Bombardier Transportation Corporate Responsibility Report 2014
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Our aim is to satisfy the expectations of our customers by delivering state-ofthe-art products. In close cooperation with our customers we are driving innovation and breaking new ground in rail technologies and efficiency.
We see ourselves as partners to shape urban mobility and cooperate in numerous ways with our local stakeholders. Our smart, eco-friendly transportation solutions and systems are the key to addressing major mobility challenges and developing liveable cities worldwide.
We work hand-in-hand with our network of thousands of suppliers and partners worldwide. Managing our supply chain responsibly reinforces our reputation as a leading integrated solutions provider and long-term partner.
Flawless execution of our projects requires highly talented and dedicated people. As an employer of choice we take pride in providing employees with a dynamic and reliable workplace and interesting career opportunities.
Thriving communities are the foundation for our company’s long-term growth. By providing our expertise to the communities where we operate, we are growing local roots and helping to create strong infrastructures.
Conducting business in an ethical manner is of cardinal importance to our operations, and upholding the highest integrity and leadership is key to our current and future success. Earning and keeping the trust of our shareholders is a priority for us.
38 40
Dr. Lutz Bertling, President and COO, Bombardier Transportation.
Š Jim Rakete
Dear Stakeholders, Today, global mega trends such
It provides examples of how we
Acting as a responsible corporate
as climate change, population
have established long-term
citizen, we follow an integrated
growth, urbanization, and congestion
partnerships with our stakeholders
approach to meeting our stakeholder
are presenting major challenges
to build communities and improve
demands and generating sustainable
to governments, communities, and
the quality of life wherever we do
growth. As we lead the way in The
individuals around the world.
Evolution of Mobility, we take pride in Moving Minds responsibly.
Without state-of-the-art public transportation solutions, these
We work closely with our customers
challenges will become acute.
to build a relationship based on mutual understanding and trust. As
For Bombardier Transportation,
an innovation driver, our technologies
creating better ways to move the
help them to reduce their lifecycle
world is the heart and soul of our
costs and lower their impact on the
business activities. We provide
environment. Since our supply chain
integrated solutions to the
is constantly evolving, we regularly
universal need to connect people –
liaise with our suppliers to ensure
Dr. Lutz Bertling
in cities, regions, and countries
they become more and more
President and COO
worldwide. And we do so in a way
integrated with our operations.
Bombardier Transportation
that respects people and our planet. As a leader in our industry,
The development of high-quality
we are an active supporter of the
products and services requires
principles of the United Nations
a highly skilled workforce. Thus,
Global Compact. We believe in the
we continuously train nearly
fundamental importance of
40,000 employees, ask for feedback,
corporate responsibility (CR) as it
and conduct engagement surveys
creates value for our customers,
on a regular basis to ensure they are
the communities in which we
highly committed.
operate, our industry, our employees, and for our own
Since we want to make a
sustainable impact in our communities, we continue to base
Our 2014 Corporate Responsibility
our donations and sponsorships
Report shows how CR is embedded
approach on contributions that are
in our business model throughout
aligned with our global footprint
our operations, global supply chain,
and our 3E approach: Education,
and product development.
Environment, and Entrepreneurship.
SETTING NEW STANDARDS IN SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY The Bombardier Corporate Responsibility Mission As the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains, Bombardier provides the transportation solutions of tomorrow that drive value by addressing mobility needs while respecting the planet and its people. By conducting our business in collaboration with, and to the benefit of, our stakeholders, Bombardier creates the conditions that foster engaged talent, constant innovation, and the eco-efficient products and services that shape The Evolution of Mobility. This is how we move forward, responsibly.
Bombardier Trans-
OneBT Helps Us Deliver Our Corporate
portation Provides
on Our Promises
Leading Mobility Solutions Worldwide
In light of a dynamic economic environment, in 2014 we implemented
Responsibility Strategy Yields Measurable Results
a new organizational structure that Bombardier Transportation is a
enables us to fulfill our promise to
As Bombardier seeks to provide
leading provider of rail technology
deliver innovative, sustainable, and
the most innovative and sustainable
products, systems, and services.
financially responsible results while
transportation solutions for today
We are headquartered in Berlin,
maintaining our leadership position
and tomorrow, we analyze the
Germany, and are a business
in the industry. This new structure
environmental, economic, and
segment of Bombardier Inc., based
lies at the center of our internal
societal impact of everything we do.
in Montreal, Canada. Our 39,700
improvement initiative, OneBT.
employees worldwide drive our
Aligned with our overall strategy, the
The better we understand the needs
success by developing innovative
goals of OneBT are to increase both
of our stakeholders and the impact
products designed to meet the
the efficiency and the profitability of
of our actions, the better we are able
global need for efficient, environ-
our business. To achieve this, we will
to create both financial and non-
mentally friendly mobility solutions.
bring the standardization of our
financial value. We partner with our
products, systems, processes, and
customers, suppliers, and commu-
Our installed base of more than
tools to maturity. We are striving to
nities to foster innovation and to
100,000 vehicles in more than
generate savings that can be invested
build eco-efficient products that
60 countries is evidence of our
in research and technology in order
shape the future of mobility. Together
success. In 2014, revenues from
to strengthen our market position. We
with these stakeholders, we provide
our rail transportation activities
continue to share knowledge and fos-
opportunities for talents to flourish
reached US$9.6 billion, an increase
ter collaboration beyond our immedi-
in the communities where we and our
of 9.7% year-over-year.
ate teams and think and act as OneBT.
partners operate.
proof of Bombardier’s commit-
Being a global leader requires
of Mobility through its growth
ment to this path – even in
flawless execution at every stage.
strategies based on three inter-
challenging economic climates.
Bombardier constantly strives
related elements: investing in
to deliver high-quality products
leading mobility solutions, growing
Bombardier continues to
on time and on budget to ensure
local roots in key markets, and
strengthen its presence in its
our continued growth in an
striving to achieve flawless execution
traditional markets of Europe
increasingly competitive market.
every step of the way.
and North America. However, as demand from non-traditional
A sound strategy needs a robust
Innovative mobility solutions
markets is set to rise over the
foundation. Bombardier’s strategy
have been the hallmark of
next decades, Bombardier is
rests on four pillars: attracting
Bombardier’s business through-
growing local roots in new key
great talent globally, exercising
out its history. Over the years,
markets such as South America,
strong financial discipline, actively
this achievement has translated
Asia-Pacific, the Middle East,
managing risk, and integrating
to a lasting competitive advantage,
and Africa by creating employ-
and continued investment in
ment opportunities and engaging
cutting-edge technologies is
communities in these regions.
Partnerships with Our
Requirements Are
Our Priority
ability to create business and societal value. When asked which topics should most concern Bombardier Transportation over the next three years,
Our aim is to create long-term
In 2014, Bombardier Inc. commis-
internal and external stakeholder
partnerships with our stakeholders
sioned an external consultancy to
groups agreed on the following
based on mutual trust and integrity.
conduct a stakeholder survey in
line with the AA 1000 Stakeholder We recognize that different stake-
Engagement Standard as defined by
Product reliability, safety, and
holders have different expectations.
AccountAbility, the global non-profit
To get a balanced view of their
organization for promoting account-
An expected shortage of skilled
needs, we engage with our stake-
ability, sustainable business practices,
holders on a regular basis, using
and corporate responsibility.
Supply chain’s ability to react
a variety of tools. This includes
to changing demand
informal one-on-one conversations,
More than 800 internal and external
Emerging economies
formal stakeholder consultations,
stakeholders representing the most
and participation in various industry
influential groups, i.e. customers,
These themes correspond with the
public authorities, suppliers, employ-
overarching global trends reflected
ees, communities as well as share-
in our business strategy.
The results of these dialogues help
holders, investors, and analysts,
us determine which material topics
participated in the online assessment.
Bombardier followed up with one-on-
to focus our CR efforts on, but they
Both internal and external stake-
one interviews, and this deeper analy-
also influence our strategic planning
holders perceived Bombardier as a
sis revealed that external stakeholders
and reporting priorities. Dialogue
leader in the railway industry. The
placed high importance on the en-
with our stakeholders helps us to
traits that most reflect our leader-
vironmental impact of our business
put the right programs in place to
ship capabilities were game-changing
and expressed a more explicit desire
create value for society and generate
products, commitments and policies,
for cleaner technologies. This feed-
profitable, sustainable growth.
ambitious plans and goals, and our
back validated our commitment to
Bombardier’s Most Important Stakeholder Groups
being a determined innovation driver with an exceptionally broad portfolio
Recognizing Bombardier’s
of eco-efficient products and services,
Pro-active Approach
supported by our BOMBARDIER* ECO4* technology.
The Canadian Society of Corporate Secretaries honored Bombardier Inc. with its 2014 Excellence in Governance Award. Members of the jury praised
The results of the survey and stake-
Bombardier’s approach to creating value for its stakeholders by commenting,
holder dialogue have also been shared
“What distinguishes Bombardier is how it strives to be proactive, rather than
with Bombardier’s President and
simply reacting to stakeholder concerns. It has created a variety of tools to
CEO and the leadership teams across
ensure it can be ‘on top of’ or, preferably, anticipate, stakeholder concerns.”
all business segments. The voices of
Moreover, Bombardier’s dedication to sustainability has also been acknowl-
our various stakeholders carry consid-
edged by the financial markets. As of 2014, Bombardier Inc. has been listed
erable weight in our product develop-
on the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America Indices for eight
ment processes, as we will show in
consecutive years.
more detail in the following chapters.
A Leader in the Industry
It highlights research opportunities
to advancing the industry in a
for developing a sustainable
sustainable manner.
next-generation rail transportation
Open Dialogue
We are conscious of our leadership
system throughout Europe. As a
role in developing products that
signatory of the International
have a positive impact on the envi-
Association of Public Transport
ronment and society. We actively
(UITP) sustainability charter, we
participate in sustainability initia-
work closely with them and
For over ten years, we have hosted
tives in our industry to raise the
participate in the working group
an annual Supplier Day to foster
standard with regard to product
“Environment” of the German
dialogue with our business suppliers.
safety, supply chain management,
Railway Industry Association (VDB).
At a 2014 event titled “Collaboration
and CO emissions. Under the chair² manship of Bombardier Transpor-
As a member of the Association of
along the Value Chain” over 120 key
the European Rail Industry (UNIFE),
suppliers participated in open forum
tation’s former Chief Technical Offi-
Bombardier Transportation founded
discussions along with Dr. Lutz
cer, the European Rail Research
the organization’s Sustainable
Bertling, President and COO of
Advisory Council (ERRAC) presented
Transport Committee and continues
Bombardier Transportation, to help
the Rail Route 2050 agenda to the
to play an active role. These efforts
forge even stronger partnerships
European Commission.
are a testament to our commitment
with our suppliers.
with Our Suppliers
Our annual Supplier Day provides a forum for sharing information and intensifying dialogue.
Lifecycle Costs as a
15 Years of
Innovation Driver
Key Factor
Whether it is an incremental
All along the value chain, suppliers,
improvement or a major leap
manufacturers, and operators are
forward, our ability to innovate is
increasingly concerned with reducing
what drives The Evolution of
mobility solutions’ lifecycle costs
In 1999, we began assessing the
Mobility. Our success stems from a
(LCC). As operating costs are much
environmental impact of our
proven track record of improving
higher than the initial investment,
products throughout their entire
the passenger experience while
LCC calculations are a key tool in
lifecycle. To communicate our
enabling operators to meet their
assessing the true value of invest-
findings in an internationally
business objectives. At the same
ment expenditures. Our lifecycle
accepted and transparent manner,
time, our smart, eco-friendly
approach looks at factors such as
we began publishing Environmental
solutions are the key to addressing
customer availability needs, fleet
Product Declarations (EPDs)
major mobility challenges and
utilization, and maintenance prac-
following the international EPD®
developing liveable cities worldwide.
tices to simulate the interplay of
This approach is reflected in our
technical components even before
product responsibility strategy and
the design process begins.
Product Declarations
Our EPDs are compliant with both the Association of the European
integrated into our innovation Our BOMBARDIER* MOVIA* C30
Rail Industry (UNIFE) Product
metro for Stockholm and S-Bahn
Category Rules for Rail Vehicles
Hamburg uses a web-based feed-
(PCR 2009:05) and the respective
back loop on the Engineering
International Organization for
in Cycles
Logistic Support Analysis (ELSA)
Standardization (ISO) norms. Since
portal. ELSA helps us to gather and
the first EPD for the Stockholm
We apply a lifecycle approach to
analyze data from a customers’
Metro published 15 years ago, by
all product development steps.
day-to-day operation and provides
the end of 2014, we had released a
From a product’s initial design to
insight into how we can improve
total of 15 EPDs. While we pub-
its end-of-life, we analyze its
the next generation of vehicles.
lished EPDs for the BOMBARDIER*
performance at every stage so that
Our ECO4 technologies, developed
INNOVIA* APM 300 and for
we can pinpoint areas where we
in cooperation with operators, also
can mitigate risks while improving
let us deliver increased efficiency
our goal is to issue EPDs for all
economic and environmental
and superior environmental
new products by 2020.
efficiency. Combined with feedback
performance. Our award-winning
provided by our customers,
employees, and passengers, we use
based maintenance system is
this analysis to ensure that our
another way we provide customers
mobility solutions meet tomorrow’s
with savings and expertise long
transportation expectations.
past the development phase.
“We are increasingly putting the lifecycle of our trains in the focus – we want our products to continuously reduce their environmental and financial footprint.” Martin Ertl, Head of R&D, Chief Technology Office
END-OF-LIFE Today more than 95% of the materials in our rail vehicles are recoverable. Our aim is for all of our new products to be 100% recoverable by 2025. We are working with industry organizations and suppliers to increasingly use renewable resources as well as materials that are easier to separate and disassemble for a second life, as specified in our EcoDesign approach.
02 SUPPLY CHAIN Even before designs are finalized, we implement a rigorous selection process to identify the best suppliers, materials, and technologies. With our strategy of growing local roots in key markets in mind, we work together with local suppliers to decrease financial and environmental risks and help strengthen economies and communities around our manufacturing sites.
04 PRODUCT USE AND MAINTENANCE We want our customers to get the most out of our products – including a safe and pleasant passenger experience and best-in-class environmental performance. We are broadening our support services around the world. This helps us better understand the challenges customers face throughout a product’s active life.
DESIGN We design innovative mobility solutions to meet customer needs while taking into account global trends to ensure a differentiated product line. Dialogue with customers and passengers begins at the earliest design stages so we can incorporate their priorities and needs. Our EcoDesign (formally Design for Environment) and Design for Safety approaches are also applied during the design phase, ensuring high environmental and safety performance at every stage of the product lifecycle.
MANUFACTURING AND TESTING We strive to achieve flawless execution by providing a safe, clean, and lean manufacturing process. This process and our approach of conducting product testing prior to entry-into-service ensure our products perform as designed and adhere to all compliance, safety, and environmental regulations.
Our EcoDesign and Design for Safety
We manage our supply chain
We continually strive to operate at
(DfS) principles firmly anchor environ-
responsibly and cooperate closely
high standards of health, safety, and
mental and safety considerations in
with our suppliers in order to build
environmental (HSE) performance.
the innovation process and guide our
highly advanced, safe, and eco-
Zero occupational illness and injury
product development.
friendly rail vehicles. This entails
and minimizing our overall organi-
ensuring the supply chain’s economic
zational environmental footprint are
From the start, we take all relevant
viability and promoting human
our long-term goals. To achieve
impacts of a product throughout its
rights and internationally accepted
these goals, we have set ourselves
lifecycle into account and identify
labor standards. As a prerequisite
an array of short-term targets:
innovative design solutions to eco-
to becoming our partner, we expect
nomic, environmental, and safety
suppliers to sign and adhere to
Reduce absolute energy consump-
challenges. As a result, we are able
our Supplier Code of Conduct, which
tion, greenhouse gas (GHG)
to maximize recyclability and recov-
clearly lays out our expectations
emissions, waste consumption,
erability, eliminate hazardous sub-
in terms of labor standards, legal
and waste by 1% between 2014
stances, and invest in technologies
compliance, health and safety,
and 2016, compared to 2013 data;
that improve passenger safety and
environment, anti-corruption, ethics,
energy efficiency as well as reduce
conflicts of interest, and governance.
Reduce relative water
emissions. As safety is a top concern,
In particular, the environmental
consumption and waste by 1%
we provide advanced training in
impact of our suppliers’ products
and energy consumption and
EcoDesign and Design for Safety
are systematically managed via
GHG emissions by 3% per
principles and to date, a total of
a new database where suppliers
200,000 worked hours between
1,588 additional engineers have been
enter detailed information about
2014 and 2016, compared to
trained. In addition, we are part of an
the materials they are using.
2013 data; and
industry-wide TecRec initiative implementing new fire and crash safety rules in 2016 and 2017, respectively. 10
Increase waste valorization
and research institutes. Bombardier
customer safety incidents
(valorized waste compared to
Transportation Netherlands has
total waste) by 3% between 2014
received top-level certification
and 2016, compared to 2013 data.
(level 5).
Moreover, we are currently involved in a wide-ranging study of HSE practices in our industry. In addition
Even when our products reach the end of a long useful life, we still
to company-wide measures and activities, individual sites run initia-
Customers want our products to
take responsibility for the post-use
tives to meet our environmental
provide a pleasant passenger
phase. We are working with industry
targets. One of these is the CO ² Performance Ladder at Bombardier
experience, uncompromising safety,
organizations and suppliers to
and excellent environmental per-
achieve 100% recoverability of the
Transportation in the Netherlands.
formance. To meet their increasing
materials by 2025. We were heavily
This customer-initiated tool
expectations, we are expanding
involved in the development of the
encourages companies to analyze
our support services globally. While
common UNIFE Recyclability and
and reduce their own and their
safety is designed into all of our
Recoverability Calculation Method
suppliers’ CO emissions. Tried² and-tested approaches are shared
rail vehicles, we are always taking
released in 2013 and continually
additional measures to raise our
find new ways to reduce the environ-
with participating companies,
standards even further. In 2013, we
mental impact of our products.
non-governmental organizations
launched a new Safety Bulletin
(NGOs), governmental bodies,
System that tracks transportation
Our ECO4 portfolio of technologies
Today, our modular suite of ECO4
However, the ECO4 range is not
supports our holistic, lifecycle ori-
technologies consists of 15 inno-
simply a product portfolio, but
ented approach to product devel-
vative solutions, including five
a roadmap for sustainable trans-
opment. The ECO4 portfolio reduces
industry firsts, across approximately
portation solutions. Below we
overall energy consumption by
120 applications. We continue to
present a selection of our most
up to 50% compared to current
implement these technologies in a
innovative solutions from the ECO4
solutions and lowers emissions
growing number of products while
by up to 80%.
also expanding the portfolio itself.
BOMBARDIER* MITRAC* Energy Saver The innovative double-layer ultracapacitors store the energy released each time a vehicle brakes and reuse it during acceleration or operation. Applied to a light
rail vehicle, the system has – over
FLEXX* Eco Bogie
confirmed to save up to 30% of
several years of testing – been
EcoSilent Optimized Sound Design
energy. It also enables catenaryFLEXX Eco bogie is an exciting
free operation for limited dis-
EcoSilent is a holistic approach
product within the Bombardier
tances and can be used as a
to sound optimization that ad-
bogie portfolio that enables sig-
performance booster by adding
dresses both the reduction of ex-
nificant reductions in energy con-
extra power during acceleration.
terior noise while harmonizing
sumption and noise emissions.
interior sound to ensure comfort
With almost 1,000 units in opera-
for passengers. For the interior,
tion worldwide, the FLEXX Eco
EcoSilent ensures all-round audio
bogie has proven reliability.
comfort for passengers by the use of a “sound studio” concept.
EcoSilent Optimized Sound Design
Visual Improvement
100% Energy Savings
30% Energy Savings
15% Energy Savings
26% Energy Savings
20% Reduced Particle Emissions
87% Increased Efficiency
PRIMOVE* Contactless and CatenaryFree Operation
MITRAC* Energy Saver
EBI* Drive 50 Driver Assistance System
ThermoEfficient Climatization System
EnerGstor Wayside Energy Storage
C.L.E.A.N. Diesel Power Pack
MITRAC* Permanent Magnet Motor
Noise Reduction
50% MITRAC* Hybrid
Reduced Emissions
AeroEfficient Optimized Train Shaping
Energy Savings
EnerGplan Simulation Tool
Energy Savings
EcoEfficient Optimized Environmental Performance
FLEXX* Tronic Technology
FLEXX* Eco Bogie
Energy Management Control System
12% 20% Recoverability
>95% Energy Savings
5% Reduced Lifecycle Costs
25% Energy Savings
*Trademark(s) of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.
CUSTOMERS “Our trains have to provide outstanding comfort and an enjoyable travel experience but also reliability and efficiency.”
DESIGNED BY BOMBARDIER – DEVELOPED WITH CUSTOMERS Access to modern railway transportation when moving across cities, countries, or even continents improves an individual’s quality of life. Our aspiration is to provide our customers and passengers worldwide with the safest, most advanced, and most sustainable mobility solutions possible. By driving innovation in close cooperation with our customers, we are continuously breaking new ground in rail technologies and efficiency.
A Product Portfolio That Looks to the Future
innovative and sustainable mobility solutions, but also outstanding service. To add more customer focus, we launched the internal improvement initiative OneBT in January
Ranging from complete trains to sub-systems,
2014. This organizational shift will give us the
maintenance services, system integration, and
agility needed to enter different markets
signaling, all our products are developed with
with robust platforms and respond to our
the challenges of tomorrow in mind. Deep and
customers’ needs. The leaner, more efficient
long-standing relationships with our customers
organization allows us to work more closely
and suppliers help us design smart and eco-
with our customers throughout the entire
friendly solutions to address major mobility
design and production process.
challenges and develop liveable cities worldwide. Our EcoDesign methodology targets new standards in environmental performance while maintaining safety, comfort, and reli-
We employ more than 39,000 people
ability. We take a lifecycle-oriented approach
in 38 countries.
to product responsibility and address all
We run production and engineering
stages of product development. This ensures
sites as well as service centers in
that we deliver continuous technological
27 countries.
advancement with a positive impact on the
Our products and services are sold
world around us – today and tomorrow.
in more than 60 countries. Our portfolio of innovative rail
Satisfying Our Customers
products remains unsurpassed by
through Lean Processes
More than 100,000 Bombardier
our competitors. Transportation vehicles are in
We continuously strive to distinguish
operation worldwide.
ourselves by delivering not only the most 15
Customer Feedback Drives Innovation For an innovation driver, regular customer feedback is essential. Workshops with customers from our key markets in Europe, the United States, and Asia help us continue to develop market-driven, competitive solutions for the mobility needs of the future. We therefore introduced a new evaluation process in 2014 in accordance with the International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS). For instance, we invited the top eight customers from our Systems
The new ALP-45DP locomotive accomodates electrified and non-electrified traction modes.
division to participate and were pleased to see that they consistently
requirements across different
problem in March 2013. The new
perceive us as a leader in product
markets. In 2013 and 2014, Research
ALP-45DP operates on both elec-
Infosource, Canada’s source of
trified and non-electrified tracks,
R&D intelligence, recognized
offering passengers a seamless,
Our customers demonstrated their
Bombardier Inc. as Canada’s top
shorter, and a safer trip to the Big
appreciation for our high-quality,
R&D investor. Our innovative power
Apple. The first five ALP-45DP
innovative, and cost-efficient prod-
allows us to develop safer, cleaner,
locomotives started running from
ucts by awarding the 2014 SNCF
and more convenient ways of
Dover, New Jersey, to Penn Station
Trophy to our Crespin site in France
traveling while maintaining our
in New York City in March 2013, a
for “Best Manufacturer and Site”
competitive edge and profitability.
full year ahead of schedule. Since
and recognizing us as the “Transport
then, NJT has provided reliable, fast,
Supplier of the Year” at the 2013
and convenient service for thou-
UK National Transport Awards. To
A Smooth Ride with
sands of passengers commuting to
further grow strong roots in local
New Jersey Transit
Manhattan every day.
markets, we have augmented our service and opened 11 new support
Efficiency and
and maintenance sites across the
New Jersey Transit (NJT) is the
third-largest public transportation
Safety Thanks to
system in the United States,
One Step
connecting the major metropolitan
Ahead through
and Philadelphia. Until recently,
Research and
NJT’s New York-bound passengers
While convenience and speed are
had to change trains before reaching
often a passenger’s main concern,
their destination because the track
safety is at the top of Bombardier’s
was only partly electrified.
list. For example, the INTERFLO 550
areas of New York, New Jersey,
Continuous investment in research
is a rail control system that auto-
and development enables us
mates the flow of trains. It works
to satisfy our customers’ evolving
Powered locomotive solved this
wirelessly – without trackside
equipment, which can be damaged or vandalized – and it also prevents
any attempt to contravene a
movement authority or given speed
Designed with
restriction. In addition, the INTERFLO 550 provides the vehicle
UK Expertise
driver with up-to-date information about the track that lies ahead.
reliability, and low energy consumption. The AVENTRA system was developed in the UK by experienced engineers, with input from stakeholders such as train operators, suppliers, and passengers. Each Crossrail train will be just over
Around 200 million passengers are
200 meters long and provide space
expected to travel annually to and
for more than 1,500 passengers,
The system was used as the stan-
from London, making congestion
making travel in the region quicker
dard for the European Rail Traffic
in this city of eight million inhabitants
and easier, even during peak
Management System (ERTMS) due
a pressing concern. In February 2014,
periods. The AVENTRA system is
to its safety and reliability and also
we were selected to supply and
modular and can be tailored to
received the Bombardier Trans-
maintain 65 AVENTRA Electrical
suit different market requirements,
portation Innovation Award in 2014.
Multiple Units (EMU) for the ambi-
making it an innovative solution
It has already been installed on
tious Crossrail infrastructure project.
for metro trains and intercity
the Västerdal line in Sweden and we
This was an important endorsement
connections alike.
expect it to be installed on many
of our new trains, which feature
routes in emerging markets.
significantly reduced weight, high
AVENTRA engineers optimized travel time in all regards: even the doors open and close faster than conventional doors.
PUBLIC AUTHORITIES “A modern public transportation system must be able to respond quickly to the sustainability challenges facing city councils.�
SHAPING THE FUTURE OF URBAN MOBILITY Today, 54% of the world’s population lives in urban areas, and this is expected to increase to 66% by 2050*. Rapid urban growth and the congestion, pollution, and noise that come with this growth create a host of challenges for city planners and public administrations.
Custom Mobility Solutions for Public Partners around the World
new infrastructure projects and help deliver mobility solutions to millions of inhabitants. The following examples illustrate how our collaboration with public authorities shapes
With a growing number of people living
urban transportation systems and fosters
in urban areas, innovative mobility solutions
social development.
are vital to improving living standards by providing access to employment, education, healthcare, and cultural centers.
Developing a Modern Public
Without cutting-edge technology in public transportation, cities will become increasingly
Transport System
congested and polluted. As CO emissions ² from the transport sector – mainly from cars –
for Saudi Arabia
are already approaching 3.5 billion tons
Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, is expected
worldwide yearly, Bombardier Transportation
to grow from almost six million to eight million
is connecting individuals and their commu-
inhabitants by 2030 and the construction
nities sustainably.
of the new King Abdullah Financial District is a key project to modernize this flourishing
We work closely with city planners, govern-
city and make it more liveable. As part of the
ment authorities, civil engineers, and transport
ArRiyadh New Mobility (ANM) international
operators to create innovative and sustain-
consortium, city planners have commissioned
able methods of eco-friendly and comfort-
us to supply, install, operate, and maintain an
able transportation. With our expertise and
INNOVIA Monorail 300 system to provide this
flexible financing models, we engage in
district with efficient and clean public
public–private partnerships that support
*UN report “World Urbanization Prospects 2014”
Advantages of INNOVIA Monorail 300 System:
São Paulo’s New Monorail System Creates Jobs
Turnkey solution for fully integrated systems Fully automated operation, allowing shorter headways between trains
Just as in Riyadh, city planners in
Lightweight, energy-efficient vehicles
São Paulo agreed that the INNOVIA
Flexible configurations and capacities
Monorail 300 system was the right
Excellent ride quality
way to provide mobility to their
Low noise levels
rapidly growing city.
Fast to Implement with Minimal Disruption:
As part of a consortium, Bombardier Transportation has been commis-
Quick construction
sioned to build a new monorail
Easy installation in the existing urban environment
system linking the sprawling city’s
Cost-effectiveness, using industrially pre-fabricated segments
center to the eastern suburbs and the outer region in Tiradentes. Currently, the 24-kilometer journey
The INNOVIA Monorail 300 won
management expertise through
takes about two hours. However,
the Chicago Athenaeum Museum
on-the-job training, international
once complete the new monorail
of Architecture and Design’s GOOD
assignments, and in-class and online
system will cut travel time in half,
DESIGN® Award in 2014 for its
instruction. In 2014, eleven gradu-
returning some additional leisure
innovative and cutting-edge design.
ates from Saudi Arabia successfully
time to busy commuters.
The metro cars will be powered
completed the two-year program
by MITRAC rotary motor propulsion,
and received positions within our
The new system will also be the
one of the most efficient and eco-
company. The Academy is to be
world’s largest and highest-capacity
friendly engines on the market.
launched in other countries in the
monorail. Designed to comfortably
The lightweight FLEXX Eco bogies
region as our roots in the Middle
move half a million people per
combined with aluminum car-
East become more established.
day, the monorail features spacious
bodies will further limit overall energy consumption. Moreover, the trains offer comfortable seating and feature modern communication and security technologies. As a business dedicated to growing roots in local markets, we are also supporting the changes in Saudi Arabia’s urban transport infrastructure. The successful realization of these ambitious projects depends on highly qualified professionals and specialists. In 2012, we opened a Project Management Academy (PMA) in Saudi Arabia where recent graduates and engineering or business professionals are given the opportunity to develop their project 20
Riyadh's new monorail perfectly fits into the urban environment.
interiors and increased capacity. In particular, its driverless technology allows for greater efficiency as headway times can be shortened to just 75 seconds. The line is set to open in phases and will assume full operations within the next two years. Moreover, by opening a new production site in the industrial town of Hortôlandia, we have created 250 jobs within the region and supported the creation of another 500 positions with our local suppliers. The consortium has also planted over 3,000 trees to offset carbon emissions and is working with 52 schools, two hospitals, and two medical centers to educate the community about their new transit
Seamless urban integration for the INNOVIA Monorail 300 system in São Paulo.
system. In addition, our INNOVIA Monorail 300 system received the
characteristics of the Gold Coast.
beat the heat of the long Australian
“Systems Supplier of the Year” and
The result was a stylish and modern
summers. Perhaps most importantly
“Best Manufacturer of Passenger
tram with a wave motif featuring
for the Gold Coasters, their new
Vehicles” at the annual Revista
the Gold Coast’s signature colors
FLEXITY 2 trams are the first trams
Ferroviaria Awards in São Paulo,
and the most powerful air-condi-
to feature built-in racks specially
Brazil, in both 2012 and 2014.
tioning unit in a tram of its class to
designed to hold surfboards.
Stylish Design for Gold Coast Trams In 2014, as part of a consortium, we were commissioned by the government of Queensland, Australia, to design, build, finance, operate, and maintain the first stage of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit light rail public transportation system. The centerpiece of this system is the 14 distinctive BOMBARDIER* FLEXITY* 2 light rail vehicles. Designed by our Industrial Design team in Brisbane, the trams were intended to reflect the unique
The new electrically powered, low-floor FLEXITY 2 trams are equipped with air conditioning and luggage racks for surfboards.
SUPPLIERS “We value the trust and transparency in our long-term relationship with Bombardier Transportation.”
PARTNERING WITH OUR SUPPLIERS WORLDWIDE We work with thousands of suppliers worldwide to manufacture innovative and high-quality products that also meet increasing requirements for ethical business practices and environmental responsibility. In accordance with our commitment to growing local roots, we support our suppliers in their own corporate responsibility initiatives. Our competitive edge results from long-term partnerships with our suppliers based on mutual trust and transparency.
Supplier Sustainability Awards Honor Outstanding Initiatives
S.p.A. earned the 2014 Supplier Sustainability Award for their excellent standards. Knorr-Bremse AG, a leading manufacturer of braking systems for rail and commercial vehicles, was recognized for integrating
Our suppliers play an important role in our
corporate responsibility into its management
value chain. Applying responsible business
system and all processes throughout the
practices and delivering environmentally
company. In the category for companies with
friendly components benefit our own and
fewer than 500 employees, Clerprem S.p.A.,
our suppliers’ reputations. We recognize
a manufacturer of components and seating
outstanding suppliers each year with our
systems for the automotive and rail indus-
Supplier Sustainability Award to acknowledge
tries, won an award for its innovative ultra-
their contributions. The selection process
lightweight seats, which reduce energy
focuses in particular on product innovation,
consumption, as well as for its societal
responsible procurement, and environmental
engagement. In 2013, the award highlighted
stewardship. In 2014, more than 50 suppliers
the dedication of Infineon Technologies AG
submitted applications with noteworthy
and Willowglen Systems Inc.
initiatives. Knorr-Bremse AG and Clerprem 23
Reducing Risk through Audits and Information Sharing
suppliers followed our invitation to the Supplier Day in Berlin to enhance collaboration along the value chain. Furthermore, as a joint drive with other leading rail technology companies, Bombardier Transportation developed “Rail-
Gian Roberto Marchesi, CEO of Clerprem S.p.A., receives the Supplier Sustainability Award 2014 from Charles O'Donnell, CPO, Bombardier Transportation.
Working with a multitude of sup-
sponsible,” a global initiative aimed
pliers in different geographical
at fostering responsible procure-
regions entails certain risks. To limit
ment and standardizing the CSR
our exposure to supply chain dis-
assessment framework. As of the
ruptions and compliance issues, we
time of writing this Report, the
have enhanced our supply chain
initiative had been successfully
risk management and taken a series
Common Goals and
of precautionary measures. As an
Responsible Practices
parency and emphasizing the
Guide Our Supplier
importance of corporate responsi-
Supplier Panel 2014. It gives all
Our CR vision requires that we work
buyers easy access to our company-
towards growing strong local roots
Aligned with our OneBT initiative
wide database of supplier risks.
in the communities where we operate
to increase efficiency, our Procure-
To verify the accuracy of our infor-
and at our manufacturing sites.
ment Strategy Plan 2020 aims to
mation, we conducted spot checks
Therefore, whenever possible, we
cultivate closer relationships with our
and 43 audits in 2013 and 2014.
work with local suppliers, a strategy
key suppliers while safeguarding
In the coming years, we plan to
which affords financial benefits
resilience and flexibility in the supply
intensify our monitoring activities
and lowers environmental impact.
chain to buffer against possible
and will commission further third-
For example, in 2014 we won the
resource bottlenecks. To ensure that
party audits.
bid to produce 240 BOMBARDIER*
important step to increasing trans-
Sourcing Locally Benefits the Community
bility, we released our Preferred
TRAXX* Africa locomotives as part
our goals are aligned, corporate responsibility criteria are essential
“We work very closely with
aspects of our supplier selection
Bombardier Transportation on prod-
process. These criteria are reflected
uct innovation and eco-design,
in our Supplier Code of Conduct,
which is increasingly important to
which forms the foundation of our
our end customers. Being involved
long-term relationships. It is based
in product development from the
on the principles of the United
beginning enables us to quickly and
Nations Global Compact and details
efficiently react to expectations
our expectations regarding legal
and deliver on them.”
of a complete renewal program for
compliance, labor conditions, health and safety, environmental perfor-
Alexander Tietz, Key Account Manager, Knorr-Bremse AG
mance, anti-corruption, business ethics, and government relations.
Our annual Supplier Day, held for
While we require that suppliers
over ten years, provides a forum for
adhere to our Code of Conduct,
suppliers from around the world to
we also support them in improving
share information and mitigate risks.
their own sustainability practices.
In 2013 and 2014, 240 of our key
Dr. Robert Wassmer, Chairman of the European Management Board of Knorr-Bremse Rail Systems, and Stefan Bräuherr, Head of Corporate Responsibility, Knorr-Bremse AG receive the Supplier Sustainability Award 2014.
Transnet Freight Rail in South Africa. In our bid, we committed to building the locomotives locally and sourcing more than 60% of the contract value from local suppliers. We conducted training for Transnet Freight Rail employees and transferred expertise on products and processes. As a result, several South African suppliers were able to meet our high quality standards. We also were able to invest in local manufacturing sites and are building a new site on the outskirts of Johannesburg to serve as a hub for our operations, our local partners, and suppliers.
Empowering local suppliers provides beneďŹ ts for both our production of TRAXX locomotives and the community in South Africa.
Number of Master Vendors per Region in 2013
in total
North America
45 Asia (includes Middle East)
2 Africa
3 South America
1 Oceania
EMPLOYEES “Here at Bombardier Transportation, we work hand in hand in cross-cultural teams to deliver on our commitments.”
OPPORTUNITIES FOR FORWARD-THINKING MINDS Our employees are our greatest asset and the foundation of our success. We strive to be a world-class employer in order to attract and retain the best talent worldwide in an increasingly competitive environment. Our internal improvement initiative, OneBT, launched in 2014, will help us to increase the efficiency and profitability of our business. It will enhance the agility we need in order to enter different markets with robust platforms while continuing to provide the best opportunities for our employees to develop their full potential. This is our way forward.
Effective Programs to Recruit Top Talent
One of our time-tested programs to attract bright and motivated people is the Global Graduate Program, which prepares young talent with a global mindset for a future role
Recruiting top talent and maintaining a
at Bombardier Transportation. Since 2008,
dedicated, dynamic, and diverse workforce
more than 170 Global Graduates have
are crucial for our continued success every-
accepted challenging positions at our
where we do business. In response to the
business locations worldwide. As emerging
concerns of our stakeholders expressed
economies are growth-drivers for our busi-
in the company’s 2014 survey regarding a
ness, we are also expanding our presence
shortage of talented and skilled workers,
in these markets. In order to build local
we have established and expanded a number
communities and leverage local knowledge,
of programs to enhance our recruitment
we work closely with NGOs and universities
and development efforts.
such as Kasetsart University in Thailand to support the development of the rail engi-
The Global Employee Referral Program,
neering program. To date, we have hired
launched in November 2013, uses the knowl-
50 graduates through this program.
edge of our employees to identify great talent in their personal networks. This has
“Our students benefit from Bombardier’s
helped us save time and costs associated
expertise in rail transportation through on-
with traditional recruitment efforts. Since
the-job training and special lectures from
2013, we have built more than 20 permanent
experts in the field, especially on signaling
talent pools for our most critical roles.
and rolling stock technology.”
In 2014 we hired 45 employees from those pools.
Associate Professor Dr. Thanya Kiatiwat, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Kasetsart University, Thailand
Engaging with Our Employees We remain as committed as ever to maintaining high levels of employee engagement. Even though the 2014 employee engagement survey coincided with our restructuring announcement, we are proud to report that a total of 85% of our employees participated in the voluntary survey. While the 2014 results declined 5 percentage points in engagement and 1 percentage point in enablement compared to the previous year, for the most part The new batch of trainees in India joining the Young Leaders Program.
scores continue to exceed the global management consulting firm
In 2013, we launched our Young
managers to improve their talent-
Hay Group’s Manufacturing Norm.
Leaders Program in India. This
development skills. In 2014, we
The OneBT initiative will focus on
program provides comprehensive
launched the People Manager Pro-
achieving six Bombardier Trans-
on and off-the-job training over a
gram as a pilot and trained 100 em-
portation differentiating capabilities
month-long development sequence.
ployees in engaging, coaching,
and on improving employee
So far, we have recruited 55 gradu-
and developing their teams to their
engagement and enablement by
ates from leading engineering
greatest potential. The program
the end of 2015.
schools. This program, together
will now be implemented throughout
with other successful recruitment
our operations. Since its inception
and development programs will
in 2011, over 900 employees in
be expanded in coming years.
management and leadership posi-
through a Preventive
tions have completed the three-
Health & Safety
The Right Training for
day Making Great Leaders Program –
a Successful Career
sessions we offered at the senior
this is in addition to the training manager and director levels.
Our goal is to provide our employ-
Limiting Risk
Culture The health and safety of our employees and the responsible operation
ees with the best opportunities
Our Global Mobility Program and
of our sites are non-negotiable. We
for professional growth, and career
Bombardier Inc.’s Global Mobility
therefore adhere to international
development and training plays a
Policy also support employees
standards like the Occupational
key role in our operations. Despite
aspiring to work abroad. In 2014,
Health and Safety Assessment Series
increased cost containment meas-
at the Expatriate Management &
(OHSAS) 18001, the environmental
ures in the context of our OneBT
Mobility Awards, we were recog-
management system ISO 14001,
improvement program, we offered
nized for having the “Best Global
and the Eco-Management and Audit
our employees 700,000 hours of
Mobility Program in the Industrial/
Scheme (EMAS) to proactively limit
training in 2013 and 2014 to leverage
Energy Sector” for the Europe,
risk and track our performance in
their managerial and technical skills.
Middle East, and Africa region.
the areas of health, safety, and the
We support our employees and 28
environment (HSE).
To emphasize the importance of
gated the incidents thoroughly and
our Berlin, Görlitz, and Kassel sites
HSE, Bombardier Inc. established
shared the results of those investiga-
made a clear statement about the
an HSE Council, which defines a
tions with the appropriate authorities.
importance of diversity and its
company-wide strategy, oversees
As a result, we have further reviewed
impact on business success.
performance, and reports to the
and improved the measures to
Board of Directors. Dedicated HSE
increase safety in all business seg-
One particular area where we aim to
teams support our sites to imple-
ments. Maintaining the highest
improve is gender diversity. In 2013,
ment the HSE roadmap. Our HSE
standards of health and safety prac-
we set a goal to increase the per-
policy is based on a preventive cul-
tices is not only an obligation at
centage of women in management
ture that recognizes and addresses
Bombardier, but a matter of respect
positions to 25% by 2018 (up from
risks before negative outcomes
for our employees and their families.
16% in 2014). To make Bombardier Transportation a more attractive
occur. To further improve HSE performance, a five-year roadmap with specific goals and actions was established in 2013. One year later,
Diversity as a Key Factor
employer for women, we created
for Long-term Success
(FEN) in 2008. Through this network,
the Female Engineering Network we provide training, mentoring,
several milestones, including the launch of an HSE leadership training
Bombardier values its diverse work-
and opportunities for collaboration
pilot program, were reached. In
force. The experience, skills, and
around the world. In December 2014,
October 2014, the third HSE Leader-
backgrounds of the employees,
the network had more than 300
ship Conference was held to foster
representing 120 nationalities, are a
members across 30 global sites.
an exchange of best practices and
key factor for our long-term busi-
To inspire the next generation of
lessons learned across all operations.
ness success. In 2013, Bombardier
female experts, FEN supports the
Transportation in Germany signed
“EnterTechnik” project in Berlin,
While we strive to reach zero occu-
the Charter of Diversity, a business
Germany, which prepares young
pational illnesses and injuries every
initiative supported by the local
women for technical professions
year, we regret to report that we
government. By participating in
and is promoted by the European
suffered three employee fatalities over
initiatives such as the German
Union and the German Federal
the last two years. We have investi-
Diversity Day 2014, management at
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
Kassel management and employees fly the flag of diversity at 2014 Diversity Day in Germany.
© Pia Malmus
COMMUNITIES “Even though we haven’t decided what career we want to pursue, the insight into a technical working environment at Bombardier was a great hands-on experience!”
MAKING AN IMPACT IN OUR COMMUNITIES Supporting local initiatives in the communities where we work is something we are passionate about, and creating strong infrastructures is a prerequisite for our success. We want to be a responsible employer and reliable business partner and make an impact everywhere we do business.
Paradigm Shift toward Shared Value
Protecting the environment is at the core of our business. We support projects and initiatives that explore effective ways of protecting our natural living spaces. By
We have moved away from philanthropic
providing the best products and services,
donations and towards an impact-oriented
we are driving The Evolution of Mobility
strategy aligned with our core business
and values. Our company-wide 3E strategy focuses on education, environment, and
Entrepreneurship drives innovation and
entrepreneurship as we strive to build the
sustainable economic growth. We help
foundation for sustainable growth in the
young entrepreneurs develop their skills
communities in which we operate.
and launch their businesses, allowing them to become the independent business
We collaborate closely with our NGO part-
owners, customers, suppliers, and partners
ners to measure the success of our projects
of the future.
against specific key performance indicators and evaluate the positive impact of our
Overall, Bombardier Inc. has committed to
societal investments. By contributing the
contributing 1% of the previous year’s pre-tax
expertise of our employees in volunteering
earnings (EBT) to community involvement
initiatives we foster strong and long-lasting
projects, and we have made it our goal to
relationships with our local partners. This is
devote 80% of our worldwide financial support
how we create shared value, for the com-
to the 3Es by 2015. In 2014, we allocated
munities and for our business. Educational
58% to initiatives that are aligned with the 3Es.
programs help strengthen the future of the
This reflects a robust positive trend and
region by developing a sustainable work-
shows an improvement over 2012, which saw
force and a strong infrastructure.
a 46% investment in 3E projects. 31
80 %
join the Saksham educational program promoting youth employ-
64 %
ment by providing practical life
58 %
35% 20 %
and Lives
and work skills. Bombardier Trans-
Rebuilding Schools
target 2015
Bombardier Transportation’s 3E-related spending in %
portation has supported this
In November 2013, Typhoon Haiyan
program since 2012 by partnering
devastated parts of Cebu, Philippines,
with Plan India, an NGO with a
where many of our local employees
strong reputation for its effective-
are raising families. In accordance
ness and governance. Since then,
with our 3E strategy, we raised a call
175 young adults between the
for employee donations and these
ages of 18 and 29 have received
funds were matched by Bombardier
vocational training and 119 were
Transportation for a total contribu-
Investing in Education
successfully employed in the retail
tion of US$125,000. Partnering with
to Integrate Youth in
and hospitality industries. Alka
the local branch of the non-profit
is one of them. She comments:
organization Habitat for Humanity,
Local Job Markets
we helped fund the rebuilding of “Saksham has given me a life I
three schools in the storm-stricken
Business skills are the prerequisite
could only have dreamt of. I found
communities of Tapilon, Kawit, and
for economic well-being. Society in
a job allowing me to support my
Remigio. The donation strengthened
India faces, in particular, challenges
family and to continue my own
the bond between our company
in girls’ education and the under-
studies as well.”
and these communities as 4,500
developed vocational training field.
children are now able to continue
For Alka, a young woman from a
Because of the program’s success,
their studies in a safe learning
disadvantaged family in West Delhi,
we are now considering expanding
environment, which contributes to
her ambition to be independent
the program to other production
a higher standard of living, both
has become reality. She was able to
sites in India as well.
today and in the future.
Young woman receiving her certificate, having completed the Saksham program.
teer for a Bombardier-preferred cause or as part of a team-building initiative. “We are delighted to see the local industry taking social responsibility. Engaging in community projects such as Huerdenspringer+ supports the development of teenagers and offers perspectives for their future careers.” Stefanie Corogil, Project Leader, Mentoring Project Huerdenspringer+
Honoring the Founder’s Vision In 1965, the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation was established to provide support for communities in Canada, the home of Bombardier Inc. High school students from San Remigio National High School thanking Bombardier Transportation and Habitat for Humanity Philippines.
and its founder Joseph-Armand Bombardier. Since then, the foundation
Sharing Skills with Our Communities
the teens’ efforts to enter the job
has generously supported commu-
market. Today, the teenagers are
nity initiatives to improve healthcare
meeting with their mentors regularly
and education. In 2014, Bombardier
to discuss their ongoing job search.
Inc. contributed US$3.7 million to
Our employees are highly skilled
In 2015, we will expand the program
the foundation, which celebrates its
experts with profound professional
to allow more employees to volun-
50th anniversary in 2015.
knowledge, passion, and leadership abilities. These qualities make them great assets not only for our company, but also for the communities in which we operate. Bombardier Inc. has therefore set the goal of establishing skills-based volunteering projects in our key markets by 2020. One example is the Huerdenspringer+ (hurdle jumper), a Berlin-based project carried out in partnership with the local NGO UNIONHILFSWERK. Last year, nine employees from our Berlin and Hennigsdorf sites qualified to serve as mentors for teenagers, mainly from disadvantaged backgrounds, and support
Bombardier Transportation volunteers at Berlin headquarters getting their mentor certification.
SHAREHOLDERS, INVESTORS, AND ANALYSTS “Companies that achieve consistent financial performance by demonstrating responsible business practices are the investor’s preferred choice.”
SHARING SUCCESS Bombardier Inc. is headquartered in Montreal, Canada, has business operations around the world, and is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Bombardier Transportation, based in Berlin, is a business segment of Bombardier Inc. and covers the full spectrum of rail solutions. As a global company, we have a responsibility for the markets and communities we impact. Conducting our business in a sustainable and ethical manner is thus imperative for earning the trust of our shareholders and other stakeholders worldwide.
A New Structure and Solid Financials Position Us for Future Growth
In 2014, revenues for our rail activities totaled US$9.6 billion, compared to US$8.8 billion in 2013. Our EBIT and EBIT margin before special items amounted to US$486 million and 5.1%, compared to US$505 million and
Trends like urbanization, population growth,
5.8% respectively in 2013. Both increased
and climate change are strengthening
revenues and greater order intake demonstrate
interest in public transportation solutions.
that we are developing the right products
However, market dynamics alone will not
and pursuing the right opportunities. New
guarantee sustainable growth. In order to
commissions were concluded across all
adapt our business to these changing con-
segments and geographies, e.g. a US$2.7
ditions we launched our internal improvement
billion contract with the State of Queensland,
initiative OneBT in 2014. This organizational
Australia, a US$2.1 billion order from Trans-
shift and strong financial discipline enable
port for London, U.K., and a US$1.2 billion
us to increase efficiency and profitability
order from Transnet Freight Rail, South Africa.
while remaining innovative and competitive.
These developments demonstrate our customers’ continued confidence in our products and in our commitment to innovation. 35
fraud, dishonesty, or misconduct.
External Charters & Policies that Guide
So far, we have not had to make
Our CR Approach
use of the policy. Aside from providing training
United Nations Global Compact International Association of Public Transport (UITP): Charter on Sustainable Development International Network for Environmental Management (INEM) Charter (in Germany represented through B.A.U.M.) Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development: Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises German Railway Industry Association (VDB): Code of Conduct
for new employees and issuing semi-annual ethics newsletters, in 2014 Bombardier Inc. launched the first two of six interactive learning modules, which were jointly developed with UN Global Compact. The first module was completed by 71% of our employees in the Transportation segment while the second module, still
Corporate Governance
The Board of Directors establishes
in progress, has been completed
Strengthened through
policies and priorities at the
by 56% of our Transportation
highest level of the organization.
Guidelines and Training
Bombardier Inc.’s Ethics Advisory Council (BEAC) is responsible
Bombardier Inc. has instituted a
We have established a range of
for the implementation of the pol-
Supplier Code of Conduct, which
explicit guidelines that define how
icies and refers violations to the
sets forth specific principles by
we protect and support human
President and CEO or to the Board
which Bombardier expects all its
rights in our operations. Bombardier
of Directors. Starting at the
suppliers and, in turn, the sup-
Inc. is a signatory to the United
director level, Bombardier Inc.’s
pliers’ business partners and affil-
Nations Global Compact and has
management is required to renew
iates to conduct their business.
embedded the Compact’s ten
its commitment to the Code
principles in our Code of Ethics and
of Ethics and Business Conduct
The anti-corruption training will
Business Conduct, providing clear
every year and acknowledges
be intensified in 2015 and will include
guidelines for all employees regard-
with its signature that it follows
additional specialized training
ing human rights, labor relations,
the guidelines and has no knowl-
sessions for our sales, supply chain,
environmental protection, correct
edge of any violations of the
and contracts teams.
payments, and anti-corruption in
Code. We offer our stakeholders
their relationships with customers,
and third parties multiple chan-
suppliers, colleagues, and commu-
nels to report suspected breaches
of the Code, including an anony-
Managing Risk at Every Stage and Business Level
mous reporting system. In 2014, Corporate governance is an impor-
Bombardier Inc. received 83 com-
As a leading global business in
tant part of our corporate respon-
plaints regarding compliance
the transportation and aerospace
sibility efforts. Many of our company-
issues, but after further investiga-
industries, Bombardier Inc. faces
wide initiatives have been guided
tion, none of them proved to be
certain risks. They include both inter-
by strong corporate governance
significant violations.
nal factors such as supply chain
policies for years. Nevertheless, we
disruption and occupational health
have undertaken special efforts to
In 2013, Bombardier Inc. imple-
and safety and external factors like
strengthen this area further:
mented a policy that allows
political instability and volatile fuel
bonuses and other incentives to
prices. To minimize the potential
be recovered in the event of
impact of such factors, we make risk
management an integral part of our
Bombardier Inc. has been included
Further recognitions include a list-
planning activities and decision-
in the Dow Jones Sustainability
ing in the Global Compact 100
making processes. Our risk manage-
Index and the Dow Jones North
Stock Index and the award of Prime
ment tools include internal and
America Sustainability Index for
status by oekom research, a rating
external audits, information systems
eight consecutive years and has
agency that provides guidance
and compliance processes, risk
been named industry leader in
on sustainable investing.
analysis, and stakeholder engage-
its respective category for the third
ment. These measures are carefully
year in a row.
designed with all our financial,
While we at Bombardier Transportation as a business segment of
operational, and strategic goals in
In the Corporate Knights’ 2014
Bombardier Inc. share these rank-
Global 100 Index, Bombardier Inc.
ings and awards with our parent
was listed as the 24th most sus-
company, our business has also
Our Sustainability
tainable company in the world
been recognized separately for its
and came in third in the ranking
ethical conduct on several occa-
Efforts Receive
of Canada’s Best 50 Corporate
sions. In the category of companies
Citizens in 2014.
with more than 5,000 employees,
We have received an A-list ranking
for the Corporate Social Responsi-
we were among the five finalists in the Carbon Disclosure Project of
bility Award of the German Federal
Bombardier Inc. has been recognized
the Climate Performance Leader-
Government in 2014. Bombardier
for its responsible business leader-
ship Index 2014, making us one of
Transportation was also honored
ship and has been included in several
187 companies on the Toronto
with the Gold recognition level for
sustainability indices. Being part
Stock Exchange that has received
its environmental and social per-
of these indices is evidence of our
an A grade for its performance
formance by the CSR assessment
already highly ethical practices,
in mitigating climate change.
platform EcoVadis in 2013.
but also serves as an incentive to continuously improve our corporate governance and sustainability activities.
Our Major Rankings and Ratings
We report in a transparent and fact-based manner about
Our environmental performance evidences further note-
our corporate responsibility performance, guided by
worthy reductions of energy consumption, greenhouse
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The following ta-
gas (GHG) emissions, water withdrawn, and waste. Though
bles list important key figures for the years 2012 to
our worked hours increased by 8% from 2013 to 2014,
2014. Some figures have been rounded, which may result
we achieved reductions in our environmental footprint,
in slight deviations from the totals stated.
in fact by –6% energy consumption, –7% GHG emissions, –6% water withdrawn, –3% non-hazardous waste, and –13% hazardous waste. This is a result of ongoing efforts at
our sites, such as the long-term energy saving initiative in
Number of employees (a)
Hennigsdorf that targets changes in employees’ behavior.
Active and inactive (%) (b) (c)
Contractual (%) (d)
Natural gas (non-renewable) (106 GJ)
Kerosene (non-renewable) (106 GJ)
Number of employees by region in Europe in Asia-Pacific
Total energy consumption (direct and indirect) (millions of gigajoules or 106 GJ) (n) (o)
in North America
Total direct energy consumption (106 GJ) (n) (o) (p)
in other regions
Number of employees by level in senior leadership positions (e)
Other non-renewable energy (direct) (106 GJ)
in management positions (f)
Proportion of direct renewable energy (%) (r)
Less than 1%
Less than 1%
Less than 1%
Total indirect energy consumption (106 GJ ) (n) (o) (q)
Women in workforce (active & inactive) (%) in senior leadership positions (%) (e)
Hot water (106 GJ)
in management positions (%) (f)
Steam (106 GJ )
Number of new employee hires (g)
Electricity (106 GJ )
New hires – women (%)
Electricity from renewable sources (106 GJ ) (s)
Employee turnover rate (%) (h)
Total GHG emissions (direct and indirect) (thousands of tons of CO2-equivalent or 103 tCO2e) (n) (o)
Turnover rate – new hires (%)
Direct (103 tCO2e) (r) (p)
Turnover rate – women (%)
Indirect (103 tCO2e) (s) (q)
High potentials turnover rate (%)
Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (% of total GHG) 0.2
Number of employee citizenships (i)
Total water withdrawn (millions of cubic meters) (o)
Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements (%)
Municipal / water utility withdrawal (%)
Employee development
Total waste generated (hazardous and non-hazardous) (thousands of tons) (o)
High potential talent pool (%) (j)
Hazardous waste (103 tons)
Women in the high potential talent pool (%)
Non-hazardous waste (103 tons)
More than 85%
Employee engagement (%) (k)
Employee enablement (%) (l)
Waste to landfill (hazardous and non-hazardous) (103 tons) Valorized waste (hazardous and non-hazardous) (% of total waste) (t)
Following a consumption inventory, we also optimized facility management processes at Hennigsdorf and shut
(a) The total number of employees represents the sum of all active employees, inactive employees, and contractual employees.
down several oversized air compressors.
(b) Active includes employees that are permanent full-time, permanent part-time, temporary full-time, temporary part-time, and paid apprentices.
Our long-term goal is to achieve zero occupational
(c) Inactive includes employees on short-term leave, maternity and parental leave, and other long-term leave including long-term disability.
health and safety-related accidents. Currently, our acci-
(d) Contractual employees include consultants and agency-outsourced employees.
dent frequency remains stable at an industry-leading
(e) Senior leadership positions are defined as direct reports to the Transportation President and COO.
low level. Most regrettably, we suffered two employee fatalities in 2014 and one each in 2013 and 2012. As
(f) Management positions are defined as manager and above. (g) New hire is a measure of permanent employees (active and inactive) hired externally within the reporting period.
maintaining highest standards of health and safety at our sites is a non-negotiable priority, we have correspondingly reviewed and improved related measures in all business segments.
(h) Turnover measures the percentage of employee turnover explained by voluntary departures (employee-initiated terminations). (i) Number of different citizenships registered for all employees included in the employed workforce at the end of the reporting period. (j) The percentage of employees identified as part of the high potential (HP) talent pool. (k) The percentage of respondents who have answered favorably or very favorably to questions within the engagement dimension, which measures employee commitment and discretionary effort. (l) The percentage of respondents who have answered favorably or very favorably to questions within the enablement dimension, which measures role optimization and level of support in the environment.
(m) The scope of our reported environmental and energy data includes: buildings we own or lease long term and manage as the sole tenant, with more than 4,600 square meters (50,000 square feet) of conditioned space; sites having 150 employees or more; sites that are considered primary production/operation and service facilities, Group headquarters; and joint ventures where we have operational control (where we own more than 50% of voting shares).
Accident frequency (without restricted duty) (Injury rate) (u)
(n) Some of this data has been third-party verified.
in Europe
(o) Some of this environmental data has been third-party verified. The verification covers sites participating in the European Union Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
in Asia-Pacific
in North America
in other regions
Accident severity (without restricted duty) (Lost day rate) (v)
in Europe
in Asia-Pacific
in North America
in other regions
Number of work-related fatalities (employees and contractors)
Incident rate (w)
in Europe
in Asia-Pacific
in North America
in other regions
Percentage of total workforce represented in formal joint 90 management-worker health & safety committees (%)
(p) Direct energy/emissions are from sources that are owned or controlled by the company. (q) Indirect energy/emissions result from company activities but are generated at sources owned or controlled by another organization. This relates mainly to electricity. (r) Direct renewable resources are capable of being replenished within a short time through ecological cycles, as opposed to resources such as minerals, metals, oils, gas, and coal that do not renew in short time periods. (s) Indirect renewable electricity covers consumption from Quebec, Belgium, and Sweden. (t) Valorized waste refers to hazardous and non-hazardous waste which has been redirected to a process that reuses, recycles, composts, and combusts the waste into useful products or sources of energy. The number reported is the percentage of valorized waste as compared to our total waste generated (including both hazardous and non-hazardous). (u) The accident frequency rate measures the number of accidents that had one or more lost days, excluding restricted duty days, expressed per 200,000 hours worked. (v) The accident severity rate is the number of lost days expressed per 200,000 hours worked. The total number of lost days includes days away from work and excludes days in restricted duty. (w) The incident rate is the number of recordable cases, expressed per 200,000 hours worked. The total number of recordable incidents includes: a. The total number of work-related fatalities b. The total number of lost time accidents cases (excluding restricted duty) c. The total number of restricted duty cases d. The total number of occupational sickness and disease cases (excluding restricted duty) e. The total number of occupational sickness and disease restricted duty cases f. The total number of medical treatment
Report Content
information currently available, there
(CASRA) function conducted an
is a risk that they may not be accu-
audit of our CR Report’s conformity
rate. The forward-looking state-
with the GRI principles, the effective-
ments set forth herein reflect our
ness of the processes and systems
Performance data in the Bombardier
expectations as of the date of pub-
we use to report CR data, and the
Transportation Corporate Respon-
lishing this Report and are subject
reliability and quality of our per-
sibility Report summarizes corporate
to change after such date. Unless
formance indicators. Totally indepen-
responsibility information for
otherwise required by applicable
dent from our business entities,
Bombardier Transportation only
securities laws, we expressly dis-
CASRA can be regarded as a second-
and covers the period from January
claim any intention and assume no
party verifier. It applied recognized
1, 2013 to December 31, 2014. Finan-
obligation to update or revise any
standards such as AA 1000 and
cial information is given in U.S.
forward-looking statements, whether
ISAE 3000 to conduct the audit.
dollars, unless otherwise specified.
as a result of new information, future
We have continued to define and
For more detailed information
events, or otherwise. The forward-
implement action plans to improve
regarding our financial disclosures
looking statements contained in this
the quality of data. For HSE data,
and explanations for the year
Report are expressly qualified by
this has included a standardized
ended December 31, 2014, please
this cautionary statement.
procedure to report data to our
see the Bombardier Inc. Financial
central data management system.
Report 2014.
The content in the Report is chiefly
guided by the Bombardier Inc. 2014 materiality assessment, which was
The information provided for our
conducted through a survey and
environmental indicators is only
one-on-one conversations with
partially verified by an external party.
employees and a range of external
Energy and greenhouse gas (GHG)
stakeholders. We want this Report
emissions data from our Belfast, U.K.,
to be a key element of our ongoing
site is verified by external parties
stakeholder engagement and wel-
under the European Union Emissions
come your feedback and questions.
Trading Scheme (EU ETS), which
Please share your thoughts by con-
includes BSI Assurance UK Ltd.,
tacting us at
located at Kitemark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill, Milton Keynes,
Buckinghamshire, MK5 8PP.
In addition, seven German sites, as well as our sites in Matranovak
By their nature, forward-looking
(Hungary), Ceska Lipa (Czech
statements require us to make
Republic), Vienna (Austria), Vado
assumptions and are subject to
Ligure (Italy), and the Wroclaw site
important known and unknown
in Poland receive annual external
risks and uncertainties, which may
verification of all environmental
cause our actual results in future
data under the EU Eco-Management
periods to differ materially from
and Audit Scheme (EMAS).
forecasted results. While we consider our assumptions to be reason-
In 2011 and 2013, our Corporate
able and appropriate based on
Audit Services and Risk Assessment
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Bombardier Transportation
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*Trademark(s) of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. © 2015, Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Printed in Germany/11588/HSE/07-2015/en
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