2007 december mike on markets by karen bosso

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Vol. I, Iss. 3 ~ December 2007

Mike on the Markets Michael Bosso

Hedge Your Bets

Financial Adviser

A year-end Christmas newsletter should have good news, happy thoughts, and hope for the future on every page. This year, two out of three ain't bad. The market is filled with bad news, but I can give you some happy thoughts and certainly hope for the future. Let's face it, the market is overdue for a 20% correction, the economy is way overdue for a recession, we have found out that money market accounts may not be as safe as we thought, and housing values simply got overinflated and are now correcting (I like to get the bad news out of the way quickly). What may surprise you is that all of those corrections are good for the market in the long run. That’s big-picture thinking. The trick is to

keep your individual picture from shrinking while those corrections are happening. Many people still have not regained their total investments from the last correction (known as the tech bubble) and that was almost a decade ago---representing time and gains no investor can afford to lose. So what do you do to protect yourselves? How do you keep from losing your hard-earned money? Why, read on of course, and take advantage of some of the options available to investors today. This issue is all about protection if the market drops farther after the end of the year, and how I can help you avoid substantial losses and perhaps even make some profits along the way. In short, hedging

Index-Linked CD’s

 exposure to the stock market,  a minimum rate of return*, and  a government guarantee you won’t lose any of your principal. This combination is hard to beat even, (or especially) if, the market is negative. These fantastic investment vehicles are relatively new in the United States, but have been around in Europe for a long time. Maturities range from 1 to 7 years with higher guarantees, of course, the farther out you go. Everything in the investment world has

a downside, however, and these are no exception. Returns are not paid until maturity, so if you need the money early you may or may not get your full investment back. These are investments that you truly need to sit on and ignore until they mature. The popularity of these investments is increasing so much and so quickly that the minimum purchase is steadily going up as well. Most offerings currently have a minimum investment of $10,000. Please contact me for upto-date minimums and guaranteed return rates. *many, but not all index-linked CD’s offer a minimum return

One Lincoln ~ Ste. 375 10300 Greenburg Road Portland, OR 97223 Office 503-595-1662 Toll Free 877-421-9991 Fax 503-595-1666 Cell 971-212-9464 mike@teamfbr.com

Put in a CD and Relax for the Holidays…and beyond These are perhaps my favorite longerterm, buy-and-ignore investment. As I wrote about in my last newsletter, you get:

FBR Wealth Management



Hedge Your Bets Index-Linked CD’s What’s a Hedge?


Separately Managed Accounts Ultra-Short ETF’s Defensive Stocks Stop Limits


Reverse Convertibles Housing, Inflation, and Other Important Stuff


Trading CardsTM More on the Hedge Seasons Greetings We Like to Watch…Stocks Worth Watching


(verb – something you do)  To plant or cultivate hedges.  To take compensatory measures so as to counterbalance possible loss.  To use the unfortunate language financial professionals must use to avoid making the hint of a suggestion of a promise, and to stay out of jail. Source: Yahoo! American Heritage Dictionary

GOOD NEWS happy thoughts HOPE FOR THE FUTURE good news HAPPY THOUGHTS hope for the future GOOD NEWS happy thoughts HOPE FOR THE

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