Body Mind Spirit Guide 2019 12 December Issue

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Body Mind Spirit



For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©



ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!


About Us…

Body Mind Spirit Guide Magazine

The Body Mind Spirit Guide is a homegrown publication in Michigan! Created by Howard & Penny Golden as a way to spend their retirement enjoying the people and things they love and value.

P. O. Box 85413, Westland, MI 48185

Connect with us at 734-833-7772 or email: Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00am : - 6:00pm

Our Publication…

Our Staff: Kathy Henning, Editor Amora Walker, Office Manager Susan deCaussin, Writer/Office Staff Howard & Penny Golden, Founders Our Writers are Michigan Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have a healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit! Contributing Writers:

John Ashbrook Robert Auerbach Pastor Ric Beattie Chrissie Blaze Susan deCaussin Pauline Dettloff Gwendolyn Esco Davis Jonathon Engels Penny Golden Dr. William H. Karl, D.C. Miche Lame’ Chef Deborah Lieder Aluna Michaels Wendy Powers Nugent Phil Rosenbaum Dr. Chris Surber Jennifer VanderWal Marlynn Wei, M.D., PLLC Barbra White Eve Wilson

Highlighting leaders in Michigan from the spiritual and holistic fields. We cover all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. The Body Mind Spirit Guide is printed and distributed to over 1400 locations throughout SE. Michigan each month. A great place to find humor, inspiration, information, local events, products, and professionals that will assist you in enjoying a Healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind and Renewed Spirit.

Our Founding Vision…

“I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.” Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

Our Beliefs...

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)! Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life! ~Howard & Penny Golden

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Copyright 2019 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor. We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments. We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated. Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff



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December 2019

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December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m



Great experiences. Beautiful Smiles. | 734.747.6400 Page 3

Articles this issue...


Do You Listen to Your Higher Self? By Phillip Rosenbaum..........6 Happy Holy Days from Unity of Royal Oak!

IN STORES: Printed & delivered to over 1200 locations in SE Michigan. Call 734 833-7772 to find the location closest to you.

By Pastor Ric Beattie...................................................................7 Staying Healthy During the Holidays By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C...........................................................8 Holiday Healthy Eating Guide....................................................10

ON THE WEB: Download the latest issue for your computer or ipad at:

Peace on Earth By Chrissie Blaze............................................. 11 Easy Ways to Give Back During the Holidays............................12 How to Have a Stress- Free Holiday Season.............................13

DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR: Don’t want to miss an issue? See page 2 for home delivery.

8 Mindfulness Tips During the Holidays.....................................14 Stone of the Month: Vanadanite By Jennifer VanderWal............15 Giving of Yourself By John Ashbrook.........................................16 Early Snow Fall By Chris Surber................................................18 The Law of Circulation By Gwendolyn Esco Davis....................19

CONNECT WITH US: We welcome your comments by phone, in letters, emails and on the web...

Peace is a Choice By Eve Wilson..............................................20 Celebrating Life! By Miche Lame’...............................................21 Improved Holiday Health─if you are a Host or a Guest!.............23 Family Importance By Pauline Dettloff.......................................25

734 833-7772 or info@

Bad Ass Spiritual Makeover By Barbra White............................26 What is Shiva Murti? By Susan deCaussi..................................28

We look forward to hearing from you!

Spiritual Horoscopes By Aluna Michaels, M.A...........................30 Happiest Holidays By Wendy Powers Nugent............................32 Language By Penny Golden.....................................................34 Finding the Peace Within By Chef Deborah Lieder....................36

One People, One Life One Love, One World!

PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY..............................37 CLASSES AND EVENTS...........................................................38 COMMUNITY CLASSIFIED ADS ..............................................45


A Leap of Faith By Penny Golden...............................................47

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December 2019

December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Do You Listen to Your Higher Self? By Phillip Rosenbaum

Do you believe there is more to the individual than just the conscious mind and the subconscious mind? Many religions talk about “Higher Self.” In fact, it has been defined as, “An eternal, omnipotent, conscious, and intelligent being who is one’s real self.” It is believed that each individual has a Higher Self. In the Bible, Jesus Christ is quoted as saying, “For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” And many other authors spoke about people having infinite power or miracle powers to accomplish all things. Three individuals who have spoken about a part of us that is much wiser than our ego or conscious mind are Marsha Linehan, Marilyn Gordon, and Dolores Cannon. Both psychologists, Marsha Linehan, creator of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and Marilyn Gordon, teacher, author, and hypnotherapist, speak about the “Wise Mind.” To Marilyn Gordon, the Wise Mind knows what is to our benefit, what our purpose is, and how to move past challenges to achieve our true desires. It knows what we should do; it is always in our corner. It is the part that accumulates knowledge from many sources throughout our entire life. “It knows things you don’t even know it knows.” To Marsha Linehan, the concept of the Wise Mind involves a deep sense of intuitive knowing. For some, it is the still, small voice within that knows what is best. For others, it is a gut feeling of what is the best course of action to take. It has pure and loving wisdom. When you harness the Wise Mind, you are doing what is in your best interest. “Listening to the Wise Mind will enable you to lead a life of meaning and contentment.” Dolores Cannon, a famous hypnotherapist, speaks about a similar concept which she calls the “Subconscious.” Her meaning of Subconscious is greatly different from that used by Freud. For her, the Subconscious is a tremendous infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can

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be contacted and communicated with. This part of ourselves is always present with us. It contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living. There are different names for this power. Some call it the Superconscious, or the Over-Soul, the Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind or Oneness. According to Dolores, this part of us knows everything there is to know about the individual and his or her life, and “wishes to help the individual to the greatest extent possible in whatever capacity possible.” It is willing to answer questions an individual has about his or her life, in a way that is comforting and beneficial to the individual. Dolores states that this power has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body and explains the causes for its presence. If it is suitable for healing to occur, “the Subconscious will do it instantaneously with no medication, surgery, or pain involved.” Dolores states that healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with that individual’s lifetime goals. Some of the healings Dolores has observed in her clients include curing cancers of all types, reconstruction of cartilage between joints, healing of heart conditions, regeneration of damaged livers and kidneys so that they are restored to full function, elimination of migraines, curing of diabetes, back problems, and much more. Dolores states, “Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. There are no limitations, except the limits of your own imagination.” One way to tap into this incredible resource is through the use of hypnosis. Hypnosis can put you in an extremely relaxed state where you can gain access to this power within. Why not take advantage of this invaluable resource? Phil Rosenbaum If you would like more information about hypnosis or would like to experience it, please call Phillip Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2019

Happy Holy Days from Unity of Royal Oak! By Pastor Ric Beattie

Have you ever wondered why the end of the year has so many holidays? Winter Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Yule and Epiphany, all have an element of Light contained in the tradition or celebration. Metaphysically, light represents wisdom, knowledge, intelligence, spiritual illumination, divine presence or spark. The Light of expanding awareness dispels the darkness. Unity is part of the New Thought movement, and at Christmas, we honor and celebrate the Christ or I AM enthroned in humanity. We honor the birth of our Brother and Way shower, Jesus of Nazareth, and we celebrate both the rebirth of the Christ presence within and our expanding awareness of the Divine Spark in each of us. The four Sundays before Christmas are known as Advent, which is a time of preparation, the beginning of an intentional journey in consciousness. This holiday season Unity of Royal Oak has many celebrations planned: ● On Christmas Eve, December 24, we celebrate the Divine Presence within during our 6 pm and 8 pm Candle Lighting Services. ● On Sunday, December 29, we will hold a special Winter’s Light service at 10 am. ● At 6 pm on New Year’s Eve, we host our annual Burning Bowl service to symbolically release everything we are leaving behind in 2019. ● Sunday, January 5th, is White Stone Sunday. Beginning at 10 am we seek guidance from Source in the form of a personal focus word for the New Year.

Whoever you are and however you observe this magical time of year, you are invited and welcomed to join us. Bring your questions and celebrate in a Spiritual Community that honors all paths to the One. The Light in me greets the Light in you. Happy Holy Days! Pastor Ric BEattie December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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SPONSORED BY Bloomfield Center (Unity) & Loving Shoes Without Borders

Staying Healthy During the Holidays

Saturday Dec 14th 10am-4pm

By Dr. William H. Karl, D.C.

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The holidays are coming faster than a freight train down an icy mountain track which can be both scary and exciting. Some people might compare the holidays to being on a fast toboggan, occasionally an uncontrolled one heading towards a tree, wondering how that tree got in their path. Yep, stressful! Thinking how important immune health is at this time of the year, I imagined writing about what to eat, what to avoid, etc., to stay healthy. How we nourish ourselves is obviously important, but how we view stress is even more important. Our earliest ancestors had stress. Their stress was likely based on encountering something wanting to eat or harm them. When facing a dangerous creature, all their energy was directed towards staying alive. Similar to us when we’re stressed, their heart rate and breathing increased and other bodily systems shut down temporarily to have more energy to fight or run. Similar to those experiencing stress in today’s

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2019

world, the most affected systems were their digestive and immune systems. It wouldn’t matter if our food wasn’t digesting or we were getting a bug if we got eaten by a tiger! In the very beginning, our ancestors had only basic knee-jerk responses like, “fight or flight.” It’s likely that they started experiencing stress whenever they heard the tiger. As they started figuring out how to outsmart their predators, the prefrontal cortex in the frontal lobe of their brain (the area involved in thinking, reasoning, and non-reactionary decision-making) began to develop and increase in size. Despite the evolution of rational abilities, our primitive brain still exists within us, often directing some of our emotions and decision making. FYI: The less fully conscious you are, the bigger the influence of your primitive brain. Today our greatest predators are microbes, not tigers. Here again, is where our primitive brains will run the show if we allow it. Even if we know we truly have nothing to fear, we go into “fight or flight” which results in a shutdown of our immune systems and digestive systems. Have you ever heard someone say that if you’re around someone who’s sick, you’ll catch whatever they have? This idea was promoted by Louis Pasteur after discovering that the wrong bacteria made bad wine. Pushing this idea onto everything else, he probably would’ve been a good modern-day multi-level marketer. The point is that if you’re around a sick person and are afraid of “catching “ whatever they have, you will shut down your amazing immune system and most likely get something – which is usually whatever invader is most plentiful around you. Let’s think about this: There’s always a myriad of bacteria around us. Thank heaven as most of them keep us alive. While there are some bad bacteria, they’re being kept in check by the other

good ones. Unfortunately, many people are deathly afraid of bacteria and they think they’re all bad. Perhaps referring to good bacteria as “pro-biotics” will help more people overcome their fear of bacteria. Some people are so afraid of bacteria that they scrub everything in the environment, as well as every part of their body, with anti-bacterial soaps. Will these soaps kill all of the bacteria? Although they will kill many, they won’t kill the most dangerous ones! They’ll be left to fill in the spaces left by the good guys that were wiped out with nothing to keep them in check. Hospitals are in a constant scrub downstate, yet they house the worst of the bad bacteria and viruses. Perhaps you know people who picked-up something while in a hospital that’s nearly impossible to get rid of. This is where many of the superbugs that are antibioticresistant got started. The good news is that it’s not completely scary because your immune system works in miraculous ways. Our immune systems aren’t dependent on antibiotics that may not work. However, taking antibiotics when they aren’t needed will weaken your immune system. Important note: If your immune system is in a highly weakened state, then yes, use the antibiotic to survive. Afterward, you can get your body stronger to fight the next battle. The immune system is a multilayered system that, when functioning correctly, doesn’t care if it’s a superbug or just a little guy. The point is that it’s best not to go around being afraid of things. We shut off our immune system when we’re afraid. It’s also better not to go around making others fearful as that could contribute to making them sick. There’s an axiom in this part of the universe that states that “Only what you fear will come upon you. When you no longer fear it, it no longer has any interest in you.”

December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

How does all this fit with staying healthy during the holidays? It’s all about making good choices. For example, when presented with several wonderful looking treats don’t say, “Oh no! I couldn’t eat that toxic mess. It’s full of refined sugar and chemicals!” That’ll make sure you’re never invited back and possibly never spoken to again by your host. This would be a very bad choice of words, especially if your host is your boss or mother-inlaw. (And you may want to try some of it anyway.) Be smart, make good choices and use common sense. Bring some of your own things to eat without acting like you’re the food guru. If it’s good, other people will want to try it. If not, it just means there’s more for you! Next month we’ll talk about more nutrition to boost your immune system. Until then, take time to relax, enjoy everything the season has to offer, love each other and do something to make a positive difference in the world. Lastly, bring magnesium to your holiday parties to block the MSG in all its forms and Celtic salt to help protect you from refined sugars and table salt. Happy Holidays!

Love, Doc Karl, and Staff Dr. William H. Karl, D.C., is a Brimhall Certified Wellness Doctor with 40 years of experience helping people obtain optimal health. Dr. Jacob H. Karl, D.C specializes in Applied Kinesiology and Nutrition. Call for a FREE CONSULTATION with one of the doctors. Visit: www. or call 734-4258220 for more information.

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Holiday Healthy Eating Guide These easy tips will help you stay healthy and mindful as you celebrate the holidays with friends and family. You can eat well and be well this holiday season, with these tasty treats, party tricks and simple strategies. Enjoy in moderation. Is it even possible to eat healthy during the holidays? Yes! And you can do it without the fear of missing out, or a lot of effort. Grandma’s fudge is a family tradition, and your coworker’s cookies are calling you from the breakroom. Indulging a little won’t hurt — so lighten up! No, we mean that literally. Enjoy holiday treats in smaller portions, make healthy substitutions where you can, and plan ahead for merry meals that are healthy, too. Include lots of seasonal, colorful fruits and vegetables. Do you decorate for the holidays with a lot of color? Treat your plate the same way. Fruits and vegetables will add flavor, color and nutrients to holiday favorites. And they help you feel fuller longer so you can avoid the temptation to overeat. Slash unwanted calories with easy swaps and substitutions. Learn where excess calories, sodium, saturated fat and added sugars are hiding in traditional holiday foods and beverages, and some easy swaps to avoid them. From the obligatory workplace parties to family get-togethers, your calendar may be bursting with opportunities to eat and drink outside of your regular routine. Make a plan that will help you resist plowing through the buffet table, such as having a healthy snack beforehand. Sprinkle in opportunities to be active. Keep the inevitable indulgences in check by staying active. Enjoy some winter sports for a change of pace, or schedule in a quick walk or workout before you head to the next party. Visit: eat-smart/nutrition-basics/holiday-healthy-eating-guide


w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2019

Peace on Earth

they may not realize it, will be risen by it.”

By Chrissie Blaze

When we look at the chaos and division in the world, we may wonder whether Peace on Earth is just a dream; whether it can ever be possible. Let us never doubt that it is possible. We may not have the power or influence of the politicians or big business, but it isn’t technology that is going to shift the problems we have in society today – it’s going to take a shift of consciousness. It’s up to each one of us to decide whether or not we will do this. Just like the politicians or big business, we too have the ability to move great forces within us and affect the world. But where do we start? We can begin by entering the place of our hearts. We can there kindle a flame of peace in such a way that wherever we go we spread peace around us. We may not have a doctorate from Harvard but we should never underestimate the power of our hearts. In the words of Shekaina Gabitanan in her article, “Heart over Brain”: The heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body, producing the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the body’s organs. The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. We enter this powerful place of our hearts’ when we help another person; when we lift up or heal another person through our words and actions; when we give gratitude and kindness. If we do these things then we will begin to spread an aura of peace around us. So let us, at this time of goodwill to all men, cultivate this feeling of goodwill; of understanding and tolerance to others.

This is not always easy to do. There is now a trend in politics that we need to have the same opinion as others before we will even tolerate them. However, every minute of every day we have the choice as to whether we enter a place of judgment and intolerance; or whether we enter the place of our heart. My Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, in an address he gave on December 31, 1961, entitled, “Peace on Earth” urged us all to have goodwill towards others because then we begin to generate a light around us. He said, “Don’t for a moment think that this light, no matter how large it is, no matter how small it is, goes totally unnoticed in this must be noticed. It must be felt.” Dr. King talked about how some people are very humble and wonder what they can do to make a difference. He explained that goodwill begins within us all and if there is enough of this real goodwill we would never be able to go to war with another country or kill others. He said, “That country would have a greater protection than all the rockets and all the would have a real lasting protection because you cannot conquer goodwill with a bullet or an atom bomb. You can only appear to conquer it but, sooner or later, it will grow again, only not in ones next time, but in hundreds.” When we make a definite choice each day to have goodwill towards others, our own spiritual light will begin to shine and, in Dr. King’s words, “…others who come into contact with this light, even though

December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

This feeling of goodwill, therefore, which can be generated by each and every one of us, is creating a circle of light around our earth which will – which must – raise human consciousness. It is only when our consciousness has risen that we can achieve lasting peace upon the earth. It seems like a tall order but down throughout history change has always begun with one person or a few people, and then a critical mass of people. Let us make a conscious, determined effort during this season of goodwill to all to open our hearts and spread our kindness to all. Dr. George King, during his lifetime, channeled over six hundred communications with Interplanetary Masters, one of whom was The Master Jesus. Over twelve Sundays in 1958, this great Avatar of love delivered His cosmic concept to earth – wonderful spiritual teaching and practice – The Twelve Blessings. Each of these Twelve Blessings is dedicated to a different focal point, beginning with, Blessed Are They Who Work for Peace to Blessed is the Absolute. At the end of The Ninth Blessing to the Supreme Lords of Karma, The Master Jesus implores us, “Be good, be tolerant, be kind, be merciful, be gentle, be humble and you will be great.” Wonderful words for us all to contemplate upon during this holiday season. Together we can, we will, and we must bring Peace on Earth. Chrissie Blaze is the author of twelve books including, “Power Prayer: A Program for Unlocking Your Spiritual Strength”, (Co-author, Gary Blaze; Foreword, Marianne Williamson), and a priest at, The Aetherius Society, Royal Oak, MI. For information about Services/events at the Society, visit Email Chrissie at:: or visit her website: P a g e 11

toward toys), or you can donate a toy at one of the countless toy drop locations around the country. You can also work with the organization to host a Toys for Tots event yourself, where you can collect toys from friends, coworkers, and neighbors for less fortunate children.

Easy Ways to Give Back During the Holidays─ Whether Through Donation or Good Deeds, ‘Tis the Season of Giving. While the world is full of people in need year-round, no time is that more apparent than during the holiday season. For every smiling family curled up around a warm fireplace and a massive pile of presents under the tree, there are others who have no fire, no gifts, and sometimes, even no family or home at all. If you’re wondering, “How can I give back this year and get gifts for everyone on my list?” fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help out during the holidays that don’t cost a thing. So, whether it’s through donation or action, you can help someone whose spirits might need a little extra lifting this holiday season. If you don’t know where to start, we’ve rounded up several unique and easy ways to give back throughout the holiday season. Spend time in nursing homes with those who don’t have families.

billion miles or 50,000 round-trip tickets. A simple way you can help out? Donate your miles. If you’ve saved up your frequent flier miles, you can donate them to their Wishes in Flight program where they don’t expire and are used to “help grant a life-changing wish experience.” Donate free Christmas trees to military families. You can support the armed forces in their holiday celebrations this year by donating to the Christmas Spirit Foundation. This organization provides free, farm grown Christmas trees to members of the United States Armed Forces and their families. In 2018, they provided more than 16,500 free trees to military families all across the country. Provide the gift of shelter to homeless youth in Detroit.

Waking up in a hospital on Christmas is never easy for any child, but your gift could help improve their day and give them the hope and comfort they need for the holidays.

Many homeless children will be forced to seek shelter on the streets this Christmas. But, Covenant House is working to give the gift of shelter for homeless youth. And through donations, you can help put roofs over heads. This organization works to combat youth homelessness in over 31 cities across the country, and provides safe housing for almost 2,000 kids every single night. Covenant House, Detroit, (313) 4632000,

Donate your flight miles.

Donate toys to give to those in need.

Throughout the country, there are people in nursing homes who don’t have families to visit them during the holidays, and that can certainly be a lonely feeling. Donate to a children’s hospital.

Most everyone knows about the charitable work that Make-A-Wish does every year, but through the travel wishes they grant, they need more than 2.8 12

Purchase holiday cards for sick children through St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Help a sick child’s family cope during the holidays, at Ronald McDonald House. The Ronald McDonald House provides housing for families of children receiving treatment in nearby hospitals. You can make a sick child and their family’s Christmas season better by donating board games, puzzles, stuffed animals, and other toys to this organization. You can also volunteer your time to cook family meals at one of the many Ronald McDonald House locations around the country. Give an animal the gift of a forever home.

Every child deserves a gift this holiday season, and Toys for Tots strives to make that possible. You can donate money online with a credit card (which then goes

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St. Jude makes it easy for you to brighten a child’s Christmas morning by allowing you to purchase a holiday card online that they’ll love. Holiday cards with words of encouragement make children know that people are thinking of them and are hoping that they get better.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has worked to put an end to the abuse and neglect of animals for more than 150 years. The organization is a national leader in rescuing animals, providing them with medical care, and helping them find homes. By adopting a pet this holiday season, you can give an animal in need a loving home and surprise your family with a brand new, totally lovable family member! Visit:

December 2019

How to Have a Stress-Free Holiday Season The baking. The cards. The shopping. The wrapping. The work parties. The decorating. THE STRESS. Oh my. What has happened? When exactly did the holiday season morph from a string of happy and festive weeks into a crazy supersized list of tasks that seem to overshadow the true meaning of the season? It really doesn’t have to be this way. Tip #1: Take the time to set your intentions so that you are ready and able to focus on the things that matter most, and also so that you are clear about what to cut out. Tip #2: Say no. Don’t do everything. Choose a handful of important activities and events that are meaningful and cut out the rest. If we’re running all over trying to participate in every single event and activity we forget the meaning of the season and lose sight of its importance. Savor the season and don’t try to do everything. Tip #3: Take an hour and think about how you want to spend the holidays with your family. What do you want to eat, bake, purchase, create and do? Take a sheet of paper and map out the kid’s winter break with a fun family activity each day for them to look forward to. Some activities are: ·

Make cookies


See a movie


Drive around and look at lights


Go out to dinner


Have grandparents over for dinner

you decide to adopt a new tradition, consider the big picture of the commitment and consider if the dynamic is greater than the demand. On the flip side, if you are tired (or stressed) because of a certain tradition you’ve adopted, commit to changing it. Holidays should be a time to slow down and savor time together. When you organize your commitments well, you allow more margin for the simple memories to be made. Tip #7: Start early. The earlier you start, the less you will have to deal with all at once. Some things you can do early to help alleviate some holiday stress might be: · Make your holiday shopping list early so you can be on the lookout for the items. · Make your menus early so you can begin shopping for the ingredients. · Do you already have presents tucked away in your closet? Why not go ahead and wrap them up early? · There are side dishes and desserts that can be made ahead of time, and then frozen. Plan ahead, simplify, and enjoy the holidays! Visit:

Tip #4: Talk to each person in your family individually, and ask them about their favorite holiday traditions. You might be surprised to hear what’s important to them. Then, when you’re planning your holiday activities, you can focus on what your family values, and cut the extras that no one really loved in the first place. It will make your holidays less rushed, and maximize the happy memory making! Tip #5: When storing your holiday decorations, store like with like. Your categories might be snowmen, Santas, nativity sets and glass ornaments, or you might group items by colors or by the rooms where they are used. Whatever makes the most sense to you. Be sure to clearly label your storage containers. Tip #6: Carefully and cautiously consider your traditions. When

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thoughts and feelings that are happening now, and try to be curious about what is happening, rather than being stuck in thoughts or feelings you might be carrying from the past. This opens the possibility of a new experience in your interactions and can reduce feelings like frustration or boredom for you.

8 Mindfulness Tips During the Holidays Bring some peace and calm to your holidays. By Marlynn Wei, M.D., PLLC The holiday season can be a stressful time—whether you are dealing with family or mingling at work holiday parties. Try these mindfulness strategies to reduce stress and bring a calm and attentive approach to your holidays this year. Mindfulness is a way to be open and aware of what is happening in the moment—being present both internally and externally. Mindfulness has been shown to improve relationships, reduce stress and increase empathy. Mindful practices can also help reduce internal stress and anxiety. 1) Practice active listening. It’s easy to tune out during holiday dinners and get-togethers, but try being attentive by using active listening. You might be surprised how rewarding and how much more you will observe and hear. Try to understand the complete message that people are conveying—not just through their words, but also through their actions and body language. Active listening works best when you minimize distractions, so put away your phone, turn off the TV, and turn down the music so that you can hear what people are saying. Acknowledge and encourage people to communicate by giving a simple nod or smile and respond by engaging directly with what they said (you don’t have to agree). 2) Be open to the emotions of others. By being attentive and receptive to the people around you, you can increase your ability to connect. Observe how people are feeling during the holidays, and be open to communication of those feelings. 3) Be open to a range of emotions in yourself. Holidays can bring up a whole host of different emotions—and not all of them happy or celebratory. For many, the holidays can be reminders of loss, grief, or loneliness. You might experience these difficult feelings, especially when loved ones are absent, so allow yourself to make space and acknowledge whatever emotions come up for you rather than try to get rid of them. 4) Let go of old habits or patterns that might be holding you back. Holidays come with traditions and memories but, sometimes, old patterns can perpetuate negativity. It’s easy to fall into familiar patterns. Perhaps you’re annoyed with your in-laws repeating the same story at the dinner table or anxious around a competitive coworker vying for attention. Notice these 14

5) Expand how you communicate care. The holidays often means gift-giving for many cultures, though there are many other ways of showing that you care. Explore how you show your care by asking yourself questions before buying something: What are you trying to communicate through a gift? Are there additional ways to show that feeling or care, such as spending quality time, expressing how you feel about them directly, or doing something nice and supportive? 6) Let go of judgment—both for yourself and others. Conflict with family and friends during the holidays can lead to judgment and self-criticism. Whether you’re blaming your partner for not helping you prepare the holiday dinner or feeling disappointed in yourself when looking back at your year, notice when you’re making judgments. Take a step back and try to loosen those feelings of being “bad,” “wrong,” or “inadequate.” Even if it’s hard to let go of criticism completely, simply notice when it is happening and let those thoughts be without entangling yourself in them to give yourself distance from the feeling. 7) Balance the “should’s” with awareness of your own needs. Holiday obligations can be important but be sure to balance them with awareness of your own needs. Operating on obligations alone and trying to please everyone’s expectations can lead to resentment and burnout. Rather than focus solely on planning the perfect dinner or getting the perfect gift, observe how these expectations affect you. Make sure to take the time and space you need to nourish yourself in the meantime. 8) Practice self-compassion. During a busy holiday season, don’t forget to take care of yourself and be good to yourself. Get regular sleep and exercise, and take time to do relaxing or fun things so that you can recharge. Taking care of yourself allows you to be able to be more attentive and calmer when you’re with others during the holidays. You may even find that when you take care of yourself, it is possible to be kinder and more giving to others— all keeping in the holiday spirit. Visit:

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December 2019

Stone of the Month: Vanadanite

By Jennifer VanderWal Vanadanite is made from Photo by Parent Géry lead, vanadium, oxygen, and chlorine, giving it it’s ruby red, red-brown, yellow-brown, orange and yellow hues. Crystal formations are rare; when they do form, they form small fragile barrel-shaped crystals as well as hollow prismatic crystals. It is found in Morocco, New Mexico, and Arizona. This crystal has a strong energy that opens and floods the crown chakra, bringing the energy all the way down to the feet, resulting in peaceful pure energy that fills the body while opening and clearing all the other chakras. Vanadanite can help heal the cellar structure, breathing disorders, asthma, bladder ailments, and ignites our stamina by eliminating drowsiness as well as fatigue. This stone increases our stamina, helping us sustain as well as maintain the needed energy for long periods of time. Vanadanite enhances our endurance, clear thought, persistence, will, organizational skills, and determination to stay focused on attaining our goals. This crystal is potent when used during meditation, helping one attain a no-mind state, making it easy to quiet a busy, distracted mind and connect with the spirit world. Vanadanite has a direct connection with the earth, helping us become grounded; it strengthens our personal connection with the earth, ley lines, vortices, as well as the elemental realms. This crystal is impeccable for bringing spiritual information, guidance, and energy all the way through our bodies and grounding it into the earth. Vanadanite sparks our creativity, passion, inspiration and sexual energies, helping eliminate writer’s block. This crystal is a beneficial tool for all healers, light, and bodyworkers connecting and filling us with the energy of source as well as the earth so that fatigue doesn’t occur. Jennifer VanderWal has been a Melody Crystal Healing Instructor/Facilitator since 2004. A master of the Usui Tibetan Karuna Seiryoko system of Reiki, she offers readings, mediumship, spiritual counseling, EFT, crystal healing classes, and crystal healing techniques at Bodyworks Healing Center, Journey to Health Chakra, and VanderWal Healing Center. Call: 248-672-0579.

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Giving of Yourself By John Ashbrook

Once again, we find ourselves in the midst of the season of giving. The feeling of giving is so wonderful, it imparts us with a sense of goodness and strength and caring like nothing else in life. The beauty of this is that we can always give more and feel even better! There are so many ways to give. Giving is a way to show our love. We give patience and understanding, support and protection, advice and guidance, and of course, we do favors for and help others to succeed, we give gifts and financial security. The ways in which one can indulge themselves in the fantastic act of giving are infinite, but there is a form of giving that is so empowering, so awesome, fulfilling and wholesome that it simply outshines everything else. It is too often overlooked in its simplicity, yet no one would deny its profundity. In one way or another, all forms of giving do represent it to one degree or another, but in its purest aspects, it is nothing short of spiritual magic. Over the years many people have told me that they had taken great pride in their capacity to give, but at times they had felt drained and even lonely. A kind of emptiness had taken over their lives and they were perplexed by this because they felt that they were good people and did not expect that their willingness to give would leave them in such a state. Some of these people were unwilling to open themselves up to receiving and this accounted for their predicament; but what about the others who seemed to have a balance of giving and receiving in their lives? Why were they feeling less than satisfied and even empty in some cases? I always asked these people the same question: Do you give of yourself? Many told me that they weren’t sure what I meant by the question. What is it to give of yourself? Giving to yourself, in its purest and most rewarding form is the sincere sharing of your God-given individuality with another person. There is nothing more loving, more giving, than looking into the infinite depths of your soul, discovering the incredible beauty that resides there and then deliberately and enthusiastically expressing it into the world. This requires real courage and the trusting faith to risk giving to life. Of course, there is the danger of rejection, but all rejection is ultimately self-rejection. If you reject the little inner voice that urges you to reach out and express your special beauty, then it is you who rejects you. This self-rejection will cause you to attract others who do the very same thing – reject their own inner urgings to reach out. They reject their own beauty, so they are bound to reject yours. The less you reject your natural and right feelings to give of


yourself in some small but genuine way, the less you will find yourself rejected by others; and even if it does occur it will not bother you because the rejection is not in you. It is not yours. Your willingness to reach out and reveal your inner beauty to another human being is the highest and most honest form of giving. When people engage each other in this truly loving dynamic, their mutual growth and total fulfillment is guaranteed. Positive self-esteem always comes from reaching out, giving what you can freely, at that moment, without resistance. Perhaps it is only a sincere smile and a kind word, but it is powerful because it is real, it will grow. It will never drain you. You will never feel empty or lonely because you are listening to your own feelings, not ignoring them, and therefore you will not be ignored. Your inner state of love and harmony is reflected into the world and you will attract the same to you. You will find yourself surrounded by the love that you feel inside, by people who too, live in a state of inner connectedness. Giving of yourself is an evolving dynamic, so be patient with yourself as you develop your willingness to share your inner beauty with others. This patient attitude fosters a loosening up of the tightness within your soul. Little by little you will discover more and more of your infinite personal beauty and find the confidence to express it freely, openly, honestly. This dynamic perpetuates itself and eventually dissolves all the fears and erroneous, distorted beliefs that have held hostage the magnificent beauty of your divine reality. You show your beauty and others show you theirs. There is nothing more interesting and inspiring than a person who continually expresses their inner beauty. Genuine giving of yourself never requires a reason or occasion; it simply occurs naturally, it flows, unencumbered, from within. It touches deeply and delights those who receive it and gently coaxes them to reciprocate. They can’t resist its honesty. If you really believe in and want to see the inherent beauty and goodness in everyone, start by believing in your own. Display it every day, in every way that you can conceive of. You don’t have to force it out; instead, let its gentle, persuasive power flow from within. Over time, the gift of simply sharing your inner beauty with someone has a more tangible, precious and lasting effect than any other earthly treasure. John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, classes and other services, please call John at 734326-3433

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December 2019

Celebrate the Holidays at Unity of Livonia Unity of Livonia will celebrate Christmas this year with various events throughout the month of December for adults, youth, and families. The celebration will begin on Sunday, December 22 with a Christmas Service at 10:00 a.m. On Tuesday, December 24, the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will begin at 5:00 p.m. This service is a metaphysical journey to the birth of the Christ within. Special music and traditional Christmas songs will be performed by Maggie Ferguson. Unity of Livonia, Celebrate the Holidays On Sunday, December 29, Unity will offer the annual New Year’s Burning Bowl Service at 10:00 a.m. Start your New Year with a powerful and symbolic Sunday Service - release the limitations, boundaries, and negative thought patterns of the past and clear the way for new beginnings. All of these events at Unity of Livonia are available on a Love Offering basis (donation). Unity is located at 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 (east of Middlebelt). About Unity of Livonia: Unity of Livonia is a loving and inclusive spiritual community that honors the Christ presence in every individual. While we believe there are many pathways to God, we follow this Unity Truth Principle: There is only One Power and One Presence active in the universe and in my life, God, the Good, Omnipotent. Unity of Livonia is a Spiritual Center offering a positive path to spiritual living. We practice a “positive, practical Christianity” that offers a New Thought upon the life and teachings of Jesus. A world in need of transformation, spirituality, caring, and compassion brings us together from all walks of life. If traditional religion no longer feeds your soul, come home to love, acceptance and diversity. Come home to Unity of Livonia. We inspire and empower individual transformation through positive prayer, education, and service. Visit:

Chairs provided


A New Year! A New Beginning!

Present Moment Meditation


Treat yourself! Enjoy health, happiness, peace of mind. Stay present. Starts , Con't. Ed. 734-462-4448

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Everyone welcome P a g e 17

Be Thankful Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire, If you did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when you don’t know something for it gives you the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times you grow. Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement. Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character. Be thankful for your mistakes, they will teach you valuable lessons. Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference. It is easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings. Author Unknown


Early Snow Fall

hugged. People commented on how incredibly peaceful and beautiful and unique the experience was.

By Chris Surber

The snow came unexpectedly early this year. The Christmas music was on the radio before I even had time to make Thanksgiving plans. While some scoffers complain about an early winter, I am taking my kids’ snow sledding while listening to “The Grinch” on the radio. I’m loving every minute of it! The essential message of Christmas is that God descended to earth. He came wrapped in swaddling clothes in a manger in ancient Bethlehem with a mission to rescue humanity from itself. That is a message I will gladly celebrate every day of every season! I recall the unexpected beauty of snowfall on Christmas Eve, in 2014. I was then the Minister at Cypress Chapel Christian Church. It is a little old country church founded in the swamps of Southern Virginia in the 1750s. Earlier that year, I had announced that our family would be relocating to Haiti at the end of the year to establish our work of Christcentered compassion that continues in that place. That was to be our last Christmas there with a loving semi-rural church community. We had a wonderfully well-attended candlelight Christmas Eve service. There was a sweet spirit among the people, even if a bittersweet sense of our impending departure. When the service concluded and we had all blown out our candles, the congregation shuffled out of the meetinghouse doors, down the steps, and into the grass parking lot surrounded by trees and quiet fields of nearby farms. As we departed that old quintessential country church, the lightest snow began to fall. It was amazing! A little at a time children began to notice as they squealed with joy. Adults gasped. A few silent tears filled elderly eyes. As the snowfall increased, we laughed and w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

That snow Christmas Eve is something I’ll never forget. It was a gift from God as all beautiful things are. “Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” (James 1:17 NLT) I’m convinced God gave me that gift on that night to remind me of His constant presence and prevenient love in the context of every moment of our lives. It was needful knowledge in a time of intense transition and uncertainty. No matter what you are going through in this season of your life, there is yet a God in heaven who knows your name. He knows our needs. He created us. He is still calling us home at Christmas but no longer from a manger in a stable. His resurrection love is present and available in every corner of the globe to every person of every tribe and tongue. This Christmas remember this: the unexpected inexplicable love of God in Christ covers the world with a gentle offer of relational love with our maker. It is like a quiet blanket of snowfall at midnight. It speaks of powerful peace in the subtlety of His gentle offer of eternal love. It points us to the ultimate aim of the coming of Christ. Peace on earth.

Dr. Chris Surber is Senior Minister at Mt. Hope Congregational Church in Livonia, MI. He is also the Co-Founder and Executive Director of Supply and Multiply in Montrouis, Haiti. Visit him online at

December 2019

The Law of Circulation

By Gwendolyn Esco Davis “When freedom does not have a purpose when it does not wish to know anything about the rule of law engraved in the hearts of men and women when it does not listen to the voice of conscience, it turns against humanity and society.” Pope John Paul II One of the greatest blessings and/or curses of walking a spiritual pathway are the ongoing opportunities life presents to us to examine who we are and what we stand for. To live with spiritual integrity means to live our lives from the inside out; turning within and seeing the correlation between our sense of the sacred and the manifestation of our daily affairs. The idea of examining oneself regularly is not very appealing to most individuals, to a more significant degree because we don’t like what we see when we take a direct look. It takes courage to turn and face our demons, but it is the only way to true liberation; I did not say blocking them… but to reveal them to the light. The greatest paradoxes in life to be found in a spiritual pathway are the principles of abundance and the law of circulation. Many churches on Sunday morning might recite something like: ….for the measure you give, is the measure you get back; by your standard of action, it shall be measured to you; for whoever has to him shall more be given; whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Metaphorically, it means that if you believe in more than enough, you will receive even more, or if you believe in not enough, the universe will conspire to take what little you may have from you. Therefore, the law of circulation

works in this fashion. Practical wisdom noted by Ernest Holmes, “There are no voids because the universe abhors a vacuum.” The universe will fill that void according to our beliefs. Paraphrasing world-known economics has offered statistics to note; consumer’s circulation of dollars staying in our respective communities enriches that community. We intuitively know we must make room in our lives to receive; it is merely how the universe works, and it never compromises on this point. So, why do some people give more freely than others do? Why do some give to the beggar on the street corner? Why don’t you give it? Could it be that your thoughts are: the beggar should get a job; I have to work for my money; why should I give them my hard-earned money; they’re lazy; I gave at the office; I’m having a hard time myself,....on and on. The next time this occurs, know that you alone can create that expectancy by your willingness to release the good you hold, to receive a greater good. Once you establish the security of giving, you will never hesitate to give to a worthy cause or a decent person or a beggar on the street. The beggar who seeks a handout from you will represent his/her own consciousness of poverty and lack; but for you, allow emphasizing your faith in abundance, so you give him/her your sense of security in life. Whatever you desire more of, you need to start giving. Don’t just give around the holidays. Don’t give to get, but give with the right intention – the law of circulation – the cosmic balance. It is how you confirm you are alive and connected to life. Know that money is energy in a specific form. Energy is a universal principle, and you are merely a conduit through which it flows. You may not have much to give but give nonetheless; give time, give smiles, give hugs, give

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service, give patience, give respect, give forgiveness, give love, give thanks and, most importantly, give thanks to the universal cosmic balance for it all. There are no voids because the universe abhors a vacuum. Make a commitment to yourself that you will find a way to give that which is meaningful and significant to you. The law of circulation will thank you for it. The universe will fill that void according to your beliefs. As Catherine Ponder has penned, “If you want greater prosperity in your life, start forming a vacuum to receive it.” Gwendolyn Esco Davis is a certified Life coach and Transformation Coach. She offers sixmonth transformation sessions with small groups, coaches individuals and small businesses using a holistic and organic approach. Email: or visit her website:

St. Jude’s Novena May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved & preserved throughout the world Now & Forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pray for us, St. Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us, St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day; for 9 consecutive days. By the 8th day, your prayer will be answered. It has never been known to fail. Publication must be promised. ~Love & Light Susan

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Peace is a Choice By Eve Wilson

Published by Balboa Press, a Division of Hay House.

Purchase now at


I grew up thinking that peace was quiet, calm, undisturbed time and I valued it highly, living as I did in a home run by a rage-aholic. For all of my single life, I sought peace in nature and avoided noise and conflict as much as I could. My search for peace led me to write, play, sing and perform original music, it taught me to be a healer and helped me find God within myself. For my childhood non-peace, I am grateful because it led me to seek peace in my life. Then came marriage and motherhood and I discovered that maintaining the fragile peace I had learned in my early life was impossible as a working mother. I had to build a peace that

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December 2019

was strong enough to handle the stresses of adult life in all its forms. Over the subsequent years, I have been gaining the strength to hold my center and protect the integrity of my inner peace while contending with the chaos of life. For all this, I am also grateful, because it taught me that peace isn’t dependent on the environment around but is something you can create within your own heart, mind, and soul. As the journey of change in our world has heated up in recent years, and as my body has aged, I have been learning to deepen and strengthen this personal choice to live from a place of peace. I have learned to trust and to work through judgments, fears and physical discomfort as teachers of high degrees. Where I have still been holding out, withdrawing from life or carrying emotional blocks to wholeness, this phase of life has made me commit to unconditional love, forgiveness and to persevere in the face of radical change. Peace at this phase in my life is a choice I make each moment of each day. Sometimes it is hard to do. When I fail, I think of it as an opportunity to go deeper into the unity with Source that is my birthright and all of ours in this world. I am grateful for this challenge. Peace is a choice that I commit to daily, and I invite you to do the same. Where the world prods you to react, judge, be afraid…these are teachers of peace if you choose to let them teach you! Within each of us is the unity with Source that can be missed when we focus our attention on the separateness that expresses in the world around. Seek that unity within to find your core of peace and stand firmly within it. Let it grow until it fills your whole self. Then greet your days and nights from that place. Where you miss the mark, give thanks for a greater opportunity to deepen the unity with your true self within. This period in our world is the time we are awakening more fully to that unity, and the outer stressors are helping us to seek it. In the latter third of the 1900s, spirituality became a popular pastime, almost a hobby. People sought it because it felt good and made them feel good about themselves. We grew more spiritual and that was essential. Now we are being asked to mature in our spirituality and hold true to it, despite what might seem like discouraging circumstances in our world. We can use this opportunity to build a stronger peace that can handle these challenges. What a gift to ourselves and our world when we do! There are infinite ways to center and focus on true self in order to build peace within. I teach tools for this during my healing sessions and in the Healing & Ascension Monthlies

Series which starts 1-9-2020. I have taught some of them in articles in this magazine and in my Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog. Those are available on my website: www. For that reason, I won’t try to teach a technique with this article. I’d just like to remind you that peace is not only something we can feel when the world around is at peace but something we can nurture and grow within our own hearts, minds, bodies, and souls that are strong in the face of challenges. Blessings for peaceful holidays within you and around you as well! Love, Eve Eve Wilson Master Healer, Author, Teacher – Learn about healing treatments and ascension, Eve’s book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, discover her International AwardWinning Blog – The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension, plus classes and events at www. 734-780-7635

Why Healing Touch? If you need to… Reduce Pain • Ease Stress Eliminate Toxins • Instill Serenity Nourish Body-Mind-Spirit And Much More For a nominal fee of $30 Walk-ins or appointments welcome Wednesday and Saturday Mornings 9am, 10am and 11am Wednesday Evenings 6pm and 7pm Mercy Center – D Wing (Blue Awning) 28650 Eleven Mile Rd. • Farmington Hills, MI 248-788-5808 •

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Celebrating Life! By Miche Lame’ As I sit here writing this on Veterans Day, I am ready and willing to celebrate life in any way I get the opportunity to, and to create some opportunities to do so. We are here to create the experience of heaven on earth and part of doing so is, I think, to celebrate life in all its different arrays of being. So what does this mean? One thing it means is having unconditional positive regard for all of Source’s beings and how they choose to live using their free will. It also means mindfully having positive thoughts (while being connected with Source) and using them to create your experience of the world. As we now know, our experience of the world is a hologram created within our own mind, and all our minds are connected. As one group mind raises their vibration and experience of life, this causes rippling effects in the world, because of this connection! As we are all connected, my joy is yours and vice versa. The more joy, love, and acceptance or unconditional positive regard we have, the more it grows throughout the world, the universe. We literally share this joy, love, and acceptance/unconditional positive regard, and life becomes a celebration of that joy, love, and acceptance from Source, that we are parts of. We create heaven on earth. So, let us celebrate life! What if you have difficulty connecting with joy, love, and acceptance of yourself, let alone others? Remember that you are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are transitory, changeable and impermanent. When you recognize this and identify your thoughts, remove them from their power, you can change those thoughts into positive ones full of joy, love, and acceptance/unconditional positive regard. As you gain power and mindfulness over your thoughts and change them as you will, you can change your experience of life. And when you realize you can be in control of your thoughts, there is no limit to who you can be, what you can do, how joyful you want to be, and you can create the life of your dreams. A life of celebration if you desire! So, go out and create a life of celebration! By Miche Lame’ Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes 22

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December 2019

taste of it. You can go back for more later, if you’re still hungry. Chances are, after filling up on all that healthy food, you won’t be too hungry. You’ll be better able to resist the casseroles and gravies that looked so good at first.

Improved Holiday Health─ Whether You’re a Host or a Guest! Whether it’s sitting around the family dinner table or munching on endless snacks at a party, the holidays mean food. Lots of food. It can be hard to keep from overdoing it, but it is possible. If you’re hosting a meal or party, or attending one, try these tips to keep the holidays healthy. If you’re the host: 1. Shop smart. Grocery stores can be traps, both intentionally and unintentionally. Shop during off hours. Instead of rushing around and grabbing the first things you see, take your time to read labels and choose healthier foods. 2. Focus on produce. Whether you’re making appetizers or a full meal, amp up the fruits and veggies in your meals. Cook them in ways that celebrate their natural flavors instead of hiding them under heavy sauces or glazes. Healthy swap: Toss out the cream of mushroom soup and fried onions for a green bean casserole. Instead, toss fresh beans with olive oil, garlic, and sea salt, and roast them in the oven for a crisp, light, and healthy side dish.

cholesterol. · Instead of oil, margarine, or butter in baked items, substitute applesauce to reduce fat. · Always use fat-free versions of creamy ingredients such as yogurt, sour cream, or whipped topping. · Use reduced-fat cheeses in casseroles and salads. If you’re a guest at a dinner or party: 1. Eat regularly. Don’t eat less the day of a big party so that you’ll have “room” to eat a lot later. Eat regular, small meals throughout the day. This will keep you from getting too hungry and overeating at the event. 2. Eat before you go. If you’re worried about resisting the delicious but unhealthy foods at the event, eat a nutritious snack before you go. It will take the edge off your appetite and keep you from overeating. 3. Use a small plate. Research shows we tend to fill our plates, no matter what size they are. So choose a small plate and you won’t be able to fit as much on it.

3. Lighten up your recipes. Reduce fat and calories without missing out on taste 4. Start simple. Fill your plate with by making some of these substitutions: veggies, fruits, green salads, and lean meats. If you see a yummy looking side dish that is high in calories, take just a Replace 1 egg with 2 egg whites to cut December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

5. Wait 10 minutes. After you’ve eaten your small plate of healthy choices, wait 10 minutes. This will give your brain the time it needs to tell your stomach if it’s full. Often, after that amount of time, our hunger cravings will be satisfied. 6. Limit alcohol. When you get to the party, start off with a low-calorie, nonalcoholic drink, such as sparkling water or a diet soda. This will help quench your thirst. Alternate alcoholic drinks with nonalcoholic ones throughout the evening. 7. When you eat, eat mindfully. Savor each bite. Put your fork down between bites. Focus on the flavor and enjoy what you’re eating. 8. Socialize away from the food. If you’re standing around talking at a party, do it away from the food. You’ll be less likely to spot something that you can’t resist. 9. Find activities that don’t involve food. Take a walk. Grab a few family members and take a stroll around the neighborhood. Play football in the yard, or engage others in a board game. Take the focus off the food. It can be easy to fall into the trap of overeating healthy foods. You might think that because the food is good for you, you can eat more of it. But be aware of portion sizes. Getting too much of a good thing can be just as bad as eating something unhealthy. Visit:

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December 2019

Family Importance By Pauline Dettloff

I like to write about something personal every month, and for December I’ve chosen to write about the beauty and blessings of family. Family is so important, especially when we get older and remember the memories of the past. I just celebrated my 37th wedding anniversary; my husband and I have known each other for 42 years. On our special day, I wished him a happy anniversary, and then stopped and looked back at my married life of 37 years. That is a long time. I remember one year, I wouldn’t give him his anniversary card because he was not nice! LOL. But then I stopped and remembered what a wonderful family we created. I think that’s where my heart and emotions are. I couldn’t remember a whole lot of things that went on 37 years ago -- I’d have to sit and really think about it. But what’s really lovely is that we still love each other, and we still have a beautiful loving family. We are so blessed. I do many readings and meet so many beautiful people whose families are upside down. At times, people can be more positive and kind than at other times; but overall, I honestly believe that it has to do with our heart and forgiveness and helping others, because it doesn’t matter about yesterday. Families make mistakes or say the wrong thing at the wrong time (I know, I have done it!) or bring in a partner that nobody likes and that can cause a lot of drama. But I have noticed in life that any decision we make is never wrong, it can just make life harder. We want people to understand and believe in us, and we want love in our lives. How many of us are starting over with new relationships -- finding that we can fall in love all over again. Life is never-ending when it comes to love and people and it doesn’t matter what age we are, love can come at any age. With love and light Pauline Dettloff Come and visit me or any of our psychics at Michigan Psychic Fair. We do our best, in any way we can, to heal families and/or help them understand what’s going on in their family life. When we do readings at Michigan Psychic Fair, we want happiness for our clients and try to steer them in the right direction. We’re not only psychics and mediums, we are advisors too. Visit: www.

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kids with affection in the first 30 seconds of meeting, instead of your complaints.

Bad Ass Spiritual Makeover By Barbra White

For the past year and a half, I lived without a home. I also gave away all my belongings and relied on the kindness of others. I learned on, new levels, that small acts of Love matter. I discovered a home within that will remain untouched by the physical world. And, I let go of my agendas of what I think my life should be to truly surrender to what wanted to emerge. In my deep surrender to Love, I became available to ideas that seemed crazy. Community Auricular Acupuncture and Self Acceptance Process healing at Radical Well Being in Southfield was born. It allows people incredible healing support for only $20-40! Then, instead of thinking, I had to create a HUGE sanctuary to help with climate change, a mobile, replicable smaller model was born. (Many times, we will create something way in the future… to actually keep ourselves from seeing the do-able steps towards our dreams in the present!) Mother Bear Sanctuary brings animal and nature healing to inner-city children and elderly folks. As I continued to let go and humbly open to what is possible right now. I saw a way to infuse auricular acupuncture, homeopathic healing, and energy healing into the Self Acceptance Process teacher training. I would not have seen all these possibilities if I held on to my belongings, which I now realize represented my resentments and stubbornness of what I thought life ‘should’ be, verses what wanted to emerge. After 25 years of service, teaching, and healing, I needed a spiritual makeover! You don’t have to let go of your home and all your belongings to give yourself a fresh start. Whew, right? The perceptual steps below will give you a ‘powerful badass’ spiritual makeover, so you can 26

I promise you. These small choices do make a difference in your life and the collective consciousness. I have seen my life and my clients’ lives change from what seem like little inconsequent decisions. 3. Prayer Pray from the Love you are, rather than beseeching a deity to do it for you. Pray “from”…instead of “to.”

begin the year reborn to the beautiful True You and the greater possibilities in your life.

You are created in Love. You are Love. Stop giving your power away to create change. We have a moral responsibility to counteract the clouds of hate in the collective consciousness. Pray for people to remember they are loved. When someone remembers who they genuinely are, they no longer desire to hurt themselves or others. Hurt people… hurt people.

1. Forgive yourself and others. Forgiveness doesn’t empower the hate, agree with the negative actions, or make you a weak weenie. No. It gives you the power to raise your energy above the mayhem and the capacity to see solutions. To forgive is not to overlook, rather… to look through. You look through the protective personality (ego) to the sanity and beauty that is every human being’s essence.

Stop praying for specific outcomes. This only feeds your protective personality. ‘Let go of the wheel’ and pray for the highest good for yourself and others. Pray for Love… detached from the outcome.

“If your intention is inner peace…then forgiveness becomes your only function” A Course In Miracles 2. Small Choices

Your thoughts and prayers are powerful, use them in the highest form, and pray for those that create harm in the world. Their acts of violence and hateful words are prayer requests. Your prayer does not empower their hate, it empowers their inner heart wisdom. No one is inherently bad. We are all God disguised in different suits. Help them to remember their True Selves.

Choosing Love is not one big sweeping act. In fact, it starts with a subtle inner choice. How you treat yourself will eventually ‘leak out’ on to others. Loving ourselves is not easy. After guiding hundreds of people into self-love, I have seen self-love can mean to love your resistance to loving yourself. Loving your resistance. No longer “grading yourself” for how well you are loving yourself. Love all the parts of you… including the resistance to self-love!

4. Allow yourself to be loved.

Choosing Love can also be consciously giving to others what you need to cultivate within yourself. You give to realize you already have it. The choice to Love can be a genuine smile to someone you would typically judge. Choosing Love can be greeting your partner, friends, or

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We are all afraid of Love. Letting yourself be loved means you must let go of old ways of identifying yourself. Good or bad. You are not your performance, your past mistakes or accomplishments, or how much you do for others. Stop fighting for what you already are. You are Love. You exist because you are loved, you are loved because you exist. Your worth will December 2019

be felt as you let go to the YOU you have always been. Self-love is a radical act because it means growth. I am allowing myself to be blessed so I can bless others more. I am so damn uncomfortable some days. Who would think getting everything I want would create discomfort? I’m grateful to be aware of what’s happening. 85% of lottery winners lose their winnings after 5 years. Why? Because they are not aware that everything in their life is about being Love. Achieving our dreams is about our becoming. Practicing Love through forgiveness, prayer, and self-love opens you to the solutions and blessings that are waiting. You become an energetic match to what you desire. This is a process. And as you practice daily, you will align with what you want, AND more importantly, have the capacity to enjoy it (instead of sabotaging your good). Enjoy the process of being Love now, and you will naturally align with your dreams. 5. See everyone as your purpose and mission.

your self-attack or your mental attack of others. Be willing to love all parts of yourself. Willingness is a power tool for self-love. Just be willing, and Grace/Life will do the rest. Truly it’s my joy to support you in seeing your True Self and expressing your gifts. (We are all gifted, we just need to uncover and cultivate them.) I hope to see you at Community Auricular Acupuncture, 20411 W. 12 Mile in Southfield. (new time on Jan, 4-7 pm). I would also love to ‘love you up’ in session or Self Acceptance Process teacher training. May you allow yourself to receive blessings. Big Love and hug to your December and new year! Barbra White M.A, Di.hom is dedicated to awakening people to their innate worth. She has over 20 years of professional experience, is a life-changing mentor, gifted intuitive, best-selling author, and masters in transpersonal psychology. Visit: www.

As you commit to seeing the Love in everyone you meet, your life will take on more profound meaning, and you will align with the blessings waiting for you. Connecting with the cable guy as he set up service in my beautiful new home, I was honored to love him as he shed tears about his brother’s drug addictions. Every person you meet is an opportunity to change the world. Stop looking for some huge act to give life meaning. Every interaction you have IS your healing mission. Your intention to see Love in everyone one you meet changes the collective consciousness and shifts you into feeling, embodying, and knowing your True beautiful essence. Be a rebel. Choose Love. It sounds easy, but it’s not. The media and the current cultural climate glorifies cynicism, sarcasm, and hate. You are not a weak ‘doormat’ for choosing forgiveness. It is wise. Stop blocking your blessings by December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” Zig Ziglar “It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens up.” Eckhart Tolle “Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you. This fiveminute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.” Wayne Dyer

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* Shoulders rounded and tense? * Are you less flexible than you use to be? * Chronic hip, neck or lower back pain? * Does your body feel beaten down & compressed? Structural Integration (Rolfing") can:

* Improve your posture dramatically * Assist in breathing easier and deeper * Improve your game (yoga, golf, etc.) * Make being in your body joyous and uplifting

What is Shiva Murti?

Book Review: Riding the Wave of Change: Hope Healing, And Spiritual Growth for Our World by Eve Wilson

By Susan deCaussin

As 2019 winds down, I’m anxiously looking forward to a dynamic year in 2020. I’d like to share some exciting changes that are happening with my business, “Healing Methods” -- one in particular, that has the potential to shift the entire landscape of energy medicine in Michigan, and across the country.

Author Eve Wilson speaks with the voice of one accompanied by angels. Her joyful lilt rings clearly in the pages of her extraordinary book, Riding the Wave of Change: Hope, Healing, and Spiritual Growth for Our World. This pivotal and timely book assures us the changes in the world today, though tumultuous, are all necessary to our spiritual evolution, a process Eve refers to as Ascension.

As Reiki Master/Teachers, my husband, Mike, and I have been focused on a healing path for many years, always seeking different modalities to widen the scope of our healing capabilities. I continue to offer Clinical Hypnotherapy, Spiritual Guidance and Reiki sessions from my office in Troy. My husband has spent the majority of this past year studying Reflexology, and will soon be providing this service through Healing Methods as well.

Eve gives us an effective roadmap for navigating the Ascension process, rising above the appearance of conflict as the old dynamics give way to a higher vibration. Her unique interpretation of the Qabalah Tree of Life is filled with a deep, inspired understanding of the origin of individualization and the emergence of our individualized souls into a new and greater experience.

Robert Auerbach, Certified Advance Rolf Practitioner – Family Constellations workshop facilitator

"I send my patients with soft tissue pain to Robert for Rolf Structural Integration" Sharon Oliver, M.D


Additionally, in 2019, Mike and I became trained in the healing art of Shiva Murti, a form of energy healing which originated in Bali, Indonesia. It’s relatively new to our country, and not practiced by anyone else in the state of Michigan. Having recently graduated from the Shiva Murti Healing Academy in Los Angeles, California, we are part of an elite group in the USA of 35 individuals who have been trained in this modality, and the vast majority of them are located in the LA area.

The Old World is falling away to reveal a New World, more spiritual, more balanced, and more awake than the old. Just as the chrysalis of the caterpillar gives way to the butterfly, a spectacular process of nature, but no doubt disturbing to the caterpillar, we are in the midst of a grand and magnificent transformation. If you are looking for guidance, answers, inspiration, or merely an assurance that the road we are currently on leads to something much higher, you won’t be disappointed

We learned about Shiva Murti from a documentary on Gaia television entitled, “6th Floor: Expanding Possibility”. Candace Silvers, a Human Behavioral Expert and owner of a lifestyle coaching firm in Los Angeles, spent many years traveling the world, exploring the lesserknown ancient energy healing methods. During that time, Ms. Silvers became trained to practice, and then teach, Shiva Murti by Master Teacher, Dr. Ratu Nabe, in Bali, and has been offering healings in the LA area for several years now. In 2016, Ms. Silvers founded the Shiva

By Eileen Patra, an award-winning author, minister, and inspirational speaker.

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December 2019


Murti Healing Academy, which is the first of its kind in America. Our class -- the second group to graduate from the Academy -- will continue our studies in a Balinese Hospital with Dr. Ratu Nabe when we travel to Indonesia in early 2020. Upon our return, we will be excited to offer this powerful healing modality at our Troy office. Meanwhile, we are strengthening our skills by working on family and close friends. We have personally witnessed patients who, after being treated, are now testing NED (No Evidence of Disease) from various strains of cancer as well as those who have experienced full healings following life-altering injuries.

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The western world is only beginning to understand the benefits of energy medicine. As these modalities are closely studied, and physiological changes are being documented using mainstream diagnostic testing, treatment options are expanding for those in need of healing. Our teacher, Candace Silvers, says, “The same way that every home has a computer, every home should also have a healer”. I couldn’t agree more! In addition to offering healings, my husband, Mike, and I hope to inspire more healers to consider becoming trained and initiated into the healing art of Shiva Murti. I’ll be updating our progress within my website, www. and on the Healing Methods LLC Facebook page. Happy holidays and many blessings to each and every one of you! Namaste’, Susan Susan deCaussin established Healing Methods, in Troy, MI. She’s a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, Psychic/Medium, and Inspirational Writer and Speaker. Her deep connection to Spirit assists her in working with Universal Energy and creating articles and lectures that are thought-provoking, powerful and healing. Learn more at

what in your life needs healing?

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Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Teacher, Spiritual Advisor, Psychic, Medium, Speaker and Writer

Call today to schedule your free consultation.

HEALING METHODS LLC (248) 759-6486 2525 Crooks Rd, #101 Troy, MI 48084

December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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sense”, but truly they are uncommon and divinely brilliant! Also, relationships will be sizzling and sexy! This can be from physical attraction, but your capacity for intimate and healthy communication also enhances the passion.

Spiritual Horoscopes By Aluna Michaels, M.A.


agittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Happy birthday Sagittarius! Abundant Jupiter blesses you financially all of this birth year! As money flows in, please budget well. You’ll feel so much more secure, as your careless spending comes from hidden anxiety. When there’s a plan, you’ll have a deep serenity. Mercury is in your sign most of the month, allowing for wonderful common sense, as well as amazing intuitive insights. Take action when the time is right to manifest your ideas instead of merely leaving them on the abstract plane!


apricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — Jupiter moves into your sign for a 12-month stay! It’s the planet of abundance, joy, “good karma” and contentment. Meditate on allowing yourself to receive, since Jupiter wants to bring you gifts and fulfill your wishes! Let go of the habit of feeling unworthy. Also, set goals for the upcoming year. Stretch your imagination and write down “impossible” things! The universe is full of amazing surprises and it’s your time to be blessed!


quarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — If your faith has been challenged, Jupiter’s shift of signs will help you re-connect with the beauty of the universe. You’ll find new meaning in life and have a lifting of depression. Meditate

Astrology for Your Soul Aluna Michaels, M.A. Esoteric Astrologer “Together we will unveil your Life Plan and Soul’s Purpose.” Over 30 years of counseling experience.

(248) 583-1663


on forgiveness for yourself, others or circumstances. Write gratitude lists and read them throughout the day. Surround yourself with friends who cultivate positive thinking. You’ll also feel motivated when it comes to career and also with hobbies that you’re passionate about!


emini (May 21 – June 20) — Like your Sag pals, it’s a time of abundance, so revel in the blessings that are coming to you! They can be emotional and spiritual as well as financial. Meditate on forgiving old hurts so your heart and mind are fully open to receive everything life offers you now. Seek wise counsel about how to save/invest money and how to pay off debts. Also, start health protocols designed for longevity and not just “quick fix” diets or whatever. If single, you can meet a great new love who’s very smart and funny!


isces (Feb. 19 – March 20) — Trust your instincts in career. You can have amazing insightful solutions to work problems. These can come in meditation, or during the day as a result of quiet reflection. Remember, you have a wise and powerful soul. Don’t underestimate yourself! Make effort to make new friends, or plan time with current pals who have hearts and spirits as big as yours. If an ex-love wants to get back together, or if you’re thinking of reconnecting with someone, make sure it’ll be a healthy relationship and not a “rescue mission”!


ancer (June 21 – July 22) — You can start an amazing, passionate relationship that is also intellectually stimulating! Be open to types of people you normally don’t “go for” — you can be pleasantly surprised. If partnered, issues between the two of you can be resolved with breakthrough solutions. It’s great to meditate together, or at least talk about spiritual or philosophical concepts to create a deeper bond. Health-wise, have fun being physical and don’t obsess about “exercising” — just have a good time enjoying your embodiment and delight in how powerful your body is!


ries (March 21 – April 19) — You’re beginning a career high-point of a 12-year cycle! Projects or goals you’ve been painstakingly moving toward (especially for the past two years) come to fruition. Keep working with meditation to visualize and feel your success and joy! Explore ideas about tithing to increase your prosperity. Also, contemplate volunteering in areas that are deeply meaningful to you. In this way, the universe’s blessings that you’re receiving flow through you toward others and then allow for even more “good stuff” to pour into your life!



aurus (April 20 – May 20) — Open your mind to new ways of connecting with spirit. Your mind will be especially peaceful in meditation. You’ll also have waves of deep inner poise that flood you with gratitude. Trust your intuition, since you often see those ideas as “common

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eo (July 23 – Aug. 22) — Being healthy can be fun! Explore cool types of yoga, sports, breathing exercises, and the like. Experiment with various vegetables, spices, and recipes. Ethnic foods could be especially exciting! Seeking out a great bodyworker can do wonders for your overall health. Repeat positive affirmations about your body. Praise is healing! You can also have a bonus at work, or get a new project/position that renews your enthusiasm.

December 2019


irgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Jupiter’s change of sign gets you off your own case and helps you have fun! Be aware of the sacredness of play and enjoyment. Be with people who make you laugh. Be silly with kids and pets. Maybe start an art or dance class. Relationships also flourish because of releasing your perfectionism. Your heart is more open for others to love you when you like yourself! You can also have healing conversations with siblings that clear the air so that you feel comfortable together again. Meditation helps you trust your intuition and take actions based on inner wisdom.


ibra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — Holidays can be bumpy with family issues, but this year is healing and soothing. Meditation helps you feel compassion for them, and for yourself. It’s easy to bring up a positive memory for each person and see their divine self, no matter how covered up it seems to be. Extended family can even become “new friends”. You can also have amazing abundance! You might get a big bonus at work, or just unexpected income in other ways. Let love flow through you and you’ll have wonderful people and circumstances drawn into your orbit!


corpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Energetic Mars stays in your sign, filling you with enthusiasm and passion! You won’t want to wait until January to treat your body well since you feel good when you eat healthily. You can also start a new relationship. Make commitments to yourself to set fun goals, like traveling to a place you’ve craved going to and set a date! Jupiter’s change of signs helps you feel the energy of affirmations. You won’t just think them or say them. Manifesting your dreams is easy when you have a zest for life! Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.

40 WAYS TO CELEBRATE NEW YEAR TRADITIONS AROUND THE WORLD Did you know that more people celebrate New Years around the world than any other holiday? But, of course, that doesn’t mean that we all celebrate it in the same way. How I celebrate the New Year– watching the NYC countdown on television, kissing at midnight, champagne toasts, and fireworks– may be relatively commonplace in the United States. But New Year customs vary widely in different cultures around the world. Each country seems to have its own unique New Years celebrations, with different customs for ensuring health, wealth, happiness, and luck in the coming year. As we learn more about the various New Years celebrations around the world, we may discover strange cultural twists that seem foreign to us. But these unique variations in the way people celebrate the New Year are part of what makes exploring the world so great. So let’s take a look at some of the more interesting New Year traditions around the world, and see how people will be ringing in the new year. Who knows? Maybe we can find something fun along the way to adopt into our own New Year celebrations. HOW TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR AT HOME The home plays an important role in many countries’ New Year’s traditions, which can involve everything from intense cleaning sessions to inviting special guests. Regardless of how it’s done, home is where many people celebrate New Year’s Eve and Day. England: For good fortune in the newly arrived year, Brits believe the first guest to enter through the front door should be a young, dark-headed male bearing gifts such as bread (to be full), salt (to be wealthy) and coal (to stay warm). Japan: Oshogatsu is celebrated with family, which both cleans and decorates the entire house together. Then natural decorations such as pine branches, plum blossoms, and bamboo play a special role in preparing for the New Year celebration. Denmark: As a sign of friendship, people save their old dishes in order to break them on each other’s front doors. Residents will allow these broken dishes to pile up in order to show who has the most friends. China: To symbolize happiness and good luck in the New Year, Chinese celebrants paint their front doors red. In general, red colors New Years Eve in China, with red packets of money for children, red rackets for married couples, and red lanterns. Puerto Rico: In addition to cleaning their homes as the Japanese do, Puerto Ricans clean everything— the car, the garden, and even the streets. They also have a practice of throwing buckets of water out the window in order to do away with the bad juju of last year. South Africa: Some South Africans—particularly those in the neighborhood

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Happiest Holidays By Wendy Powers Nugent

This time of year can stress the heck out of most people. I find myself trying to find the time to get the house decorated and spread peaceful and joyous energy throughout my home and office. I use scented candles (my favorite is cinnamon) then go from room to room ringing a Zenergy chime (also great for meditation) while using the mantra, Om, in harmony with the vibration of the chime being struck once in each room. I know… but I am a spiritual being and need to balance and bring peaceful energy to each room. It is a way to move out all the negative and stressful energy that can accumulate. This is, of course, a joyous time of year, however, if too much negative energy is lingering in your home, you might find that you just can’t get into the mood for the holidays and don’t even know why. Another way to get into the spirit of things is to watch the Hallmark channel or listen to your favorite holiday music.

We need to be more social in person not just through our devices. This helps to bring balance and joy back into our hearts and minds. We are social beings, so please spend time without your devices distracting you from communicating and having human contact, such as a good old fashion hug! This is also known as the loneliest time of the year for many people, as they have no one to share it with. Make yourself a gift this holiday season and visit a senior home or hospital. Maybe you know of a neighbor that has no one; don’t assume they are okay. My eighty-year-old neighbors truly enjoy my asking about how they are doing and sharing small talk. A smile and sometimes a gift of cookies or flowers make all the difference in their outlook which can even help their health. It is the small gestures in life that bring the greatest joy. There is an old saying, but a very truthful saying: It is better to give than receive. Bringing joy to someone that does not expect it can have an immeasurable effect on the one giving as well as the one receiving.

During each year, at one time or another, we deal with very stressful events, such as loss of a loved one, illness, money issues, loss of a relationship, or starting a new business, just to name a few. It is going to be all right if we remember that we can release our fearful and stressful thoughts and bring into our mind’s eye both balance and peace. I truly recommend meditation. It gets me through many of life’s stresses. Prayer to me is another word for meditation, which after all is quieting the mind and asking for God’s wisdom on whatever your need is. Even if you don’t think you can meditate, you can relax and take a deep breath in, then let it out slowly. While doing this exercise, let your mind concentrate only on your breathing. You will find that if you do this a few times, you will be calm. I recommend to many of my clients to take up yoga, or maybe join a meditation class. I know classes are offered online, but if you can take the time to go to a live class, being around people within a class you will find that you will better relax and find 32

peace within your soul.

Charities have been losing out a bit more each year; if you can’t afford much then give what you can, even if it is only one dollar. Believe it or not, if everyone donated one dollar, that dollar can build into a hundred thousand dollars. Oh, one more thing, don’t forget the most important person to gift and bring peace to…You! It may be just a day of quiet, binge-watching your favorite show, getting a massage, going to your spiritual center, getting a reading, buying yourself something you been wanting, or maybe taking a relaxing bath. By doing this you will feel the spirit of peace and want to bring joy and love to others this holiday season. Wendy Powers Wendy Powers Nugent - Clairvoyant, Minister, Writer, and a Certified Spiritual Counselor. Wendy has been a professional psychic for more than 35 years with proven accuracy. Readings by appointment only: Text/call 248826-8255. Visit

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December 2019

of Hillbrow in Johannesburg— take cleaning house for the new year to an entirely new level. Throwing old furniture and appliances (think fridges!) from the windows of tall buildings somehow helps to make the new year bright. It’s actually a very serious health hazard there! Food is used to celebrate the New Year around the world. In many countries, eating the right thing has a strong influence on the next year’s outlook. Many of these New Year’s food traditions are delicious, but they don’t necessarily make a lot of logical sense… Louisiana: The New Year’s food tradition I grew up with is eating Cajun-style black-eyed peas and cabbage, with the promise that it will deliver health and wealth over the next 12 months. Even after 12 years of living and working abroad, I’ve never stopped celebrating the New Year with the dish! Brazil: Lentils are the alimentos do dia for Brazilian New Year’s celebrations. The legume can come in different forms, such as soup, to help with finances in the New Year. Then, before midnight, they believe people should also eat seven raisins (because why not?!). Austria: The New Year’s food traditions in Austria come two-fold. First, there’s finding a lucky charm that has been hidden inside a suckling pig. Then it’s onto a dessert of peppermint ice cream, which somehow represents economic windfalls in the coming year. France: The French are known for their weird food preferences. On New Year’s Eve, edible opulence steals the show in the form of le reveillion de la SaintSylvestre. Partiers will feast for hours on foie gros, goose or turkey, oysters, and of course plenty of champagne. The topflight fare is meant to signify wealth in the year to come. Spain: A challenge in speed-eating, Spain’s New Year’s food tradition requires that people eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year’s Eve– one for each time the clock chimes. Otherwise,

superstition suggests that you’ll miss out on extra good luck for the coming year! Switzerland: In a strange cultural twist, the Swiss don’t actually eat their New Year’s treat. Instead, they simply drop whipped cream on the floor and leave it there. Obviously, that means richness in the coming year, right? Estonia: How Estonians make it to midnight on New Year’s Eve awake is a mystery. They should be in a food coma! Tradition dictates that the holiday should be celebrated with a lucky number of meals, with either seven, nine, or twelve trips to the table. However many meals you choose, you’re said to have the strength of that many men (or women). WHICH COUNTRY CELEBRATES NEW YEAR’S FIRST? Despite the Gregorian calendar being globally recognized, many countries follow different timetables. So some cultures observe New Year’s on a different day! As weird as it may sound, there’s some debate as to which is the first country to celebrate the New Year. India: While January first is certainly celebrated there, the New Year celebration in India actually has many different dates. Rongali Bihu is the most popular: It’s celebrated in mid-April, on the first day of the Hindu solar calendar. But the specific day of celebration changes from region to region.

Year (usually in late September). Many Orthodox Christians in Israel celebrate New Year’s on the first of September. Bali: Many east Asian cultures use the lunar calendar to determine New Year’s Day. But some parts of Indonesia use a special Saka Calendar, which puts the holiday on a different date than China’s lunar system. It’s typically more of a somber affair, used primarily as a day of rest rather than celebration. Samoa: There are 39 time zones in the world. Based on the International Date Line, the islands of Samoa and Kiribati are the first places on Earth to reach the Gregorian calendar’s new year on January 1st. As for the last country to celebrate the New Year? Though not technically a country, that would be the U.S. territories of Baker Island and Howland Island, two uninhabited wildlife refuges located about halfway between Hawaii and Australia. TRADITIONAL NEW YEAR’S CLOTHING When celebrating the New Year, many cultures take the opportunity to get dressed up in whimsical or dapper fashions. Most of these New Year’s clothing choices are wrought with meaning, and occasionally they’re good for a laugh or two as well.

Egypt: In Egypt, the New Year’s Day celebration changes according to the moon. But, unlike other countries that go the lunar route, here the festivities do not begin until a crescent moon is sighted!

Philippines: For New Year’s in the Philippines, round is all the rage. People eat round foods, carry coins in their pockets, and wear clothing with nlots of polka dots. The round shape symbolizes money, and is believed to boost your finances for the new year.

Cambodia: Another country that celebrates a New Year in April, Cambodia has a 3-day long holiday that is dictated by the end of their harvest season. It follows the same lunar calendar as India, in which the New Year begins when the sun enters the sign of Aries.

Vietnam: The Vietnamese wear brand new clothes to bring in the New Year with a fresh start. These clothes are not the modern Western styles that most people wear in their daily life, but rather a traditional outfit called ao dai, featuring a long gown worn with trousers.

Israel: The Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashana brings in the New Year in early autumn, as does the Islamic New

Russia: In a throwback to the Soviet era, most of Russia (except for Russian Orthodox Christians) celebrates

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something similar to Christmas at New Year’s. Grandfather Frost visits at midnight to leave presents while the kids aren’t looking. Christmas was actually banned in Russia during Soviet times, so New Year’s took its place! Italy: Like the Vietnamese, Italians wear new clothes to ring in the New Year. As with the Russians, it’s a time for presents, with each gift (things like honey, gold, money, and lamps) symbolizing something specific for the receiver. The gifts are serious business! Turkey: In Turkey, wearing red underwear at midnight on New Year’s Eve is crucial to bring good luck in the coming year. For that matter, this tradition is also observed in other countries, including Italy, Spain, and Mexico. Red is traditionally a lucky color at this time of year. Who knows how the underwear in particular became important? Brazil: Taking the idea of lucky New Year’s underpants even further, in Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela, the color of underwear helps to determine the wearer’s specific successes for next year. Red brings love, yellow brings money, green brings luck, and so on. Local markets will be festooned with colored underpants leading up to the New Year. NEW YEAR’S FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD Some of the world’s New Year’s traditions have an air of seriousness about them. They’re tied up in ancient religious rituals. They’ve been created by lawful decrees. Or maybe they just involve impressively huge fires in public spaces. Regardless, it’s important to recognize why we celebrate the New Year the way we do. Scotland: Celebrating Hogmanay, which denotes the last day of the year, is a big deal in Scotland. So much so that it often overshadows Christmas. Christmas was outlawed by the Church of Scotland for nearly four centuries, until 1958. Though

the holiday has regained its popularity, the New Year Festival of Hogmanay still holds a sacred place in Scottish hearts.

Year’s good luck rituals is that not all of them seem completely sane. Many of the traditions we’ve already learned about on this list probably seem a bit off-the-wall. Here are a few that seemingly come out of nowhere, but remain integral pieces of some countries’ annual New Year customs.

Australia: Sydney Harbour hosts one of the biggest New Year’s Eve celebrations in the world. It’s mid-summer in the southern hemisphere, and thousands of people gather around the Opera House in anticipation. An aerial show and water display kick off the celebration at 6pm. A family-friendly fireworks show starts at 9pm, while the main attraction– the Harbour Light Parade– is at midnight.

Colombia: One of Colombians’ favorite ways to celebrate the New Year is to carry an empty suitcase around the block. The tradition is meant to bring celebrants a year of travel (which hopefully will involve a little more packing).

Belarus: In Belarus, New Year’s is included as a part of a 13-day festival known as Kaliady. Kaliady originates from the old pagan recognition of the winter solstice. It was only later that the Orthodox Christians added the celebration of Christmas (on January 7). Kaliady has customary foods in three ritual dinners, trick-or-treating, caroling, and more.

Denmark: Many of the world’s New Year’s traditions revolve around the stroke of midnight: fireworks blasting off, the ball dropping, kissing a loved one, toasting with champagne, etc. In Denmark, people jump off of their chairs in unison at midnight. This symbolizes jumping forward into the new year and leaving bad things behind.

Netherlands: Amsterdam hosts one of the world’s largest street parties on New Year’s Eve. If you attend, buy some oliebollen (oily balls) to eat at midnight. Tradition holds that eating these deep fried dough balls will ward off evil spirits in the New Year. Dam Square (the craziest), Rembrandtplein, Nieuwmarkt, and Leidseplein host unofficial street parties with music, fireworks and beer tents. Amsterdam’s celebration is not for the casual partier: Some attendees have likened it to a war zone!

Belgium: In Belgium, Walloon and Flemish farmers rise early on New Year’s Day and promptly head out the stables to wish the cows (and other domesticated animals) a happy New Year. Though the origins of this tradition are unknown, the same thing is also practiced in Romania. Finland: Going to a fortune-teller can either be a fun or harrowing experience. But one Nordic New Year tradition involves reading the future for yourself. Finnish people melt tin horseshoes, pour the molten metal into cold water, and use the resulting solid to gain insight into the coming year. Its shape and shadow supposedly tell all, and a broken piece of tin is considered a sure sign of bad luck.

United States: Each year, hundreds of thousands of people flock to New York City to see the Big Apple drop at midnight. This New Year’s Eve tradition actually began as a replacement for fireworks, which had been banned in New York. In addition to watching balls drop, in other US cities you can watch peaches, giant walleye, and other locally relevant symbols lowered as the clock strikes midnight.

Japan: In Japan, Joya no Kane is a Buddhist ritual that takes place at midnight on New Year’s Eve. It involves ringing a bell exactly 108 times. Buddhists believe that we humans are entrapped by 108 different desires that keep us suffering. The chimes symbolize purification from the accumulation of these passions over the previous year.

NEW YEAR TRADITIONS FOR GOOD LUCK One of my favorite things about New


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December 2019

Chile: In the small town of Tulca, Chile, it is tradition to spend the last night of the year at a sleepover at the cemetery. Locals believe that the souls of dearly departed friends and family come to hang around on the night of New Year’s Eve. So they make fires, bring food and drink, and decorate their loved ones’ graves for some ghostly quality time. Ecuador: In Ecuador, los años viejos (the old years) is a beloved part of how to celebrate the New Year. People construct large scarecrows of those they don’t like and set them alight at midnight in order to burn away the ills of last year. Building the scarecrow is a family activity. While it’s mostly done for fun and laughs, controlling the bevy of fires is sometimes a serious undertaking. Panama: Panama has a similar “viejo” tradition to the one in Ecuador. Only here the effigies are called muñecos. Rather than simply setting them on fire, the dolls are typically stuffed with fireworks in order to really get the festivities cranking. SHARED NEW YEAR’S EVE TRADITIONS AROUND THE WORLD And then there are the New Year’s traditions that are celebrated by people all around the world. These shared customs are part of what makes the New Year one of the planet’s most popular holidays. Here’s a look at some of the many traditions that transcend time zones, borders, and cultures… SINGING THE NEW YEAR SONG, “AULD LANG SYNE” Singing “Auld Lang Syne” at midnight is done throughout the English-speaking world and beyond. The traditional Scottish folk song was transcribed (not written) by beloved poet Robert Burns in 1783. The literal Auld Land Syne translation is “old long since,” which really means, “days gone by.” After that, it became a common song of celebration—for weddings, graduations, funerals, etc.—throughout Scotland. In the nearly two and a half centuries since,

“Auld Lang Syne” has become the most popular New Year’s song in the world. The tradition of singing it at midnight on New Year’s Eve was popularized by a Canadian band, Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians. The band, which came from a part of Ontario settled by Scots, often covered the song, partially to promote one of the sponsors of their radio show, Robert Burns Cigars. In 1928 the band got a chance to do a New Year’s Eve show and closed their set with “Auld Lang Syne.” It became the show’s closing number for nearly 50 years, the remainder of Lombardo’s life. NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS People have been making New Year’s resolutions for literally thousands of years, dating back to the ancient times of the Mesopotamians. The tradition began as part of a 12-day New Year Festival (which was celebrated in March) called Akitu, during which citizens of Babylonia would swear an oath to the sitting king or allegiance to a new one. The Romans did a similar thing, also in March, devoting themselves to the Emperor. In the mid-1700s, the Methodist Church used the New Year to encourage its members to renew their commitments to God. Nowadays, most resolutions are neither oaths to kingdoms or religious tradition. Instead, they’re generally commitments to make some effort towards selfimprovement. Unfortunately, studies show that– while nearly half the US population annually makes resolutions– less than 10% of them are kept. HERE ARE SOME OF THE TOP NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS: Exercise more / Get in shape Lose weight Get organized Learn a new skill or hobby Live life to the fullest

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Save more money / spend less money Quit smoking Spend more time with family and friends Drink less Eat more at home Floss Look at cell phone less Reduce stress Get more sleep Travel more New Years Eve traditions around the world NEW YEAR’S FIREWORKS Invented in ancient China, fireworks were originally made from dried bamboo stalks. When thrown in a roaring fire, they would emit loud bangs. These were later filled with gunpowder (which was also a Chinese invention) to enhance the explosive effect. Finally, the bamboo was replaced by paper (another Chinese invention). Around the 12th century, gunpowder and fireworks gradually worked their way over to Europe. Some historical accounts credit the Mongols, while others believe they were invented independently. Since the beginning, fireworks have been used to scare away evil spirits and enemies. Because the holiday is often associated with starting anew, fireworks have long been a part of New Year celebrations, setting up partygoers for a positive year to come. Today, the tradition of setting off fireworks as part of New Year celebrations in pretty much a staple all around the world. Jonathon Engels Jonathon Engels is a traveler, writer & teacher who’s been living abroad as an expat since 2005.

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Finding the Peace Within

Roasted Vegetable and Navy Bean Calzones – gluten-free, dairy-free


By Chef Deborah Lieder The pilgrimage of life, similar to our healing journey with food, is one that holds many twists and turns. Through ups and downs, highs and lows, we encounter happiness, suffering, bliss, and pain. We travel those experiences, sharing them with others, to whatever capacity that may be. Entering the holiday season often triggers various emotions and old patterns as we are surrounded by family and those closest to us. There is a desire for peace, love, and joy to manifest in the places we gather and the food that we share. Each person experiences this in a different way. We learn in order to have the peace we long for, we need to allow space, not only for our own experience but others as well. When we truly reflect upon this, we understand that peace must come from within first before it can be an outward expression. Eating a healthy diet is not simply about looking our physical best. The vitality and youthfulness we gain is, yes, an added benefit, but we also gain emotional strength as well. We are nourishing our body in a way so that it can do its job properly whether on a physical or mental/emotional level. The way we eat needs to arise from a place of intention. Because when disease manifests, it means there are blockages to it performing its normal functions. Those obstructions come from both foods and emotions/belief systems. Nourishment is defined as the food or substance necessary for growth, health and good condition, ultimately telling us that health and wellness are dependent upon what we ingest, in our food and our environment. This is the journey of healing, for our own hearts and those in our lives, and when we nourish the body with the proper foods, we are more inclined to see the results we hoped to see. As you heal one area of your life, so do the others begin to follow. Healing comes from a place of listening, tuning-in to what our body is saying on both the physical and emotional plane. Those triggers are actually trying to communicate something to us. When we eat mindfully, meaning the diet that feels like it is giving our body its maximum potential, we become capable. We have the energy needed, the emotional response that feels appropriate, the respect and value of ourselves and therefore of others. It is easy to fall back into patterns or behaviors around this time of year. The blessing being, as we see these things emerge, we may finally heal them. And when we choose to heal them, we experience that peace we so greatly desire, from within and with those around. 36

4 pounds of golden potatoes, peeled and quartered 1 c. Tapioca Flour ½ Onion, small dice 2 ea Carrot, small dice 1 ea. Celery, small dice 1 c. Mixed Vegetables, small dice – your pick, some examples: cauliflower, peas, zucchini, summer squash, tomato, winter squash, etc. 1 c. Navy Beans, cooked ¼ c. White Wine, Red Wine or Vinegar of Choice – white balsamic, red wine, champagne, apple cider vinegar ½ c. Vegetable or Chicken Stock 1 t. Garlic Powder 1 t. Onion Powder 1 T. Oregano Salt and Pepper to taste

Instructions: In a medium saucepan, boil potatoes until tender, about 15-20 minutes. Place in KitchenAid mixer or bowl fitted for a hand mixer. Mash potatoes, add a pinch of salt and tapioca flour until mixed evenly and dough forms. Allow to cool. In large sauté pan, heat olive oil and sauté onion until translucent. Add carrot, sautéing for 5 minutes, add celery, continuing to sauté for 5 minutes, then add mixed vegetables, continuing to sauté for 5 more minutes. Mix in navy beans while turning heat to high. Allow the pan to get hot, 1-2 minutes, then deglaze with wine/vinegar. Let the wine/vinegar completely reduce until the pan is “dry” then add in stock and seasonings. Allow the stock to reduce until almost gone. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Heat the oven to 350. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and divide potato dough into 24 equally “golf ball” sized balls. For 12 of the balls, patty them out, 6 per baking sheet, into circles ¼ inch thick. Spoon 2-3 T. of filling in the center. For the rest of the balls, patty them out and lay them directly covering the filling. Pinch together the bottom and top of the dough, sealing the seams completely. Use a mini offset spatula or knife to smooth out the seams. Bake calzones at 350 for 35-45 minutes, until golden brown. Serve and Enjoy! Chef Deborah Lieder

For more information visit her website www.deborahlieder. com or contact her personally at: 248-974-5696 and by email at

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December 2019





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734-645-3217 P a g e 37

Classes & Events

am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or



Ascended Master Lectures using the teachings from Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet plus weekly Sunday devotional services at The Summit Lighthouse of Detroit. 313-768 5737

Fri - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension Blog – Powerful messages for your life and our blog Voted one of the “Best Healing Blogs in the World”

Calling all co-creators to participate as volunteer team members to assist with developing, supporting and sustaining positive activities, events and people at Unity of Livonia Spiritual Center, such as the Michigan Meditation Experience and BMS Holistic Festival. Unity of Livonia. 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia www.unityoflivonia. org. For more information email Mona at or text message only to 734-778-4655


Community Auricular Acupuncture! We help relieve chronic pain, addiction, and trauma!!! Radical Well Being Center. 20411 West 12 mile suite 101. Southfield. Only $20-40. By Barbra White, 734-796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over 20 years!” Healing & Ascension Monthlies – 2 hours of bliss and transformation – you can still join this month! or Eve Wilson 734-780-7635 Self Acceptance Process Teacher training with Barbra White! Are you ready to be mentored into your magnificent True Self and learn how to heal others?! Everyone is gifted, it just requires cultivation. 734796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over 20 years!”


Monday Prayer - Join Eve Wilson’s tribe at groups/922970/feed


Wed - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Clients enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. 248-7885808 Healing_Touch/Welcome.html Wed - Wednesday Meditations - Join Eve Wilson’s


Thu - Self Acceptance Workshop! Be ignited into greater joy, learn life changing tools. 3rd Thur monthly from 7-9pm www.


Sat - Experience Healing Touch, an energy based therapeutic approach to healing. Enjoy peace & less pain after treatment. Appts. & Walk-Ins welcome. 28650 Eleven Mile, Farmington Hills. Call: 248-788-5808


Sun - Sunday Meditation! Susan deCaussin, BMS Staff Writer, leads meditation each week at Renaissance Unity in the City of Ferndale at 9:30am. An inspired message is given followed by silent reflection. More info:


12/01 Agree to be... 10am honoring the mineral kingdom. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/01 Michigan Psychic Fair Sterling Hgts - (15 Mile and Van Dyke Rd.) Pauline 586939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions on our website. Holiday Inn 8515 15 Mile Rd., Sterling Heights, MI 48312 12/01 Past Life Regression Experience Through a hypnotic/meditative state, you will be led through different times of this life or another. There will be time before and after for any questions and sharing of experiences. Everyone may not have a full past life experience, however, there are still benefits for the body just from coming to a deep, relaxed state of being. Cost: $20. 12pm. Please pre-register at www. or call 586-960-5940. “12/01 Peace on Earth Holiday Meditation and Ascension Breathing: 10:30-12pm. One of the greatest gifts is peace. Open your heart, feel the gratitude. Connect to God. Break from the hustle and bustle of the season and join us in peace, joy and the love of the season. $35 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St Plymouth, MI 48170” 12/01 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11

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12/01 Wellness Group: 12-1:30 pm. Committing to a year of self-love. We meet monthly to support each other and share tips for a healthy 2019. All are welcome. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/02 A Course In Miracles: 10 am-12 pm. Weekly Monday study group led by Ron Cohen. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/02 The Twelve Blessings Services. Every Monday at 7:45– 8:30pm., Join us in radiating love to our world through The Twelve Blessings, given by The Master Jesus for this Age. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https:// 12/02 Yoga with Jayne: Monday at 7 pm. Weekly beginning Yoga Class (1st Monday Reiki infused) Walk-ins Welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/03 A Course in Miracles: 7 pm-9 pm. Weekly Tuesday study group led by Jim White. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/03 Community Auricular Acupuncture! 3-6pm We help relieve chronic pain, addiction, and trauma!!! Radical Well Being Center. 20411 West 12 mile suite 101. Southfield. Only $20-40. By Barbra White, 734-796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over 20 years!” 12/03 Giving Tuesday: Kick off the charitable season on this global day of giving. Support Unity of Livonia by visiting us on the web donate 12/04 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/04 Easy Does It Yoga: Wednesday at 12pm with Sheila. Weekly beginning yoga class. Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 www. 12/04 Meditation and Mindful Musings: 7 pm-8 pm. Weekly meditation led by rotating facilitators. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/04 Midweek Meditation: 7-8 pm. Weekly Wednesday meditation service designed

December 2019


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Take Back Your Power &

to reset your week. We begin with a brief teaching followed by guided meditation and concluding with prayer requests. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/05 Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/05 Heartfulness Meditation: 7pm – 8pm Weekly meditation led by members of the Detroit Heartfulness Meditation organization. Love Offering 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/06 Family CommUnity Spiritual Center Potluck! 2nd & 4th Fridays monthly at 7pm. Connection, Spiritual Support and Inspiring Messages (non-denominational) for younger adults from Rev. Griffin. All ages welcome. Love offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/06 Group Akashic Record Reading - In this group reading, Angela will open the Records of the group and channel the Akashic perspective in response to your questions and inquiries. The Akashic perspective is the perspective and knowing that is beyond the mind - therefore eliminating beliefs, judgments, expectations, projections, and anything that distorts our perspective and limits our true knowing. Cost: $20. 7pm. Please pre-register at or call 586-960-5940. 12/07 Holiday Caroling at Royal Oak Manor: 2 pm - 5 pm. Join the Music Makers and Youth Ministry as we celebrate the holidays with a sing-along, crafts and holiday treats at Royal Oak Manor. 606 S Williams St, Royal Oak. 248-288-3550 or 12/07 Women Of Spirit: 10 am - 12 pm. Join the women on the 1st Saturday of each month. This month we host our annual Christmas Party Potluck. Love Offering 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/08 Agree to grow...10am honoring the plant kingdom. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/08 Aroma Yoga - Essential oils are a natural way to enhance our yoga practice, as well as out health and wellness. We will infuse and enrich our practice using essential oils aromatically, topically and internally. We will move through a series of asanas


(poses) using essential oils which will assist us in balancing the body, mind an spirit. Cost: $25. 12pm. Please pre-register at or call 586-960-5940. 12/08 Attracting Prosperity 11am-1pm. The vibrational energy of crystals enhance infinite abundance by transforming poverty consciousness to prosperity consciousness. Learn what crystals will help you attract prosperity. Includes aromatherapy, feng shui and prosperity meditation. Call to reserve your space. $44. 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill Street, Plymouth, MI 48170 12/08 Michigan Psychic Fair at Novi Holiday Inn (12 Mile, W of Haggerty) Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at our site. Holiday Inn 9675 Twelve Mile Rd., Novi, MI 48377. Pauline 586-939-4230. www. 12/08 Second Sunday Sing-Along: 2:30-4 pm. Join Host, Tom Bowes, as he leads the group in an old-fashioned sing-along. All are welcome. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/08 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/09 A Course In Miracles: 10 am-12 pm. Weekly Monday study group led by Ron Cohen. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or


12/09 The Twelve Blessings Services. Every Monday at 7:45– 8:30pm., Join us in radiating love to our world through The Twelve Blessings, given by The Master Jesus for this Age. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https:// 12/09 Yoga with Jayne: Monday at 7 pm. Weekly beginning Yoga Class (1st Monday Reiki infused) Walk-ins Welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/10 A Course in Miracles: 7 pm-9 pm. Weekly Tuesday study group led by Jim White. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/10 Community Auricular Acupuncture! 3-6pm We help relieve chronic pain, addiction, and trauma!!! Radical Well Being Center. 20411 West 12 mile suite 101. Southfield. Only $20-40. By Barbra White, 734-796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over

w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

20 years!” 12/10 Grief and Loss Support Group: 7-8:30 pm. Held every second and fourth Tuesday. Help with grief, loss or dealing with significant change in a supportive environment. As we support each other, we will explore tools that can lead to acceptance and peace. Facilitators: Karen Ulatowski & Mary Wackrow, LUT. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/10 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6pm7pm Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes.$15/session or 6 for $60 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 www. 12/11 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/11 Easy Does It Yoga: Wednesday at 12pm with Sheila. Weekly beginning yoga class. Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 www. 12/11 Introduction to Pal Dan Gum QiGong: 10am-11am Used for millennia to promote radiant health, the 8 Silken Movements are easy to learn.Experience meditation through movement in a mindful and graceful way. Release stress and reenergize. Try it and believe it. $40 Repeat $20 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/11 Meditation and Mindful Musings: 7 pm-8 pm. Weekly meditation led by rotating facilitators. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/11 Midweek Meditation: 7-8 pm. Weekly Wednesday meditation service designed to reset your week. We begin with a brief teaching followed by guided meditation and concluding with prayer requests. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/12 Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/12 Heartfulness Meditation: 7pm – 8pm Weekly meditation led by members of the Detroit Heartfulness Meditation organization. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of

December 2019



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December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/13 Family CommUnity Spiritual Center Potluck! 2nd & 4th Fridays monthly at 7pm. Connection, Spiritual Support and Inspiring Messages (non-denominational) for younger adults from Rev. Griffin. All ages welcome. Love offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/14 Holistic Health Fair.. Plus!!! 10am4pm Accepting Vendors only $60.00! Sponsored by Bloomfield Hills Unity and Loving Shoes Without Borders and Water. Contact: Helen Fischer 248 835 5382 Location: William Costick Activities Center, 28600 W 11 Mile Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48336 12/14 Jobs Club Royal Oak: 10 am - 12 pm. Join Luther Taylor each month as he presents inspiring speakers and networking opportunities. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/14 Michigan Psychic Fair at Chesterfield Hampton Inn (Gratiot & M-59) Pauline 586939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at 12/15 Agreeing with animate powers... 10am honoring the animal kingdom. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/15 Holiday Restorative with Reiki & Sound - Release your mind and body from the holiday stress and join us for an evening of complete relaxation. You will be guided into relaxation while restoring your body through comfortable yoga postures. Your multidimensional self will receive reiki and sound healing to create the perfect combination of peace and joy. Stay after for some tea and refreshments to continue the bliss throughout the rest of the evening and keep it with you for the remaining holiday season. Cost: 435. Please pre-register at or call 586-960-5940. 12/15/19 (Sun 5pm-7pm) Temple Community Gathering. Connect and discuss openly, sexuality, consciousness, spirituality, tantra and more! Ann Arbor, Free. Email to pre-register: Support@LeslieBlackburn. com, Details at:


12/16 A Course In Miracles: 10 am-12 pm. Weekly Monday study group led by Ron Cohen. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or


12/16 The Twelve Blessings Services. Every Monday at 7:45– 8:30pm., Join us in radiating love to our world through The Twelve Blessings, given by The Master Jesus for this Age. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https:// 12/16 Yoga with Jayne: Monday at 7 pm. Weekly beginning Yoga Class (1st Monday Reiki infused) Walk-ins Welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/17 A Course in Miracles: 7 pm-9 pm. Weekly Tuesday study group led by Jim White. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/17 Community Auricular Acupuncture! 3-6pm We help relieve chronic pain, addiction, and trauma!!! Radical Well Being Center. 20411 West 12 mile suite 101. Southfield. Only $20-40. By Barbra White, 734-796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over 20 years!” 12/17 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6pm7pm Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes.$15/session or 6 for $60 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 www. 12/17 Radio Show: Aetherius Radio Show! 1-2pm. with hosts, Richard Lawrence and Chrissie Blaze at www.bodymindspiritradio. com. 12/18 A Course In Miracles: 1-2:30 pm. Weekly Wednesday study group. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/18 Drumming Circle Meditation: 7-8 pm. 3rd Wednesday each month. Come and experience the powerful healing effects of group drum meditation. Bring your own percussion instrument or play one of ours. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/18 Easy Does It Yoga: Wednesday at 12pm with Sheila. Weekly beginning yoga class. Walk-ins welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 www. 12/18 Grief and Loss Support Group: 10:30 am - 12 pm. 3rd Wednesday each month. This is a daytime version of this support group. Help with grief, loss or dealing with significant change in a supportive environment. Facilitators: Karen Ulatowski & Mary

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Wackrow, LUT. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or www. 12/18 Meditation and Mindful Musings: 7 pm-8 pm. Weekly meditation led by rotating facilitators. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/18 Midweek Meditation: 7-8 pm. Weekly Wednesday meditation service designed to reset your week. We begin with a brief teaching followed by guided meditation and concluding with prayer requests. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/19 Attitudinal Healing: 7-8:30 pm. Join us each Thursday night and transform your life by learning to choose peace and love over conflict and fear in all situations. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/19 Heartfulness Meditation: 7pm – 8pm Weekly meditation led by members of the Detroit Heartfulness Meditation organization. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/20 Family CommUnity Spiritual Center Potluck! 2nd & 4th Fridays monthly at 7pm. Connection, Spiritual Support and Inspiring Messages (non-denominational) for younger adults from Rev. Griffin. All ages welcome. Love offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/21 Drum Circle: 7PM on third Saturday of every month. All welcome. Bring percussion instruments if you have them. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 www. 12/22 Agreeing with our divine appointment... 10am Candlelight Family service honoring the divine human. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/22 Christmas Service, 10AM. Join Rev Cathey Jo Tomilenko for this special service the Sunday before Christmas. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/22 Crystals to Relive Stress11am-1pm Learn simple and easy techniques to use crystals to eliminate stress and anxiety. Construct a special and powerful Healing Crystal Array to rid yourself of stress. Includes a stress relieving guided meditation $35 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing

December 2019

Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/22 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or


12/23 A Course In Miracles: 10 am-12 pm. Weekly Monday study group led by Ron Cohen. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/23 The Twelve Blessings Services. Every Monday at 7:45– 8:30pm., Join us in radiating love to our world through The Twelve Blessings, given by The Master Jesus for this Age. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https:// 12/23 Yoga with Jayne: Monday at 7 pm. Weekly beginning Yoga Class (1st Monday Reiki infused) Walk-ins Welcome. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/24 A Course in Miracles: 7 pm-9 pm. Weekly Tuesday study group led by Jim White. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/24 Agree to receive... 7pm Candlelight Music + Meditation Service. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/24 Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, 5PM. Join Rev Matthew Long for this metaphysical journey to the birth of the Christ within. Special music and traditional Christmas song by Maggie Ferguson. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/24 Christmas Eve Candle Light Services: 6 pm & 8 pm. Join us as we celebrate the rebirth of the Divine Presence within during our 6 pm and 8 pm traditional Candle Lighting Services. All are welcome. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/26 Heartfulness Meditation: 7pm – 8pm Weekly meditation led by members of the Detroit Heartfulness Meditation organization. Love Offering. 734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/27 Family CommUnity Spiritual Center Potluck! 2nd & 4th Fridays monthly at 7pm. Connection, Spiritual Support and Inspir-

ing Messages (non-denominational) for younger adults from Rev. Griffin. All ages welcome. Love offering. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/28 Big Expo! Warren Sterling Heights Elks. Michigan Psychic Fair at Warren/ Sterling Hgts., Elks Lodge #229225950 Schoenherr (at Schoenherr & Frazho) Questions? Pauline 586-939-4230. Michigan’s best psychics, find a list of our great Readers, updates and directions at www. 12/28 Rock Your World Psychic & Holistic Show. Rochester Hills Moose Lodge, 3967 S Livernois, Rochester Hills 11am-5pm. Psychics, Mediums, Healers, Energy Workers, Crystal Gems, & Holistic products! $5. Admission. 313-412-7690. Vendors email 12/29 Agree to give... 10am Phoenix Fire Burning Bowl Ceremony. Our Christmas Story, personal & transpersonal-about involution and evolution- cosmology and biology. Simply put: the universe is compelling us to be more than human! 734-224-5683 at Plymouth Community Arts Center, 774 N. Sheldon Rd., Plymouth, MI 48170 12/29 New Year Burning Bowl Service, 10AM. End the year with a powerful, symbolic Sunday Service of releasing the limitations, boundaries and misfortunes of the past and entering freshly into the newness. With Rev Rose Cooper. Love Offering734-421-1760 Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154 12/29 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or 12/3 Open Mindfulness Meditation: 6pm7pm Calm your mind, find your center and experience peace within. Reduce stress, lower blood pressure, gain clarity, sleep better, enjoy life. Note: Participants will have the option of stretching or leaving after 30 minutes.$15/session or 6 for $60 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 www. 12/30 A Course In Miracles: 10 am-12 pm. Weekly Monday study group led by Ron Cohen. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/30 The Twelve Blessings Services. Every Monday at 7:45– 8:30pm., Join us in radiating love to our world through The Twelve Blessings, given by The Master Jesus for this Age. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https://

December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

12/31 New Year’s Eve Burning Bowl Service: 6 pm. On New Year’s Eve we host our annual Burning Bowl service to symbolically release everything we are leaving behind in 2019. All are welcome. Love offering. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-288-3550 or 12/31 New Year’s Eve Day Love and Kindness Meditation 1-2pm Join our annual New Year’s Eve Day Meditation, leaving the old year behind and welcoming the new year, both with Metta (Loving kindness). The session will consist of mindfulness meditation with Tibetan Singing Bowl accompaniment, followed by Metta Meditation focusing on Love and Kindness within$ 20. - 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 www. 2/15 Sunday Celebration Service: 10-11 am. Weekly Sunday worship service. 2500 Crooks Rd., Royal Oak MI 48073, 248-2883550 or Calling all co-creators to participate as volunteer team members to assist with developing, supporting and sustaining positive activities, events and people at Unity of Livonia Spiritual Center, such as the Michigan Meditation Experience and BMS Holistic Festival. Unity of Livonia. 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia www.unityoflivonia. org. For more information email Mona at or text message only to 734-778-4655. S u p p o r t Vo l u n t e e r s o f A m e r i c a Adopt-a-Family for Christmas. Financial donations (cash, check or charge) accepted at Unity of Livonia through Sunday 12/8, 28660 Five Mile Road, Livonia 734-4211760 Make checks payable to “Unity of Livonia” and specify “Adopt-A-Family” in the memo line. If you or someone you know needs help providing Christmas for their children ages 17 and under, applications are available online at 01/01 Sunday Services - Every Sunday at 11am-Noon. You are warmly welcome to join us at our regular Sunday Service. We offer Spiritual Healing after the Service at 12 Noon. Note: Our Christmas Service will be on Sunday, Dec 22 Followed by a social. All are welcome! The Aetherius Society Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https:// 01/04 Learn tarot In 1-day workshop! 10am-4pm. Instructor: Laura Moody at Comfort Inn, 28235 Buckingham, Livonia, MI. Course fee $145.00 includes all handouts & Ryder Waite tarot deck. For further info go to 01/07 Community Auricular Acupuncture! 4-7pm We help relieve chronic pain, addiction, and trauma!!! Radical Well Being

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December 2019

online groups - find your tribe at



Center. 20411 West 12 mile suite 101. Southfield. Only $20-40. By Barbra White, 734-796-6690 “Creating an inner and outer sanctuary for humans and animals for over 20 years!” www.


01/08 Sunday Services - Every Sunday at 11am-Noon. You are warmly welcome to join us at our regular Sunday Service. We offer Spiritual Healing after the Service at 12 Noon. Note: Our Christmas Service will be on Sunday, Dec 22 Followed by a social. All are welcome! The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https://www.aetherius. org/locations/michigan/

COACHING G. EscoDavis, LLC certified life coach, Coaching Women Entrepreneurs’ and life balance coaching to view menu of services

01/15 Sunday Services - Every Sunday at 11am-Noon. You are warmly welcome to join us at our regular Sunday Service. We offer Spiritual Healing after the Service at 12 Noon. Note: Our Christmas Service will be on Sunday, Dec 22 Followed by a social. All are welcome! The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https://www.aetherius. org/locations/michigan/ 01/17 Lecture: The Extraordinary Astrology of 2020! A New Aquarian Era - Fri, Jan 17, 7:30pm. $15. With astrologer, author, and international speaker, Chrissie Blaze. Please email michigan@ for further information. The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, 01/22 Sunday Services - Every Sunday at 11am-Noon. You are warmly welcome to join us at our regular Sunday Service. We offer Spiritual Healing after the Service at 12 Noon. Note: Our Christmas Service will be on Sunday, Dec 22 Followed by a social. All are welcome! The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https://www.aetherius. org/locations/michigan/ 01/24 Happiness Rising! 5pm. Claim Your Right to Joy!’ Retreat at the Inn at the Rustic Presented by Pat & Dave Krajovic and Amy Brusca.Life’s a gift to be enjoed, not a struggle to be endured. Leave behind chaos, breathe in stillness, and connect with your true nyature. Experience profound love, peace, and unity.Single $380. Double-$330.Includes program fees, 2 nights lodging, and 5 meals 734-416-5200 Bodyworks Healing Center, 819 N Mill St., Plymouth, MI 48170 01/24 Happiness Rising! Claim Your Right to Joy!’ 5pm. Retreat at the Inn at the Rustic Gate Presented by Pat & Dave Krajoic and Amy Brusca. Life is a gift to be enjoyed, not a struggle to be endured. Let us guide you on a journey beyond time and space to touch the infinite. Experience profound love, peace, and unity. Leave behind the chaos of life and breathe in stillness. Connect with your true nature. Cost of Class: Single-$380. Double-$330. *Includes program fees, 2 nights lodging, and 5 meals. Inn at the Rustic Gate, 6991 E Hungerford Lake Dr, Big Rapids, MI 49307 - 734-416-5200 01/26 12PM save the Date ‘Happiness Rising! Claim Your Right to Joy!’ Retreat at the Inn at the Rustic Presented by Pat & Dave Krajovic and Amy Brusca.Life’s a gift to be enjoed, not a struggle to be endured. Leave behind chaos, breathe in stillness, and connect with your true nyature. Experience profound love, peace, and unity.Single $380. Double-$330.Includes program fees, 2 nights lodging, and 5 meals 734-416-5200 01/29 Sunday Services - Every Sunday at 11am-Noon. You are warmly welcome to join us at our regular Sunday Service. We offer Spiritual Healing after the Service at 12 Noon. Note: Our Christmas Service will be on Sunday, Dec 22 Followed by a social. All are welcome! The Aetherius Society - Royal Oak, 3119 N Campbell Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48073. (248) 588-0290, https://www.aetherius. org/locations/michigan/

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Colonics: in Royal Oak with: Infrared Sauna, Lymphatic Drainage & Nutritionist specializing in Yeast & Parasites. 248-5432020. Colonics/ Detoxification in Sterling Heights. Clean and relaxing environment. Located at the Center for the Healing Arts. 586-268-5444 Gemini Skin Studio. Licensed Skin Therapist in Southfield. Facials & Body Treatments. Inquire/ Book online Hypnotherapist in Plymouth. Alleviate stress and anxiety regarding medical and dental issues, and life’s ups and downs. Can also assist in discovering spiritual connections to your current life issues through past-life regression. Anette Wolski, LMSW, CHt 734-765-7630 Wholeistic You, PLLC. Holistic mental health therapist helping women and adolescent girls find emotional well being. Serving the Metro-Detroit area. Monika Danowksi Domke, LMSW, SSW. P: 734377-3589. E: W: www.

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2019


like all lifeforms, they are tenacious, they Still listening/meditating is not enough want to live and fulfill their life purpose. because we cannot fully hear what the Universe is saying. The “calm, peaceful, As DivineMichigan’s Beings, endowed with “Free largest holistic magazine Since they are our creations, opening our loving, still small voice” is being drowned heart and mind and listening/meditating Will”, the whole of the Universe bends to out byorourevents stories or our WILL but first ityour is wiseproducts, to harmonize Promote services, in“Stored print, Memories of gives them the space to play out and Lack”. All stories are stories of lack (lack complete their purpose, but each thought what we THINK, SAY, FEEL & DO! online, and in social media withof 100% trade dollars! love, security, attention, compassion, and emotion must still go through the 4 If we leap and take with us our old and so on) and when we feel lack, we processes of life that all living things go thoughts, feelings and habits, the offering: feel cut off from access to part of our through and they are: 1. Assimilate, 2. Universe will support us and help keep PRINT ADVERTISING- Display Ads with Article; Business Card Directory being, it’s scary, it’s lonely and it painful. Digest, 3. Circulate, and 4. Rest. our old stories alive too, we will have two CLASSIFIED- Classes & Events Section; Products & Services Section stories happening at the same time which Hurt leads to anxiety, anxiety lead to From a more holistic point of view, we CONTENT Tips by control. WeLocal try toNews control& things creates chaos.MARKETING- Articles, Announcements, are what we eat, but we are also what we creating scenarios that will protect us MEETUP MARKETINGTarget our local area for Health & Spirit Events think, and what we feel. Just like food, we The old story of lack from before our leap from the pain of separation. If that hurt must assimilate, digest and circulate our EMAIL MARKETINGour exclusive list of over 6000 local people and the new story of joy isReach competing is left unresolved, it grows into anguish. thoughts and feelings. forWEB our attention, our world will become PROMOTIONS- Custom Websites, Online Directory, Web Calendar The wounded parts of us we often call unstable. To clear this up, we must By listening/meditating compassionately, RADIO PROMOTIONS- Promotional Interviews or Hostmind” Your Own Show our “monkey and our “wounded become CLEAR and we do this through loving and completely to our bodies, heart”, they keep our stories alive to try meditating! Be seen in over 1200 stores throughout SE Michigan our hearts and our minds, they become and prevent us from more pain. unified. What we say, think, feel and do Thinking is praying to the Universe, We sit in the NOW moment hoping to Covering Health, Wellness, Whole Living, Spirituality andandmore! become harmonized we regain our telling it what we want (every thought hear the Universe, but part of our minds ability to hear the voice of the Universe you think, you are telling the universe Not sure which option is right for you? 734-513-6137 andthehave a Marketing Expert guide you and heartsCall are stuck in the past and lovingly guiding us to evolve toward our what you want), Meditation is listening to the best options for your business or email us for a full ad kit at future so we not fully alive. We have greatest joys. to the Universe telling us what we need, endowed our thoughts and emotions with everything we need to evolve and return Penny Golden - Body Mind Spirit Guide to our natural state of wholeness and joy! part of our lifeforce. They are alive and

A Leap of Faith...



Body Mind Spirit


Michigan’s largest holistic magazine

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For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit ©




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Be seen in over 1200 stores throughout SE Michigan

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Covering Health, Wellness, Whole Living, Spirituality and more! Not sure which option is right for you? Call 734-513-6137 and have a Marketing Expert guide you to the best options for your business or email us for a full ad kit at December 2019 w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

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w w w. B o d y M i n d S p i r i t G u i d e . c o m

December 2019

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