2008 june mike on markets by karen bosso

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Vol 2

Iss 1

Jun 08

Michael Bosso

Is Your Portfolio Bleedin’ Green? If you are currently one of my clients, you may skip this article. Go on now. But if you are like the vast majority of investors, you’ve probably seen significant decreases in account value. Even if New Year’s resolutions are a memory and April 15th has come and gone, it’s never too late to take a hard look at your financial situation. Without using the “S” word (should), just know it’s a really good idea to give your portfolio a checkup once a month, or at the very least once each quarter. And once a year it deserves a complete physical. Now, before images of paper gowns and “procedures” cross your mind, just stop. The only instrument required for this type of exam is a copy of your latest statement(s) and a telephone if you aren’t sure you like what you see.

For instance, my major focus is individual stocks, but I won’t touch 99.9% of options trading—too risky. Some investment reps. rely almost exclusively on mutual funds, whereas I use them sparingly. Still other advisors won't work with or don’t even have access to index-linked CD's or Reverse Convertible bonds—two of the main reasons my clients got to skip to the next article.

With a healthier portfolio as the goal, you’ll look at both its anatomy—individual parts or securities, and its physiology—how those parts are working together to keep the financial “body” happy and functional. You’ll ask questions to figure out what worked, what didn’t, and why. Suggestions can be found under the two Portfolio Rx Sections in this newsletter.

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FBR Wealth Management One Lincoln ~ Ste. 375 10300 Greenburg Road Portland, OR 97223

Even though we don’t like to admit it, no advisor is right 100% of the time. And just like your health, at the end of the day you’re still the one ultimately responsible for your portfolio's performance.

Office 503-595-1662 Toll Free 877-421-9991 Fax 503-595-1666 Cell 971-212-9464 mike@teamfbr.com

If your examination results come back unsatisfactory, perhaps you owe yourself a second opinion.

Like a doctor, an investment representative’s job is to

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Financial Advisor

guide you to the greatest health, the largest gains, based upon the risk tolerance you’ve discussed and the securities and skills s/he has to offer. And just as physicians have differing skill levels or specialties they practice, so too financial professionals. Your advisor may or may not have the knowledge or available tools to get you where you want, and the only way to find out is to ask.

2nd Opinion—Portfolio Rx for Review Time


Is this a systematic problem with the investment or just a temporary downturn? Would I buy it again today knowing what I know now?


Have mutual funds been thrown in there chosen solely by category (growth, income, etc.)?


What kind of crossover do I have within my funds? Is my account being actively managed or mostly just being “stored?”


What do I want my portfolio to look like? Do I own stocks within those funds that I would find offensive (ethically or environmentally)?


Am I working with the right person to accomplish my goals?


Happy Tax Freedom Day, America! April 23rd OR












Bleedin’ Green Rx-2nd Opinion

1 Portfolio 2 3 4 5


Keeping it in Perspective Investment Performance Examples Where Did Buy-and-Hold Come From? Buy-and-Hold Disrespect?? Spring Cleaning Portfolio Rx—Have you had your Correlation Checked? European Imports Index-Linked CD’s Reverse Convertibles Cash-Based Investments Thank You Trading Cards — Benjamin Graham Tax & Inflation — Staying Ahead


Tax freedom days by state. Source: http://www.taxfoundation.org/taxfreedomday/

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