Body Mind Spirit Guide 2022 04

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April 2022 Page 1 For A healthy Body, an Enlightened Mind, and A Renewed Spirit © APRIL 2022 FREE Copy at Select Location
ARTICLES • HOROSCOPES • LOCAL EVENTS • CLASSIFIEDS AND MORE... Family Owned, Locally Grown, & Globally Known!©


Michael Abramsky

John Ashbrook

Leslie Blackburn

Cheryl Lynn Carter

Chrissie Blaze

Tammy Brawell

Susan deCaussin

Penny Golden

Miche Lame’

Aluna Michaels

Phil Rosenbaum

Barbra White

Eve Wilson

The Body Mind Spirit Guide covers all aspects of wholeness from ancient wisdom to modern methods. It’s a great place to find humor, inspiration, local news, events, products, services and professionals.

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Our Writers are Leaders, Healers & Experts that are passionate about helping YOU have healthy body, an enlightened mind and a renewed Spirit!

Our Vision… “I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk’s Vision (1862 - 1950)

We believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! We dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father and their children (you & I)!

Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song! This publication seeks to create Harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!

Copyright 2022 Golden Galleries & Body Mind Spirit Guide™ are protected by United States and international trademark & copyright laws. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, or used in any form without expressed permission from the editor.

We accept no liability for the authors or advertisers claims and strongly suggest that you contact a professional before using any treatments.

We also reserve the right to refuse any advertising. Feedback from our readers both positive and negative are appreciated.

Important Disclaimer: The recommendations in this publication are not intended as medical advice, or intended to be a substitute for medical counseling. Although many articles are written by Doctors and those in the healing arts, we recommend that you consult a doctor or wellness professional to determine issues regarding your personal health. BMS Staff

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FOR THE GUIDE? Attention Writers: Have something to share? Currently taking new articles, news, tips and bits for the Body MInd Spirit Guide. email to When the Student is Ready the Master will Appear 5 Springing Back New 8 The “Secret Intention” Behind the Guide 10 Hearts Desire................................................................... 12 Polish the mirror today and see the Beloved ................... 15 Shift the Energy – Change the World .............................. 16 Are Your Thoughts Working For You? ............................. 18 Hierarchy of Love 19 From Black Grievance to Black Gratitude 20 Your Full Moon energy message for April 22 PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 24 The Music in Me 25 Spiritual Horoscopes ....................................................... 26 A New Crystal & Metaphysical Store with you in mind .... 27 Clearing Clutter as a Path to Better Sex (part 1) ............. 28 Classifed Ads and Events ............................................... 31
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When the Student is Ready the Master will Appear

In this newly-launched Body Mind Spirit Guide I thought, after writing many articles for this excellent publication, it was time to introduce to you my Spiritual Master, Dr. George King, and The Aetherius Society – the spiritual organization he founded in 1955 after he was contacted by an advanced, extraterrestrial intelligence known as Aetherius.

Following this initial contact, known as The Command, Dr. King’s far-reaching Mission of personal and global healing began.

I was fortunate to be one of only a hundred close students and disciples worldwide who assisted Dr. King in undertaking his Mission for world peace and enlightenment.

I studied and worked with him at the two Headquarters of The Aetherius Society in London and later in Los Angeles until his passing in 1997. I later moved to The Michigan Branch with my husband and fellow disciple, Gary Blaze, where we continue to support and promote our Master and his life’s work with other longtime disciples.

I had been searching for truth for many years. I had studied numerous books and the lives of many wonderful Masters, but when I first met Dr. King, I knew he was extraordinary, and I soon learned why.

Master of Yoga Dr. George King (19191997)

He had, through years of focused effort and strict yogic discipline, attained the highest states of consciousness.

By the early 1950s, through incredible mental control, he was able to levitate, to dematerialize and re-materialize, and leave his body at will.

He became an exceptional Medium, at first receiving messages from advanced Masters on the higher mental realms and later from Masters from beyond this world, such as The Master Aetherius, known as Cosmic Masters.

Life was a perpetual inspiration for his other students and me to study under and work with him, for we lived in a constant atmosphere of dynamic and intense spirituality that is difficult to describe in everyday terms. Those twenty-five years seemed like lifetimes of concentrated experience.

Like other Masters I had studied, Dr. King was nothing like the average person. My Master was compassionate, sensitive, and wise beyond measure.

He was a mystic and a poet and yet also a scientist and occultist, strong, tough, and disciplined with himself and those close to him.

He was a spiritual warrior, determined, and focused on his Mission of world service. As a spiritual teacher, he worked hard with endless patience, compassion, and a wonderful dose of ready humor to

help his students learn and grow.

Dr. King practiced the higher forms of yoga for an average of 8 to 10 hours a day for ten years.

He was a pioneer in the realms of thought; ahead of his time, and yet he was, unlike those other Masters, a man and Master for this Age of science and spirituality - the Aquarian Age.

Although born in Shropshire in the Midlands of England, it became clear to those who were close to him that he and his Mission were other-worldly.

He was a visionary, an inventor of spiritual technology, and his Mission was focused 24/7 on bringing light, healing, and love into our world – and giving us the powerful spiritual tools so that all of us – and all his followers today and in the future – can do the same.

His Mission encapsulated the motto of The Aetherius Society “Service is the jewel in the rock of attainment.”

I learned so much, directly from Dr. King himself and also through the Cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society, that one of my most heartfelt desires is to share these wonderful teachings with as many people as possible.

I know from my own experience that

April 2022 Page 5

these teachings can inspire, guide, heal and strengthen you. They will, if studied and practiced, help you realize the great spiritual riches you have within you.

And please don’t take my word for it – please do your own research! Always investigate with an open mind and heart and a good deal of intelligence and discernment to find Truth.

Discover more about Dr. George King -

Discover more about The Aetherius Society - www.aetherius. org

I know from your interest in spiritual topics that you are seeking truth about yourself, as well as knowledge about the influence of the planets, including the Earth upon which we live.

If you wish to go further in your search for truth, please study these pages with an open mind and heart. I believe they will transform your life for the better – bringing meaning, fulfillment, and joy – just as they do for me.

The unique teachings of The Aetherius Society offer powerful ways to unlock your inner potential. They will answer the deepest questions about the meaning of life and why we are here on Earth:

· Life after death

· Karma and reincarnation

· The various realms of existence on this planet and other planets within our solar system;

· The spiritual nature of man

· And much more!

The Mother Earth

Dr. King received over 600 Cosmic Transmissions during his Mission on Earth. At the same time, he gave hundreds of lectures and wrote dozens of books from the depths and heights of his own wisdom as an extraordinarily enlightened Master in his own right.

One important revelation he made was about the beautiful planet upon which we live, breathe, and evolve – the Mother Earth.

Dr. King, through his own deep spiritual realizations and meditations, understood the true nature of this highly evolved, living Intelligence and gave lectures and wrote books about her sacred Nature, her history, her realms of nature, the Devic Kingdom, and Dr. King’s visits to the center of Earth in a projected state. For more about these lectures and books, please visit -

6 April 2022

The Twelve Blessings

This is a mystic text and a potent spiritual practice, delivered to Earth by the Avatar of Love, The Master Jesus, through the advanced Mediumship of Dr. George King. In the Seventh Blessing – Blessed Is The Mother Earth - Jesus offers elevated Wisdom about the true nature and plight of the Earth. Each blessing is a profound teaching and closes with a prayer that we can all use to radiate the energy of Love to our world so needed in these days.

Discover more about The Twelve Blessings at

Twelve Blessings online Services – radiate spiritual energy

At home, you can add The Twelve Blessings as an integral part of your spiritual practices. We also hold regular Twelve Blessings Services at Centers throughout the world, including our Aetherius Temple in Royal Oak, Michigan, as well as online Services where people throughout the world join in radiating their love to our suffering world.

Discover more about The Twelve Blessings Online Services at

Our Evolution on Mother Earth

In her great compassion for involved humanity, the Mother Earth has allowed us a home in space in order to live, breathe, awaken and evolve, with no thought of reward or even gratitude.

Just as the Earth herself goes through advanced Initiations, so too do we humans go through initiations as we progress on our spiritual journey. The following teachings will help us in our journey Godwards:

The Nine Freedoms

In this sacred text, delivered by the Cosmic Master, Mars Sector 6, you will learn of essential steps on your journey through evolution on planet Earth. It begins with Bravery, moves into Love and Service, and takes us into Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness, and, eventually, the long-sought-after initiation of Ascension. It opens the door to further experience even beyond this Earth.

Discover more about The Nine Freedoms at www.

When the student is ready the Master will appear

You may know the aphorism: When the student is ready, the Master will appear. When we open our minds, our eyes and ears to the truth, when we have a strong desire to learn, to grow, to evolve, the right Master – your Master – the one who can most help you in your growth and evolution will appear. This wonderful initiation; this spiritual gift of finding a Master may come to you in one of many ways - perhaps through a

book, a podcast, another person, or through your own intuition, which will, if you allow it, guide you through the mires of materialism to the spiritual heights.

It is not by chance that you have now heard about Dr. George King. The design of the intricate pattern of your evolution, your unique karmic pattern that has led you to this point.

Dr. George King can become your Spiritual Master. The more you learn about him, the more you study his teachings and his missions; you too can begin to feel the great spiritual power; the unbelievable love and compassion, just as I did.

Then a new journey; an incredibly powerful journey in which you can light up the world with your love, your healing, your service to all, and yourself be rejuvenated and regenerated by this – will begin.

To find out far more, please visit - chrissie-blaze-welcome/ Blessings,

Chrissie Blaze

Chrissie Blaze is the author of 12 published books. She’s an astrologer, an ordained priest, the co-host of Aetherius Radio Live, a regular media guest, and a direct disciple of the Spiritual Master, Dr. George King.;

April 2022 Page 7

Divine Temperance with Courtney Overfield

Springing Back New

It’s great to be back in print here with The Guide! In the past two years, a lot has happened since it stopped publishing regularly.

We’ve all had to take a step back and ask ourselves what our priorities are and how to proceed forward in this different reality. I want to offer you my spiritual healer’s perspective on what we have accomplished during our enforced retreat from the familiar and where we are going as we spring back into the next phase of things.

When we look at things from a purely human perspective here in the spring of 2022, we see a lot of endings and a lot of holes left in our lives and the world from that. This sad perspective is understandable, and we all feel it. However, it is only the smallest part of what is happening. As always, there is a hidden purpose at work in our lives and the world that can be perceived when we remember that we are spiritual Beings having a human experience. The spiritual is the vastly greater

8 April 2022
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part of us. When we spend time focusing on that perspective, it awakens us to experience an amazing period of rebirth, leading to a higher level of reality for our world.

During these two years, when people withdrew from much of our outer activity, it allowed a lot of preconceptions about life to be let go. The enforced stillness brought our focus to a more inward relationship with ourselves.

Many people have been learning to be the center of their own lives instead of always looking outside of themselves for purpose and fulfillment. We’ve been learning to let go of money as the predominant drive of our existence. We have surrendered the belief that if we do our jobs, our family lives, or our social lives well enough; we will have everything we want. The enforced stillness made us realize it didn’t work out that way; it just caused us to lose ourselves. For many people, this pause in outer focus allowed us to recall ourselves, learn to listen to our inner lives, and make new choices with ourselves at the center.

Even more significant, by withdrawing focus from all the busyness, necessary shifts in our spiritual foundations for life have occurred. All of life is rooted in and built upon eternal spiritual being. The enforced stillness allowed us to receive a new spiritual foundation for life on which a new reality is being built. We call it the new world. The new world takes us beyond the school of hard knocks which we have been in since the dawn of time and which helped us to evolve. It initiates us into the next experience, which is the job we have been preparing for. That job is co-creating life on Earth in partnership with God. And while we have been quietly waiting for life to begin again post-pandemic, the foundation for this new world has grown strong enough to hold us as we spring back into life again.

So, we are re-entering life, and while perhaps we hold the hope or assumption that things will go back to “normal,” that old normal doesn’t exist anymore. What is waiting for us is new! It is better than we hoped for and everything we need. It is ready to receive us, and some of us are ready to step up to this higher vibration reality. I invite you to do so! But those who continue to try to do things the old way will run into increasing failure and loss because that way is ending and will not be available in our future. We can no longer run the world by the willpower of the biggest, loudest, richest, pushiest, or even by the kindest and most self-sacrificing. The new world is entirely different than either of those inclinations.

The new world is created by each of us being centered and true to ourselves in partnership with our eternal spiritual Higher Selves. Our Higher Selves live in that place where all life is One. They understand our roles within that Oneness moment by moment.

Our Higher Selves bring together all that is needed to fulfill our purpose and our needs in harmony with the greater good of all. In the new world, we are pure energy of unconditional love. Our bodies are becoming light and energy that appears to spiritual vision like liquid crystals. It is obviously going to take some time for all of us to get to this new place, but much less than you might think! If you would like to know more about this process, gain skills for making this transition, and help the world to heal and to ascend, that is my work. I invite you to visit my website . Find out about my book Riding the Wave of Change – Hope, Healing and Spiritual Growth for Our World, my award-winning international blog - The Weekly Word for Healing & Ascension, Healing Treatments, and classes like Healing & Ascension Monthlies and legal Healer Practitioner Certification.

This is an exciting time to be alive, though it is very challenging. When you focus on what is being born new, you are uplifted into a better place, and that protects you from a lot of the difficulties and brings you joy and aliveness.

Blessings for your journey my friends!

Eve Wilson, Award-Winning Blogger, Best Selling Author, Master Healer, World Ascension Worker, Trainer of legal UCM Healer Practitioners. www.spiritualhealers. com

April 2022 Page 9


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The “Secret Intention” Behind the Guide…

Hi everyone, I’m Penny Golden, the creator of the Body Mind Spirit Guide; I launched it 17 years ago with the help of my husband, Howard and a lot has changed since then; my hubby and best friend of 30 years died in 2019, Covid changed the whole world in 2020, and I got diagnosed with cancer in 2021.

These challenges were so hard, and I had to push to move forward; I used a lot of the modalities and methods I learned from the Guide to grow, evolve and heal.

And now that I have recovered, I have decided to relaunch the Guide. So the Guide “lives,” and it will evolve too, but my “Secret Intention” will remain the same. See if you can find it in the statement below that has been published in every issue of the Guide since we began…

“I believe all people are One! And that this great truth lies deep within each person’s heart! I dedicate the Body Mind Spirit Guide to the One Mother, the One Father, and their children (you & I)!

Though we speak many languages from differing nations, professions, religions, and realms, as we start to sing the language of LOVE, we begin to become aware that we are all singing the same song!

This publication seeks to create harmony to that One Song, the BEAUTIFUL Song of life!”

So, did you catch what my “Secret Intention” is? Beauty, Oneness, Harmony? Yes, all of those for sure, but really it is LOVE because inside of love, we find beauty, oneness, harmony, and everything we need to feed our soul and live a life of joy.

So, to you many readers, “I love YOU!” And I can say without a doubt, our advertisers and writers love you too!

We are dedicated to bringing you wit, wisdom, humor, love, joy, and resources that help you lessen your struggle, heal your heart, body, and mind, up lift you, inspire you and revitalize your soul.

Thank you for picking up, reading it and sharing it with others; We are so grateful for YOU, and we hope you love the new issue!

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Your sense of humour though, will only get better with age.

Your intuition will grow and expand like a majestic cloak of wisdom. Your ability to choose your battles, will be fine-tuned to perfection.

Your capacity for stillness, for living in the moment, will blossom.

Your desire to live each and every moment will transcend all other wants.

Your instinct for knowing what (and who) is worth your time, will grow and flourish like ivy on a castle wall. Don’t prioritise your looks my friend, they will change forevermore, that pursuit is one of much sadness and disappointment.

Prioritise the uniqueness that make you you, and the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit.

These are the things which will only get better.”

Hearts Desire

No relationship, of any kind, can sustain itself without a balance of commitment. Just as giving and receiving make up the whole, and there for giving cannot exist without receiving nor vice versa, there cannot be a one-sided commitment. The key to establishing a balance of commitment in one’s life is to first make a commitment to one’s own life. A person who is committed to themselves automatically attracts commitment from others. Conversely, a person who is not committed to their own life will never attract a sincere commitment from others. A real commitment is not only a two-way street, but also a living contract. It cannot be permanent unless it is growing and evolving. If it becomes static it is no longer a commitment. In a committed relationship both parties must constantly be renewing and evolving their commitments to themselves in order to maintain their commitment to each other, to the relationship. If extremes exist in giving or receiving the relationship cannot grow so the state of commitment suffers. If both partners maintain somewhat equal personal growth, then the balance of commitment is also maintained, and the relationship remains fulfilling. Remember all extreme, rigid positions ultimately become nothing more than excuses not to change, grow, evolve and be free. This is not commitment because spiritual commitment is a pledge to trust the flow of life, which of course, is ever-changing and evolving.

The universe has a commitment to itself, a simple but never-ending pledge to expand the force of life into the infinite void, refining matter into spirit, eradicating imprisoning fear and replacing it with joyous, unencumbered freedom. It is interesting to note that the universe’s commitment to itself is the same one it has to every one of us. Now since we all are part of the universe it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to align ourselves with it. If your commitment to yourself is to constantly expand your consciousness, to overcome fear that prevents change, to evolve your soul and trust the natural flow of life, then you are a committed partner, and all possibilities exist for your life. You see, when your sincere commitment to yourself is to be the best that you can be, you automatically attract others with the same spiritual attitude. Understand that the main impediment to total fulfillment is a lack of trust. Committing one’s self to a life of spiritual development promotes trust and faith in one’s self. When one truly trusts their own knowing, then trusting the process of life must follow. Commitment rallies the soul; it is the backbone of success and the perpetual fuel of personal growth.

Loving relationships are born of trust, so one must have a state of trust within before they can truly give themselves over to another human being. Love is movement, flowing harmony. It cannot exist where there is non-trust or control. Control only exists where balance does not. Balance creates living. Living is expressing. Expressing maintains balance and so it goes. This is the natural and right process of existence and any commitment that one makes in any area of life must take this dynamic into consideration. Your commitments in life should reflect your state of spiritual development in any given moment. If this is so, then you are growing, and you will feel a sense of fulfillment even though your greatest goals

12 April 2022
Don’t prioritise your looks my friend, they won’t last the journey

may not yet be achieved. This is trust, a patient knowing faith that the best is yet to come and that beyond that there is even a greater fulfillment and you know that you will be ready for it, when the time is right. A balanced, evolving life can only get brighter, but the brightness of enlightenment that you are not ready for will only blind you to the beauty that exists today. This is why there cannot be a final commitment but instead, a permanent commitment to the ever-unfolding grandeur of divine enlightenment. It’s a creeping awesomeness!

Know what your commitments to yourself are. Create a list of them an evolving list. Know consciously what your commitments to yourself are at any given time, so that you are able to convey them to others in a clear, concise way. This sparks honest sharing of desires, mutual commitments. Someone cannot commit to you unless they know what your commitments to yourself are. This will create harmony in any relationship. It will also aid you in attracting more committed people into your life. You will not suffer from the fear of “letting go” of people who refuse to make equal commitments with you. Instead, you will move on and at the same time, you help them to see the error of their rigidity. You become part of the universal flow and the universe will reward you with an ongoing, unimaginable journey of personal discovery, joy and spiritual fulfillment.

John Ashbrook is a professional numerologist and intuitive spiritual counselor. He teaches a comprehensive Spiritual Development Program that combines ongoing classes with Individual Guidance sessions to maximize personal growth. For information about private consultations, classes and other services, please call John at 734-326-3433

April 2022 Page 13
14 April 2022 It is time to live your Personal Legend • Mentoring • Healer Certification • Holistic Business Consulting Call for a free consult 734-796-6690 | DEAR MEN, PLEASE READ THIS... Whatever you give a woman, she’s going to multiply... She incubates and increases all things. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby.
you give her a house, she’ll give you a home.
you give her a groceries, she’ll give you a meal.
you give her love, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So if you give her frustration, she will muliply it and give it back to you! Now you know...

Polish the mirror today and see the Beloved

You can be a host to the Divine or hostage to your ego

The ego-mind is like a devil in your head..who wants to keep you from changing. It will keep you from doing nourishing things for yourself or changing a painful habit

Nature can help you to wake back up to your innate wholeness. Put your feet to the Earth or your hand on a tree, breath into your body, and receive its presence. Remember, what you are touching is also touching you. Let life in.

“Original sin” is the forgetting of who we are. I don’t believe it has as much to do with theology as it does our psychology. The most tragic split (“or sin”) is when, as a precious young child, we believe we had to become something other than ourselves- to appease or gain the approval of our caretakers. (In attachment psychology, this is called the “split from the authentic self” to gain a connection with our caretakers. It is a survival static)

Look for yourself in the world---and you will lose yourself. That what you’re seeking is already here. Your True Self can be forgotten through suffering; however, the Real You never leaves.

Feeling separate from our original True Self, we seek to fill it with the Earth’s resources, a person, or things. Feeling separate, we take from nature without thought for future generations.

Remembering we are whole magnificent, and Divine.....doesn’t make us treat others cruelly - in fact, it does the opposite. Relaxing into our inherent goodness causes people to not hoard or act from scarcity. (Over-work, withhold love)

Letting go to the Beloved as you, there are now inward capacities to be independent of the “good opinion” of others. How we identify is how we act. For example, if I identify as an athlete, I will probably go work out. Identify as the Beloved…as an expression of Love.

I will act and speak from Love

Life has pain--Suffering is optional. Suffering is when we forget who we are in the midst of that pain. Our egomind creates stories like: “It is something we are lacking” --“or life is against us.”

Einstein said something to the effect—- you can decide if you live in a friendly or hostile universe. This decision decides your happiness.

It is a courageous choice to remember your wholeness. The ego-mind would rather you identify with your patterns, stories, accomplishments, or failures. I believe the inward journey is awakening to all those limited self-identities and relaxing back to our true identity as the Beloved.

“ Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists; herein lies the peace of God” ACIM. That what changes can be threatened. Surrendering and letting go to your True Self brings real inner peace. Opening to the Beloved within is a process of coming home to your body and to the Earth.

Embodied present moment awareness invites us into eternity… into peace.

Eternity is not a very long time. It is ever-present now. Inner peace is possible.

Barbra WhiteCrow M.A, Di.hom is an eco-therapist, best-selling author, qi-gong practitioner, intuitive empathic healer, and social activist. She is committed to compassion for herself and all living beings

April 9, 10-12 pm

Trauma Healing Yoga and chi-gong in nature near horses.

April 23rd, 10-5 pm. Coming home to Yourself - Coming Home to the Earth.

April 2022 Page 15

Shift the Energy –Change the World

This is a powerful time to be alive! You could say that this is one of, if not the most, pivotal times for humanity in the history of this planet. How amazing that your soul and mine both decided to have the human experience at a time of such incredible transformation. I sometimes have to remind myself of the fact that, at a soul level, I actually chose to be here and experience the turbulence of recent times.

It’s crazy to think that those who are on the front line of this tremendous, energetic shift have been equipped with such empathetic hearts. While it may seem terribly counterproductive to be so highly sensitive during times of such heightened emotions, it’s being able to sense those subtle energies that enable us to gain the intuitive hits that guide the current process of transformation. However, it is a doubleedged sword that must be carefully handled to not cause us to burn out, like overloaded electrical circuits.

The first thing I’d like to establish is that if you feel overwhelmed and isolated, please know that you are not alone….not by a longshot!! I can’t begin to tell you how many folks have been seeking guidance to alleviate the anxiety that’s been accompanying these challenging times. Whether you’ve been “sensitive” to subtle energy for years, or it’s just happened recently due to the rising vibration of the planet, there are ways to protect your sense of wellbeing while still allowing you to positively contribute during this amazing time of change.

When I witness the negativity rising to the surface like oil on water, I take a moment to remind myself that it’s never darker than just before dawn. And I don’t allow myself to slip into despair. All of the dirt that’s been swept beneath the carpet for generations is now being revealed, and it’s time for a deep cleaning.

Much of the desperation experienced by us individually is from a perceived inability to affect change on the major issues spanning the globe. Notice how I said, “perceived.” When we see things happening on a global scale, we can immediately feel a sense of desperation over the belief that physical separation precludes us from affecting change. However, it’s times like those when we must remind ourselves that everyone

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and everything is energetically connected, and distance plays no part … no part at all.

Keeping that connectivity in mind, it’s important now, more than ever, that we take responsibility for the energy we’re emitting. And be cognizant that the most powerful but least acknowledged energy source is found in the thoughts that we hold.

As a child, many of us are taught to say the right things and do the right things, but somehow, most of us missed the memo on the importance of thinking the right things! Our thoughts create powerful energy that directs our conscious actions, our subconscious beliefs, the health & wellbeing of our physical bodies, and our collective energy & vibration. I’ve seen proof of this while participating in several worldwide experiments which created measurable differences in biological matter when the intentions of those involved were focused on specific outcomes. My husband and I receive validation of this powerful yet barely acknowledged energy source when we witness real-time pain relief & healing in our practice when we send intentional healing across a room or even across the planet.

Thoughts can be powerfully effective in a less favorable way, however. When a person holds self-defeating, fearful, angry, or critical thoughts, they’re creating changes in the subconscious mind which can lead to undesirable results. Negative thought patterns lead to unwanted habits, actions & reactions to life events, not to mention chronic pain, illness, and dis-ease, due to the low vibrational energy they emit. And, when we repetitively expose ourselves to negative sources (such as news media, social media, and toxic people), we inadvertently adopt that toxic energy. We then become like a cell towerrepeating and broadcasting that signal to others. There are some simple actions that can be taken in order to circumvent this scenario.

- Avoid exposure to news media at all costs. You cannot affect positive change on ANYTHING by simply feeling bad about it. This avoidance will also prevent your mind from being programmed with fear and anger. Fear is how darkness prevails. Don’t let it in.

- Police your thoughts continuously, catching and correcting anything that is of a negative nature – about yourself, others, or world events. Write a different story in your mind. Take back your power and control by choosing how to react and respond to life’s situations.

- Stay present and focused on what’s positive, right, and beautiful. There is good in everything. You simply need to make a habit of looking for it! With practice, it becomes automatic. Together we can shine a bright light into the darkness. Together we can elevate the vibration of the planet and place it into a healing mode. Together we can change the world. Dance like nobody’s watching. Smile till it hurts. Trust in the fact that you and I are making a difference by taking control of what we say, what we do, and, most importantly, what we think!!! Namaste’

Susan deCaussin CHt, is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Siwa Murti (Balinese Healing) Practitioner, Spiritual Advisor. Reach her at 248-759-6486 and visit her site at

- Block, unfriend, or stop following any people or sources on social media that are not supporting positive thoughts, actions, and behaviors. Instead, choose positive, uplifting media to follow.

April 2022 Page 17
Offering: Clinical Hypnotherapy, Reflexology, Reiki Sessions, Siwa Murti Balinese Healing and Spiritual Guidance. Susan deCaussin, CHt Call today to schedule your FREE consultation.
HEALING METHODS 2265 Livernois Rd, #260, Troy, MI (248) 759-6486 Mike deCaussin
Namaste’, Susan

Are Your Thoughts Working For You?

Many people do not think twice about what they are telling themselves or what they are thinking. But this could be a very serious mistake. Wayne Dyer, psychologist, motivational speaker and author, who recently passed away, actually wrote a book titled: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the Tao.

Another very influential speaker and author, Louise Hay, had a similar message when she wrote “your thoughts create your life…what you think and what you believe will come true for you.” Many other authors and therapists share these views.

Marisa Peer, a therapist, offers an interesting example. If you needed to get a “Magnetic Resonance Imaging” or MRI test, what you say to yourself could determine if you are able to go through it successfully or not. If you tell yourself that this is going to be awful, that it will be like lying in a coffin, you may not last for more than a couple of minutes. However, if you think that this is going to be great, that you can let go of all your worries and just relax and enjoy the experience, then you are much more likely to be able to go through the entire experience without much difficulty.

Another example is that of a salesperson or phone canvasser. People who do these kinds of jobs get lots of rejections. They may call 100 people and only a handful of the people called will be receptive. If the salesman makes a few calls and keeps getting “no” for an answer, he or she may think, “I’m never going to get a sale,” or “I’m not cut out for this,” and soon give up or even quit the job. However, if the salesperson has thoughts such as, “every call I make gets me closer to a sale,”

he or she will stick with the job until the sale occurs. Just by what the salesperson tells him or herself, will totally change the outcome.

You can probably come up with numerous examples. When you were young and starting to date, you may have found yourself thinking, “this person will never go out with me. He or she is too popular or too smart or too good looking.” Conversely, you may have had thoughts such as, “I’m not smart enough or popular enough,” or maybe even “I’m not good enough,” or “I’m not in his or her league.” Obviously with these kinds of thoughts, you are not very likely to ask the person out for a date, or if you do, the chances of success are not awfully good. However, if you tell yourself things like “I’m a terrific person; I have a lot to offer; I’m an interesting conversationalist; I’m intelligent; I have a lot to offer,” you are much more likely to take the chance and ask the person out.

Albert Ellis, who was a famous psychologist, told a story about being terrified of asking women out on a date. He finally decided that he would force himself to sit next to a young lady and initiate a conversation, and then ask the lady out. He stated that he did this 100 times and got rejected 99 times. The one lady who agreed to meet with him later never showed up. Although he had disappointing results, he was able to overcome his fear of talking to women and asking them out. Despite the outcome, his thoughts remained positive.

Let me offer one additional example. An interesting sports experiment was conducted several years ago. Two sports psychologists hooked tennis players up to recording devices and had them say into the recorder everything they were thinking while playing a game. They found that the best players were incredibly positive. If they missed a shot they would simply say, “let it go,” or “no big deal.” If they made a good shot they would congratulate themselves with “great job” or “alright!” Their positive thoughts made them very successful. This is the kind of thinking we all need to engage in.

If you are having trouble keeping your thoughts positive, hypnosis can be very helpful in achieving this goal. If you would like to find out more about hypnosis, or experience a session, please call Phil Rosenbaum at 248-688-6469. Changing your thoughts will truly change your life.

18 April 2022
Phil Rosenbaum
Old Habits & Negative Thought Patterns Keeping you Stuck? Get Unstuck Now This Month’s Special! Save $50.00 4 Session Pkg. just $290.00 (Valued at $340.00 from Apr 1st - Apr 30th) 248-688-6469 Phil Rosenbaum MA, Counselor & Certified Hypnotherapist Royal Oak, MI

Hierarchy of Love

We often put the concerns of others before us thinking that if we make them happy, then we’ll be happy. Stop giving others the ability to determine your happiness. In actuality, there is a different hierarchy. Others are last on the hierarchy of love. Of the three primary relationships of Others, Self and God - our most important relationship is really with God, then Our Self, and lastly, with Others.

You see, when we have a great relationship with the divine, let’s call it God, we have a great relationship with ourselves and others. All relationships we have reflected this primary relationship connecting ourselves with God. Our relationship with God mirrors and determines the quality and depth of our other relationships. Thus, if we are looking for love from others, say our parents or mate, this is reflective of the deep longing we have for God’s love - which is always there, even if we are blind to it.

When we are children and learn, we are separate entities from our parents; that is also the beginning of forgetting we are actually one with God. It is here that most of our issues with ourselves and others get started as this primary wound is unhealed. We begin to believe the illusion that we are separate at all and forget we are just agreeing to temporarily play the manifestation game here. We then develop an ego based on the fear

of separateness and aloneness and the shame for our manifesting that we are separate and not good enough to be loved as we are. The core issues I find with clients are based on fear and the belief we are not good enough. And therefore, not good enough to be loved, be love, one with God.

So, start developing a healthy relationship with God, our primary relationship. After all, we literally are created from God’s energy of love and are all one. Then, get to know you as love, connected, and guided by God. After that, relationships with others are a piece of cake!

Love and Light, Miche Lame’

Miche Lame has been compassionately guiding people for over 25 years. Through Spiritual Living and Healing Miche utilizes Intuitive and Universal Principals to guide you in healing your emotional, mental, physical, & spiritual state. www.

April 2022 Page 19
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The Silver Thread: From Black Grievance to Black Gratitude

Bronze Medalist Gwen Berry unceremoniously turned her back on the American Flag while standing on the victor’s platform at a pre-Olympic national track meet in June of 2021. Last year, I heard the outcries of Black athletes taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest racism. Their protests were in the lineage of black rage first manifested at the 1968 Olympics, when runners John Carlos and Tommie Smith created a storm by giving the black power salute on the Olympic victory stand.

Recently, mass demonstrations resulted from white police officers killing unarmed Black people. These protests mirrored the civil rights demonstrations of the 1960s, which lobbied for Black people to have equal voting rights and treatment by our institutions.

I respect and honor these protests and applaud the rights of Black Americans to express their views and grievances. I respect those who elevated George Floyd’s murder to a clarion call for Black justice. I view politicians like Dan Crenshaw, who wants to disqualify athletes who show disrespect for the Flag, and the Tucker Carlson’s of the world who denigrated George Floyd and justified his murder, as furtive bigots.

Yet as a white Jewish American who is almost 80 years old, I am approaching a century of experience with race relations. I am a living witness to historical change and opportunity, which is rarely mentioned or honored. And so I wonder, “where is Black Gratitude?” Where is the appreciation for Black achievement and the country which fostered it? Grievance is justified, but gratitude, a secular cousin to Grace, is largely missing from the Black vocabulary.

I grew up in St. Louis, Missouri. It was a segregated town. The only Black people I saw were the maid who came weekly with the unusual name and the man who shoveled coal into the furnace of my apartment building. I have an early memory of being on a streetcar with my mother; I was probably three or four. A Black man gave me change for the exact fair. In my naive mind, I feared touching his hand, worried his color might rub off on me. In my Jewish community, Black people were routinely called “schwarzes,” a phrase I later learned was a derogatory term for Black people. It is not often heard these days, but when I do hear the occasional utterance, it sends a visceral shock to my gut as profound as when I hear Jews referred to as “kikes.”

I was fortunate to come of age in the 1960s and experience social enlightenment as a college student. Martin Luther King became a hero to me for his Gandhi-like approach to civil rights in the same way I admired Bobby Kennedy, who opposed the Viet Nam War. My generation was pivotal in the evolution of race consciousness. I transformed from an unconscious bigot to a more enlightened adult who confronted bigotry and prejudice in our race relations and history. Black political-social history has continued down this path. My Jewish experience was different. Jews share a collective memory with Black people as being defined through a metaphor of victimization. My history was peppered with frequent reminders of the holocaust, but we also embraced a country that gave us refuge and a chance to live as we wished. Race relations still have a long way to go. However, in my lifetime, I have seen the election of a Black President and now a Black woman Vice-President. I have worked in the Detroit legal system, where most judges and attorneys are black. My daughter grew up in an integrated neighborhood in Detroit. Now, I see a high percentage of Black news anchors, celebrities, and entertainers.

I remember Nicholas Katzenbach, John F. Kennedy’s Attorney General, escorting James Meredith into Alabama State University, ordering George Wallace aside. Today black women are the largest ethnic group to achieve a bachelor’s college degree in five years. Black athletes dominate college sports., Colson Whitehead is the only novelist to win the Pulitzer Prize two years in a row. Where is the pride and satisfaction for Black professionals, Black billionaires, Black celebrities? What about Oprah, Eric Holder, General Llyod Austin, General Colin Powell, Neal De Grasse Tyson, Langston Hughes, August Wilson, Thurgood Marshal, and Clarence Thomas?

Growing up Jewish, there was much more blatant anti-Semitism than today. Yet every week at Synagogue, when the final prayers of healing (Missheberach) were said, they included gentile American soldiers wounded in wars or ailing famous

20 April 2022

politicians or community leaders. None necessarily Jewish, allAmerican heroes. I was always taught gratitude to America, not for what it gave us, but more for simply allowing us to worship as we chose and pursue the goals we cherished.

In the face of anti-Semitism, we were still allowed to forge a mutually supportive community. When we were not allowed into schools, clubs, or hospitals, we built our own. We created insular communities of self-support. I grew up with the obligation of supporting Jewish businesses and professionals. Our gratitude was an umbrella of freedom that allowed us to pursue our goals. It was our cohesion in a world filled with prejudice toward Jews. Our experience with discrimination and genocide led to self-sufficiency and fueled the foundation of the state of Israel. We lamented our past. We remind ourselves of our holocaust through or Shiva prayers but cherish the opportunities America had given us. Our Jewish News periodicals highlight acts of anti-Semitism but focus more on the accomplishments of community members and the charitable acts accomplished.

Barak Obama famously called his generation the ‘Joshua Generation.’ After the exodus from Egypt, Moses, the leader of liberation, had to pass the mantel to Joshua as the builder of a new nation. Moses’s generation had to die off; born in slavery, they processed a victim’s mentality. This made them unfit to build a new nation where free choice was the springboard of growth.

There are still battles to be won over the abuse and discrimination heaped on Black Americans, but the narrative of victimization needs to be supplanted with the narrative of the opportunity afforded. More progress will be made when the Black community looks inward, not outward. The Black community is full of potential achievement and entrepreneurship. It can be a brotherhood of mutual support that must be highlighted. It should be a community built on pride for its successes and reverence, even if they were hard-won.

Weekly I see the carnage in Detroit or Chicago. It is Black people killing Black people in staggering numbers. These deaths represent a much larger number than that of Black people killed by white racist policemen. It reflects a lack of community, a lack of cohesion. It is unpopular to point it out; some will call me racist, but acknowledging truth is the first step to solving the problem.

As a clinical psychologist, I emphasize gratitude to combat victimization. Many of my patients were truly childhood victims. They came from homes rife with neglect, alcoholism, and abandonment. The spiritual teacher Caroline Myss calls it “wound-ology” when referring to people who define themselves by past hurts. Holding on to a narrative of victimization weakens their sense of power. It reinforces helplessness and ultimately despair. Gratitude does not deny the contemporary evils and challenges of the world. It does not reject the challenges posed by the scars of the past. It simply asks us to focus and respect our efforts to accomplish in the present, to be grateful for the power of now.

Michael Abramsky is a licensed psychologist with 35 years of experience treating adolescents and adults for anxiety, depression, and trauma. Board Certified in both Clinical and Forensic psychology has an MA in Comparative Religions, and has practiced and taught Buddhist Meditation for 25 years. Call 248-644-7398

April 2022 Page 21

4/17 Easter Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto

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Your Full Moon energy message for April

This month’s Full Moon is on the 16th in the air sign of Libra and is the first one after the Spring Equinox last month.

Sandwiched between the Aries New Moon on the 1st and the first Solar Eclipse of this year on the 30th, there is a lot of heightened and intense energy to be experienced this month.

Let’s start with a couple of interesting facts about this Full Moon…

The moon determines which Sunday Easter falls on because it is the first Sunday after the first Full Moon of spring, and is why Easter moves around each year. It is referred to as the Pink Moon because it corresponds with the early springtime blooms of a certain wildflower native to eastern North America.

Now that those facts are shared let’s get into the energetic side of what this Full Moon has in store for you. The energy of Libra invites you to move into a deeper state of peace, harmony, and balance which is the natural state of the higher side of you.

Your old external conditioning has led you to believe, on an unconscious level, that drama and chaos are normal. Still, the higher side of you only knows inner peace, balance, and harmony and seeks to return to it as often as possible.

22 April 2022
Farmington Rd. #100, Farmington Hills, MI 48334

The beauty of this time we are collectively in is that everything is pointing you to that way of living as your “new normal” as you release the old parts of who you were that the outer world led you to believe as true.

It is easier to find the peace and joy that you desire when you open yourself up to letting go of that which no longer resonates vibrationally with who you are now and the ever-evolving version of who you are becoming.

The Full Moon’s energy is the perfect time to focus on releasing the heavy energies that still linger in your energy field and body that are coming to the surface to reveal what old beliefs, patterns, and emotions are hidden away there.

It isn’t about judging what is coming up but rather acknowledging that it is still there and deciding what you want to do with it now.

Everything is always about the NOW. Who you were before today – all versions of you - are incorporated into who you are now. Still, the unprocessed parts can continue to influence your life until you process the old energies of them and bring them to a satisfactory completion for your soul on its journey here.

With that in mind, notice what is coming up for you and be willing to process and heal it to release those heavy energies that are no longer who you are or who you want to be.

The easiest way to notice them is through your physical body and physical experiences, which are the messages for doing so.

Rather than getting caught up in the fear-based energy of viewing them from your human perspective, or at least after you finish doing so, invite them to share their message of healing with you, and they will.

If it isn’t a clear message for you, then seek the support you need to help you with it. It isn’t about doing all of this alone. I’m here for you!

That is why relationships are highlighted with this moon’s energy as well.

Creating a deeper relationship with yourself allows you to move into a state of inner peace and balance within you and your life, bringing clarity to what is going on within your outer relationships.

With the highlighted energy around balance this month, it is

easier to notice the imbalances in your relationships and what is coming to the surface.

People often focus on creating outer boundaries to let others know what is okay. Still, when you find peace, balance, and harmony within you, your vibrational frequency will do all that is necessary to move who is a vibrational match into your life and who is not out of your life.

This takes the pressure off of you to pay so much attention to what is going on outside of you and turn your attention inward to where your vibrational frequency is currently at.

Nothing happens outside of you that is not a direct reflection of your internal state.

Change your internal state, and your outer experiences MUST change accordingly to vibrationally match and resonate with where you are.

When you are in a state of peace, balance, and harmony within yourself, your life will reflect that in everything you experience in the fulfillment and satisfaction of your relationships, health, finances, career, spiritual growth, and every area.

It is much simpler than you have been led to believe. However, you have your part to do in it by finding your center of peace, balance, and joy as often as possible, and it will become easier with time as you do.

Allow the energies of this Full Moon and the month of April to bathe you with their uplifting and upleveling power and love, and access the relief and release they offer you with them too. Enjoy all the potential and possibilities that are coming your way and are available to you now!

I share this message with love,

Tammy Braswell, The Vibrational Goddess, supports emotionally, intuitively, and energetically sensitive women to heal their past, vibrationally align with their soul’s truth, and live their purpose with confidence, clarity, and connection. Connect with Tammy at and on Facebook in her Your Spiritual Journey Playground: Elevate Your Awakening, Healing & Growth group at https://www.

April 2022 Page 23

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The Music in Me

There is one common language that binds all mankind … music. Music is what connects each individual to the universe. Plato said, “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.”

Everything in existence is in a constant state of continuous vibration. Music works on an etheric body level, so we do not process it with our linear minds. What we do is “feel” it. So, in essence, music is what feelings sound like. The etheric part of our body consists of seven chakras: energy points of vibrational frequencies and dynamic rhythmic patterns. The body’s energy system resonates with music. It stimulates these energy centers, awakening them, and releasing an abundance of creativity waiting to be discovered.

When the chakras vibrate and become more energized with the presence of a corresponding frequency, it is known as harmonic resonance. This alignment occurs when a standing wave comes in contact with another tuned to the same frequency causing it to vibrate at a level matching the one generated. Every chakra has its own unique properties, which in turn has one it responds to.

Each of the seven musical notes, A through G, has a corresponding frequency with our chakras. The sound frequency and vibration of these musical notes reverberate through the body. We often say we feel a particular song deep within our soul. Each chakra resonates with a musical note having a similar frequency. When you enjoy a specific type of music, it’s because certain chakras are being energized. Furthermore, when you listen to music, the brain releases a chemical known as dopamine which makes us happy. The release is the strongest when a part of the song reaches an emotional peak causing us to feel chills. The song’s rhythm connects to us in a process called entrainment when one frequency responds to another in synchronicity. If the music is fast-paced, our heartbeat and breathing will begin to accelerate to match the rhythm. The brain interprets this as excitement and thus releases more dopamine.

Yes, without a doubt, music, chakras, and our souls coexist.

Music Note/ Frequency - Energy - Instrument

1 - Crown

B - 480 Hz


Singing Bowls

2 - Third Eye

A - 426 Hz

Insight Bells, Chimes

3 - Throat

G - 385 Hz

Creation/ Communication

Flute, Vocals

4 - Heart

F - 341 Hz



5 - Solar Plexus

E - 320 Hz

Self Esteem


6 - Sacral

D - 288 Hz

Life Energy


7 - Root

C - 256 Hz



Cheryl Lynn is a Psychic Medium, Remote-Viewer, and member of Project Psi: a team of psychic and forensic remote-viewers that successfully solve missing person cases. She is a researcher, freelance writer, and international author. Instagram cherylcarter417

April 2022 Page 25

Aries (March 21 – April 19) — Happy birthday, Aries! You may not think of yourself as a healer, but you can cultivate internal spiritual energy right now. Practice qigong, reiki, or some form of energy awareness. Put your hands near each other but not touching. Can you feel the energy? Be patent and believe it’s there because it is! Send healing to your body or even to your thoughts. Experiment with a friend to see if they feel what you’re sending out. This month’s eclipse empowers your spirituality and also finances. Also, forgive hurts in love so you can open to new connections.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) — This month’s eclipse helps you free yourself from your own box! You can experiment with being different, goofy, fun, or radical. You can meet new friends who support you for being the “you” that you want to be, not who you’ve always had to be. Meditate on healing your internal negative critic. Be aware of it as a voice that you can ignore; instead of “truth,” you have to believe. Try a new hobby like a dance or art class.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) — You can release shame related to sloppy finances or debt. You can also heal issues around intimacy and sexuality. Meditate on being kinder to yourself. Say comforting things to yourself instead of being a “mean girl” to your inner wounded, scared self! This will be a revolutionary change that will give you a blast of physical energy if you’ve

Spiritual Horoscopes

been struggling with lowered vitality or motivation. Try a five to ten-minute yoga practice each day. Short and sweet, but effective!

strengths! Health issues can shift by being consistent with stress reduction techniques, deep breathing, and rest. Listen to the opinions of others who love you and who see your sweetness.


(June 21 – July 22) — You can have breakthroughs at work after a time of struggle. Your efforts are recognized! A long-awaited bonus or raise can come through. It can be hard to make new friends, but with this month’s eclipse, please try! Also, bravely analyze your closest relationships for any type of abuse, no matter what kind and no matter how subtle. Ask for help from professionals if needed so you can confront and set limits with boundary offenders.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) — You can have relationship breakthroughs! A new bond can start that shifts you in wonderful directions. You’ve learned to break co-dependent patterns so you’ll find healthy connections where your needs are met! Celebrate your victories and honor your boundaries. Ironically, you’ll be able to get closer to others with them in place. Meditate to forgive yourself for “lost time.” You can also get an unexpected bonus, raise, or financial blessing!


(July 23 – Aug. 22) — This month’s eclipse can bring exciting career breakthroughs! Work with the law of attraction and visualizations about prosperity and a dream job, and it can all happen! You can also heal disappointments you’ve had around religion and spirituality, even if there has been trauma in those areas. You can feel your own Light within you and trust that guiding force! If there are relationship issues, don’t give in. Stand by your deepest needs and advocate for them. Leave if you have to because there are so many options for you!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) — Trust your gut. You can overanalyze your intuition and suck the inspiration out, so you’re confused and deflated. This month’s eclipse helps you open to inspiration when it comes and to see it as a gift. Meditate to release internal criticism so you can honor your spiritual

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) — Like Libras, relationship breakthroughs happen for you! You can have insights into childhood issues or past traumas that block you from fulfilling connections now. Meditate and make a commitment to persist with one small change or attitude. Create a “thought ladder” so a belief isn’t out of reach. Steep your mind in what you can see is possible. Step up to another “rung” of belief later. You can gradually progress toward more hopefulness without interference from habitual negative thoughts that keep you “safe.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) — Meditation helps relationships tremendously. You often blurt things out and then regret it. Quiet reflection each day widens your perspective on the situation and helps you have better communication. You’ll also be able to stick with healthy, nourishing food choices. Insights also come about financial issues. Being a Sag is great since you’re eager, spontaneous, and adaptable. But cultivating discipline and discernment won’t make you boring!

26 April 2022

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) — This month’s eclipse can bring an exciting new relationship or heal stuck issues in a current one! Meditation gives insights about childhood huts/traumas that can subtly impact romantic bonds today. You can reframe these memories in a healthy way that frees and empowers you! Financially, doors can open for you to make a big purchase you’ve been saving and striving for. Also, work with affirmations that comfort and self-soothe. It might seem nerdy and “weak,” but healing your heart makes you strong and resilient!

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) — Please release yourself from self-judgment. As an Aquarian, you’re often ahead of the pack and, therefore, outside the group. But it’s vital to see the loyal people in your life who “get you,” admire you and encourage you. Stay true to who you are and love your unique, cool self! Additionally, you can also have clarity around finances and also relationships. Change up your meditation routine and method for amazing insights!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – It’s always crucial to meditate on your boundaries. Feel worthy of having and maintaining them! Setting better limits with others allows for more intimacy and trust. Meditation also reveals your blind spots. Have you been in denial with either spending habits or the relationships to which you give the most time? Keep trusting your inner voice, even if those ideas will cause waves!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters’s in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone, or Zoom. Call or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.

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(248) 583-1663


It was November 2020, and our governor had just closed restaurants and entertainment venues due to the spiking cases of Covid here in Michigan. Three weeks prior, I had just signed a lease for a multi-vendor store in Laurel Park Place Mall. My initial thought was that we would open for only a few months then leave the mall. It was a surprise when my intuitive voice kept nudging me to resign the lease for another three months, then another six months. The store grew in popularity as people started seeing our wide range of crystals and minerals. Being a multi-vendor store, our customers love the wide variety of products and the many different vendors from all backgrounds. Today, we are still at Laurel Park Place Mall in a new location in the mall. Our new location offers 7200 square feet of crystals, minerals, jewelry, tarot decks, spiritual books, home decor, and health and wellness products. We also have a multipurpose room where we hold events and classes ranging from jewelry wrapping to psychic development classes.

Our upcoming classes include Reiki Level 1, Tarot for beginners, Learn how to read Aura’s, pendulum classes, beginners meditation, and much more!

One of our features in the store is our singing Crystal Bowls. We have a wide assortment of 10-inch bowls that correlate with each chakra.

You are welcome to come and experience our bowls and play them. We are open six days a week and closed Mondays.

If interested in receiving notifications of our classes and listing of our psychic fairs and other events, just text the word “crystals” to 844-570-1104. We also hold psychic and holistic fairs and festivals throughout metro Detroit. Our fairs and festivals offer over 40 to 100 vendors who offer readings, healing, and sell products.

For further information on Rock Your World Store and Events, follow us on Facebook at rockyourworld, LLC.

Laura Moody is a psychic/medium and owner of Rock Your World Events. For more on Laura, go to:

April 2022 Page 27

Clearing Clutter as a Path to Better Sex (part 1)

In this two-part series, we will explore how clearing clutter from your life leads to better sex, more vibrancy, and more clarity. Releasing things that no longer serve you opens Space to move energy through your body, helping you open up to receive and share your vital life force. It also creates room for the relationships or opportunities you seek. Let’s explore how.

What is Clutter?

Clutter can express as the piles of physical stuff sitting in your home or at your desk that is taking up Space but not adding value to your life. Clutter also has an energy and time aspect. Things we do to distract ourselves, kill time, or waste time also clutter our energy field.

Let’s explore two main types of clutter: Time and Space.

Time Clutter

Time clutter happens while watching TV, “killing time,” or “wasting time.” It’s doing random things that don’t really serve a purpose or feel that good other than to distract us from ourselves and what’s really going on with us and our experience.

In my upcoming book, Sacred Sexuality: Listening to Our Bodies, I share the story of how twenty years ago, I finally recognized my relationship with TV was a major time clutter and how I finally let it go.

My partner Dixon, who is the nationally touring musician of Dixon’s Violin, shares a similar story. Over a decade ago, when he was still in corporate life, Dixon also watched a lot of TV. He noticed that as he released this cluttering time-killer, it allowed him to really explore himself.

At first, this was hard— it meant there was Space to look within and see the things about his life that felt hard to change. As he did, it freed up creativity in his music, and he was able to move from playing notes on a page to improvisationally creating music for live audiences.

Developing his signature improv style with the digital violin was a critical part of Dixon’s journey as a full-time musician. On stage, he describes how he wishes to share his soul and inspire his audiences. Releasing time clutter helped open the path to a new and more satisfying career.

There are many kinds of time clutter. Clearing it opens Space for personal growth and stepping into one’s power. It also leads to better sex, better connections with others, more intimacy, and better connections within.

Space Clutter

Space clutter is the physical stuff in our lives that we hang onto beyond its useful time. This can include boxes of old papers and files, clothing, dishware, trinkets, and more.

I notice that some people have more proclivity for hanging onto things than others. Some of this may be passed on inter-generationally: I have felt threads of this tendency in myself coming from my grandparents living through the Depression-era. When my grandmother died, we found food dating from the 1950s in her deep freeze. For many people in the Great Depression, survival was dependent on saving things.

Both clutter and decluttering tend to involve emotion. Real urgency motivated my grandparents to save everything they could. The tension was passed on through her descendants to me. Until we recognize this, we don’t even know why we need to save something, and yet, we’re saving it. The feeling that we need to do so is often rooted in the past.

Another way I noticed my own unhealthy pack-rat qualities showing up was with a sense of: “If I destroy these documents or get rid of this box of stuff from college, then somehow that part of me, that phase of life, disappears. If I do this systematically, I am going to erase myself!” Over more than a decade, as I did serious phases of clearing physical clutter from my home, I noticed a lot of emotional overwhelm. I know I am not alone in this.

Because of this dynamic, going through the decluttering process involved body-level fear. Although I was rationally aware that I would survive discarding some stuff, it felt like I wouldn’t. It didn’t feel safe to my system. When that happens, it’s common to override the body and ignore its messages. When the body talks, we need to listen. So I listened. This brought up a real question: “What does my body need to feel safe as I clear this?”

As I discovered ways to support myself emotionally through my clearing process, releasing clutter from my life became

28 April 2022

much easier. I also collected some tips to help you on your decluttering journey.

Clutter Clearing Tips

Don’t try to bite it all off in one chunk.

It doesn’t need to happen all at once. For me, decluttering involved quite a spiral of unwinding layers: layers of emotional content, things held back and stored in my body, and my sexual energy. Things felt heavy. They weighed on me.

Not doing it all at once and taking baby steps helped me. This is not true for everyone — some people do it all in one big chunk. Listen to your body for your pace. Dixon taught me a lot in the clearing clutter phase and has definitely moved through many cycles himself — he’s made DEEP cuts. For him, his body was alright with, “Ok, it ALL goes!” So he did! Take baby steps if you need to, and listen to your body. Here’s a way to do that:

Decide on one chunk.

Example: Kitchen clearing. I noticed a bunch of stuff stored in the backs of my kitchen cabinets. Items seemed to get hidden back there and then multiply when I wasn’t looking. Suddenly I had fifteen small, trinkety glasses I didn’t need anymore. Does this sound familiar?!

Instead of going through and pulling out only the things you don’t want, decide on one chunk — in this example, the dishes-and-glasses cabinet —and then…


Empty out everything from this chunk of the kitchen and move it to a staging spot— in our case, the dining room table. Not just one or two things, but everything. There is something that happens when you pull everything out all at once. The energy breaks up a bit, and this gives you a chance to free the items from your Space.

Make a choice.

Next, decide what stays and what goes. Select ONLY those things to keep that are intentionally going to stay.

Listen to your body.

As you engage with this energy, watch your body position. Dixon was also helping me see this. He would notice that all of a sudden, I had curled down into a ball, and I was reading something I filed away back in 1983. I was touching it, reading through the details, and it was sucking me back into the inertia of a past time.

When you notice this, stand up and move and release from that draw. There is a kinesthetic memory that happens when we touch things from the past that can feel overwhelming and suck you back in. The way out is to notice and move your


Call in an Emotional Support Crew.

Having someone watching, supporting, and doing a lot of the touching and moving of things through this process with you can be very helpful. Dixon had been in my life only a few years as I was unpacking and unwinding stuff from decades prior. Dixon’s support helped me see things from an impartial point of view.

I call this your Emotional Support Crew — people you trust who are not tied up in the emotional content you are going through. Call them in advance to be there with you. They can help you see things in a new way, one that is not embroiled in some past memory. There are also people who help clear clutter as a profession. Explore asking for the support you want.

Take a picture.

Consider taking a digital photo as an alternative to storing the physical item if it is something that you want for a memory, yet it’s no longer serving in your life. This can honor its memory and give you Space to let the item go.

Stage it.

It was tender for me to remove some stuff, especially some big stuff, and I wasn’t so sure I was ready to let it go. For some of the bigger items or emotionally charged ones, it felt overwhelming — like flighty terror in my body, traumatic responses. In those cases, rather than telling myself, “Just toss it anyway! Rip it off like a bandaid!” I found I needed to stage it.

Staging means putting an item aside for a bit before deciding for sure whether it leaves. I designated a spot in the garage for this purpose. If, after a little while, I didn’t notice it missing, I could come back to it and see, “Oh yeah, I really don’t need this.” Then, it was easier to finally let it go.

The key here is to move the item from its original spot. It starts the energy shift that needs to happen, breaking up the inertia that holds things in place.

Create ritual to let it go.

Remember: honor this as energy. Continue to do your own human homework in your life and with past relationships, make peace, and invite forgiveness for yourself and others. This is all part of what creates the possibility that you can let some of this stuff go now. And this process can work both ways. Sometimes letting go of stuff is where forgiveness and peace start to open up.

Treat the clearing as an intentional ritual.

Make piles!

I have found having four intentional piles helps me:

Recycling - Stuff that can go into the recycling bin

Donations - Lots of different donation paths.

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Re-file - Sometimes, in this process, I find something in one room that actually is useful but needs to be in a different room or Space to fulfill that purpose. “Oh wow! That was here? You are going somewhere else.” I encourage you to make sure this is a particularly tiny pile. If you haven’t noticed it in years, maybe it doesn’t need to stay.

Waste - What is literally going into a landfill? I try to keep this pile small, if possible, repurposing or recycling if it’s an option. That said, I have also made peace with throwing things out if needed. If the energy required to repurpose or donate becomes overwhelming, then maybe this is the case where I am going to use the landfill.

All of these are wonderful tools to help your process. Here are two more:

Take breaks.

Once I decide to start with a chunk of decluttering, I tend to get overwhelmed, trying to do it all at once. Sprinkling in short breaks as needed to move, breathe, drink water, dance, sing helps my body process and feel revitalized for the next step. It becomes a much more enjoyable process as I acknowledge and celebrate my forward momentum.

This brings us to the final and most important tip:

Happy Dance!

Phase 1 is complete. Now you can do a Happy Dance and

celebrate that you have cleared some things. Yay! Joy! You can feel new space opening in your home, in your body, and energy field — the Space you need to feel more vibrant and alive. Join us next month for Part 2 of Clearing Clutter as a Path to Better Sex, where we explore inviting your sexual energy to be cultivated in new ways.

Leslie is a queer, white, omnisexual, polyamorous, ecosexual, kinky, genderqueer supporter of all beings to be authentically who they are and uses the pronouns they, them. Their work blends Sacred Sexuality, Ancestral Healing, Grief & Emotional release, Anti-Racism work to support collective liberation, self-awareness, vitality, empowerment, and joy. Leslie stewards the land at One Space: a private sanctuary, home, Temple, and community space on four wooded acres in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

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Classes & Events

03/06 - 04/17 Unity of Livonia Community Food Drive to put an end to hunger. 100% of the monetary and non-perishable items received will be donated to St. Christine Christian Services. Food goods may be dropped off Monday–Wednesday (10AM-4PM) or Sunday (9:30AM-12PM) at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Contact us at or (734) 421-1760 for more information.

04/02 Drum Circle. 7PM at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Love offering basis. Open to the public. All ages welcome.

04/03 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan

Psychic Fair in Waterford, MI, Holiday Inn Express, Waterford MI

04/03 Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Visit us at Contact us at or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel: com/user/UnityofLivonia

04/08 CommUnity Spiritual Center. 7PM. This is a recurring meeting the second and fourth Fridays of the month. We gather together as Truth students, in CommUnity to deepen our awareness of our Oneness with God, with each other and all life: to have a successful, meaningful and joy-filled life. Love offering basis. To join the Zoom meeting, visit www.zoom. us Meeting ID: 835 1058 8580 Passcode: 530556 Phone only: (312) 626-6799

04/10 Sunday April 10 Mini Psychic Fair, Rock Your World Crystal Shop, Laurel Park Place Mall, 37700 6 Mile, Livonia, Michigan, Free Entry , 11am - 6pm, 313 412-7690,

04/16 - 12:00 am - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Chesterfield, MI, CHESTERFIELD Hampton Inn, Chesterfield Michigan,

04/16 Drum Circle. 7PM at Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Love offering basis. Open to the public. All ages welcome.

04/17 Easter Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Visit us at Contact us at unityoflivoniaops@gmail. com or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel:

04/22 CommUnity Spiritual Center. 7PM. This is a recurring meeting the second and fourth Fridays of the month. We gather together as Truth students, in CommUnity to deepen our awareness of our Oneness with God, with each other and all life: to have a successful, meaningful and joy-filled life. Love offering basis. To join the Zoom meeting, visit Meeting ID: 835 1058 8580 Passcode: 530556 Phone only: (312) 626-6799

04/23 - 10-5 pm Coming home to Yourself – Coming Home to the Earth. www. or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel: com/user/UnityofLivonia

04/28 Starts the new Healing & Ascension Monthlies, 8 yrs. into this series, our work is both more potent spiritually and personally empowering than ever before. Each series runs 6 classes meeting every 4 weeks on Thursday from 7:30-9:30 PM.


05/01 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Roseville, MI, ROSEVILLE Wingate by Wyndham, Roseville MI,

05/08 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Plymouth, MI, PLYMOUTH Comfort Inn, Plymouth MI, https://

05/14 - 05/15 Saturday & Sunday May 14th & 15th, Psychic & Holistic Fair, Troy Balkan Center, 1451 E. Big Beaver, Troy, Michigan, $8 Advance Tickets, $10 at the Door, 10am - 7pm, 313 412-7690, www.

05/21 Saturday May 21st, Psychic & Holistic Fair, American Legion - Marysville, 299 W. Huron, Marysville, Michigan, $5 Advance Tickets, $7 at the Door, 11am7pm, 313 412-7690,

04/09 - 10-12 pm

Trauma Healing Yoga and chi-gong in nature near horses. www.

04/10 - 12:00 am - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Farmington Hills, MI, FARMINGTON HILLS Comfort Inn, Farmington Hills, https://mipsychicfair. com/

04/24 - 04/24 Saturday & Sunday April 23 & 24, Psychic & Holistic Expo, American Credit Union Event Center, 299 W. Ganson Road, Jackson, Michigan, $8 Advance Tickets, $10 at the Door, 9am - 7pm Daily, 313 412-7690, www.


Palm Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Visit us at Contact us at unityoflivoniaops@gmail. com or (734) 421-1760. Or join us via livestreaming on our YouTube channel:

04/24 - 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Michigan Psychic Fair in Allen Park, MI, ALLEN PARK Prestige Banquet Hall, Allen Park Michigan,

04/24 Sunday Service. 10AM with Rev Cindy Yamamoto. Unity of Livonia, 28660 Five Mile Rd., Livonia, MI 48154. Visit us at Contact us at

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