage Therapy Whole Foods Market Fung Shui Candles Sound Therapy Shaklee, Watkins Arbonne & other great products Meditations, Yoga Herbal Teas Jewelry Illuminators Aroma Therapy Personal Consultants Unity Spiritual Bookstore Aura Photography Dr. Wallach Products Computerized Assessments Infrared Therapy

...and so much more!

Lectures: 10:15 AM—Present Moment Meditation Kathy Bindu Henning 11:30 AM— Energy Field Demonstrations Dave Wattenburg of Healing Energy 12:30 PM— Quantum Physics & Health Steve McCardell 1:30 PM— Mind of God/ Edgar Cayce Penny Golden of Body Mind Spirit Guide 2:45 PM—Benefits of Raw Foods Heidi Christine

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The cure of part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Modernization has given us so many luxuries that we forget to be close to Mother Nature and listen to higher intelligence within our body. Each one of us is a unique individual with a very different mental and emotional make-up, and we respond uniquely to stimulus and life circumstances. This is a very important factor to be considered when restoring health and finding solutions for physical and emotional well-being. Homeopathy does not look at disease solely as an external entity. Instead, symptoms manifested by the body of an individual during sickness help identify a specific, custom-made remedy for that individual. It’s like purchasing a tailor-made dress, rather than buying one off the rack from the store. Main stream systems are teaching more about the disease rather than health and much time and money are spent on diagnosing, labeling and annihilating the symptoms. For a Homeopath, these symptoms are the most important clues for discovering internal derangement and for finding the right remedy based on the principles of Homeopathy. Quite often during intense desperation and despair, the priceless fact is lost that the human body is equipped with a marvelous system of repair and self-preservation. This healing system is active throughout the lifetime of an individual and is capable of restoring one’s own rhythm and balance if given the chance. Homeopathy is a gentle, safe and natural system of healing that is based on using minute ‘homeopathic’ doses to stimulate and encourage the natural healing systems of the body. The human body is sufficiently equipped with its own healing system that repairs and preserves the structure and functions of the body. This same healing system thus maintains a healthy and harmonious balance between mind, body and spirit. Based on this fact, Homeopathy is designed to stimulate and support this healing mechanism and help maintain health. Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann observed that the symptoms of the body exist concurrent with an altered state of the mind during the time of an illness. When he gave a substance in a Homeopathically minute dosage based on the Law of Similar, he observed that physical



May 2012

symptoms disappeared as well as the symptoms of the altered state of the mind. The relief was seen at both levels with the same substance. This demonstrated that an ill person must be treated as a unit─ mind and body─ and not as a conglomeration of the parts. It also showed that when chosen correctly and applied on the basis of Law of Similar, the same substance is capable of removing the illness from all levels. This was an important discovery as Becky Stevens Holistic Alterit gave the fundamental basis to the holistic view of disease and health. Over the past 200 years, Homeopathy has evolved into a widely recognized and extensively practiced system of medicine. Homeopaths around the world continue to enhance this natural system of medicine through careful observation and research and relieve suffering for millions of people worldwide. Homeopathic treatment is a twofold process─constitutional for chronic complaints and acute for complaints of acute nature. Since chronic diseases develop relatively slowly over a long period of time, Tt<’eatr ITcI”j’tr, (}lutclt<’ell, the recovery also takes place over a period of time. A detailed case of is taken and various Qanv’individual ;t1ect/’eat (“ta,/ttiM factors are considered to create the Homeopathic remedy. & v’right !let<”bat, /IolfreiJ/atkte

{I/’bt<”o;at/,/e RelfrecileJ’ A few chronic diseases responding

successfully to Homeopathy are: allergies, asthma, recurrent respiratory infections, ADD/ADHD, ear infections, migraines, sinus infections, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, ulcerative colitis, menstrual irregularities, menopause related complaints, thyroid problems, growth disorders, chronic yeast infections, chronic and recurrent bladder infections, neuralgias, nervous disorders, depression and anxiety disorders, autism, insomnia, May 2012

eczema, and obesity. Acute complaints are also handled efficiently with Homeopathy and relief is often achieved quickly. For example, Homeopathic Apis mellifica, given for a bee sting, can take away the stinging pain and itching in a matter of minutes. Many acute remedies for cold and flu can restore an individual back to a healthy state. Sometimes chronic cases might manifest as acute complaints, for example, each headache may seem to be a new complaint, but when the life pattern is examined carefully, the Homeopath may recognize that the headaches are actually recurring chronically. Such a situation might require an immediate remedy for the acute pain, but also a constitutional remedy to treat the underlying cause of the ongoing problem. Constitutional treatment, which can only be performed by a trained classical Homeopath, is essential for correcting the deep-seated roots of the disturbance and the tendencies toward recurring ailments. The complete Homeopathic treatment (constitutional as well as acute) increases the level of resistance, reduces susceptibility to illnesses, prevents occurrence of severe chronic diseases and brings about a deep change in the whole person. Most of all, it brings a healthy and harmonious balance to all levels of human existence. Monica Gurnani BHMS, CCH, RSHom(NA) is a distinguished practitioner of classical Homeopathy. She is known for her exceptional insight and non-judgmental presence in the healing process while providing compassionate, empathetic and free flowing support to the clients. Phone: 248-982-3642 www.mihomeopath.com Facebook: mihomeopath


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WORK TO LIVE, NOT LIVE TO WORK It’s 5:00 o’clock in the morning; the alarm sets off. You get out of bed. You take a bath. You have your breakfast. You leave the house. You’re ready to face another working day. Or are you? When I was a kid, I would ask my mom why she and my father had to work. She would always tell me that they had to, so we could have the money to buy food, to pay for the bills, to pay for our schooling (we come from a middle income family). Both my parents worked but I’m really grateful to God; that in spite of that, we were never lacking in love, time, nor care from our parents. As a matter of fact, my brothers and I grew up to be responsible individuals because our parents really took care of us. Although they were at the office 5 days a week from 8:00am to 5:00pm, they still found time to look after us, and teach us our lessons in the evening. They made sure that we did our homework, didn’t pressure us to aspire for honors, but we were motivated enough to study hard so we’d get good grades. I guess fate has been really good to my brothers and me because,



May 2012

modesty aside, all of us managed to land in the top of our respective classes. My parents taught me that one has to work in order for him to live a good life. They stressed, however, that this should not be taken as having to live just to work! They said that work should only be a part of life and it should not occupy one’s whole existence. And they lived this philosophy. At the end of the work day, they would leave all their work problems in the office so that at home they could be devoted to us 100%, no less. I must say that I agree with them. To this day, I still hear their message that work should be just a part of life and not life itself. I pity those people who have their way in this game called life. They have forgotten how to really live because they work too hard. There’s nothing wrong with striving at work, but people must watch out for signs that they have begun to work themselves to death. Remember that anything in excess is bad. Maybe, they want to achieve something badly, that’s why they work so hard. But I believe that success in the workplace doesn’t always bring happiness. To be successful means that you have to sacrifice some things and sometimes, you end up sacrificing your family, your friends, your life; you achieve your professional goals, but you lose yourself. Then you wonder if the loss is worth the gain. Everybody’s wish, in this world, is happiness and there are many ways to be happy. But when we work too hard or worry too much, we often forget that the simple things in life are those that make us happy…. a call from a friend, a smile from a stranger, the sight of a lovely flower, a surprise gift, a filling meal, a pat on the back, etc. It doesn’t take much to get these gifts, they are free, but they provide immeasurable happiness. Work to live and not live to work. Find time for yourself, for your family, for your friends. Keep in mind that your priority is your loved ones, and not your work. Everybody deserves to be happy and I hope that everyone grows old without any regret in life. I hope each of us will have a smile on our faces when we reminisce the old times, I hope that everyone finds living exciting, wonderful. It is my wish that we would all find the time to do the things that really matter most. Let us work hard, not purely for our professional goals, but for a better life. Author unknown but appreciated May 2012

Are we all One? This and 19 other equally provocative questions probe into everything you ever wanted to know about the reason for our existence, the source of our spirituality, the depth of our humanity and the root of our fears. The answers are at the heart of the independent spiritual documentary ONE The Movie. Created by trial lawyer, father and Novi, MI resident Ward Powers in the wake of the tragic and divisive events of 9-11 the movie was released in 2005. The Journey A filmmaking novice, Ward enlisted his family and friends to help make sense of the changing tides of our time. To begin, they tapped into the spiritually and culturally diverse folks in our own communities here in Michigan. Venturing further, they crisscrossed America using a man-on-the-street interview format posing the same 20 questions. People from all walks of life graciously and sometimes unabashedly revealed their uniquely authentic views of our world. The focus of the interviews expanded to a beautiful band of souls who were compelled to be involved for a singular purpose: to share the simple yet profound reality of Oneness. This flow of energy attracted such luminaries as Dr. Robert Thurman, Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Father Thomas Keating, Riane Eisler, Ram Dass, Barbara Marx-Hubbard, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev and many others. The Message Spreads After its first release in 2005, devoted fans of the movie helped spread the message of oneness to brothers and sisters in over 50 countries. The film has been shared in living rooms, classrooms, boardrooms, community theaters and places of worship. The continual pace of the film’s success these past seven years is a testament to human connectedness in practice. Now in 2012, ONE The Movie is slated to be featured on Oprah’s OWN network. This exciting opportunity to achieve an even greater level of awareness has reenergized the project. Is it also a matter of divine timing? Why now and not seven years ago? “There is significance to the timing of this partnership



and the year 2012. This is a cataclysmic time in our history,” Ward replied. “The old way of being--separateness, ends and gives ways to a new way of being--oneness.” OWN One Today To celebrate its partnership with Oprah and OWN, ONE The Movie is currently available on DVD at a 50% savings. Visit the website www.onethemovie.com and use the promotion code: OWN ONE. Proceeds benefit Bridgepointe, a Michigan nonprofit organization co-founded by the film’s associate producer and Ward’s wife, Diane. The organization serves approximately 4,000 families in the Detroit area by providing assistance with school, library and family issues. Your Journey to ONEness While One documents many points of view, the film does not provide hard and fast answers to its 20 questions. Yet, the observations shared throughout this 79-minute personal and spiritual odyssey make the viewer take pause regardless of his or her beliefs. That’s the beauty of the film. Ward puts it this way: “The very thing the movie is intended to inspire for you is that your change of orientation came from something you felt because of the film. The journey is yours...to hold Laura Ginn

Psychic Clairvoyant, Medium, Pet Psychic

313-412-7690 Offering:

Readings: for parties, events and fundraisers. Accurate (confidential) readings on love, career, family, finances & soul purpose. Events: Retreats & Sacred Trips. readingsbylaura@yahoo.com www.readingsbylaura.net 34

onto that space created by the magic of the film.” Visit www.onethemovie.com to order your discounted DVD and to learn more. Check out the Facebook page: One The Project to see interviews From The One Vault. Monthly topic for May: “The Greatest Qualities Humans Possess”

Advancing Maturity ~You Forget names.... But it’s OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!! ~You realize you’re never going to be really good at anything.... Especially Golf. ~The things you used to care to do, you no longer care to do, but you really do care that you don’t care to do them anymore. ~ Going Out is good... Coming Home is better! ~You sleep better on a lounge chair with the TV blaring than in bed. It’s Called “pre-sleep”.

Ward & Diana Powers Ward Powers is the Creator and Director and of ONE The Movie. He has been a practicing civil trial attorney in the State of Michigan for over 24 years. ONE is his first foray into independent filmmaking. An amateur musician, sculptor and author he has enjoyed a lifelong interest in the arts and creative expression. He lives in Novi, Michigan with his wife Diane who contributed greatly to this project. You can contact them at: The Law Office of Ward Powers 248-347-1700 Written by Kamela Torvinen, Silver Birch IHHC, LLC 248.231.0825

~You miss the days when everything worked with just an “ON” and “OFF” Switch. ~You tend to use more 4 letter words ... “what?”...”when?”... ??? ~Now that you can afford reall nice jewelry, it’s not safe to wear it anywhere. ~What used to be freckles are now age spots. ~Everybody Whispers. ~You have 3 sizes of clothes in your closet.... 2 dont fit. ~~~But Old is good in some things: Old songs, movies, and best of all, OLD FRIENDS!!

Massage, Emotional Release, Laura Ginn Essential Oils, Reflexology, Reiki, Raindrop Technique & PsychicHealing Clairvoyant, with the Glory Light of Jesus 313-412-7690


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May 2012

Things That Make Us Smile and Feel Good Have you ever just stopped and took a moment to wonder what makes a smile come to your face? Most of us are so much in a hurry that everything we do is automatic… Including jumping out of bed running late and never taking time to think…just doing… grumbling as we go… I know you have thought about what you can do to help someone else with a smile because that is what we do…We help and heal others… Now it’s time to heal yourself with a few pleasures that are at your finger tips at this very moment… There are so many little things that each and every one of us can do and yet we reframe from them… Why I ask? Let’s think what makes us feel good… 1. A hot shower or bubble bath a good way to start or end the day. 2. Hearing your favorite song, it’s ok to sing along, you may even want to dance. 3. Giggling, or laughing so hard your jaw hurts, I remember when that happened to me. You don’t have to be serious all the time. 4. Bouncing on the bed and acting silly, let the child come out of you, no one is watching. It really feels good. 5. Taking a drive in the country with nature, or by the river, lake, or ocean for the water lovers. Find that calmness you have been searching for. 6. Connecting with an old friend again. That just happened to me this week. A friend from the old neighborhood when I was a child, Wow it brought back memories, can’t wait to catch up and share moments. 7. Thinking back in time… the beach, running through sprinklers and slip n slide, playing tag, ring around the rosie, talking to wee hours in the night, May 2012

flirting, falling in love, best friend, secret smiles, making cookies. All of that puts a smile on my face just thinking about it… Now... I like to watch the sunrise, the sunset with a loved one, a friend or by myself. I Love holding hands with my hubby or grandchildren and sometimes a good friend. A hug always fills me with love and a smile, hearing the birds sing in the morning, the frogs at night. Sitting by a campfire and watching the fire burn, looking into the sky and seeing the most beautiful rainbow and always thinking about the pot of gold at the other end. Too bad we can’t see the other end. Have you ever just laid in bed and listen to the rain, or birds? How about taking your bedding out of the dryer and just snuggling in the warmth of it, or clothes off the line and smelling the freshness. Picking a flower for the beauty of it or buying a bouquet for your table. Having a chocolate bar or ice cream cone, my weakness, finding an unexpected sale, or money in your pocket of an old jacket or jeans... Love that… Even now I love to have my hair played with by my grand children or hubby, and I also love to run my hands through their hair, I remember those good feelings. We need to remember how we felt as a child and as an adult and bring those memories to the forefront. They are available, they are free, and they are pleasurable. I know everyone has so many more of their own all you need to do is to bring them back into your life and take the time to use them, and feel the smile once again. Blessing, Author, Spiritual Medium Kathy Garbe Stop the Children from Crying a River of Tears. Paper Back or Electronic. www.Kathygarbe.com


art & hand crafted items new age botanica supplies fair trade treasures metaphysical workshops psychics


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Available for Readings, Parties & Events PSYCHIC FAIR (NEW Girl’s Night Out!) FRIDAY May 11th 3-9p Holiday Inn 31900 Little Mack Ave., Roseville, MI

NEW BOOK AVAILABLE NOW Stop the Children from Crying kathygarbe@yahoo.com Call 586-285-1583



MOTHER’S LOVE When you came into the world, she held you in her arms. You thanked her by wailing like a banshee. When you were 1 year old, she fed you and bathed you. You thanked her by crying all night long. When you were 2 years old, she taught you to walk. You thanked her by running away when she called. When you were 3 years old, she made all your meals with love. You thanked her by tossing your plate on the floor. When you were 4 years old, she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining room table. When you were 5 years old, she dressed you for the holidays. You thanked her by plopping into the nearest pile of mud. When you were 6 years old, she walked you to school. You thanked her by screaming, “I’M NOT GOING!” When you were 7 years old, she bought you a baseball. You thanked her by throwing it through the nextdoor-neighbor’s window. When you were 8 years old, she handed you an ice cream. You thanked her by dripping it all over your lap. When you were 9 years old, she paid for piano lessons. You thanked her by never even bothering to practice. When you were 10 years old, she drove you all day, from soccer to gymnastics to one birthday party after another. You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back. When you were 11 years old, she took you and your friends to the movies. You thanked her by asking to sit in a different row. When you were 12 years old, she warned you not to watch certain TV shows. You thanked her by waiting until she left the house.


Those Teenage Years When you were 13, she suggested a haircut that was becoming. You thanked her by telling her she had no taste. When you were 14, she paid for a month away at summer camp. You thanked her by forgetting to write a single letter. When you were 15, she came home from work, looking for a hug. You thanked her by having your bedroom door locked. When you were 16, she taught you how to drive her car. You thanked her by taking it every chance you could. When you were 17, she was expecting an important call. You thanked her by being on the phone all night. When you were 18, she cried at your high school graduation. You thanked her by staying out partying until dawn. Growing Old and Gray When you were 19, she paid for your college tuition, drove you to campus, carried your bags. You thanked her by saying good-bye outside the dorm so you wouldn’t be embarrassed in front of your friends. When you were 20, she asked whether you were seeing anyone. You thanked her by saying, “It’s none of your business.” When you were 21, she suggested certain careers for your future. You thanked her by saying, “I don’t want to be like you.” When you were 22, she hugged you at your college graduation. You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe. When you were 23, she gave you furniture for your first apartment. You thanked her by telling your friends it was ugly. When you were 24, she met your fiancé and asked about your plans for the future. You thanked her by glaring and growling, “Muuhh-ther, please!”


When you were 25, she helped to pay for your wedding, and she cried and told you how deeply she loved you. You thanked her by moving halfway across the country. When you were 30, she called with some advice on the baby. You thanked her by telling her, “Things are different now.” When you were 40, she called to remind you of an relative’s birthday. You thanked her by saying you were “really busy right now.” When you were 50, she fell ill and needed you to take care of her. You thanked her by reading about the burden parents become to their children. And then, one day, she quietly died. And everything you never did came crashing down like thunder. “Rock me baby, rock me all night long.” The hand who rocks the cradle ... may rock the world”. Let us take a moment of the time just to pay tribute and show appreciation to the person called MOM though some may not say it openly to their mother. There’s no substitute for her. Cherish every single moment. Though at times she may not be the best of friends, may not agree to our thoughts, she is still your mother!!! Your mother will be there for you; to listen to your woes, your bragging, your frustrations, etc. Ask yourself “Have you put aside enough time for her, to listen to her “blues” of worries, her tiredness???” Be tactful, loving and still show her due respect, though you may have a different view from hers. Once gone, only fond memories of the past will be left and hopefully no regrets. Nothing can replace a mother’s love. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s reading this!

May 2012

Classes & Events Certified Medical Hypnotherapist. Call for next Course dates. 586.751.7500 Kundalini YOGA, Mantra, & Gong in Ferndale. www.inspirationyoga.us 31338Y-OGA8 All welcome. Open Mic Night. Join us for Local Talent, Good Food, Good Music, Great times! Call for Dates:. 32416 Industrial Road in Garden City, 734-427-5300 ext. 7 New Workshop Wed. & Sat. 7.00 PM to 9.00 Pm Alleviate every day ailments like Back and Neck pain, Allergy & Asthma symptoms, Digestive issues and much more by using proven manual holistic technique. Without forceful manipulations & any supplements. Gentle touch, Powerful Results. Call 248-462-9674 Farmington area. Maximum Students = 4 Cost= $75.00 The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – Become a Legal UCM Healer Practitioner. 28 classes meet alternate weeks. Find out more at: www.spiritualhealers.com Eve Wilson 734-780-7635


Sewing & Quilting. 32416 Industrial Road | Garden City (734) 469-2500 www.maxwellsartsandtreasures.com 1-3pm Sunday Service – 11:00 a.m. followed by Spiritual Healing The Aetherius Society. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 588-0290


Advanced Pilate challenges experienced students to take Pilates to the next level. Greater work for greater rewards! Guardian Martial Arts & Fitness, 30942 Ford Rd. Garden City. 734-266-0565 Crochet and Knitting 6-8pm. 2416 Industrial Road | Garden City (734) 469-2500 www. maxwellsartsandtreasures.com Guided Meditation Class, $25. Warren 7pm 586.771.4569 Killer’s Kickboxing High-intensity fat-burning class! Strength building, core work & stretching round out this fun, upbeat class. Students receive a “Session Completed” badge of honor. Garden City. 734-2660565 Mystic Prayer Service for World Peace and Healing. 7:55 p.m. The Aetherius Society. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 588-0290


Pilates Beginner/Intermediate class trains all of the muscles of the body to promote a balanced strong, flexible body. Muscles are

toned and tightened, breathing improves and stress reduction is enhanced. Guardian Martial Arts & Fitness 30942 Ford Rd. Garden City 734-266-0565


Teen Art night 6-8pm (leather making) 2416 Industrial Road | Garden City (734) 469-2500. www.maxwellsartsandtreasures. com Killer’s Kickboxing brings Strength building, core work & stretching round out this fun, upbeat class. Students receive “Session Completed” badge of honor. Garden City. 734-266-0565 Meditation - Deeper Exploration of the Inner Realms, 5-pm. $10, call ahead, Leslie Blackburn, Mystery School of the Temple Arts, Dearborn, 313-269-6719, www.OneSpaceConnected.com Meditation / Intuitive Class. Learn to develop your spiritual Gifts. Receive and give messages. Open to all! Fraser 7-9pm Call for more info. 586-285-1583 $10 Redford Meditation Circle - Meet Your Angels. 19444 Garfield, Redford, 7:30pm $10. Meets the 2nd & 4th Wed.. Call Laura @ 313-412-7690 or www.readingsbylaura. net Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. For info & appt. call: 248-788-5808 www.healingtouchcenter.info Meditate and connect with your Self, experiencing self-acceptance and Love. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, Berkley, 7:30-9:00pm. $10. www.Spirituallivingandhealing.com Please call Miche @ 248-212-0808 to register. Pranic Healing Clinic 3rd Wed. monthly. Dissolve and disintegrate blocked energy. Effective with many illnesses and diseases. Pranic Healing Practitioners welcome. 7–8p.m. Plymouth. FREE! 734-416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com


Pilates Beginner/Intermediate class trains all of the muscles of the body to promote a balanced strong, flexible body. Guardian Martial Arts & Fitness 30942 Ford Rd. Garden City 734-266-0565 FREE Reiki Share 2nd Thu. monthly 6:30pm-8pm; Plymouth, 734-416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com


Hand Threads (embroidery, cross stitching) 6-8pm. Stain Glass, Ceramic, Skill Center See Maxwell web site. 2416 Industrial Road | Garden City (734) 469-2500. www. maxwellsartsandtreasures.com Basic Yoga, Embracing the Lotus Yoga Sanctuary. www.OneSpaceConnected. com Please pre-register by contacting 313269-6719 or info@onespaceconnected. com. 8:45am. Soul & Sole! Music and Encouragement for the Spirit live every Thursday at Maxwell’s from 7-9pm Maxwell’s Art and Treasures / 32416 Industrial Rd., Garden City, MI 48135 / 734-427-5300 x7 Spiritual discourses by Barbra White, meditations, healing, 3rd Thur. 7-8:30pm and group discussions.8:30-9pm social time. Donation. AcceptedasIam.com Please call 734-455-1438 to register. Adult Star Crystal Group. 3rd Thurs. monthly. Discuss one crystal/stone per month, plus how crystals can help you heal and enjoy life more. Includes meditation specific to that stone. 7-8:30p.m. Plymouth. $20. 734-416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com FREE Reiki Clinic 4th Thu. monthly; 79pm; A unique opportunity to experience the powerful healing affects of Reiki. You have to feel it to know it. FREE Healings. Love Donation, by appointment only. Plymouth, 734-416-5200.


Junior Grange art shop (every second Saturday) 1-3pm. 2416 Industrial Road | Garden City (734) 469-2500. www.maxwellsartsandtreasures.com Self-Acceptance for Teens class. Come and enjoy stories, meditation, activities, and more to help you feel good about yourself! Ages 12-19 (parents welcome). 1:-2:30pm. Price: $10.00. Email selfacceptancehealing@yahoo.com or call 248-390-9293 for directions. www.selfacceptancehealing.com Tone & Fit helps the beginning or just returning fitness student get going or back in shape. Instructor lost 165 lbs. over 2 years using diet and exercise to achieve her goals. Achieve YOUR fitness goals! 734-266-0565 Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. For info & appt. call: 248-788-5808 www.healingtouchcenter.info




Saturday, May 05, 2012

Reiki II class. $120. 10:30 – 4:30 PM. Livonia. Must have Reiki I certification. Must register. 734-751-7336. www.UpHillSolutions.com

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Group Breath Session. Deepen the benefits of conscious breathing with a consistent practice. Intention setting, facilitated breath session, sharing & integration (3 prior sessions a must). 6:30–8:00p.m. $25. 734-416-5200. www.GlobalBreathInstitute. com “Smart Meters, Dirty Electricity and Your Health,” a public awareness talk at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore, 114 S. Main, Ann Arbor. 734-665-2757. Presented by CHASM (Citizen Heroes Against Smart Meters) 734-277-0098.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sacred Sedona trip includes airfare, 5 nights hotel, some meals, tours of vortex, medicine wheel, Hopi Land & Grand Canyon. Daily meditations. $1749. Laura Ginn, Capital Tours. 248-247-1121. May 10-15.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Lecture: The Power of Nonviolence. 7:30 p.m. - $5.00 The Aetherius Society. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak, MI 48073. Tel: (248) 588-0290 Fri. May 11th Psychic Fair. 3-9p Spiritual, Angel & Palm Readers, Aura Photos, Spirit Artist, Reflexology, Reiki, Chair Massage, Iridology. Holiday Inn, 31900 Little Mack, Roseville. $5 admission. Kathy Garbe 586285-1583. www.kathygarbe.com 3-9pm

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Fair-Trade Day Celebration. The Wandering Owl, 139 N. Jackson Street, Jackson, MI. Offering store wide discounts on fairtrade items, local artist demonstrations, and an in-store drawing. 517-960-3356. Prana of Breath. Learn how the breath helps restore health and bring a renewed sense of vitality, optimism and joy to your life. Sooth your Soul! 4:30-7p.m. $60. 734-416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com

Monday, May 14, 2012

Look & Feel Younger. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, B.S.,D.C.,N.D. presents a workshop on looking and feeling younger. West Bloomfield, 7:00-9:00pm Free. 734-756-6904 Trigger Point Therapy -an effective drugfree method to reduce paid and muscle tension. Bring a friend! Dr. Karl, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail. 7-8 pm. FREE Class. karlwellnesscenter.com 734-425-8220. Learn Essential Daily Exercises designed to help increase strength and energy. Gain better balance, coordination, and mental focus. Organic snacks. 30935 Ann Arbor Trail. Livonia. 8-9 pm FREE. 734-425-


8220 .

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Free-Transitions Lifestyle Weight Solutions Overview 6:00pm for upcoming 12 week program in ShelbyTwp. Call to register 888-217-3174

Saturday, May 19, 2012

One Cent Yard Sale. 8 am - 2 pm. Drop off items after 7 am. All proceeds go to the Ronald McDonald House. Unity Church. 1038 Harding, Rochester Hills 48307. 248 656 0120 Ancestral Transformation - with Llewellyn author Andrieh Vitimus. Learn to connect and work with your ancestors. Day long intensive at The Wandering Owl, 139 N. Jackson Street, Jackson www.thewanderingowl.com

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Tantric Energy Touch Workshop with Leslie. Explore Tantric energy through breath, sound, touch & movement. Mystery School, Dearborn. 6:30-8:30p.m. $30 p/p, $50 for 2 people (prices good thru 5/21) www. MysterySchooloftheTempleArts.com. 313269-6719. “Temple Community Gathering” Curious about Mystery School of the Temple Arts offerings but not sure where to start? Join us at a Temple Gathering! Openly discuss sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free event in Dearborn, preregister: 313-269-6719

Monday, May 21, 2012

Free- Transitions Lifestyle Weight Solutions Overview 6:00pm for upcoming 12 week program in Clinton Twp. Call to register 888-217-3174

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Balance Your Hormones Naturally. Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C.,N.D. presents a workshop on A Holistic Approach to Balancing Your Hormones Naturally. 734-7566904 Livonia, Free 7:00-9:00pm

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Special Nutrition for Women. Become leaner, stronger, and healthier, Understand the influence of herbs, foods, supplements, and chemicals on your hormonal balance. Livonia Civic Library, 3rd floor 32777 Five Mile Rd. 7-8:30pm. FREE. 734-425-8588.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

MIDWEST INSTITUTE FOR SYSTEMIC CONSTELLATIONS, presents Family Constellations. Free yourself from entanglements with the ancestors! 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Chapel Hill Clubhouse, 3520 Green Rd, Ann Arbor. For info Call Liz 734-6464886, www.lizjelinek.com.


Learn about some basic Principles of Homeopathy. How we can use homeopathy in everyday life. A homeopathic remedy to take home. 10:30A – 1:00P Details : 248982-3642 www.mihomeopathy.com June 16th Homeopathy & Womens Helath: Women’s emotional & physical wellbeing. Homeopathy is safer and more effective method of healing our self and our families. 10:30AM – 1:00P Details:248-982-3642 www.mihomeopathy.com June 3. Creating the Life of Your Dreams. Unleash your powers to attract the things you want in your life and put the principles of creating into practice! 9a.m.– 5p.m. $127. After May 15, $147. 734-416-5200. www.BodyWorksHealingCenter.com June 4th Free meeting, Dr.Peter Josling Worlds 1st patented process, Allicin extract from garlic. Holiday Inn, 211100 Haggerty Rd, Novi Twp., Just north from 8 mile rd, 9am-11:30/2pm-4:30pm, www.jakomaromi@yahoo.com, Joe, 1-734-697-3186 June 8th Crouch Murders, Paranormal Investigation. Ghost hunters Kat Tedsen and Bev Rydel discuss investigation findings of local 1883, unsolved murder case. Hosted by The Wandering Owl, Jackson, MI. 517782-2780 www.thewanderingowl.com June 9th Day Retreat Opening 12 Dimensions Of Your Soul’s Expression. Activating 12 strands DNA using self acceptance principals, core conscious integration and acupressure points. Taught by best selling author and spiritual teacher Barbra White. June 9th 9-6pm $140. includes organic lunch and live healing music by Abbey Kinas. 734-455-1438 Plymouth. Call to register. July 7th Homeopathy for Children. We as Parents & Grandparents understand that physical & emotional bodies of children are very delicate so they need remedies with the same energy.Homeopathy is safe & fastest growing therapy in North America. Safe Natural remedies for happy children. 10:30A – 1:30P Details: 248-982-3642 www.mihomeopathy.com Aug. 5th-12th Cruise Alaska. Journey Magazine offering 7 nights on the Norwegian Pearl from Seattle. Visit the ‘Land of the Midnight Sun.’ Workshops on meditation, yoga, healing with colors & more! Starting at $1399 p/p. Call 1-888-959-7776 to reserve! www.capitaltours.org. Sept. 5th-9th. Personal Transformational Seminar; Springbrook Retreat Center, Vancouver, BC. Create amazing shifts in your well-being by mastering your breath. Early birds specials visit our site or call 734-4165200. www.GlobalBreathInstitute.com

June 2nd Introduction to Homeopathy:


May 2012

Community Classified Advertising... ANNOUNCEMENTS Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! For more information: www.godsdirectcontact.org. Please take action now to help save the planet. Please go to these websites to view climate change flyer. Great information on how to be vegan/green.


Chiropractic care without cracking, popping or twisting using the Pulstar computerized technology. Simply Chiropractic 248-885-2493 COACHING Sacred Sexuality/Tantra: Individual & Couple Coaching, Group Classes, Workshops, Retreats; Leslie Blackburn 313-269-6719, www.MysterySchooloftheTempleArts.com


Colonic Hydrotherapy in Troy. Big Beaver and Livernois. National Board Certified Therapist in a clean, professional environment. By Appt only. 248-3622150. www.pt-specialists.com/colonic COLONICS: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. www.naturalhealing-mi.com 248-543-2020.


MASSAGE THERAPIST! Part-time Chair Massage & Occassional Saturdays. Work with compassionate holistic minded people, receptionist on staff. Become a part of the Team! Bodyworks 734-416-5200 Reception / Administrative help needed to assist in the daily operations of a professional therapeutic massage healing center. Email name, contact info, experience and hours available to: info@bodymindspiritguide.com Seeking for Certified Massagist willing to learn Ayurvedic Massage from and Ayurvedic M.D., email @ info@beayurvedic.com with name , contact info.


Are you ready to experience a life changing experience? The Reconnective Healing & Personal Reconnection. Billie Tobin. 248-789-1980 www. billietobin.com AYURVEDIC Wellness consultations and Ayurvedic services in Farmington. Call: 248-631-7271 Color Therapy. Imagine surrounding yourself in the world of color that has is unique to you and your needs. Discover the Aura-Soma Color Care System with Amy Darby. 248-408-9968 Amy@ LivingColorStudio.com Detect Breast Health and Inflammation in the Body. Highly Advanced Thermography Technology, No Radiation/Compression. Read by specially Trained M.D.’s. Offices: Troy, Canton, Royal Oak, Ann Arbor, Grosse Pointe, Commerce. www.healthybreastscan.com Adarsa Antares M.S. Ed. C.T.T. 734-972-8775 dōTERRA Essential Oils - Are you ready to use the most potent, safest and purest essential oils on the planet? Contact me to learn how YOU can be in

May 2012

control of your family’s health! www.essentialwellnessoils.com Emotional Freedom Techniques Services, LLC with Annette. affordable fees. www.annetterichardseft. com 248-334-9214. Energy Healing and Readings, www.StarLightConnection.com 586.771.4569 / 6 words Essential oils/Raindrop Technique, gifts for Moms, too! Now giving Raindrop at the Body & Soul Spa (Novi), too! www.IlkasHealthyHeaven.com; Ilka , 734 728-9332. Know and accept your divine self! Intuitive, spiritual counseling, psychotherapy, hypnosis, past life and Reiki compassionately guide you towards discovering your true desires, goals, acceptance and joy. Let Miche Lame’ assist you in learning to trust your emotions and connect with your Inner Self. Berkely. 248212-0808, www.spirituallivingandhealing.com PULSED MAGNETIC THERAPY allows your body to heal itself on a cellular level. Dr. OZ says ““Magnetism is the medicine of the future.” And Dr. Eric LaMey is offering “Pulsed Magnetic Therapy” for only 20.00 (first visit). More info at: www.DrLaMey.com (PEMF tab). 734-904-7931 Reiki healing sessions; aura clearing; spiritual healing. In person; long distance. Reiki I, II, III classes and more. Kathleen Pruneau-Hill, Reiki Master Teacher, Healer Practitioner, Registered Nurse educator. www.UpHillSolutions.com 734-751-7336 Relieve your Allergies, Asthma, Acid Reflux, Stress & Pain naturally and holistically. No forceful manipulations, drugs and supplements. Gentle touch…Powerful results. Appropriate for babies to elderly. Call 248-462-9674. Bowenwork Energetics, Farmington Stress reduction. A Healthy Knead – certified massage therapy & European skin care. Rochester Hills, 248 652-4159


Got Questions? Hypnosis Can Access the “Akashic Records,” which hold the answer to your questions. Find out more call Phil at Eternal Balance Life Center. 248 542-1357, or 248-688-6469 Hypnosis! Past Life Regression, Helps with Test Anxiety, Pain, Smoking, Pre & Post Surgery, and more! Kathleen Garbe C.Ht. Member N.G.H. 586285-1583 Registered Certified Hypnotherapist Specializing in Stop Smoking, Weight and Shape Management, Self Esteem and much much more. Call Louise for a free consultation : (248) 714-6042 www.AnnArborHypnotherapy.com Smoking/ pain/ weight/ anxiety/ relationships/ public speaking/ social anxiety /insomnia/ regressions/more 760710-1804


Bodywork/healing with Jenni Flowers Gutman. Massage with Reiki, Aromatherapy and Raindrop Technique to bring you peace, hope, health, and insight. Individual sessions (248) 762-0956



Tarot Readings – by Carolyn. Certified intuitive and tarot reader of 37 years. At The Wandering Owl, 139 N. Jackson Street, Jackson, MI 49201. $10/ 30 minutes, $20/ hour. Call for appointment, 517-782-2780 A Psychic’s Psychic. With love and truth find out what the heck is going on with your life. 25 years experience. Telephone sessions. Rev. Anne Burns, MA, SLC, New Spirit Counseling. 248-840-2554. www.newspiritcounseling.com Angel Readings – with Inspirational Speaker and Metaphysical Life Coach Charene Henderson at The Wandering Owl, 139 N. Jackson Street, Jackson. $20 per 20 minute session. Call for appointment, 517-782-2780 Channeled words from Spirit, readings that go deep into your situation or concern that assist you to keep moving forward. Contact Shelly, Psychic Medium at 734-259-8651 at Illuminate Your Spirit 875 Wing Street, Plymouth MI 48170. www.illuminateyourspirit.com Tarot Readings – by Carolyn. Certified intuitive and tarot reader of 37 years. At The Wandering Owl, 139 N. Jackson Street, Jackson. $10/ 30 minutes, $20/ hour. Call for appointment, 517-782-2780


Center for Massage Therapy of Plymouth. Rent your own space - Pay no commission. Well established office - Great community. All healing modalities are possible candidates. (734) 737-9926 Natural setting just 4 miles west of Northville. 6 acres of organic gardens. Spring fed lake. Day or night rental. For workshop or pleasure offices and lecture halls available. 248 349-4518. masterwhite@ okinawankarateclubs.com


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May 2012

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