Body Mind Spirit Guide 2018 07 digital issue

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©



ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Locally Grown, Family Owned, Globally Known!


Golden Galleries | Body Mind Spirit P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185 Connect with us at 734-513-6137 or email: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am - 6:00pm :

The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

Our Publication…

Our Staff:

Kathy Henning, Editor Amora Walker, Office Assistant Howard & Penny Golden, Founders

Our Writers are Michigan Leaders, Healers &

Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Contributing Writers: Dr. Michael Abramsky Robert Auerbach Chrissie Blaze Faith Brower Gwendolyn Esco Davis Susan deCaussin Pauline Dettloff Dr. Marjorie Farnsworth

Walt Gajewski

William Helton Dr. William Karl, D.C Miche Lame’ Chef Deborah Lieder Mary Light Abby Lippett Aluna Michaels Regina Milano Selene Negrette Wendy Powers Nugent Phil Rosenbaum Tatiana Scavnicky Sara Schairer Todd Stockwell Jennifer VanderWal Barbra White Eve Wilson

Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the holistic fields and spiritual field, we cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

Our Founding Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

Our Beliefs...

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you and I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! ~Howard & Penny Golden We welcome your contributions in the form of articles, comments and opinions. Ideally, we would love to know what you like, don’t like and what you want more of from our writers, advertisers and us. Give us a call at: 734 513-6137 | Mon - Thu. 10 to 6 or email at:

Copyright 2018 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated. Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff


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JULY 2018

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Body Mind Spirit Guide Content

LOOKING FOR THE GUIDE? IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1100 Stores/Distributors in SE Michigan.

Mastering Creative Frustration.....................................................6 Awakening to Our Real Selves.....................................................6 Maintaining Perfect Health with Crystals......................................8

Call 734 513-6137 to find the location closest to you.

Ever Feel Like Life Has You Boxed In?........................................9 Living a Mindful Life.................................................................... 11 Are Your Beliefs Bringing You Down?........................................13

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

Strength that Matters..................................................................14 The Silver Thread: Patterns of Attachment.................................16 There is No “Out There,” Out There...........................................17

IN YOUR MAILBOX: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

What is Sciatic Pain?..................................................................18 Freedom to Trust........................................................................20 Self Awareness and Independence............................................23 Let the Sunshine In....................................................................24

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web...

Sparklers-A-Light (flag cake)......................................................25 Is NET for You?..........................................................................27 5 Ways to Cultivate Connection in Your Neighborhood..............28 The Art of Empathy.....................................................................29

734 513-6137 or info@

20 Tiny Acts of Kindness............................................................30 CLASSES & EVENTS................................................................31

Thank you for picking up and reading the Guide!

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY...............................32 Focus on, NOW!.........................................................................48 On Reclaiming Personal Power................................................39 Incorporating Natural Healing, Safely & Easily...........................40

One People, One Life One Love, One World!

Higher Knowing, Knowing Knowing Knowing, Now!..................40 Surrender...................................................................................41 HOROSCOPES..........................................................................42


Loss and Love!...........................................................................45 RADIO LINE-UP..........................................................................46

We print with SOY INK on RECYCLED PAPER!

COMMUNITY CLASSIFIEDS.....................................................47 Happy Independence Day!.........................................................47

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JULY 2018

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Great experiences. Beautiful Smiles. | 734.747.6400 Page 5

Mastering Creative Frustration

Awakening to Our Real Selves

By Abby Lippitt

By Chrissie Blaze

Creative frustration is not fun for anyone, especially when you are working on a craft that you want to be proficient in right away. I am sure you have heard the phrases, “Know thy self” and “Knowledge is power.” Simply put, when you have a better understanding of your inner workings, i.e., your subconscious thoughts, emotions, and negative triggers, you will have a chance at being able to temper your emotional dissatisfaction towards your artistic endeavors and succeed. It’s important to understand what is happening with this type of creative block so that you can be better equipped to deal with it when it occurs. Creative frustration can manifest differently for different people, but the primary component is the same. An individual will find that they are having difficulty with an aspect of their creative work, thus they then become agitated which in turn slows down or stops their progress. This dissatisfaction could be anything from struggling with how to learn or perform a new technique or practice, or just plain creators block. In most cases, what is essentially happening is due to the trigger of frustration; the artist will find themselves being upset with their level of proficiency. This discontent thus turns their focus inward to a place of self-blame. In the end, all of these upsetting and turbulent feelings cause the artist to question their self-worth, ability, and skill, feeling that they are not good enough. With all these negative emotions amplified, their art suffers. One favorable treatment for this type of creative block is first to become aware of your inner thoughts and feelings. Then if they are not supportive of your goal, change them to ones that are. Ask yourself: How do I feel? Why do I feel this way? Are my feelings based on truth? What positive reasons can I come up with to support myself as an artist? Above all, be kind and patient with yourself; it takes time to perfect your craft. Give yourself the love, patience, and support you need. Namaste, Abby Abby Lippitt is an Intuitive, TransFormational, Artist with a BFA in the Fine Arts and is a certified Theta Healer. She’s been passionate about art & metaphysics since childhood and now offers digitally hand-rendered psychometric & mediumistic art prints for commission on canvas, to enrich your world. Reach her at 248-655 0464 or visit


Despite what some people now proclaim, enlightenment doesn’t happen in a flash. The spiritual path is like any profoundly important journey; it is full of twists and turns. You will have wonderful, liberating experiences along the way but you will also have the tough times. I have read about self-styled teachers who give themselves long holy names and offer instant enlightenment or easy removal of one’s negative karma. My advice is to keep well away from such people. Instead, study the fascinating lives of giants from our history books like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa, or Spiritual Masters like Parahamansa Yogananda, Swami Vivekananda, Ramakrishna or my own amazing, Spiritual Master, Dr. George King. You will see from these and many other examples, that inspiration, and enlightenment dawn gradually through hard work, determination and a will as strong as a juggernaut! Enlightenment cannot possibly be a quick fix because it is a process of unraveling all the ties that bind us over the lifetimes. Every negative word, jealous thought and mean action, ties us more surely to our lower natures in the same way that love liberates us. This is why Fifteenth Century Anchorites would literally brick themselves up to avoid any distractions – so desperate were they to attain enlightenment. When we find that our desires for material possessions and worldly success no longer satisfy us, we are beginning to make progress. It is at this point, that some people feel lost and filled with fear as things that previously seemed so real somehow slip away from us. Instead of being fearful, realize that these are pointers that you are ready to take the most exciting adventure of all – the journey within. We may be treading new ground, but this path has been trod by thousands before us. Wise teachers have given us guidelines to help us through the tests that will come before us, but despite this, these first steps do require bravery. In the mystic text, The Nine Freedoms, we are given powerful, wise guidelines through our evolution. We learn that bravery is the first freedom and we must, “Break away from this fear by delving deep within yourself and discovering the

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JULY 2018

great dormant Powers which are latent there.” We learn from spiritual texts like The Nine Freedoms and from the New Age teachings of Jesus, The Twelve Blessings, that we have RADIO: AETHERIUS within RADIOusLIVE great wisdom, love, and Tuesday, July 17 – 1:00-2:00 PM because we are truly infinite power at Sparks of the Divine. We have with Host, Richard wrapped Lawrenceour light with the dark cloth thought and action through Host, Richard Lawrenceofwillwrong discuss the lifetimes, and now our task is to “Spiritual Balance” a topic that is every prayer, every act of important for all seekersrealize with histhat guest, love and service, unwraps this cloth, Mark Bennett. revealing more and more of the light within. Having studied many hundreds of spiritualONE-DAY books over my lifetime, these two books are, in my SPIRITUAL opinion, theHEALING very best that any seeker can find in these days. CLASS These are enlightened books of –truth Saturday, July 21 – 9:30 AM 5:00that will stand the test of time and guidePM you unerringly in the right direction – God- $95 wards. with Bonnie Watson


JULY 2018 EVENTS RADIO: AETHERIUS RADIO LIVE Tuesday, July 17 – 1:00-2:00 PM at www. with Host, Richard Lawrence Host, Richard will discuss “Spiritual Balance” a topic that is important for all seekers with his guest, Mark Bennett. ONE-DAY SPIRITUAL HEALING CLASS Saturday, July 21 – 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM - $95 with Bonnie Watson This intensive, powerful, one-day Spiritual Healing Class has been taught internationally for over forty years. It’s perfect for beginners and experts alike. Registration by July 15 SUNDAY SERVICE – 11:00–12 Noon followed by Spiritual healing available to all You’re warmly welcome to attend and find inner peace and to help bring peace to the world through prayer, mantra and mystic visualization.

As reveal ourpowerful, true essence that little bit more, again fear Thisweintensive, one-day may set in as our personalities change. Spiritual Healing Class has been The things that have been holding us back, perhaps forforty lifetimes, come up for our taught internationally for over attention. Our fears, our dislikes, our rigid opinions and our years. It’s perfect for beginners and bad choices, come before us for us to discard like the useless experts alike. Register by July 15 garments they are. We are now beginning to know ourselves – not the shell of personality is made up of our Noon emotional reactions to people SUNDAY that SERVICE – 11:00–12 and things – but the real self, the character, that is being forged followed by Spiritual healing through the trials of our life. available to all We are all on this journey of spiritual awakening; a journey You’re space warmly welcome through and time. It istoupattend to each of us whether we will and find inner peace and to be courageous pioneers, unafraid to plumb the depths and helpthe bring peace to the climb heights of our trueworld nature, or whether we will stand through mystic still, afraidprayer, to movemantra forward,and or fall backward into the increasing visualization. chaos around us. Really, we have no choice. This is the time for all spiritual workers to awaken! Chrissie PleaseBlaze visit

for details of Events and Services

Chrissie Blaze, author of twelve books, is an ordained The Aetherius Joinpriest ourinMeetup & Society and Spiritual teacher. An international speaker and radio host, for over Facebook page! twenty years she was a disciple of Dr. George King, Founder of The Aetherius Society. She lives in Michigan with her husband/fellow teacher/author, Gary Blaze. ; ;

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Maintaining Perfect Health with Crystals

higher universal guidance and enhancing our psychic abilities. When healing with stones, they activate our cellular memory of our perfect health and relieve pain.

By Jennifer VanderWal

Our physical body can heal easier than most people believe. A perfect example of this is that every seven years, we have all new cells in our body; not a single one is the same that you have now. Our bodies naturally want to be in balance and whole, they are constantly balancing, regenerating and healing themselves. Something being talked about lately is how each of our cells has a memory of our perfect physical health. This can be tapped into through intention at any time to help our body know what it needs to heal itself. Stones are a great benefit in healing; they balance us on all levels physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They help us release emotions we may be holding on to, that can block healing energy. Crystals open and align our chakras, allowing for an open flow of energy to our organs, and physical and energetic bodies. They help us meditate, opening us to

Crystals can be used in a variety of ways due to their many properties, mineral content, and color. Flurorite is excellent for healing; its energy ignites all of our cells to heal. Our bodies can stop functioning at optimal health when we hold on to emotions; these can block healing, regenerative energies from entering our bodies. Another reason our bodies may not be healing themselves is our beliefs and mass conscious belief systems that we adopt from family, friends, and our surrounding environment. These beliefs can block our bodies from healing, often with us being unaware of it. In my Crystal Healing classes, we will uncover belief systems holding us back from healing, and how we can incorporate various crystals to help our bodies heal and release old beliefs as well as emotions. We’ll also discuss various stones such as, amethyst, which is an excellent pain reliever and how to use it. We’ll discuss why Bloodstone is also a powerful healer for our bodies because it is excellent when used in stressful times or when the body is under stress. Bloodstone enhances our healing and survival instincts, bringing to us what we need for our bodies to heal and be strong; it also helps us flow with changes instead of resisting them. Healing naturally works on the root of the issue, using crystals, herbs, oils, affirmations and sound to help us heal and regenerate our bodies with no side effects. Have fun! For more information join our Crystal Healing 101 class that I’m teaching at Bodyworks, July 29, 11am-1pm. Jennifer Vanderwal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor & Facilitator since 2004. She’s a master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoko system of Reiki and offers readings, spiritual counseling, EFT, teaches crystal healing classes and a variety of crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center & Journey to Health Chakra. 248 672-0579

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JULY 2018

Ever Feel Like Life Has You Boxed In?

already within you)…is false. This is why the process of remembering your greatness is a process of letting go. The face that is never born and never dies, waits to be seen. It takes incredible courage to let that face be seen. Yet, when you do, you will finally feel free.

By Barbra White Your shine is hard to see in a box. The box may feel safe. You may not have been shown how to let your shine be seen in a safe playful way. Or, you may have had people in the past who attacked your shine. This is all true. But keeping your shine locked away (as safe and comfortable as it feels) will eventually cause you to desire death. See, you have the creativity of God within you, the fire of a tiger and the passion of a great poet. Are you done feeling tired every day? It takes more effort to stay in the box than to be the Real You.

If you have been on this planet more than five years, there is ‘stuff’ to let go of. False beliefs about yourself and about reality can be shed. Forgiveness is an alchemical tool to assist in your process of letting go. The fact is, people hurt people, and your past (good or bad) can keep you from unfolding and shining into the Real You…and, at the same time, the pain of the past can be the very fertilizer you need to shine. The power is in the pain. The pain is the very part of you that needs love.

Society rewards mediocrity and conformity. However, more people following rules is not what society needs. Society needs fierce love warriors that know how to shine Love in the face of hate and take a stand for something and not against; focusing on what is emerging, versus what you don’t want, is a skill that must be learned. This skill causes you to become the solution and stand as a shepherd to the new emerging paradigm of honoring each other, the earth, nature, food, sexuality, and our bodies.

When you commit to loving whatever arises within you, you feel in your bones how truly loved you are. It is impossible to feel how truly loved you are when you are resisting or judging your feelings. The Real You is eternal, beautiful, wise and creative. Albeit, knowing this You, the Real You, requires looking within and feeling the pain within compassion. Feeling all of your feelings, without adding stories of blame, organically opens you to the Real You. Rising up in power, strength, beauty, and truth, requires going deep within.

The earth needs people who know how to give their gift in service. Your gift may not be rewarded by friends or even get 1,000 Facebook likes. We ALL have gifts carefully placed within us by the great maker. We dismiss these gifts because we think ‘our gift’ needs to be on a stage or seen by Oprah to have value. But it’s not true. Our gifts have significance because they exist, regardless of external validation measures.

You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you expect. Your expectations (ability to hold a positive view and vision for your life) is based on your self-love. Stop believing your limitations. It is impossible to see choices when you are caught in a ‘ping-pong match’ of resistance. The freedom you seek starts with self-acceptance and making the conscious choice to go on a courageous journey of inner exploration.

Letting your gift out takes greater courage than jumping out of an airplane. Why? Because letting these gifts out means breaking out of current identities. We are all unconsciously identified as our past, the roles we play, accomplishments, mistakes, jobs etc. It can be scary to let go of the familiar to embrace something new, even if it is the very thing we have been asking for.

Walls created to “protect” will become a prison. Self-love--selfacceptance--is a doorway. The kingdom of heaven IS within. It is time to be free. My work can help you get unstuck. Call for information about healing session, groups, training and retreats. I would love to connect with you. Visit: or call: 734-796-6690.

Isn’t it time to break your agreements with mediocrity? I know it is scary. But it is scarier to live as the walking dead. Your awesomeness is underneath everything you “think” you are. You were born amazing. Everything you added after that (anything that contradicts the inherent amazingness that is JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Barbra White is a compassionate gifted intuitive, and holistic therapist. Mentoring, healing sessions and training are available. 734-796-6690

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JULY 2018

Living a Mindful Life

the future. But know that we have freedom of choice going forward into the future, as we have not yet made those choices. An intuitive can light-up your life path and tell you what may lie ahead, but you can still choose which way to go along your path.

By Wendy Powers Nugent You may have heard of Mindfulness, as it is trending in psychology and the mental wellness field. It is gaining popularity as an effective treatment for issues such as anxiety and depression. For those of you who have not heard of Mindfulness, let me share the basic principle. There are many thoughts on the definition. However, at its core, Mindfulness means focusing on the current moment you are in; not worrying about the future or regretting the past. Mindfulness connects with the moment in such a way that it allows you to realize habitual thought patterns and automatic behaviors. The concepts of Mindfulness originate from ancient Buddhist, Hindu, and Chinese philosophies. The Dictionary describes Mindfulness as 1) The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. 2) A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. Most people live in the past or worry about the future. This is why Mindfulness is being used as a tool to help people with anxiety and/or depression. How does one achieve a Mindfulness state? There are several ways to quite your mind and release your fears and stresses. I use meditation and have programmed into my meditation a trigger point to bring me to a calm mind immediately without taking a 20-minute break to go into Alpha.

I find that when people continue to live in fear and regret, they repeat the same mistakes in the future. Another way is to repeat, OM, which is a wonderful way to center your energy and release anxiety and fears. Yoga is another way to reach inner peace. You can also try sitting in nature away from noise, traffic, and people. In my June article I wrote about how my father achieved this wonderful state of Mindfulness, he went fishing. The trick in of all this is to occupy you mind with the moment, instead of stressing about what you need to do, or regretting what you have not done. Once the mind is quiet and in the moment, you clear your thinking and can now allow for ideas and creativity to flow through. We live in such a distracted world these days that almost no one lives in the moment. Remember when you would lay on the ground and look up at the clouds moving around the sky? Your creative mind saw shapes and images in the clouds, but your mind was clear of all other things and just enjoyed the moment. You weren’t worried about what was to come or distressed about what happened in the past. Have you ever imagined you owned a time machine and it took you back into the past to correct all the mistakes you thought you’d made? Or, wished you could go back in time and relive your life but with your current knowledge and maturity? Well, I think we all have from time to time. As a psychic, I can look into the past and even past lives, and of course into

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Sometimes it’s with a different script, or they choose to live in a limited space, not allowing themselves to experience new relationships. Or, they sometimes pass up opportunities that could have brought them prosperity. This is where Mindfulness can help tremendously to clear your expectations based on anxiety or defeat; instead, center your mind in the moment to allow confidence and love of self to flow into your mind. This allows ideas and creativity to take the place of anxiety or depressive thoughts that cloud the mind. Try Mindfulness when you are working, or to recover from an illness. When clearing your mind of fear brought on by an anxious state of mind, or worse a defeated state of mind, recovery is difficult, to say the least. Many people have found that when working from Mindfulness, they may be able to function without drugs to control the mindsets that can completely overtake your life. Do not stop taking your medications without medical supervision but over time you can make a change. Sometimes, just take a deep breath in… then let it out slowly… Now, don’t you feel better? Wendy Wendy Powers Nugent, Clairvoyant, and certified counselor. Wendy has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years with proven accuracy. Visit: www. Text or call: 248-826-8255 P a g e 11


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JULY 2018

Are Your Beliefs Bringing You Down? By Phillip Rosenbaum

In his book, “You Are the Placebo”, Dr. Joe Dispenza tells the story of a man who was literally dying because he was cursed by a voodoo priest. Although doctors found nothing wrong with him after conducting many tests, still the man was clearly dying. He was saved by a creative doctor who was able to convince the man that there was a cure for his ailments. The point of the story is that even though there was nothing physically wrong with the man, because of his beliefs he came very close to death. That is how powerful our beliefs are. If you have many of the same kinds of thoughts they become an attitude, and if you keep the same attitude long enough it becomes a belief. The problem, according to Dr. Dispenza, is that once the thoughts become a belief, they become hard-wired into the brain and it becomes very hard to change them. Dr. Dispenza lists several beliefs which are not that uncommon. See if any of them resonate with you: “I’m not good at math; I’m shy; I’m short-tempered; I’m not smart or creative; I’m a lot like my parents; I can’t find a partner; life is difficult; no one cares. I’m never going to be a success; nothing good ever happens to me; I gain weight easily; when I own this particular thing I’ll be happy; or, I’m a bad person.” As you can see, many of us have beliefs which greatly affect how we view life and, as a result, the quality of our life. Beliefs are based on our past experiences. Even if the belief was true at some point, it doesn’t mean that it is true now. The problem is that we see the beliefs as true and thus we don’t realize that we can change them.

to say that, “If we have very strong beliefs about something, evidence to the contrary could be sitting right in front of us but we may not see it because what we perceive is entirely different.” What this means is that we are not seeing reality as it truly is. Our subconscious mind is greatly affecting how we perceive the world. In other words, our erroneous beliefs may well be affecting our relationships, job success, how we get along with others, our friendships, and, in fact, the quality of our lives. If your life is not going the way you want it to go, you need to find out which of your beliefs are causing the problem or problems. Again, this is tricky since as was just mentioned, many of these beliefs are at the subconscious level and we are not even aware of them. So what’s to be done to rectify the situation? This is where therapy or hypnosis can be so helpful. One can talk to a counselor or therapist, and with their assistance find out where these beliefs are coming from. Then, appropriate action can be taken. Or, one can consult a hypnotherapist to find out what deep-seated beliefs are at the root of the problem and then challenge these limiting beliefs and replace them with much healthier beliefs. One advantage of hypnosis is that because it deals with the subconscious mind it can more quickly get to the negative core beliefs that are at the root of the problem. Both methods can be extremely helpful. If you are not happy with the way your life is going and would like to find out more about hypnosis or counseling, please call Phillip Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Consider, what is the best that can happen if you take action, and what is the worst? Also, what is the best that can happen if you don’t take action, and what is the worst? Phillip Rosenbaum If you would like to make some changes in your life but are finding it very difficult to do so, please contact Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. A combination of counseling and hypnosis can help you achieve your most important goals.

In addition, we are often not even aware that we have certain beliefs because they are deeply ingrained in our subconscious mind. If you are not aware that you have certain limiting beliefs, how can you possibly change them? Dr. Dispenza goes on

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P a g e 13

Strength that Matters

The other major type of muscle is built through hyperplasia. Hyperplasia refers to the muscle bundle splitting into strong layers like plywood. The muscle bundle has become very strong even if it doesn’t look as big. This is done as described below:

By William H. Karl, D.C. Strength equates with safety and security -- for good reason. When we are strong, we can protect ourselves as well as those we care about, such as spouses, kids and even the aging family dog that used to protect us.

ready for you.

We also need strength for the activities of daily living that most people take for granted. These include bathing and grooming, getting dressed/undressed, shopping for food, meal preparation, eating, washing dishes, house cleaning and taking out the trash, etc. I like to be a minimalist when it comes to how much equipment I need for strength training. You can do well with a few pieces of equipment whether at home or at a gym. Gyms look cool on commercials but so does everything else on a commercial. Quite simply, you have to move and challenge your muscles and bones no matter where you do it. Exercise is about getting stronger and transferring your increased strength over to your daily activities to do them safer and better. By starting each day with exercise that mimics your daily activities you’re less apt to hurt yourself and will probably have more energy. This daily routine should start with the seven essential stretches to warm up your muscles, ligaments and tendon stretch receptors. Tendons are composed of amazing cells which anchor into the bone as transition tissues of muscle. Tendon stretch receptors only turn on when stretched to protect you from excess loading of the muscles and bones when exercising or doing an activity. We have seven of the easiest but most essential stretches on a handout that you can pick up by calling the office, 734-425-8220, so we can have one 14

Exercising to achieve the strongest muscles is best accomplished using weights that are on the edge of your capacity to move them. A routine should be comprised of 3 to 7 repetitions with the appropriate weight. The last one to two movements of the weight are ones you’re just barely able to do. They’re often accompanied by a burning sensation in the muscle, ergo the expression “feel the burn.” You take a two-minute break between sets - and do 3 to 4 sets.

I also recommend that people of all ages and physical abilities use free weights several times per week. They’re available in various sizes/weights and aren’t attached to a machine or each other. We all have large muscles and small muscles, each very important. Even if small muscles don’t significantly add to strength, they need to be activated for the body to function normally. They add stability to the body as well as providing feedback to tell the brain where other parts of your body are in relationship to each other and the world around you.

When it becomes easier, you increase the reps up to 7. When you can do that easily, you increase the weight by about 5 pounds, go back to repetitions of 3 and build back up. If you want little muscle mass, little strength, and big endurance, run marathons. For most people, eight to twenty-eight minutes of aerobic exercise approximately three times per week will condition the heart.

The muscle spindles also provide feedback and information to the brain to keep the body and muscles coordinated with each other. A specific type of thrust utilized with the chiropractic adjustment resets these spindles. Whether done manually (with a chiropractor’s hand) or with an instrument, the resetting of these muscle spindles is one of the reasons why the chiropractic adjustment works such magic. No amount of stretching or any other exercise or therapy can achieve this as well or as consistently.

One of the best styles of exercise was designed by Dr. Philip Rasch, head of the Naval Human Performance Laboratory at MCB Quantico. He developed workouts for the Marines, Navy UDT, and early SEALS. If you watch a baby crawl, it pulls with the upper extremities and pushes with the lower. Doing a pulling exercise such as pull-ups exercise 70% of the upper body. Doing a pushing motion with the legs handles 70% of the lower body.

We build different types of muscle through the kinds of exercise or work that we do. Bodybuilder muscles are typically large muscles that appear formidable but are often more for looks than function. If we exercise using weights with a high number of repetitions, we’re more apt to build muscle through what’s called hypertrophy. These muscles have a larger fluid content giving them the increased size.

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The abdominal girdle is divided into front and back muscles. Doing a supported partial sit-up while holding a weight is good for the abs. Forward deadlifts strengthen the low back when done with the proper weight. I enjoy using kettlebells for my heavier exercise routines. Wolff’s Law says that bones will adapt to

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the loads under which they are placed. Bones mineralize and become stronger to resist the forces placed upon them and will become thinner and weaker if there are no forces to act against. The exercise we do today will help us maintain health into our golden years. I’ve found that the hallmark of happy people, especially seniors, are those who have been able to maintain their independence. I believe that staying physically active and doing regular strength training can help anyone stay independent throughout life. Besides, it’s a well-known fact that exercise is good for mental health!



At our July 26 workshop, we’ll help you start an exercise program without hurting yourself, or tweak the one you’re already doing. We’ll talk about the best foods and supplements to help build strong bones and muscle -- and what to avoid, such as fluoride which has been shown to make bones brittle. Happy Independence Day and Happy Independence for Life! Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with over 35 years of experience helping people obtain optimal health. Attend Dr. Karl’s FREE workshop on July 26 at 7pm, “Strength that Matters.” Visit www. for more information. RSVP workshop: 734-425-8220.


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Allergy Reduction & Elimination Techniques

Strength that Matters July 26 - 7pm

Despite how “in shape” you look or how strong you think you are, muscles must be exercised in specific ways to help ensure adequate bone density and healthy aging. RSVP 734-425-8220

Nutritional Consultations with Muscle Testing Karl Wellness Center and Chiropractic Clinic, PC. 30935 Ann Arbor Tr., Westland Dr. William H. Karl, D.C.

Certified Wellness Doctor


Dr. Jacob H. Karl, D.C.

Applied Kinesiologist

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PEMF Session

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Follows Medicare Guidelines. Exp. 7/31/18

P a g e 15

The Silver Thread: Patterns of Attachment

The population constituted about 1015% of the infant population. Disorganized Attachment: In these cases which constitute about 10% of the infant population, the infant becomes terrified when noticing the mother is gone. However, when the mother returns, the terrified child approaches the mother, then freezes or falls on the floor, or clings, cries and at the same time pulls away.

By Dr. Michael Abramsky During the birth phase of Psychology, investigators began to study patterns of attachment. Attachment is the initial bonding between parent and child. That pattern of attachment later manifests itself in adult relationships, where an attachment pattern characterizes conflicts or harmony in the relationship. That is the basic bond between a couple, which may create problems or benefits in the context of a relationship. An English Psychiatrist, John Bowlby, was one of the first persons to research children’s attachment patterns. But an American Psychologist, Mary Ainsworth, was the first to catalog styles of attachment. Ainsworth established a clever experiment to study attachment patterns. She had a mother bring a child, a oneyear-old, to her clinic. Waiting was a female graduate student. The graduate student began interacting with the baby. After the baby was engaged, the mother left the room. At some point, the infant recognized that the mother was gone. At that point, the baby reacted, and the examiner brought the mother back to the room. Four patterns were noted: Secure Attachment: In this pattern, the baby noticed the mother was gone and then panicked. After the mother returned the child bonded with the mother and calmed down. This signaled a healthy attachment and predicted a more harmonious adult set of attachments. About two-thirds of the children displayed this reaction.


Observations of the parents of these children showed about 80% were drug/ alcohol abusers. These parents showed a lack of attunement to the child’s moods. The parents were frightened and the child picked-up on their fright and mirrored it. There was a high level of fright, which was independent of parental input.

When the researchers studied the daily mother-child interaction, they saw that those mothers were attentive and empathic with their children. This predicted a child with a healthy attachment to other colleagues, boyfriends, or girl friendships. Avoidant Attachment: These children generally explored the room. When the mother left they showed no signs of disturbance or anger. When the mother returned, the child showed no reaction, no distress, or pleasure.

While the long-term implications of these early attachment behaviors are still being studied, it appears that the dysfunctional patterns of attachment pathology–avoidant, ambivalent and disorganized–are precursors of later attachment pathologies.

In studying the mother-child interaction, researchers found that these mothers were inconsistent in the way they responded to their infants. When these children signaled distress at home the mothers did not respond in a reliable or sensitive manner. Often they were indifferent to the child’s distress. About 20% of the children showed this pattern. As adults, they were detached, indifferent and isolated from their mates.

Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. He is nationally Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology.. has aanMA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. You may call him at: 248-644-7398

Ambivalent Attachments: These children did panic when they noted the parent was gone. When the mother did return the child was not consoled. The initial disturbance was greeted with indifference, but when the mother returned the indifference continued. The mother could not console the infant.

“They can do all because they think they can”. Virgil (70-9 BC) - Roman Poet “The nature of man is always the same; it is their habits that separate them”. Confucius (551-479 B.C.) - Chinese Philosopher

This disturbance looks like adult anxiety. Once anxiety is activated in a susceptible adult, the anxiety takes on a life of its own. Anxiety continues to build much after the initial threat is gone.

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The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding. - Leonardo Da Vinci (14521519)

JULY 2018

There is No “Out There,” Out There By Regina Milano

It was exactly seven years ago, in June 2011, when I got a good look inside myself. It was illuminating…and frightening. A few months earlier I had taken my first Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH) class. The class marked an end to my search to ease my physical and emotional pain. In these months, I experienced almost continual elation. Finally, I had found a way to feel peaceful and happy all the time. On this day, I was buying last minute items for my trip to Alaska, and it was surprising to feel so dramatically “off.” In fact, I was consumed by a rage that had no apparent cause. I sat in my car and watched the vitriol take over—my hands were shaking, my skin was blotchy, and profanities were pinging—but I couldn’t believe that I was the experiencer. What could I be reacting to? Nothing was wrong. I was happy; I was going on a beautiful trip to a beautiful place. After I did some “HA” breathing and calmed down, I walked through the store and found myself at the shoe department. I was looking at sneakers for my daughter when I felt a pat on my back, and a gentle voice asked, “Can you help me?” The following succession of perceptions appeared as if they were happening all at once. The woman standing before me was covered from head to toe with boils and blisters. She was heavy, and several areas on her arms and lower legs appeared to be cracking and leaching blood. It was nothing I had ever seen before, and she appeared (to me) to be in agonizing pain. I controlled the impulse to cry out and to cover my mouth. I saw a light bulb turning on over my head as if I was in a children’s cartoon. I helped the woman out by reading the small print on some shoe box labels, and I surreptitiously looked at the people around us to gauge their reactions to the woman. No one looked at her. Not a single person seemed to notice her shocking disfigurement. Several kids were in the shoe department—and there was no pointing and no whispering. That is what my light bulb showed me. There were no kids, no shoppers, no woman, no blisters, no anyone or anything—just me and only me, or rather, only my manifold experiences of an individuated self in a separated world. The gift I received that day was the ability to experience rage and other forms of the ugliness (and beauty) that lived within me. To see them, to feel them, to own them, and then to let them go. That is what “that woman” gave to me that day. The awareness that she, and all of my experiences, are only reflected aspects of my Self. There truly is no ‘out there’, out there. There is only Self, and all we need to do is clean with our perceptions and our experiences--good, bad, and ugly; fun, happy and light-hearted—all aspects of Self. This is what the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono process does. I have heard from many of Morrnah’s students that when they asked her about problems ‘out there’ she would repeatedly say, “Look at yourself. Look at yourself.” All we have to do is open ourselves to each new day and clean. Peace Begins With Me. Regina Milano can be reached at

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August 4 & 5, 2018 Hilton Garden Inn 1404 Briarwood Circle Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono® is a Hawaiian problemsolving process updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. “Clean, erase, erase and find your own Shangri-la. Where? Within yourself”. —Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona

Coordinator: Regina Milano 914-830-9957 Information and registration at or

P a g e 17

What is Sciatic Pain? By Robert Auerbach

* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

A short time back I received a telephone call from a woman by the name of, Katrina. As she spoke it was quite clear that she was suffering and was in a great deal of pain. She had been diagnosed by her medical doctor with a condition called, sciatica. As she described her situation it became clear that she needed to get relief as soon as possible. Sciatic pain is a bodily condition that can affect any age group and can follow some or all of the pathway of the Sciatic nerve which originates in the lower back and travels through the glutes and hip before traveling down the leg all the way to the foot. It can occur as a burning and searing pain that can be very disruptive to the life of the person experiencing it. It’s estimated that some 3 million people experience sciatica yearly in the US alone. While Sciatica can be triggered by bony problems (e.g., bone spurs, herniated discs, etc.), sciatic pain is most typically caused by a spasm or contraction of a muscle called the piriformis, which lies deep to the gluteus maximus and spans between the sacrum and the femur. The Sciatic nerve travels immediately beneath the piriformis though in some people it passes right through this hip rotator muscle.

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D


temporary at best with potential damage to the body due to various side effects. The best approach to address this condition is to eliminate the cause. If this condition is being triggered by pressure from the piriformis muscle on the sciatic nerve, it is important to release pressure to the sciatic nerve. In other words, it is critical to get the irritant off the muscle and relax that myofascial unit.

Postural issues in combination with acute sports or other injuries to that area can often trigger this problem. This condition, which can be worse climbing stairs, can subside for a period of time, and then, without any warning, flare up.

Acupuncture, chiropractic, and Structural Integration (a.k.a. Rolfing) deep tissue massage are among the approaches that can be helpful when used individually or in combination. The sixth session of the Structural Integration 10 series addresses the causative areas of most sciatica in a comprehensive manner.

One typical approach of the medical model would attempt to treat this or a similar type of injury with steroid injections, and painkillers (both prescription and over the counter drugs). Unfortunately, this approach is

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As part of a strategy to regain total health, Katrina needed a plan to do something to prevent this from

JULY 2018

happening again. Typically, stretching exercises are a good way to maintain the health of these muscles after you have been able to heal the afflicted areas. If you’ve never suffered from sciatica, you are fortunate! Of course, the best form of cure is prevention. A good way to prevent yourself from experiencing sciatica would be to use stretching exercises, yoga exercises, and other forms of mild exercise to lengthen and balance all the deep gluteal muscles which function as rotators of the hip and stabilizers of the sacrum. The muscles and fascia of the lower lumbar area will also need attention. These strategies will likely have lasting effect only when combined with a hands-on manual therapy that balances and lengthens the body’s deep core myofascia with the large surface muscles and fascia while resolving old survival postures. In summary, the best way to deal with sciatic pain is to use a regular stretching program to prevent it from happening, but if it does, my recommendation is to seek out a natural approach that eliminates the cause. You and your body will be grateful. Robert Auerbach is a Certified Advanced Practitioner of Structural Integration with over 20 years experience treating patients. You can contact him at 313-407-6343 or or visit his website at TRUTH... Ignite the spark within your soul, for it will reveal that which is your truth. Ellie Crystal FREEDOM... “Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.” Moshe Dayan

JOIN THOUSANDS OF GUESTS TO CELEBRATE THE 33rd ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF CHARIOTS – RATHYATRA WHAT: Festival of Chariots, one of India’s most ancient and popular festival, is celebrated in hundreds of cities throughout the world. The event begins with a three-mile parade through major streets of Novi featuring a 40-foot tall, hand-pulled chariot and live music. The parade will culminate at Fuerst Park, where over 20 tents are set-up with various forms of entertainment, a FREE lunch, yoga, live music, cooking demos, shopping, and much more. The Kirtan Yoga Fest from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. will feature local artists. Also, head over to the Yoga Fest area and experience cool, soothing yoga techniques, meditation, pranayama and much more. The festival wraps up around 6:00 pm. The Festival is open to the public and admission is free. WHEN: Sunday July 22, 2018; 11am until 6pm. WHERE: Colorful parade beginning at the Novi Civic Center and concluding at Fuerst Park at 10 Mile Road and Taft Road. WHO: Over 10,000 guests and spectators of all ages from all over North America will be attending. Editor’s Note: The “Festival of Chariots” is known throughout India as the “Ratha Yatra” festival and has been celebrated since ancient times as one of the most important yearly events in the Vaishnava-Hindu faith. The Festival celebrates Lord Krishna’s return to Vrindaban. Every year over one million people from around the world descend upon Jagannath Puri (India) to celebrate this unbelievable festival. Huge processions accompany the chariots playing songs with drums, tambourines, and trumpets. Children line the streets through which the chariot will pass and add to the mass chorus. It is also telecasted live on many Indian channels and International channels. The Festival of Chariots was first performed outside of India on July 9, 1967 in San Francisco, under the supervision of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada, as he is more affectionately known, is the Founder-Acharya of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Today, the Festival of the Chariots is performed around the world, including down 5th Avenue in Manhattan, along the Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach and through Trafalgar Square in London. Detroit held its first Festival of Chariots in 1985 and has become one of the largest celebrations outside of India. Contact — Madhu Mahadevan - 734-740-2840

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P a g e 19

Freedom to Trust By Eve Wilson

On the path of self-empowerment, we encounter these choices: fear or trust, hatred or love, judgment or compassion, reaction or action, despair or hope, blame or forgiveness. We may think of our feelings and attitudes as something that just happens within us; and at the most basic level that is true. The choice comes in when we open our hearts to our Higher Selves which, being eternal and in unity with all life, have a broader and clearer perspective than our instinctual selves. When we choose to identify with our Higher Selves, we begin to perceive life with greater clarity, and find ourselves free to trust, love, be compassionate, act with enlightenment, hope that good will comes from all things, and forgive what hurts us or those we care about. Our Higher Selves won’t deny that there are reasons to fear, hate, judge, react, despair or blame. Seeing clearly, it sees not only the beneficial outcomes of life’s journeys but understands and has compassion for the dark side of the human experience. What our Higher Selves know is that everything we experience provides us with a necessary opportunity for self-actualization,

whether the experience is positive or negative for us. Our Higher Selves also know that our world which appears to be falling apart is actually ascending, and this makes all the difference. All the challenges we face in our world today are helping us to ascend -- to raise our vibration and experience into unity with our Higher Selves, and through that with all of life. For this to occur, our familiar personal and collective sense of self-needs to be dropped like an old suit of clothing. This familiar sense of self is the old-world ego; it has been in control for many lifetimes and it doesn’t let go willingly for the most part. To the degree that we still hold onto the security of this old identity and

Eve Wilson BRIDGE to Wholeness Healing & Ascenion Treatments, Classes, Blog Since 1986 Healing & Training Healers, UCM Healer Practitioner, Reverend, Reiki Master, Director The Healer Development Program Classes - NCBTMB Approved

$10 Off Child Healing with this Ad Sessions with Eve available for individuals, couples, families, children and pets. Recommended by Doctors, Nurses, and Psychologists for physical, emotional, mental, spiritual healing, empowerment and ascension. See Eve at Unity of Livonia ♥ A healing and Ascension Experience Wed. July 11, 7-8:30 pm The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Voted One of the Best Healing Blogs on the Planet by Visit Experience Wholeness & Well Being Beyond Your Expectations Healing Sessions with Eve Wilson


RIDING THE WAVE OF CHANGE Hope, Healing & Spiritual Growth for Our World Available at Crazy Wisdom Bookstore &

Visit Website for Sessions with Eve, Classes, Healer Certification, and The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog! 734-780-7635

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JULY 2018

all the old familiar experience it has built, we are feeling stress. This stress is helping us to let go, but it is the hard way to do it! If we are identified with our old-world ego, the power of change in the world is like a strong river when a person is holding onto a rock by their fingertips, trying to not be washed away. One finger at a time we are forced to let go; to release our old identities so we can ascend. But there is an easier way! We are free to trust and let go of that rock willingly. When we do, we discover that the river will eventually carry us to the place we desire more deeply than anything -- home. Integrating our Higher Selves into our lives and identifying with that, we are home; because that is who we really are. We are eternal, safe, unbreakable, wise, unconditionally loving, capable, gifted and strong. What more could we ask for! When mind, emotion or instinct is the controlling factor in our lives we are identified with the old-world ego. But deep within each of us, there is a still place which I call, Inner Wisdom. It is a seed of Higher Self planted within us at the moment of conception, and always present. It is most easily accessed through our heart chakra, which is our higher feeling self. It is also the interface between Higher Self and lower ego, mind and emotion, spirit and form. Through your Inner Wisdom, every aspect of your human self finds its right relationship to every other aspect of you, and to everyone and everything in the world around. As you pay attention to this wise one within you, you begin to develop a relationship with your Higher Self. In this way, you can gradually teach yourself to pause in your reactions to life, in order to access your Inner Wisdom and Higher Self. Through them, you begin to respond with authority, unconditional love, and trust in every circumstance of life.

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •



When Higher Self acts through us our world begins to reflect greater enlightenment. In this way, we can each be a force of change for the good. Our world is going through a time of challenge currently, and that is simply the cycle of life we are in. But as we allow Higher Self to work through our lives, we can ride the waves of change with trust. We can become so strong and centered in our truth that our partnership with Higher Self is cemented with love that will always support us no matter what challenges we face. Then when the waves of change have done their job sufficiently we will be part of a new experience of enlightenment in our world. Eve Wilson, Learn more about ascension and healing at: www. Purchase a copy of Eve’s new book, “Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World”. Discover her #1 internationally voted Healing Blog, “The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog,” plus classes, treatments, and events!

Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House.

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Purchase now at P a g e 21

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JULY 2018

Self Awareness and Independence

the museum, theater productions, the movie theater, and reading books of real interest to her.

By Gwendolyn Esco Davis

Independence is when you can follow where the spirit leads you without negative forces blocking your path. G.EscoDavis Independence means different things to different people at different times in one’s life and for different situations. Think of when you were a child, a teenager, in college or even older, when you desired to be part of a group – a need to belong to something, to be part of something. Perhaps you joined a club, sorority, fraternity, a book club, traveling group, girl scouts/boy scouts, work buddy’s, etc.. At some point your thought process began to shift and expand beyond the group; not thoughts of anger, just different –- independence in thought and actions. When we become silent, in meditation or by being alone on a walk or a run, when our thoughts are independent and free from the control of noises and the outside world, we can then focus on the experiences we are in at present. We can minimize any resistance, in itself quieting the mind. We become aware of self; body, mind, and spirit. Once we become centered -– knowing who we are in principle and morals -- our authentic self emerges -– it becomes a path to independence. There are times when we may not be seeking independence. However, life will lead you to the introduction to independence through life lessons, and that will lead you to a life that is meant for you. During a summer several decades ago, there was a young girl who wanted to be part of a group, to have friends. All of her friends were two-to-three years her senior. One Sunday afternoon she was going to her girlfriend’s house -– it was the house where everyone hung out.

Before she left home, her mother told her not to get in a car with boys, and to be home before the streetlights came on. We will call her, Cookie. So Cookie goes over to her friend’s house, where six others were waiting for her. They were going to the park. So seven teenagers piled into one of the boys’ car, and headed to the park. On their way, the car broke down. No one but Cookie had bus fare to get home, but she was not about to leave her friends. The wisdom of the oldest was to hitchhike home. One girl was chosen to hitchhike a ride, then all would jump in the car. Within minutes a car stopped, and they all jumped in. The driver was not happy that all these teenagers were in his car. He only took them a few miles then put them out of his car. The seven teenagers began the long journey walking home. Along the way, they created a story to tell their parents. When Cookie arrived home –- well after the streetlights were on –- her mother asked, “Where were you?” Cookie had never lied to her mother. She remembered the story that everyone was going to tell their parents, however, Cookie could not lie to her mother. Cookie told the truth. The next morning all the mothers of the other teenagers’ called Cookie’s mother. They knew Cookie would tell the truth. As a result, all of Cookie’s friends were on punishment for the summer, leaving Cookie all alone for the summer. During that summer Cookie began going places she’d always wanted to go -– but no one else in the group cared to go. She began going to the local library,

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When school resumed, Cookie had no friends. So she became a loner, and she was okay with that. Being part of any group was no longer a priority. At the age of 14, Cookie became independent, unaware that this single event was a turning point in her life. Her life continued to be a life of independence, in thought and action. Independence does not necessarily imply aloneness; in this situation, it meant independence from others’ approval. It meant independence to follow your inner voice based on your principles of what matters most. Thus, independence is self-awareness. Gwendolyn, owner of G. EscoDavis, LLC, is a certified life coach and business mentor. Her practice of four decades focuses on women entrepreneurs, although she also coaches men business owners. She uses a holistic/organic approach and publishes a monthly newsletter. For more info call: 313-717-8988, email: Gwendolyn@ or visit http://www.escodavis. net

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called, Yesterday, and the other is called, Tomorrow. Today is the right day to Love, Believe, Do, and mostly Live.” ~Dalai Lama P a g e 23

sunshine within us? Not only can we Let theCLASSIFIED Sunshine ADS In PLACED..... experience the sun outside, but we can


By Pauline Dettloff


experience light inside as well. When I

07/01 Michigan Psychic Fair in Livona Comfort Inn, was younger, I used to bask in the sun 29235 I-96. - Michigan’s and let it& rejuvenate me. Today I look It’s summer and thoseBuckingham, of us who live Middlebelt best psychics, find greatasReaders, fair up- the the “light” a way to rejuvenate in Michigan, brighten up when it’s a a list ofto our inner me. I find meditation to be one of and at: sunny day. Sodates what is thedirections metaphysical the best ways to experience the white meaning of theQuestions? sun? The sun represents Pauline 586-939-4230

Michigan’s best psychics!

Upcoming Events: Livonia Jul 1 - Comfort Inn 29235 Buckingham Roseville Jul 8 - Holiday Inn Masonic and Little Mack Sterling Hgts Jul 15 - Holiday Inn 8515 15 Mile Road Waterford Jul 22 - Holiday Inn M-59 & Pontiac Lake Rd

light or spiritual intelligence that we are spiritual intelligence and is the supreme all a part of. source of light07/08 in our world. In thePsychic Fair Michigan in Roseville Holiday Inn, ancient world,31900 the Egyptians and Greeks By allowing a best few minutes of meditation, Little Mack Ave. - Michigan’s psychics, find believed that the sun was the center to bask in that light, I find my emotions a list of our great Readers, fair updates and directions of all things. It was known as a symbol feel lighter and happier. I Pauline also find that at: Questions? of power, and gives life, directs and visualizing myself in a sunny garden governs. The 586-939-4230 sun is also a symbol of or on a sunny beach helps lift up my rebirth. frequency and allows me to be in the

07/15 Michigan Psychic Fair Sterling Hgts - Holiday Inn

Lapeer Jul 29 - KMAI 935 Baldwin Hope to see you there! Find a list of our Great Readers and Fair updates at Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230

flow of life. So as we all experience In a life, a human being follows the 8515 15 Mile Road. (15 Milesummer, and Vantake Dyke Rd.)moments Find a tolist a few soak in same steps as the sun. The birth of of our great Readers, fair updates and directions at: the energy of the sun, and the light and a baby corresponds to sunrise, and Questions? Pauline 586nourishment it brings to us outside and then the child grows into adulthood, within. Meditate and bask in this energy represented by939-4230 midday when the sun is of growth and vitality. Take some time at its zenith, its highest position. Finally, for yourself and allow the healingInn energy Michigan Fair at Waterford Holiday the sun starts 07/22 to go down, just likePsychic the of the sunMichigan’s to radiate within human being begins to age, andPontiac then Express, 4350 Lake Rd, bestyou. psy-Let the sunshine into allfair areas of yourand life. comes the sunset, which chics, findsymbolizes a list of our great Readers, updates death. directions at: We invite you to come Questions? to one of our

many psychic fairs this summer. Take In the Bible, Jesus said,586-939-4230 “I am the light Pauline a day to honor yourself with a message of the world.” Matthew 17:21 said, “His from at oneLapeer of our gifted readers or healers. face shown as07/29 the Sun.” SunshinePsychic takes Fair Michigan KMAI – PhysiWe offer mini and full readings at various away the darkness. So how935 aboutBaldwin some Rd. cal Fitness, Michigan’s best psychics, locations in Metro Detroit. We also offer find a list of our great Readers, fair updates and direchealing and energy work. We have a tions at: Questions? wide variety of crystals from mother Pauline 586-939-4230 earth to assist you in meditation and manifestation. Come to see us…you will not be disappointed.


HAPPY 4th of JULY! Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire. A holiday to celebrate and enjoy!


♥ Tarot Cards ♥ Mediumship ♥ Spirit Channeling ♥ Clairvoyant ♥ Clairaudient

Pauline With over thirty years as a psychic medium, Pauline offers insight on love, career, finances, family, the future and soul purpose. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, mediumship and tarot are all be used in a reading. She offers advice in making changes in your life, with direct information from your angels and spiritual guides that will empower and transform you. Book your reading at 586 9394230 and visit

Readings by appointment

Call Pauline

(586) 939-4230 Master Card/Visa - All reading confidential

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JULY 2018

Sparklers-A-Light By Chef Deborah Lieder

Summertime is in full swing and that sense of freedom is in the air. No matter where you are at in life, adventure fills your heart. From summer vacations to long days and late nights spent with friends around the bonfire, it’s as if you can conquer anything. Life is light and we are empowered by the sheer warmth of the day. We are more active, not needing the heavy, filling foods of winter, and therefore, we naturally take better care of our body. It is not so much out of vanity, rather the inspiration we feel from the sun. It is the perfect time to indulge in the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. They keep our physique nimble and enlivened, promoting proper nutrient absorption and a healthy digestion. Raw foods also keep an alkaline balance in the body. When it has too much acid, it is more prone to disease, and cooked foods encourage acidity. With the wealth of produce during this season, it is easy to throw ingredients into a blender to make a smoothie or toss into a salad. The ingredients don’t have to follow a specific recipe; instead play around with fruits and vegetables you enjoy, and see what combinations work. Summer also brings a celebration of our country’s independence, which can be translated into freedom of our egoic self. We have the opportunity to shed

the layers of the winter months when we hibernated and protected what we understood as “I” so we can align more with our true self. Lighting sparklers and fireworks ignite those passions in our soul, reminding us of the magic and splendor that never leaves our imagination. Spending time with loved ones to celebrate our small victories encourages this process of becoming. And better to show up to the gathering with a tasty treat in hand! Gluten Free Flag Cake Ingredients: 2 c. Gluten Free All Purpose Flour Blend 1 t. baking powder 1/2 t. baking soda 1/4 t. salt 1/2 c. unsalted butter softened 1 3/4 c. organic sugar 4 ea. egg whites, room temperature 1 t. vanilla 2/3 c. milk 2/3 c. plain Greek yogurt Instructions: Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 9x13 cake pan. In a medium-size bowl, mix all dry ingredients together. In a separate bowl, cream butter and sugar. Add egg whites, scraping down the sides of the bowl to make sure they are fully incorporated. Add vanilla. Mix in dry ingredients. Add the milk, then the Greek yogurt. Once incorporated, beat on high for 30 seconds. Pour batter into cake

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

pan and bake for 25-30 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean. Whipped Cream: 2 c. Heavy Cream, chilled ¼ c. Organic Powdered Sugar 1 t. Vanilla Topping: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries Instructions: For better results, chill stainless steel bowl in the freezer beforehand. With stand mixer or hand mixer, beat heavy cream until soft peaks form. Add powdered sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form. Add vanilla. Once the cake is cooled, spread whipped cream evenly to cover the whole cake. Top with berries to represent American Flag. Store in refrigerator until served.. Chef Deborah Lieder For more information visit her website: www. or contact Chef Deborah personally at: 248-974-5696 and by email at

P a g e 25

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Everyone welcome Starts Sept. 12 Learn tools for everyday , Con't. Ed. living. Enjoy life in the present 734-462-4448 moment!

Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market -- Bountiful, fresh Michigan produce! The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market is in full summertime swing! Fresh Michigan produce from local farmers abounds this time of year with healthy vegetables and flavorful herbs that are grown with care and delivered to you fresh, each week. The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market is more than just a’s an experience! Stroll the specialty food, craftsman and artisan tables while enjoying a cup of coffee and home-baked items, all in the ambiance of a friendly, small- town community. In addition, the weekly market hosts live music with upcoming July guests: Steve Taylor, Mike Freeman Jr., and Sinjon Smith. Cooking demos in July: Chef Laura Romito/High Five Salts; Chef David McGregor/ The Henry Ford at Greenfield Village; Chef Ernesto/ Café Cortina.

The Declaration of Independence After the signing of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams, one of its five authors (and later became the 2nd US President, from 1797–1801), wrote in a letter to his wife, Abigail: “This day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. It ought to be honored with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.”


The Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market is held weekly thru Oct. 27. **Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm www.farmingtonfarmersmarket. com Sign up for the weekly market basket giveaway, drawing at noon. FREE parking! See you at the Market! **July 21, the Farmers Market joins the Farmington Area Founder’s Festival, located at the beautiful Huron River Hunting & Fishing Club, 22575 Farmington Rd., at Freedom Rd.

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Walt Gajewski, Market Manager

JULY 2018

Is NET for You? By Miche Lame’

We know by now that mind, body, soul, and emotions are all connected. For example, anger has been linked to cancer and emotional stress to health problems. And, many times, this emotional energy can stay stuck in our body, mind, and emotions, congealing way after the original trigger of the stress of the original event is gone. When our bodies fail to release this stuck energy, we can find ourselves with unexplained aversions, phobias, patterns of behaviors, self-sabotaging behaviors, destructive beliefs, phobias and chronic physical problems and pains. I’m happy to announce I’ve become certified in a new approach called, “Neuro-Emotional Technique” (registered trademark), also called “NET” to identify and help you release stuck energy throughout your body, mind, spiritual and emotional energy so you can lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life, connecting with the Divine and becoming self-actualized. If a person is in a weakened state due to poor emotional coping skills, stress or physical trauma, and lack of connection with the Divine, everyday stress may tend to get stuck and congeal. Then, when any of the above are triggered by a similar past experience or even a part of that past experience, the old pattern can be triggered and actually light-up the right side of the parahippocampus of the brain as shown by fMRI (Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging). After NET the hippocampus no longer lights up. Then, like a computer program, we react on that program based on past experience. However, to us, it seems new. Rarely is the triggering link between the past event and the present situation recognized. Using NET can help identify the stuck energy of unresolved emotional events which causes negative patterns of acting out, and help you release the lingering energetic charge to start dissipating that emotional experience so that you can move on. The hippocampus stops lighting-up and you can respond how you would like to respond, and not react to how you did in the past. NET is fast in releasing stuck emotional energy and it can dramatically improve your life.

Finding and resolving these stuck patterns or “highjacking” of the hippocampus is done by using a manual muscle test. This testing helps determine when your body is and isn’t in harmony with a concept or idea linked to an unresolved event. You then form a mental picture or “snapshot” of the original triggering event, connect with a specific body part and allow the energy to flow, releasing the unresolved energetic congealment linked to the event. It’s that easy! After the correction, many clients report feeling lighter, more confident and open. Connected. I used this technique with a client for social anxiety; the very next week he was able to speak without anxiety at meetings, go to a party he’d been dreading, and start bowling with a group – and he’s continued to remain anxiety free! He also reports his connection with the Divine has improved and is longer lasting. NET is a safe, effective and natural way to instantly start resolving long-held emotional issues that have been standing in your way. And, everyone has stuck stress patterns and habits of being that hold them back. NET does not take the place of counseling, yet I have found it very helpful in shortening the duration of therapy. NET is based on a proven method in healing. If you would like to experience this healing for yourself, please feel free to call, text or email me for a session. Be blessed on your journey of self-actualization. Miche Lame Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state.

Miche Lame’ Certified NET Hypnotherapy Intuitive Counseling Self Acceptance Healing

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Through Spiritual Living and Healing, Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principles to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. FREE 15 min. Phone Consultations

Spiritual Living | (248) 212-0808 700 N Old Woodward Ave. Birmingham P a g e 27

5 Ways to Cultivate Connection in Your Neighborhood By Sara Schairer

Do you know your neighbors? In our hurried and often detached society, having neighbors as friends and part of your support system is not as common as it used to be. One of my friends has a theory about why neighbors don’t know each other well. She believes you can attribute the demise of the neighborly bond to the automated garage door. You may often get home and close your garage without stepping foot in front of your home. You then may isolate yourself in your home and fenced-in yards, which doesn’t allow you to get to know the folks around you. Whether it’s a garage door, a largesized lot, busy lives, or a fence keeping you from getting to know your neighbors, you may want to break down those barriers in order to create a more nurturing neighborhood. Not only will the relationships with your neighbors benefit you when you’re in a bind, but they may make you happier. I’m lucky because my neighbors and I are close friends. Whether feeding my dog, watching my daughter, or sharing a celebratory toast, I can count on them. Yet our neighborhood wasn’t always like this, and it took effort to connect with each other. Here are some steps you can take to cultivate a connected neighborhood: 1. Create a Contact List Who are the people in your neighborhood? Take the initiative to create a document with your neighbors’ names, phone numbers, addresses, birthdays, and email addresses. Don’t forget to include pets’ names, as well. It may be helpful to create a spreadsheet through Google and share 28

It’s not always easy to ask for or offer help. In fact, it’s such a common issue that scientists have created a Fear of Compassion Scale. Research indicates that a fear of compassion may be linked to depression, so it’s wise to pay attention to that fear and see if you can begin to cultivate compassion for yourself and others.

it with your neighbors. Although it takes a lot of work upfront, you will be happy to have everyone’s information in one spot. Some of your neighbors might want to keep a low profile, and that’s understandable. Make sure no one feels pressured to be added to the spreadsheet. 2. Throw a Shin-Dig

Not only will you benefit from asking for help, but you may also feel great offering to help your neighbors. Studies show that compassion for others provides physical and emotional benefits.

A couple of years ago, I was fortunate to be surrounded by young, fun, and caring people in my neighborhood. We ate dinners together, played beach volleyball on the weekends, and even took a road trip to Yosemite National Park.

You can start small with your compassionate acts. If you find out your neighbors are leaving town for the weekend, offer to water the plants or collect their mail. By helping in simple ways, you are building trust and creating a compassionate neighborhood.

We became instant friends once we met, yet these neighbors had been living next door to me for months before I met them. Thankfully, my 80-year-old neighbor threw a neighborhood party for her birthday, and that’s where we hit it off.

5. Encourage Silliness One of my friends is over-themoon about her suburban Chicago neighborhood, and it’s not because of the beautiful homes or well-tended yards. She loves the people, and she appreciates that they can laugh together.

Consider inviting your neighbors to a casual gathering at your house. There’s no need to roll out the red carpet for this party. Keep it simple by asking each person to bring a dish to share, and see what happens. Side note: The party is a great time to start compiling information for your neighborhood contact information spreadsheet. 3. Celebrate Birthdays I love delighting my neighbors by celebrating their birthdays. I hang a birthday banner in front of the birthday person’s house before heading to work in the morning.

Robert Frost wrote in his well-known poem, “The Mending Wall” the following: “Good fences make good neighbors.” Perhaps he’s right, but don’t let that fence keep you from interacting with people who may greatly enhance your life.

You may want to send an email or text to your neighbors and let them know about the birthday. This gives everyone the chance to send well wishes or stop by with a small gift. Trust me, making this small effort to honor birthdays will make you as happy as it makes them.


4. Ask for and Offer Help

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In my friend’s neighborhood, a roaming, goofy-looking gnome statue makes its way from yard to yard. Whoever has the statue is tasked with creatively placing it in another neighbor’s yard. The gnome may be sitting atop a window box and peering through a window, or it’s greeting the postman at the mailbox. Sometimes you may find him wearing the hat of a local sports team. The gnome’s adventures keep the neighbors smiling and looking forward to its next stop.

JULY 2018

The Art of Empathy

By Susan deCaussin We are an accumulation of all the experiences we’ve had since birth. Therefore, we are all as different as fingerprints. It can be easy to overlook this fact since so much of life is based on conformity. The constant desire to keep up with the hottest stars, latest fashions, the newest trends, and the like, can make us appear to be quite similar -- at first glance. And, because of these outward similarities, we can easily overlook the complexities and individual qualities that make us all uniquely different. When we overlook these qualities, we lose sight of why people react differently to the same situations, and judgment begins to creep in. Conversely, when visiting a museum, we appreciate and admire the different qualities contained in each work of art. Those differences are what make each piece so interesting to us. Our senses are drawn to the beauty that lies within that diversity. There’s something to be learned from that comparison that can open our eyes to the beauty in each one of us. For anger comes from disagreeing with the choices, opinions, and actions of others. And, that disagreement stems from one important factor – you can’t really understand the behavior of others without knowing how they’ve arrived at this point in their lives. Their past challenges, current belief system, personal insecurities, and fears all contribute toward making them a unique piece of art.

adversely to certain life situations, you may want to take time to look inward for those answers. Meditation is a good way to quiet the mind and reflect on life. Hypnotherapy is another great way to go beyond the conscious mind, to the subconscious, in order to examine the reasons behind certain behaviors. It also provides an opportunity, in that discovery process, to alter one’s perspective on past events. This process can literally reframe the way you recall those situations and eliminate unwanted behaviors and reactions. If you want to learn more about Hypnotherapy, I offer free consultations at my office or by phone. So, the next time you find yourself confronted with a person or situation that rubs you the wrong way, think about walking through an art museum. Take a moment to look beyond the surface and appreciate the diversity. By doing so you’ll be contributing toward a happier, healthier and more loving world – for yourself and everyone else residing on this planet. Namaste’ Susan deCaussin Susan established Healing Methods, located at 2525 Crooks Rd, Troy, MI. She is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/ Teacher, Spiritual Counselor and Psychic/Medium. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in all modalities of working with Universal Energy. Her writings are always powerful, healing and thought-provoking. Learn more at 248-759-6486

We’ve all been in those situations when the opinions of another have disrupted our flow or gone against the grain of what we believe to be true. At those times, we have a choice as to how we’ll react. When faced with a person or situation that sets you off, instead of allowing judgment to creep in, try to see things from their perspective. Every action stems from a belief and every belief is directly related to a life experience that left a deep impression on the subconscious mind of that individual. By looking beyond the surface you can begin to understand and empathize with that person, instead of going to a place of anger and intolerance. The more time you take to explore the reasons behind the actions of others, the easier it will be to release any negative thoughts and move toward tolerance, understanding, and empathy. Take time to connect with others, deeply enough to obtain that level of awareness. And, if you ever find yourself wondering why YOU react JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 29

20 Tiny Acts of Kindness By Sara Schairer

Sometimes carrying out small acts of kindness can be a simple way to make a huge difference. When you commit to practicing mindful acts of kindness every day, they become a part of who are and how you engage in the world around you. Here are 20 kind and easy things you can do to cultivate compassion and improve life for you and others.

Ask your kids, friends, or partner, “What do you appreciate about yourself?” and see what emerges.

Single-use plastic items fill our landfills and find their way to our oceans. Simply ask for your drink without a straw.

15. Help a Parent

7. Be Patient What happens when you choose patience over irritation? Whether in line at the grocery story or sitting in traffic, your patience will make you feel better and will very likely impact others too. 8. Offer Up Your Place in Line Speaking of waiting in line—if you’re not in a hurry, tune into the person behind you. If he or she appears to be in a rush, invite him or her to skip ahead of you. This small act may make his or her day.

1. Give the Benefit of the Doubt If someone is late to a meeting, cuts you off in traffic, or doesn’t return your smile, you might act out of disappointment, anger, or resentment. What if you assume the best about the person instead?

9. Make the Coffee

2. Be Generous with Your Smiles Your brain’s mirror neurons allow you to feel what another person feels. Sometimes that empathy comes in the form of pain, but you can also feel empathetic joy. Your smile might unconsciously brighten someone’s day. 3. Buddy Up As an act of compassion at a conference she attended, one of my students sought out people who were alone and made a point to say hello. This is a beautiful kindness practice for any of us who are attending an event or conference. 4. Give a Nod to Your Friends Do you have friends and coworkers who deserve some praise? What about offering a small shout-out at your next staff meeting or on social media? 5. Stop Single-Use Cups Show some compassion for the planet by paying attention to how many coffee cups and water bottles you throw away or recycle. Why create waste when you can carry your own water bottle and travel coffee mug?


14. Ask a Simple Question

6. Nix Straws

Do you have a coffee pot at the office? What happens when the pot is empty? At my co-working space, I sometimes find that someone has left a small amount in the pot so that he or she doesn’t have to make the next one. Don’t be that person! 10. Eat Less Meat

16. Say Thank You Take a little bit of time to thank someone. Every once in a while, I get emails from people who appreciate the work I do for my nonprofit Compassion It. Even if the messages are only a sentence in length, those encouraging notes boost my mood and energy level. A little bit of gratitude truly goes a long way. 17. Leave No Trace I often work at busy coffee shops and have to ask for a cloth to clean up my table before I sit down. Perhaps it’s the responsibility of the shop to clean up, but I’d rather leave my table clean so the next customer.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, livestock production is one of the largest contributors to climate change. If you cut out meat one day a week or perhaps at lunchtime, you can help the planet and contribute to the animal rights.

18. Pick Up Dog Poop

11. Pay It Forward Next time you get a coffee, try adding a few extra dollars to purchase the next person’s drink. This small act of kindness may ripple through many others that day. 12. Take 3 Deep Breaths This brief act of self-compassion can calm you down by bringing your mind back to the present moment. 13. Soothe Yourself

This act of kindness is not for everyone, but have you ever walked by dog feces lying on the sidewalk? If you have an extra poop bag, why not pick it up? 19. Pick Up Trash Similar to picking up dog poop you spot, what if you picked up trash as you walked along? Your small act might inspire others to do the same, and it literally cleans up the neighborhood. 20. Be Thrifty

Self-soothing techniques like holding your own hand, giving yourself a hug, or placing your hand on your heart may lower your stress levels. Research indicates that self-compassion releases oxytocin, the feel-good hormone..

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If you’ve ever traveled solo with an infant, you know how hard it is. not only are you taking your shoes off and making sure your laptop is out of your bag, but you’re carrying a child, folding up a stroller, and trying to not lose your mind in the process. A stranger’s helping hand can turn a stressful situation into a moment of connection and joy.

Why purchase new items when there are plenty of pre-owned ones that already exist? Save the land fills. Source

JULY 2018

Classes & Events

UPCOMING CLASSES The Path of Consciousness: Spiritual & Writing Conference & Retreat! Acclaimed experts will lead writing workshops, yoga, meditation, and shamanic healing. Includes labyrinth, nature walk, and sacred fire ceremony. affordable visit Guided Meditation Thursday’s 7pm $10 & Yoga Nidra meditation Sundays 4-5pm $10 Mama Tracys Inc. offers a variety of classes please check us out on Facebook Psychic Development Classes taught at Knight Light Candles: Meditation, Numerology, Tarot, and Psychic Explorations. 10332 W 9 Mile Rd in Oak Park. Call 248-291-5483 or for time and dates The Healer & Ascension Certification Course – accredited throughout USA. Spiritual healing for body, emotion, mind, spirit, all lifetimes, adults, children, pets, the planet, and ascension work. Eve Wilson. Enrolling for Winter 2018: The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit is offering lectures using Ascended Master teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Sunday devotional services. 313-768 5737 www. Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area), led by Linda Fisher-Piccolo of Inner Light Services, with Retreat Director Betsy Beverlin. $525 all-inclusive (private accommodations, private bathrooms, all meals, etc.). Exceptionally clean & modern facilities. Next Retreat dates: Monday, July 16 (1:00pm) through Thursday, July 19 (1:00pm), also: Tuesday, Oct 2 (1:00pm) through Friday, Oct 5 (1:00pm). Visit for full details and registration. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST TO WIN FREE TICKETS TO EVENTS!

MONDAY Attend the mystic practice of The Twelve Blessings and Absent Healing Service and radiate Love and Light to help heal our suffering world. 7:458:30pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-5880290 Yoga with Jayne: Mondays at 7PM. Jayne Ryan, Unity of Livonia member teaches beginner yoga. Class held on the first Monday of every month will be Reiki infused. Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering Basis. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile, Livonia, 734- 421-1760 www. Mediation Classes! Every Monday Evening at Knight Light Candle, 10332 W. Nine Mile Rd., Oak park. $10.00 per class. Arrive 6:40-6:45 Begins at 7pm 248-291-5483 www. TUESDAY A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. For more information, Call Chuck 734756-6507 Unity Self-Care Class: 7pm. Instructor: April Ellenburg, LUT. Love Offering. 248-288-3550 or www.unityroyaloak. org

healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & WalkIns welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-788-5808 http:// Join us in the mighty Operation Prayer Power. Be a part of the change this world needs at this time. A Great Opportunity to advance through Love and Prayer. 7:30 pm. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell, Royal Oak. 248-588-0290 THURSDAY Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 248-288-3550 or Thursday Night Thrive: 7-8:30pm. We come together for sacred conversation, mutual support, fun and friendship. Each week is different and powerful. Our intention is authentic and conscious community. A lot like a small group but so much more! Love offering. 248-288-3550 or A Course In Miracles: Introductory 12 week classes. Unity of Livonia (5 Mile Rd. just E.of Middlebelt) 7-9pm. for info call Chuck 734-756-6507 Guided Meditation 7pm $10 See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436

WEDNESDAY Naturopathy Training Open House Herbal Advisory, Herbal Pharmacy/ Supplies, & Massage Therapy Training, welcoming you & questions. 103pm. 734-769-7794

Meditation Class! Every other Thursday 7–8pm. Short lesson, meditation, followed by a discussion with instructor Lori Barresi. Drop in, every other Thursday $10. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor. 734-358-0218.

A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 248288-3550 or

FRIDAY Meditation, Pranayama and Gong class Friday 12:00 -1:15 by donation, with Luna Calley a KRI Certified Kundalini Yoga teacher, Crystal Healer and Reiki Master at Thru Luna’s Eyes Salon & Healing Arts, Ferndale

Psychic Afternoons from 11:30 to 3:30pm. Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium, Advisor Psychic Readings at Ireland’s Pub land’s Pub 33401 Harper Ave., Clinton, MI 248 732-7490 Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog! Voted one of the best healing blogs in the world! Renew you P a g e 31




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734-645-3217 JULY 2018

faith in our world - empower your life, heal and ascend! Weekly reminders: or just read it: SATURDAY Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808 Welcome.html SUNDAY Sunday Services - Detroit Center for Spiritual Living invites you to join Sunday Services 10:15-10:30am Meditation, 10:35am Service Begins. Northwest Activities Center, 18100 Meyers, Detroit (Parking entrance on Curtis St) Fellowship to Follow! Stick around after service for connection, community & coffee! Sound Healing Concert 7–9pm. Rare, therapeutic chakra-tuned crystal bowls played with recorded soundscape music while Reiki is sent to the audience. $20 at the door. 3820 Packard #280, Ann Arbor, free parking. 734-358-0218. Sunday Celebration Service: 1011am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 248-288-3550 or www.unityroyaloak. org Yoga Nidra Meditation 4-5pm $10. See more classes on Facebook/ Mama Tracys Inc.734-626-5436 Join us in our Services to find inner peace and bring peace to our world. Pray, visualize and chant sacred mantra; learn about Cosmic wisdom. 11:00am. 3119 N. Campbell., Royal Oak (248) 588-0290. Sunday Meditation! Susan deCaussin, BMS Staff Writer, leads meditation each week at Renaissance Unity Church in Warren at 9:30am. An inspired message is given followed by silent reflection. More info: www. SEE MORE EVENTS AT

DATED EVENTS 07/01 Michigan Psychic Fair in Livona Comfort Inn, 29235 Buckingham, Middlebelt & I-96. - Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, fair updates and directions at: Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 07/01 Wellness Group: 12-1:30 pm. Committing to a year of self-love. We meet monthly to support each other and share tips for a healthy 2018. All are welcome. 248-288-3550 or www. 07/03 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving every 30 minutes. $15/ session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 07/06 Jewish Renewal Kabbalat Shabbat with Song & Spirit: 7-8:30 pm. Join Hazzan Steve Klaper and Judy Lewis in song and celebration. Divine grace and mercy are ours -- all we need is to tune in. Music. Prayer. Stories, a Nosh. People of all Faiths Welcome. 248-288-3550 or 07/07 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market flourishes with fresh Michigan produce, bountiful flowers, artisans & more! Live music: Steve Taylor. Demo: Chef Laura Romito/High Five Salts. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking! www. 07/08 Michigan Psychic Fair in Roseville Holiday Inn, 31900 Little Mack Ave. - Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, fair updates and directions at: Questions? Pauline 586939-4230 07/08 Usui Tibetan Seiryoku Karuna Reiki Level 1 from 11am-6pm. Learn healing with your hands. You will be initiated with the first symbol in reiki 1 enabling you to do healings on yourself and others. Certification is given after completion. $150. 734-416-5200

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

07/10 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving every 30 minutes. $15/ session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 07/10 Royal Oak Community Sing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Community Sings are not performances. They exist so that like-minded people can gather in community and SING! Hosted by singer and former Public Radio host of Folks Like Us, Matt Watroba. Love offering. 248-288-3550 or 07/11 A Healing & Ascension Experience with Eve Wilson at Unity of Livonia – Wednesday Service 7 – 8 PM. Transformational and healing; learn about ascension and regain hope for our world. 07/14 2nd Saturday Psychic Party - 12-5pm, $3. Monthly, try a variety of readers at $2/minute (15-minute minimum). Shopping & snacks, door prizes (first hour). 3820 Packard, Ann Arbor, free parking! 734-358-0218, 07/14 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market! Michigan produce, flowers, artisans & more! Live music: Mike Freeman Jr. Demo: Chef David McGregor/The Henry Ford at Greenfield Village. Free parking! Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm www. 07/14 Jobs Club Royal Oak: 10 am 12 pm. Join Luther Taylor each month as he presents inspiring speakers and networking opportunities. 248-2883550 or 07/15 Annual Picnic: 11:30 am-2:30 pm. Come on out for an old-fashioned church picnic. Casual attire. Bring a dish to pass. Fun for the whole family. 248-288-3550 07/15 Michigan Psychic Fair Sterling Hgts - Holiday Inn 8515 15 Mile Road. (15 Mile and Van Dyke Rd.) Find a list of our great Readers, fair updates at: P a g e 33



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Take Back Your Power & Reach Your Dreams TREATMENT FOR: ● Weight Loss ● Smoking ● Phobias ●

Panic Attacks ● Performance Anxiety ● Pain Control ● Past Life Regression ● Nervous Tics ● Low Self-Esteem ● Anxiety

Dr. Marjorie Farnsworth, Clinical Hypnotherapist Tel 734-347-8180 - Ann Arbor Area


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JULY 2018

Native American Shamanic Healing

W t h S S o A s t

07/16 Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area), led by Linda Fisher-Piccolo of Inner Light Services, with Retreat Director Betsy Beverlin. $525 all-inclusive (private accommodations, private bathrooms, all meals, etc.). Exceptionally clean & modern facilities. Next Retreat dates: Monday, July 16 (1:00pm) through Thursday, July 19 (1:00pm), also: Tuesday, Oct 2 (1:00pm) through Friday, Oct 5 (1:00pm). Visit www. for full details and registration. 07/21 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market is participating in the Farmington Founder’s Festival, at the prestigious Huron River Hunting & Fishing Club, 22575 Farmington Rd., at Freedom Rd. The setting is beautiful! Music: Jamrocks. Free! www. 07/21 One-Day Spiritual Healing Class – 9:30am-5pm- $95. Presenter: Bonnie Watson. The Aetherius Society, 3119 N. Campbell Road, Royal Oak Tel: (248) 588-0290. 07/21 Thrive Car Wash: 12-2 pm. The URO Thrive Group is having a car wash fundraiser. Proceeds to benefit the church A/V System Upgrade. 248288-3550 or 07/22 Michigan Psychic Fair at Waterford Holiday Inn Express, 4350 Pontiac Lake Rd, Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, fair updates and directions at: www. Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 07/24 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6-7:30pm. Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving every 30 minutes. $15/ session or 6 for $60. 734-416-5200 07/26 Strength that Matters Despite how “in shape” you look (or how strong you think you are), muscles must be exercised in specific ways to help ensure adequate bone density and

healthy aging. Learn how to get the strength that matters! Limited seating. 7- 8:30pm RSVP today: 734-425-8220. Karl Wellness Center & Chiropractic Clinic, 30935 Ann Arbor Tr., Westland.

Looking for Summer Fun & Relaxation?

07/27 Our House! 4th Friday Concert Series presents: Jazz Vocalist, Penny Wells 7:30 pm. Monthly Live Music and Coffeehouse featuring Folk, Jazz, Blues by some of Metro Detroit’s finest musicians. $15 / Love Offering 248288-3550 or 07/28 Farmington Farmers & Artisans Market! Enjoy Michigan sweet corn, vine ripe tomatoes, fresh produce, flowers, specialty artisans, more! Music: Sinjon Smith. Demo: Chef Ernesto/Café Cortina. Grand River and Grove Street. 9am-2pm Free parking! 07/28 Reiki Share: 12-2 pm. Open to all level practitioners. This is an opportunity for sharing Reiki with each other and for sharing best practices and networking. 248-288-3550 or www. 07/29 Michigan Psychic Fair at Lapeer KMAI – Physical Fitness, 935 Baldwin Rd. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, fair updates and directions at: www. Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230 08/04 Shamanic Healing Clinic. Clear and calm your mind and soul! 10a-1p $18 734-358-0218 08/25 Shamanic Healing Fundamentals I class. Learn the ancient art of shamanic healing! 2-4:30p $35 734358-0218 www.enlightenedsoulctr. com ... CLASSIFIED ADS

Gets your ad seen in 1200 stores throughout SE MI Cost: $1.00 a word or $.75 ongoing ads. $10.00 Min. Call: 734 513-6137 or email

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

Here’s some ideas: 1. Visit a park 2. Take a walk in the woods 3. Ride a bicycle 4. Go for a swim 5. Watch a baseball game 6. Look up at the clear, blue sky 7. Find shapes in the clouds 8. Have lunch with a friend 9. Play a game 10. Visit a museum 11. Gaze at the nighttime sky 12. Attend a concert, maybe outdoors! 13. Dance, even if just in the kitchen

The human soul is hungry for beauty; we seek it everywhere - in landscape, music, art, clothes, furniture, gardening, companionship, love, religion, and in ourselves. No one would desire not to be beautiful. When we experience the beautiful, there is a sense of homecoming. John O'Donohue P a g e 35

Tel 734-347-8180 - Ann Arbor Area

try it and so that my students can practice.



Native American Shamanic Healing Take back your power - Heal your soul: Anxiety, Chronic issues (pain, illness, depression, misfortune, fatigue), Scattered Thinking, Lack of Life Purpose, and Paranormal problems

Call Dr. Farnsworth at 734-347-8180

or visit 

Wendy Powers Nugent Clairvoyant

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Confidential readings in person or phone, parties, fund raisers, corporate and school celebrations.

By appointment only please 248-505-9227 



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JULY 2018





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JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 37

Focus on, NOW!

A Mindful Summer Bucket List

By Bill Helton

Its about Being in the Moment as You Do The Things (Not Just Crossing Them Off the List) and Not Being Judgmental With Yourself If You Don't Do Them. • Read a book about mindfulness • Eat an entire meal in silence -- pay attention to the act of eating and to the taste of the food • Go for a walk -- no iPhone, no music - just pay attention • Spend an afterrnoon with a mindfulness coloring book • Watch Inside Out • Start a gratitude journal -- and write in it once a week • Try a 45-minute meditation session • Take a 24-hour tech detox -- no phone, Internet, TV, etc. • Declare a Day of Kindness and volunteer, engage in random acts of kindness, smile at people you see • Teach a mindfulness practice to your kids • Forgive someone for something (maybe yourself?) • Practice mindful walking • Try these breathing exercises • Change up a daily activity -- brush your teeth with your non-dominant hand, drive a different route to work, sit in a different spot in your morning meeting.... Go wild! • Put on some music and dance -- just move however your body wants to move • Practice lovingkindness • Take a class -- art, painting, drumming, dance, tai chi • Make a list of the things you love about yourself • Do a 30-minute body scan meditation • Declutter an area in your house that's driving you crazy • Make a mind jar • Watch a sunrise • Make a list of the top 10 things that help YOU reduce stress -- and post it somewhere you will see it every day • Create a meditation / calm-down space in your home • Visit a local meditation center • Meditate outside • Add a "good news only" outlet to your Facebook feed • Practice mindful conversation with someone • Let it RAIN Source 38

Not to take away from all the hype regarding the SHIFT but I feel too many individuals are not putting enough emphasis on NOW and more so on a later expectation. When this happens the present is shadowed by the tomorrows that never arrive. It is only in the moment that self-awareness is expressed.

The SHIFT is just a shift in consciousness. Which, at any time, ONE can find themselves in it, NOW. It is a matter of aligning thyself to its frequency vibration. It is emotions that call forth, the dimensional plane of choice, by the resonance it provides from ONE’s inner-thoughts. An ill mind has the power to create a community for the like-minded without struggle. And thus to imagine the opposite is just as easy. Choice is always provided for its creator. It is not so much from a material perspective than it is from a mental construct. Some come to believe as if they will be catapulted to a NEW earth and lovingly leave those with a different agenda behind. This is not the truth. A metaphor of using two earths are used in order to get the message across. There are twelve dimensions in this third-dimensional plane. Meaning, dependent upon the state of the being will determine which dimension their consciousness will be on. Example: Two people walking in nature and ONE is truly immersed in the beauty that surrounds them while the other spends their time narrowly focused-- complaining, ignoring the landscape. New earth vs. old earth. It is all a matter of perspective. At any moment ONE can be initiated in the NOW reality. Always my Best! William Helton Mind/Body/Nutrition Coach, 313-207-4483 please see his ad in the directory section and join him on facebook at https://www.facebook. com/MBNCOACH/

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JULY 2018

On Reclaiming Personal Power

• • • • •

by Dr. Marjorie Farnsworth Are you afraid to be powerful?

*Do you have a belief that having power goes hand in hand with the desire to bully and harm others? *Do you believe that if you have and show personal power, it will only provoke more powerful people to harm you, even to become violent? *Do you believe that it is safer to just be harmless and invisible, as a means to stay safe? What are the costs of projecting a sense of being powerless? Projecting a sense of powerlessness may actually provoke the bullies of the world to attack. Bullies are usually craven cowards deep inside, and so they want to attack those least likely to fight back. <strong>Looking powerless does not keep you safe.</strong> Maintaining a sense of powerlessness is damaging to your self-esteem and confidence. These emotions can lead to depression and poor health. What is the nature of true power? In our society, power is often equated with the willingness to be forceful, aggressive, violent, or impulsive. Think of all the war movies you may have seen or the standards by which “manliness” is often measured. Hurting, controlling and killing people are equated with power, along with destroying property and causing confusion and chaos. This is how a bully or a dictator maintains control: using the constant threat of violence to keep people feeling helpless, frightened and powerless. Dictators also work to make people believe that their own neighbor is the “enemy”—the cause of the problems and injustices of society. The power of dictators and bullies

Look inside Face your fears Express your truth Work to live a healthy and sober life Examine and unravel beliefs and habits which do not serve you Develop and maintain strong personal boundaries Believe in yourself Surround yourself only with people who sincerely love you, believe in you and encourage you Take responsibility for everything you do. Live by a set of principles Be gentle with yourself Get comfortable saying No Spend time in Nature Work out regularly Eat a healthy diet Develop a spiritual practice Find work to do which supports your life and gives you joy and satisfaction

• • is not power that lasts, however, and it is not good leadership. The people rebel eventually, and chaos ensues. Anger, resentment and discontent rise to a boiling point. This type of power is overthrown in time, often a very short time. Real power comes from knowing yourself well and accepting yourself fully.’Real power involves consistently following a set of principles, for example, those in the ancient I Ching of the Chinese. Real power comes from discovering, nourishing and maintaining a still point deep inside, a point of peacefulness, equanimity and acceptance. Real power comes from independent thinking, and from looking inside for answers, not outside to public opinion, trends, or mass media. Real power means that you cannot be shaken by the world. Your essence and your behavior reflect your integrity, and are not influenced by external circumstances. Real power means knowing that love and fear are choices, and that love is the way of power. Fear is the basis of hate. Real power means striving to be the best that you can be every second of every day and be influencing the world around you to be the best it can be for all. How can a person become powerful? If you want to be powerful, you must learn to take care of yourself:

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

• • • • • • • • •

Therapies and Practices Which May Help You Find and Maintain Personal Power: Hypnotherapy •

Shamanic healing


Reading the I Ching

Martial arts

People who are always negative, angry, hateful, needy, controlling, manipulative, pushy, intimidating or critical are weeds in your life which you must find the courage to eliminate. Otherwise, they will suck the life force out of you. Live in peace, whatever that takes. Remember that Freedom is expensive. Dr. Marjorie Farnsworth, MBA, MHt, PhD, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Shamanic Practitioner. Please see her ads in the Professional Directory section. P a g e 39

Incorporating Natural Healing, Safely & Easily By Mary Light

More people than ever before want to incorporate herbs and herbal healing into their lives. It is effective, enjoyable, and can save thousands of dollars to do so -- but where to start? Here is a classic tried-and-true book that can be a good primer – the reader can learn about making medicines, actions of herbs, descriptions, and the general theory of body systems and herbal healing: “The New Holistic Herbal” by David Hoffman. While it is not that new, first published in the 1980s, the information is still completely valid so an older edition as a used book will do just fine. It is a required book in our foundational seasonal medicinal herbal studies series. Here is a natural remedy regarding cramps. We have encountered many women over the years with this monthly problem. A Castor Oil pack applied to the pelvic area has helped many. We’ve also utilized it within a larger context to clear up fibroids and endometriosis. Castor Oil packs are also very soothing to the nervous system when applied over the solar plexus, in the center of the body, and on restricted muscle groups. Here is a link for a pdf to guide you through using them: What is it that really helps us heal? The natural medicine model of the 8 Pillars of Naturopathy gives us insight. Look into your life and see where there may need to be room for improvement or help, as you contemplate the Eight Pillars:

Higher Knowing, Knowing Knowing Knowing, Now! Hello, my friends, I hope you are enjoying the exercises and the growth that comes with them. This month let’s focus on higher intuition and inner knowing. Intuition and that inner knowing are so very important with all that we do. It can save your life. When we make decisions, it is so important to have a clear path to our intuition. Even when things are sped up while in an emergency situation our inner knowing can lead us out of danger. So make sure to do these simple but very powerful exercises. Again very similar to last month’s with slightly different focus and different chants. We will again work inward so focus inward like we have in earlier exercises on the flame at the base of our heart chakras. As we did in those exercises, let’s begin with expanding that flame outward until it fills the room. Lean forward slightly with your head, place your tongue to the roof of your mouth and take three deep breathes. Now focus on the a ball of light at your forehead expanding and bring that to surround you and merge with itl. Focus inward now on whatever questions or guidance you need.

Diet, Bodywork, Sleep and Rest Dynamics, Herbal Therapeutics, Energy Medicine, Movement, Hydrotherapy, Education, and Counsel.

Start with this chant, Ghaaheekkvaazhun

Starting with ‘diet’-- the book, “Real Food” by Nina Planck, is a suggested home reference to start nourishing ourselves in a positive way.

begin again with this chant, Ammunghaatha Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Don’t worry about a perfect pronunciation just feel the sounds of each letter.

To your good heatlh naturally, Mary Light Mary Light, ND MH LMT, is Director and teacher at Ann Arbor School of Massage, Herbal & Natural Medicine. For more information visit: or call: 734-761-1600. Please check our website for curriculum, schedule, financial, faculty, and program information- it is designed to answer all important common questions. Ann Arbor Scheool of Massage, Herbal & Natural Medicine at 6276 Jackson Road, Suite B Box 2, Ann Arbor, MI. Gaia Center for Herbal Studies, also on Facebook.


Now meditate for 11 minute, set a timer.

Begin again with this chant, mummgyvhawshutu Now meditate again for 11 minutes. Switch this up every day, one day do them all together, the next day split each part up at different times of the day. Do the first when you wake in the morning, second midday and third before bedtime. Switch it up as many different ways as you can come up with.

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

JULY 2018

Let your self feel the expansion and connection. Now focus on a very warm powerful energy surrounding you and igniting all you have chosen to create. As always, it is very important to read and share this as much as possible it will help you, your path, your awakening, your enlightenment and your truest service to the Universe. Remember I am here to help support you and your growth so if you have any questions go to: I look forward to meeting you and hearing about your progress. or toddstockwell/. You can also reach me on Facebook, via the website, e-mailserendipitylightcente or by phone call: 734-7409110. Remember you can join me this month I will be doing special empowerments and healing sessions this month at: Michigan Psychic Fair, Sunday July 1st, 29235 Buckingham, Livonia, MI and Sunday July 8th, 31900 Little Mack Ave, Roseville, MI or Sunday July 22nd, 4350 Pontiac Lake Rd, Waterford, MI, and lastly Sunday July 29th, 935 Baldwin Rd, Lapeer, MI Light, Love, and Service!!! Todd Stockwell

Higher Self Anchoring This healing process “anchors” your Higher Self directly and permanently into your ♥ heart center. Creating a connection that gives you immediate access to bring through clear information and guidance. Find your highest purpose, begin to heal & transform your life in endless ways. Start seeing from a Higher Perspective now! Call Todd Today 734.740.9110 HALF OFF this month with this ad

Todd Stockwell Master Multi-Dimensional Teacher, Healer, and Trainer

Surrender By Tatiana Scavnicky When I think of independence, freedom is the first thing that comes to mind, yet deadlines and commitments in the queue and responsibilities to others can stretch us beyond what we think we are capable of. Is freedom being able to run away and renounce our chosen obligations? Or have we simply gotten caught up in it all? Perhaps the hamster needs a break from the wheel. Maybe we’ve told ourselves that in order to have independence and freedom, we have to make more money and take more hours at work. Canceling or rescheduling commitments says that we can’t be counted on, or we aren’t serious about what we signed up for. Are we free if we let others down? Are we free if guilt creeps in? For me, anxiety starts to creep in when I’ve pushed myself beyond what is too much for me. As much as I think honoring what I said I would do is the sign of a healthy, responsible and successful adult if you can’t do what you said you would do, are you successful? And therein lies the rub. If I say no, am I doing the best I can? I am learning. This lesson is at the back of my heels and the tip of my nose. For a month I fought a virus of superhero strength, and I finally had to give in and take antibiotics. I felt weak and vulnerable. I am a healer and a psychic-intuitive. How could I not heal myself? I am not free if I can’t use healthy boundaries. I am not independent if others’ needs always come before my own. I am free if I can slow down sometimes. I am free if I can look out for myself. I am free if I can surrender. Tatiana Scavnicky is a spiritual teacher, psychicintuitive, intuitive life coach, creator of music and healing meditations, Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Angel Therapy Medium® She’s passionate about helping people move forward and overcome their fears, ditch procrastination and do what they love. She’s released three albums and shares her moon phase oracle card readings

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

P a g e 41

Spiritual Horoscopes


By Aluna Michaels, M.A.


ancer (June 21 – July 22) — Happy birthday Cancer! It’s a powerful month with a New Moon eclipse in your sign. It also connects with Pluto, the planet of personal empowerment, so you can tap into strengths you didn’t know you had. Meditate on how you over-nurture others, and deplete yourself. Also, ponder financial habits so you can erase debt and build prosperity. By facing fears of being alone, you also tap into the energy that, ironically, enhances all your relationships. You’ll know your value and “power issues” will heal as you stand in your center with love!


eo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — The Full Moon eclipse this month connects with energetic Mars. Meditate on your most important goals. You’ll find courage and enthusiasm to go after your dreams and to make them a reality. Mars is also anger and irritation, so watch out for being edgy as you move forward. Are there people who don’t like you finding power and joy and living from that space? You may have to stand up to them with clarity and confidence (Mars). Reach out to positive, encouraging friends who believe change and fulfillment is possible!


irgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — As Jupiter moves direct, you’ll have many insights in meditation. Your intuition is super-charged! Make a list of attitudes or circumstances you’d like to change. Visualize the shifts,

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663


and also feel how it would be to live in this new way. Take steps toward your goals, and keep the feeling of their full completion in your heart. Only tell trusted friends about your plans, since it’s important others don’t poo-poo your concepts. Protect your ideas from criticism as you nurture them with faith and love.


ibra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Money flows as Jupiter moves direct! You’ll also be motivated toward career goals. If healing childhood issues or long-standing problems, meditation provides breakthroughs. Let old ideas uproot. Visualize burning them like sticks in a bonfire. The energy from that mental liberation heals your heart and open new doors of fulfillment. Even if you must confront others and cause disruption as you speak your truth, let change happen so you can be free to be your authentic self!


corpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Jupiter, the planet of joy and abundance, moves directly in your sign! You deserve to have it easy and not struggle, so meditate on letting go of your attachment to suffering. You can have financial breakthroughs or a deeper sense of “emotional prosperity”. Inner guidance can also lead to healing childhood trauma or another issue that make you feel unsafe in the world. Become conscious of any negative thought loops that play in the background of your mind. The light of your awareness can make them melt away!


quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Just like your Capricorn pals, the eclipses bring disruption in relationships, so yucky patterns can be exposed and disposed of! Meditate on compassion for yourself and others. You’re all hurting when stuck in limiting patterns. Ask for their accountability — kindly, yet clearly. It’s like a breath of fresh air moves through your life. As Jupiter moves direct, lots of blessings happen at work and a dream job can even appear. Your success emerges from hard work and integrity. You deserve all the “luck” coming your way!


isces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — The Full Moon eclipse at month’s end stirs up old anger and frustrations. So, meditate earlier in July about how you’ve bottled up feelings over the past two years. Forgive yourself and others so the eclipse brings resolution and forward momentum rather than an explosion of suppressed energy. Underneath your tension lies vital energy for health, happiness, and talents. Let people who respect your boundaries get close to you. Allowing them in, even when you feel anxious or unworthy, opens you to the love of the Universe!


agittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — The New Moon eclipse opens you to deeper intimacy. Meditate on how your fervent idealism can build a wall between you and others. Challenge yourself to be in your heart and “feel” your opinions rather than merely think them. Sometimes your spirituality is tinged with ego. Don’t waste time beating yourself up if you find this to be true. Just surround yourself with forgiveness, and allow relationships to heal and unfold. Interestingly, dropping dogmatic attitudes can also open doors to prosperity! w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

apricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — This month’s eclipses can heal relationships. The New Moon mid-July exposes problems to be worked on. Pluto links with it, so meditate on power issues. Low self-esteem allows you to be treated poorly? Or, perhaps builtup resentments make you take subtle “digs” at your partner? The Full Moon at month’s end reveals subconscious patterns behind your issues — from childhood or even past lives. Grasp them by the root and eliminate them from your life! Don’t be ashamed or dwell, just be grateful you see them and are able to be rid of toxic patterns. Now you can bond in joy and love!


ries (March 21 – April 19) — Jupiter moves direct and helps open the floodgates of prosperity! You’ll also feel safer being intimate with your partner, both physically and emotionally. Meditate on how childhood or parental issues have interfered with deep relationships today. This month’s eclipses bring insight and resolution. If you have pow

JULY 2018

er issues with someone at work, sit back and observe behavior and patterns Allow your intuition to provide solutions. Don’t take actions now, but maybe early September.



aurus (April 20 – May 20) — As Jupiter moves direct, communication in relationships will clarify. You can solve problems in a longterm partnership. If single, you can meet a great new person who is eager to be involved with you. Don’t be afraid to state your needs and expectations. Meditate on how valid your opinions are. Be with people that honor your ideas and want to know who you are at your core. The eclipse late July can bring disruption at work. In that arena, stay cool, observe and make responses later in August.

Unity Churches provide a positive, practical, approach to Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer. We honor universal truths in all religions and respect each person’s spiritual path.

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emini (May 21 – June 20) — Jupiter going direct combined with this month’s eclipses brings insight about money, as well as an increase in your self-worth in the workforce. Meditate on ways you self-sabotage with finances or undervalue your career talents. Trust in intimate relationships also gets better, since you’re seeing yourself more clearly and with love. You’re pretty awesome, and you’re figuring that out!

ANN ARBOR - Unity of Ann Arbor| Ann Arbor | 734-434-8545


DETROIT - Unity Outreach of Detroit| 313-675-5311

luna Michaels, a second-generation astrologer with a Masters in Spiritual Counseling, has been teaching/consulting for three decades. Her book, “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon/Kindle, and as an E-book on her website. She ’s available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call/text: 248-5831663. Visit: Aluna Michaels, second-generation astrologer, has a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching/ consulting for three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is on Amazon/Kindle, and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call/ text 248-583-1663 or visit

ANN ARBOR - On Campus Ministry| U of M & Eastern MI University |734-787-3664 BAY CITY - Unity of Bay City 37357 State Street Rd, Bay City | 989-686-0265 BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Bloomfield Center|37557 Woodward Ave. |248 835-5382 CLARE - Unity Church of Clare|215 W. 6th Street |989-823-2362 CLINTON TWP - Unity East Church|23057 N. Nunneley Rd. . |586-783-1546

DETROIT - Urban Ministerial School| Samaritan Bld. 5555 Ste.1214 |313-922-0999 DETROIT - Detroit Unity Temple|17505 2nd Blvd. |313-345-4848 DETROIT - God Land Unity Church| 22450 Schoolcraft St. |313-794-2800 DETROIT - West Side Unity Church| P.O. Box 04659. |313-895-1520 FARMINGTON HILLS - Unity| 32500 W 13 Mile Rd. | 248-737-9191 FLINT - Unity Church of Flint| 4506 Fenton Road. |810-235-3155 JACKSON - Unity Church of Jackson|3385 Miles Rd. | 517-764-6900 LAKE ORION - Unity Church of Lake Orion|3070 Baldwin Road. |248- 391-9211 LANSING - Unity Spiritual Center of Lansing 230 S Holmes Street. | 517-371-3010 LIVONIA - Unity of Livonia| 28660 Five Mile Rd. |734-421-1760 LIVONIA - Unity of Redford| 28660 Five Mile Rd. (Livonia) |313-272-7193

He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors. --Thomas Jefferson.

PLYMOUTH - Friends of Unity| 774 N. Sheldon Road. | 734-454-0015 PONTIAC - Unity of Pontiac| 780 W. Huron | 248 335-2773 ROCHESTER - Unity Church of Rochester| 1038 Harding Rd, |248-656-0120 ROYAL OAK- Unity Church of Royal| 2500 Crooks Rd. |248-288-3550

“Comedy is acting out optimism.” - Robin Williams

SOUTHGATE - Unity Chapel| 14951 Northline Rd. |734-285-7722 TROY - Spiritual Life Center| Edu. Center, 811 W. Square Lk Rd |248-925-6214

Self-discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don’t talk back. -W.K. Hope

Selfishness may be sweet only for oneself, but no harmony of the whole can come from it. Tenrikyo Osashizu

WARREN - Renaissance Unity| 11200 E Eleven Mile Rd. |586-353-2300

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Loss and Love! The effect that losing someone you love can have on your relationships

was going through. It was too scary for them to even try to put themselves in my shoes. The message: Letting go of fears frees you to truly live and enjoy your life. The fears other people are experiencing are the reasons why they aren’t able to be there for you. 4) When you lose someone you love, you find out who is here with you to stay and who is not. Spend time with those who can support and accept you and let the others go.

By Selene Negrette

When someone experiences the loss of a loved one, that experience may very well mark the beginning of other losses as well. In my own experience of loss, the loss of my young son to cancer, I felt a desolation in my heart, because almost every relationship I had at that point in my life was rocked or changed in some way as a result of my loss. From friends who avoided me and who, unwittingly, made me feel that the tragedy of my loss might be contagious; to family members who expected from me behaviors that I was not able to provide; to my marital relationship —which had been shaky before— becoming severely and impossibly damaged. Has this been your experience as well? And did you feel abandoned at a time when you most needed the support and understanding of others? When this happens, it feels as if our hearts cannot hold so much hurt, so much loss. It does not feel fair… In the end what happened to me was that I received help from the most unexpected source --my little son. He, at the tender age of eight-years-old, opened my eyes to several sudden realizations: 1) The quality of the love he gave me was different. It was unconditional; it felt freely given and he easily forgave my shortcomings. His love ended up being the light that illumined the way for me to continue to function while he was dying and to continue to live after his death. The message: Strive to offer unconditional love to yourself and others as much as you can. Unconditional love is when we have healed all the wounds we have been carrying since childhood and can offer ourselves so much love that the selflove we feel overflows and radiates outwards towards every person we come in contact with, and towards every area of our life. 2) He focused on living as fully as possible for the time he had left. He did not waste any time worrying about what others thought or said. He simply lived fully in the present. The message: Live today fully; tomorrow is not guaranteed. 3) It was not anything personal. Those around me loved me in their own way but I could not expect them to understand what I

The message: Take charge of your life. We can choose to dwell on the love we shared, the moments that are unforgettable and the lessons we’ve gathered, instead of dwelling on the disappointments and in that way, we not only help ourselves, but we can also help those we love. 5) Children are more capable of understanding death than adults. They protect us, so it’s important that we show them that it is okay to be sad, to cry and to talk about their feelings. The message: Let the child’s behavior guide you as to what they need, and don’t shy away from showing how you feel or from talking with them about it. If you are feeling burdened by your grief because of disappointments in your relationships, you can help yourself by keeping the following in mind: 1) Adjust your expectations as to how much understanding can be offered to you by others -- a romantic partner or spouse, family, and friends. 2) Your romantic partner is also grieving and needs his or her own space to figure out how to go on. If you are unable to comfort each other, find a friend or counselor to offer emotional support to you at this time. 3) Keep the company of those who offer a listening ear, assistance, and comfort, and do not feel obligated to give of your energy and/or time to others. 4) Remind yourself that this is an emotionally difficult time and that you need to be kind to yourself first and foremost. 5) IF you have children to take care of while grieving, talk with them often about the one you lost; that frees them to do the same with you. Do not be afraid to cry in their presence because that gives them permission to show their sadness to you. Selene Negrette is a Life Coach and Certified Angel Intuitive. She teaches others, especially those who are grieving, how to connect with their intuition in order to improve their lives. Learn more at: https://selene-negrette. Private message her on Facebook @ spiritwhispersselene or call: 859-797-3919.

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Body Mind Spirit


Divine Heart Radio with

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THE FUN Be a w Guest w w. B oCaller d y M i n at d S p646-378-0378 i r i t G u i d e . c o m JULY 2018

Happy Independence Day!


We Buy Judgements Tel:734-224-3883 Women’s Spiritual Retreats! 4-day, 3-night on beautiful Lake Huron (Port Huron/Lexington area). See listing in the Classes and Events this issue, and visit for full details. Planning an event? Live Music, Guided Meditations, Group Psychic Readings, Moon Gatherings and more. Liven up your events with Tatiana 313-399-0009 or Maitreya Steps Foward read @ www.


Interested is residual income while improving others health? With only a few hours a week, you can create financial security. Call 248-497-8200 with the business center code “GIBGOT7172” Psychic Needed Now! If you have the gifts, we have the clients, hiring full and part time readers. Great pay in a professional and fun working environment (Dearborn, MI). Contact Mama Tracy 248-327-3935 or


G. EscoDavis, LLC certified life coach, Coaching Women Entrepreneurs’ and life balance coaching to view menu of services


Colonics: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. 248-543-2020. Certified Colonics, Detoxification, Salt Cave. InnerSpace Holistic Ann Arbor. 734-7098313 Colonics/ Detoxification in Sterling Heights. Clean and relaxing environment. Located at the Center for the Healing Arts. 586-268-5444



Farmington Office space available. Ideal for doctor, acupuncture, spa, massage, yoga 248-318-6691. Rooms for rent in Holistic Chiropractic Clinic; warm, friendly environment. Farmington Hills 248-4761900.


Spiritual Bath Cleanse. Custom made for your condition(s) Tel:734224-4116 New book: Mesopotamian Goddesses: Unveiling Your Feminine Power for a transformed understanding of feminine consciousness within you HAHO designs - “I AM” and “Let Yourself Love Yourself” comfortable shirts, mugs, pillows and more. Please visit: CBD Hemp Full Spectrum Spray! Tel: (734) 224-8481


A Perfect Balanced Mind: A safe, effective technology that gives feedback directly to your brain allowing it to regulate itself more efficiently. Specializing in: Anxiety, memory/ focus, sleep issues, PTSD, ADD/ ADHD. 248-254-7823


Psychic Readings & Spiritual Healings with your guardian angels! Harmonize every aspect of life and get Divine Guidance now! Tatiana 313-399-0009 or Intuitive Object Sensing, to identify life issues that have not been healed and understanding dreams etc. Bob 248-346-4321

Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day.

JULY 2018 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

By Faith Brower

The word independence conjures up images of my son riding his bike without me holding on to the back of the seat, or when he was a little one learning to walk on his own. Independence brings up feelings of pride and accomplishment. It often comes with a goal successfully met. So, why do some people think independence is about doing it ALONE? One can be independently working in a room filled with folks. That person is working on their own, but is not alone. Doing something independently is not an act of separation. Being separate can bring feelings of loneliness, isolation, and maybe even sadness. Independence is a positive achievement. I wish you independence no matter what phase of life you are in. Independence to: •

live successfully without asking others for money

love whom you wish to love

worship a higher power in the way you want, or to NOT worship any higher power

reach the goals you have set for yourself

feel your emotions and express your thoughts respectfully

rest and relax when your body needs peace

exercise or stretch your body in ways you find fun

And remember you don’t have to do any of these things alone – only if your independent mind wants that! Faith is the founder of a dog walking and pet sitting business called, “Faith’s Fidos & Felines”. She has her Masters in Early Childhood Development, managed preschools and was the President of the Board at Unity of Farmington Hills. P a g e 47


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JULY 2018

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