Body Mind Spirit Guide September 2016

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©



Yoga, for Well-Being and Health Leah Slagenwhite Get Your Omega-3 from Algae! John L. Chetcuti Transition of Autumn Nancy Lynn Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally Known!© September 2016

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Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 P: 734-513-6137 | F: 734-956-4150 E: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm :

Our Staff:

Kathy Henning, Editor Courtney Overfield, Excutive Radio Producer Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Writers are Leaders & Experts right here in Michigan that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers:

Michael Abramsky PhD, ABPP Chrissie Blaze Faith Brower Waad Charara John Checuti Susan deCaussin Rev. Flossie Emzen Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, BS, DC, ND Rev. Ray Fraser Walt Gajewski Mary Teresa Hickey Mary Hughes Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Dave Krajovic MBA, CPA, CMT Miche Lame’ Abby Lippett Nancy Lynn Susan Martinez Aluna Michaels Marybeth Rombach Nelson Phil Rosenbaum Wendy Powers-Nugent Leah Slagenwhite Jennifer VanderWal Barbra White Eve Wilson Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C.

About Us… The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value. Our Publication… Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit. Our Founding Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950) Our Beliefs... We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, e would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 | Mon - Thu. 10 to 6 or email at:

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Body Mind Spirit Guide Content

LOOKING FOR THE GUIDE? IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.

UP TO THE MIC: Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing the Ego.......................................................6 Paths to Wholeness.....................................................................9

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Yoga, for Well-being and Healing............................................... 11 Crossroads.................................................................................13

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

Feeding Kids of All Ages.............................................................14 What’s Happening in the World Today and How You Can Discern Among Conflicting Energies............16

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

Fluorite Octahedrons..................................................................18 It’s In Divine Order......................................................................19 Music Speaks Louder Than Words............................................20 Get Your Omega-3 from Algae!..................................................21 Sweet Relief!..............................................................................22 Reconnecting with Mother Earth................................................26 Create Your World Consciously..................................................28 The Silver Thread; Principles of Karma......................................29 CLASSES & EVENTS................................................................30 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY..............................32 Let God, Be God........................................................................36

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web... 734 513-6137 or info@ Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Awareness & Allowing Messages to Guide You.........................38 Transition of Autumn...................................................................39 Are You a “Yo-yo” Dieter?...........................................................40 Surviving 21st Century Stress....................................................41 SPIRITUAL HOROSCOPES......................................................42

One Life One People, One Love, One World!

What is a Public Séance? .........................................................43

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

Staying positive, keeping your FOCUS.....................................44 IN THE LIGHT: “Flint Unity Farming Project” ...........................45 BODY MIND SPIRIT RADIO Line-Up.........................................46 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED ADS..............................................47

Thanks for picking up and reading the Guide


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September 2016

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UP TO THE MIC: Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing the Ego * Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

By Courtney Overfield I have the great pleasure of welcoming Christine Fodor to the Body Mind Spirit Radio network. She brings her experience, knowledge and a multitude of talents to her show, Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing the Ego which airs live every fourth Wednesday from 8-9 p.m. Eastern Time. Her next episode will air live on September 28. Christine Fodor of Renewal Clearing and Healing is an intuitive energy medicine practitioner and psychic channel of Source/Creator with 13 years of practice. She specializes in clearing blocks and limitations, helping you change your life so that you can achieve your desired outcome. Christine helps you to actualize your highest potential and unlock your superpower of choice and possibility through psychic intuitive clearings, healings and readings. By connecting to the highest level of love and light of the Creator, she assists you in embodying your higher self and Divine truth with unconditional love, Divine guidance and awareness, removing blocks to your success in love, relationships, business, health and wealth. Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing the Ego is a live group clearing and healing session that helps clear negative thoughts and limitations that self-sabotage your life. “Anywhere you have negative mind chatter, limited belief systems or emotions that hijack your happiness, we can clear and heal it in order to free you from the negative mind,” says Christine. She uses ThetaHealing belief and feeling work, and the Access Consciousness clearing statement, along with psychic channeling of Divine love and light with the Creator of All That Is. Christine welcomes you to call in live to share where you feel stuck or where things are not moving forward smoothly in your life, to receive clearing and healing. Anyone who listens and says yes will receive the clearing and healing for any similar patterns or issues; each time you listen to the recordings you will have a deeper experience. If you enjoy the clearing and healing you receive on the radio, you can expand and join her every second Sunday of the month for both her Guided Healing Meditation and afterwards for her Empowerment Clearing, where she will take all the tools she uses on her radio show and offer those services in person! If you’re nterested in learning more about Access Bars, contact her about her upcoming classes.

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

Christine is a Certified ThetaHealer in Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper, offering sessions that facilitate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual re-patterning through belief and feeling work. In addition, she is an Access Consciousness Bars Energetic Facelift and Body Process practitioner. She is available for private sessions for individuals or groups and works out of Ypsilanti, Michigan. Venture to: to listen to her shows in archive or to find more information about her. Also visit: and discover all the wonderful things she has to offer! And if you would like to promote your business, expertise, products or services via radio by being interviewed or by hosting your own personal show, please feel free to email your request to: radio@bodymindspiritguide. com

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Unity of Livonia Celebrates 23rd Annual “World Day of Prayer” Unity’s 23rd Annual, World Day of Prayer will be observed with a formal prayer service on Thursday, September 8, at 6:00 p.m. at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia. Prayer Chaplains will conduct the service, and Rev. Eileen Patra will deliver the message. The service will be followed by a candlelight labyrinth walk. Prayer request forms are available at the church, and will be held in prayer during the vigil. Prayer Chaplains will also be available for one-on-one personal prayer beginning at 5:00 p.m. on September 8. Names can also be submitted for prayer online at: “World Day of Prayer gives us an opportunity to come together in celebration of our oneness with God, each other, and the world,” said Rev. Eileen Patra of Unity of Livonia. “Through prayer we foster peace and wholeness in our community and in our individual lives.” The theme this year is, “Discover the Power Within – Unleash Your Divine Potential.” Unity churches throughout the United States and around the world will be observing this sacred event. Silent Unity invites all people to pray with us from wherever they are, and as a symbol of their prayers, to light a virtual candle at: The candles will be displayed as points of light on a global map. Details about the 2016, Unity World Day of Prayer events at Unity World Headquarters, Unity Village, Missouri and in other communities are on-line at:

Money Management, a Spiritual Approach If you need help managing your income and want to know more about insurance needs or how to invest, come to a personal finance workshop on Sunday, September 11, at noon, at Unity of Livonia! The workshop will be conducted by Robert A. Finnigan, who has an educational background in finance and accounting, and is a student of Unity teachings. With a spiritual approach, he gives the basic truths about money, insurance and investments, so that you can make informed decisions. The workshop is offered on a love offering basis, with all proceeds benefiting Unity of Livonia, located at 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia. Visit: September 2016

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HOW TO LIVE PAST 90 YEARS OF AGE COFFEE (1- 3 cups a day) BOOZE (1-beer. wine)

JOAN STJOHN Clairvoyant – Psychic Medium

1-800-ASK JOAN

1-800-275-5626 ▪ 734-222-8101 Over 25 years experience: Private Consultations, Parties & Corporate Events, Love, Career & Life Issues, Contact Loved Ones on the Other Side

Accurate – Ethical – Professional

EXERCISE (15 mins x 3 a day) SOCIALIZE (Talk with others) This is Scientifically Proven, research from the “90 + Club”

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Paths to Wholeness

homeopathy, herbs, nutrition and clinical therapy.

By Mary Teresa Hickey When you finally decided that you’d suffered enough, and chose to seek outside help to heal your issues, whether physical, emotional or spiritual – did you use only one modality? Over the years, I have been informed about many different methods that could heal me. Often, the individuals describing those methods would say, “This is the one! This will heal you forever!” I got the impression that just like with religion, many people believe that there is only one path to wholeness – a particular religion, meditation path, diet, exercise program, guru, author, or class.

As I healed, my questions about life and faith became too much for my teacher. She declared, “Islam is too small for you – go be free! God knows your heart!” I have since spent much time with the Unitarian Universalists and a few different meditation paths. I appreciate the open-mindedness of the UU path, and found Kriya meditation to be very helpful for centering my soul and feeling connected.

My healing journey, covering the last 30 years or so, has covered many of these topics. I believe that I would not be experiencing my current successes without the education of the past methods.

At a particular low point in 1998, I found an alternative chiropractor and a naturopath who became my life coaches for over a decade. I was introduced to the Human Awareness Institute and Landmark Education – two organizations that are dedicated to teaching communities about boundaries and communication. It was during this period that I made my greatest progress. I was launched into understanding how to take responsibility for my healing.

In the 1980s, when I was suffering severely from PTSD as a result of Army training, Islam saved my life. It gave me structure, a sense of belonging, and peace. During the 10 years that I followed that path, I also learned about

I finally got it -- it truly matters what I put in my mouth, the people I associate with, the thoughts that I entertain, the words that I speak and the prayers that I pray. I became certified in the use of herbs, nutrition, Reiki, and shamanic healing

arts as I applied these methods to myself. The final piece was recent. As I sat with my minister, lamenting my struggles with weight, I complained, “I should be able to eat just one cookie!” It hit me like a ton of bricks…. words that so many others have spoken regarding alcohol, drugs, and even exercise. Addiction. I am powerless over sugar. I began a process used in AA – getting through each moment, each day, each month, without using sugar to numb my pain. And I have lost 20 lbs.; a side effect of putting my healing first. My mind is clearer, energy is greater, and I don’t have to invest in a new wardrobe. And I did it my way – using processes and tools that work for me. This is my wish for everyone – to learn what resonates, and engage. Happy healing. Mary Teresa Hickey is the owner of, Brilliant Bodies, Brilliant Minds, “Because when we care for our bodies our minds work better.” She educates people in lifestyle choices, health and well-being, increasing energy, mental focus, emotional outlook and more. Schedule an appointment today!

A 4 year old’s prayer: “And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.” September 2016

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Learn valuable tools for everyday living

Festival of India, Sept. 17!

Treat Yourself! Engaging! Insightful!

A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series Includes Present Moment Meditation


Sept. 28-Oct. 19 , Con't. Ed.

734-462-4448 Chairs provided Everyone welcome

Seats going fast... register today! Bring a friend!

Enjoy life in the present moment! 4 classes ...Take 1, 2, 3 or all 4 & $ave!

Michigan’s vibrant Asian Indian community is hosting their annual, “Festival of India” celebration in conjunction with the Indian Festival season! Everyone is welcome to attend this free cultural extravaganza, taking place on Saturday, September 17, from 11AM-9PM at the Southfield Pavilion. The hosts are extending an invitation for all communities to join them, and experience and enjoy Indian culture for a day. The event will feature a wide variety of wonderful shopping opportunities, with over 50 booths selling the latest Indian fashions, jewelry, crafts and more! Vendors are visiting from India and other parts of America. Festival of India entertainment will include seven hours of live music and dance from talented performers. Delicious fresh food will be prepared by local Indian restaurants. Henna tattoos will also be offered. Special face painting and a magic show are scheduled for fun for the kids! The event is presented by, the community’s web portal, and is open to all. is the communication medium of choice for over 100,000 Asian Indians living in Michigan. Formed in 1999, the web portal provides comprehensive information about all community activities and offers a number of free services to its visitors. Over 200 advertisers utilize to reach out to the fastest growing demographic segment in Michigan. The Southfield Pavilion is located at 26000 Evergreen Rd., Southfield, and parking is free. For more information visit: or email:








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Yoga, for Well-being and Healing

How long can you carry a bag of pototoes?

By Leah Slagenwhite Today, I am simply giving voice to something we all know: the reality of our experience here on this planet can be difficult to bear. Doesn’t it come as a relief, in some ways, to know that others also have difficulty bearing life? Human beings are tender creatures. We are born with our hearts open. And sometimes our open hearts encounter experiences that shatter us. Sometimes we encounter experiences that so violate our sense of safety, order, predictability and right, that we feel utterly overwhelmed -- unable to integrate, and simply unable to go on as before, unable to bear reality. We have come to call these shattering experiences, trauma. None of us are immune to it. Trauma may result from overwhelming physical experiences, or from difficult psychological and emotional experiences. Its impact may be sudden and dramatic -- or the result of gradual and unrelenting violations to our very sense of self. Sometimes, we are not even aware that we’re experiencing trauma until weeks, months, or even years have passed. Our understanding of the body’s response to trauma has brought encouraging news; we can intentionally and systematically intervene in the body’s own alarm systems and begin to turn them down. Yoga is part of an ancient system meant precisely to address human suffering and particularly address it in the body, where it lives. Yogis, practicing intensively over the course of hundreds of years, learned to reach in and turn off the switches that control fear, terror and aversion. They learned how to turn down the volume on hatred and resentment, and to systematically begin to reestablish feelings of well-being. Join us for our Fall Workshops and Events, including “Intro to Shamanism and Yoga” and “Aroma Yoga for Emotional Healing.” Visit: for more information! Join Leah online August 12 for a free online webinar, where she will be giving away powerful tools for personal transformation through yoga: http:// to sign up September 2016

A kindergarten teacher had decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag containing a few potatoes. Each potato will be given a name of a person that the child hates. So the number of potatoes that a child will put in his/her plastic bag will depend on the number of people he/she hates. So when the day came, every child brought some potatoes with the name of the people he/ she hated. Some had 2 potatoes, some 3 while some up to 5 potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the potatoes in the plastic bag with them wherever they go for 1 week. Days after days passed, and the children started to complain due to the unpleasant smell let out by the rotten potatoes. Besides, those having 5 potatoes also had to carry heavier bags. After 1 week, the children were relieved because the game had finally ended. The teacher asked: “How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for 1 week?” The children let out their frustrations and started complaining of the trouble that they had to go through having to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes wherever they go. Then the teacher told them the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher said: “This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred for somebody inside your heart. The stench of hatred will contaminate your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot tolerate the smell of rotten potatoes for just 1 week, can you imagine what is it like to have the stench of hatred in your heart for your lifetime?”

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you’ll begin to embrace the rough patches, knowing that you’ll come out of them much stronger, smarter and more sensitive to the needs of others during their own struggles. Remember, you wrote the script to this life adventure you’re on….so, take heart in knowing that these are experiences that you chose for yourself!

By Susan deCaussin Every single one of us, at one point or another, wonders which path to take in life. Oftentimes we cry out for an answer, expecting it to appear before us like an email in our inbox. When we can’t hear the answer, it’s easy to get frustrated with the Universe and claim that we’re not being heard. There are two important factors to keep in mind when this happens: First, you should always know that you are not alone along this journey. You have many loved ones and guides who are constantly watching over you and providing whispers of assistance and encouragement. They place people and situations in front of you as subtle hints, to keep you moving in the right direction. However, if you don’t make time to quiet your mind of the busyness around you, you won’t be able to have the comfort of knowing which direction to turn. It’s like trying to take a phone call while in a noisy restaurant. You may catch a word, here or there, but the full meaning of the conversation will be lost. This is why it’s so important to set aside time, each and every day, to purposely quiet your mind, pose your questions, and then listen for the answer. It may not be as obvious as a face to face conversation with a friend, but with repetition, you’ll be able to feel subtle “knowings” that will help direct your decisions. Just like when people tell you to “trust your gut” or “listen to your intuition”, you’ll learn to pick up on those nuances and move forward with confidence. Second, always keep in mind that any perceived difficulties you endure have been written into your life script to strengthen and educate you. Spend time evaluating those rough patches in life to extract the truths that were learned. Once you train yourself to see the positive that comes from those obstacles,

Most importantly, pay attention to your surroundings. When opportunities are placed in front of you and everything is moving along smoothly, you’ve been placed in the Divine flow of the Universe. If you constantly feel like you’re climbing up a steep hill and obstacles are being repeatedly dropped in your path, more than likely you’re going against that Divine flow and need to slow down, quiet yourself daily, and listen to those subtle words of direction that Spirit is whispering in your ear. There is nothing greater than living in the flow of the Universe. Give yourself the gift of peace by allowing Spirit to provide Divine guidance to your daily life. Susan is an accomplished writer, speaker, Reiki Practitioner and Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Through her connection to Spirit, Susan’s writings are always powerful, healing and thought provoking. Learn more at:

A weeping woman bursts into her hypnotherapist’s office and declares, “Doctor, I have been faithful to my husband for 15 years, but yesterday 
I broke that trust and had an affair! The guilt is killing me. I just want to forget that it ever happened!” The hypnotherapist shakes his head. “Not again”

GRANDKIDS... When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to avoid attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights."

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Feeding Kids of All Ages By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. This article is dedicated to everyone who takes time to pack healthy lunches for themselves, their kids, and/or spouses – and parents who make nourishing breakfasts for their kids before sending them off to school. You all deserve kudos! “Brown bagging it” doesn’t always save money. But the true costs come in the form of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other diseases associated with substandard nutrition. A deterrent to making homemade food is finding foods that taste good to everyone. It used to be much easier. Our ancestors figured out what to eat by trial and error. Those who ate the right things survived and the rest didn’t make it. Fortunately, our genes guide us to eat the right foods as long as we aren’t eating artificial foods. Unnatural foods containing MSG and other excitotoxins damage the internal programming we use to help discern the difference between good and bad food, and help determine which nutrients are needed immediately compared to nutrients we’ve already stored. It’s frustrating when children, spouses, or elderly parents turn up their noses at lovingly prepared foods. I believe there are two types of picky eaters. The first includes children who are actually choosing wisely. If they’re used to eating healthy, it’s interesting to see what they want. The next includes those who grew up with poor nutrition who have fits if they don’t get the carbohydrates or sweets they are craving (like cereals with refined sugars or corn sugar, Mac and Cheese, pastas, breads, or other refined foods.) This problem escalates if not addressed. Bad teeth, bad bones, and a bad attitude are just some of the problems that start out this way.

If your child wants only donuts for breakfast, don’t be afraid to say no, and then bring only acceptable foods into the house. Your first duty is to be a parent, not a friend to your children. If you’ve figured out that you were - or are still that kid, can you recover? Absolutely! You can make new decisions when you take responsibility for yourself and strike out to become who and what you want to be. This includes learning to eat the right foods knowing they are building blocks for rebuilding yourself. Remember that your nervous system directs this whole process so be sure to get your structure/ nervous system checked out and/or maintained by a good chiropractor (like me – lol!) Foods for life should start with mother’s milk whenever possible for every baby. If supplemental milk is needed, goat or sheep milk is next best. Healthy carbohydrates, such as pure maple syrup, should be added. This helps compensate for the slower physical developmental rate of humans over animals and the reason why supplemental milk should be chosen from animals similar in size to humans. Milk fat globulins in cow’s milk are too large for an undeveloped digestive system, and often lead to allergies. The next food for infants should be organic vegetables and fruits. Healthy children are drawn to certain colors and tastes and are usually interested in trying each taste: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. Ayurvedic medicine suggests adjusting these six tastes according to one’s specific constitution for good health and overall balance. Healthy kids of all ages intuitively know what they need! Protein should be obtained through humanely raised/pasture raised animal foods, including eggs, cheese, yogurt, raw milk, and whey protein powder. Be sure to find a reputable source of whey protein because of differences in manufacturing and sourcing of

ingredients used in flavoring and sweetening. Additional protein may be obtained from raw organic nuts, as milk or nut butters. Remember, nuts are primarily omega 6’s and we must strive to keep the proper balance between omega 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s. Hemp hearts are a good source of healthy protein with balanced fats and fiber. Quinoa and legumes are other protein sources that are best combined with other foods. Omega 3 fish oil is essential for developing and maintaining healthy brains. Wild caught fish used to be the best way to obtain omega 3’s but now should only be eaten occasionally (once a week) due to the mercury and hydrocarbons from plastics dissolving in our oceans and lakes. When the oil is squeezed from the fish the mercury remains behind and the oil is micro filtered to remove the hydrocarbons. A side benefit is that fish oil can control pain pathways better than many drugs without side effects. Healthy snacks include raw nuts and seeds, veggies, and fresh fruit. The ratio should be 10 % fruits (mostly berries and tropical fruits) and 90% vegetables. A whole food based powdered drink mix, such as Fruit and Veggie Plus with 20,000 antioxidant units per serving, is a delicious way to add important phytonutrients. Fermented foods, herbs, organic seasonings, and healthy oils help round out meals and snacks. I recommend coconut oil for cooking, baking, and spreading on other foods. In addition to being associated with brain health, memory, and learning ability, it benefits those with sugar handling problems. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil provide an alternative food source actually better than glycose. Besides getting the proper amount of calories, nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates from whole foods, supplements are designed to help

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improve functioning throughout life at every age. For example, phosphatidylserine (PS) is a concentrated phospholipid that is important in the brain for neural energy production and communication but is hard to find in foods. Other brain specific supplements include N-Acetyl-Cysteine, a precursor to glutathione, and Acetyl-L-Carnitine which supports production of acetylcholine needed for learning and concentration. Other necessary supplements include probiotics for their positive impact on immune function, GI health, and the body’s response to inflammation. Specific strains that support oral and upper respiratory health also help with the throat, tonsils, and middle ear. Let us help you determine what nutrition your body wants through muscle testing (kinesiology) and the Zyto Biocommunication scan. Our Chiropractic patients receive FREE monthly scans which are also offered to nutrition patients. Join Dr. Karl on Thursday, September 22 at 7PM to learn about nutrition for all ages and see a demonstration of the Zyto Biocommunication scan. RSVP 734-425-8220. For information, visit:

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What’s Happening in the World Today and How You Can Discern Among Conflicting Energies Do you feel like something is amiss in the US Presidential election this year? Do you feel like there is more unsettledness, more chaos, more surprise, conflict and contradictions? And do you sense that these energies also apply to the world environment as well? Many Are Frozen In Fear: The world has changed and is continuing to change. We are witnessing unparalleled contrasts that are so profound it is hard to ignore them. Many, however, want to do just that. They pretend their voice, their vote does not matter. Because they like neither candidate, they decide to abstain. This is their vote, to NOT vote. Such a choice is one of disempowerment. But with all the confusion and chaos, how do we make the right choice? How do we sort through all the hype and discover who or what has the greatest chance to uplift us to something greater than where we are? Isn’t that what we are all seeking? There is a way to discern but first let’s discover what is unfolding on the planet today. Imagine: Imagine being outside on a warm summer day. The sky is deep blue interspersed with white fluffy clouds. You are standing by a large maple tree when the sun moves behind the clouds. Because the sun is hidden, the light is muted and you can hardly see the shadow of the tree. It is there but not easily discernable. Soon the sun comes back and the tree’s shadow is highly visible and unmistakable. This is what is transpiring in the world today. Because there is more Light on the planet than at any other time, the contrast between light and dark is more pronounced. This is part of the Divine Plan and you are playing a big part especially when you choose to be the Light. What an amazing time to be alive yet the question remains, what are you going to do? Your Light Is Changing The World: When you desire something greater for yourself, you have taken a stand and cast your vote. Have you not chosen to love more and let your light shine brighter? Anytime we turn up the light, the shadow edges and contrasts between light and dark are more pronounced. This is what we are seeing and feeling now. We could categorize the candidates into traditional buckets such as political party or what their platform is relating to the economy, environment, defense, social security, immigration and so on. Evaluating these viewpoints is what the mind is

made for. The logical mind creates a balance sheet, weighs pros and cons and then decides what is best. What seems like the best way, the way that most of humanity chooses, does not, however, always yield the highest most uplifting result. Hearing Beyond The Hype: It is a problem when facts can be distorted. Words are open to interpretation and are often misunderstood. Words can help you understand something but they are not the underlying energy. They are symbols of what lies deeper and are often not the whole truth although they may appear true. Add to this our own filters and beliefs and the problem becomes one of discernment. The Steps To Truth: So how do you discern? Feelings and experience are key to help you uncover what you intuitively already know as true. Therefore, the first step to discernment is to get out of your head. The second step is to remove the labels we have put on everything especially the political parties and their candidates. Rather than label them, let’s feel into them and have an experience of that feeling. These feelings could be love or fear, separation consciousness or unity consciousness, uplifting or condemning. Because the forces of the media, family, teachers, and even our belief systems are strong, even this approach can be misleading. There is but one way to truly discern what is right for you and this is the third step, get out of your head and into your heart. Let you heart decide not your head. The Heart Is Intellignet: The heart has intelligence that is far greater than the mind, yet we are taught to use our minds to make decisions. You will find that if you lead with the heart, it will never fail you. You will have had an inner experience of what is the highest and greatest for you. With the heart leading no one can tell you what to do, for you KNOW what is true. Truth cannot mislead. To get into your heart, you must go within to breathe, meditate and let go of your previously held thoughts and beliefs. These thoughts are what others told you who you are. Instead decide for yourself and you can only do that by connecting to the divine within. All spiritual traditions refer to an in dwelling god, but do not take their word for it. If you do, that is the mind working again. And so the fourth step is to surrender into your heart to have an experience of the in dwelling god. This is the loudest voice in which God speaks to you. You may think you are not worthy or this is not for you, but nothing is further from the truth. Such an experience is not only possible but probable if you intend it to be so.

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September 2016

Under this approach, everything will look different because you are feeling into causal energies not manipulated words or other people’s opinions. You decide based on what energy you wish to align with. When you feel an alignment with the underlying flow of the Universe you will feel joy. And that is your confirmation that you are choosing what is best for you. So for this election and in fact for all decisions of importance listen to the facts, weigh them, discern what is going on but when it is time to decide put away the so called facts and go within to let Spirit inspire and guide you. It will if you let it. You will be amazed at the level of clarity you will create for yourself. We call it Inspired Life Mastery.


SATURDAY OCTOBER 1st 7P.M. Enjoy an evening of empowering, positive music with three talented, award-winning musicians. Their joy filled music will lift your spirits and warm your heart. Faith Rivera ▪ Harold Payne ▪

Please join David and Pat for their FREE Mindfulness Meditation: Divine Discernment on Wednesday, August 17 via www. David Krajovic MBA, CPA, CMT David and his wife Pat have created a new body of work combining contemporary and ancient teachings designed to help you ascend above limitation and access the human potential. They offer programs that gently yet powerfully peel away these obstructions so you can realize happiness, good health, peace, prosperity and spirituality. 734-416-5200 or

Sue Riley

Experience this concert at:

Plymouth Community Arts Council 774 N. Sheldon in Plymouth Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online, at the door, or by calling (734) 454-0015

Brought to you by:

Friends of Unity

September 2016

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P a g e 17

Fluorite Octahedrons By Jennifer VanderWal Fluorite can be found all over the world. Brown fluorite was mined in Illinois. Electric blue fluorite is found in New Mexico. Brazil has rainbow fluorite that has greens, blues, purples and yellows in it. The most common type of fluorite found today is the blue, green, purple fluorite from China. One of fluorite’s natural crystalline formations is an octahedron shape. They used to be very common, but now mostly polished fluorite is available. On rare occasions fluorite can be found with pyrite inside, making the octahedrons look like tiny galaxies inside. Often, people are very attracted to fluorite because of it’s crystalline structure. An octahedron is two, three dimensional pyramids put together. Because of how the fluorite crystals form, it’s great for dispelling any type of chaos, while creating order and structure. The color of the fluorite can often determine what chakra each one should be used with. Blue fluorite can be beneficial when used on the throat chakra, enhancing orderly thoughts and communication skills with this and other worlds. Chinese fluorite is green,

blue and purple and is one of the best stones for eliminating dis-ease. Clear fluorite aligns all the chakras, stimulates the crown chakra, while clearing and energizing our auras. Green fluorite cleanses and renews all of our chakras and releases mild trauma from our emotional body. Purple fluorite opens our third eye chakra, bringing rationality to our intuitive processes, and prepares the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies for healing. Yellow fluorite is protective against psychic attack, opens the solar plexus chakra and stimulates our creativity. I personally feel fluorite is one of the most powerful healing minerals on this planet. It activates all of the cells in our body to begin healing. I often use fluorite when I’m working with physical dis-ease; it’s much easier for healing’s to take place if the cells are telling the body to heal itself. One method I use often is a simple crystal array in the shape of the Star of David. This array can he used on yourself or under a healing table to help enhance the healing process. For this array you need six pieces of fluorite; choose the colors, sizes and shapes that appeal to you and feel healing. Laying down, place one fluorite at the top of the head, one below and between the

UNDER THE OAK TREE... Today, I was sitting on a park bench eating a sandwich for lunch when an elderly couple pulled their car up under a nearby oak tree. They rolled down the windows and turned up some jazz music on the radio. Then the man got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side, opened the door for the woman, took her hand and helped her out of her seat, guided her about ten feet away from the car, and they slow danced for the next half hour under the oak tree. Our whole reason for being... love..just is all there is...

feet, one on each side of the shoulders and one on each side of the knees. This creates a six sided Star of David emanating fluorite’s energies, activating and healing your cells and dis-ease. Fluorite is also a great study aid. It helps with organized thinking, and remembering knowledge and information. You can study while holding a piece of fluorite in your hand, and then when you take the test, bring the fluorite with you and the fluorite will aid with accessing the information and memory recall. Fluorite can also be used in personal healing. For this exercise you need one piece of fluorite; the fluorite can be held in your hand or on your thymus gland, located in the center of the chest in front of the heart. Prepare yourself for meditation by taking three long slow deep breaths. Now visualize yourself in perfect, optimal, whole, balanced health. Visualize a strong healthy glowing aura and your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. See yourself smiling, laughing and moving around with ease and grace. Continue visualizing this scene of your perfect divine radiant health for 20 minutes every day. Using positive affirmations can also be a huge benefit . One of the ones I use a lot is, “I AM perfect divine radiant health.” Have fun! Jennifer VanderWal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor and Facilitator since 2004. She is a Master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoku system of Reiki since 1999. She is a spiritual counselor, teaches crystal healing classes and offers a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center in Plymouth. Jennifer VanderWal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor and Facilitator since 2004. She is a Master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoku system of Reiki since 1999. She is a spiritual counselor, teaches crystal healing classes, and offers a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center in Plymouth.

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September 2016

It’s in Divine Order By Faith Brower Friends say to me, “It’s in divine order” when they don’t get THAT job or don’t want a second date with THAT guy. It sure doesn’t seem like divine order when there are too many decisions I have to make or bills to pay, and it feels like I am out of resources. I have been wondering if that saying is really just a platitude. So I decided to ask Source just that, in my meditation. And these were the thoughts that came to me: we only expect what we think we deserve; the only difference between miracle workers, or even folks who seem to have everything they want, AND ME, is what I believe to be true about myself. Another thought popped into my head about me getting out of the way of my true nature and realizing that I am the creator of my own life by being aware of my feelings and thoughts. The saying, “I can find joy where I look,” popped into my head. Upon waking the next day, I decided to find the simplest things to discover joy in. Even when I felt sad about my son going off to college again, I felt joy in my body’s strength as I climbed the steep hill near my home. The cool breeze blowing on my face was a wonderful gift. The birds and little creatures feasting on seeds in my backyard delighted me. My friends calling to check on me, and send love, filled my heart with gratitude. I liked this feeling of joy. I started to realize that I have the power to be in joy no matter what happens. Being able to CREATE, and be in charge of my thoughts and feelings, is an amazing type of order. It is a gift, a divine one. With practice, I know now that I have what I need to survive, to overcome and to thrive….no matter what comes my way. Through my way of thinking and feeling, I know that everything truly is in divine order. Faith Brower Faith is President of Unity of Farmington Hills, an Empowerment Center of love, music to rock your soul, and laughter. UFH has served and empowered those searching for the Truth for over 18 years. Join us on Sundays at 10a.m., 32500 W. 13 Mile Rd. September 2016

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P a g e 19

Music Speaks Louder Than Words By Rev. Flossie Emzen In most cultures throughout the world music is an intrinsic part of life. In many communities singing, drumming, and dancing are used throughout one’s life. They are used in times of joy and celebration and in times of heartache and sadness. When our grandson received his Indian name, some of the members of the tribe brought a beautiful, huge drum that members played all afternoon. It was so big that three or four people played it all together. Before they made the drum, several of the men went out into the forest and spent several days in silence, praying and listening for guidance as to how to make the drum. When they felt ready to make it, they returned and worked together to make this beautiful instrument. So, what is your song, what is the melody of your day? Do you have thoughts and beliefs that play throughout your day that create a refrain? Are you happy with your song? In Unity, we often say there is one power and one presence. We have a lovely affirmation that says, “There is one power and one presence in me and in my life, God, the good omnipotent.”

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Now that is a powerful affirmation! My question is this: Is this one power also one song? Rumi, the 13th century mystic, has a beautiful poem, “One Song”, that embraces this experience of oneness. He says, “All religions, all this singing. One song. The differences are just illusion and vanity. The sun’s light looks different on this wall than it does on that wall, and a lot different on this other one, but it’s still one light. We have borrowed these clothes, these time and place personalities from a light, and when we praise, we’re pouring them back in.” And so, we sing. We pour our song into our life. At Friends of Unity in Plymouth, we love the empowering, uniting, healing music of Empower Music and Arts. This music is written by professional songwriters and performers from all across the country. Three of these singers will present a PosiPalooza concert on Saturday, October 1 at 7 PM at the Plymouth Community Arts Council. We are welcoming Faith Rivera, Harold Payne and Sue Riley. Join us for the concert on October 1! Also, join us each Sunday morning at 10 AM for an inspiring message, music that celebrates the human spirit, and a warmhearted community. Music speaks louder than words, It’s the only thing that the whole world listens to. Music speaks louder than words, When you sing, people understand. Harold Payne Rev. Flossie Emzen is the Spiritual Leader of Friends of Unity in Plymouth. She is an ordained Inter-faith, Inter-spiritual Minister and a Licensed Unity Teacher. Visit: for more information. September 2016

Get Your Omega-3 from Algae! By John L. Chetcuti

You’ve likely heard about the many potential health benefits of consuming omega-3 essential fatty acids, including brain, heart and joint health. The term “essential fatty acids” refers to the polyunsaturated oils your body needs but cannot produce, so they must be obtained from your diet. The most commonly known omega-3 supplement is fish oil - but if you choose to not eat fish, how can you get enough omega-3? Marine Algae Marine algae (or microalgae) is the reason why fish oil contains high amounts of omega-3. This is because the main diet of fish harvested for omega-3 fish oil is microalgae.1 Research also suggests that algae oil is more concentrated in omega3s and in DHA, and is thus better formulated for human metabolism.2 The principle difference between microalgae and fish oil is that microalgae is entirely plant-based and contains no animal products. This means the oil is suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and anyone else who would prefer to not consume fish products. DHA and EPA: The Anti-Inflammatory Fats Scientific studies have uncovered a number of important health benefits from omega-3 fats, specifically DHA and EPA (long chain fatty acids) 3, which include:

Healthier, stronger bones Improved mood regulation Reduced risk of Parkinson's disease Reduced risk of death from ALL causes Prevention of vascular complications from Type 2 Diabetes Gallstones Reducing symptoms of Lupus Erythematosus and other autoimmune diseases Multiple sclerosis

Protecting your tissues and organs from inflammation Brain and eye development in babies Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease Relief from Dry Eye Syndrome Peripheral artery disease Preventing postpartum depression Preventing premature birth Combating cancer

In fact, if you go to the “Omega-3 Fat” page on you will see a list of scientific studies supporting the benefits of omega-3 oil for 254 different diseases.4 ( is a website which provides open access to the latest biomedical research available on the therapeutic value of natural substances in disease prevention and treatment). John Chetcuti is a vegan of 29 years and owner of Atom’s Green Market, a natural products wholesaler. He was president and cofounder of the Michigan Vegan Society and is currently studying plant-based nutrition at Cornell University. Retailers, for wholesale information, call (313)300-7709 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

P a g e 21

Sweet Relief! By Eve Wilson Summer has been heating up, and with it our lives are heating up too! The pressure of global warming has the higher purpose of intensifying things within us and our world, which need to be released. There are ways you can handle this process to enjoy relief and in doing so experience a deeper sweetness and relaxation with life. As the temperatures are rising, our vibrations are rising too. All life is energy vibrating in particular wave lengths or frequencies. Lower vibrations are more physical and higher vibrations are more spiritual. So when we say our vibrations are rising, it means that we are energetically becoming more spiritual; this allows more spiritual light, power and unconditional love to come into our human and planetary experience. With this comes a higher intelligence and opportunities for improvement on every level. This process is called, ascension. The pressure you experience during this time of change, forces elements of life that no longer serve us to consciousness, to be healed and released. They can be memories, emotions and beliefs from our past that we stuffed;

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or have been dancing around or reacting to for a long time. They can also be hereditary or social tendencies which aren’t true to us, which we have lived with, not knowing how to get beyond them. They can be diseases of body and mind as well. We are collectively working to be free of this old baggage, which has kept us limited and uncomfortable for so long. It makes a difference to your experience, how you respond to these forces of change. You can react to them by stuffing your feelings and trying to stay positive, but this will only work until you get too tired or overwhelmed, and then they will pour out of you, and may make you ill. You can project the pressure toward other people and circumstances, blaming and downloading negativity on others; but that is a very toxic option. You can’t outrun change by working harder, and trying to keep ahead of a world that is increasingly uncertain. Change will catch up with all of us; it is supposed to, and it will be okay, there is a higher intelligence at work here. What you can do is take advantage of these changes, which are intended to serve you, by cooperating with the process.

and the past, into the love from Higher Self and Source. Ask the love to continue to work to resolve these issues for you, as you go about your life. Relax for a few moments and enjoy feelings of relief and comfort that are flowing into places now freer and more whole. This type of work can best be done in layers. Spend an hour working one day, then return to it in a few days, or a week. Schedule a regular time for doing this process if possible. Or keep it on the to-do list for your week and take the time when you can find it. It seems like work, but when you are done, there is a deep relaxation that feels like sweet relief. If you would like to go deeper with this work supported by me, there is contact information in my bio. Eve Wilson Eve Wilson, Director of The Healer Development Program, is a full-time spiritual healer, teacher and author. Visit her website for appointments, classes and the Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Her new book, Riding the Wave of ChangeHope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, is coming soon on Balboa Press.

Try the following to find some sweet relief! - Make time to be alone with your Higher Self. To do so, get off your phone, iPad, computer, and TV and relax in solitude. Breathe and open your heart. Give yourself an inner hug and welcome your Higher Self into your body and soul, until you begin to feel a release and opening to love. Breathe that love into the tense places in your body. Give inner hugs to those parts of you, and pay attention to the emotions and thoughts or other people’s negativity that arise when you do. Invite your Higher Self to love, heal and release those energies. Work like this until you feel quiet and relaxed, then enjoy that relaxation for a few minutes. - Now you are ready to do a deeper level of work! Welcome your Higher Self and the unconditional love from the Source of Life, to flow into and around the challenges in your life. Let that good energy enfold you and everyone else affected by them. Then, to allow a deeper emotional and mental releasing to occur, accept that the pressures of these circumstances are helping you to unblock and gain mastery over similar issues, from your past. Meditate on that, to recall what they are. Then welcome the love to heal you in those places in your past. Allow those old stresses to be released into the higher love, and welcome your Higher Self to become alive in those aspects of your soul, healing past and future. This will raise your vibrations and ascend you into greater unity with your Higher Self. You will also feel more grounded, which means your Higher Self is living within your body more fully. - When you are done, breathe again into your body and heart, and give yourself an inner hug. You will find it feels easier to do that now! Breathe yourself back into the present moment, and release all those circumstances from the present September 2016

Best way to eat


When I was young, my Mom sometimes make breakfast food for dinner. And I remember one night in particular when she had made dinner after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all dad did was reached for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my day was at school. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat every bite! When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I’ll never forget what he said: “Honey, I love burned biscuits.” Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said, “Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she’s real tired. And besides – a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!”

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P a g e 23

Unbelievable Weight Losses With “No Diet” I heard about Dr. Reggish from my girlfriend In Traverse City who lost 28 lbs. in only 4 weeks without dieting. I couldn’t believe it until I weighed her. I live in Chicago and I still decided to make an appt. with Dr Reggish. I just couldn’t watch my girlfriend lose all this weight without me. I’m so glad I did. In 2 weeks I lost 18 ½ lbs. and I can’t wait to fly back again in 2 weeks. We heard about Doc one year ago and we’re sorry we didn’t get in sooner. Doc is awesome. I have 2 other friends from Chicago flying in with me that made appts, we’re making it a girl’s weekend in Livonia. Thanks Dr Reggish, Anna Marie M. - Chicago I read about Dr. Reggish 8 months ago and decided I was ready to see him. I suffer from bad constipation, sugar cravings, brain fog, depression and chronic fatigue. Mostly I wanted to lose weight and get healthy. In one week I lost 9 lbs. and I feel great with lots of energy, no brain fog and no sugar cravings. Dr Reggish said that the sugar cravings would be gone in one day. It actually stopped just after I took these herbs he gave me. My 2nd week I lost 8 more lbs. and my depression is gone. Also I’m having daily bowel movements (mostly 2 a day). Dr Reggish is a blessing. Barbara N., - Toledo Ohio

sweats. My first week I lost 11 lbs and was shocked because Doc didn’t put me on a diet. The 2nd week I lost another 9 lbs. and was no longer having hot flashes or night sweats. My energy also drastically improved. It’s now been 4 wks and the pain in my body is completely gone and I feel 10 years younger. I’ve lost a total of 31 lbs. I absolutely love Dr Reggish. He’s unbelievable. Thanks Doc. Mary Lu, - Flint, Mi. The first time I met Dr Reggish, I cried for almost an hour telling him about all my health problems. Dr Reggish was very calm and said don’t worry…we just have to teach you some healthy lessons to live with and miracles will happen. Well miracles did happen and in only 3 weeks I lost 49 lbs without being on a diet. Dr Reggish never told me how much to eat. He never put me on a caloric diet. I couldn’t believe the changes in my body. I do have to say while taking some herbs from Dr Reggish, I saw thousands of parasites during my bowel movements. In two months, I have lost 87 lbs and many of my problems are gone, including depression. When I look in the mirror, I see a new person and thank God everyday for Dr. Reggish. Maria S., Madison Hgts. MI “See Dr Reggish Now before he Retires” The Reggish Holistic Wellness Clinic

September 2016 Special 50% OFF Nutritional Testing

I heard about Dr Reggish and made an appt. to lose weight. He only charges $45 for his nutritional testing. He tests for a lot of things. After doing his program for 3 days, I felt my clothes were loose. I didn’t have Terms: Good for one visit. a scale at home so I stopped in to see if Dr. Reggish would weigh me. Must present ad at time of visit. After only 3 days, I lost 12 lbs. I have lots of energy, no more joint pains and my moods are much better. Looking in the mirror, my face is even smaller. This program was sent from God. God Bless you Dr Reggish, In our office we test for Parasites and Major Foods and Immune Challenges (Viruses, Flu Viruses, Retro Viruses, Four different types of Belinda M., Detroit, MI Fungus and Bacteria) and also Heavy Metals and Toxic Chemicals. All of these tests are done for a single fee of $45. With these tests we I lost 32 lbs. in only 5 weeks following Dr Reggish’s holistic weight loss program. I hope to lose more with this unbelievable program. can identify and determine factors contributing to your health concerns. Tom B. from Adrian, Michigan Contact Dr Michael D. Reggish, D.C., N.D. @734-427-7110, Reggish Holistic Wellness I read about Dr Reggish and his holistic approach to getting people well. I was overweight, always tired and was told that I had 31586 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia, MI 48150 fibromyalgia. I wasn’t sleeping because of terrible hot flashes and night 24 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

September 2016

Gold Standards... Take Inventory Do not gossip Tell the truth Do not vandalize property Have courage Do not have casual sex Keep your promises Do not cheat Treat others as you want to be treated Be trustworthy Do not judge Be dependable Respect others Be forgiving Keep your self control Have integrity Be accountable Take re-sponsibility Have patience Be loyal Have respect for yourself Be tolerant of differences Seek justice Have humility Serve mankind Be generous "Let's not be afraid to speak the common sense truth: you can't have high standards without good discipline." ~William Hague Let us be about setting high stan-dards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. If our expectations in these areas are low, we are not likely to experience wellness. Setting high standards makes ev-ery day and every decade worth looking forward to. ~Greg Anderson September 2016

Before You Judge A doctor entered the hospital in hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call asap, changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the father yelled, “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?” The doctor smiled and said, “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital and I came as fast as I could after receiving the call and now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”. “Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies while waiting for doctor than what will you do??” said the father angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied, “We will do our best by God’s grace and you should also pray for your son’s healthy life”. “Giving advises when we’re not concerned is so easy” Murmured the father. The surgery took hours after which the doctor went out happy, “Thank goodness! your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply he ran out saying, “If you have any questions, ask the nurse”. “Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t waited a few minutes so that I ask about my son’s state” Commented the father, The nurse answered, tears coming down her face, “He had to leave to finish his son’s burial.His son died yesterday in a car accident, he was at the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. “ w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

YOGA TIME TEACHER TRAINING @ Taylor Yoga Sept 18, 2016!

Feel the call to teach or ready to really deepen your practice? Become a Registered Yoga Teacher thru Yoga Alliance at Taylor Yoga INCLUDES: 16 week program (Sun’s only), Traditional yoga studies, Various styles learned, Unlimited yoga classes, Textbooks, Amazing Retreat & ongoing lifelong support! Early registration discounts offered For pricing call Meena 915-740-0630 or Connie 313-292-9642 and schedule an interview to see if YTT is right for you!

Taylor Yoga | 8935 Telegraph | Taylor

P a g e 25

Reconnecting with Mother Earth

exponentially worse since the advent of the personal computer. Life is better because of this in many ways but as far as our health is concerned, and the health of our children, these have been impacted in a negative manner.

By Chrissie Blaze Most of us are now painfully aware that we are at the mercy of the Earth. There are earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather conditions, and natural disasters of every kind. Indigenous cultures tell us that we are out of attunement to the Earth and it is increasingly obvious that we are. This is particularly important now when some prominent thinkers believe we are on the brink of the destruction of the human race, including even the distinguished scientist, inventor and author, James Lovelock, who proposed the hopeful Gaia hypothesis: that the biosphere is a self-regulating entity with the capacity to keep our planet healthy. There is also evidence that Nature has a healing quality and the more we spend time outdoors, the healthier we can be. However, this is something that is being done less and less – especially by our children. I was reading in Scientific American Magazine, the story of a young boy in the United States who said, “I

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Anyone can learn how to heal.

Check our website for descriptions of the classes The Wattenbergs (248) 647-6181

like to play indoors better because that’s where the electrical outlets are.” This shows how disconnected our children are from nature; a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that kids ages 8 to 18 spend an average of 7.5 hours a day, 7 days a week plugged into computers, TV, video games, music and cell phones. Today, many children and increasingly also adults suffer from this growing disconnect with Mother Earth and Her fruits – Nature. Also, things are getting even worse as studies show that more parents worry today about their children picking up germs and diseases from insects, so schools are cutting back on field trips. However, research shows that children are not only happier and more creative – but also healthier – when they have a connection to Nature. Adults heal faster in hospitals when they have a view of Nature from their windows. Interestingly, a renowned biologist, E.O. Wilson, believes that humanity is hardwired with an innate affinity for Nature and he calls this, biophilia. Tragically, research has shown that if children do not have the opportunity to develop this affinity early on, they may actually develop the opposite – an aversion to nature; a fear of being in nature, or even a contempt. While this disconnect is definitely not a new phenomenon and the seeds were planted around the time of the Industrial Revolution, the problem has got

I will be giving a lecture on Thursday, September 8 (please see The Aetherius Society’s advertisement for details) that examines how we can attune more closely to the planet Earth in our lives, as did ancient civilizations, but in a way that is in keeping with this New Age. I believe that this can not only improve our physical, mental and emotional health, but because of the Spiritual stature of the Goddess Earth upon which we live – this can bring us greater Spiritual awareness. In this lecture, I shall be drawing upon science, astrology and spirituality with personal exercises, meditations, visualizations and grounding techniques that will improve our physical, mental and spiritual health. More importantly, we will examine how we can not only learn how to attune to the Earth, but how we can gain a right relationship with this planet as a living entity. I will explain why the Earth is the missing piece in the jigsaw that is the evolution of humanity. I believe it is the responsibility of everyone who cares about our future on this planet to realize that each of us can make a difference, and that collectively we can guarantee our future. Chrissie Blaze Chrissie Blaze is an author of eleven books, international speaker, radio show host and ordained priest in The Aetherius Society. She was a long-time close student of the Society’s Founder and Spiritual Master, Dr. George King. Visit: and

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September 2016

Cheek to Cheek Quintet in Concert

St. Jude’s Novena

Cheek to Cheek celebrates the spirited vocal duets and songs from the classy age of pop-jazz and R&B. Come hear the incredible voices of Tony Camilletti and Sandra Bomar at Unity of Livonia on Friday, September 16, 2016 at 7:30 pm. Sandra Bomar has established herself as a notable Jazz stylist, whose sultry voice was influenced by such artists as Nancy Wilson, Sara Vaughn, and Dinah Washington. Tony Camilletti has a velvet, romantic style that has been compared to Johnny Mathis, Luther Vandross, Mel Torme, Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. Along with Sandra Bomar and Tony Camilletti, there will be Harvey Reed playing the piano, John Dana on bass, and Eric Lindquist who can play sax, clarinet and flute. Unity of Livonia is located at 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, MI 48154. Tickets are available at Unity of Livonia and online at

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail.

Publication must be promised. Blessed & Thankful - J.R.

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M Te

Create Your World Consciously By Miche Lame’

We know from quantum physics, the world is an illusion. It is a hologram of your own thoughts and inner perceptions. The illusion you see is developed from the images and thoughts from your subconscious mind. This illusion, created from your own mind, is designed to help you know and experience your own being. It is there to teach you about yourself and to grow into your best self, your actualized self by giving you the lessons that will most serve you. As it is from your own mind, as you grow and mature as the divine being you are, you remember and experience from where you’ve come, the Divine. That is then reflected in your subconscious thoughts, images and feelings and creates the illusion you see as your world. So, the key is using your subconscious thoughts to recreate your world as you want it. Did you know that your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between an experience that you have vividly imagined and feel intense emotion towards, and one that is in your outer reality? Really. There is science behind this. So, now that you are consciously and subconsciously aware of this, you can use this to create your reality. These are the steps: 1. Decide what you want. Your personal goals. 2. Use your creative mind to intensely visualize what you want. 3. Make it very detailed and vivid. 4. Feel intensely about it. 5. Trust that it is on its way. 6. Repeat. Your conscious mind tells the subconscious mind what to create through repetition and fuels the subconscious with emotion. Your subconscious mind then brings those thoughts and images into being. Faith and belief are its wings. Get excited about what you are creating. Repetition reprograms and develops the muscles in your mind, creating muscle memory. (Just like how you no longer need to think about how to brush your teeth, you will eventually no longer need to be as vigilant in being mindful of your thoughts; they will be positive by habit, muscle memory!)

The stronger the emotions, the deeper and more effective it is in reprogramming your subconscious mind. Be as detailed as possible. Be fueled with deep emotion. Be in your inner images... you already do this, so do it consciously! Be in control of your mind and you will be more in control of your creation and your experience of your world. Love and gratitude are very powerful emotions that direct your images and your path towards the Divine, and so towards your freedom to self-actualization! Fuel your images and affirmations with these emotions. Bring them, in your own mind, into the present even if you are not experiencing them right now. Science has shown that time is a construct of our agreement in our own mind. There is no such thing as time. There is only NOW. So use it. Knowing that on some level you have already received it, is priceless. You have free will and get to choose your creation of your world. Then, the magic happens... Divine Source, our Creator, sends you what you have created! Just trust the process. In this way, you can reprogram your subconscious mind to work for you. You can replace the old programs and experiences from childhood with ones that are more to your liking. The way you experience your world is just a reflection of your inner self-programming, your inner self-image, creating your world in a way that you can experience it and realize where you want to change and grow. The way you experience your world is just your inner self, not your true self; just the patterns and programming that you have experienced, particularly your very young ones and the ones which are most emotionally intense. Your thoughts and feelings are actually manifested into your experience of reality. Knowing that, you have the power to change it! So, be a conscious creator of your world. Learn to be aware of your thoughts, and then change them if you don’t like what you are experiencing. Be in control of your thoughts, aware of the emotion behind them and reprogram them for your own learning and growth, while creating the world of your dreams! Love and Light, Miche Lame’ Miche has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Contact her at: 248-212-0808 or visit: www.

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September 2016

The Silver Thread; Principles of Karma By Dr. Michael Abramsky In Buddhism, Karma is labeled “dependent origination”. Simply put, it states that even the smallest or seemingly least important of our actions register in the universe, and these actions come back as consequences in our personal lives. In short, there is a repercussion -- positive or negative -- for all acts that we originate. Years ago while traveling in Thailand, my guide told me that, as a child, he was taught not to think bad thoughts about other children, least it would effect his life in a negative way. To devout Buddhists there are no differences between one’s thoughts and one’s actions. The universe, according to the karmic conception, is like a staircase with an initial step, and each step leads to the next event. A person who makes all of the right steps evolves on the spiritual ladder, and in Mahayana Buddhism such people are called, Bodhisattvas. A Bodhisattva is an enlightened being who chooses to forego becoming a true Buddha in order to stay in the secular world as a guide to others on their spiritual evolution. In the Christian tradition, such individuals are labeled, Saints. Second by second, we are bombarded by our internal thoughts and external temptations. We have no control of this. But if we practice mindfulness we are capable of choosing whether we identify with those energies, hold on to them, allow them to dominate us or dwell on them. We also can let them go. As we dwell on our thoughts, as we become fixated on an event, we begin to accumulate bad karma. All obsessive

Miche Lame’ offering: Hypnotherapy Intuitive Counseling Self Acceptance Healing

thinking is negative, all dwelling is destructive. Normally we think that a preoccupation with negative life events is harmful. When we hold on to anger or fear or sadness it obviously has negative effects on our psyche. But even dwelling on positive life experiences becomes painful. When we have a positive experience we attach ourselves to it. The mind naturally gravitates to all experiences that produce strong emotions. With positive experiences we do not want to let go of them. We dwell to maintain them. With negative experiences we dwell to escape them. Positive karma is fostered by letting go, not dwelling. When we let go, we experience the world as it exists in the here and now. It is a very different form of consciousness. I analogize it to a screen door; everything flows through it, nothing sticks. When we exist in the here and now we experience peace. And it is the experience of peace that is a step on the karmic ladder. Each moment is a challenge. Each moment is a choice; dwell on past experiences, dwell in a future which does not exist and it fosters suffering. Be in the present, experience a sense of harmony and send out a sense of accord, which heals you and heals the world. Michael Abramsky PHD, ABPP Michael is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. Dr. Abramsky also has a MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398

Through Spiritual Living and Healing, Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principles to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. FREE 15 min. Phone Consultations

Spiritual Living | (248) 212-0808 700 N Old Woodward Ave. Birmingham

September 2016

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P a g e 29

Classes & Events

Spiritual Conversations. Healing Chamber Energy work, groups of four or more. The energy fields are rebuilt with each session connection to each individual’s teachers culminates the process. Call for individual & group registration. 313-937-5082

The Healer & Ascension Certification Course - Legal throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet. Eve The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Wednesday healing and Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737

SUNDAY Sun - Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. 11am Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak 248-588-0290.

MONDAY Mon - The Insight (Vipassana) Meditation, is held from 7-9pm. Led by Hugh Danville. Calm, focused awareness of the mind/body process. Cost: $5 building fee + heart donation to teacher. If you would like to attend, please contact Hugh at Mon - Hot Bikram Yoga class 90 minute in 100 degree room. $12.00 drop-in. Come hydrated and ready to sweat. at 6pm www. 8935 Telegraph, Taylor 313-292-9642. Mon - Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service. Radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 8pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak 248-588-0290

TUESDAY Tue - Need healing? 7:30pm Spiritual/ energy healing has been offered to the community for many years by compassionate experienced healers. Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak By Appt: 248-588-0290 Love offering Tue - A Course in Miracles weekly discussion group. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360.

WEDNESDAY Wed - Join us in the mighty Operation Prayer Power. 7:30pm. Be a part of the change this world needs at this time. A Great Opportunity to advance through Love and Prayer. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak 248-588-0290


Open House 7-9pm. Meet and Greet, Discussion on Depression and Anxiety thought a scientific lens. Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry, 21751 W. 11 Mile Road, Suite 105, Southfield. RSVP: (248) 327-7175 Visit Thu - Beginner to advanced Yoga class. Evening 5:30pm. Looking to relax or for a challenge. We are here to help. $12.00 drop-in. 8935 Telegraph, Taylor.313-292-9642. Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E. of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 248-225-5360 Thu - 3rd monthly, Intuitive readings, personal guidance, and inspirational message. 630-9:00pm Thu - 4th monthly, Free Reiki Clinic. 7-8:30pm Experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. Cleanse, balance, harmonize, and promote healing at all levels. By appointment only. Love donation; 734-416-5200.

FRIDAY The Theosophical Society in Detroit, Fridays 6:30pm-9pm Lectures/ Videos and thoughtful discussion. By donation. Bookstore browsing 6:30-7pm. Fri - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Eve Wilson’s wisdom, insights and tools for each week. Latest about changes in ourselves and the planet. Free! Sign up:

SATURDAY Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808 Sat - 3rd monthly. Meditation of the month: 7:30pm. Healing Energy Work & connection to Teachers. Prior Registration necessary at: 313-937-5082

DATED EVENTS 09/01 Gently Used Book & CD/DVD Sale: Sep 1 - Oct 10. Bring your used personal growth, self-improvement, new thought, & metaphysical books for sale or shop for deals yourself! Find inspiring titles at reduced rates. Must be received by Aug 31st. Proceeds donated to Forgotten Harvest Food Bank. 734-416-5200. 09/01 Tuning Forks class Sep 10-11th www.stonehealingenergy. com/register.html

Wed -Beginner Yoga Class. at 6pm. Come out to work your body and relax your mind. Perfect for anyone needing to destress.$12.00 drop-in. 8935 Telegraph, Taylor 313-292-9642.

09/01-09/30 Structural Integration/Rolfing Session. Looking to improve your flexibility, balance and posture? 9a-5p M-F. To schedule an appointment please contact: Studio 4 Bodywork 1010 Bowers, Suite C., Birmingham. 248-433-3000

Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808

09/01 Open Mindfulness Meditation Practice: 6-7:30pm. Meditation produces profound benefits including less stress, improved health, mental clarity, calm emotions and better relationships. Includes Mindfulness, Tibetan Singling Bowl, & Metta Meditation. What are you waiting for? $15 or 6 sessions for $60. 734-416-5200 Also on: 09/06, 9/08, 09/15, 09/22, 09/29 Bodyworks Healing Center

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September 2016

09/02 Focused Energy Tech. class Sep 18th

Movements to enjoy movement in a mindful and graceful way. $40. Repeat: $20. 734416-5200 .BodyWorks

09/02 Protection for Healers class Sep 17th

09/16 Intro to Shamanism class with Kenn Day: $25, 7-9p, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091, www.

09/08 Lecture: Earth Attunement-Reconnecting with Earth’s Energies. 09/08 7:309pm $10. Join with author/international speaker, Chrissie Blaze in this Lecture which includes Astrology – Visualization – Sacred Rituals - Healing. 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak. Tel: 248 588 0290 www. 09/08 Essential Stretching. 8-9pm Protect your body from potential harm by with these essential stretches taught by Certified Wellness Doctor William H. Karl, D.C., Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, 734-425-8220. 09/08 Lecture: Mother Earth: Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power. 7:30-9pm - $10 Join with author/international speaker, Chrissie Blaze in this Lecture which includes Astrology – Visualization – Sacred Rituals – Healing. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak 248588-0290, 09/08 Trigger Point Therapy & Stress Reduction. 7-8pm Learn how to relieve stress naturally in this “hands on” workshop. Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, 734-425-8220. 09/11 Seven Top Healthy Habits: 3-4:15pm. Learn 7 strategies Key to finally achieving your health and fitness goals! Learn to incorporate simple habits and food choices making it easier to live a healthier lifestyle without adding more time, consuming tasks and unnecessary stress to your life. $15. 734-416-5200. BodyWorks 09/11 Using Crystals to Alleviate Stress: 11am-1pm. Stress is the root cause of almost any illness. Learn which stones are beneficial for alleviating stress and how to use them. Use stones on pressure points, for constructing healing crystal arrays, aromatherapy, and stress relieving techniques. $44. 734-416-5200. 09/14 Chair Yoga with Amy Brusca: 6:307:30pm. Incorporate yoga throughout your day - even while sitting.. Ground your mind, body, and spirit via chair-flow. $15. 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center 09/14 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum Qigong: 1-3pm. Qi Gong has been used for thousands of years to promote radiant health and cure disease. Learn 8 Silken

September 2016

09/16 Register for Tree of Life/Kabbalah class Oct 1st or Energy Restoration class Oct 2nd 09/17 Drink Yourself Healthy: Free Seminar Sat 1:00p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Learn about alkalized, ionized, purified, spring, bottled and tap water. RSVP-734664-0339. 09/17 Learn Muscle Testing: Free Seminar Sat 5:00p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Your body can tell you what is helpful or harmful. RSVP-734-664-0339. 09/17-09/18 Opening Inner Doorways Workshop: Exploring invisible realms through shamanic journeying. $300 before 09/03, $350 after, 10a-5p, Little Truths Store, 204 S. Main, Milford, 248-529-3091, 09/18 & 09/25: Melody Crystal Healing Level 1: 11am-6pm. As energy amplifiers, crystals enhance your life in many ways. This hands on two-day class teaches you to utilize use laser wands, balance chakras, & clear negative energy. Create powerful healing crystal arrays including a self-limiting belief array. Certification upon successful completion of Level 2. $250. 734-416-5200. BodyWorks 09/18 The Art & Science of Manifestation: Noon-4pm. Learn the ancient practice of using Words of Power for personal manifestation. This ancient practice is presented in a modern form using positive affirmation and the science of morphic fields. $69. 734416-5200. 09/18 30 Day Fit & Healthy Online Group Program: Get ready to learn simple, easily implemented step-by-step strategies that you can help you do more than what can fit on this page! Focusses on a single strategy each week. $99. 734-416-5200. For more info, visit: http://bodyworkshealingcenter. com/therapy/holistic-health-nutritioncoach/30-day-fit-healthy-jump-start/ 09/19 Consciousness Rising Breathwork/ Meditation: 10:30am-12pm. Expel large amounts of stress energies as powerful group energies combine with meditation and conscious breathing. Uplift your spirit, find more joy, find more peace. Includes

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invocations, choreographed music, guided meditation, affirmations, and hands on facilitation. $25. 734-416-5200. www. 09/19 Rites of Rejuvenation - The Fountain of Youth: 6-7:30pm. The 5 Rites help balance endocrine systems, restore energy levels, expel negative energies, balance chakras, improve attitudes, ease sleep, and instill harmony. Learn 5 ancient exercises known to help build strength, flexibility, and a happier you. $37. 734-416-5200. 09/19 Table tipping communicates with spiritual guides or your loved ones through the art of the table movement. Unbelievable experience, enjoy this lost art - Woodhaven, call for further information 571-989-2408 09/20 The Mindfulness Meditation System™ (MSS): 6-8pm. A trademarked system of breathing, balance, flexibility, and mental focus/concentration practiced designed to create a “mind-body” meditative experience. Learn powerful techniques to begin or improve meditation. Go deeper faster. $49.95. Repeat: $15. 734.416.5200. 09/21 Intuitive School: How to Get Your Intuitive Guidance - The Clairs: 7-9pm. We are all intuitive! Unlock you inner-guidance by discovering your unique style and learn to use it. With Psychic Intuitive & Angel Therapy® Practitioner Tatiana. (Recommended for all Oracle Card classes and for healing practitioners)! $33. 734-416-5200. 09/22 Feeding Kids of All Ages. 7- 8:30pm Learn how nutrition relates to brain functioning and mood, symptoms of deficiencies, and dietary suggestions. Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland. R.S.V.P. 734-425-8220. 09/22 Free Reiki Clinic: 7-8:30pm. Held most 4th Thursday’s of the month. Experience the powerful healing effects of Reiki. Cleanse, balance, harmonize, and promote healing at all levels. Preregistration required. Love donations appreciated. 734-416-5200 09/23,24, 25 The Holistic Festival show has a variety of products and services such as tarot readers, psychics, astrologers, reflexology, massage, aromatherapy, herbal products and much more. Don’t miss it! The show takes place indoors in our 60,000 sq. ft. show area. http://www.gibraltartrade. com/holisticshow.php 586-465-6440

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September 2016

09/23 Become a Certified Hypnotherapist. Weekend classes. State Licensed School. 586-899-9009 09/23 registration deadline for Stone Healing I class Oct 15-16th http://www. 09/24 End your chronic pain forever: Free Seminar Sat 3p at TLC Holistic Wellness Livonia. Stop treating symptoms and discover the root cause. RSVP-734-664-0339. 09/24 A Saturday filled with fascinating workshops starting with; Chakras 10-12, Spiritual Guides (Part A) 12:15-2:15, and Spiritual Guides (Part B) 2:30-4:30 in Woodhaven, for further information 571-989-2408 or 09/26: Introduction: How to Realize Your Highest Potential & Beyond: 6:308:30pm. Find the key to life mastery. Learn how to utilize breath. Understand why breath mastery changes lives. Open up to a new way of being in the world. Stop reacting and start creating the life you want. $33. 734-416-5200. 09/27 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum Qigong: 6-8pm. Qi Gong has been used for thousands of years to promote radiant health and cure disease. Learn 8 Silken Movements to enjoy movement in a mindful and graceful way. Watch your body reenergize as stress evaporates. $40. Repeat: $20. 734-416-5200 09/28 A Journey of Self-Discovery: Meditation Lecture Series. Engaging! Exciting! Learn Present Moment Meditation™ and insightful tools for everyday living. Release stress. Gain new perspectives. 6:30-8:30p. 4-weeks. Schoolcraft College Con’t. Ed., Livonia 734-462-4448 09/28 Adelpha Breast Thermography: Noon-5pm * By Appointment. The safest, earliest, noninvasive detection of functional psychological changes in the breast tissue. NO Contact, No Compression. No Pain. $165. 734-416-5200. 09/28 Experience the Self: An Inner Journey. Take an in-depth look at the essence of Self. Experience the radiant, peaceful presence, within. Includes Present Moment Meditation™. 6:308:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed., Livonia. 734-462-4448 www.schoolcraft. edu/cepd

September 2016

09/28 Intuitive School: Intro-How to Read Oracle Cards: 7-9pm. Everyone has intuitive abilities! Learn the basics of oracle card reading. Access your intuitive style and learn how to complete a 3 Card: Past-Present-Future Reading. With Psychic Intuitive & Angel Therapy® Practitioner Tatiana. At beginner level? Highly recommended to complete How to Get Your Intuitive Guidance before class registration. $33. 734-416-5200. 09/29 Losing the War with Gravity? An Intro to Rolfing: 7-9pm. Explore how the impact from injuries, emotional traumas, and belief systems get stored and organized into chronically “Frozen” postures within the body. Rolf Structural Integration bodywork reverses these patterns to improve mobility, reduce pain, and increase flexibility. $5. 734-416-5200. 10/01 Body Mind Spirit Holistic Festival! 10-5pm. Free workshops, Lectures and Samples. A great day for the whole family. Only 5.00 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan 48154. Phone: 734.421.1760 Sponsored by Unity of Livonia & Body Mind Spirit Guide 10/01 Downriver OTE Spirit Fest is coming soon! October 1st from 10:30am to 5:30pm a day filled with remarkable mediums, healers accompanied by impressive crafters, for further information 571-989-2408. or 10/01 PosiPalooza concert! Sponsored by Friends of Unity. Feel uplifted listening to three award-winning musicians perform positive, joy-filled music. 7p, $20, Plymouth Arts Council, 774 N. Sheldon Road, Plymouth, 734-454-0015 www. 11/04, 05, 06 Awake And Empowered Expo 10/05 A Peaceful Mind is a Precious Gift. With a few easy tools and Present Moment Meditation™, quiet the restless activity of the mind. Enjoy peace and happiness. 6:30-8:30p. Schoolcraft College, Con’t. Ed, Livonia. 734-462-4448 10/08 -10/09 Biannual Fall Holistic & Psychic Expo. Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 11am-5pm, Eastern Michigan University, Student Center, 2nd floor, 900 Oakwood Street, Ypsilanti. $10 Daily Pass, $15 Weekend Pass, Children 12–17 years: $5 daily pass, Under 12 years old: Free, Parking Free. or 734-358-0218

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10/21, 22, 23 The Holistic Festival show has a variety of products and services such as tarot readers, psychics, astrologers, reflexology, massage, aromatherapy, herbal products and much more. Don’t miss it! The show takes place indoors in our 60,000 sq. ft. show area. 586-465-6440 10/23 Being (Breathing) All You Can Be: The Path to Your Highest Potential: 9am4pm. The Greatest Secret ever told: the way you breathe affects your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. No other existing tool addresses all aspects of your being simultaneously with the same effectiveness as breath. Chose to open your breath and tap into the Great Secret to unlock access to prosperity, vitality, health, and happiness. $159. 734-4165200. 11/05 Fairy Tale Interrupted Relationship Coaching presents “Know Your Money: Healthy Money Relationship Boot Camp”. This interactive Boot Camp guides you to develop a prosperity mindset so you can achieve peace, health and plenty in all aspects of your life especially finances. $45 (includes $20 Gift), Hampton Inn, 20600 Haggerty Rd, Northville 9am-Noon (registration 8:45 pm). 248-880-8336, 11/05 Fairy Tale Interrupted Relationship Coaching presents “Redefining Forgiveness: The Letting Go Boot Camp” This interactive Boot Camp guides you to let go of negative emotions, mastering true forgiveness, while moving on to happiness. $45 (includes $20 Gift), Hampton Inn, 20600 Haggerty Rd, Northville 1-4:30pm, (registration 12:45 pm). 248-880-8336,

ATTENTION: EVENT COORDINATORS You did all the work, now make sure the community knows about it, place an event ad in the Guide, get your ad seen in 1400 stores throughout SE MI Cost: $1.00 a word or $.75 ongoing ads. $10.00 Min. Call: 734 513-6137 or email P a g e 33


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September 2016



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September 2016

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P a g e 35

Let God, Be God By Barbra White An open heart does not mean perfection. Authenticity includes your emotions. What you try to control, controls YOU. Rather than worry about others, or fight to PROVE to yourself you will be true to yourself, give permission to what wants to be born through you! There IS greatness in you. More God wants to express through you. However, this choice means living on the cocreative edge. Learn to be at peace with the divine discontent of growth. What do I mean?

There is a Reason You’re Here!

with Leslie Blackburn 313.269.6719 Individual and couples coaching, group classes, workshops, retreats

If you deny the fear, you will create fights. Anger and irritation come from fear. The mind would rather push and prove, than yield to what wants to emerge. Face the fear directly and ask what qualities want to be born. Asking what wants to express, rather than continual self-analyzation, takes great courage! This is because asking this question allows more of your True Self to be embodied, and thus, there is a letting go of a limited self-identity. When you give full permission to your own radiance and what God wants to express through you...there is NO ROOM to take on others’ stuff. Do this on a daily and moment by moment basis. The discomfort you feel around another is NOT the other is about you, not being you. Don’t be a victim. Be more YOU each day, by giving permission to qualities of creativity, love, beauty, prosperity, wisdom etc., that want to be born through you. “Be God” equals “Let God.” Meaning, Being the qualities of God leads to graceful letting go to God. God wants to be known, in, as, and through you. Learn to explore life with a gentleness towards yourself. It is normal to feel uncertainty IF you are on the growth path. Trust life. It’s okay to not know. Modern dance creator Martha Graham calls the process of expressing your gifts a, “Queer dissatisfaction.” Insecurity is a part of creativity. Giving full permission to your unique song in the choir of Creation is a daily, moment by moment process. Commit to yourself. You can do it! Be on the co-creative edge. Stay awake to the brilliance. It is so tempting to stop growing and dreaming. Let go of false security and chains of

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September 2016

comfort by dreaming big and loving deeply. When you feel stagnated, you have locked your mind into false forms of security. Opening to more joy, love, and intimacy requires a rebel spirit. At times, we have all unknowingly pushed away prosperity, love, beauty and opportunities. We fear the loss of love so we then unconsciously restrict our full receptivity. We also sabotage the good that is in front of us by trying to “get control” over future loss. (For example, 85% of lottery winners lose their winnings in five years.) But, Love is never lost. How can it? They still loved you and did the best they could. Even if there was harm, Love is always there. God is always there. Always. Love is always within you and around. Don’t fight for what is already given. Fighting is a distraction from fear. Be miracle ready by using fear as fertilizer to a more expanded faith and presence. Obsessive mind, racing action, approval seeking, and dominance are ways to fight fear; and consequently your awareness of the brilliance within and around. Fear is a doorway into greater surrender, trust and faith. Let God, Be God. The Father loved you, and your father loved you. The Mother loved you, and your mother loved you. Even if there was criticism or abandonment, that was their understanding of love at the time. They did the best they could. Love Is. You were loved. You are loved. Decide right now to no longer chase after Love or push Love away. Decide right now to stop

chasing after God or pushing God away. Let the good happen through you, rather than trying to “get” it. Let God, Be God. Your intent to grow is the rudder in a boat. Let the waters of life carry you. God/Life has it figured out. Have patience with yourself. Cultivate a fierce focus on the Realness of Love, Beauty and God in all people and situations. Accepting non-judgmental assertions on Love, opens your energy to the present pregnant moment of possibility. Witness with compassion the rings you have kissed to gain false praise. Use your self-betrayal as fertilizer to amplify selfintegrity. Cultivate your embodied knowing of Love, Beauty and God through self-acceptance. Manipulating words and actions will just bring torment in the end. How you are Being today, is the greatest predictor of tomorrow. “Don’t look for your dreams to come true; look to become true to your dreams,” said Michael Beckwith. Give permission to the God qualities within you now. Stop trying to change conditions to find peace. Seeking approval is a form of manipulation. The universe already adores you. Instead of fighting for what is already given, put more focus on letting out the Real you. Jump into the fire of devotion by deepening your commitment to serve, love, grow and live from your center. Burn through your suspicions of Love, success and opportunity. Stand with your heart wide open, expressing fully in service to the One; and miracles will emerge. Let God and Be God. Barbra White Barbra has a masters in transpersonal psychology and ecopsychology, Diploma of homeopathy, Reiki Master, and published author. She is a gifted intuitive, spiritual life coach and Earth Angel communicator. 734455-1438 |


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P a g e 37

Awareness & Allowing Messages to Guide You

One Day a Small Gap By: Unknown Author

One day a small gap appeared in the cocoon, through which the butterfly had to appear. A boy, who accidentally passed by, stopped and watched how the butterfly was trying to get out of the cocoon. It took a lot of time, the butterfly was trying very hard, and the gap was as little as before. It seemed that the power would leave the butterfly soon. The boy decided to help the butterfly. He took a penknife and cut the cocoon. The butterfly immediately got out, but its body was weak and feeble, and the wings were barely moving. The boy continued to watch the butterfly, thinking that now its wings would spread and its would fly. However, that did not happen. The rest of its life the butterfly had to drag its weak body and wings that weren’t spread. It was unable to fly, because the boy did not realize that an effort to enter through the narrow gap of the cocoon was necessary for the butterfly, so that the life-giving fluid would move from the body to the butterfly’s wings and that the butterfly could fly. Life forced the butterfly to leave its shell hardly, so that it would become stronger and would be able to grow and develop. If we were allowed to live without meeting difficulties, we would not be viable. Life gives us challenges to make us stronger.

Marybeth Rombach Nelson Author, Intuitive, Reiki Master


Learn About Your Future and Heal Your Past Readings Include: Intuitive Impressions of Your Future, Angel Cards, Karma, Spiritual Development, Soul’s Purpose, Birth Card Reading and an

Intuitive Message Just for YOU! Inspiring Self-Help Books―Read & Learn Become Intuitive Today!

By Marybeth Rombach Nelson To be aware of your life and surroundings is to be conscious of what is really going on in your life. Busy days lead us to go through the motions of living on auto pilot. To be truly aware and in tune with our soul, we need to slow down and have quiet time. Really ask the Universe what is right for you and your life and stop and listen to what comes to you. Knowing thoughts will come spontaneously when you quiet down and allow them to come. Gut feelings about your life and situations will help you recognize what is perfect for you. Allowing spontaneous messages from your Angels and Spirit Guides will improve your life today. Ask for guidance daily in accomplishing your goals or simply knowing the right decisions to make in your life. Journal your thoughts and inklings you get throughout your day. Set aside 10 – 15 minutes a day for quiet time and reflection for yourself. Being present in your own life is becoming completely aware of what you want and what is perfect for you right now. Affirmation: I am open to receiving daily messages. I ask my Angels and Spirit Guides for help right now. I allow these messages to come to me now. I know what is perfect for my soul now. I believe, I receive and I’m so very grateful Marybeth - Marybeth Marybeth Nelson, Author, Intuitive, MarybethRombach Rombach Nelson & Reiki me at 734-890-8581 to Author,Master. Intuitive, Call Reiki Master create a marketing plan with Body Mind Spirit 734-560-0355 or 734-890-8581 email:and Guide make 2016 the best year ever! – Marybeth Rombach Nelson, Marketing Director, Body Mind Spirit Guide. Email: Marybeth@ INTUITIVE READINGS • REIKI HEALING & CLASSES Learn About Your Future and Heal Your Past

Readings Include: Intuitive Impressions of Your Future, Angel Cards, Karma, Spiritual Development, Soul’s Purpose, Birth Card Reading and an

“Let us rise up and be thankful, for Message Just for YOU! if weIntuitive didn’t learn a lot today, at least Inspiring Self-Help Books―Read & Learn Become Intuitive Today! and if we didn’t we learned a little, learn a little, at least we didn’t get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn’t die; so, let us all be thankful.”

Angels, Near Death Experience, Your Soul’s Path, Fairies & Sprites


Angels, Near Death Experience, Your Soul’s Path, Fairies & Sprites

38 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

September 2016

Transition of Autumn By Nancy Lynn As we transition from the warm breezes of summer into the changing leaves of autumn, we are reminded of the beauty of change. Every year the leaves on the trees lose their green shade and fade to brilliant arrays of reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. Our lives are much like these leaves as the season changes, so do we as people. We grow and transform ourselves into new versions while shedding our old skin and incorporating the lessons we have learned into the new revision of who we are. We move forward in life and begin to gain a greater awareness of the universe and our place within it. Autumn holds a great significance to spiritualists, as it is the time of the autumn equinox. On September 22 the day and night will be equal in length, creating a perfect balance of light to dark, masculine to feminine, a balance within ourselves as well as other energies around us. It is a time of inner reflection. Autumn is a season that is shrouded in possibilities. It invites us to release what no longer benefits us in our journey to open our way of furthering our personal development. Just as a farmer harvests the rich bounty at the end of summer, he looks at autumn as the time to turn over soil and fertilize the earth. Autumn reminds us of the impermanence of everything. We have experienced the growth of life, which is seen in spring, the flowerings and expansion of summer, autumn the rich colors of the leaves and winter the baron branches of what was. All there to remind us of the fleeting beauty of nature in all its glory. We can take advantage of this time of year to reap the possibilities of changes and the insight in the journey.

In order to bring about positive self-change we must learn to release any self-destructive behaviors. Look at what you have accomplished versus what you have not and remember the grass is not always greener on the other side. We should approach this time with realistic expectations, as it is essential to assist in self-change and spiritual growth. Our greatest gift to our self is to create reachable tasks and awards for obtaining our achievements. Much like the changing colors of the leaves each Autumn we should take this time to reevaluate where we are and where we want to go to. Each season without the other one before, would not be able to complete the cycle of life. The spouting of new life, into the green growth of summer, followed by the shedding of the rich colors of leaves into the transformation and dormancy of winter into a new version of who we will be... Looked at as: Spring creation, Summer development, Autumn reflection, Winter transition. Nancy Lynn, Take one of our workshops and we will help you discover more about yourself and show you step by step how to do it on your own. I’m not claiming that this workshop is going to make anyone an expert, though we hope that it will give you a nudge in the right direction. For info please go to our website at or email us at blueraven318@ or please contact me Nancy at 571-989-2408.

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •

September 2016

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P a g e 39

Are You a “Yo-yo” Dieter? By Phil Rosenbaum Is “yo-yo” dieting a problem for you? Have you ever gone on a diet, lost a fair amount of weight, but then gained most, if not all, of it back? If this has happened to you, you are not alone. People spend enormous amounts of money to help them lose weight. People have tried many diet programs, joined a gym, or taken various exercise classes to drop the unwanted pounds. Unfortunately, after all the valiant efforts, the weight finds a way of returning. Think of all the money spent, not to mention all the energy expended. After all that work, you are no better off than when you began.. According to data by Marketdata Enterprises, a market research firm that tracks niche industries, Americans spend over 60 billion dollars each year trying to lose pounds. With all the wonderful diets, great exercise equipment, terrific coaches, and amazing array of classes, why are we not more successful? What is the problem? Sometimes, a person opts for a diet that is too extreme. Not surprisingly, the individual cannot sustain the diet, and he or she quits and regains the weight. Or perhaps, after initial success some event occurs to derail one’s best intentions. One of the problems with food is that it is used for so many different reasons. For example, people often use it to celebrate wonderful occasions. However, they also use it for comfort when things are not going well. Many people were brought up with the belief they need to “clean their plate.” Considering how much food is served at restaurants, cleaning your plate means eating a great deal more than you need. There are many other reasons why people are overweight. One big factor involves stress. Many people find themselves eating more food than is necessary to help them cope with stressful situations. Sometimes people eat to deal with uncomfortable emotions such as boredom, anxiety, anger, or loneliness. At times, people eat food as a way to numb themselves from painful situations.

the problem, it is not very likely that a diet will be successful. If a person believes that food is the only way of coping with a difficult situation, there is little chance of being successful with a diet until the belief is changed. Diet alone is not the answer. The problem is, “why is the person overeating?” One needs to find the root cause of the eating problem. Once this is understood, the person can find better, healthier ways of dealing with the problematic situation. Counseling and therapy can be very helpful to get to the source of the problem, but there is another way that is very effective, and it may require a lot less time and money. This is with the use of clinical hypnosis. The reason hypnosis is so helpful is that it can access the subconscious mind in order to get to the underlying cause. There was a very interesting study conducted by endocrinologist, Hans Selye, the expert on stress, and Naomi O’Keefe, PhD, in clinical psychology. In this study the researchers found that with 600 sessions of psychoanalysis, 38% of patients reported recovery from their conditions. Using behavior therapy, 72% improved after 22 sessions. However, with the use of hypnosis, there was a 93% success rate after only 6 sessions (This study was reported in American Health Magazine). As you can see from the study, not only is hypnosis effective, but it also requires a lot less time to see improvements. If you are tired of spending lots of time and money on dieting efforts that do not last, maybe hypnosis is what you are looking for. If you would like to learn more about hypnosis, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. This could be the answer you are looking for. Phil Rosenbaum If you would like to learn more about this lifechanging form of hypnosis, please call Phil Rosenbaum at the Self-Esteem Academy. Call:the phone number is 248-688-6469. We are also offering a special sale this month!

In addition to the above, there are also deeper reasons why people overeat. Many people have been abused during childhood, and they may well use excess weight as a means of protection. Or perhaps a relationship did not go well, and the person overeats to avoid getting hurt again. As you can see, there are many different reasons why people overeat. However, unless one deals with the real cause of 40 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

September 2016

Surviving 21st Century Stress By Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C. In our world today, stress has become a way of life. We eat on the go, and our days are unending. We can’t stop thinking or doing, and let ourselves relax and enjoy. We wait for vacations, and then need a vacation after our vacation. We have forgotten how to enjoy life. The right amount of stress helps motivate us to take action. Too much stress can cause us to feel overwhelmed, overworked, fatigued, and emotionally and physically drained. When the brain determines that it is stressed, it believes everything is an emergency.

Avoid dietary stimulants that keep the body in a “stress emergency” state. Do not allow yourself to become dependent upon coffee, pop or caffeine stimulants. Without sufficient water the body cannot flush out the toxins. They are then stored in your body fat, adding to weight gain. Do not drink less water than half your body weight in ounces. Avoid junk food, packaged and processed foods made with hydrogenated oils or trans fats. These bad fats damage the cells on the inside of your body. Do not force yourself to exercise when you are exhausted, which will slow your recovery.

Written by Dr. Carol Ann Fischer, D.C. with Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C., who now owns TLC Holistic Wellness in Livonia. She has provided holistic and nutritional recommendations using diet and whole food supplements for 27 years as a practicing chiropractor, holistic-wellness consultant. Visit: for more information and Signs of stess burnout include sugar, salt and/or carbohydrate cravings, unwanted weight gain, fatigue, irritability, to learn about our FREE stress analysis, or call: 734-664-0339. sugar sensitivity, allergic reactions, sleep difficulties, lack of motivation, slow recovery from illnesses, bone loss, aches and pains, and digestive difficulties. We now live under continuous stress from our diet, job, family and the environment, when compared to our ancestors. There are three categories of stress: physical stress from poor posture, injuries or trauma; emotional stress; and chemical/ environmental stress from toxins and non-organic food, electromagnetic pollution, insufficient water, and missing vitamins or minerals.

There is a natural solution to this 21st century stress overload phenomenon. First, identify the different stressors that are causing a stress reaction in your body. Next, reduce the stressors that you can by changing your diet and lifestyle habits. Follow your natural body instinct to go to bed early, when you first feel tired. Eat real whole foods and the correct protein requirement for your body type, instead of eating convenience and fast foods. Do not give into sugar, chocolate and carbohydrate cravings.


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P a g e 41

Spiritual Horoscopes By Aluna Michaels, M.A. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Happy birthday Virgo! This’ll be an amazing birth year filled with prosperity! The more you meditate and open your mind, the more space you make for abundance to flow in. Connect with positive minded friends who uplift you and support your sense of expansion and possibility. Dream big and don’t censor anything with doubt, criticism or lack of worthiness! The Universe wants to fulfill you, so let it! Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Abundant, joyous Jupiter moves into your sign for twelve months! This is the start of a new twelve year cycle of spiritual, romantic, emotional, financial and personal fulfillment! Meditate daily to visualize what your life will be like. Your dreams are waiting for you to call them into reality! Trust your intuition too, since it is very “on” right now! Working with forgiveness clears out even more room for the good stuff. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Jupiter begins working with your subconscious mind, helping you forgive and heal old struggles, even from past lives. Meditate on self-forgiveness too, and make it your

spiritual practice to be compassionate to yourself, even if you think it is wimpy! Open up to new friends and activities that are just pure fun. Give yourself a break and enjoy life so that “issues” will heal effortlessly. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — You can have awesome breakthroughs at work. You might get a surprising bonus or promotion. Or, you might connect with a true soul friend through your job who becomes very dear to you. Your social life will flourish and you’ll be able to balance work and play. The New Moon eclipse early this month renews your spiritual passion and might also bring travel opportunities. Enjoy! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — Pluto turns direct in your sign, unleashing tremendous power to overcome fears and limitations and to achieve your goals! Jupiter moves into Libra for a one year stay, creating a once in a twelve year high point for career. The sky’s the limit in all areas of your life! You can also release old childhood traumas or negative thought patterns and rewire your brain for joy and fulfillment. Don’t give up because it is possible! Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — The New Moon eclipse opens you to a new depth of trust, intimacy and sexuality. You live in your head, but energies this month help you to be present in your body, experience the moment with joy and feel “real”. You’re able to let go of old emotional hang-ups and fears. You’ll also have a resurgence in your spiritual life and feel a true loving partnership with the Universe! Nurture that relationship, with extra meditation and gratitude. You’re a beloved member of the planetary family and you’ll finally feel that in your core!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — Like your Aquarius friends, you’ll have deep healing in relationships and intimacy. You’ll also have an amazing flow of prosperity from surprising areas or circumstances! Just allow everything to be new. Practice seeing life with new eyes and come from a new heart. Reconnect with old friends who you’ve been “too busy” for and you’ll gain even a higher level of support and love! Aries (March 21 – April 19) — You don’t have to push for success. Just allow results of your hard work to roll in! Career stress and romantic issues unravel and start to flow. You can meet a new partner if single. If already connected, your bond will heal and blossom. Work-wise, challenging people get off your back and let you express your power and talents. Your health also improves since stress will melt away. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — You’ll be in a cheerful frame of mind as your faith in the Universe is restored! It’s been a tough year-and-a-half and now you’ll feel safe in the world, embraced in love and re-connected to your guidance. Your health improves because you’re under less stress and your body can repair itself instead of deal with crises. Spending time with pets can be very uplifting and healing. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — Your mind and heart have been cleared of old blockages that inhibit intimacy. Your spiritual efforts to heal are paying off and you’ll have blessings in your current relationship if partnered. If single, a wonderful new bond can start with someone who is part of your improved and expanded consciousness! Also, face financial issues head-on and they will resolve in fast, surprising ways!

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September 2016

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) — Positive thinking and “quantum imagining” creates breakthroughs for you! Don’t be shy about meditating on the “impossible”, since many options are open right now! Long-standing relationship issues can heal and even old childhood traumas. Believe it and you can live it! See yourself in the healed reality, even if it’s like watching a fanciful movie. Also, if you want to move you can find an amazing house to live in that represents the new you. Ditto for job opportunities! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Creative money ideas can spring into your mind, or finances can come from surprising sources! Read prosperity books and apply the principles for even more abundance. Pluto moves direct, bringing breakthroughs in health issues that seem “permanent”. You can also make new friends who are positive and fun. You might even heal with a sibling and the relationship will blossom like it never has before. Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call: 248583-1663 or visit:

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

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September 2016

What is a Public Séance? By Rev. Ray Fraser

The word séance is a French term which loosely translates to mean “a sitting in which attempts are made to contact people who are dead.” There are different kinds of séances such as: a personal séance where the seeker has a one-on-one session with a spirit medium; a private séance where a group of family members or friends sit with a spirit medium in an effort to make contact with a departed family member or friend; and a public séance where people are invited to come and try to make contact with their personal family members, friends or spirit guides. Beginning in the mid 1800s, séances became a popular event in many households. With the advent of the religion of Spiritualism in the late 1800s, séance settings became favorite meeting places, even for prominent families. President Lincoln and his wife held séances in an effort to make contact with their deceased son. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a strong supporter of Spiritualism, and their séance practices. Most famous of all was Harry Houdini. Following his death at Grace Hospital in Detroit in 1926, his wife Bess, held an annual séance on Halloween (the date of his death) in order to try and receive a confirming message from him that he was still active in the spirit world. These public séances continued long after her death, the last four of which I personally led with the help of my Mystiques~West staff from 2001~2004. Often, Bess would come through, as well as his brother Hardeen, but never Harry. Following the death of noted Houdini historian Sid Radner, the séances were discontinued. Houdini was said to be a non-believer in spirit contact. However, the truth is quite the opposite. Houdini

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was very close to his mother. When she passed, he went from medium to medium trying to find someone who could make contact with her. Sadly, at that time, many frauds were jumping on the séance bandwagon in hopes of gaining notoriety. When Harry found them, he exposed them. He was still trying to make contact with her up until his death. Each week, we hold a public séance at Mystiques~West Metaphysical Center. Every person is given the opportunity to call for someone they would like to reach. There are usually two or three spirit mediums working the séance. As I always say, some séances are extremely profound, some are just profound, and some are just séances. It all depends on the type and amount of information provided by spirit. This is important to remember because contact with spirit is ALWAYS at the behest of spirit. If they wish to make contact, they will. If not, they won’t. Surprisingly, most do. They want to let us know that they are OK and that our thought process about life after death is off base. Some hesitate to make contact because of the type of lifestyle that they lived while in physical form. Generally, these spirits will visit the individual in their dreams in an attempt to make amends for their imperfect physical actions before appearing at a public séance. More questions? Give me a call, or stop in at Mystiques on Wednesday nights before 7:00pm. There’s so much to know, I’ll be happy to share!

Rev. Ray Fraser is the owner of the “MystiquesWest Metaphysical Center” and hosts a weekly public séance on Wednesday nights beginning at 7:00PM sharp. 36356 Ford Rd., Westland. Call: 734-729-8019.

P a g e 43

Staying positive, keeping your focus, obtaining your desires By Abby Lippitt Continuing on with the related theme from last month, staying positive and keeping your focus can be a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. It can sometimes seem that when you decide to manifest your desired outcome, is the exact moment when it becomes unattainable. The reason why it alludes so many is because when you focus on your desire, it makes you painfully aware of what you don’t have; the minute this happens, you then retreat from it, rather than go through the anguish it causes. It also simultaneously keeps you from what you wish for.


- Realistically and honestly assess your desire; ask yourself: Is this possible? If so, how is it? But only focus on the positive and make a list for reference. - Focus on what talents, traits and experiences you have, that support and prove to yourself that your goals are achievable. - Witness the physical proof of your ability, note how good this makes you feel about achieving your goal. - Visualize yourself achieving your goal. - Ask yourself: What can I do that can make my desire a reality? Break it down into small achievable goals, then take Action from a Loving Mindset for the Highest Best Good of All. Namaste, Abby

When you are in pain and angry, you are out of vibrational alignment with what you want, due to the law of attraction -- Like energy attracts like energy. The solution is to change your perspective of your goal. Start seeing your goal as obtainable and ultimately achievable. This is done by looking at all the positive reasons why your desire is possible. When this occurs, you build a bridge of focused belief to your desired outcome. And, lo and behold, what once caused you pain now brings you pleasure and puts you in the proper vibrational alignment with your desire! Here’s some ideas that may help you obtain your Specializing in Phone Readings desire.

Intuitive, TransFormational Artist, Abby has been studying art and metaphysics since childhood. Her Art Education includes: Rhode Island School Of Design & The University Of The Arts, BFA in the Fine Arts, and Minor in Film and Animation, and Theta Healing. She provides digitally handrendered psychometric and mediumistic art prints for commission on art canvas. 248655-0464 or

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Spirit Channeling Clairvoyant Clairaudient Tarot Cards

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Specializing in Phone Readings

September 2016


a week, once in the classroom and the other at the farming sight. The course teaches the kids basic instructions on how to farm, what vegetables to grow during Michigan’s farming season, how to plant organic plants, and how to operate lawn equipment.

“Flint Unity Farming Project” Teaches Skills, Creates Jobs for Young People

Upon completion of the course, those of legal working age will be able to be hired by Trevis Rouser Lawn Service, a company that Delmond has started. “This way, our kids will be able to be employed by cutting grass, doing landscaping and other yard work, as well as shoveling snow during the winter months. It’s important that we give our kids year-round employment,” he says.

Flint Unity Farming Project” Teaches Skills, Creates Jobs for Young People Inspired by hard work ethics and a desire to make a difference in the community, Delmond Marshall started theFlint Unity Farming Project. Along with his older brother Derrick, an Army Veteran, they educate young people, teaching them life skills and how to get in tune with themselves and nature through gardening and farming. “Gardening has been scientifically proven to ease stress and it teaches patience,” says Delmond. “Creating jobs for kids through hands-on work is the best way to help them. Most of the problems communities have with the

Mississippi and grew up on their grandparents’ farms. Delmond and Derrick spent their summer vacations there, working hard in the pastures, feeding slop to the hogs and feeding the horses. “My father made us learn how to garden. We had to follow him eight hours a week while he worked the farm. If we didn’t get that time logged in, we couldn’t go anywhere for the weekend. We picked the corn and beans right off the stalks and they were fixed for dinner that night. I see how our young people and the city of Flint can benefit from the concept of growing your own food,” says Delmond.

youth in the neighborhoods is the lack of a positive voice and economics, from lack of jobs due to their circumstances. We have to show our kids how to use their own hands, blood and sweat, and learn how to make their own way. It’s hard, you’ll get dirty and it takes time, but it’ll teach them.” Delmond is speaking from experience, as he’s been gardening and farming his entire life. His parents are from September 2016

With a target age group of 5-17 years of age, the Flint Unity Farming Project got underway, thanks to Aurora Innovations of Eugene, Oregon that sponsored the event & donated plenty of fertilizer, soil and bone meal to make sure all grown on the farm land will be organic. Along with Dr. Panicker of Alcorn State University in Lorman Mississippi who donated seeds & books & the curriculum for the students. Flint Unity Farming Project will consist of an eight week course that meets twice w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

All items for the programs are donated, and supplies are still needed to keep the programs running, such as electric hedge trimmers, lawnmowers, gloves and shovels. Funding and sponsorship, both by individuals and businesses are appreciated, as they help secure the future and vitality of the programs and our young people. “I’m seeing the difference that one person can make in a community that needs hope,” says Delmond. For more information or to participate in the Flint Unity Farming Project, email: or P a g e 45

Body Mind Spirit r



Accident Angels: Injury Consultants. Weekly Monday & Thursday Evenings 7-8 p.m. Join Renee Angel as she offers testimonials, expert guests in Michigan, Auto No Fault Insurance Laws, Renee Angel’s knowledge and experience to help renew restore and rebuild the lives of individuals that have been in car accidents, educate all listeners on their rights and the benefits you deserve when in an auto, truck or motorcycle accident. Listen Live to learn about your rights benefits and opportunities and receive free advice! For more information on weekly show topics, or guests visit, 9/1 Master Self 8:30-9:30 p.m. Eastern. U.S. 10:30-11:30 a.m. EST. Australia. Master Self with Dijana Marton Harris. Master Self is an awakening and expansion of your Heart and your Soul. It is an embodiment of all aspects of Mind, Body, Emotion and Spirit. Join Dijana in discussing monthly topics of transcendence and alchemy that lead to Self Mastery. Dijana welcomes calls during the show. Bring your open heart and highest Self along on this magnificent ride called Life! Guest: ‘Katrina Loukas is a psychotherapist, spiritual master teacher, coach, healer and world-known Twin Flame Specialist. She is the Author of The Matrix Exposed - a book about cutting those energetic chords that limit your soul growth. 9/3 The Wendy Powers Show: Psychic Readings and Spiritual Topics 10-11 a.m. RE-BROADCAST EVENT! Join “Psychic/Medium Wendy Powers “First Saturday” each month. She discusses spiritual topics. LIVE READINGS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. Spiritual Topic: Renee Money joins the show to discuss Spirits and being on the other side. 9/6 Unveiling the Psychic Truth- 10-11 a.m. Courtney Overfield give listeners the truth about being a psychic, what it’s like impacting others and topics such as mediumship, growing up psychic, psychic sniping and more! This month’s topic: Soul Families, Soul Connection, Soul Mates and Twin Flames. 9/7 Singing For Your Soul 1-2 p.m. Kimberly Harrison, M.M. will explore the wonderful world of the human voice, music, and sound healing. Learn how improving your voice for singing and speaking helps you literally raise and tune your vibrational frequency, improve health, self-confidence, and self-expression, and grow in many areas, including spirituality, creativity, emotions, finances, relationships, and life path. SPECIAL RE-BORADCAST EVENT! Topic/Guest: Successful singer, songwriter, and composer Nikki Christie. Classically trained on viola and self-taught on guitar, Nikki has orchestras, quartets, musical theater, and film all under her belt, and she composes, arranges, and produces her own work alongside Grammy Winner Billy Mims. 9/10 Adrianna’s Mystic Connections 10-11 a.m. Gifted angel reader, healer and teacher. Adrianna invites you to call in for guidance and counsel from the angels. Topic/Guest: Mary Lemons will join the show to discuss Understanding and Protecting Yourself from Less Than Energies and What are Less Than Energies. Learn how to create a healthy boundary against energies that are not for our highest good. The 2nd half Adrianna will be taking callers for “mini readings” 9/13 Fairy Tale Interrupted Relationship Coaching with Dr. Andrea Lee. 10-11 a.m. Dr. Lee is a certified relationship coach and guru that applies a “keep it real” approach as she tackles practical, emotional, and spiritual matters of the heart as it relates to individual, relationship, and family matters. Topic: Guest Author Cory Lee C.P.A. will provide some suggestions on how women can encourage their counterparts to actively be engaged in additional family duties without major opposition or frustration.

9/13 Body Mind Spirit NEWS 1-2 p.m. The Body Mind Spirit Guide staff brings you current news, upcoming events, laughter, articles and topics that are included in the monthly magazine we have all grown to love. We would love to hear from you! This month’s topic: The September edition of the magazine. Call in the join the conversation and tell us what you enjoy. 9/14 Journey Into Oneness 1-2 p.m. Journey Into Oneness with Darlene Sowa. Energy Medicine Practitioner, exercise physiologist and bona-fide nature lover, Darlene shares ideas and tools to assist you on your journey to rediscovering your wild and authentic nature, as well as, the abundant nature of the universe. Monthly topics and guest will help you navigate these ever-changing times with new insights, renewed hope and empowering visions. Guest/topic: DeAnne Hampton will join to discuss “Awakening to a New Consciousness.” 9/16 Guided Full Moon Conscious Breathing Meditation 9pm-9:30pm. Step into fulfillment & lightness of being. Stop struggle, let go of thoughts & patterns holding you back, & expand awareness to experience your true self. Return to joy. Perfect for beginners & experienced meditators alike. Themes vary each month. Produced by Dave & Pat Krajovic creators of Ascension Breathing and founders of BodyWorks Healing Center. 9/20 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11 a.m. Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! 9/20 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2p.m. Aetherius Society members, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! Topic/Guest: Payback Time- 50 Years of Operation Sunbeam. 9/26 The Healing Soul 1-2 p.m. Marybeth Rombach Nelson, Reiki Master, Author & Intuitive will teach you some intuitive techniques to open up your 3rd eye while incorporating wellness and oneness. This Month’s Topic: Forgiving Others Really Frees Your Soul! 9/27 Calling All Leaders & Healers 10-11 a.m. You are a unique expression of the Presence of Love. Self Acceptance opens you to your dynamic destiny. In a willingness to love yourself you become a leader, healer and a beneficial presence to others. Each show is inspirational power packed with teachings by Barbra White and world changing guests. Guest: Scott Brown, visionary who bridges divides: psychology and spirituality, the personal and the political, humanity and nature, peacemaking and activism. He is a leading advocate for consistent nonviolence and bringing the principles and practices of restorative justice to bear on the full range of social issues. Is from Active Peace, LLC and co-host of Restoration Dialogues. 9/27 We Get Results 1-2 p.m. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” 9/28 Embodying Your Higher Self: Clearing The Ego. 8-9 p.m. Live group clearing & healing session to embody your higher self by clearing the ego, or negative mind, to remove it’s limitation and self-sabotage in your life using ThetaHealing belief & feeling work and the Access Consciousness clearing statement along with psychic channeling in divine love & light with the Creator of All That Is. Call in live to receive clearing & healing for your issue and all who listen and say yes will receive healing! Join us to remove blocks to your success in love, relationships, business, health and wealth. We will connect your higher self to the highest level of divine truth, awareness and unconditional love of Creator and your embodiment begins. Your destiny awaits! Topic: Medium Carole Grace joins to discuss “Awakening to Immortality.”

TO JOIN THE FUN Be a Guest Caller at 646-378-0378 Internet Radio Station - Available on the web 24/7! Access Shows, Fan Pages, and Episodes 46 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E21,000 . c o m listeners September 2016 Guest call 646-378-0378 to join in! and growing...

Community Classified... ANNOUNCEMENTS Diamond Approach® Study Group forming in Ann Arbor. Embodied spiritual practice. For more information: Holistic Chamber- Detroit Chapter meets every 3rd Wednesday. For More Information: Like to read a good mystery? Visit http:// Free Download Enjoy! Maitreya Steps Foward read @ www. Westland Meditation Group 313-4043959

COACHING Wellness Coaching: Looking to Improve Your Health? Contact Amanda DuLac RD 248-231-3178 contact@pHealthd. com

COLONICS Colonics: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. 248-543-2020. Colonics/ Detoxification in Sterling Heights. Clean and relaxing environment. Located at the Center for the Healing Arts. www.totalhealthcoloncare. com 586-268-5444

FOR RENT - OFFICE Farmington Office space available. Ideal for doctor, acupuncture, spa, massage, yoga 248-318-6691. Ideal location in Shelby Twp. Share office/ treatment room. Total $89.50 monthly. 586-747-7706.

FOR RENT - HOME Seeking fellow light worker for room mate. Westland 313-404-3959

HEALING SERVICES Medical Intuitive Healer: Lori Irvin, Ann Arbor, 810-820-0494

September 2016

Holistic Facials, Reiki, Aromatouch, Essential Oils. Energy is the essence of Life. Denise Meerschaert 248-884-5855 Oxford, MI Reiki sessions. Aura clearing. Spiritual healing. In person. Long distance. Classes: Reiki (all levels) and more. See Kathleen Pruneau-Hill, Healer Practitioner, Reiki Master. Nurse Educator.734-751-7336 Stress Reduction Looking to Reduce Stress? An Australian Technique that will change your life and brain. Text or call Jude Shepard 810-599-8855

PRODUCTS Ark Crystals Sale: Large, high quality, Lemurian crystals from Brazil, Great prices, crystal spheres and more. Example, Lemurian crystal, 11 inches long, 1.42 kilos, $560. Contact Ed Ponist 517896-3897, Organic Fair Trade Coffee, locally roasted by Righteous Bean Coffee available for Restaurants, Retail Stores & Offices. Call John Chetcuti for samples and pricing. 313-300-7709 Medical Intuition and Healing available in Tri-County Area on Fridays and Saturdays, Becky Stevens Holistic Alternatives, LLC., 586-294-6540. “Picture a Conversation™. 25 conversation starters+ gorgeous nature images, smart, elevated, inspiring,” Cocktail Candles – Scented Tel: 734224-4116 Spiritual Case Work – Discreet Tel: 248-471-9724 Gamblers Money Bag or Gree Gree Tel: 734-224-4116 No Hemp CBD Oil (HIV+ Cancer PTSD Seizures) Tel:734-224-4116 Rick Simpson Syrup (RSO) Tel: 734224-4116 Spiritual Bath Cleanse. Custom made for your condition(s) Tel:734-224-4116

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

HYPNOSIS Certified Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Life Coach. Contact Kari at: 586747-7706.

MENTAL WELLNESS A Perfect Balanced Mind: A safe, effective technology that gives feedback directly to your brain allowing it to regulate itself more efficiently. Specializing in: Anxiety, memory/ focus, sleep issues, PTSD, ADD/ADHD. 248-254-7823

NOW HIRING Seeking Massage Therapist motivated to Live the Vision. Must have excellent client relation skills, work well as a team, and be focused on the overall well-being and healing of the client. Requirement: Massage School Graduate with NCTMB or license, or Massage Association Member with insurance. Resume & Letter of Interest to: Questions? Call BodyWorks 734.416.5200 Yoga Center Hiring: Full-time/part-time gig? WEY is fast-growing and our staff is made of “life-long learners” focused on sharing their passion and knowledge with a diverse community. Visit: www. Employment Opportunity: Natural Practitioner, 30-40hrs/week. Psychiatric experience and medication knowledge preferred. Shalva Adult and Child Psychiatry in Southfield. Inquiries contact Susan Martinez (248) 327-7175. For More Info

PET SERVICES Pet massage and Organic dog grooming. or call 734-469-4714. All services by appointment only.

READERS Readings by Maryann Grant- As featured in the Detroit Free Press. Intuitive Spiritual Counselor- Using tarot, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, and feeling. Spiritual Development Circle Now Forming. 248-672-7656. Joan Goldman, Numerologist, Advisor-Consultant (248) 557-5730

P a g e 47

48 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G U I D E . c o m

September 2016

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