Body Mind Spirit Guide 2020 07 July

Page 26

You Are Not Broken By Barbra White

A “Core Teacher” in your life can be an emotion, self-sabotaging pattern, or life issue, even one that you’ve faced many times. In your personal growth, when you bump up against a Core Teacher, you may hear yourself thinking thoughts like: “I want to die” or “I am broken” or “This is hopeless.” Do NOT believe these thoughts! Here’s why you should not believe those thoughts: we are here on this planet to grow. In Nature, what does not grow… dies. Humans are no different from Nature. If we’re not unfolding into more wisdom, love, and awareness, we WILL feel dead inside. The diagnosis, addiction, or self-sabotaging pattern is a starting point…not the end. Choosing growth opens your mind to new possibilities and awakens courage. As you choose to see everything in your life as an opportunity to cultivate empowering qualities within, you will feel on purpose. After over 20 years of working with people on their personal growth journeys, I can tell you without a doubt EVERYONE has a “Core Teacher.” Everyone has something inside that is really hard to face and embrace.

sabotage is progressive, unfolding, and incremental. 2 Who you Truly Are, IS already here, AND you are manifesting your True Self. You are already made in the Divine’s image, and you are waking up to and embodying God as you grow and learn. So, there is never a real reason to be without hope. 3. Shame has no transformational value. If you’ve already faced this Core Teacher before, you have not failed. So, you can stop beating yourself up! Facing the same issue does not mean you’ve done anything wrong. Every time you re-visit and learn something, you become the next best version of yourself. “As you know, better, you can do better.” ~Maya Angelou

A Core Teacher can feel like an overwhelming tidal wave that you must solve this instant! In other words, it often feels like life and death.

As you continually re-choose self-love in the face of your Core Teacher, there is an Order, Grace, or Intelligence that works on your behalf. You do not have to figure it all out.

You can ride the tidal wave if you remember three principals:

Most Core Teachers are also ancestral. Your family likely has a history of the issue you are facing. For example, a lot of people come to me for help healing family of origin and childhood wounds and patterns. The high truth is that your Soul picked this family so that you can grow and unfold to the utmost.

1. Growth is lifelong. Love/God is infinite. There is no finish line, so you might as well slow down. Cultivating happiness (not based on conditions and circumstances) and clearing the self-

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Believe it or not, your family is not a punishment. Worry, sexual trauma, addiction, people-pleasing or explosive anger, etc. can be passed on genetically. This issue is NOT your fault. However, it is your respond-ability to break the chain of pain! Three steps to take while facing your Core Teacher: 1. Educate yourself. For example, if your Core Teacher is: People-pleasing—study boundaries and self-advocacy.

JULY 2020

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Articles inside

Look What We Have Accomplished! By Eve Wilson

pages 1, 10-11, 40

Spirit Lifters to Help You Get Back on Track By Emily Madill

page 38

In the turbulence of life, listen and wait. ~Susan Billmaier, PhD

page 37

Awakening To The Music By Tina Bowman

page 36

Rekindling Your Passions By Dr. Dravon James

page 35

Pursuing Spirituality: Forgiving By John Ashbrook

page 34

Spirit Lifters to Get Back on Track to Living Your Highest Path By Emily Madill

page 33

By Michael Abramsky

page 32

How Aqua Aura Quartz is Created By Jennifer Vanderwal The Silver Thread: Thinking of the Gunas

page 31

Shared Karma By Wendy Powers Nugent

page 30

Don’t Worry – Be Hopeful! By: Barbara A. Colbert

page 29

Creating a New World By Susan deCaussin

page 20


page 28

A Letter of Promise By Gwendolyn Escodavis

page 27

Understanding Reflexology By Susan deCaussin CHt

pages 21-22

You Are Not Broken By Barbra White

page 26

Patience By John Ashbrook

pages 18-19

We Need Laughter and Fun By Pauline Dettloff

page 17

Articles this issue

pages 6-8

We Are One By Miche’ Lame

page 16

Have You Ever Considered Self-Hypnosis? By Phil Rosenbaum

page 9

The Energy of Love in a Time of Chaos By Chrissie Blaze

pages 14-15

22 Ways to Renew Your Spirit and Get Your Mojo Back By Deborah Shane

page 13

How Can We Make Use of What Have We Gained? By Eve Wilson

page 12

Look What We Have Accomplished! By Eve Wilson

pages 10-11
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