Body Mind Spirit Guide August 2016

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Body Mind Spirit




Buying Local Little Truths Store


Being the I AM Now

Miche Lame´

Pleasures of the


Eve Wilson

Auras and Crystals Jennifer


Help for Summer Fatigue

Dr. Carol Fischer

ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • EVENTS • CALENDAR • RECIPES AND MORE P a g e 1 Known Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 P: 734-513-6137 | F: 734-956-4150 E: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm : Body Mind Spirit Staff:

Melanie Jones, Publisher Kathy Henning, Editor Courtney Overfield, Excutive Radio Producer Marybeth Rombach Nelson, Marketing Howard & Penny Golden, Founders The Body Mind Spirit Guide is written by Leaders & Experts right here in Michigan that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind & a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers:

Michael Abramsky PhD, ABPP Chrissie Blaze Faith Brower Waad Charara John Checuti Susan deCaussin Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND Rev. Ray Fraser Walt Gajewski Mary Teresa Hickey Mary Hughes Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Dave Krajovic MBA, CPA, CMT Miche Lame’ Abby Lippett Nancy Lynn Susan Martinez Aluna Michaels Marybeth Rombach Nelson Phil Rosenbaum Wendy Powers-Nugent Leah Slagenwhite Jennifer VanderWal Barbra White Eve Wilson Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C. THANK YOU to our Readers, Writers and Advertisers! Copyright 2016 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved.

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart!

Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother and the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song!

Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one

This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 Mon - Thu. from 10 to 6 or email us at:


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Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff

Mail check to: Golden Galleries, P.O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 Enclosed $29.95 US $34.95 Canada, one year (12 issues) subscription.

2 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

What is Posi Music and PosiPalooza? Well known folk artist and multi-Posi Award winner, David Roth gave his definition of Posi Music: “Posi music inspires, transforms, empowers, unites, enlightens, heals and celebrates the human spirit and its many forms of spirituality. It embraces diversity, builds community, cares for the Earth entertains possibility and raises consciousness for social justice, self– awareness, authenticity and integrity.” PosiPalooza is a National Concert Tour that is great fun! Each concert features 3-4 great artists from the emPower roster sharing the stage together. PosiPalooza concerts typically follow a round-robin format, with the artists swapping songs, weaving threads of themes together, and creating “on the spot” magical arrangements. The artists available for the PosiPalooza concerts are some of the best songwriters and performers in the country. Many have written top 10 hits and have been nominated for prestigious awards like Grammys and Emmys. PosiPalooza is coming to Plymouth, MI Sat, Oct 1 7 P.M. Enjoy an evening of empowering, positive music with three talented, award-winning musicians with artists Faith Rivera, Harold Payne, and Sue Riley. Their uplifting and joy filled music speaks to our spirituality and oneness. Experience this concert at Plymouth Community Arts Council 774 N. Sheldon Road in Plymouth. Brought to you by: Friends of Unity. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online, at the door, or by calling 734-454-0015. www.


SATURDAY OCTOBER 1st 7P.M. Enjoy an evening of empowering, positive music with three talented, award-winning musicians. Their joy filled music will lift your spirits and warm your heart. Faith Rivera ▪ Harold Payne ▪

Sue Riley

Experience this concert at:

Plymouth Community Arts Council 774 N. Sheldon in Plymouth Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online, at the door, or by calling (734) 454-0015

Brought to you by:

Friends of Unity

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series Includes Present Moment Meditation


Learn valuable tools for everyday living Increase health, happiness, peace of mind Enjoy life in the present moment

Treat Yourself! Sept. 28-Oct. 19 Engaging! Insightful!

It works!

Register today!

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

, Con't. Ed.

734-462-4448 Chairs provided Everyone welcome Bring a friend! Take 1, 2, 3 or all 4 & $ave! Page 3

Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


What is Posi Music and PosiPalooza?.........................................3 The Power of Prayer: St. Jude’s Novena

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.


UP TO THE MIC: Accident Angels: Injury Consultants.................6

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Verse of the Throne......................................................................7 Farmington Farmers Market Celebrates......................................8 Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry..............................................10

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

Buying Local............................................................................... 11 Boost Your Health With Coconut Oil!..........................................13 Small Friends with Big Jobs.......................................................14

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

Refreshed As a Warm Summer Breeze.....................................16 Keeping Our Aura Strong Using Crystals...................................17 What Would You Like To Know?.................................................18 Universal Life Energy.................................................................19 Live Life as an Empowered Soul................................................20 Love Will Always Win.................................................................21 The Pleasures of the Unexpected..............................................22 Using Our Will to Create a Joyful Life........................................23 How to Hydrate...........................................................................24 You Are Worthy...........................................................................26 Being in the “I AM” Now..............................................................28 The Silver Thread: The Benefit of Passivity...............................29 CLASSES & EVENTS................................................................31

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... 734 513-6137 or info@ Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY..............................32 Crossroads and Indecision.........................................................36 Help for Summer Fatigue...........................................................37 So, You Think Your House is Haunted?......................................38 Focusing on Solutions = Finding Solutions................................39

One Life One People, One Love, One World!


The Power of Questioning, “Why?”............................................40 SPIRITUAL HOROSCOPES......................................................42

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

TO DO LIST................................................................................43 IN THE LIGHT: Nancy Lynn and Opening to Enlightenment ....44 Bringing About Peace................................................................45 BODY MIND SPIRIT RADIO - LINE UP.....................................46 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED ADS..............................................47

Thanks for picking up and reading the Guide

Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide or get a digital copy from our website.

4 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

The Power of Prayer: St. Jude’s Novena The novena is a common, spiritually enriching prayer experience commonly used within the Catholic Church. Historically the concept of “novena” came about after Jesus ascended to Heaven, Mary, the Apostles, and devoted disciples prayed constantly for nine days until Pentecost Sunday. The word “novena” comes from the Latin word for “nine,” hence the consecutive set of nine prayers. Novenas, like all prayers, are a means of praising God and his Glory.

Are you ready for a change? Learn valuable tools for everyday living

Treat Yourself! Engaging! Insightful!

The most traditional way to pray a novena is to recite it at least once a day over nine days with a certain request or intention in mind and then to share the good news (publishing it). As our readers, you may have noticed over the years Body Mind Spirit Guide has published the St. Jude’s Novena on behalf of many who have experienced the blessings that come from praying it.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series Includes Present Moment Meditation

It’s essential to keep in mind; there is no single “right” way to pray a novena. Publishing it can be done in a number of ways like: church newsletters, making copies, distributing them either by mail or handing out to friends and family, nowadays, posting it to your social media profile is even acceptable.

The notion of publishing is to share the good word. It is the act of devotion you display by praying a novena that has spiritual significance with faith in God and trust that God will give you the right answer in the right way. (see St. Jude’s Novena throughtout the issue.)

Chairs provided Everyone welcome Bring a friend! Register today! Take 1, 2, 3 or all 4 & $ave!


Sept. 28-Oct. 19

, Con't. Ed.


It works!


NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR SUMMER AND FALL 2016 SEMESTERS: 200- AND 500-HOUR CERTIFICATION • Summer Immersion: July 15-31, 2016 ($3,000). SAVE 20% if pre-paid before 7/1/16. • Fall Training: October 7, 2016 thru Mid-January 2017 ($2,600). SAVE 20% if pre-paid before 9/1/16. • Yoga for Every Body: All styles, all backgrounds, all ages, all levels of experience! • Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers yoga philosophy, history, Sanskrit, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, Slow Flow, Basic, more! • FREE Unlimited Yoga at THREE studios INCLUDED with Tuition (Rochester, Oxford & Port Huron). Visit the School Link at to download our brochure and application.

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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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UP TO THE MIC: Accident Angels: Injury Consultants * Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

I have the great pleasure of welcoming Accident Angels: Injury Consultants to Body Mind Spirit Radio. This show is hosted by the wonderful Renee Angel and airs weekly both Monday and Thursday from 7-8 p.m. Eastern Time. “Renee Angel offers testimonials, expert guests in Michigan, Auto No Fault Insurance Laws, Renee Angel’s knowledge and experience to help renew restore and rebuild the lives of individuals that have been in car accidents, educate all listeners on their rights and the benefits you deserve when in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident. Listen Live to learn about your rights benefits and opportunities and receive free advice!” Each show offers the unique opportunity for you as the listener to call in and ask questions not only about an accident that you have been in, but to also ask about insurance, how it works, what it can do, how to help someone in an accident, the best way to file your claim, handle doctors and more! Whether you have recently been in an accident, are still struggling with one, have questions about the law, know someone dealing with lack of insurance or has been in an accident then this show is for you! Renee opens each show up to YOU the callers and listeners and will take your questions live on the air or through the live chat room. Her goals and mission are to “ renew, revealed and restore individuals that have been in car accidents and our goal is to educate each individual on their insurance benefits when they are in an auto accident so they can have their four rights: The right of attorney, the right case manager, the right medical team, and the right insurance benefits. Guided by relentless focus on our clients receiving the benefits they deserve from their auto insurance carrier, we constantly strive to deliver: quality service to everyone of our clients, long term strategies and short-term actions, and core values that are shared by every member of your care team. We educate the client on insurance benefits they are entitled, resulting from an auto accident. Benefits you deserve: lost wages, attendant care, household services, medical transportation, and all medical injuries covered.”

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

Renee really has a heart of gold and is striving to help make a difference with not only a situation that happens but one that most individuals feel they know little about or do not know where to turn. She offers a uniquely wonderful service and is truly a gift to those in the community dealing with this struggle. Feel free to connect with her and know that she will take wonderful care of you. To connect with Renee or her team personally please visit her website at, call 855-392-6435 or venture to to listen to her shows in archive as well as join her Fan Club where you can connect and ask questions directly! If you would like to promote your business, expertise, products or services via radio by being interviewed or by hosting your own personal show, please feel free to email your request to

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August 2016

Verse of the Throne Ayat Al-Kursi, or the “verse of the Throne” is a famous and important verse of the Quran. It can be found at Surah/ Chapter 2, verse 255. This verse is known for its profound meaning, rhythmic and sublime language (in the original Arabic), and its inspiring and comforting message. The name, Ayat Al-Kursi, means “the verse of the Throne,” based on Allah’s Throne (dominion) which is described in the latter part of the verse. A few Benefits of reading Ayat Al-Kursi: Recite after every Salah (prayer) and the only thing that is separating you from paradise is death. Recite before sleeping and 1 angel will protect you the whole night. Ayat Al-Kursi In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful. Allah is He besides Whom there is no god, the Everliving, the Self-subsisting by Whom all subsist; slumber does not overtake Him nor sleep; whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth is His; who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they cannot comprehend anything out of His knowledge except what He pleases, His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the preservation of them both tires Him not, and He is the Most High, the Great. There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; therefore, whoever disbelieves in the Shaitan and believes in Allah he indeed has laid hold on the firmest handle, which shall not break off, and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. Allah is the guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light; and (as to) those who disbelieve, their guardians are Shaitans who take them out of the light into the darkness; they are the inmates of the fire, in it they shall abide. Submitted by: Waad Charara EDITOR’S NOTE: In Islam, the Devil is known as Shaitan and Allah is the Arabic word referring to God

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Farmington Farmers Market Celebrates “National Farmers Market Week” and Much More! By Walt Gajewski August 6th is the start of National Farmers Market Week! The timing here in Michigan works out perfectly, because if I had to choose one word to describe August in Michigan, it would be “abundance!” Michigan fields will soon be producing on an almost daily basis, including everyone’s favorite, Michigan sweet corn! Let’s also be grateful for field tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cucumbers, carrots, summer squash, green beans, beets, garlic, onions, kale, cauliflower, blackberries, blueberries, peaches and much more! Did you know that Michigan ranks second only to California in agricultural diversity? Yup. We boast over 54,000 working farms, altogether cultivating some 10 million acres of farmland. Kinda’ makes you want to buy your produce fresh off the farmer’s truck, doesn’t it? Here’s a tip if you’re coming to the Farmington Farmers Market for ‘fresh off the farm’ produce -- take some time to look around before you buy, and ask the farmer where his farm is located! Our farmers come from as far west as Coloma (south of Holland) in Michigan’s fruit belt. From the east, farmer Tou

Tammy Brown protects all your life’s moments

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August 2016

Xiong drives an hour and a half from Emmett, (North of Imlay City) to bring his produce to market. The distance between just these two farms is 217 miles! The soils, temperatures, rainfall and overall growing conditions are very different. This difference is evident in the variety and flavor of fruits and vegetables that are available at the Farmington Farmers Market. Remember the old saying, “It’s amazing what you can see by just looking.” You will also notice on your next visit to downtown Farmington that there is a new specialty grocer set to open – “The Fresh Thyme Farmers Market”, a 28,000 square foot store located literally steps away from our weekly Saturday market. Together, we have formed a partnership that seeks to make Saturdays “market day” in downtown Farmington. Fresh Thyme is this year’s presenting sponsor of our city’s weekly Saturday outdoor farmers market, and is eager to win your trust with their service, price and quality. I have been personally working with the store’s incoming team and they are the nicest people – having contributed to the market’s annual health awareness fair and to our local servicemen at our recent annual 4th of July celebration. The store’s grand opening is set for August 17 (Wednesday), and in addition to a wide array of nationally grown produce there is also meat, seafood, dairy, bulk oils, nuts, grains and more! Come make downtown Farmington part of your Saturday

life experience. Here in our quaint community you can shop local stores, stroll the market, dine al fresco…. we like to call it, “Saturday life in a Michigan small town.” Speaking of small towns, please mark your calendars for Saturday, August 13. This is the date of our 10th Annual Farmers Market Corn Roast, hosted by the Farmington Elks. Each year for this event, our farmers donate corn to the Elks who in turn will shuck, charcoal roast, season and serve some of this savory Michigan seasonal treat. The event will get underway with live music at 10am. All proceeds go to charity. Here’s wishing all of you a delightful rest of your summer. It has been busy, I know, but make time for beautiful Michigan sunsets, a sit on the front porch, an evening stroll through your neighborhood and a visit to downtown Farmington on Saturday mornings. We’ll have the coffee on! Gratefully, Walt Gajewski, Market Manager The Farmington Farmers Market is free and open to the public, located at the corner of Grand River and Grove Street in downtown Farmington, every Saturday 9am- 2pm, through November 5. For more information about the market please visit: www. Farmington Farmers Market Celebrates “National Farmers Market Week” and Much More!

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry Integrative Mental Health and Neurobehavioral Therapy


Depression and Anxiety through a scientific lens


Doctors and Practitioners

PRESENTATIONS BY Dr. Dorit Ben-Ami Dr. Richard Linsk




At Shalva we are bridging traditional and alternative approaches while offering comprehensive treatment plans and state-of-the-art clinical/medical diagnostics.

RSVP: (248) 327-7175

21751 W. 11 Mile Road, Suite 105 ▪ Southfield

BLOWOUT SALE! Featuring Fashion:

By Susan Martinez Anxiety and depression have become an epidemic. These days, we are caught in an onslaught of electronic messages, out-of-control sleep schedules and demands for our time, unmet expectations, debt, toxins and isolation. It is apparent our bodies were not conditioned for these extremes as we see a rise in the need for mental health services. In the past when it became dark, we would go to sleep. In the morning, we would use our bodies. What we ate came out of the ground rather than the laboratory. In the evening we would join our community for support and entertainment. Such a lifestyle is no longer available. People use up their reserves of energy, connection, and hope. These cannot be replaced with pills. And medication is less likely to work if the person taking them is out of balance. At Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry we recognize the many dimensions of health and offer our clients many dimensions of treatment. Each client brings different strengths and stressors and not all are ready to address all their needs at one time. We work with our clients to help them plot their own path to wellness. Beginning at 7p.m., Aug. 25, Drs. Dorit Ben-Ami and Richard Linsk will give visitors tools to deal with these stressful times during an Open House. Our office, located at 21751 W. 11 Mile Rd., Southfield, will be open to the general public, patients and their families, mental health professionals, primary care physicians, neurologists, and clinicians.



Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry, Open House, Aug. 25


We will have clothes, jewelry, purses, bags, scarves, singing bowls, books, tingsha, and more from Nepal.

Yak & Yeti a fair trade company

offering clothing and handicrafts from The Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal

*Must Mention this Ad. *Restrictions apply. *See store for details. *Valid 08/12 thru 08/14 ONLY


Visit Our Event Calendar Online At:

As always, visitors will also be given a chance to visit oneon-one with our team of therapists, psychologists, nurse practitioners and neurofeedback technicians to learn about the various integrative approaches, services and support on the road to mental health. For a complete list of clinicians on hand, visit our website at At Shalva Psychiatry, we provide exceptional state-of-the-art mental health services geared to identifying the biochemical component of your illness, as well as addressing the mindbody component for complete integrative wellness. Our team will work with you to help you regain your balance, bringing harmony back into your life. Our administrative staff stays responsive to the vital needs of

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August 2016

patients while extending hospitality, care and professionalism, making the total experience both relaxed and invigorating. Our services include Integrative Psychiatry utilizing both conventional and alternative approaches, advanced diagnostic neurotransmitter and pharmacogenomics testing, quantitative EEG brain mapping and neurofeedback training, psychiatrists and clinical professionals specializing in treating a wide array of conditions, nutrition and allergy support, play therapy, creative art expression, Meditation Stations using infra-red biomats to relieve pain, stress and tension, educational evenings, group and family sessions, and naturopathic medicine as well as homeopathic medicine and supplements to support optimal brain and body wellness. For questions regarding the Open House, please call Susan Martinez at: 248-327-7175. Susan Martinez has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications/Journalism and is in the process of completing her certification as an Institute of Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and ACE trainer. She began with Dr. Ben-Ami in her private practice in April 2011 and serves on the Administrative Team at Shalva, which got its official start in 2015.

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •

Buying Local By Mary Hughes Little Truths is built upon two very important ideals, one which is, “Buy Local”. At the most basic level, when you buy local more money stays in the community. You might also discover that buying close to home is more than a feel-good experience, and that it’s worth paying more for local products. A number of researchers and organizations are taking a closer look at how money flows, and what they’re finding shows the profound economic impact of keeping money in town—and how the fate of many communities around the nation and the world increasingly depend on this approach. Here at Little Truths, we incorporate buying local into our business model; we support Bella’s Creations of Novi, Coventry Creations of Ferndale, Incense Bottles by Amanda of Northern Michigan, Commerce Isabel & Chloe Rep Kelly Stergiadis, Essential Oils & Services by Rheisa Barres of Milford, Thistle Down Soaps of Commerce, Twisted Willow Soaps of Detroit, and Jewelry by Kelly Wittenberg of Highland. In addition, we offer Classes, Events and Workshops presented by local Certified Teachers. Secondly, on a global level, we purchase products that are Fair Trade which reduce poverty, encourage environmentally friendly production methods and safeguard humane working conditions. Whenever possible, we use wholesalers that are hands-on and travel to Chile, India, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Tibet. Stop in and visit our store and see for yourself, our wonderful selection of products and services! This month we are featuring Yak & Yeti, a Fair Trade company that specializes in ethnic clothing and handicrafts from the Himalayan kingdom of Nepal. Yak & Yeti is a family owned business whose philosophy is to treat their producers and customers like family. They work closely with the family in Nepal that manages operations there to make sure that their products are made by employees who are treated well and are compensated fairly. Their compassion, care and attention to detail is what makes Yak & Yeti designs so unique, beautiful, current and innovative!

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 11

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Should Not Be Confused With Colliodal Metallic Minerals Which Come From Ancient Sea Beds, Clay, Ground Up Rocks And Soil

“You can trace every sickness, every disease & every aliment to a mineral deficiency.“ Linus Pauing, Nobel Prize Winner

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contain a natural assortment which range from

A to Z on the mineral list.

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August 2016

Boost Your Health With Coconut Oil! By John Chetcuti Coconut oil has hundreds of uses and its health benefits have been well documented. Research suggests that it has anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties (1, 2); some studies have shown that inflammation and oxidative stress decreased more in people who consumed coconut oil, compared to people who consumed other oils (2, 3). In tropical climates such as Polynesia, Sri Lanka and the Yucatan where they have a diet high in coconut oil, the people are healthier, have less heart disease, cancer and colon problems than unsaturated fat eaters. It is now accepted that there is good cholesterol and there are good saturated fats. (5). Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil (Cold Pressed): 1. Thyroid-stimulating. Research shows that coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids which stimulate the metabolism, giving you more energy. (3, 4). 2. Keeps candida in check. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid which is known to kill off excess candida by targeting harmful bacteria. (2, 4, 5). 3. Lowers cholesterol. It protects your heart by reducing total cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. (2, 5). 4. Helps with weight loss. Even though it is a fat, it actually

helps with weight loss. (6). The healthy medium-chain fatty acids do not circulate in the bloodstream like other fats; they are sent directly to the liver and are converted into energy. Thus, the body does not store coconut oil as fat. It uses it to produce energy instead. (3, 4, 6). 5. Helps keep diabetes in check. Does not produce an insulin spike in your bloodstream. Instead, it helps in controlling blood sugar by improving the secretion of insulin. (2). 6. Reduces heart disease. Studies on people in the Pacific Islands found that they had nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease if their total caloric intake of fully saturated coconut oil was 30% to 60%. (7). 7. Supports the immune system. It is rich in lauric acid, a nutrient that helps the body fight illness. (2, 8). 8. Nourishing for the brain. Studies show that it improves cognitive function, and stalls or even reverses neurodegenerative diseases in their early stages. It has also been shown to help with Alzheimer’s Disease. (9). You can read about the numerous research studies done on coconut oil at And if you’re looking for a high-quality coconut oil supplement, I highly recommend DEVA Virgin Coconut Oil capsules. They’re organic, cold-pressed, unrefined, and the capsules are made from plant cellulose, instead of the commonly used gelatin. All DEVA Products are 100% vegan and are registered by the Vegan Society, the nonprofit organization that actually invented the word “vegan”. 1. 2. coconut-research/ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Mary G. Enig, Ph.D. “Health and Nutritional Benefits from Coconut Oil: An Important Functional Food for the 21st Century” Presented at the AVOC Lauric Oils Symposium, Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, 25 April 1996 9. John Chetcuti is a vegan of 29 years and owner of Atom’s Green Market, a natural products wholesaler. He was president and co-founder of the Michigan Vegan Society and is currently studying plant-based nutrition at Cornell University. Retailers, for wholesale information, call (313)300-7709

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 13

Small Friends with Big Jobs By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. The human body is a technological masterpiece that is home to a vast variety of friendly microorganisms. These microorganisms keep us alive, well, and mentally stable. When the natural ecosystem within the body becomes altered through the consumption of unnatural foods, drugs, pharmaceuticals, and stress, the expression of our genes is negatively influenced. Assaulted with unfamiliar, toxic substances, our health and everything that goes along with it is often lost. Fortunately, I know of a few friends that have earned a reputation for helping improve health! Before introducing them, let’s look at how stress takes a toll on the body’s ecosystem. Our basic internal programming has kept us safe for many thousands of years. When life is calm, the adrenal glands produce 30 to 40 different hormones, which control digestion, body repair, and the immune system. When under stress, the body goes into what’s commonly referred to as “fight or flight.” Whenever we are threatened or even feel threatened by something, this response kicks in to help ensure our survival. In “fight or flight” mode, the body redirects its energy to run only key body systems. Digestion stops, the immune system shuts down, and hormones are altered. To understand what’s happening in this scenario, think about how the Captain in Star Trek or the Commander in Charge in a typical space drama directs the crew to run 100% of the spacecraft’s power - other than basic life support - to the shields and weapons when under attack. In the past, the biggest immediate

threats were from large predators looking for a meal - and our ancestors were on the menu! In the early days, hunting tools were primitive and it’s likely that most animals were so enormous that running from them was a wise choice. Since unnecessary body systems were shut down, their energy was rerouted to fight their predator or run as quickly as possible to stay alive and fight another day. In today’s world we have different threats. The big animals that used to be threats have been replaced by the tiniest of things that can hardly be seen. It seems ironic that one of the biggest threats to our health in today’s world are microbes, also called germs. Do you see a problem here? As stated earlier, our instinctual response is to shut down all body systems, including the immune system, when feeling threatened or stressed. In the case when the threat is a microbe or a germ, we may be even more susceptible to being invaded by these germs because the body’s natural defense has been turned off by being in the “fight or flight” response mode. If this scenario seems perplexing, I agree. However, I suggest that you do not resort to fear. Have you heard of the rule that says, Whatever you fear will come to visit you - and what you don’t fear will have little interest in you? This is where I’m going to tell you about the friends we can call on to help us deal with stress, as well as germs and viruses. Our gastrointestinal system is

a host to good bacteria, commonly referred to as probiotics. They outnumber the cells of our own body by approximately ten to one in a healthy person. They protect us from bad bacteria, produce vitamins, provide true life support, and do not shut down when we feel threatened. We cannot be functionally healthy without them. It is estimated that there are over 400 different kinds, each with a special function that keeps us both healthy, safe, happy and sane. The idea of probiotics is not new. Every culture has been eating fermented cultured foods throughout recorded history. We come into the world free of all kinds of bacteria, having been under the protection of our mother’s immune system. As we exit through the birth canal, nature’s first miracle is bestowed upon us as we are inoculated (given) good bacteria from our mothers’. However, this does not take place to the same degree in a Cesarean section delivery (according to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, MD.) The next set of good bacteria (probiotics) comes when friends and relatives hug and kiss the new baby. This is so important for the child and is part of our natural survival mechanism. Perhaps this is why most people can hardly resist doing this. I know this is a happy part of caring for my new little patients. We also see kids being naturally affectionate when receiving this life protecting gift. Then, as we go through the next stages of life, we play in the dirt and eat and handle things that make most adults cringe. Luckily, all of these things continue to add to the body’s probiotic library. Over fifty years ago, Dr. Royal Lee knew that it was necessary to eat real food for probiotics to grow and live successfully in our bodies. Even back then, food was already starting to be altered to the point that gut health

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August 2016

was being negatively affected. His research led him to the development of a pre-biotic that turned carbohydrates in the gut into a lactic acid environment to support healthy bacteria and push out bad organisms, such as Candida albicans. Modern research has led to the development of specific probiotics that can freshen your breath, support your gums and teeth, protect you from the effects of antibiotic therapy, reduce and/or eliminate allergies, reduce the risk of autoimmune disease, reduce post heart attack symptoms, help with depression and anxiety, reduce the effects of diabetes, help correct leaky gut associated with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, and much more. Come to our informative workshop to learn more and find out if any of these (modern) designer probiotics can help you. Perhaps you’ll make some new friends! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years of experience helping people improve their health. Join Dr. Karl on Thursday, August 25, at 7pm to learn more about specific probiotics and pre-biotics, and how they are used to target specific health concerns. RSVP: 734-425-8220. For more information, see

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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 15

Refreshed As a Warm Summer Breeze By David Krajovic No matter how hot or humid, everyone appreciates the refreshing feel of a warm summer breeze. When the air is stagnant and hot, it can become uncomfortable. Nothing seems to move or want to move. The summer breeze brings movement and with movement comes renewal, energy and revitalization. One of the reasons it feels so good is because the air is moving and movement brings energy. Movement also brings a cooling affect through evaporation. But there is more. Within air there is oxygen. Oxygen is vital for life. Air also contains another invisible force, Prana. Prana is life force, and it too is vital for life. A Limited Breath Limits Life: On a hot summer day without the breeze, life seems to stand still, nothing happens. The breeze wakes up life. It feels good. And so it is when you do not breathe. In these cases, very little oxygen and life force is accessed by you. You feel lethargic, have less energy and stagnation will set in leading to illness. Now, I am sure everyone is saying, That is not me, I breathe just fine. But such is not the case. Over 95% of the population breathes at less than half their breath capacity. While breathing this way you may be surviving but you are not thriving. A limited breath, limits your life. And so it is that when you breathe openly you bring in more energy and feel invigorated. Hope is found and faith is renewed. The breath, like a summer breeze, invigorates and energizes. A Conscious Breath Removes Limitation: A summer breeze can also clear away debris. The more volume there is in the wind, the more debris is removed. This is how it is with your breath. The more you consciously open up your breath to breathe openly and surrender; the more thoughts of limitation, negativity, unworthiness and other heavy energies will be removed from your energy field. You will feel lighter and more invigorated, similar to when the summer breeze caresses your skin. The Breath Is Now: On a hot humid day, not only are you sedentary but you wonder when it will end. It is hard to stay focused. Your body is uncomfortable and the mind will wonder

to other things such as when relief will arrive. When the breeze comes, it immediately puts you back into the body, right here, right now to enjoy the breeze. You are not somewhere else in your mind. The breath, similarly, puts you in the present moment. In fact, there is nothing you can do that is so simple, so easy to put yourself in the present moment than to focus on your breath. Since everything happens in the Eternal Now, conscious breathing can become a very simple yet very powerful spiritual practice. The Breath Awakens: If there has been no breeze and all of a sudden one appears, you awaken, you are more alert. It is the same with the breath. When you begin to breathe consciously, you awaken your consciousness to truth. You no longer allow the unconscious to rule you as a puppet repeating the same behaviors and habits over and over feeling stuck, like your life is in a rut and there is no way out. A rut is nothing more than a grave with the sides kicked out. The Are No Coincidences: The analogy between conscious connected breathing and a summer breeze is not a coincidence. It was perfectly designed by the Creator for you to witness and choose. Choose what? We are all at choice. We have free will. The Divine cannot interfere without our asking. We can choose to live with limitation and lack and say that life happens to us and there is nothing we can do. Or, we can choose to be renewed in this moment. Each breath is new and present. Breathe Deep. Breathe Fully. Choose to Breathe in all the good that Life has to offer. A suppressed breath is one that chooses to push life away. An open breath is one that supports life and welcomes all the good that the Creator has conceived through an infinite filed of wonderful possibilities. Such beauty, such good, such bliss, such love is waiting for us if we but choose.

Please join David and Pat for their FREE Mindfulness Meditation: Refreshed As A Summer Breeze on Wednesday, August 17, via www., and for their annual Weekend Getaway and Retreat at the Inn at the Rustic Gate where they will facilitate your pathway within to shed the weight of the Body, Mind and Emotional burdens, on August 19-21. David Krajovic MBA, CPA, CMT, and his wife Pat have created a new body of work combining contemporary and ancient teachings designed to help you ascend above limitation and access the human potential. They offer programs that gently yet powerfully peel away these obstructions so you can realize happiness, good health, peace, prosperity and spirituality. 734-416-5200 or

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August 2016

Keeping Our Aura Strong Using Crystals By Jennifer VanderWal Our auras are energy fields surrounding us that help protect us from being overwhelmed. They help us deal with all kinds of change. Because our auras help us deal with change, it is important to keep our auras clear so that we can flow and deal with all change occurring in our life. Our auras make changes and adjustments in our auric fields and chakras, helping us prepare for the change. If we feel heavy or overwhelmed, our auras are full and need to be cleared so that they can make the healthy adjustments we need emotionally, mentally, energetically, and physically. Our auras are constantly picking up and absorbing others’ thoughts and feelings, along with other lower vibrational energies that need to be cleared out. When our auras are healthy, not full of lower vibrational energies, it is easier to maintain our physical health. When our auras are strong, we are more protected, able to deal easily with change and not picking up on others’ thoughts and feelings as much. It is imperative to our health and well-being for us to keep our auras healthy and strong. In the type of healing work that I do, I work with seven auras that are connected with our seven chakras. In two of these seven auras, we have etheric templates which are energetic maps that our physical body reads from. To create a more effective healing, the blueprint can be changed in these etheric maps so that the physical body is reading from a healthy map and the body is following along. For example, if my client has weak kidneys, I’ll go into the etheric maps and clear the kidneys and visualize them in a whole, healthy functioning state again. This way, the physical body is reading from the new healthy map and healing the kidneys.

energy, so they are excellent for clearing and strengthening the aura. Holding quartz crystals for 15 minutes puts our mind in a beta stare, which is normally obtained through long meditation. You will need two quartz crystals. Place one crystal in your left hand pointing inward, or up toward the head. Our left hand is usually our receiving hand and energy flows into us in our left hand. In the right hand, place the crystal pointing downward toward the feet. Our right hand gives energy. Hold the crystals for 15 minutes while quietly focusing on your breath. You will feel all the lower vibrational energy being cleared and your aura filling with radiant white light. You will also feel calmer, more peace of mind, protected, balanced and energized. This is a great meditation to do in the sun because the sun is so great for clearing and charging our auras as well, with focused intention. Because quartz crystal amplifies all energies, it will amplify the clearing and recharging of the sun. Our auras connect us with everyone, they are the web of life. Everything has an aura and we are all connected within our auras and energetic bodies. We truly are one with everything. Have fun! Jennifer VanderWal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor and Facilitator since 2004. She is a Master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoku system of Reiki since 1999. She is a spiritual counselor, teaches crystal healing classes, and offers a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center in Plymouth.

We also have mental and emotional auras. These are where we hold our thoughts, emotions and concerns for others. The aura closest to the skin is the etheric template; this is one of the maps for the physical body. After the etheric template is our emotional body aura and then the mental body. When people see colors in the aura, it is actually the thoughts and feelings ridding on the mental body grid. In one sense, we are like those fish at the deep parts of the oceans that flash colors to each other. Our feelings and thoughts are a vibration so they show up in our auras as colors. It is helpful to keep our auras clear so that we don’t feel bogged down, heavy or overwhelmed. Smudging with white sage has actually been scientifically proven to transmute positive ions to negative. We should be smudging every day, especially when we come home from work or have been around a lot of people. There is another way we can use crystals to help maintain auric strength and health. Quartz crystals emit a white light August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 17

What Would You Like To Know? By Phil Rosenbaum If you’ve read some of my previous articles, you know that hypnosis can be helpful for a great number of issues. Often, people use it to quit smoking, to lose excess weight, to reduce anxiety, or to better deal with stress, just to name a few of its many applications. However, did you know that hypnosis can also be used to get important answers to questions you may have? Perhaps you’ve heard of Edgar Cayce. If so, you know that he was able to go into a trance state and get information from what has been called the Akashic records, or Universal Mind. This is like a giant cosmic computer that has records of every person and every life they have ever lived. It also contains information about why you came to earth and what your purpose is. Many of us have important questions to which we would like answers. The answers to your questions can be found in the Akashic records. However, unless you had access to these records, they would be of no use to you. Fortunately, there are ways one can extract this extremely valuable information from this source. Practically everything you want to know can be found here. What questions would you like answered? Would you like to know why you are here? Perhaps you’d like to find out if you are in the right career, or if not, what kind of work you should be doing. Should you go back to school? Should you move to another location? Are you with the right person, or when will you meet the right person? Do you have some kind of illness and want to find out why you have this problem, as well as the best way to overcome it? Are you continually having financial problems and want to learn why this keeps happening, and what you can do to improve the situation? Did something traumatic happen to you in the past that is still affecting you now? If so, would you like to find out why it happened and what

is the best course of action for you to take to be free of the lingering effects? Do you have unwanted habits and addictions? Would you like to know why you have these problems and how to best rid yourself of the addictions? Are you overweight and want to know how to lose the excess weight and keep it off? Perhaps there are other problems for which you’d like additional insight. Questions about important issues dealing with stress, anxiety, health, and relationships can be answered by accessing the Akashic records. The guides or masters will answer practically any question you may have for them; these masters or guides are intimately acquainted with your situation and can advise you on why you are having the problems you are experiencing, and the best course of action to take to eliminate these problems. All questions will be answered as long as it is in your best interest. I hope you are beginning to see how tremendously valuable this information can be. It can be life transforming. The question is, how do you gain access to this powerful resource and get the answers you are seeking? Although there may be other ways to acquire this information, one very effective means is through hypnosis. Hypnosis allows you to reach such a relaxed state, that you are able to make contact with the guides or masters and ask them the pressing questions that are of such concern. Anita Moorjani, who had a near death experience, wrote in Dying to Be Me, that when she was on the “other side” she could see why all the events in her life occurred, including why she got cancer. She was also able to come back and cure her cancer. Obviously the “other side” is a remarkable resource which can improve the quality of your life. Hypnosis can help you make this connection. Phil Rosenbaum If you would like to learn more about this lifechanging form of hypnosis, please call Phil Rosenbaum at the Self-Esteem Academy. Call:the phone number is 248-688-6469. We are also offering a special sale this month!


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18 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

Universal Life Energy By Nancy Lynn When you really think about it, life is incredible. We have one universe, over 300 billion stars in the Milky Way, and about one hundred billion planets. Yet somehow, by some extraordinary way, the universe found a perfect balance of elements that made it possible for us humans to inhabit this wonderful planet we call, home. The earth is in perfect harmony with the sun and other planets which allows us to breathe, grow plants and use natural resources all so that we can continue to go about our daily lives. The universe itself is hard enough to wrap our brains around, however, let’s review the extraordinary complexity of our body. You have one heart that continually pumps blood to feed, filter and clean your body, and a brain that fires millions of tiny neurons in order to give your muscles commands, some of which are the ability to speak, walk and make decisions. This is a truly miraculous system that works together as one of the most complex machines on earth. If you ever take a look at how a child is able to go from the size of an infant to a fullgrown adult, that alone is evidence of a miracle. Scientist credit the creation of our universe to a concept called, the big bang theory. According to research, it states that the universe once fit into the size of a coffee mug, then one day exploded outwards to create our ever expanding universe. However, I would like to contribute the thought that everything in existence comes from a concept called, universal life energy. It is the very foundation of our being. Universal life energy houses the soul, our emotions and feelings; just like everything else in the universe it is typically harmonious as it is subject to possible stagnation. This spiritual science states that all energy in the universe stems from one

source. In Japan it is referred to as “Ki”, the Chinese know it is as “Chi” and Egyptians call it “Sekham”. Even though the names are different, the concept is consistent from all corners of the world as to what the bio-plasmic energy, soul, spirit energy or Aura uses to manifest the greater connection. How does this play into our lives? We have effectively used this in healing practices such as: Reiki, Reflexology, stone and crystals and many more. These forms of healing are used on the body to align and cleanse the energy fields; not just to increase the flow, as much as opening them up to create a smooth and balanced flow of energy. This can be done by repatterning, reconstructing and/or enhancing the flow of energy. The goal is to have balance and free flowing energy and a stronger connection with one’s higher self. By tapping into the universal energy, we are also connecting with the universal consciousness. Since all minds are connected, we are all part of the same energy. We all have access to this vast database of information, like one giant computer of universal knowledge. Universal knowledge is simply a collection of frequencies, just like any other, that we can learn to access, ask questions, and receive our answers. Though it can and does at times come in code, as we grow, we become better and better at programming and understanding this universal knowledge and its language. Isn’t it miraculous that we have the ability to use this pool of intelligence to our advantage? It is a perfect example of how our worlds and lives combine to form a harmonious union between the body and soul. Nancy Lynn Take one of our workshops and we will help you discover more about yourself and show you step by step how to do it on your own. I’m not claiming that this workshop is going to make anyone an expert, though we hope that it will give you a nudge in the right direction. For info please go to our website at or email us at blueraven318@ or please contact me Nancy at 571-989-2408.

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P a g e 19

Cosmic Teachings for the New Age


TUESDAY, AUGUST 16 – 1:00-2:00 PM Radio Show: Aetherius Radio Live With Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze SATURDAY, AUGUST 27–1:30-4:00 PM- $15 Class: The Practice of the Presence Join with visiting Spiritual Teacher/Bishop, Brian Keneipp, in this Class of mystic visualization which will help inspire, uplift and heal you. THURSDAY, SEPT. 8— 7:30-9:00 PM- $10 Lecture: Earth Attunement-Reconnecting with Earth's Energies Join with author/international speaker, Chrissie Blaze in this Lecture which includes Astrology – Visualization – Sacred Rituals - Healing


Live Life as an Empowered Soul By Marybeth Rombach Nelson Know that you are capable of everything you set your mind to! You are an empowered soul. We all have days when we doubt ourselves and think we can’t accomplish our goals; allow yourself to view the whole picture of what you want to do. Make a list of action steps toward your goals; accomplishing small goals daily toward your big goal will empower you to go for it. As you check things off your list of things to do, pat yourself on the back and feel good about what you have accomplished. Slow down and listen to your soul in those quiet moments that you give yourself to reflect upon what you want out of life and where you are going. Take action on the little nudges your soul gives you, guiding you on life decisions--knowing and believing that you truly are capable of anything you set your mind to. The more you trust your intuition and inner guidance, the more you embrace your life as the empowered soul that you truly are.

All are welcome to our Spiritual Services. These include chanting of mantra, prayers, visualization, channeled Cosmic Wisdom, teaching Addresses, and more.

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Affirmation I listen to my inner guidance. I am capable of all of my goals. I allow my soul to guide me daily. I embrace my internal power and wisdom. I am an empowered soul. I believe, I receive and I’m so very grateful. - Marybeth


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Learn About Your Future and Heal Your Past Readings Include: Intuitive Impressions of Your Future, Angel Cards, Karma, Spiritual Development, Soul’s Purpose, Birth Card Reading and an

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Angels, Near Death Experience, Your Soul’s Path, Fairies & Sprites

Angels, Near Death Experience, Your Soul’s Path, Fairies & Sprites

20 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

Love Will Always Win

out into the world for, believe me, this is the only solution.

By Chrissie Blaze

Politics is not the answer. It does make a difference what you and I do from this moment on. Let us never sell ourselves short. Let us never think for one moment that our efforts don’t count. Let us never doubt ourselves and above all, let us never ever believe that fear is the answer. It is courage that is needed now; the courage of our spiritual convictions. And then to courageously realize that it is we bold, spiritual peacemakers who are the ones who will transform our world. We can do this through living our spiritual beliefs; through our prayers, our service to others, our healing.

This is not the article I had planned. Thirty minutes before I was about to write this article there was yet another terrorist attack in France. As of writing, 84 people have been killed and 100 injured in Nice by a truck driver who ploughed into the crowds with intent to murder as many people as possible. We offer our deep condolences and heartfelt prayers to those who are suffering at this time of great tragedy for us all. For the vast majority of people on this planet, these acts of terror are unthinkable; they are terrible, and we wonder how could anyone do these things? How can people slaughter innocent lives, destroying families and the sanity of our world? We hear about the attacks in the US and Europe but thousands more are carried out in countries all over the world that we do not hear about. The question is: “What do we do?” Most people are kind and decent and offer help and prayers when a crisis occurs. We only have to think back to 9/11 when people were inspired to help, to serve, to heal, to pray, to give – to do whatever it took to help the survivors, the families of the deceased, the firemen and the police. There was a wonderful feeling of solidarity based on love. There was no pretense. It was genuine. And then after a few months, the world returned to “normal”. This pattern is no longer good enough. As spiritually-minded people, we know that tit for tat isn’t the solution. This has been the way for thousands of years and however justified we may feel in killing the people who are killing us, this never-ending cycle of hatred will never bring peace. There is, however, enough evidence that prayer works, for one thing and believe me, prayer is a most strategic tool when used correctly. It was on 9/11 that my husband, Gary and I, alone on a sacred mountain praying for peace and healing when the tragedy occurred, first had the inspiration for our book, Power Prayer. We wanted to give people a technique they could use that would heal and help those suffering. These were not just our opinions but were backed up by case studies and scientific evidence. The prayer solution still applies today – even more so. Now is the time, just as it was after 9/11, to attend your Church, or Temple, or Mosque, or Synagogue – or the Spiritual Services we hold at The Aetherius Society - and pray your heart out for those who need solace, strength and healing. Send your love

As Marianne Williamson said, “There is only one thing more powerful than a brotherhood based on hate, and that is a brotherhood based on love.” This is not a brotherhood based on what religion you are, what race you are, or where you are born. It is a brotherhood based on the fact that we are all living on Planet Earth and for us, readers of the Body Mind Spirit Guide, we have one thing in common – we are students of spirituality. I think at this time of great crisis on our Planet, we have to do better. We have to not just be interested in spirituality, we have to take our spirituality to new heights and really live it with all our hearts and all our souls. My Spiritual Master and Founder of The Aetherius Society, the late Dr. George King, said in the 1960s that there is only one energy crisis on this planet – that is the spiritual energy crisis. It is this lack of spiritual energy – or the energy called “L-OV-E” - that is in short supply and, because it is, we have chaos, disease, war, hatred. The more we pour our love into the world through prayer, through healing, through Service, the more we can adjust the balance. It is only when we have a world where there is more love than hatred that we will win. This is our battle and our challenge for the future of this planet. Chrissie Blaze is an author of eleven books including Power Prayer, co-author Gary Blaze and Foreword by Marianne Williamson. She is an international speaker, radio show host and ordained priest in The Aetherius Society. She was a long-time close student of the Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King.

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 21

The Pleasures of the Unexpected By Eve Wilson Like a cool breeze caressing your skin on hot day, or the call of an owl late at night; the pleasures of the unexpected are a joy to be courted, invited, sought out, cherished. They remind us of why we love our lives and our world, take the drudge out of drudgery, and can make a day worth living. Here are some of my favorite unexpected pleasures:

with Leslie Blackburn 313.269.6719 Individual and couples coaching, group classes, workshops, retreats

The double rainbow at a wedding that strangely predicts twins - to be the challenge and the joy of the young couple; the flash of red from a ruby hummingbird’s throat; rainbows on my eyelashes; the sweet and fresh combination of flower and evergreen arriving at my nose; a burst of sweet and tart on tongue from a wild berry; the shadow of a hawk overhead followed by its cry; dappled sunlight on grass; a perfect reflection on water. I spend time in nature without expectation, courting unexpected beauty and joy, to soothe and refresh my soul. But the pleasures of the unexpected can meet us anywhere. Things like laughter after a good cry, friendship after loneliness, amazing/delicious/alive food after too much fast food and hohum, a glimpse of God seen in another’s eye, the sense of a

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August 2016

loved one that passed on from this world - brushing by your soul and confirming that we are eternal, the re-emergence of romance to a marriage temporarily distracted by life, an adult child startling us with their emerging sense of self and wisdom – the fruit of a long ago love. When I feel burdened or stuck, and I get tired of pushing through and using up my spirit’s last grains of hope and pleasure to accomplish some end, I seek the unexpected, and allow myself to welcome life to be born anew in my experience. Then I remember that I can do that in my daily work as well. I seek the magic, the sweet, the kind, the generous, the patient, the bawdy, the outrageous, or silly. Spirit flows within the unexpected in life. Untethering my soul and my work from the push and pull of striving, I can allow it to flow like the currents of fresh air that are moving in the moment, and I am reborn. My work becomes as organic as a ripe tomato from the Farmer’s Market. My own efforts become a pleasure and a dance. I find love in everything that I do. Life throws us a lot of curve balls, spit balls, fast balls, hard balls; life can be hard. But we can respond with softness, like living tai chi that takes the energy life throws at us, and directs it in ways that gives us power, strength and energy for life. Or we can resist, judge, fear, and falter under the weight of things. I like to flow, trust, to live this saga of a life like a ballad – turn it all into something beautiful. Eve Wilson Eve Wilson, Director of The Healer Development Program, is a full-time spiritual healer, teacher and author. Visit her website for appointments, classes and the Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Her new book, Riding the Wave of Change- Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, is coming soon on Balboa Press.

Using Our Will to Create a Joyful Life By Faith Brower Will is the ability to choose, decide, lead, determine; it is the directing power of our mind. We are using our will all the time! We think a certain way, choose a course of action, and say things based on how we are feeling and thinking. We use our will to fight, flee, love, hate, set goals, or wish for something to happen or appear. It all seems pretty straight forward. I am in control of how I feel and act because I have the power of WILL. But I have a question - If we use our will or our “directing power of our mind” to determine what goes on in our lives, then why do we feel angry, disappointed, or crappy sometimes? People are mean sometimes. Life doesn’t always feel like a bowl of cherries. We can’t expect to get what we want a lot of the time. The answer I am learning is - We have a CHOICE about how we are feeling every day, in fact, every moment. In order

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail.

to feel happy, we have to consciously use our will to think positively and to feel happy/peaceful/at ease/ in joy etc., irrespective of what is going on around us. Each morning we need to wake up saying and knowing we are going to have a joy-filled day and are so grateful for all the blessings we do have. We cannot act like puppets, reacting and making decisions based on what’s happening in our lives. Instead, we can use our will to DECIDE to feel happy, peace, harmony, and prosperity--no matter what. The rewards of using the power of our mind consciously, rather than reacting to circumstances, people or things, are great. It takes determination each day to set our intentions and use our will to feel abundant health, happiness, joy, peace, harmony and prosperity. I am deciding, starting tomorrow morning, to use my will wisely to create the life that I want. Faith Brower Faith is President of Unity of Farmington Hills, an Empowerment Center of love, music to rock your soul, and laughter. UFH has served and empowered those searching for the Truth for over 18 years. Join us on Sundays at 10a.m., 32500 W. 13 Mile Rd.

Publication must be promised.

Gratefully J.R. - Wixom, MI.

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 23

Losing Weight Made Easy It’s Magical… I lost 110 lbs. with bariatric surgery, but 6 mos. later I gained back 90 lbs. The problem is the doctors never told me how to eat to keep the weight off. I tried everything to get the weight off again, but there was nothing that worked. I read about Dr. Reggish and made an appointment. Dr. Reggish taught me how to eat healthy. His program was easy and the first week I lost 15 lbs. Even after my surgery I never lost this much the first week. I’ve been on Dr. Reggish’s program now for 4 mos. and have lost 100 lbs. I’ve lost the 90 lbs that I gained back plus another 10 lbs. I now have a total loss of 120 lbs., but now I know how to keep it off and I feel healthy. I didn’t feel healthy after the bariatric surgery. Dr. Reggish has been a true answer to my prayers. Betty M., Davisburg, MI. I read about Dr. Reggish and decided to try his program. My first week I lost 7 lbs. and didn’t follow his program exactly but the second week I lost an amazing 12 lbs. and realized that Doc knows what he’s talking about. I’ve been on his program now for 5 weeks and have lost a total of 52lbs. All my muscle pains are gone and now I can breathe and sleep better. Thank you Dr. Reggish and God Bless You. Sharon B., Detroit, MI. My friend told me about Dr. Reggish after losing 85 lbs. on his program. She didn’t seem to have a hard time doing it. She was going to get bariatric surgery but her mother talked her out of it and I’m so glad she did. So far I’ve been doing his program for 6 weeks and I have lost 65 lbs. I love my new body and haven’t felt this good since I was 18. Thank you Doc for all you’ve done. Patty D., Roseville, MI. I’ve been on Dr. Reggish’s Holistic Wellness program for 4 weeks and I have lost 38lbs. It’s been easy, I’m sleeping better and I have lots more energy. I’m so glad that I did Dr. Reggish’s nutritional and spinal exams for $45. I am a very happy person. I owe it all to Dr. Reggish. Linda P., Hamburg, MI.

I’ve been hearing and reading about Dr. Reggish for 3 years now. I finally picked up the phone and made an appointment. I’m glad I did because I’ve lost 47 lbs. in 7 weeks and it wasn’t hard at all. Thank you Dr. Reggish for a wonderful program. I don’t understand why other Doctors don’t teach people how to eat healthy. Thanks Dr. Reggish Cher C., Plymouth, MI. I went to Dr. Reggish because I felt I had Parasites. After doing what Dr. Reggish said, I saw thousands of parasites coming out in my stool. I’ve lost 94 lbs. in only 3 mos. and I’m staying on his program. Dr. Reggish has changed my life and I love him so much for what he’s done for me. May God always bless you. Barbara K., Birmingham, MI.

The Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic

50% OFF

Nutritional And Spinal Exams For the Month of August 2016 Terms: Good for one visit. Must present ad at time of visit.

Dr. Michael Dr. Reggish, D.C.,N.D. is a Certified Holistic Wellness Doctor with over 34 years experience helping patients enjoy optimal health using all natural holistic methods learned from his studies traveling to 42 different countries. In our office we test for Parasites and Major Food Allergies and Immune Challenges (Viruses, Retro Viruses and 4 Groups of Bacteria, Fungus and Yeast) and also Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals. All of these tests are done for a single fee of $45. Contact Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. 734-427-7110 Reggish Holistic Wellness 31586 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150

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August 2016

How to Hydrate By Mary Teresa Hickey We are experiencing an incredibly hot summer this year. And with that heat, the subject of hydration is popular. Over the years, there have been varying directives on how one should stay hydrated. A potted plant is a great example to demonstrate the importance of taking in fluids steadily throughout the day. If you forget to water a plant for awhile, the dirt becomes hard and flaky. Consider this to be your bladder. Once you realize that water is needed, you pour a pitcher full of water onto the plant. The water pours right through the pot, all over the floor, with very little of it absorbing into the dirt for the nourishment of the plant, right? And, with your bladder, you are running straight to the bathroom, with very little fluid held internally! It is much better to take in smaller doses of liquid – especially water – throughout the day. This way, the bladder tissue becomes soft and pliable, stretching as it is filled. This enables the body to take in more water and use it efficiently throughout all systems – circulation, digestion, elimination; even the nervous system needs to be hydrated! How much water should that be? The standard recommendation from most naturopaths is a simple formula: ½ your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 100 lbs., drink 50 ounces. However, this is a guide. Your urine should not be clear; there should still be a slight tint of yellow. Next, there is the question of what to drink. Keep in mind that coffee, tea and sodas are actually DE-hydrating. Even popular sports drinks do not really do the trick, with high fructose corn syrup and dyes. Studies have actually shown that these drinks can harm the urinary tract, and contribute to obesity in children. Finally, the question of what kind of water? Tap, filtered, alkaline … so many choices! Experts from the Water Institute in California state that tap water is better than no water. But there is concern about chemicals in the water and chlorine affecting the thyroid’s ability to absorb iodine. Alkaline water, stored in glass containers for a brief period, can be very helpful. If you find it stored in plastic bottles on a store shelf, you are most likely wasting your money. The same goes for distilled. The absence of minerals causes the water to allow chemicals from the plastic to leach in, causing numerous health issues. Water filtered by reverse osmosis is as close to natural as one can get. Do your best to care for your body for a healthy and happy summer. Mary Teresa has been a student of healing for over 20 years, including shamanism at The Four Winds Light Body School, naturopathy at Trinity College, Reiki Master at ICRT, and Master of Science at CMU. Her services include nutrition, herbs, Reiki and shamanic energy healing for persons and pets. singingshaman777


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UNITY OF LIVONIA PRESENTS – LIVE IN CONCERT Kim-Char Meredith – Sunday, August 15, 2016 AT 1:00 pm As a “mainstream” pop/rock singer and song writer, Kim-Char Meredith has enjoyed her share of success. She has performed in coffee houses, rock clubs, concert halls, convention centers, private homes and even opening for Melissa Etheridge. If you haven’t heard Kim-Char’s music before, you are in for a special treat. Check out the amazing reviews below: “I am convinced that whether on disc or live, no one can express sheer joy and happiness better than Kim-Char Meredith…Her voice is undeniably sweet, but like the women of rock ‘n’ roll, she can belt…” (Concert Review, C-Note, NYC) “Kim-Char Meredith is in the serious business of making a joyful noise! She is infectious, unbridled energy channeled through catchy, Spirit-focused songs.” Rev. Erica Trantham, Unity of Chicago. “Something very exciting usually happens when a spiritual “secular” artist applies his or her powerful trademarks to a more God-centered project. In the case of edgy and gritty, powerhouse indie singer/songwriter Kim-Char Meredith, the gracing experience…is simply taken to a higher level…” Johnathan Widran, AMG (All Music Guide Review) Unity of Livonia is located at 28860 Five Mile Rd. (east of Middlebelt) 48154.

$15 suggested donation. Advance tickets available. GRANDKIDS...

A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. "Oh," he said, "she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then, when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport."

You Are Worthy By Barbra White After more than 20 sessions in the last week focused on worth, I feel called to remind is only when we attach something to our worth do we suffer. Real worth is remembering you are consciousness, and the qualities of Creation. Worth based on performance, others’ emotions, or situations is not real worth. Worth based on your body is hell on earth. Identify with the body and you now believe you can be attacked, and rejected. There is great pain and joy with being in human form. BUT if you maintain your connection to your innate worth, the pain can become interesting, and a curious phenomena to you. It is humble to accept your worth. Your beauty, preciousness, intelligence, gifts, and wisdom are already given. Opening to your innate worth means shedding your gripping attachment to “me,” “mine,” and “my body”. See your own brilliance and you then must see it in all people. You will perceive the world as you see yourself. Your dreams are waiting. You don’t have to “earn” your good...rather, you must open. Your dreams or good are NOT based on your worth...OR how much you please a deity, your boss, spouse, etc. No one outside of you has this power. It is already given. You can try to heal, OR, you can yield to the health already within you. You can strive to manifest, OR, to be an instrument of Creation in your everyday life. You can try ‘to get’, or you ‘can let.’ Your value and preciousness are here now. No one can give you your worth or take it away. In working with hundreds of people on worth, I have seen a formula to opening to the good that is waiting: #1 Yield to your innate worth. #2 Choose love moment by moment, and ask for help. What do I mean? 80% of your desire is already done, already complete; held in the quantum field, vibrational escrow, or also called, “the mind of God.” 20% depends on you. (10% is free will. 10% is opening to help on a physical, Earthly level.) 10% is your free will. You can block miracles or you can open. Your willingness to grow is the magical ingredient to being available to miracles. 10% is the tool you use (nature, prayer, visioning process, a friend, therapist, mantra, etc.) Don’t forget, 80% is already done...don’t fight for what is already given.

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August 2016

You become miracle-ready by feeling pain with non-judgment and asking for help. Emotional pain can be a gift to show you your limiting beliefs and birth you into the next version of yourself. The way off the highway of hell, was also the way on. The limiting belief that created the pain will fall away as the pain is felt without adding story. Life has pain. (Also, the intense pain you feel for your loved ones or all the tragic events on the planet is very normal.) BUT pain becomes suffering when the mind adds stories such as: “I am not enough”, “I shouldn’t be feeling this”, “If I was stronger I wouldn’t let this get to me”, or “If I was more loving he would be better.” Stories added to pain = suffering. “What did I do to deserve this?” creates the most suffering. The mind will tell you all sorts of reasons about what you did to “deserve” this (stories of blaming yourself or others). The mind tries to get “control” of the pain by adding stories. So, essentially, even the stories are not “bad.” Avoid suffering by choosing as best you can, to not believe the stories. Witness the mind’s stories with curiosity and say “hello” to them. Don’t argue with them. This gives them fuel.

However, like all limiting beliefs, these thoughts are not even real. Your True Self is once you consciously surrender to “You,” the question and the questioner fall away. The world honors struggle as a badge of worth. Your worth is already given. Life can be easier. It takes deep conscious surrender to let go to your innate worth. Intentional surrender to what is already given is a different planet than complacency. One holds true power, the other your hell. Barbra White Barbra has a masters in transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology, Diploma of homeopathy, Reiki Master, and published author. She is a gifted intuitive, spiritual life coach and Earth Angel communicator. 734-455-1438 | www.

The ego mind will move toward the fight to distract you from the prosperity and beauty that wants to emerge through you. Why? Essentially we ALL feel “safer” in the unworthiness. Sure, you don’t consciously think, “Hey, I want to feel like a scum ball.” ALL human minds hold to unworthiness to maintain the limited beliefs around the physical body identification and cultural conditioning. The subconscious is not fully convinced that you can be fully YOUR TRUE SELF and be loved. INTUITIVE GUIDANCE • HOLISTIC THERAPY

Intuitive Readings  Inspirational Messages

EVERY 3rd THURSDAY 6:30-9:00P Accepted As I am Center

STARTING IN JANUARY 2017 Barbra White M.A., Di.hom  (734) 455-1438 August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 27

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.

Grateful and Humbled, Jim Jeziorowski

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world. -Mother Teresa

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. Blesses & Awe Struck Jim J

How rare and wonderful is that flash of a moment when we realize we have discovered a friend. -William Rostler

Being in the “I AM” Now By Miche Lame’ Sometimes clients ask me why someone would affirm a desire to be true in the moment, when they don’t have it. They think that they are lying to, or trying to fool themselves. The reason affirmations are short and in the Now, is that there is no such thing as time. Yes, quantum physics demonstrates that time is only a concept while you are in your human body; that the only time is Now and the only place we can be is Here in this moment and that this moment is what we exist in. In fact, according to Einstein, space and time are not separate. When I reflect on this, knowing that we are all one, just seeing each other as separate, I think there’s a correlation. Time and space are not separate, and neither are we. Your eyes just fool you so that you can have experiences and grow to your actualized potential in consciousness! So, getting back to making affirmations in the Now. When you say, “I am successful now” and your experience of the world does not show that, this does not mean you are trying to fool yourself. All it means is that you are not experiencing it in this moment. Since the moment of Now contains all possibilities of existence at the same time, there is bound to be at least one of us being successful, so the statement is actually true. You’re just not visually seeing it, and are experiencing something else that’s been programmed into your biocomputer, your subconscious mind. What you are experiencing is an illusion. So, change the illusion in the Now. Use your “I AM” statements with deliberation and consciously. An “I AM”

statement is in the Now, the present. So write down your goals and think of them in the present tense. If you happen to catch yourself not being in the present, just make a course correction. Be deliberate and conscious about it. “I AM” is a declaration to the Divine Universe to bring it on! It is a command to manifest your desires into your reality... NOW. Please realize, you already have what you want now. Know that you have it already, all you are doing now is receiving it, taking possession of it. And then, be grateful for it. When you feel gratitude in the Now, it calls forth, like a magnet, more of what you desire in the Now. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of your thoughts; what you think is in the Now, and the Divine Universe that loves you gives it to you, even if you are not open to receiving it. Positive or negative. You have the power to choose what you desire in the Now and to receive it. If you are not receiving what you desire, look to your subconscious programming. Your subconscious and conscious need to be in alignment to get what you want. Not sure what your inner programs are? Hypnosis and therapy can help identify and clear them up. Live in the now, not your past, nor your future. Because the only time is Now. Choose your thoughts carefully, mindfully and deliberately. You are the creator of how you experience life and what you attract. Be in the “I AM” Now. Whatever follows the “I AM” is what you are and what you get. Love and light, Miche Lame’ Miche has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Contact her at: 248212-0808 or visit:

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August 2016

The Silver Thread: The Benefit of Passivity By Dr. Michael Abramsky

I was working with two young men. One of them had a bad breakup with a girlfriend. He panicked, became depressed and anxious. He withdrew from work, and took to his bed. The other, a teenager, was struggling with an “identity crisis”. He had an artistic temperament, and struggled with what his future held for him. Seeking insight he experimented with LSD, had a bad trip, and was hospitalized.

Miche Lame’ offering: Hypnotherapy Intuitive Counseling Self Acceptance Healing

Through Spiritual Living and Healing, Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principles to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. FREE 15 min. Phone Consultations

Spiritual Living | (248) 212-0808 700 N Old Woodward Ave. Birmingham

Both of these young men’s problems were greeted by panic from their families. They feared suicide, felt their future was lost, and made constant calls seeking solutions. It struck me that both the patients’ and their families were locked into a pattern of trying to manage their lives through a scenario they concocted, a wish, and then they felt that scenario had to occur or their lives would be a disaster. As people, they had a particular map of the world. In their mind they envisioned the way the world should work. Conversely when that map of the world did not match the reality of what life handed them, it resulted in craving, an effort to reinstate the map and guarantee that this time their life directions should be followed.


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When I read most columnists who write about human affairs and problems, their writings are filled with advice and techniques enabling the person to reinstate that map and its direction. They support the position that we must be proactive to prevent the problem from getting worse, or in reestablishing the old map.

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But let me dissent, and instead suggest passivity in the face of crisis. Rather than being proactive, slip into contemplative observation. In the midst of crisis, we tend to focus on the event. Our consciousness drifts to what happened; the jilted boyfriend focused on the exploitive and dishonest actions of his lover; the artistic teenager on the lack of acceptance from peers and family. Both saw these life events as sirens which took their life off course. They then sought to reverse or correct these incidents, in the futile notion that this would make them whole. As an alternative, let us incorporate a mindful Buddhist approach to the same situation, and see its outcome.

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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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It is important to recognize that it is not the event that causes pain, but our ego’s construction or interpretation of the event. When an event occurs, we respond with a “hedonistic appraisal”, meaning we like or dislike the event. A “dislike” creates an emotion like fear or sadness or anger, and this morphs into a narrative, such as, “I was rejected.” When the narrative is externalized and the focus is on the perception of the event, the negative emotion deepens. To heal, we must focus on the inner narrative, the ego wound. For the jilted love it might be, “I am undesirable”, for the artistic teenager it is, “I am confused and lost”. Once we focus on that inner state, we need to hold it, not avoid it. We need to contemplate the narrative, feelings and sensations associated with our response to the event. We need to examine the way our body-mind is working in an observational, not judgmental way. Once done, we find the inner state transforming from disruption to acceptance. Rather than an effort to change the event, to undo it, we accept our inner state as a place we are at and need to be. By observing what is going on inside, we make a space for our feelings to flow naturally, and the mind-body will move on to the next experience.

Past Life Regression, Counseling & Therapy Services

Art Roffey, PhD I am a fully licensed psychologist & certified hypnotherapist with over 35 years experience. I would welcome the opportunity to assist you in psychotherapy and in awakening a deeper realization of your capacities as a ‘spiritual being having a human experience.’ For more information, see my website at:

If done, what we will see is that the body-mind flows naturally from narrative to narrative, from feeling state to feeling state. We just need to get out of its way and allow that flow to occur. Our life experiences flow from one state to the next, and resolve themselves. Our life experiences are like nature, the Dao tells us. Just as the seasons change naturally, just as each day ebbs and flows from state to state without external cause, our mindbody is a river, constantly changing, drifting from experience to experience. If we get out of its way, all experiences are transient. When our ego imposes our wants on the situation, they become fixed. Fixing on an experience causes suffering. Letting go leads to equanimity.

Schedule an appointment at my Bloomfield office or to speak with me personally call:

Do nothing, but be.


Michael Abramsky PHD, ABPP

Dr. Roffey trained directly with Drs. Brian Weiss and Michael Newton. He, along with Dr. Newton, co-founded The Society for Spiritual Regression, now The Newton Institute.

Michael is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. Dr. Abramsky also has a MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398

30 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

Classes & Events UPCOMING CLASSES Spiritual Conversations. Healing Chamber Energy work, groups of four or more. The energy fields are rebuilt with each session connection to each individual’s teachers culminates the process. Call for individual & group registration. 313-937-5082 The Healer & Ascension Certification Course - Legal throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet. Eve Wilson www.spiritualhealers. com The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Wednesday healing and Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737

WEEKLY SUNDAY Sun - Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. 11am Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak 248-588-0290.

WEEKLY MONDAY Mon - The Insight (Vipassana) Meditation, is held from 7-9pm. Led by Hugh Danville. Calm, focused awareness of the mind/body process. Cost: $5 building fee + heart donation to teacher. If you would like to attend, please contact Hugh at Mon - Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service. Radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 8pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak 248-588-0290

WEEKLY TUESDAY Tue -Thank You Detroit for 100 years! Summer program is Tuesday Study Group, 7pm, “Canticle to The Cosmos”, by Brian Swimme, Ph.D. Tue - Need healing? 7:30pm Spiritual/ energy healing has been offered to the community for many years by compassionate experienced healers. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak By appointment only 248-588-0290 Love offering Tue - A Course in Miracles weekly discussion group. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360.

WEEKLY WEDNESDAY Wed - Join us in the mighty Operation Prayer Power. 7:30pm. Be a part of the change this world needs at this time. A Great Opportunity to advance through Love and Prayer. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak 248-588-0290 Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808

WEEKLY THURSDAY Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360 Thu - 3rd monthly, Intuitive readings, personal guidance, and inspirational message. 630-9:00pm Thu - 4th monthly, Free Reiki Clinic. 7-8:30pm Experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. Cleanse, balance, harmonize, and promote healing at all levels. By appointment only. Love donation; 734-416-5200. BodyWorks.

WEEKLY FRIDAY Fri - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Eve Wilson’s wisdom, insights and tools for each week. Latest about changes in ourselves and the planet. Free! Sign up:

WEEKLY SATURDAY Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808 Sat - 3rd monthly. Meditation of the month: 7:30pm. Healing Energy Work & connection to Teachers. Prior Registration necessary at: 313-937-5082

EVENTS BY DATE 08/01 Introduction to Inspired Life Mastery: 6-8p. Open up to a new way of living. Stop reacting to life - begin consciously creating it. Ascension Breathing is a new way of experiencing the world, grounded in and inspired by Source energy. Learn to connect to Source before you act to become the Master of your Life. $39. 734416-5200. Learn more by visiting 08/01-08/31 Structural Integration/Rolfing Session. Looking to improve your flexibility, balance and posture? 9a-5p M-F. To schedule an appointment please contact: Studio 4 Bodywork 1010 Bowers, Suite C., Birmingham. 248-433- 3000 08/03 Dream Interpretation workshop 6:30-8:30pm relieves what we can learn from our dreams. We will explore different types of dreams and establish methods for remembering them. Woodhaven, call for further information 571-989-2408. 08/04, 08/09, 08/11, 08/18, 08/24, & 08/30 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Meditation produces profound benefits including less stress, improved health, mental clarity, calm emotions and better relationships. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, & Metta Meditation. What are you waiting for? As low as $10/session. 734-416-5200 08/06 A Saturday filled with fascinating workshops starting with; Numerology (Part A) 10-12, Numerology (Part B) 12:15-2:15, and Auras 2:30-4:30pm in Woodhaven, for further information 571989-2408 or 08/07 Psychic Sunday: 11am-4pm Two readers with different abilities will be on hand to tap into another realm and communicate with spirit guides, loved ones or teachers in order to give healing or helpful messages. 734-416-5200

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32 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

MORE EVENTS 08/09 Stones & Crystals Workshop (Part A) teaches you the differences between stones, crystals and gemstones, colors, and their meanings and energy. 6:308:30pm Woodhaven, for further information 571-989-2408. or 08/10 Natural Household Cleansers Featuring: Janet Callahan, 6:30-8:30p, $25, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091, 08/11 Trigger Point Therapy & Stress Reduction. 7-8pm Learn how to relieve stress naturally in this “hands on” workshop. Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, www. 734-425-8220. 08/11Essential Stretching. 8-9pm Protect your body from potential harm by with these essential stretches taught by Certified Wellness Doctor William H. Karl, D.C., 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, www. 734-425-8220. 08/12 Integrative Breathwork - a musical journey for insight, emotional healing, creativity & renewal. 6pm - 9pm. Lighthouse Center Inc. Whitmore Lake, $45. 269-3882988. 08/13 Drink Yourself Healthy: Free Seminar Sat 1pm at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Learn about alkalized, ionized, purified, spring, bottled and tap water. RSVP-734-664-0339. 08/13 Learn Muscle Testing: Free Seminar Sat 5pm at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Your body can tell you what is helpful or harmful. RSVP-734-664-0339. 08/14 Using Stones to Enhance our Psychic Abilities: 11am-1pm Learn the various stones that can be used for psychic enhancement. Includes guided meditation. $44, 08/15 Consciousness Rising Breathwork/ Meditation: 10:30am-noon. When powerful group energies combine with meditation and conscious breathing, you can expel large amounts of stress energies to uplift your spirit and find more joy and peace. Includes personal hands on facilitation. Enjoy the benefits now! $25. 734-416-5200 08/15 Live Concert with mainstream pop/ rock singer and song writer Kim-Char Meredith who has opened for Melissa Etheridge,1p, $15 advance tickets available. Unity of Livonia, 28860 Five Mile, 734-421-1760,

08/16 Travel the Chakras Featuring: Maret Johnson, 7-9p, $25, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091, www. 08/17 Intro to Pal Dan Gum Qigong: 6-8pm. Used for thousands of years to promote radiant health and cure disease. Learn the 8 Silken Movements and enjoy movement in a mindful and graceful way. $40. Repeat: $20. 734-416-5200 Bodyworks 08/19 - 08/21 Summer Getaway & Weekend Retreat at The Inn at the Rustic Gate in big Rapids. Get away, Meditation, Mindfulness, Consciousness. Breathing, Yoga. Stress relief guaranteed. Delicious healthy food, play and fun. 734-416-5200 08/19 Mystic Night: August Full Moon Gathering: 7:30-9:30pm. A fun night of meditation, live music, & oracle cards on the night of the Aquarius Full Moon! Refill your moon intentions in a mystical setting. Hosted by Tatiana, Angel-Therapy Practitioner & Psychic Intuitive, & Mark Watson. Oracle cards pulled for the group as a whole. $33. 734-416-5200 08/20 The Elements “Earth-My Body” Featuring: Daemon Wilburn, 4-6p, #25, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091, 08/21 Psychic Sunday: Noon-5pm. Featuring two readers with abilities to tap into other realms and communicate with spirit guides, loved ones or teachers to give healing or helpful messages. Prices vary. 734-416-5200 08/22 Lift Your Spirits Book Club: 6-7pm This month: “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown, Phd, L.M.SW. Meets every other month. Share a snack, your thoughts and have fun. Love Donation 734-416-5200 08/25 Ascension Support Class - Every 4 Thursdays 7:30-9:30pm, 6 classes. Powerful, joyful meditations help the world heal and ascend, and you too! Eve Wilson, Director The Healer Development Program. Contact Eve: 08/25 Free Reiki Clinic: 7-8:30pm. Held most 4th Thurs’s monthly. Experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. Cleanse, balance, harmonize, and promote healing at all levels. Preregistration required. Love donations appreciated. 734-416-5200 08/25 Modern Probiotics. 7- 8:30pm Learn about the science and history behind probiotics, pre-biotics, and strains which target specific ailments. 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland. R.S.V.P. 734-425-8220.

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

08/25 Open House with discussions on depression and anxiety through a scientific lens. Speakers: Dr. Dorit Ben-AmiDr. Richard Linsk, 7-9p, Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry, 21751 W. 11 Mile Rd, Ste 105, Southfield. Rsvp: (248) 327-7175. 08/25: Intro to Rolfing: 7-9pm. Explore how the impact from injuries, emotional traumas, and belief systems get stored and organized into chronically “Frozen” postures within the body. $5. 734-416-5200 08/27 Inflammation and Arthritis: Free Seminar Sat 5:00p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. How to improve your mobility and reduce your pain. RSVP-734-664-0339. 08/27 Aura & Mediumship Gallery with Internationally known psychic, Sherry Lord, 7-9p, $35 early $45 at door, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091 08/27 Crystal Singing Bowls! Chakra Balance Meditation.1-3pm $25. Mercy Center, McAuley Rm, 28650 Eleven MIle, Farmington Hills, Healing Touch 248-788-5808. 09/08 Lecture: Earth Attunement-Reconnecting with Earth’s Energies. 09/08 7:309pm $10. Join with author/international speaker, Chrissie Blaze in this Lecture which includes Astrology – Visualization – Sacred Rituals - Healing. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak. Tel: 248 588 0290 09/14 Chair Yoga with Amy Brusca: 6:307:30pm. Incorporate yoga throughout your day - even while sitting.. Ground your mind, body, and spirit $15. 734-416-5200 09/16 Intro to Shamanism class with Kenn Day: $25, 7-9p, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091 09/17-09/18 Opening Inner Doorways Workshop: Exploring invisible realms through shamanic journeying. $300 before 09/03, $350 after, 10a-5p, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091 09/18 The Art & Science of Manifestation. Learn the ancient practice of using Words of Power for personal manifestation. $69 | 734-416-5200 BodyWorks 09/23 Be a Certified Hypnotherapist. Weekend classes. State Licensed School. 586899-9009 10/01 PosiPalooza concert! Sponsored by Friends of Unity. Feel uplifted listening to three award-winning musicians perform positive, joy-filled music. 7p, $20, Plymouth Arts Council, 774 N. Sheldon Road, Plymouth, 734-454-0015 www.empowerma. com/PosiPaloozaTicket

P a g e 33


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34 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016


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They decide to go to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor tells them that they’re physically okay, but they might want to start writing things down to help them remember. Later that night while watching TV, the old man gets up from his chair. His wife asks, “Where are you going?” “To the kitchen,” he replies. “Will you get me a bowl of ice cream?” “Sure.” “Don’t you think you should write it down so you can remember it?” she asks. “No, I can remember it.” “Well, I’d like some strawberries on top, too. You’d better write it down, because you know you’ll forget it.” He says, “I can remember that! You want a bowl of ice cream with strawberries.”


“I’d also like whipped cream. I’m certain you’ll forget that, so you’d better write it down!” she retorts.


A couple in their nineties are both having problems remembering things.

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After about 20 minutes the old man returns from the kitchen and hands his wife a plate of bacon and eggs. She stares at the plate for a moment and says... “Where’s my toast?


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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 35

Crossroads and Indecision By Wendy Powers-Nugent Have you ever had to made a decision and just could not? Even psychics have had difficulties with making-up their minds or even foreseeing their own future! “Why?” you may ask. Well, it’s because when stressful things occur, it’s harder to listen to your own intuition when it comes to major decisions or even foreseeing what’s ahead in your own life. Yes, even psychics consult other psychics at times when they are caught up in their own stress. We all need guidance at times. Some of my clients come to me just to see what’s up ahead; some want to have me help them through the everyday struggles of life. When asked what I do for a living, my answer is simply that I am an intuitive counselor. Psychics give future insights, but they also counsel you through the difficulties that we all face from time to time. I find that people often face difficulties with depression or fears and can’t make clear decisions. This can be due to past life karma or maybe childhood traumas that they do not even realize they carry with them in their subconscious mind. A good psychic can look into your past as well as your future to see what may be holding you back from fulfilling your purpose in this life. One of the main reasons people come to an intuitive counselor is to find out their purpose in life. Very often fear keeps people from fulfilling their destiny which can leave them feeling empty and unfulfilled.

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When tragedy enters our lives we are often left angry at life and sometimes even at God. Many people feel that they cannot go on when nothing makes sense anymore, and they feel lost and hopeless. Fear makes us sink into an abyss of nothingness like sinking deep into an ocean. They say it is impossible to know which way is up when you are drowning. I know this is true as I almost drowned when I was 12 years old while at summer camp. Having some fun, I jumped into the deep lake off the pier, but suddenly found myself panicking and could not figure out which way to swim to the surface as I sank deeper and deeper into the lake. I could always talk with God and angels since I could remember. Reaching out through my mind, I asked for help to get out of this mess. Next thing I know, a voice came into my head telling me to do a dead man’s float, and very slowly blow air out of my lungs. I trusted this voice and did exactly what was told of me. Before long, I was back on the surface of the lake! I am sharing this story from my life to give insight to the fact that we all have intuition and a connection to the higher consciousness of the universal mind. However, if you don’t trust in your intuition or are too close to the problem to hear your answers, then it’s a good time to reach out to an intuitive counselor. Just so you know, nothing is carved in stone as far as the future is concerned. Even in knowing your future, you can go off your life path when you experience fear and indecision. Sometimes, what you want is not what God has planned for you. Open up your intuition and/or seek out a spiritual intuitive counselor to bring clarity to your life path. However, ultimately the decision is yours to make, so bring as much information to the decision process as possible; just like my choice to reach out and listen to the universal mind telling me how to save my life instead of panicking and drowning that fateful summer day. Listen to Wendy Powers on Body Mind Spirit Internet Radio on Saturday, August 6, 10am EST. She’ll discuss spiritual topics and share mini-readings throughout the show. Connect via the web at: www.BodyMindSpiritRadio. com or by calling: 646-378-0378. If you’d like a mini-reading call in early, phone lines fill-up fast; thousands of people listen internationally! You may get lucky and receive an astounding mini-reading! Learn more at:

36 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

Help for Summer Fatigue By Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C. with Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C. Summer heat and humidity can cause fatigue, reducing summer fun. Here’s three key factors that influence your energy. Hydration: A healthy body needs half its weight in ounces of water in order to stay hydrated. Drinking less water results in an accumulation of unwanted body fat. Excess toxicity in body fat contributes to fatigue, brain fog and depression. Dehydration reduces blood flow to the organs, including your brain. It decreases function, and your ability to think clearly. Drinking the right amount of filtered mineral rich water is key to keeping your body hydrated. It is best if you drink water and herb or green teas instead of coffee and soda pop, which are dehydrating beverages.

cause decreased hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. A more severe Vitamin B deficiency can make the stomach two to three times more acid than normal, resulting in heartburn and gastric distress. Your body needs iron and the whole Vitamin B complex to function normally. The highest food sources of iron include dulse and kelp, wheat and rice bran, and pumpkin and sesame seeds. Most dried beans like lima beans, chickpeas, white beans, broad beans, red beans, lentils and pinto beans also contain iron. Eating a healthy diet rich in organic whole foods will ensure that your body has sufficient iron and the whole Vitamin B complex. Activity: Inactivity can trigger fatigue. Set aside time to exercise just like any other appointment. Work from one up to three 10-minute exercise periods. Spread your exercise time throughout the day to give yourself an energy boost. Make sure to drink more water when you exercise for increased energy.

The Missing Mineral: Iron is essential to attract oxygen and transmit it to all parts of the body. We cannot survive more than three minutes without oxygen. A deficiency of iron can cause fatigue, brain fog, a loss of well-being, and decreased energy and vitality.

A California State University study found that a 10-minute walk is enough to increase energy, alter mood, and affect a positive outlook for up to two hours. Even five minute intervals of exercise/stretching during TV commercials can add up to feeling better with more energy.

Iron cannot be dissolved or absorbed without sufficient digestive hydrochloric acid. A mild Vitamin B deficiency can

Most alternative physicians can determine mineral deficiencies and hydration status, and help you find the best exercise for you. Enjoy your summer activities!


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248-826-8255 Best known for making remarkably accurate predictions, she has been on many TV & Radio shows throughout her more than 30 year career. Wendy Powers-Nugent is not only a renowned clairvoyant, she is also an ordained minister, wedding officiant, teacher, public speaker, radio talk show host on BMSR and writer for “Body Mind Spirit Guide”

Written by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C. with Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C. who now owns TLC Holistic Wellness, Livonia. She has provided holistic and nutritional recommendations using diet and whole food supplements for 27 years as a practicing chiropractor, holistic-wellness consultant. Visit www.TLCHolisticWellness. com for information about our free nutritional deficiency and hydration analysis, and nutrition testing workshops. Call: 734664-0339.


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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 37

So, You Think Your House is Haunted?

whole bag of sage and a couple of hours of prayer and affirmations to finally convince the spirit to leave. The girls had “no idea” they could discover such a negative energy with something as simple as a Ouija Board. When I asked them who they thought might be answering their question, they said that they didn’t know, but never thought it would be negative.

By Ray Fraser Back in “the day,” way before Cedar Point and even Disney, “haunted houses” were places you saw on television, in the movies, or if you were brave enough, amusement park rides that you rode to prove how brave you were. The thought of actually living in a “haunted house” was a thought to be feared. It was believed that the hauntings were caused by the devil, or some “evil” spirit that wanted to possess householders and steal their souls. Of course, with the improvements in technology and the development of the social media, the talk of ghosts or spirits has become a regular discussion topic. This, coupled with a more open understanding of spirits and spirituality, has caused many people to believe that there are spirits in their homes. Some folks are fearful of hexes or curses, others that the spirit of some negative being has taken up residence in their home for the purpose of disrupting their lives. None of this is true. Please don’t misunderstand; I am not saying that there are not homes with spiritual energy in them, quite the contrary. The veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is vapor thin. Virtually the entire world under that criteria is haunted. In more than 40 years of home haunting investigations, I have found only one instance of a negative spirit that was intentionally causing issues in the home. Thankfully, with the help of positive spirit guides, we were able to cleanse the

home and have the spirit move on. For the most part, the spirits we recognize in our homes are friends, family members or loved ones who still want to remain part of their physical existence and as a result, align themselves with familiar energies. These days, as we raise our children to be more open minded, more and more are recognizing spirits as “invisible friends.” Television and movies have both helped and harmed our understanding of spirits. Many spirits who lived negative physical lives often want to reconnect to apologize or make amends for their actions while alive. Still, others want to say thank you for the care or help they received as they went through their transition period. Parents and grandparents wish to serve as guides or mentors to the living, imparting their life knowledge to those who remain alive. In short, most of the spirits which we perceive are haunting us, are really the spirits of people whom we would welcome with open arms if they were still alive There is an odd chance that you might find yourself dealing with an unwelcome energy. My only experience with such a matter came as the result of two teenaged young ladies who were playing with a Ouija Board. It took a

Spirit contact is best done under the guidance of a learned and experienced mind. Ouija Boards are not toys, and should not be treated as such. In this case, the mother thought it would be “fun.” My stock response is, chainsaws also look like fun, but would you let your 13 year old daughter play with one? Of course not. Chainsaws, like Ouija Boards, are better handled by experienced professionals. Should you be fearful of a spirit in your home? The answer is, no. If you cannot recognize the spirit, simply ask it to leave. If it persists, give us a call, we may be able to help you identify it, or help you get it to leave if that is what you wish. Truthfully, having a spirit visitor your home might be the greatest blessing you have. Rev. Ray Fraser If you have any questions about spirits in your home, give us a call, we’ll be happy to help! Ray Fraser is the owner of the “MystiquesWest Metaphysical Center” and hosts a weekly public séance on Wednesday nights beginning at 7:00PM sharp. 36356 Ford Rd., Westland. Call: 734-729-8019.

38 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

Focusing on Solutions = Finding Solutions By Abby Lippitt

If you’re like most, you have been conditioned to be problem oriented: what I mean by this is that when one encounters difficulties, one then looks to find and weed out potential problems, to then be able to rectify them with the hope that everything can go smoothly. When rooting out negative core beliefs and reprogramming, this is very useful, because you are replacing a negative with a positive. However, when dealing with the normal, everyday problemsolving, this type of thinking can be very counter-productive and in some cases, detrimental to what you are trying to achieve. This is because when you focus on the problem it causes stress, which lowers your vibrational frequency and due to the law of attraction, like energy attracts like energy, and sadly you draw to yourself more of the same negative circumstances that you are already experiencing. (Believe me, I learned this the very hard way!) When you focus on the problem, the problem intensifies; however, when you focus on the solution, then you can solve your issue.


Look at a concern that you have beenSpecializing struggling withinand try seeing it Phone Readings from only a positive win-win perspective;

as if the answer to the problem you are having is readily available and easily reachable or, better yet, already achieved. Ask yourself, ‘If I know how to resolve this issue, what would it be and how can I do so?’ Then wait with grateful expectancy and see what ideas and circumstances become available to you. When you take this approach you are in a higher, happier vibration frequency, which then allows you to be open to options and solutions that you may not have thought of otherwise. Why not give it a try?



Namaste, Abby Intuitive, TransFormational Artist, Abby has been practicing and studying art and metaphysics since childhood. Her Art Education includes: Rhode Island School Of Design & The University Of The Arts, BFA in the Fine Arts, and Minor in Film and Animation, and Theta Healing. She provides digitally hand-rendered psychometric and mediumistic art prints for commission on art canvas. Call: 248-655-0464 or visit:


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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

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You are a Divine Being Here for a Divine Purpose P a g e 39

The Power of Questioning, “Why?”

has come up in specific poses, even the simplest of them, (ahem, utkatasana, anyone?) and the rebel in me has started to question what is coming up. Why do I feel resistance in this pose? Why does this come up? Why am I berating myself?

By Leah Slagenwhite “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes…the ones who see things differently—they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things…they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” ~ Steve Jobs As yogis, we are all about peace, love, acceptance, and all things inherently Zen. But isn’t there another side of us that just wants to say, “What’s up with this?” sometimes? Not so much in a negative way, more in the way of questioning what doesn’t make sense. I’ve been like this since childhood and now, as a responsible, tax-paying, bill-paying adult, I find myself daring to defy the “norm” more often than not…particularly when I’m sitting in a meeting and no one truly knows why we are there. In grade school, I’d be sitting in detention thinking, “Why am I here?” -- I didn’t stick the gum I was chewing under any desks or spit it on the ground. I wasn’t chewing obnoxiously loud; I was simply chewing gum. A teacher saw me and punished me, because it was against the rules to chew gum. It would make much more sense if the rule was, “Do not stick chewed gum under desks,” or, “Properly dispose of gum in wastebasket,” or even, “Chew discreetly, as not to look like a cow.” But the rule was, “Do not chew gum.” Why? It didn’t make any sense to me. Thus, I questioned it. In yoga, we are challenged to “let go,” and when we try, we meet resistance. Why? Perhaps one of the great paradoxes of our practice is that we experience resistance and surrender at the same time. Effort with the ease. Pushing to the edge and backing off when we’re pushing too far. When resistance comes up, observing what is coming up without judgment and allowing it to flow through is the key to overcoming it. But this isn’t just a one-and-done quick fix, this is a continuous, moment-to-moment, pose-to-pose practice. For me, resistance

Asking “why” can be the catalyst in our growth as a yogi, as well as personally and professionally. For me, finding healing of the soul after being diagnosed with cancer at the age of 29, was rooted in asking “why”. Rather than “fighting” the cancer, I questioned it. The word “fight” has strong connotations of violence and combat, both of which were actually the last things I needed when diagnosed with cancer. I needed strength, resilience, courage, peace and most of all, faith. To uncover these qualities that we all possess, we need to persist and maintain purpose in spite of difficulty, obstacles or discouragement. We need to question, Why. From a place of non-judgment as opposed to self-pity or anger, when I questioned not only what was happening, but why, all the answers directed me toward finding healing. Why is chemo the only option? Why hasn’t the doctor recommend anything beyond “eating fruit and vegetables” when it came to the food eaten during treatment? Why does yoga make me feel better after treatment? Why me, with the kids and all? Why not me, with the kids and all? Why is all of this even happening? In asking “why” and not being scared of the answers that come up, we can come to know the secret to not just living, but coming alive. It’s very simple and true to human form. We make it so complex. We fight, resist, kick and scream when all along, the answer is right there in front of us, within us: reverence. Albert Schweitzer said, “By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world. By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive.” For everything that arises in life, question why. Consider all possibilities, including that all of this, this entire existence, could be rigged in our favor. Leah Slagenwhite Join Leah online August 12 for a free online webinar, where she will be giving away powerful tools for personal transformation through yoga: http:// to sign up

40 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

August 2016

“Praying For Ice Cream” Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, “God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all! Amen.” Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, “That’s what’s wrong with this country. Kids today don’t even know how to pray. Asking God for icecream! Why, I never! “Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, “Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?” As I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him, an elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, “I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer.” “Really?” my son asked. “Cross my heart.” Said the old man! Then in a theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), “Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes.” Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, “Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes, and my soul is good already.

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August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 41

Spiritual Horoscopes by Aluna Michaels, M.A. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Happy birthday Leo! Relationship burdens lift and you’ll be clear about decisions and future directions. If single, you can meet a reliable, centered person with longterm potential! This birth year is also about abundance, so fill your mind with prosperous thoughts to attract the wealth faster! It’s a joyous time, and you deserve every ounce of happiness that’s flowing your way! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Be direct and clear with close friends or family, and boundaries will improve the relationships. Allowing others to make their own mistakes and have their own soul journey gives you back vital energy, self-esteem and radiant health! Give guidance if asked, but then let go of the results and re-focus on you. Commit to daily meditation even if pressed for time. It’ll be like you have more time or events will unfold more smoothly than expected! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Your words and thoughts are powerful and they create your world! Often Libras say nice things, but feel angry inside. Meditate to release old resentments so that you feel as poised inside as you appear outside. If already working with affirmations and feel frustrated with results, it’s time your new reality can manifest! Talk with a spiritually minded friend as if your life is as you want it to be. Pretend it’s already happened and express gratitude. That’ll speed your quantum results along! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — If you’ve been struggling financially, this is your breakthrough month! You can have deep insights in meditation about subconscious sabotage or inherited limiting beliefs around money. In a similar way, you can

have healing of physical symptoms by being “done” with the spiritual issue that the condition represents. Contemplating the amazing intelligence and wisdom of your body and its organs, systems and cells, can bring incredible shifts. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Mars and Saturn are completing a process you’ve been in since March! You’ll have more confidence, clarity and focus. You’ll feel more hopeful, forgiving and able to visualize empowering outcomes and take the actions that unfold events in a fulfilling way! Meditate to release anger and frustration toward yourself, others or circumstances that have built up over the months. Use that precious energy to leap forward into your joyous future! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — Meditate on current anger and how it’s a reminder of core issues. You can grasp the roots of the original pain that sabotages you in your subconscious and remove it from your brain, just like removing a virus from a computer. Now you can easily make plans and carry out actions with an attitude of joyous expectation and receive what you truly want! Stay connected to the belief that the Universe loves you. Connect with friends who reinforce the truth that you are valuable and awesome! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Being an Aquarius is a spiritual journey to learn intimacy. You’re so much in your head. You need to connect with your heart and relate from there! Explore safe forms of intimacy in your meditations. Maybe you can think about gazing into your child’s or pet’s eyes and drink in the unconditional love. Or think about swimming in the ocean and being buoyed by the gentle waves. Keep those safe feelings as you

connect with others who make you feel vulnerable. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — You can find new love in a new relationship — or re-discover it in a current partnership! Your heart is open and you’ve done the work to heal old wounds so that fresh energy can take root and blossom. You’ll also have breakthroughs at work. Maybe you get recognized for a long-term project, or a difficult co-worker leaves the job. Or, you’re offered a new position you’d given up on. Enjoy your successes in all realms! Aries (March 21 – April 19) — As an Aries you’re impatient, since you have clear spiritual vision and want to manifest your goals immediately. You’ve likely had frustration since your birthday, and might be doubting yourself and having low self-esteem. This month is a turning point in seeing positive results happen quickly! Areas especially impacted are work, relationships and health. You’ll be reinvigorated spiritually, too, so keep up your meditations and other practices for more blessings! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — You’ll have huge breakthroughs in trust and intimacy! Any sexual, romantic or emotional issues resolve, which make current relationships better or attract a new partner to you. You’ll also open a flow of prosperity. Believe that the Universe loves you, and that it can and will provide all of your needs! Keep meditating to see your spiritual and emotional “wiring” being updated to healthier, happier channels of energy! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — No matter what programming is in your brain and your soul that negatively impacts bonding, can be re-programmed into a healthy pattern of relating! You are not stuck! Even a traumatic childhood does

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August 2016

not doom you to unhappy patterns. Meditation and forgiveness rewires your internal circuitry so that you can create new results. Explore current work on neuroplasticity, trauma and emotions to give you hope and inspiration! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — Keep focusing on affirmations and positive visualizations about work improvements! This is the month results manifest! You can also make big shifts in any aspect of health, but especially eating issues. Even if you’ve given up hope, just “fake it ‘til you make it” and the Universe will still receive the energy you’re sending out. Keep a gratitude list to allow for continual unfoldment in all areas of your life! Aluna Michaels Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call or text 248-583-1663 or visit

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663

Attend Awesome Events!

Have Some Fun! Be Apart of the Community!

CHECK OUT THESE EVENTS! Attend a Workshop about Dream Interpretation on August 3rd! (6:30-8:30pm) See what you can learn from your dreams. We will explore different types of dreams and establish methods for remembering them. Woodhaven 571-989-2408 •

Check out a Live Concert with mainstream pop/rock singer, song writer Kim-Char Meredith on August 15th! (1pm) Kim-Char has opened for Melissa Etheridge, $15 advance tickets available. Held at Unity of Livonia 734-421-1760 • Check out Psychic Sunday on August 21st! (Noon-5pm) A special day incorporating the intuitive side of healing. Featuring two readers with abilities to tap into other realms communicate with spirit guides, loved ones to give healing, helpful messages. Held in Plymouth. Prices vary. 734-416-5200 • Attend an Open House about looking at depression and anxiety through a scientific lens. August 25th! (7-9p) Doctor meet and greet and presentations. It’s Free! Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry, Southfield. (248) 327-7175 • Check out a free seminar about Inflammation and Arthritis on August 27th! (5:00pm) Learn how to improve your mobility and reduce your pain at TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia. 734-664-0339 •


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IN THE LIGHT: Nancy Lynn and Opening to Enlightenment For as long as she can remember, Nancy Lynn has had the ability to communicate with the spirit world and has worked as a professional Spiritualist, Medium and Life Counselor for many decades. Her abilities have proven to be a valuable tool providing information that helps guide her clients to release negative energy and see things from a different perspective to lighten their life. Her abilities allow her to tap into your energy field and gain spiritual information from your past and present. This is done while she simultaneously connects with your spirit guides and loved-ones who have crossed over. The information is revealed to her through images, symbols, short movie clips, and thoughts. Energetically and simultaneously the merging of individual energy and direct communication with spiritual guides is happening, and it is this that provides an extremely in-depth and unique reading. Depending on how open an individual is, the readings have an impact that can quite literally change the direction of a person’s life path positively. It was through her mediumship abilities that she realized that she was truly serving her deepest passion for helping people. In doing this work, the experience feels just as powerful and awe-inspiring for her as it does for her clients. Many times she has worked closely with people individually, removing obstacles that may or may not have been known. Obstacles, something that blocks one’s way or prevents or hinders progress, can be karmic, energetic, genetic, and/or occurring in the physical world. Removing such obstacles can profoundly impact a person’s life, as she has witnessed in her work. Assisting in providing spiritual wisdom

and information on past events, current disputes, and in identifying points of concern, are also a big part of the equation when removing such obstacles. When this happens, it happens undeniably; it resonates with that individual in their mind, body, and soul through pure love. It opens their minds and heart so that they begin to understand the universe a bit differently. They walk away knowing that they are not alone, that they are supported by spirit, love, loved ones and God. It strengthens their spiritual beliefs and supports them on their life path that has become beautifully amplified. “The power is almost unbelievable, but it happens. I witness it and it all comes from a love that is so deep, unconditional and powerful,” says Nancy. Now, here is the fun part! Nancy’s mission is to bring more love, expand positivity and lighten the world and its communities. With the belief in mind that we all have some level of psychic abilities, in 2014 she founded, Opening to Enlightenment (OTE). OTE is an organization whose philosophy begins with the power of education, helping those who seek to understand their lives from a deeper perspective; one that is spiritual and purposeful, expanding joy, love and light energetically in the world. Comprised of all types of psychics, mediums, healers and unique local merchants, OTE offers a wide variety of classes, workshops and Spirit festivals all year long. This year, they are expanding their “Spirit Fest” from downriver into areas of Wayne/Westland and Plymouth. In fact,

OTE is hosting a Spirit Fest on Saturday, October 1, from 10:30am-5:30pm. The festival will be held downriver at the Brownstown Recreation Center, 21311 Telegraph Rd. Tickets are only $5 at the door! All are welcome to enjoy a day of fun! Come and connect spiritually and personally with an array of clairvoyant readers, professional healers, and various local merchants of holistic, spiritual and metaphysical products such as stones, candles, jewelry, soaps, salt lamps, herbal teas, oils, and more. There will also be a Spirit artist who connects with your guides and draws their images for you, as well as an aura photographer and so much more for you to experience! Be sure to visit Opening to Enlightenment’s website: www. for their monthly schedule of classes and workshops. If the date shown for the class does not work with your schedule, they offer private workshops for seven or more people, based on your timing. Upcoming classes/workshops are: Dream Interpretation; Numerology; Stones; Spiritual Guides; and Crystals, just to name a few! To set-up your one-on-one confidential appointment with Nancy, call: 571-989-2408.

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised.

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Many Thanks, LIsa!

August 2016

Bringing About Peace By Susan deCaussin It may appear everywhere we look, that aggression is on the rise. Hate is hate – whether it be in the mind of an aggressor or the words of those condemning his actions. It’s all negative energy that affects the overall health of this planet and all who live here. Although you may feel powerless to affect change, each of us really can play a role in bringing about peace. First, let’s start by understanding our relationship to one another. We are ALL interconnected, regardless of our perceived differences. Every soul is a spark of the Divine energy and light that we call Infinite Intelligence or God. And, who amongst us can differentiate one spark of light from the next? It’s simply not possible. Dividing anything up into parts, no matter how small, we still end up with the same “thing”, just in smaller pieces. In this case, the “thing” is the Universe and each one of us is a tiny increment of it. For just a moment, think about the greatest love in your life. It could be the love of a parent, a life partner, your child, a dear friend or even the love of a pet. Love is Love, regardless of who or what is the subject of the emotion. Now, imagine what it would be like to extend that same level of respect, admiration and care to every single soul on this planet. If you truly believe that we are small sparks of the Divine Universe, then how could you ever consider treating someone differently than your “greatest love” in life? That would be like cutting off your grandmother with your car while driving on the freeway, right? The word “Peace”, in my opinion,

is greatly overused. While we think of peace as our ability, or choice, to not act in a negative or destructive way, it actually means so much more than that. Peace requires action, not simply a lack of action. So, how can we create peace in the world around us if it’s more than just choosing not to be involved in violent or destructive behavior? Every single day we interact with people, everywhere we are. With that in mind, I want you to remember the last time that someone went out of their way to provide you with a smile, a cheerful greeting, offered assistance in some way, or shared some kind of comforting words. Did it take you by surprise? Perhaps it put a smile on your face and really changed your attitude. We can all find easy ways to snap others out of the trance of daily life and bring them joy. I’ve been doing this for years and I’ll tell you that it takes only seconds to change someone’s attitude and brighten their day. Random acts of kindness will inspire others to do the same. Imagine if every person that you positively affected each day, was able to extend kindness to several others, just because you cared enough to brighten that moment. You may say, “Sure, but how can this impact the state of the world?” Well, everything is made up of particles of energy. Whether living or not, all energy affects everything it comes in contact with. Although we can’t directly control the thoughts and actions of others, we can consciously decide to change our own frequency, which will affect the energetic flow of the world around us.

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

We each have an energy field that naturally overlaps and blends with the energy of those who are around us. When this happens, vibrational changes occur. Like a wave of water hitting an object, the energy changes in intensity, direction and strength when influenced by an outside source. Knowing this to be true, it’s easy to see how one person can shift the energy of an entire room of people. Similar to Divine Healing Energy, which can literally be sent across the miles to anyone in the world, our use of positive prayer, affirmations and uplifting thoughts can create positive changes in the vibration of the planet. Are you willing to treat each soul on this planet as the greatest love you’ve ever known? One person CAN make a difference and Peace really does begin with YOU. Susan is an accomplished writer, speaker, Reiki Practitioner and Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Through her connection to Spirit, Susan’s writings are always powerful, healing and thought provoking. Learn more at: www.

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. My prayer has been answered M.W.

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Body Mind Spirit



Accident Angels: Injury Consultant. Weekly Monday & Thursday Evenings 7-8 p.m. Join Renee Angel as she offers testimonials, expert guests in Michigan, Auto No Fault Insurance Laws, Renee Angel’s knowledge and experience to help renew restore and rebuild the lives of individuals that have been in car accidents, educate all listeners on their rights and the benefits you deserve when in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident. Listen Live to learn about your rights benefits and opportunities and receive free advice! 8/2 Unveiling the Psychic Truth- 10-11 a.m. Courtney Overfield give listeners the truth about being a psychic, what it’s like impacting others and topics such as mediumship, growing up psychic, psychic sniping and more! This month’s topic: Angelic and Higher Beings presences, how to determine their messages, purposes and how they are different from spirits. 8/3 Singing For Your Soul 1-2 p.m. Kimberly Harrison, M.M. will explore the wonderful world of the human voice, music, and sound healing. Learn how improving your voice for singing and speaking helps you literally raise and tune your vibrational frequency, improve health, self-confidence, and self-expression, and grow in many areas, including spirituality, creativity, emotions, finances, relationships, and life path. SPECIAL RE-BORADCAST EVENT! Topic/Guest: Justin Michael Williams, a vibrant public speaker and successful yoga instructor, Justin travels the globe training the conscious community to thrive in marketing, media, and business. Justin is also a talented singer and musician, and in November 2015 released his first single, “Here With Me.” Join Kimberly as she and Justin discuss what it means to “find your authentic voice and share it with the world 8/4 NEW SHOW! Master Self 8:30-9:30 p.m. Eastern. U.S. 10:30-11:30 a.m. EST. Australia. Master Self with Dijana Marton Harris. Master Self is an awakening and expansion of your Heart and your Soul. It is an embodiment of all aspects of Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit. Join Dijana in discussing monthly topics of transcendence and alchemy that lead to Self Mastery. Dijana welcomes calls during the show. Bring your open heart and highest Self along on this magnificent ride called Life! 8/6 The Wendy Powers Show: Psychic Readings and Spiritual Topics 10-11 a.m. Join “Psychic/Medium Wendy Powers “First Saturday” each month. She discusses spiritual topics and does mini readings throughout the show. The phone lines fill up fast so call in early, you may get lucky and be picked to have an astounding mini reading by Wendy. Spiritual Topic: Crossroads and Indecisions. 8/9 Fairy Tale Interrupted Relationship Coaching with Dr. Andrea Lee. 1011 a.m. Dr. Lee is a certified relationship coach and guru that applies a “keep it real” approach as she tackles practical, emotional, and spiritual matters of the heart as it relates to individual, relationship, and family matters. Topic: How to handle outside negative influences of family and friends that often affect a couple’s relationship and advice on how to stop the behavior before it even starts. 8/9 Body Mind Spirit NEWS 1-2 p.m. The Body Mind Spirit Guide staff brings you current news, upcoming events, laughter, articles and topics that are included in the monthly magazine we have all grown to love. We would love to hear from you! This month’s topic: The August edition of the magazine. Call in the join the conversation and tell us what you enjoy. 8/10 Journey Into Oneness 1-2 p.m. Journey Into Oneness with Darlene Sowa. Energy Medicine Practitioner, exercise physiologist and bona-fide nature lover, Darlene shares ideas and tools to assist you on your journey to rediscovering your wild and authentic nature, as well as, the abundant nature of the universe.

Monthly topics and guest will help you navigate these ever-changing times with new insights, renewed hope and empowering visions. Guest/topic: DeAnne Hampton will join to discuss “Awakening to a New Consciousness.” 8/13 Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10-11 a.m. Gifted angel reader, healer and teacher. Adrianna invites you to call in for guidance and counsel from the angels. Topic: Numerology! The 2nd half Adrianna will be taking callers for “mini readings” 8/16 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11 a.m. Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! 8/16 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2p.m. Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! Topic/Guest: Realize Your Inner Potential through King Yoga. 8/17 Guided Mindfulness Breathing Meditation: Summer Breeze 9pm9:30pm. Join us as we lighten our being and become the calm and soothing energy of a summer breeze. Let go of your worries, let go of your stress even for just a few minutes and enjoy the peacefulness of a summer breeze. Meditation accessed via Produced by Dave & Pat Krajovic creators of Ascension Breathing and founders of BodyWorks Healing Center 8/17 Ask Dr. Liz 1-2 p.m. Dr. Liz Jelinek is a Trauma Specialist, Personal and Business Coach, Author, and Educator. Listen in for new discoveries in science, medicine, and business that revealed the genius in you. Each episode is packed with ways to “Grow your Brain”, discover your brilliance and increase your GQ (Genius Quotient). RE-BORADACAST! Topic/Guest: Meg Gilbert, clairvoyant, actress, designer, and healer—living mindfully in moments that reveal the universal. 8/22 The Healing Soul 1-2 p.m. Marybeth Rombach Nelson, Reiki Master, Author & Intuitive will teach you some intuitive techniques to open up your 3rd eye while incorporating wellness and oneness. This Month’s Topic: Inviting Angles and Spirit Guides into your life daily! 8/23 Calling All Leaders & Healers 10-11 a.m. You are a unique expression of the Presence of Love. There is no one in this world with your unique song. By loving yourself you align with the harmonizing principal of your Soul. Self Acceptance opens you to your dynamic destiny. In a willingness to love yourself you become a leader, healer and a beneficial presence to others. Each show is inspirational packed with teachings by Barbra White and world changing guests. 8/23 We Get Results 1-2 p.m. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” 8/24 Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing The Ego. 8-9 p.m. Live group clearing & healing session to embody your higher self by clearing the ego, or negative mind, to remove it’s limitation and self-sabotage in your life using ThetaHealing belief & feeling work and the Access Consciousness clearing statement along with psychic channeling in divine love & light with the Creator of All That Is. Call in live to receive clearing & healing for your issue and all who listen and say yes will receive healing! Join us to remove blocks to your success in love, relationships, business, health and wealth. We will connect your higher self to the highest level of divine truth, awareness and unconditional love of Creator and your embodiment begins. Your destiny awaits! Topic: Increasing Love & Allowance: Would you like to be able to have more love in your relationships with less disappointment about things not turning out the way you want? Would you like to be more supportive of those you love and at the same time feel more confident and content within yourself? Tune in to explore the possibilities…

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Internet Radio Station - Available on the web 24/7! Access Shows, Fan Pages, and Episodes Guest call 646-378-0378 to join in! and growing... 46 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D 21,000 E . c o m listeners August 2016

Community Classified... ANNOUNCEMENTS Calling All Leaders and Healers, those that follow love, will be called to great leaders. Inspirational teachings, guest speakers. Hear your evolutionary call to be an ambassador of love. 734-4551438. Diamond Approach® Study Group forming in Ann Arbor. Embodied spiritual practice. For more information: Holistic Chamber - Detroit Chapter meets every 3rd Wednesday. For More Information: Like to read a good mystery? Visit http:// Free Download Enjoy! Maitreya Steps Foward read @ www. Tired of getting bombarded when you walk into a large furniture store? Buy competitively branded mattresses and furniture at less than wholesale prices. Offering Organic Mattresses, Showroom located off 23 North, Whitmore Lake, Call or schedule appointment 734-680-5050

FOR RENT - OFFICE Farmington Office space available. Ideal for doctor, acupuncture, spa, massage, yoga 248-318-6691.


Rick Simpson Syrup (RSO) Tel: 734224-4116

Seeking fellow light worker for room mate. Westland 313-404-3959

SERVICES Medical Intuitive Healer: Lori Irvin, Ann Arbor, 810-820-0494 Reiki sessions. Aura clearing. Spiritual healing. In person. Long distance. Classes: Reiki (all levels) and more. See Kathleen Pruneau-Hill, Healer Practitioner, Reiki Master. Nurse Educator.734-751-7336 Stress Reduction Looking to Reduce Stress? An Australian Technique that will change your life and brain. Text or call Jude Shepard 810-599-8855


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Colonics: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. 248-5432020.

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Ark Crystals for sale: Large, high quality Lemurian crystals direct from Brazil, Very reasonably priced, crystal spheres and more. For more info, contact Ed Ponist 517-896-3897 orarkcrystals@

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Cocktail Candles – Scented Tel: 734224-4116

Get Rid of Styrofoam! offers plant based eco-friendly carry out containers for the food service industry. For a catalog and free samples, call 313-300-7709 “Picture a Conversation™. 25 conversation starters+ gorgeous nature images, smart, elevated, inspiring,”

August 2016 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

Spiritual Bath Cleanse. Custom made for your condition(s) Tel:734-224-4116

HYPNOSIS Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Life Coach. Contact Kari at: 586747-7706.

MENTAL WELLNESS A Perfect Balanced Mind: A safe, effective technology that gives feedback directly to your brain allowing it to regulate itself more efficiently. Specializing in: Anxiety, memory/ focus, sleep issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD. 248-254-7823

NOW HIRING Employment Opportunity: Natural Practitioner, 30-40hrs/week. Psychiatric experience and medication knowledge preferred. Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry in Southfield. Inquiries contact Susan Martinez (248) 327-7175. For More Information

PET SERVICES Pet massage and Organic dog grooming. or call 734-469-4714. All services by appointment only.

READERS Readings by Maryann Grant- As featured in the Detroit Free Press. Intuitive Spiritual Counselor- Using tarot, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and feeling. Spiritual Development Circle Now Forming. 248-672-7656. Joan Goldman, Numerologist, Advisor-Consultant (248) 557-5730

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August 2016

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