By John Ashbrook
There is no question that patience plays an important role in the formation of a spiritual life. However, society demands instant gratification and the concept of patience implies waiting for something that you want. The fact is, that in almost all cases, instant gratification yields results that are short lived. This is mainly because no real effort is required to manifest these mainly superficial sound bites of fulfillment. Obviously, a patient, steady effort applied over time toward a meaningful goal will manifest a far more fulfilling result because the appreciation factor is proportional to the work accomplished. This is bound to produce a greater, longer lasting satisfaction. Patience is a prime component of creation. Nothing can be created without a balance of two forces, the masculine and the feminine. The masculine principle in creation is an outward moment, you make something happen. The feminine principle in creation is an inward movement, you trust something will happen. The essence of patience is trust, a relaxing of outward force. When you are trying to create anything in your life the quality of the results will always be dependent on the balance of these two principles of creation, the outward thrust (masculine) and the inner relaxation (feminine). The inner relaxing or trust is the mark of patience. Patience is a knowing, a deep certainty, that when the time is right according to the laws of an intelligent universe the result of this balance between force and trust will manifest creation. So, where does patience come from, how does one cultivate it? Patience is born of healthy self-esteem, discipline, and commitment. It is the product of these of these critical elements of spiritual maturity. These are the building blocks of spiritual development and without them the immaturity of insistence will rule the soul and the life, making trust and patience if not impossible to achieve. The fact is that impatience marked by a forcing attitude toward life will always cause the immature, fearful lower self to pull back, hunker down and resist movement, change and growth. Obviously, without progress the life is mediocre and unfulfilling. Impatience creates a tightness in the soul that not only blocks personal spiritual growth, but also the benevolent forces of the higher realms of the spirit world. Influences that would otherwise aid and guide you on your spiritual path. Patience is a tool that allows you to tune 18
JULY 2020