Body Mind Spirit Guide 2018 February

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©


February 2018 ISSUE

HOW DO WE FIND OUR SOUL MATE? by Pauline Dettloff

Doing What You Love by Tatiana Scavnicky

Finding Creative Alternatives by Abby Lippett

Your Magical Mysterious Psoas Muscle by Robert Auerbach


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Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally Known!


Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 Connect with us at 734-513-6137 or email: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm :

About Us…

The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

Our Publication…

Our Staff:

Kathy Henning, Editor Courtney Overfield, Excutive Radio Producer Amora Walker, Office Assistant Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Writers are Michigan Healers, Leaders &

Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers: Robert Auerbach Chrissie Blaze Faith Brower Gwendolyn Esco Davis Susan deCaussin Pauline Dettloff Frank Garfield William Helton Dr. William Karl, D.C Deborah Lieder Marilyn Grace Maceri Miche Lame’ Abby Lippett Aluna Michaels Wendy Powers Nugent Phil Rosenbaum Tatiana Scavnicky Todd Stockwell Jennifer VanderWal Richard Weber Barbra White Eve Wilson

Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

Our Founding Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

Our Beliefs...

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! ~Howard & Penny Golden

THANK YOU to the Readers, Writers and Advertisers that make the Guide possible each month! We appreciate YOU!

We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, e would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of, from our advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 | Mon - Thu. 10 to 6 or email at:

Copyright 2018 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated. Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff



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February 2018

February 2018

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Body Mind Spirit Guide Content


Doing What You Love...................................................................7

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.

The Great Love — Our Relationship with Mother Earth...............8 Love in the 21st Century............................................................ 11 Your Magical Mysterious Psoas Muscle: A Users Guide............12

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Ready for Real Love?.................................................................13 Keeping Relationships Afloat!.....................................................14

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

“I love you, no I really like you, maybe I’m in love”.....................18 It’s a Two-Way Street..................................................................18 How Powerful is Your Mind?.......................................................19 Bringing the Love Inside.............................................................20

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

In the Light with Chef Deborah Lieder........................................21 The Love of Food and Self.........................................................23 Devilishly Delicious Chocolate Cake..........................................23 I love you, You are love, You are loved!.....................................24

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web...

Gratitute and Love......................................................................26 How Do We Find Our Soul Mate?..............................................27 Deepening Unconditional Love Using Crystals..........................28 Thyroid.......................................................................................28

734 513-6137 or info@

Giving Love a Real Chance........................................................29 The Effect of the February Solar Eclipse on Michigan.............. 30

Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

Finding Creative Alternatives......................................................31 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY..............................32 CLASSES & EVENTS................................................................33 Love for a Friend........................................................................38

One People, One Life One Love, One World!

Roses the Flower of Love...........................................................39 Chinese New Year Dos and don’ts.............................................40 The Silver Thread: Samadhi and Levels of Consciousness.......41



We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

Magic of the Mind.......................................................................43 Modern Body Clock...................................................................44 Rippling Effects of Universal Love.............................................45

Please join us in honoring the Earth by sharing or recycling used copies of the Guide or get a digital copy from our website

You Are Never Alone...................................................................46 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS.....................................................47 RADIO LINE-UP........................................................................48

Thanks for picking up and reading the Guide 4

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February 2018

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February 2018

Doing What You Love

By Tatiana Scavnicky For pretty much my whole life, I’ve been obsessed with the idea that we all came here to do something special and significant. We all have a gift, maybe even more than one, or a few that stem from the main vein. I like to picture a wizardly divine being with etheric wings, like a teacher at Hogwarts who holds a magic scepter, implanting each soul on their way to becoming human with their unique divinely ordained gift. I know for certain if I didn’t have the gift to sing, I wouldn’t be alive today. I sang through the pain of a troubled past, extreme shyness, and anxiety. I found my strength and confidence as a young girl with my own successful band at the age of 19. I was able to start loving myself through what I loved to do. I was consumed by this talent and identified wholeheartedly with this “thing” I could do. I was good at. It kept me sane and responsible. I had to show up six nights a week, and take care of myself and my voice. Daily vocal warm-ups, vocal training and physical exercise. Sometimes I had to avoid certain foods and activities. I learned about commitment and devotion. Through many years of singing other people’s songs night after night, I learned about technique and control, and how to change my tone to sound like different artists. I looked forward to being on stage every night. Some nights I would be lost in moments of complete and total bliss. I could feel Spirit move through me and sometimes others got lost along with me. Spirit gave me this gift to tell a story through music, words and songs. It’s akin to the painter who shows up to the canvas, day after day as if touched by a spell. A painter must paint. But if by some twist of fate, you are not able to share your gift, it’s devastating. So you look for something else you love to do, because your soul calls out for it. For two years I wasn’t able to sing because of physical issues. I ached down to the marrow of my bones. For a good while I thought it was me and my head, so I tried to beat it. For those years I was a wreck. No one can understand what that’s like until you go through it. I ended up finally having surgery to remove two very large fibroids pressing on my bladder, making it impossible for me to perform. During that time I looked for something else I loved to do. I had to. I loved to write, teach and give intuitive readings, so I completely shifted my focus. Somehow I made it through. Once again, my gifts saved my life.

February 2018

Everyone needs someone and something to love. From the weekend painter and the impassioned chef, to the dedicated mother who always wanted children. The passionate teacher and coach, who inspires students to be the best they can be, motivating and inspiring them to set high standards for themselves. From the rocket ship maker who dreamed of riding spaceships at five years old, and the child that licked the frosting off her mother’s cookies who baked her way to creating her own cookie brand. I am back to performing again, and I’m teaching intuitive classes and giving readings. Doing what I love is an honor. It’s a gift not only to me, but for others. My gifts rescued me a few times. They stopped me from giving up on life. Committing to what you came here to do is an act of love, of loving yourself through your gift and loving who made you. What a precious treasure to have been given. Tatiana is a spiritual teacher, psychic-intuitive, intuitive life coach, creator of music and healing meditations, Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Angel Therapy Medium® She’s passionate about helping people move forward and overcome their fears, ditch procrastination and do what they love. She’s released three albums and shares her moon phase oracle card readings

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By Chrissie Blaze

Launch of New Book Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power Friday, February 16 – 7:30–9:00 PM – Love offering Presenter/Author: Chrissie Blaze Chrissie’s twelfth published book is, according to reviewers and publisher, Dodona Books, “the first book of its kind to take into account the influence of the Earth in our horoscopes” Join us – and find out what this means for you! RADIO SHOW: AETHERIUS RADIO LIVE Tuesday, February 20 – 1-2:00 PM at Topic: UFO Latest – We Are Not Alone with host, Chrissie Blaze & guest, Alyson Lawrence SUNDAY SERVICE – 11:00–12 Noon followed by Spiritual healing available to all You’re warmly welcome to attend our Sunday Services to find inner peace and to help bring peace to the world through prayer, mantra and mystic visualization. Join our Meetup Group & Facebook page! Please visit for details of Events and Services


The Great Love — Our Relationship with Mother Earth While people traditionally celebrate their love for each other on Valentine’s Day, we should remember that love is energy for us to use every day of our lives. Love is the energy that fuels us to be inspired; to care, to express kindness and give Service to anyone who needs our help. As writers, poets, artists, musicians and spiritual teachers have expressed in various ways, “Love is the answer”. We are advancing at warp speed on this planet, both technologically and scientifically. However, despite all the discoveries and inventions, without humanity being willing to love, our future cannot endure. If we wish to understand the highest aspects of love, we only have to look at Mother Earth upon which we live. She has done all she can to help, protect and sustain us, as we move through the lifetimes, taking as much as we can from this beautiful, fruitful planet. The Earth has sacrificed enough—far too much—for us ungrateful humans. While we take everything we want from Her without even so much as a “thank you,” we rarely ever consider whether this is good for Her. If we believe, as mysticism and science alike have shown, that She is a living, breathing, advanced Intelligence, then by the law of logic alone, we must pay far more attention to Her needs. This is particularly important now when prominent thinkers, visionaries and scientists -- including even the distinguished scientist, inventor, and author, James Lovelock, who first proposed the hopeful Gaia hypothesis – now believe we are on the brink of our own destruction. We face climate change, extreme weather conditions and a massive depletion of natural resources. Is there anything we can do to stop these things, and secure our future upon this beautiful planet? It is not too late if we become more fully conscious of our close relationship with Mother Earth. If we understand Her as the mystics, environmentalists and indigenous cultures do, we can then begin to appreciate and love Her and, by so doing, reconnect with Her sacred powers. The Heart of Spirituality My Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, taught that all Spirituality should have at its heart—The Earth — as do the Teachings and global healing missions of The Aetherius Society, founded by Dr. King. We should always remember that the Earth, like any living intelligence, has feelings and thoughts and is extremely sensitive to the life streams upon Her great body. The Earth is among the most beautiful planets in this solar system; one which caused the astronauts when first seeing Her from Space for the first time, to weep at her beauty and fragility. However, even more beautiful and compassionate is the indescribable depths of Her great soul. She has dimmed her light; She has sacrificed Her own evolution so that we, ungrateful humanity, can

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February 2018

continue our slow, painful journey through evolution, giving us the conditions we need in order to continue. What Can We Do to Help Mother Earth? First, we should appreciate Her sacrifice for us and realize just how fortunate we are to be here. There is a law governing us all and that is the Law of Karma. By this great Law of divine justice, the Earth, as an extremely advanced Intelligence, will not be allowed to continue to suffer on our behalf indefinitely. There will come a time when Her true status will be known and understood. This will be a wonderful time for those who are spiritually ready for this great global consciousness shift. However, for those who are not ready to move from their purely materialistic values, it will be a time of turmoil and chaos.

Join our email list and and be entered into a drawing to win a free book! EARTH: Astrology’s Missing Planet: Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power by Chrissie Blaze Just email us your Name, City and State to enter at AVA I L A B L E F E B R UA RY 2 3 , 2 0 1 8

New Pioneering Astrology Book These are some of the thoughts and concerns that inspired me to write my latest book, “Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet — Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power” published by Dodona Books, February 2018. I wrote this book to help us understand and appreciate the positive influence and power of the Earth, from both an astrological and spiritual perspective. Currently, astrologers take into account the influence of all the other planets in this solar system with the sole exception of the very planet upon which we live and evolve. I hope you will join me at the launch of my new book which is being called, “The first book of its kind to take into account the influence of the Earth.” Among other things, you will learn where the Earth is in your birth chart in relation to other planets, and what this means for you. Also, how this can help you once again reconnect more surely to the sacred power and love of the beautiful planet upon which we live and in turn, this will help us to secure our future upon Earth. You are warmly invited to attend the Talk/Booksigning/Social for, “Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet — Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power” on Friday, February 16 at 7:30 p.m. For further details, please see The Aetherius Society’s ad.

Published by Dodona Books Pre-order now from | $16.95

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Chrissie Blaze Chrissie Blaze, author of 12 books, is an ordained priest in The Aetherius Society. A Spiritual teacher, international speaker and radio host, she was a disciple of Spiritual Master/Founder of The Aetherius Society, Dr. George King, for over 20 years. She resides in Michigan, promoting the teachings of Dr. King. Visit:;; www. February 2018

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February 2018

Love in the 21st Century

as women started moving into the workforce and realized they had more to offer than just cleaning house and raising children. If they did not have a friendship or intellectual connection in their marriage they found their relationship falling apart, as so many did during that time.

By Wendy Powers Nugent

It seems as though everyone is looking for their soul mate. Sometimes we think we found the ONE only to realize that we are in a toxic relationship, or one that just loses its energy. Lately, there has been much tension between men and women. Men are learning that the rules and expectations of relationships are very different in the 21st century. Women are gaining a voice and standing up to be respected. It has been very confusing for men, especially for men from the baby boomer generation. While men and women struggle to find better ways to express their attraction and improve their communications, relationships seem to be strained and fewer marriages are taking place. Throughout my 35-year psychic counseling practice, I found that people were most worried about getting married and having children or getting out of a relationship, usually due to affairs of the heart overlapping their current relationship. So most of the clients from those years wanted to know about their extra affairs, marriages and divorces, which seemed to dominate readings especially in the 1980s and 90s. Now in the 21st century, things have been shifting to a different agenda for those seeking my psychic guidance. Many women are finding that marriage and children are taking a back burner to their careers. As they move into their thirties and forties, they are coming for guidance in finding their soul mate and the possibilities of having children in their future. Relationships have been changing, but one truth will stay a constant, everyone wants trust in a relationship -- and of course to find love. February 2018

As relationships are changing, men are learning how to treat women more respectfully and better ways to communicate with women. We will find that marriage and committed love relationships will evolve and survive the stresses of change. I believe commitments are going to be stronger, and as people learn respect for each other there will be lasting relationships and a greater experience of satisfaction with their partners. In fact, I had a packed schedule of clients throughout 2017, yet I only saw one relationship where their partner was having an affair! In years past, more than half of my clients were dealing with this sad and stressful issue. Of course people are still looking for the One true love. However, they are picking much wiser; not just picking from the insecurity that they could be alone. I still remember the extreme pressure women had on them to marry before they were 21 years old; most everyone was engaged before they graduated high school and most married when they were only eighteen. If you weren’t married by the age of 25, you were considered an old maid! How 20th Century, .. right! That is why so many people divorced or had affairs in the 1980’s and 90’s; they were in the wrong relationship for their needs. Expectations changed

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Now many are seeking life partners later in life that will be compatible and better meet their expectations, with not having the pressures to marry so young. I find that the nuclear family model is being crowed out by many other models of relationships and even more people are choosing to be without a significant other -- and instead, seek to focus on career, intellectual pursuits or even their spiritual purpose in life. The framework of marriage has been changing, along with accepting that marriage can also consist of same sex partners. With all of this new thinking in selecting a mate, how do we know we are connecting with a soul mate? Have you ever felt a strong connection with someone, but you only just met them? You have heard of, ‘Love at First Sight’. That is because we are soul connected and feel their energy as though we have always known them. Many call this the, Soul Mate Connection. Learn to develop your sixth sense so that you will trust your intuition when coming into contact with your soul mate. If you are in a committed relationship, developing your intuition can help you communicate better with your partner and strengthen your bond. Enjoy your Valentine’s Day! Pastor, Wendy Powers Nugent, is a spiritual intuitive and a certified counselor. Wendy connects with spirit and has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years. Call her today at: 248-825-8255 or visit:

P a g e 11

Your Magical Mysterious Psoas Muscle: A Users Guide

folks to a hip replacement. A tilted pelvis can also be a triggering event for scoliosis. There can be a profound effect on breathing because the connective tissue or facial wrappings that wrap around the Psoas muscle, extend to the respiratory diaphragm muscle. This will have a direct effect on breathing when doing something as simple as walking.

By Robert Auerbach

The Psoas muscle is a muscle that is becoming very popular today. It has always been an important muscle, but now it seems, yoga teachers, physical therapists and sports enthusiasts are realizing just how important it really is to an individual’s overall health. The Psoas is each of a pair of large muscles that run from the bottom of the thoracic and lumbar spine through the groin on either side and, with the iliacus, flex the hip. When you walk up and down stairs and do many other activities, it plays a critical role in ones’ day- to- day movement, especially as one grows older. From a Rolfing point of view, it is a muscle that is not used enough. Today, the design of office chairs, the vehicles we drive, and/or our comfortable living room furniture, is simply not designed in our best interest. Part of the problem is that modern-day furniture forces us to contract and shorten the Psoas, gearing it out of participation in walking while leading us to an overuse of our exterior sleeve muscles; think, Hamstrings and Quads. As we move away from using perhaps our most important core muscle, walking requires ever more effort and becomes less graceful. If we have experienced emotional trauma, we often avoid contact with both our emotional and structural core. Ida Rolf, the developer of Rolf Structural Integration or Rolfing, referred to the Psoas muscle as “The Rolf muscle”. She believed that if we were using the Psoas the way our bodies’ Template would suggest, then it would function as the most important muscle to maintain proper posture, alignment and ease of movement. Here are some issues that people experience as a result of not using their Psoas muscle: Wear and tear on their spinal discs. When the Psoas muscle is not used as it should, the pelvis will often be brought into an anterior tilt leading the lumbar area to shorten and compress, contributing to a lumbar lordosis or “sway back”, which will put pressure on the discs and spinal nerves. If that doesn’t sound painful enough, just know that an anterior tilted pelvis will compress the heads of your femurs into the hip, leading may


Besides hip, low back, spinal disc pain and challenged breathing, a shut-down or imbalanced Psoas can gift you with pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and incontinence. If one Psoas muscle is shorter than the other, one hip may be higher or the pelvis could twist and torque. In the course of a normal day, an occupation that includes sitting and leaning forward such as working on a computer for 6 to 8 hours, creates an enormous stress on the body. The problem is exacerbated once the person leaves the office and gets into their vehicle to drive home. The seating in both situations typically tilts the pelvis back and the knees up, which results in the turning off of the Psoas muscle. The Psoas muscle also supports your internal organs and works like a hydraulic pump, allowing blood and lymph to be pushed in and out of the cells of your organs. Also, a shortened Psoas muscles will shrink the amount of space our organs have in the abdominal cavity. In other words, it plays an important role in your organ health. Here is a Rolfing exercise that you can do once per day, to help keep your Psoas muscles long and active: Stand with your left foot and leg on a ream of paper and swing your right leg back and forth, with your right foot gently scuffing the floor. The moving leg should have the quality of a bell clapper swinging inside a large church bell. Do this 6-8 times. Switch legs and repeat the movement. If needed, you can do this within an arms reach of a wall, while lightly touching the wall with a finger for balance. Please remember that no muscle or postural distortion exists in isolation from other tight and shortened areas, or the ways in which our bodies as a whole have adapted to our struggle to stay upright in the gravitational field of the planet. You may want to seek out a skilled structural bodyworker who knows the right sequence of steps to bring the totality of your structure back into harmony with this beautiful planet we call, home. To your good health! Robert Robert Auerbach is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration. Call him today! 313-407-6343. Email: or visit his website: Learn about Structural Integration aka/Rolfing sessions at

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February 2018

Are You Ready for Real Love?

the flower, it is not ‘self improving’’; it is emerging. Be a living demonstration of the emerging Universe, as you step into your dreams, and heal the fears and limiting beliefs that block you.

By Barbra White

Allowing yourself to be fully penetrated by Love...the little self must step aside. We ALL sabotage ourselves, or the good in front of us, to protect the little self. It’s part of the growth process. Forgive yourself.

“In 1978 psychologist Philip Brickman, Dan Coates, and Ronnie Janoff-Bulman published a landmark study that found that lottery winners were not significantly happier than those who had been paralyzed in an accident! From this and many subsequent studies came the idea that people have a ‘set point’ that determines their happiness over the course of their life,” The Book of JOY , Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams

ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. However most are not asking. Bitching and complaining.....yes Shutting down or forgetting their dreams....yes The little self would rather writhe in struggle, than face the terror of its becoming! We are all afraid of our true greatness. The ways we learned to cope as a child, become a source of identity. Self care, healthy habits, forgiving others, meditation, attending a healing group... are all obviously great things to do! However, be aware that in the first few weeks of practicing self acceptance or empowering habits... will feel like death....because it is. The little self must be “digested” into a greater lived version of you. When you love yourself or another, layers of separateness and little self must fall away. A dream calls you forward into what you must become. Your dreams are holy and real. They are the sacred writing on your heart, and encoded into your Soul. Pain and limiting beliefs will rise up to be loved, as you begin to think bigger about your life, and self. Keep going. Don’t give up on your dreams. Ask for help. Courageously open to loving yourself today. It is more than just “self improvement”. As the seed becomes February 2018

In other words, happiness is a skill you must develop. The process of becoming who you are, is a process of letting go, and opening to the good that wants to come to you NOW. Having a daily spiritual practice, and support in healing limiting beliefs, empowers you to step into your True Self now, and be miracle ready. Otherwise, the lover, money or good will show up and you will either not be able to see it, or you may sabotage it.

* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

If you are ready to heal and move toward your dreams, please give me a call. Change is hard for many people. It is my joy and honor to love people into the next best version of themselves. Barbra White Barbra has masters in transpersonal psychology, and published author. Her passion is to facilitate women into sexual vibrancy and real confidence. Barbra also loves guiding people into their life’s purpose and deeper connection with the Divine.734-455-1438 www.AcceptedAsIam. com &

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Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D

P a g e 13

Keeping Relationships Afloat!

we deliver and receive. The Fifth Agreement is “Be Skeptical, But Learn to Listen.” If you’ve read The Four Agreements written by Jose’s father, don Miguel Ruiz, it may be easier to understand and implement the Fifth Agreement into your life.

By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. February is the month remembered for celebrating love and St. Valentine, but showing appreciation for our significant others shouldn’t be reserved for just one day. The world would be a much better place if everyone expressed gratitude and/ or practiced random acts of kindness more often. These actions would also help keep relationships out of trouble -- although sometimes it takes a saintly attitude to maintain even the best relationships! History has shown us that ships can sink without any warning on a calm day; so if you don’t want this to happen to your relation-ships, keep reading… Learning how to listen is usually the most important thing we can do to help or save relationships. The role of a good listener isn’t to judge or provide solutions unless asked. When is the last time you truly listened to your significant other, a family member, or a friend? As a Wellness Doctor and health coach, I listen to patients to see where they’re coming from in addition to helping them align their mental outlook, which generally leads to greater success in achieving goals. Listening also helps them make sense of their thoughts, often coming up with their own solutions. This works well, as I’ve found that most people are more willing to follow through when it’s their idea rather than being told what to do. (President Ronald Reagan) While volumes have been written on the art of listening, it’s much simpler than you’d imagine. However, simple doesn’t mean easy. In The Fifth Agreement, don Jose Ruiz explains how to understand the intent behind words and become 100% responsible for the messages


are real, both good and bad, maybe even at the same time. It’s taken me years of both observation and experience to have a better understanding of its power. There are specialized chemicals in our bodies that interact with our nervous system to help create feelings and emotions. These chemicals are called hormones. There are a huge number of them and they are all important.

Now for the chemistry behind relationships: We are hardwired to pursue relationships with others for the survival of our species. We are social creatures. The simple definition of health says that it is physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease and infirmity. This means that one’s state of health is intertwined with and often dependent upon one’s relationships with significant others, family members, and friends. We are attracted to certain individuals based on primitive survival instincts and patterns. Courtship is the subject of many best-selling romantic novels and movies, but the science behind attraction in relationships is equally fascinating, especially for a science geek like me. Hormones and pheromones are responsible for the earliest stages of attraction in relationships, and the highest levels of excitement take place in this first stage. This eventually settles down naturally to a more even level in a real relationship. This is the place where many people fall off the tracks and go from one relationship to another because they think that when the nonstop adrenaline high slows down, the relationship has fallen apart. But rather than falling apart, it has matured to the next and more stable, long-term level. (Read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman to learn how to keep your partner’s “love tank” on full for a really great relationship!) The chemistry of relationships can make you believe with all your heart that things

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There are three basic tissues in a woman’s body that produce hormones that are converted into downstream hormones that affect every other part of her body, as well as produce the energy necessary to live and enjoy life. In a man’s body, there is one primary set of tissues that does the same thing. Why is this important? The excitement you felt the first time you fell in love will always be available to you when your hormones are in balance. The quantities of hormones will be different when you reach a point in your life when you do not need to produce offspring; but the ratios will be the same when you are healthy. The problem is that as we age, estrogen ratios often begin increasing. Even the majority of cancers are estrogen driven. This means that we need to consume foods that inhibit estrogen rather than encouraging it. We also need to consume foods that promote progesterone and testosterone to keep us healthy. (The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Ori Hofmekler) A huge problem we’re facing in today’s world is that it’s difficult to avoid synthetic hormones because they’re so prevalent. They are added to our food, they show up in our water and the environment, and we are given prescriptions to intentionally alter the natural hormones in our bodies. Helping to prevent pregnancy, attempting to control depression, and managing hot flashes are just a few examples of how synthetic pharmaceutical hormones are used. In the majority of cases, I believe we should avoid using hormones that aren’t manufactured by our own body.

February 2018

Hormones are extremely powerful even in small quantities, and even if they’re considered bio-identical, this doesn’t mean they’re safe. The symptoms of too much or too little hormone are often the same, so you can’t judge by how you feel. Few people truly understand hormone receptors, yet many claim to be experts. Next month I’ll share some exciting new research and more information on the fascinating subject of hormones. Also, remember to mark your calendars for the workshop on March 15th! Love begins and revolves around healthy hormones that draw us closer to the special people we want in our lives forever. Isn’t that enough motivation to keep your hormones balanced and healthy?

meditate Transform Your Life!

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Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Doc Karl Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years of experience helping people obtain optimal health. Attend Dr. Karl’s FREE workshops: February 8, “Pressure Point and Essential Exercises” and March 15, “Relationships: The Magical Chemistry.” Visit: for more info. Please call 734-425-8220 to register.

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February 2018

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P a g e 15

Transforming your Life in the February Love yourself


Tips from Cardologist, Robert Ostfeld, MD and inspiring weight-loss speaker, Tim Kaufman Unity Churches provide a positive, practical, approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. We honor universal truths in all religions and respect each person’s spiritual path.

We invite you to join our Spiritual Community... ANN ARBOR - Unity of Ann Arbor| Ann Arbor | 734-434-8545 ANN ARBOR - On Campus Ministry| U of M & Eastern MI University |734-787-3664 BAY CITY - Unity of Bay City 37357 State Street Rd, Bay City | 989-686-0265 BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Bloomfield Center|37557 Woodward Ave. |248 835-5382 CLARE - Unity Church of Clare|215 W. 6th Street |989-823-2362 CLINTON TWP - Unity East Church|23057 N. Nunneley Rd. . |586-783-1546 DETROIT - Unity Outreach of Detroit| 313-675-5311 DETROIT - Urban Ministerial School| Samaritan Bld. 5555 Ste.1214 |313-922-0999 DETROIT - Detroit Unity Temple|17505 2nd Blvd. |313-345-4848 DETROIT - God Land Unity Church| 22450 Schoolcraft St. |313-794-2800 DETROIT - West Side Unity Church| P.O. Box 04659. |313-895-1520 FARMINGTON HILLS - Unity| 32500 W 13 Mile Rd. | 248-737-9191 FLINT - Unity Church of Flint| 4506 Fenton Road. |810-235-3155 JACKSON - Unity Church of Jackson|3385 Miles Rd. | 517-764-6900

The Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG) welcomes cardiologist, Robert Ostfeld M.D. MSc., and Wednesday, February 28, 2018 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM to Birmingham Groves High School Main Auditorium. PBNSG is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to evidence-based education and advocacy of whole food plant-based nutrition and an active lifestyle, to help prevent or reverse chronic disease and achieve optimal health. Ostfeld, the Director of Preventive Cardiology and the founder and director of the Cardiac Wellness Program at Montefiore, New York brings a unique, nutrition-centered approach to prevent and reverse heart disease with a whole food/plantbased diet. Dr. Ostfeld will speak in February to an open group on how to embrace eating without animal products and a lifestyle that consists of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes such as lentils and chickpeas, a small number of nuts and avocado, as well as dairy alternatives. Making the transition to a primarily plant-based diet can be daunting for some. For many patients of Dr. Robert Ostfeld he will explain tips of plant-based foods and recipes that they never knew existed and those attending in February will have the same opportunity. •

Learn the scientific background behind the power of a plant-based diet to prevent and reverse heart disease in a fun and interactive way.

Understand how a whole food/plant-based diet can prevent a variety of diseases, improve weight, cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar and many digestive issues.

Learn how to prepare and incorporate budget friendly vegan meals into daily life.

Understand myths and realities associated with plantbased diets.

Enjoy a flavorful, plant-based meal, complete with appetizers, entrees and dessert that will transform any skeptic’s view of vegan food.

Never worry about counting calories again!

LAKE ORION - Unity Church of Lake Orion|3070 Baldwin Road. |248- 391-9211 LANSING - Unity of Greater Lansing|15851 S. Old Hwy., 27 Bld., 20| 517-371-3010 LANSING - Spiritual Renaissance Ministries| 230 S Holmes Street. |517-484-2360 LIVONIA - Unity of Livonia| 28660 Five Mile Rd. |734-421-1760 LIVONIA - Unity of Redford| 28660 Five Mile Rd. (Livonia) |313-272-7193 PLYMOUTH - Friends of Unity| 774 N. Sheldon Road. | 734-454-0015 PONTIAC - Unity of Pontiac| 780 W. Huron | 248 335-2773 ROCHESTER - Unity Church of Rochester| 1038 Harding Rd, |248-656-0120 ROYAL OAK- Unity Church of Royal| 2500 Crooks Rd. |248-288-3550 SOUTHGATE - Unity Chapel| 14951 Northline Rd. |734-285-7722 TROY - Spiritual Life Center| Edu. Center, 811 W. Square Lk Rd |248-925-6214 WARREN - Renaissance Unity| 11200 E Eleven Mile Rd. |586-353-2300

Practical, spiritual teachings that empower abundant & meaningful living ● Excellent Youth Services ● Space for Rent ● Classes and Workshops ● Weddings ● Christening ● Memorial Services ● Spiritual Baptism 16

Tim Kaufman will share his inspiring personal story about why a wholefoods plant-based lifestyle makes so much sense. Tim Kaufman was diagnosed with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) in his early twenties. He was in chronic pain most of his life. By the time he had reached the age of 37 he was addicted to Fentynal, alcohol, and fast food. At over 400 pounds he was

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February 2018

unable to perform simple daily tasks. He had many chronic health issues and was almost immobile. He had lost his interest in life and had almost given up. Tim started a journey to regain his health. He started to change one small thing at a time. He is now an athlete that thrives on a plant-based whole food lifestyle and leads a healthy, happy, productive, and very active life that is free of all medications he was once on. He joins Dr. Robert Ostfeld and you will hear Tim’s struggles and his victories as he transformed into a happy, healthy athlete with a new-found passion for running and living life to the fullest. ( Wednesday, February 28, 2018- 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM




Birmingham Groves High School Main Auditorium 20500 W 13 Mile Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025




Details & Tickets at:

Ticket prices range from $20 - $30 https://www.eventbrite. com/e/transforming-lives-robert-ostfeld-md-with-tim-kaufmantickets-41256195391#tickets




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P a g e 17

“I love you, no I really like you, maybe I’m in love “ By Faith Brower

February, the month of hearts, flowers, and “I love you”. That word love has so many meanings, and gets lots of use in our daily vocabulary. How can one word refer to family, friends, something we like a lot, and to a lover? Why is there only ONE word for so many connotations? I used to date someone who became very offended when I told my girlfriend’s husband that I loved him. But I did. AND I loved my boyfriend. I tried to explain that the love I felt for my friend was a different love than what I felt for him. The more I tried to explain, the worse it got. My boyfriend was not pleased, and left upset. But I did love them both, but differently. When I hugged my friend goodnight, should I have said, “Hey I like you a lot.” Or, “I really like you”? What is the difference between like, love, and ‘in love’? If I polled 100 people, I think I would get 100 different answers. Does ‘in love’ always fade? Is it an infatuation, or a giddiness and glow that borders on obsession? If I like someone does that mean I do not want to spend tons of time with them, but when I do, it is fun? When I love someone do I take the good and the bad, and care about them through it all? Because we overuse the word love, has it lost its meaning? A. I LOVE that shirt. B. I am not in love with you, but I love you. C. She is so funny; I love her! What are we really MEANING? Maybe that is what we truly need to focus on and then say what we mean: A. You look awesome in that shirt. I want one too. B. I am so upset at you right now. C. She is so funny; it is so cool how much I laugh when I am around her. But this does not solve my dilemma about telling a friend or family member I love them. Maybe I could say, “I have feelings for you.” … And call it a day! Faith is the former President of Unity of Farmington Hills, an Empowerment Center of love, music to rock your soul, and laughter. UFH serves and empowers those searching for the Truth! 18

It’s a Two-Way Street By Susan deCaussin

It goes without saying that each of us experiences difficulties during our time here in the physical world. After all, this is a classroom where our souls are meant to navigate through challenges in order to discover our own strength and grow in love and wisdom. And, nobody is exempt. Even the most well-known spiritual leaders find themselves having to work through challenges during their lifetime. Anyone who has been blessed with the opportunity to help someone navigate through a rough patch knows just how rewarding that can be. Not only do you gain the satisfaction of helping another person, but you also learn some profound lessons without having to experience those challenges first-hand. But, you see, in order for everyone to experience the joy of serving others, we must open ourselves to receiving assistance in our own times of need. All too often, the “givers” of this world -- those who are always seeking ways to help others -- have the most difficult time accepting help for themselves. Having faced several debilitating health challenges over this past year, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to learn this lesson for myself. After years of being the “cheerleader” for everyone else, I finally understand the importance of allowing others to step in and help in times of need. I realize that the ego can lead a person to believe that reaching out for help can somehow make a person appear weak and vulnerable. Or, even perhaps, define them as a failure. In contrast, I’ve learned that by setting the ego aside and openly admitting a need for help, a person is actually displaying strength, not weakness. For it is in understanding our innate connection to each other, and everything around us, that we can tap into the collective energy of the universe and thrive. Everyone – together. I’ve also learned that by allowing others to serve us in a time of need, we’re providing them with a unique opportunity to witness life challenges, without personally having to experience them. Being of service to others, while witnessing their struggles from up-close, blesses us with the joy of giving while providing valuable life lessons on how to navigate through similar circumstances in our own life. We are all interconnected and the sooner we begin to release the ego and open to the fact that we are all parts of one energy source, the sooner we’ll all be able to move forward with a sense of selflessness, compassion and love. Namaste’. Susan is an accomplished writer, speaker, Reiki Practitioner and Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Through her connection to Spirit, Susan’s writings are always powerful, healing and thought provoking. 248-821-6289

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February 2018

How Powerful is Your Mind?

This can happen in a wide array of areas. For example, if you have the belief you only deserve to make $30,000 a year, this belief will prevent you from making more than that. However, with hypnosis, we can help you change this belief and thus allow yourself to earn a greater income.

By Phil Rosenbaum

Have you heard about the placebo effect? A placebo is a substance or treatment with no active therapeutic effect. An example of this would be taking a pill that you believe is going to make you feel better, and although the pill is actually only a sugar pill and should not have any effect on your situation, you start to feel better anyway. This has occurred many times and for many types of problems. Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of You Are the Placebo, believes it is possible to heal by thought alone—without drugs or surgery. He describes many documented cases of those who reversed cancer, heart disease, depression, crippling arthritis, and even the tremors of Parkinson’s disease, by believing in a placebo. This demonstrates how powerful our mind is. We can make ourselves sick or make ourselves healthy. Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, believed that our diseases are a result of the thoughts we think. As an example, she posits that knee problems can be the result of a stubborn ego or inability to bend, or that having a flu or influenza is a response to mass negativity, or that kidney stones could be the result of lumps of undissolved anger, etc. The placebo effect can work in a negative way. If you believe something is going to make you sick or that you will get the flu, it is very likely this will happen. The idea is that the body experiences what the mind believes. This is the principle behind hypnosis. When one goes into a hypnotic state, he or she is much more receptive to the positive messages the hypnotist suggests. When you are in this state, the suggestions or positive messages go directly to the subconscious mind. This is where change can occur. Once the subconscious mind accepts the new positive messages, the individual is able to make the changes he or she desires.

Similarly, if you believe that you are not entitled to having a good relationship, a good job, or good friends, hypnosis can help you change these negative beliefs. There are so many areas where hypnosis can be of help. With all the possible benefits of hypnosis, it’s a wonder that more people don’t take advantage of this wonderful technique. One of the problems is that there are so many misconceptions about hypnosis. In fact, several movies portray hypnosis as something dangerous and to be feared. This is very unfortunate, as well as being untrue. If you are in a hypnotic state, you will never do anything that goes against your moral beliefs or values. You are always in control and aware of what you are saying and doing. In fact, you are the person who actually puts yourself in the trance, and you can simply open your eyes and come out of the trance if you are uncomfortable. One other major misunderstanding is the all too common belief that hypnosis simply does not work. This is utterly untrue. There are now thousands of peer-reviewed studies that demonstrate that hypnosis not only works, but can be extremely beneficial. These studies clearly show that hypnosis can help people lose weight, quit smoking, and overcome their fears and phobias. Phillip Rosenbaum If you would like to find out more about hypnosis, or see if it can be of benefit to you, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. With such an effective tool available, it is a shame to not take advantage of it!

Old Habits & Negative Thought Patterns Keeping you Stuck? Get Unstuck Now with Hypnosis

This Month’s Special! Save $50.00 4 Session Pkg. just $290.00 (Valued at $340.00 from Feb 1st - Fed 28th) 248-688-6469 Phil Rosenbaum MA,

Counselor & Certified Hypnotherapist Berkley, MI

February 2018

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P a g e 19

Bringing the Love Inside

From that awareness we can discover what it means to have a relationship with our self, and begin to build that as a foundation for a successful life and successful relationships. How to Bring Your Love Inside:

By Eve Wilson

When we love others we learn that we are capable of love. When we love ourselves we create a foundation that sustains us within and beyond all other relationships. For many, self-love is the most challenging love of all. But I would say that self-love is the most important of all and the foundation on which all other relationships can flourish. It is a relationship that, as all relationships do, requires an investment of time and commitment, but this investment pays back at a very high yield! I believe the difficulty people find with loving themselves can be overcome by remembering that we are the eternal, unconditionally loving spirit which created our human self. If we identify with our true, Higher Self, we will find there is a great deal of love and compassion there just waiting to flow into our lives. This love is unconditional, unbounded and eternal.

I am going to suggest that you take an hour at least twice a week to invest in this relationship. During this time you focus all your love and attention within yourself and do not respond to any other duties or relationships. You will need to start by welcoming your own Higher Self to live within your human self and open your heart to embrace your true and eternal spirit, which is who you really are. If you don’t feel that immediately, that is okay; relax and be open to that with your heart, and welcome the love to flow into you. Take this hour with yourself as you would with a person with whom you desire to build a relationship. Below are some suggestions: - Give yourself an inner full-body hug and hold it until you relax and your heart opens. - Pay attention to the feelings that come up, like you would with someone you cared deeply about understanding and being close to. Wait before you go into fix-it mode and just listen

Monthly Support Class $10 OffAscension all Couples Healing in February

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February 2018

to yourself. This act will calm and comfort you on very deep levels. - Comfort and reassure yourself that your feelings have been heard and accepted as valid. Work to do exactly that for yourself – not to justify them, or agree with them, simply to accept that you feel that way.



- Tell yourself the things that you need to hear – You are attractive, worthy of love, loved. List your gifts and strengths. Embrace your weaknesses and limitations and hold them in love until they begin to respond with positive feelings – this will help you heal and empower these aspects of you, which is a big part of your work in this lifetime. - Imagine doing something which gives you pleasure and lightness of heart and mind. Doing so in imagination can be more effective than doing it in reality sometimes. This is because when doing this level of work, the parts of you which normally get ignored will feel like active participants. Also, there is no stress involved as there is when doing things in the outer sense. It can be completely perfect for you! Spending this hour with yourself twice a week can be the most energizing part of your week. You will find that as you re-enter your life, there is a deep inner peace and glow, much like you feel when newly in love. Build on this over time, and it will sustain you through the challenges of life and relationships, helping you to be resilient, to respond with authority and love to challenges and to feel safe in the world. If you are seeking a new relationship or deepening a current relationship, the act and experience of self-love is like a magnet which attracts love from others; this can help you attract and build the relationship you desire. The foundation of love inside you also helps to deflect hateful or predatory energy from others because it makes you strong and whole. People seek vulnerable people to download their negativity or take advantage of, and with a core of self-love you will be strong so they will look elsewhere for those opportunities and be more respectful of you. You are the ever-present person in your life. Investing in selflove means that you will always have your best advocate and friend wherever you are. So when others are not showing up in ways that nurture you, see it as an opportunity to nurture yourself even more. In doing so you will also receive more love and nurturing from others! Eve Wilson, Learn more about ascension and healing at: www. Purchase a copy of Eve’s new book, “Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World”. Discover her #1 internationally voted Healing Blog, “The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog,” plus classes, treatments, and events! February 2018

Living from the


Join us! Generate peace within yourself, your community & the world! Enjoy Present Moment Meditation, TM

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P a g e 21

In the Light with

Chef Deborah Lieder “My passion, when it comes to food, is to empower others to think outside of what we have been taught, and really listen to what our bodies are telling us.” Chef Deborah Lieder Welcome Chef Deborah, chef extraordinaire, to our Body Mind Spirit Community! We are fortunate to have her as the newest member of our Body Mind Spirit Guide team, as her monthly articles both inform and inspire us when it comes to food, healthy eating, and conscious, flavorful choices. As a personal Chef, she caters to individuals who want good, clean, quality food at a good price! From a young age, Chef Deborah has been incredibly passionate about food. “My mother never cared much about being in the kitchen, but for some reason, it felt like my home. Most of my cooking experiences as a child were with my grandma via Sunday dinners, cooking and baking for the holidays, and holiday meal preparations. I was also very health-minded as a young individual, something I did inherit from my mother,” she says. Upon graduating from high school, she attended Schoolcraft College’s Culinary Arts program. “I was fortunate to learn under four certified master chefs when there were only 79 in the nation. It fulfilled a very traditional side of me. I love to know the roots of everything, where it comes from and why. I always had a love affair with the French, how poetic their lives were and the way they loved food.” Still, she hungered for something more, desiring to create healthy food in a


delicious way. At the time, vegetarian/ vegan food was looked at as hippy food or cardboard, as there were few choices, unlike what we have today. “I experimented with vegetarian and vegan diets, trying to find the answer between food and health. I had a lot of friends who chose cleaner food lifestyles and I was determined to translate French food into healthy cuisine.”

when cooking with them. I recognized that life does not operate by a quick fix; just as disease takes time to form, so does healing.”

She then attended a natural cooking school in Colorado, that centered on the healing aspects of food. “They used healing ingredients and manipulated them in a way that assimilated traditional French culinary, which is exactly what I was looking for. It challenged me to think outside the box and utilize ingredients in a different sort of way.”

Chef Deborah found her voice as a personal chef and educator, providing personalized services including meal preparation for families who want to eat better, dinners and holiday parties, rehearsal dinners, and in-office catering. She also offers cooking classes, lectures and workshops focusing on the value of eating healthy in today’s world.

After returning home, she began a stint in the restaurant business, learning more of the business side -- ordering, managing, and running kitchens. “It’s a beautiful industry, and when everything is flowing, it’s like a symphony.” Yet still, she hadn’t found her voice. She began working with clients that were interested in healing with food, some with ailments or specific dietary guidelines that were not mainstream. “I began exploring the natural side to life; the way whole foods vs. processed foods affect our mind-body connection, our wellness, and overall longevity. I learned how herbs can be used as medicine, even

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She learned that being modern when it comes to food, isn’t necessarily the best. “We’re loosing our roots, our tradition, by switching to a processed world. Our bodies can’t even recognize what we’re eating! It all seems backwards to me.”

“My passion, when it comes to food, is to empower others to think outside of what we have been taught, and really listen to what our bodies are telling us. You can take a few ingredients and make a truly delicious, healing meal out of it. I desire to get people thinking about what is real and authentic, to align more with their being, so that they too can hear what their body is telling them to do. I want everyone to be the best version of themselves!” Contact Chef Deborah at: 248-9745696 or: For more information visit her website: www.

February 2018

The Love of Food and Self By Chef Deborah Lieder

One cannot think well, love well, and sleep well, if one has not dined well. – Virginia Wolf February, the month of love, has arrived. Food is one way we communicate that love, through dining out in celebration, or creating a beautiful home cooked meal. The real celebration comes when we are able to love our bodies through the food we eat. To make those decisions that honor our beautifully constructed machine, we radiate the vibrancy that not only a healthy diet provides, but also the love that goes into self care. Self-love and the food we consume go hand in hand, because that is essentially the thing that will keep us running. Begin by viewing food as a healing tool for your daily life. Ask yourself before you eat, how will I feel after I consume this? Your body will tell you exactly what it needs and when. Far too often we eat mindlessly. We forget to check-in and perceive. We forget simple tools that will set us up for success, such as: setting an intention to eat out less, making meals from home more often, being conscious about eating a variety of foods, cooking a large batch of something and freezing the extra for back-up, preplanning meals and writing out a shopping list before you go to the store. Not everyone’s forte is in the kitchen, and that is okay. We don’t have to be a Master Chef or create complex meals each time we cook. Some of the simplest meals are the most delicious and healthful. Roasting vegetables with olive oil, salt, and pepper adds great complexity without extra ingredients. Cooking rice in chicken or vegetable stock and seasoning the cooking liquid with herbs and spices is a great way to add flavor without the extra calories. Plus, those herbs and spices play a medicinal role for your healing. It is about shifting our perspective when it comes to food. It is not indulging 24/7 nor is it our enemy if we do indulge one day. It comes from a place of listening and balancing while releasing the need to be overly critical. That is self-love. Deborah Lieder is a personal chef serving the Metro Detroit area. She is passionate about the traditional roots of food and using it for healing with her clients. She is proficient in dietary restrictions, catering to all walks of life and fulfilling each need. Visit: for more information. February 2018

Devilishly Delicious Chocolate Cake 2 c. Sugar 1 ¾ c. Gluten Free Flour 1 t. Xanthan Gum (omit if your blend has it) ¾ c. Cocoa Powder 1 ½ t. Baking Powder 1 ½ t. Baking Soda

1 t. Salt 2 Eggs 1 c. Milk or Milk Substitute ½ c. Oil 2 t. Vanilla 1 c. Hot Coffee

Frosting: ½ c. Butter, softened 2/3 c. Cocoa Powder 3 c. Powdered Sugar

1/3 C. Milk 1 t. Vanilla Pinch of Salt

Instructions: Preheat oven to 350. Line cupcake molds or grease two 8 inch cake pans. In large bowl or kitchen aid, combine dry ingredients. In separate bowl, lightly whisk the eggs, then adding the milk and oil. Combine with dry ingredients. Add vanilla. Scrape down all sides of the bowl. Slowly add in hot coffee. Mixture will thin out a fair amount. Divide amongst cake pans or cupcake pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes for cake, 15-20 minutes for cupcakes. Let the cake cool in the pan before removing to frost. For frosting, combine softened butter and cocoa powder in a bowl fitted with a mixer attachment. Whisk until light and fluffy. Add in 1/3 of the powdered sugar, then 1/3 of the milk. Continue to alternate in equal additions, scraping the bowl down each time. Add vanilla and salt to finish. Frost your cooled cakes or cupcakes!! Enjoy! Chef Deborah Lieder

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P a g e 23

I love you, You are love, You are loved! Hello, my friends, Hope everyone is loving and enjoying the exercises we’ve been doing since last January! And completing another even more powerful January. Leads us to another extremely powerful month so let’s get real. The most important shift that we all must focus on now goes perfectly with this month. I’m talking about the shift to the highest love. Let’s now free ourselves from our fear based reality and into our true reality that of the highest love. So yes our exercise will help us with this very valuable change. Now focus on the ball of light at the base of your heart chakra expand that ball of light until it surrounds you. Expand it more so it fills the room you are in. Relax your body, get very comfortable, focus now on filling that ball of light with the highest love and now let’s breathe it in. Accept it wholly and completely and let everything that is not the highest love go. Focus on Flames surrounding you and burning everything away that is not love. Now focus and repeat, I am the highest light I am the highest love I am the highest light I am the highest love I am the highest light I am the highest love

Remember I have a booth and will be doing special empowerments and healings at: Michigan Psychic Fairs, Make sure to check: www. for more info, I will be at most of them. The first one will be Sunday February. 4th in Novi, next is February 11th in Troy, next is February 18th in Farmington Hills, and many other dates, make sure to check the dates on my facebook fan page or call me. Also remember the majority of my work is remote work so you can also contact me by phone and set up work without having to go anywhere. Light, Love, and Service!!! Todd By Master Teacher, Guide, and Healer Todd Stockwell Genesis Power Systems,, (734) 740-9110

Higher Self Anchoring

Master Teacher, Guide, and Healer, Todd Stockwell

healingTeacher/Healer, process “anchors” ToddThis Stockwell, guides others to reach their personal best, find their divine your Higher Self directlypath and live a joyful, empowered He’s been ainto guest on WBZT, Wisdom, Clear and life. permanently Channel, Achieve, and BBS Radio, Body Mind Spirit Radio, your ♥ heart center. and many other TV/radio programs. He’s an artist, awardwinning writer,a songwriter, inventor, Creating connection that and a loving father. Todd@ gives you immediate access

Breathe that in and bring focus now toI am Love I am Loved I am Love I am Loved I am Love I am Loved Breathe more now and focus now on_ I am I am I am I am I am I am I am Deep breathes again and bring the focus now to Anchor and ground. Go into meditation for about ten minutes, sit still. As always, it is very important to read and share this as much as possible it will help you, your path, your awakening, your enlightenment and your truest service to the Universe. Remember I am here to help support you and your growth so if you have any questions go to I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your progress.

24 toddstockwell/. You can also reach me on Facebook, via the website, e-mail- serendipitylightcenter@yahoo. com or by phone call: 734-740-9110.

to bring through clear information and guidance. Find your highest purpose, begin to heal & transform your life in endless ways. Start seeing from a Higher Perspective now! Call Todd Today 734.740.9110 HALF OFF this month with this ad

Todd Stockwell Master Multi-Dimensional Teacher, Healer, and Trainer

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February 2018


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February 2018

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 25

GRATITUDE AND LOVE By Marilyn Grace Maceri

Valentine’s Day during the month of February tends to bring our focus to love. Many think of love in terms of romance, however, I think of love as being synonymous with gratitude. When you think of something or someone with gratitude, you are feeling the energy of love. No matter what it is, gratitude brings you to love every time.


The mid 1990s were very turbulent years emotionally for me. I lost hope and fell into deep despair. As I prayed, I realized that my focus was off. I was looking at what was missing rather than what I had. There was beauty all around me, but I wasn’t seeing it. I was then guided to sit down with pen and paper, with the intention of creating a gratitude list, when these words appeared. They help realign my focus still today. Marilyn G. Maceri, founder of Lifeforce Enterprises LLC, Warren, MI, has been a Reiki Practitioner/Master since 2003. Along with Reiki, she uses the original “John of God” Crystal Light Bed from Brazil. She is also a licensed Massage Therapist, certified Aroma Touch Therapy Practitioner, Consciousness Life Coach/Presenter, and Reconnective Healing Practitioner. 810-394-5674



The clock keeps ticking as time goes by; Our lives flash before us in the wink of an eye. Large tasks, small ones, we try to do them all; The cooking, the cleaning, and shopping at the mall. Hurry, hurry, quick, quick, we must get it all done; There is so much to do before the setting of the sun. But in our haste we often overlook; The beauty that surrounds us in every cranny and nook. The sweet, juicy taste of an orange; a kitten purring in your ear; The rhythmic chimes of a grandfather clock; Or time spent with loved ones we hold dear. The smile on a child’s face; sunshine; flowers; a butterfly; The friendly wave from a neighbor; Or a grilled ham and cheese on rye. The everyday life that surrounds us; Can easily become humdrum and mundane; But when we awaken our senses with gratitude; Nothing will ever be the same. It doesn’t matter how great or how small; Our purpose in life is to love it all.

Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House.

Purchase now at 26

----Marilyn Grace Maceri As Published by The National Library of Poetry

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

February 2018


For many of us, the holidays can be painful and hard. Valentine’s day can be lonely for many, single or not. The idea of a soul mate first emerged in Greek Mythology. The idea was that humans were originally formed with 4 legs, 4 arms and a head with 2 faces. Fearing the power of the human, the god Zeus split them in half, forcing them to spend the rest of their lives in search of another. Somehow, this idea has emerged that all of us have a soul mate. Many of us spend our entire life looking for that perfect fit, only to find trouble connecting with another. So do soul mates exist? Wikipedia defines a soul mate as, someone whom we have deep feelings or a natural affinity. At Michigan Psychic Fair, we define soul mate as, someone who is there to help you evolve and grow. Do you remember when you were a teenager? The age of 13 wasn’t easy; you had ideas and desires and sometimes they were not in sync with what your parents felt was best for you. So here we are as adults, often still searching for that other half, looking for the “perfect fit”. Louise Hay quoted that, “Loving ourselves is the great miracle cure. It works miracles in our lives.” As we learn to love ourselves, others will love us as well. We increase our frequency by doing kind things for ourselves, which helps us attract our soul mates or soul partners. Many of our psychics at our fairs have worked with clients to help manifest romance and love, and can assist in guidance on self-love. Come experience a private session with one of our readers! Our professional gifted psychics can peer into your love life with yourself and others. A private session can last between 15-30 minutes. There are also a variety of crystals which can help you attract love in your life. We also have animal psychics that can help you connect with this special being that loves you unconditionally. So how do we find our soul mate? Your soul mate could be right in front of you in the mirror and you are missing it! Pauline Dettloff, Michigan Psychic Fair With over thirty years as a psychic medium, Pauline offers insight on love, career, finances, family, the future and soul purpose. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship and tarot are all be used in a reading. She offers in making changes in your life, with direct information from your angels and spiritual guides that will empower and transform you. Book your reading at 586 939-4230 and visit February 2018

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“A person all wrapped up in themselves makes for a mighty small package.” – Michael Bernard Beckwith

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P a g e 27

Deepening Unconditional Love Using Crystals

both become aware of your breathing, feel the warm nurturing loving energy of the stone being transmitted and saturating your heart. As the love builds, feel it spreading out to all parts of your body....chest, torso, arms, legs, neck and head. Allow a feeling of the loving energies to saturate every cell.

By Jennifer VanderWal

Crystals are excellent when used for deepening unconditional love of self and others. Here’s two meditations you can use. The first awakens unconditional love for ourselves, the second strengthens unconditional love and our connection with another. Using crystals with these meditations works great because of their natural ability to hold and transmit energy. Crystals that deepen unconditional love are rose quartz, kunzite, blue kyanite, clear quartz, Herkimer diamonds and iolite. The first meditation needs one crystal. Sit, holding the stone on your heart. Focus on your breathing, bring awareness to your heart, feel the warmth and loving energies being transmitted from the crystal filling your heart. Continue to build the love in your heart; feel it spreading down your arms, up your chest, belly, down your legs, up your shoulders, neck and head. Saturate every cell with pure unconditional love. Focus on your breathing; breathing in say, “I AM divine love, breathing out I AM divine love.” Remember a time you felt loved. How did you treat yourself or others? Fill your being with this unconditional love. When done, give thanks for this experience, knowing every day you are loved. For the second meditation with another, you need two stones. Sit across from one another so you can gaze into each others eyes. Each person needs to have their “own” stone, so determine whose stone will be whose. Both people now place their stone on their own heart. As you 28

After 5 minutes, give the other person “your” stone, taking theirs, and each placing it on your own heart. Feel the love from the crystal and the other person now amplifying, filling your heart and molecules. Now look into the other person’s eyes. As you gaze deeply, get a feeling of what it’s like to be this person. See them living their life, their strengths, weaknesses, how they do things differently than you. Really put yourself in their shoes so that you can gain a deeper understanding of who they truly are. After 5 minutes, feel the deep love and gratitude you have for them and project it into their stone, on your heart. Exchange stones again, so you both have the originals you started with. Crystals strengthen our telepathy, connection and bond with another, so when you are not with that person the crystals will transmit and amplify your love to them and vice versa. You are so loved.

The hormones of your thyroid regulate nearly every cell in your body! For this reason, when it malfunctions, it can produce widespread and varying symptoms. Our thyroid glands are very prone to problems for a few reasons: Sometimes we don’t get enough iodine in our diet. But another factor is radiation. Our thyroid gland is very susceptible to radiation, especially if we are low on iodine. The effect of an iodine deficiency is that our thyroid will soak up radiation like a sponge. Even being in the same room as a running microwave will throw off your thyroid and its controlling gland, the hypothalamus! We’re constantly around electronics that do this as well, from our cell phones to televisions, computers, smart meters and more. I think it is pretty well know that the thyroid is a key player in our metabolism and energy, but I also want you to know that thought processes are in direct ratio to our thyroid levels. An overactive thyroid can lead to extreme nervousness, worry, anxiety and even paranoia. An underactive thyroid should always be looked for in cases of depression, and can even be missed in cases of diagnosed mental illness. An underactive thyroid is also a major cause for coronary heart disease and elevated cholesterol levels!

Happy February! Jennifer

Our bodies truly work as a whole, and the interrelationship of body systems is ever-present. I hope this article has helped you!

Jennifer Vanderwal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor and Facilitator since 2004. She is a master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoko system of Reiki. She offers readings, spiritual counseling, EFT, teaches crystal healing classes and offers a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center in Plymouth, and Journey to Health Chakra.

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By Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C.

Dr. Sherry Yale, D.C., TLC Holistic Wellness, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, MI 48150. Call today! 734-664-0339.

February 2018

Giving Love a Real Chance

but not being in love. We think they are not the person we thought they were when we were in the fire of passion. We’ve started experiencing the shadow side, and forget the light side of their true selves that we first experienced. They are still your love, just may need some light of love shining on the shadow side.

By Miche Lame’

Ah... the month of February... the month of Love. All is great in February when you are in love. What if you are in a relationship, yet no longer feel that “love connection.” When you feel the passion has died?

Once you choose to open your heart to love, you can then start making dates with your lover to explore who each of you are, what desires you both have in the relationship, share a hobby, explore your values, spirituality, your dreams. Create a love-connection by listening, and by putting in the time and effort. Shine that love light on their (and your) true self so your spirits can connect again.

Here are some things to look at. Look and see if you are opening your heart to choosing to love your partner. Sometimes we get stuck in how we want our partner to be, how we are going to get our needs met, or possibly we are stuck on a perceived wrong they have done. Problem is, nothing else in life is really as important as your relationship. When your relationship is going well, so is everything else. Everything seems to be sunnier, more joyful, things and experiences come to you more easily -- in fact -they seem to be drawn to you, and you are INSPIRED! Get it? In-Spirit! Loving from the heart outward, feeling joy from the inside out. You are creating a love-connection and therefore, are also connected with the Divine. All becomes love. And all you have to do is choose to love. Are you putting in as much time and energy into your relationship as you are your work, school or hobbies? What do you value? Where you put your energy is where your focus is and what you value, so are they on having a loving relationship? Are you making the time and putting in true effort into creating a loving connection with your lover? When we don’t put in the time and energy to maintain, and even grow a relationship, we start to disconnect, take things for granted, things start to die, and one day we wake up to loving someone,

Miche Lame’ offering: Hypnotherapy Intuitive Counseling Self Acceptance Healing

We all feel the need for union, and the one you’re with may still be that person. You can contact me at the information in my ad for some support. Give love a real chance! Miche has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www.


TLC Holistic Wellness Sherry Yale, Chiropractor

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Through Spiritual Living and Healing, Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principles to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. FREE 15 min. Phone Consultations

Spiritual Living | (248) 212-0808 700 N Old Woodward Ave. Birmingham

February 2018

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P a g e 29

The Effect of the February 2018 Solar Eclipse on Michigan and the US Charts By Richard Weber

A solar eclipse will occur on Thursday, February 15 at 4:05PM Eastern Time at 27º Aquarius. This eclipse will be in direct opposition to the solar eclipse that occurred last August (28º Leo), which means that the effect of the February eclipse will be similar. However, because the February eclipse will be a partial eclipse and is only visible in the Southern Hemisphere, the effect will not be as intense as the solar eclipse last August. When looking at the effect of eclipses, they do not cause things to occur. They exacerbate the energies that are already there by intensifying the whole chart, not just what the eclipse aspects, and the effect is usually 3 to 6 months after the eclipse depending on the intensity. This will be a South Node eclipse which means that issues coming up are also around facing our past.

When looking at the State of Michigan chart using the January 26, 1837 Detroit, MI chart, we see the February solar eclipse will not have an effect -- which means that whatever is going on in the Michigan chart will not be intensified. That is not the case with the US chart. When looking at the US chart using the July 4, 1776 chart, we find

that the eclipse will Quincunx the Progressed Neptune and conjoin the Natal Moon which intensifies this chart that is already dealing with a great deal of difficult energies. The following are the hard aspects from transits to the US chart that we are dealing with at this time: Transiting Saturn will Oppose Natal Jupiter and Quincunx’s Natal and Progressed Uranus. Transiting Uranus will Square Natal and Progressed Pluto, conjoin Progressed Venus, and Quincunx’s Progressed Neptune. Transiting Neptune will Quincunx Natal Saturn. Transiting Pluto will Quincunx Natal Mars and Squares Natal Chiron. Saturn (the planet that restructures, forces responsibility, and gets rid of that which is no longer necessary) will be in aspect to Jupiter (the planet that deals with the law, religious institutions, universities, charities, taxes, and a nation’s well-being), and Uranus (which deals with science, technology, electronics/electricity, computers, heavy industry, unions, and legislatures). We could see restrictions in these areas due to the changes in the tax laws, a restructuring of the legislature due to changes in which political party controls the congress, and/or restrictions with the unions due to the unfavorable climate with the party that is in power. All the things that make this country pleasant to be in including the arts, fashion, social pleasures, and the entertainment industry (Venus) are going through a revolutionizing (Uranus) process at this time. We can see this in the entertainment industry with the “Me Too” movement addressing the sexual harassment that is so prevalent. Mars (the planet representative of the forces that holds the country together or drive it apart through aggression, confrontation, and war) is in aspect to Pluto (the planet of transformation, death, and destruction). We see this with the internal violence that is being fueled by lies, and with our inability to effectively confront and hold boundaries with foreign powers. We will continue to see the US confronting foreign governments the same way that we have already been seeing; however, given that the energies from the previous eclipse were more intense than the eclipse that will occur in February we will probably not go to war. Around the institutions and structures of our society (Saturn) we are being forced to face our illusions and misperceptions (Neptune). This also contributes to our disillusionment of our government and causes us to act and react emotionally instead of rationally. Neptune (the


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February 2018

planet that rules our visions, dreams, glamour of our society, and also Oil and Gas) is in aspect to Transiting Uranus (the planet that revolutionizes through chaos and destruction). What is most relevant to this aspect is that there could be more volatility in the oil and gas industry; however, this could also be contributing to the violence associated with our symbols of history that are being distorted by hate groups and categorized as racist. Pluto (the planet that rules all that is hidden and secret in society) is being revolutionized by Uranus. This can be representative of changes to secret organizations (intelligence agencies like the FBI, CIA, etc.) where inadequacies in the institutions come to the surface, and they are being forced by changes in the way organized crime, terrorist organizations, etc. do business. These are the energies that our country is going through at this time that are being exacerbated by the eclipse, and can be perceived as being very difficult. However, this country has gone through more difficult times than this, and we know that we can get through this. Also, after we go through these difficult times our country will be in a much better place. Thank you to Chris McRae who taught me most of what I know about eclipses.

By Abby Lippitt

There is always a way to follow your creative dream. If there ever comes a time when you find yourself unable to move forward with your current crafty plans, realize that you can still do what you love. Whether your momentary delay is due to financial, health or disability concerns, the important thing to focus on is that this situation is temporary. It is only temporary because you have yet to find your creative alternative. When you encounter a block of any kind, be it in your creativity or in life, it is best to start to see the situation as only transitory. When you take this point of view, you now open yourself up to finding solutions and/or new paths that further your creative goals. Ask yourself, If I could find a way to complete my goal, how would I? Now, all you have to do is allow the answers to come to you; try them out and see what works best for you and follow your heart. Happy creating and Happy Valentines Day! Namaste,

Richard Weber I have been studying Astrology for over 20 years and reading charts for over 10 years. This is a work of love for me. Astrology has been a tool I have used to help me understand myself, relationships I have been in, and help me through life events. This has given me the ability to give insightful advice about relationships and life changing events. Presently I have a thriving practice as entertainment for parties, working psychic fairs, giving private readings, and readings through an online service. I can help you to see what is happening in your life. To set up an appointment call me at (734) 434-0804 or e-mail me at Gift Certificates are available for friends and/ or significant others! February 2018

Finding Creative Alternatives

Possible creative alternatives for health reasons: If your concern is about allergies: Trying work with a different medium. If your concern is about physical disability or muscle fatigue, consider ergonomic seating, workstations and accessories. helpful links: oil-painting/573/a-guide-to-non-toxicpainting specialneeds/ Possible creative alternatives for learning disabilities: If your concern is about dyslexia: Try using assistive technology. helpful links: If your concern is about dyscalculia: Try using a good easy to read calculator. Some helpful links:

Abby math-tools

Creative alternatives:

Possible Creative alternatives for financial reasons: Try working with inexpensive or student grade mediums. Take advantage of art store sales Use what you already have Create an account just for your creative projects. Deposit a little bit into your account every month and use only when needed. helpful link: search/?q=student%20grade

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TransFormational Artist, Abby has been studying art and metaphysics since childhood. Her art education includes: Rhode Island School of Design & The University of the Arts, BFA in Fine Arts, Minor in Film/Animation, and Theta Healing. She provides digitally hand-rendered psychometric and mediumistic art prints for commission. Call: 248-655-0464 or visit: P a g e 31





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February 2018


Register by 02/02 for Sacred Sexuality Shamanic Apprenticeship with Leslie Blackburn Feb/Mar 2018. Details at: www. Psychic Development Classes taught at Knight Light Candles: Meditation, Numerology, Tarot, and Psychic Explorations. 10332 W 9 Mile Rd in Oak Park. Call 248291-5483 or for time and dates The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – accredited throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet, and ascension work. Eve Wilson. Enrolling for Winter 2018: The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737 Mama Tracy Inc. 734-626-5436 How to See your Past Lives 6 wks Course Sundays feb 18th-March 25th $150 6-8pm Mama Tracy Inc. offers a Variety of Classes find us on Facebook


Mon - Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service and radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 7:45- 8:30pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-588-0290 Mon - Mediation Classes! Every Monday Evening at Knight Light Candle, 10332 W. Nine Mile Rd., Oak park. $10.00 per class. Arrive 6:40-6:45 Begins at 7pm 248-291-5483


Tue - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 586-787-6507


Wed - A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 248-2883550 or Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248788-5808

February 2018

Wed - Join us in the mighty Operation Prayer Power. Be a part of the change this world needs at this time. A Great Opportunity to advance through Love and Prayer. 7:30 pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-588-0290 www.


Thu - A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. for info call Chuck 248-225-5360 Thu - Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 248-288-3550 or Thu - Meditation @ Mama Tracy’s weekly 7-8pm $10 734-626-5436 Thu - Thursday Night Thrive: 7-8:30 pm. We come together for sacred conversation, mutual support, fun and friendship. Each week is different and powerful. Our intention is authentic and conscious community. A lot like a small group but so much more! Love offering. 248-288-3550 or www. Thu - Meditation Class - Every other Thursday 7–8 pm. Short lesson, meditation, followed by discussion with instructor Lori Barresi. Drop in, every other Thursday starting Oct. 5. $10. Enlightened Soul Center, 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor. 734-358-0218.


Fri - The Theosophical Society in Detroit, Fridays 6:30pm-9pm Lectures/ Videos and thoughtful discussion. By donation. Bookstore browsing 6:30-7pm. www.

Sun - Detroit Center for Spiritual Living invites you to join Sunday Services 10:1510:30am Meditation, 10:35am Service Begins. Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers, Detroit (Parking entrance on Curtis St) Fellowship to Follow! Connection, community & coffee! Sun - Financial Peace University: 12 1:30 pm. Financial guru, Dave Ramsey’s 9-week course teaches you how to make a budget, pay off debt, save for your future, and create a lifetime of smart money habits. Advanced registration and fee required. 248-288-3550 or Sun - Learn how to use the “One Power” in the universe. Join the Sunday Gathering on “The Science of Mind” covering how to pray, meditate, heal oneself, find confidence, & express love! Detroit Center for Spiritual Living, Northwest Activity Center, 18100 Meyers, Detroit Sun - Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. Healing offered afterwards. 11am. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak. (248) 588-0290. Sunday Meditation! Susan deCaussin, BMS Staff Writer, leads meditation each week at Renaissance Unity Church in Warren at 9:30am. An inspired message is given followed by silent reflection. More info:


02/02 Jewish Renewal Kabbalat Shabbat with Song & Spirit: 7-8:30 pm. Join Hazzan Steve Klaper and Judy Lewis in song and celebration. Divine grace and mercy are ours -- all we need is to tune in. Music. Prayer. Stories, a Nosh. People of all Faiths Welcome. 248-288-3550 02/02 Register by Feb. 2nd Sacred Sexuality Shamanic Apprenticeship with Leslie Blackburn Feb/Mar 2018. Details at:

Fri - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog! Voted one of the best healing blogs in the world by!. Rediscover faith in our world - empower your ascension! Sign up or

02/02-04 Manifestation, Ann Arbor, MI, Feb 2-4, 2018. Leslie Blackburn is sharing two workshops, many other teachers and performers in this weekend event for Mind, Body and Soul. Tickets:


02/03 Taize with a Twist with Song & Spirit: 7-8 pm. Welcome the evening with Song and Spirit. Join Br. Al, Hazzan Steve and Rev. Ric for a monthly interfaith psalm experience at Unity of Royal Oak. A unique musical, meditative evening. All are welcome. 248-288-3550


02/03 Women Of Spirit: 10 am-12 pm Safe and sacred space open to all women, this monthly breakfast potluck often has a speaker and is a wonderful space for spiritual friendship and growth. 248-288-3550

Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808 Sun - Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 248-2883550 or

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February 2018

02/03 World of Wellness! for Holistic Information Seekers Meet- Learn- Practice. -12:30pm. Royal Oak Churchill Center. Must register, space is limited achc@ Info: events/229084267629180/ 02/04 Michigan Psychic Fair at Novi Holiday Inn (12 Mile, W of Haggerty) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

02/16 Mama Tracy Inc. Witchy World class 734-626-5436 $25 02/16 Talk, Booksigning, Social for Pioneering New Book: “Earth: Astrology’s Missing Planet – Reconnecting with Her Sacred Power” with author/teacher, Chrissie Blaze. Admission: Love Offering. 7:30 pm at the The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak.(248) 5880290.

02/04 Wellness Group: 12-1:30 pm. Committing to a year of self-love. We meet monthly to support each other and share tips for a healthy 2018. All are welcome. 248-288-3550 or

02/17 Interfaith Sabbath-2-Sabbath with Song & Spirit: 7-8 pm A unique celebration – passing sacred time from one tradition to another. Join Jewish Hazzan Steve Klaper, and Franciscan Friar, Br. Al Mascia, OFM, as they close Shabbat and welcome the Lord’s Day. Musical. Prayerful. Peaceful.

02/05 Time to Transform, free weight-loss support group. Stay focused on creating better health for yourself with free health tips. 7-8pm, RSVP, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, 734-664-0339.

02/18 Michigan Psychic Fair at Farmington Hills Comfort Inn (Orchard Lake Rd. & I-696) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

02/08 Pressure Point Therapy! 7-8pm Learn how to relieve stress and tension with this highly effective technique. Bring a partner for best results. FREE! Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, RSVP: 734-425-8220.

02/19 Mama Tracy Inc. 734-626-5436 Angels w/Anna 7-8:30pm $25

02/08 Essential Exercises! 8--/19pm Put a positive spin on your day! Learn a life-changing exercise originating from the practices of Tibetan monks, along with the most essential stretches for health and fitness. Free! Karl Wellness Center, 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland, RSVP: 734-425-8220. 02/10 Aura Photo Readings @ Mama Tracy Inc. 1-6pm by appt 734-626-5436 $40 02/10 Jobs Club Royal Oak: 10am-noon. Join Luther Taylor each month as he presents inspiring speakers and networking opportunities. 248-288-3550 or www. 02/11 Michigan Psychic Fair at Troy Quality Inn (Rochester Rd. & I-75) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www. Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 02/12 Time to Transform, free weight-loss support group. Stay focused on creating better health for yourself with free health tips. 7-8pm, RSVP TLC Holistic Wellness, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, 734-6640339. 02/13 Royal Oak Community Sing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Community Sings are not performances. They exist so that like-minded people can gather in community and SING! Hosted by singer and former Public Radio host of Folks Like Us, Matt Watroba. Love offering. 248-288-3550

February 2018

02/19 Time to Transform, free weight-loss support group. Stay focused on creating better health for yourself with free health tips. 7-8pm, RSVP TLC, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, 734-664-0339. 02/21 The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – accredited throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet, and ascension work. Runs every other week 7 – 10pm for 13 months. Eve Wilson Director. Enrolling Now for a few more people. 734-780-7635 www. 02/24 Natural Health & Beauty Expo, 8am-1pm, Royal Oak Farmers Market. Beauty comes from health... naturally. Discover how, at this Free and fun event, where you can shop 50+ exhibits, learn at expert presentations, and enjoy live music, free massage, and tasty concessions. $10 VIP admission includes a goodie bag and door prize drawing. 02/24 Reiki Share: 12-2pm. Open to all level practitioners. This is an opportunity for sharing Reiki with each other and for sharing best practices and networking. 248-288-3550 or 02/25 Michigan Psychic Fair at Chesterfield Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 02/26 Time to Transform, free weight-loss support group. Stay focused on creating better health for yourself with free health tips. 7-8pm, RSVP TLC Holistic Wellness, 31582 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, 734-6640339.

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03/08 Detroit’s Premier Vegan Celebration, 3pm-9pm, Eastern Market, Shed 5. Join others interested in compassionate and healthy lifestyles. Enjoy excellent exhibits, education, entertainment, and edibles. $15 advance ticket includes $5 concessions voucher and door prize drawing. Details, directions & tickets at www. 03/15 Relationships: The Magical Chemistry. Healthy hormones lead to healthy relationships, how to balance both naturally. 7-8pm at 30935 Ann Arbor Trail, Westland. Free, please RSVP: 734-425-8220. 04/10 Aura - come and join us for this interesting and exciting look into the world of Auras. The aura is the energy field around field around the body, living animals or objects. The aura is described as a subtle body. See and experience what Aura do for you. 6:30-8:30pm Woodhaven, call for further information 571-989-2408. 04/12 Dream Interpretation covers what we can learn from dreams as well as explaining the differences of the types of dreams. We establish methods for remembering what we dream. 6:30-8:30pm Woodhaven, 571-989-2408. 04/15 Temple Community Gathering. (Sun 5-7pm) Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Free. Email to pre-register:, Details at: 04/21 OTE Spirit Fest located at Brownstown Senior Recreation Center 21311 Telegraph Rd, Brownstown, from 10:30am to 5:30pm a day filled with remarkable mediums, healers accompanied by impressive crafters, for further information 571-9892408. or 05/17 Past Lives workshop - we review the effect that a past life will and can have in your current life. We establish a glimpse of one or more of your past life experiences. 6:30-8:30pm Woodhaven,, call for further information 571-989-2408. 05/19 A fun filled Saturday of wonderful workshops starting with; Numerology Part (A) 10-12, followed by Numerology Part (B) 12:15-2:15, then Chakras from 2:304:30 in Woodhaven, for further information 571-989-2408. 05/21 Table tipping learn how to communicate with spiritual guides or your loved ones through the art of the table movement. Unbelievable though lots of fun in Woodhaven, call for further information 571-989-2408.

CLASSIFIED ADS: $1.00 per word. Place your “Class or Events” ad by calling 734 513-6137 and emailing to us at:

P a g e 35




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February 2018



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YOUNG AT HEART BY DESIGN by DR. JOEL KAHN, MD All of the best things you can do for your heart. In Novi, Noon on Saturday - February 03rd SAVE THE HEARTS OF YOUR LOVED ONES by AARON WALLACE Get more time with your loved ones by stopping heart disease in its tracks. Noon in Shelby Twp, 2:00 pm in Beverly Hills and 3:30 in Bloomfield Hills on Saturday - February 03rd HEALTHY HEARTS IN-STORE SEMINARS FEATURING THE LATEST HEALTH AND WELLNESS INFO FROM OUR EXPERTS. Join us for this informative seminar led by our nutrition experts and learn the latest on how to have and maintain a healthy heart. In Bloomfield, Southgate, and Belleville - February 03rd MERIDIAN STRESS ASSESSMENTS with JULI JOHNSON Determine your gluten sensitivity particularly related to wheat, whole wheat, and whole grains. Gluten sensitivity testing will also include a quick look at the organs most commonly affected by gluten. Lansing 4 to 7 pm on Wednesday - February 07th HEART HEALTHY COOKING by MACROVAL Learn how to create a heart healthy dish for your sweetheart for Valentines day. Plymouth, 6:30 pm, Wednesday - February 07th HEART HEALTHY COOKING by MACROVAL Learn how to create a heart healthy dish for your sweetheart for Valentines day. Novi, Noon on Saturday - February 10th HEALTHY HEARTS IN-STORE SEMINARS FEATURING THE LATEST HEALTH AND WELLNESS INFO FROM OUR EXPERTS. Join us for this informative seminar led by our nutrition experts and learn the latest on how to shed unwanted pounds and keep them off. Your questions and comments are encouraged. In Shelby, Sterling Heights, Beverly Hills, and Dearborn - February 10th HEART HEALTH, HEAVY METAL TOXICITY AND HOW IV THERAPY CAN HELP YOU! by DR. ANN AUBURN Experience an understandable review of how IV therapy can reduce heavy metal toxicity and provide measurable cardiovascular benefits. in Lansing and Frandor East Lansing, on Saturday - February 10th YOUNG AT HEART BY DESIGN by BY DR. JOEL KAHN, MD All of the best things you can do for your heart. In Bloomfield Hills, Noon on Saturday - February 17th FUNCTIONAL TESTS FOR THE DETECTION OF NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES AND TOXICITIES by DR. CHAD MCKERNAN Find out about the underlying causes of Autoimmune Diseases and more. Shelby Twp., Noon on Saturday - February 17th HEALTHY HEARTS - IN-STORE SEMINARS FEATURING THE LATEST HEALTH AND WELLNESS INFO FROM OUR EXPERTS. Join us for this informative seminar led by our nutrition experts and learn the latest on how to have and maintain a healthy heart. In Lansing, Plymouth, Novi, and Ann Arbor, Noon on Saturday - February 17th HEALTHY HEARTS IN-STORE SEMINARS FEATURING THE LATEST HEALTH AND WELLNESS INFO FROM OUR EXPERTS. Join us for this informative seminar led by our nutrition experts and learn the latest on how to have and maintain a healthy heart. In Livonia, Frandor East Lansing, and Grosse Pointe on Saturday - February 24th MERIDIAN STRESS ASSESSMENTS - DETERMINE YOUR GLUTEN SENSITIVITY Determine your gluten sensitivity particularly related to wheat, whole wheat, and whole grains. Gluten sensitivity testing will also include a quick look at the organs most commonly affected by gluten. Frandor East Lansing, 4 to 7 pm on Wednesday February 28th Seating is Limited! Please RSVP today and find more information at

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Love for a Friend

said nothing except that I will accept whatever he wants. He corrected me and said that that was not what he wanted, it was what he “knew” was going to happen. I asked him if he was sick, and he replied, “No, I just know.”

By Nancy Lynn

Hello readers and welcome to 2018, I have been writing for Body Mind Spirit Guide for years, although I have never placed a personal article until now. Seeing that we are coming into February, the month of love, I want to share with you a personal note about what I have discovered about loving. I have been in lust, love, cared for my parents and have been a good mom to my kids. All acts of love in their own right are wonderful. I would not take a moment away from my gratitude of those experiences. Yet, someone has walked back into my life recently, showing me an even greater bridge of loving. He was someone I was fond of, having sweet memories of when we were young, carefree and had the world by the tail. Yes, I cared very deeply for him while we dated even though the timing was not to be. While I was talking to him, I thought about the song by Garth Brooks “Unanswered Prayers”. That song depicts a married man who goes to a football game and runs into his high school flame; as he is talking to her, his thoughts go back in time to when they were together. He remembers praying night after night to God to make her his. After they leave the football game, he looks at his wife and knows that some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. While we talked, I realized we had taken very different paths in our lives, and that we reconnected at this point to appreciate our friendship and the memories we’d made. It was wonderful hearing from him, except for the fact that during our conversation he stated that he had little time left on this earth. What did he say? He is too young! This does not seem to be the course of life. I asked him again what he meant. He stated, “I just have a knowing that I will not be here much longer.” At first I listened intently, with my hands out; I found myself repeating over and over again, “Ah ah ah ah,” not knowing what to say. Wait for me to catch up here my friend, I wanted to say. He began telling me that he was not afraid of death however; he is in his 40’s. What is he talking about? It took me awhile and some tears to be okay with what he seemed to know. I found myself wanting to convince him to stay. But I


I am as spiritual as the next person, but that hit me out of left field. We continued talking for hours, remembering sweet memories of our times together. When it was over and my shock faded, I thought about all the ways I could help him want to stay here, and then I realized that that was my prayer, not his. I played many great tunes that night, into the morning ...”The Dance” and “If tomorrow doesn’t come”. Repeatedly, I listened to them. Through the tears and my heart sinking, I realized that the greatest gift I could give him was to love him unconditionally. I believe in “knowing”. In the movie “Good Will Hunting” one of Robin Williams’ films, he states: “If I asked you about love, you’d probably quote me a sonnet, but you’ve never looked at a woman and been totally vulnerable. Known someone that could level you with her eyes. Feelin’ like God put an angel on earth just for you, who could rescue you from the depths of hell. — And you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be her angel, to have that love for her be there forever. You don’t know about real loss, ‘cause that only occurs when you love something more than you love yourself.” I fought through the tears; I now know that true love for another (as stated above) is without conditions or expectations. Therefore, I will support him on his journey no matter how much time he has left on this earth. Most of us do not know when we will pass; precious as that is, I will continue to see each day as one more gift. Nancy Lynn is a gifted medium, able to speak with spiritual guides and those who have crossed over. Her mission is to help people reconnect to their own spiritual insight and to their own unique gifts. She provides information on areas of concern in the present that need attention. Nancy founded “Opening to Enlightenment” which provides workshops, training, and self-help sessions that cover a variety of topic areas. She is excited about the opportunity to help you on your journey of personal growth and enlightenment. Visit Nancy’s web site at to obtain further information about workshops, spirit fests and future events, or email her at

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February 2018

Roses the flower of love

Detroit Center for Spiritual Living Classes MARCH 2018:

Roses symbolize God’s love at work in people’s lives. These elegant flowers regularly show up in reports of miracles and encounters with angels. The fragrant scent of rose oil creates balance, harmony, and a sense of well-being and confidence. It uplifts the spirit and brings about positive feelings of love and happiness. It is calming, helping to relieve nervousness and tension. Rose oil is widely used in aromatherapy and spas, and can transform an ordinary bath into one of luxury! Simply add a few drops to your bathwater. “The fragrance of the rose remains on the hand that gives it.” Unknown

February 2018

Self-Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self: The Self Mastery Course focuses on healing the perceived separation between personality and Spirit. Through an active exploration of the creative nature of thoughts and feelings, beliefs and emotions, the students have an opportunity to gain mastery in the art of living as conscious, intentional beings. Meets Tuesdays (8 weeks) begins March 6th ends April 24th Location TBD // Class Tuition: $245 (includes CSL Reg Fee) Text: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes Foundations of the Science of Mind: Explore a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice to support each principle. See the Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle and learn to use it in your everyday life. Discover the writings of our elders as well as our contemporaries. Meets Thursdays (10 weeks) begins March 1st ends May 10th Location TBD // Class Tuition: $295 (includes CSL Reg Fee) Text: The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes Any questions or to register please email

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Chinese New Year

relatives, family members, friends, business associates Prepare meals for New Years Eve and New Years Day

Chinese New Year, also known in China as the the Lunar New Year, is celebrated this year beginning February 16.

Decorate your house with plastic firecrackers to frighten away evil spirits and the bad luck they might bring.

It is also referred to as the Spring Festival, as it marks the end of the coldest days. It was originally a day of ceremony, as people prayed to gods for a good planting and harvest season. Each Chinese New Year is characterized by one of 12 animals that appear in the Chinese zodiac. 2018 is the year of the Earth Dog! ______________________________

Set off firecrackers at midnight to send out the old year and welcome the new year. Open every door & window at midnight to let go of the old year

NEW YEARS DAY ( February 16, 2018 )

Decorate your home with live blooming plants to symbolize rebirth and new growth.

The events that occur on New Years Day may have an impact on the rest of the year so be careful with your words, your deeds, what you eat and whom you greet.

Display oranges and tangerines to symbolize abundant happiness and a candy tray with eight varieties of dried sweet fruit to start the new year sweetly.

Don’t wash your hair or you will wash away any good luck for the new year Wear brand new clothes


Wear the color red for joy and happiness.

Get together with family for a meal and family activities.

Don’t wear white or black as they are colors of mourning.

Pay respects to your ancestors.

Greet your relatives, neighbors, and friends and wish them well.

Chinese New Year Dos and Don’t’s

Don’t greet people in mourning. Give red envelopes with lucky money to children and unmarried people.

The Chinese New Year is a time for gathering with the family to say goodbye to things that no longer serve us and welcome in a new, prosperous year. Here are some of the main activities and superstitions for a prosperous new year.

Don’t sweep the floor or clean or you may sweep away your luck. Don’t say the number “four” (which sounds like the Chinese word for death) Don’t mention death or tell ghost stories. Don’t cook.


Don’t use knives or scissors or you may cut off fortune.

Clean the entire house to get rid of any ill-fortune associated with the past year and make room for incoming good luck.

Don’t lend money or you will be lending all year. Don’t borrow money.

Put away all brooms and brushes.


Pay all your debts Resolve differences with 40

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February 2018

The Silver Thread: Samadhi and Levels of Consciousness

is complete harmony with the universe. This state of mind is sublime, meaning it is the wellspring, the actual source of consciousness. It is like electricity, or the raw power which fuels being and provides the motive power for all other forms of consciousness.

By Dr. Michael Abramsky

Samadhi refers to a nondualistic state of consciousness. This contrasts with our ordinary states of mind which are fundamentally dualistic. Dualism is inherent in ordinary consciousness. Yoga philosophy recognizes three basic states of mind. The “lowest”, most basic is the gross level. This refers to our ordinary state of consciousness. In this state we recognize that we are a subject, and we perceive entities as “objects”. Those entities may be other people, ideas, or even insights about ourselves. Regardless of what we perceive, we recognize a separation between our self and those objects of consciousness. This separation is dualism. The tools of the gross level of consciousness are our five senses: hearing, seeing, tasting, touching, and smelling, plus “mind” which is the consciousness and integration of sense material (thinking). Dualistic consciousness is necessary for problem solving in the sensual world. Gathering information, manipulating and integrating facts and material, planning, and general problem solving are products of the gross level of mind. The societal institutions in which we participate are reflections of this state of mind. Science, politics, and social integration are reflections of the gross level of mentation. The next level of mind is the subtle level. In the subtle level there is a subject-object relationship, but the

February 2018

Samadhi is the highest state of consciousness. In Samadhi we are in total harmony with the universe. We access a type of pure consciousness which infuses us with primal energy.

relationship varies from the consensual reality of the gross level. In this state we recognize us as subject, but the object is drawn from an alternative universe. In this state the subject is the author, and the object is a creation of the subject, Hallucinatory and delusional phenomena are manifestations of the subtle mind. But the most common expression is in our dreams. In dreams we are aware of dreaming, but the objects of the dream do not reflect the mundane reality of the gross consciousness. Subjects fly, change shape, defy gravity, and these reflect imagination not photography. The institutional refection of the subtle level is in the creative arts, archetypal images like Biblical characters -- the Buddha, Moses, Krishna -- cartoons, and superheroes. It is a level infused with the supernatural, with us as the dreamer/creator. The highest level is the causal body. The common experience from this level of consciousness is sleep. In sleep, we are present but lack consciousness or awareness of objects or internal states. We are totally present, and one with the world. In meditative experience this is Samadhi, a state of mind where there

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Samadhi is non-dualistic; it is unitary. As the primal source of consciousness, it infuses or generates lower forms which split into dualistic forms found in the gross and subtle bodies. From the spiritual-psychological perspective, the lower levels of consciousness are infused with this pure harmonic energy. When we open up the channels of pure harmonic consciousness, they infuse the lower levels. When channeled correctly from meditative state to mindfulness, this primal energy infuses the subtle level. It energizes creativity and ultimate purpose in our lives. When the causal energy is translated into the gross level of consciousness, it creates thinking-feeling that is infused with love and compassion and relationships that are emphatic and non-reactive. Our day to day endeavors become infused with spiritual purpose.

Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. has aanMA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398 P a g e 41

Spiritual Horoscopes By Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) – Happy birthday Aquarius! The eclipse in your sign is working with brilliant Mercury and Uranus. Pay close attention to your thoughts. Mercury is your day-to-day brain, while Uranus is your “personal genius consciousness”. Change thought patterns when necessary to improve mood and to manifest a better life! Meditate to create a peaceful space between thoughts, not to stop them altogether. Then you’ll have more conscious awareness of yourself (instead of being on auto-pilot) and also allow for intuitions throughout your day. Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – This month’s eclipse helps you create a deep soul love, as well as magical money flow! For love, meditate on releasing old hurts with past or current partners. Now you’re not held back by subtle beliefs that it’s not safe to share your heart. Financially, be honest about spending habits. Have a friend with money savvy help you with a budget. Also meditate on limiting beliefs you hold about wealth or lack of it! Visualize yourself with abundance and see how it feels. If you feel uncomfortable, work on getting to the root and letting it go so money can flow! Aries (March 21 – April 19) – It’s a month

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663


to make new friends and discover activities and hobbies that brighten your life! If single, you can meet a wonderful person this way. If partnered, you’ll reconnect in a fresh way by seeing each other in a new context. In meditation, focus on the abundance of possibilities in life. You can always shift perspective and see the world differently. Then life can offer experiences you weren’t allowing in with your previously limited beliefs and expectations! Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – This month’s eclipse opens professional doors for you! Don’t underestimate your talents. You’ve worked hard to develop skills and gather experience. You also have a centeredness that makes others feel safe around you, and that is a gift you need to recognize! Also, follow intuitions or messages in dreams. You have a tendency to minimize these spiritual communications, but the more you see them as important and follow them, wonderful things unfold! See yourself as an important part of the world around you! Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – This month’s eclipse asks you to walk your talk in terms of spirituality. If you say you believe in affirmations, do you actually use them? If you think meditation is a powerful way to connect with your higher self, how often do you meditate? Even taking small, consistent actions (ie. meditating five minutes a day) yields amazing results! You could have a breakthrough with a health issue. You might get an incredible promotion at work. Relationships become harmonious. As you bring your theories into experience, life envelopes you with comfort and blessings! Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – The eclipse this month heals your heart. You can deepen trust in partnerships. You can

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heal old wounds of betrayal. Insecurities can melt away. Even prosperity can flow! Meditate on the truth that you’re an intrinsic part of the Universe and a valuable part of your little corner of the world. Feeling that you’re a part of things, rather than on the outside, will help you a lot. Focus on laughter and having fun, so you turn your mind away from sad stories you repeat to yourself! Believe the positive is as true as the negative you’ve believed for so long! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – It’s a great relationship month! You can have insights about past issues that hold love back, and remove those blocks. This renews a current connection to a second honeymoon, or you can meet a wonderful new partner if single. Even if you had a rough childhood, you can re-write your internal script. You know your flaws, past traumas and internal “potholes”, and now it’s time to live from an enlightened, healed and positive place. Meditate on the belief that the Universe is in favor of you and see how it feels to walk around in that reality. Soak in the many blessings that come your way! Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – The eclipse this month opens new doors to health! You can discover a food allergy that holds your energy down. Through meditation you can become aware of a toxic belief that lowers your zest for life. You’ll find you’re able to relax in the present moment instead of having a constant “to do” list running in your head. Relationships improve as you become more present to everyone around you! Work with affirmations to keep a positive frame of mind. Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – You’ll have relationship breakthroughs! Meditate on releasing old programs and habituated thoughts about your partner . . . and about yourself as a partner. Contemplate how resentments and negative thoughts impact your body and immune system. February 2018

This month’s eclipse can free you of the past. Fill your mind with joy and focus on having fun with people you love. This creates a “magnetic forcefield” that draws loving new people if single, or improved circumstances if bonded. You can also have gifts of money, or a new job offer. As always, Libra, strike a balance between forgiveness and being walked on. Forgiveness means you protect yourself from negative feelings, while having clear boundaries! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – You can have major healing about childhood issues and destructive thought patterns that make you feel separate from others. Scorpios need to frequently scrub their minds of shame. It’s such a go-to feeling that you might not even realize it’s there unless you examine your subconscious regularly through meditation. When you clear a pathway, more feelings of joy and connection flow in. You can also have a cool job offer, or even meet a fabulous friend through work! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – This month’s eclipse opens your intuition! Meditate each day, and pay close attention to your dreams. Record ideas that pop up, since they can provide insights and guidance now or in the near future. Make a special area at home for contemplation. Also, you can begin an exciting new relationship! Or you might have a flash of healing that resolves turmoil in a present connection so that it feels completely fresh. If you’re thinking about getting a pet, you can find a new furry soul mate now too! Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – It’s a powerful financial month! The eclipse can open new avenues of money. You can also connect with a positive person who helps you organize your finances in a way that pays off debt, while living comfortably and even creating savings. Explore philosophies and books about spirituality and prosperity. Use affirmations that tap into abundant thinking. No matter what your “reality” has been, you can change it by shifting your beliefs! You’ll find your sense of self-worth expands along with your wallet! Aluna Michaels, second-generation astrologer, has a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching/ consulting for three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon/Kindle, and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call/text 248-583-1663 or visit February 2018

Magic of the Mind By Frank Garfield

I saw a stage hypnotist perform when I was 12 years old. That was 62 years ago, and I can still remember the routine and how totally impressed I was with what he did. In those days almost everyone smoked cigarettes and he was no different, so when he came on stage, he had one in his hand. He invited a lady up on stage with him and the first thing he told her was not to stand too close as he didn’t want to burn her with the cigarette. As soon as he hypnotized her, he touched the back of her hand with his finger and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to burn you.” A very minor burn mark appeared where he touched her. The next thing he did was give her an onion and told her it was a Delicious Apple. She happily munched away on the onion – and did not even have the smell of onion on her breath. I was blown away with what I saw and even though I was very impressed by the “Magic” I could not help thinking that there was much more than entertainment going on there. Some years later when I began studying meditation, I read about monks in India who wrap themselves in wet bedsheets and spend the night outside in winter when it is freezing. The next morning, the sheets are dry, and the monks are warm and comfortable. My fascination with the human mind began at the age of 12 and I’m still on that journey today. We still have no idea how powerful the human mind really is. Later I heard someone say, “What the mind agrees with, the body responds to, and it cannot not respond.” We tell our students that quote often, in every course we teach. It is the basis for our success with every client we work with. We moved our offices and classroom in November to a much nicer facility at 8200 Old 13 Mile Rd. in Warren (MapQuest link on the first page of our website, Our next course begins February 10th. Learning Hypnosis is one of the most fun and enlightening experiences of your life. My wife and coinstructor, Cheryl, has worked as the resident hypnotherapist at St. John Hospital on Moross and Mack in Detroit for over 10 years. Why not give yourself a gift for Valentine’s Day – learn Hypnosis! Learning to help others achieve their goals is one of the most gratifying forms of pure love. Namaste’ Frank Garfield is a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist, Instructor, Certified NLP Master Practitioner, and a Certified Reiki Master (Instructor). Contact him at: 248-787-7829 or:

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Modern Body Clock Last month I printed a Body Clock but one thing that I always find missing is how energy moves thought your body each month so I created the chart below as a “Key�. Notice how the heart chakra does not have any months associated with it as all the months actually circle around the heart and the heart pumps and circulates the energy and hormones to every cell in your body. Send questions and comments to Penny at

Jun May Apr

Jul Aug Sep

Mar Feb Jan

Oct Nov Dec

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February 2018

Rippling Effects of Universal Love

The beauty of living at this time is that even small acts of kindness have powerful rippling effects, and the vibrations of our actions have the power to make a difference in our community and the world. This brings me to share my recent experience and how it is true on many levels, including karma.

By Gwendolyn Esco Davis

Have you ever experienced that sometimes the smallest thing made a significant impact on your life? … G. EscoDavis In an effort to stay current and continue my personal growth, and be a more effective coach, I read a lot. Over the holiday, I experienced a spiritual and emotional encounter. It made me think of something that I had read only a few weeks earlier. As one of my favorite enlightened writers, Madisyn Taylor, noted in a metaphor, “A snowball at the top of a mountain has the potential to become huge, just by rolling down the mountain and gathering more snow. In a short time, this tiny snowball can become a mighty force. We humans, are like this when it comes to exchanging energy and vision, empathy, and love for humanity. There is the potential for massive change. As consciousness seekers, we are in the midst of this process, and it is incredible to see people we thought might never come around, waking up to their truth. Each time we understand this, we can count ourselves blessed to be living at a time when the awareness of our humanity seems as more individuals open their minds and change their ways.” For others, it is a spiritual awakening or an awareness of their environment, and for some it might be both. Madisyn Taylor continues to say, “A significant change in consciousness is sweeping through us as we recognize that things are not what they have seemed to be, that there is more to our lives than meets the eye. It is as if a scale is about to tip in favor of higher consciousness -- higher consciousness of humanity. Onehumanity, bonded with love. Love of self, respect and empathy and love of our fellow human.”

Over the holiday I stopped at a traffic light, where a begger was asking for money -- it was freezing outside. I asked the young man for his name. There is a motel about one block away from this traffic light, so I called the motel for a room for two nights and to ask if they let anyone stay. I pulled in the motel’s parking lot, went into the office and paid for a two-night stay. I informed the desk person that the room was not for me. He gave me the key. I drove back to the spot where the young man stood and gave him the key and said, “Get out of the cold -- happy holiday!” I continued my day of shopping; my last stop was at my favorite market. There was a lot more in my basket than I had planned. When the cashier said how much the total was, I knew I was short on cash. So, I told the cashier I could take some items back. The cashier called for a manager on the override. The cashier informed the manager the amount I was short. The manager looked at me and said, “You are a regular customer, you’re good with us – happy holiday!” During this month of Love, extend yourself -- on purpose, to others with kindness, empathy and love. It feels good doesn’t it? Each time we move in the direction of having empathy and love of our fellow human, we can visualize another golden nugget along our path to being a better person. This, my friend, takes us closer to universal awakening to our truth. Namaste, Peace & Blessings,

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Gwendolyn Esco Davis Gwendolyn, owner of G. EscoDavis, LLC, is a certified life coach and business mentor. Her practice of four decades focuses on women entrepreneurs, although she also coaches men business owners. She uses a holistic/organic approach, and publishes a monthly newsletter. For more information call: 313-717-8988, email: or visit:

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Body Mind Spirit Guide

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February 2018

You Are Never Alone By Bill Helton

There’s no need to ever join a group or feel as if you need to. To find ‘self empowerment’ is what will draw you away from any ‘members only’ club. More often than not, those who feel a void in their lives run for shelter under someone else’s umbrella. Step out from under ONE and dance in the rain without fear. Cleanse the Body/Mind/Soul complex to begin anew. You may sometimes feel that you walk alone, but you are NEVER alone. A typical human eye will respond to wavelengths from about 390 to 700 nm. What this means is that the majority is not privy to observe what is behind the curtain whilst traveling through this third dimensional plane. There are laws within this 3D construct that must be obeyed. Now, if we could sneak a peek behind the veil, another world would appear. Every dimension has its own frequency-based system which protects its virtual space of existence. How unbelievable is this?! Once the human perspective can look past the FALSE fear, what will emerge is a TRUE fantastical reality that will challenge every belief ONE has held for lifetimes. Fact or fiction? Judge the experience. Feed the dream with a knowing that it is achievable, believable, and is highly probable with a proper mindset. Every object, whether a human organ or a piano, carries a frequency-vibrational signature that identifies it. Just as tuningin to your specific kind of music from a receiver, this reality is playing on its own frequency bandwidth. Imagine this reality as a radio. Now, within this radio receiver all stations are available that can be tuned-in to the station of choice. ONLY those vibrating at the same preferred frequency will observe the same landscape that exist within their reality of choice. Otherwise, it would not exist. There is the WHOLE, and then there are subsets of the whole. This fractal keeps breaking off into smaller versions of itself. “As above so below” is the adage which brilliantly represents the broader scope of what really is. So when I say, “We all are extraordinary by all accounts”, I speak it in a collective agreement. Leave all the little worries alone and focus on giving and receiving from the HEART MIND. This moment in this experience only lasts a second. Become fully engrossed in self, AWARE in all your moments. This alone, when given your full authority, awakens the true you.


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February 2018

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Body Mind Spirit


Blessings with Selene. Monthly 2nd & 4th Thursday Mornings 10-11 a.m. Selene is a grief coach and Angel Intuitive who after experiencing the personal loss of a child, restored her life by receiving and accepting loving messages from spirit. Topics: What Resolutions can you make this year that you will be able to keep? Creating your future from harvesting the lessons from your past. Making It To The Finish Line. Monthly 1st & 4th Tuesday Evenings 7-8 p.m. Join Host Gladys Pearson, Co-Hosts Chef Sand, Big Will’s Smokehouse, and Ms. Dawn for a wonderful motivational, informative, and inspirational show on youth and their nonprofit organization. Listen live for weekly topics and to call in to join the conversation. 2/5 In Touch Interviews 1-2 p.m. Welcomes, Author, Teacher and Visionary Thought Leader, Lady Blackwood who will be joining the show to discuss her book and true story, “Flames of Love: Truth of the Holy Grail.” Learn from her spiritual awakening, the seven initiations all life must go through, our path of evolution and so much more. Lady Blackwood will dive into the topic of the Holy Grail, Enlightenment, Ancient Wisdom, and her book offers the tools you need to support yourself on your path to enlightenment. 2/5 In Touch Interviews 7-8 p.m. Welcomes Faithe Mintz who will be joining the show to discuss Accepting who you are, stepping into your truth, self-love, self-empowerment, the divine feminine and so much more. Faithe aspires to be a public and transformational speaker and wants to help assist others in succeeding in life by rising above all obstacles. Faithe is a Claircognizant, Intuitive Writer, and Speaker. 2/14 Journey Into Oneness with Darlene Sowa 1-2 p.m. Darlene welcomes Marian Edmond, facilitator of Women’s Medicine Circle joins to discuss, The 13 Clan Mothers: Ancient Truths for Challenging Times. Drawing from the legacy of the 13 clan mothers, Marian will talk about the importance and power of women’s medicine circles and how they can help us speak our truth, stand in our power, and shine light on our own path to wholeness. She will also share her transformational experiences in working with the ancient wisdom of these way showers. 48

2/20 Sacred Sexuality with Leslie Blackburn 10-11 a.m. Leslie helps you connect with your sacred sexuality, and welcomes calls during the show. Join her for monthly topics that help you bring peace to you, your body, and your relationships. Bring your curiosity! 2/20 Aetherius Radio Live 1-2p.m. Aetherius Society members Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze bring the wisdom of outer space to help you realize the potential of inner space. Wonderful topics every month such as The Nine Freedoms, Ascended Masters, Karma and more! Topic: UFOs are here to stay. 2/27 Beautiful Earth with Barbra White.10-11 a.m. Show previously called Calling All Leaders and Healers. Celebrating the Great Mother through dynamic explorations around embodiment, natures gifts, sexuality, food, and emotional awareness. Join Barbra White as she discusses amazing topics, introduces wonderful guests, and shares amazing information with you! Guest: Rita Patel, CPA, MPH, CWWWPM joins the show to discuss her work within the community and nature. She is an Artist, a Public Health, Wellbeing Expert, Executive Director of Michigan Wellness Council and owner of Studio Rita Patel where she offers workshops and more in “Experiments in Beautiful Thinking.” “The beauty we experience invites us to explore and discover our own creative genius, that in turn allows us to flourish and live the life we are born to live.” 2/27 We Get Results 1-2 p.m. Mary Singer Albertson Knows how to get Results and People who make things happen. “Be the change you want to see in the world. Be an advocate for people who have no voice. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”

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