February 2016 newsletter

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Charity news

Bournemouth Hospital Charity’s March for Men event is returning to Bournemouth Seafront on 20 March with a medical equipment wish list to raise money for. You can help buy the equipment and save lives by signing up to the event. An imaging equipment hub and an intra-operative BK ultrasound machine are on the list and will both benefit men with prostate cancer at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital (RBH). The new Olympus image management hub will be used alongside the hospital’s da Vinci Robot, used in complex major surgery. It costs around £12,000 and takes live images directly from the robot and records it in 3D. Consultants can then use this footage

when analysing patient outcomes and can identify aspects of the technique which impact most directly on patient outcomes.

To find out more, drop into the Charity Office and speak to Barry Wilson, call: 01202 704060, or email: charity@rbch.nhs.uk The equipment will also benefit patients who undergo kidney and colorectal surgical procedures in the future. The intra-operative BK ultrasound machine will benefit men with prostate cancer and costs £20,000. It can also

be used to help patients with kidney cancer and is used alongside the da Vinci robot which was part funded by previous March for Men events. Over 200 patients have benefitted from the da Vinci Robot since it was purchased two years ago and this new imaging technology will make a big difference in how men are treated in the future. March for Men encourages men, women and children to walk, run or march 1km, 5km, or 10km, along Bournemouth seafront and Lower Gardens. Hundreds of people took part last year helping to fund the template biopsy machine which has benefited over 100 men with prostate cancer since it was bought last year.

Please give what you can. All donations, no matter how small, will help your hospital simply

text RBCH00 then £5, £10 or to 70070

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