Mike on the Markets Vol 2 - Iss 2
Oc t-Nov 2008
The Meltdown When our son lets his blood sugar drop too low and to our congressman I used a different analogy: Tryhe‘s behaving in that certain way that makes us want ing to solve an addict‘s problem by providing his to kill him, we affectionately say he‘s ―having a meltdrug of choice (see p. 2). down.‖ When the boy was small and didn‘t Just as I‘m sure our son will grow into a know any better, it was easier to forgive fine young man, I feel sure the economy this ―bad‖ behavior. But as he got older, will recover. Someday. Meanwhile, it‘s and should‘ve known better about how to just hard to watch. keep himself in balance, it got much harder It‘s been several months since the last to be patient with him when he was lying newsletter came out. The markets were in a puddle on the floor. so mushy over the summer, I didn‘t feel I see parallels there to what‘s happening there was much to say; now I find I can‘t in the markets. It‘s not as if the American shut up! While I‘d love it if you just economy hasn‘t suffered meltdowns in the dove in headfirst, read it from cover to past—mostly from the same causes. We cover, and gave it to all your friends, should‘ve learned. Sure, when our son that‘s a lot to ask. Just read a little bit starts to get shaky, human compassion says every day; even I can only take me in he gets a shot of Pepsi to bail him out in small doses. the short term. But then he needs real food You won‘t find as much as usual and a real plan so he doesn‘t keep harming about specific investments in this issue. himself. He also needs interim parental What I hope you will find is useful inforoversight so his issues don‘t keep becommation which I believe alleviates anxiety. ing an issue for the entire family. Sound But perhaps most importantly, I hope Tempting... familiar? you‘ll find some perspective. And oh, Throwing big dollars and new debt at a yeah, humor too. Where would we be if crisis like our economy is facing is like the aforemenwe couldn‘t laugh? Laughter‘s just like what tioned Pepsi— a quick, dirty, short term solution. they kept telling us about the bailout: It‘s betWith our son, we call it gasoline on a fire. In a letter ter than the alternative! 2
Congress Falls Short of Low Expectations headline seen on The Motley Fool website ―Establishment of the policies and procedures and other similar administrative requirements imposed on the Secretary by this Act are not intended to delay the commencement of the TARP.”
Which could mean: A) Don‘t be lettin‘ any old rules slow you down, –or— B) spend it quick before: 1) any rules do get imposed, —or— 2) the next Secretary of the Treasury gets to touch it….
Democrat Blumenauer, N; DeFazio, N; Hooley, Y; Wu, Y. Wyden, N Republican Smith, Y Walden, Y.
Senate Amendment 5685 to House Resolution 1424
Democrat Cantwell, N Baird, Y, Dicks, Y Inslee, N; Larsen, Y McDermott, N Murray, N Smith, Y.
Republican Hastings, N; McMorris-Rodgers, N Reichert, N.
5 6 7 8 9 10 12
How they voted on the bailout bill
Democrat Berkley, Y. Reid, Y Republican Ensign, Y Heller, N Porter, Y
Mike Bosso Financial Advisor
FBR Wealth Management One Lincoln ~ Ste. 375 10300 Greenburg Road Portland, OR 97223 Office 503-595-1662 Toll Free 877-421-9991 Fax 503-595-1666 Cell 971-212-9464
Inside Credit junkies, Relax and Unwind What I’d say if you called Jackson veto, name’s bond, cd bond index linked CD’s FDIC Insurance change caveman theory And mad dow disease Trick or treat? R.I.P. B.O.L. corner Portfolio Rx Caving in; it beggars…; So easy…. Just for fun trading card-JP Morgan History of banking
MINNESOTA Democrat Ellison, Y Klobuchar, Y McCollum, Y Oberstar, Y Peterson, N Walz, N.
Republican Bachmann, N Coleman, Y Kline, Y Ramstad, Y
NATIONAL Democrat Obama, Y Republican McCain, Y