Buy-and-Hold t’s time to revisit investment strategy. If we’ve learned one thing over the past year and a half that we can use to move forward, it’s this… “Buy-and-Hold” as traditionally espoused, does not work. The buy-and-holders will tell you that had you sold and gone into cash, you would have missed the large gains over the past few months, but let’s put this into perspective. The Dow Jones has gone from 14,000+ down to 6,629 and has bounced back to roughly 8,500. So if you were a strict buy-and-holder over the past 5 years or so, you’d still have lost a boatload of money. The most often-cited buy-and-hold investor on the planet, Warren Buffet, publishes his portfolio changes quarterly, and guess what? He sells things and takes profits when he feels things are over-valued or have too much downside risk. The mere fact that Berkshire buys a stock could insure its eventual rise—or not—but Buffett can afford to make mistakes that most of us can’t. Understand, that when the “Oracle of Omaha” speaks of buyand-hold, he’s talking about buying a severely undervalued stock and riding it out. What he’s not suggesting (I don’t think) is that we lesser mortals hang out forever in underperforming investments hoping they’ll snap back. Managed mutual funds that use those mountain charts to advertise long-term gains, buy and sell individual stocks all day long. Even index funds and ETF’s buy and sell equities to keep themselves in balance and to match up with changes in the index.
Every once in awhile I’m asked, and rightly so, why I move equities around as frequently as I do. The answer is easier to show than tell. 1) You can read more about my philosophy. I’ve included a copy of an illustrated article I wrote for last Spring’s newsletter. A few of the statistics have changed and are noted, but the premise remains the same. 2) And you can know that, with the market down over 50%, with many mutual funds, stocks, and even some bonds down more, not one of my clients has experienced those types of catastrophic losses. So my advice for the future, whether you are my client or not, is to stay nimble, flexible, and don’t fall in love with any single investment. Realize that markets do get over-valued, undervalued, and are fairly valued. Learn what areas do better coming out of a recession, going into a recession and in the middle of a recession. If there is one promise I can make, and legally there are very few, it is that this won’t be the last recession our economy sees. It won’t be the last time our markets have a hiccup and lose value. But as long as you’re prepared, or have an advisor who is, you can come out ahead when recovery happens.
Mike Bosso Financial Advisor
FBR Wealth Management 8050 SW Pfaffle St., Ste. 100 Tigard, OR 97223
Mike Bosso #8
Celebrate Independence! My favorite movie clip of all time:
Change is Afoot ue to the rapid changes in the market, it has been a labor of frustration to put together a large, quality newsletter. So I am changing to a smaller, monthly update formula. I feel that this will be better for my clients as the information won’t be out of date before it even hits your mailbox.
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=oRGUqd_M6Mg
Office 503-595-1662 Toll Free 877-421-9991 Fax 503-595-1666 Cell 971-212-9464 mike@teamfbr.com