Spring Training pring is a time of renewal. The days are getting longer, baseball season is under way and the flowers are….. flowering. I have decided to follow suit with a little life advice in one article, some investment advice in another, and even a little challenge to my friends and clients. All interspersed with gems from one of baseball‟s great gurus. Be Fearful When Others are Greedy and Be Greedy When Others are Fearful This is some classic advice from Warren Buffet which other investment gurus sometimes recommend too. In light of the market gains which followed the crash, I am invoking the Oracle of Omaha to advise strong caution right now.
It’s like déjà vu all over again. Yogi Berra
I had to laugh the other night when a guest on CNBC‟s Fast Money said he wouldn‟t invest in a certain stock because he couldn‟t make at least 20%. It reminded me of what we were hearing about Real Estate not all that long ago, —or Tech stocks before that, —or Enron-era energy… I think I smell a little greed.
And while endless 20% hedge-fund-like returns are seductive, it also hasn‟t been all that long since we planned for happy, healthy, stable retirements based on 8% average returns. E-I-G-H-T. I‟m not a doomsayer, and I‟m not saying your mattress is a good investment
option. I am suggesting we all be wary of conditions which lead to bubbles. Which could mean learning to calm the fears which lead us to try fixing big, thorny problems overnight. We need to keep in mind that we still have very high unemployment, a very weak and still weakening real estate market, and a severe National Debt problem. Can all of these things be solved? Of course they can, but—- It. Is. Going. To. Take. Awhile. And it may take some political will on everyone‟s part, the likes of which we haven‟t seen in quite some time. So let‟s stay cautious, keep our expectations in check, and pay close attention to our national and world situation.
I can‟t be sure when that will happen or what exactly consumers will do, but I can be fairly sure it will involve spending money. Investment guru Peter Lynch used this type of intuitive logic to sustain one
FBR Wealth Management 8050 SW Pfaffle St., Ste. 100 Tigard, OR 97223
If anywhere within this newsletter you find yourself wondering if Mike has spring fever, or feel the need yourself to go outside and take a walk through a garden, I‟ve done my job. After all, not everything in life revolves around making money. (I can‟t believe I just said that….)
Office 503-620-5236 Toll Free 877-421-9991 Fax 503-620-5273 Cell 971-212-9464 mike@teamfbr.com
Finally, at this most important time of the year, be sure to get your peanuts, popcorn, hotdogs, and favorite beverage and treat yourself to watching the Boston Red Sox snag the American League title this year. The Yankees have unrealistic expectations of their own if they think they can have back-to-back World Championships…..
How Would You Treat Yourself? fter a good day I treat myself to something special by popping into the local coffee shop. An especially good day will find me cruising Dick‟s for new baseball equipment. If you believe the economy is getting better, and people will be going back to work, then you could assume lots of people will be having “good days” in the future. How will they celebrate? Will they go out to dinner at a nice restaurant? Will they savor premium coffee again? Maybe they‟ll revamp their wardrobe or pick up a new pair of cleats.
Mike Bosso Financial Advisor
of the longest, most successful mutual fund manager careers in history. He, of course, dug much deeper before actually investing, but it‟s still a great beginning exercise in learning how to invest. What would you like to do if the economy became a happy place and you didn‟t mind spending $100.00 on something completely frivolous? I‟ll give you a homework assignment: Put together a list of five things you would like to spend $100.00 dollars on and give me a call. We can figure out who the manufacturer or retailer might be, put together a watch list of those stocks, and see how they‟re doing. Maybe one will be worth owning as an investment, maybe not. But we can have some fun seeing how many people would indulge themselves in the same ways!
Portfolio Rx: How I create Your Lineup
Where do We Go From Here?
2012!!!! Live Like You Were Dying
Trading Card: Cramer
You can observe a lot by watching. --Yogi Berra