Marlies Rijken-Master of Landscape Architecture-Traveling through time

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TRAVELING THROUGH TIME Past, present and future Marlies Rijken June 2013

TRAVELING THROUGH TIME This Booklet describes the ‘Traveling Through Time’ graduation project for the academy of architecture in Amsterdam. The topic of my thesis is “How is it possible to give an authentic landscape a sustainable future. Through preservation by development I searched for a strategy for a special jewel in Romania, Maramureş?”.

My interest in the area Maramureş in Romania was awakened by the book “het einde van Europa” (the end of Europe) written by Irene van de Linde and Nicole Segers. In which they described in chapter 6 “people pass stones remain” the following:


only in the mythical Maramureş, the region in the far North-West of Romania, the people preserved their pride. Like the Gallic people, Astrix and Obelix, they showed two thousand years ago that they were invincible. In that time Dacia, like Romania was called, was occupied by the

army of the Roman emperor Trajanus. The whole of Dacia? No, the ‘free’ Dacians of the Maramureş area proudly put up resistance to this oppressor. Still they resist. Not only the Romans but also the Hungarian, the Mongols, Turks, Germans and communists’ outside they doors.

The land of the ‘free’ Dacians The location: România

- Maramureş The old land of Maramureş is an area in north-west Romania. It is a particularly authentic, small-scale landscape.

The jewel of Romania!

- An isolated area in the Carpathians - + / - 200,000 inhabitants in Maramureş - The area is 65km long and 35km wide - Regardless of the outside world, depending on each other



Living with the landscape

An authentic landscape of 100s of years old!

All developments are based on geomorphology, this makes the landscape easily to read. The people live in harmony with the landscape. However the future of this landscape is insecure. Farmers now work the land almost entirely manual. For this they make use of the scythe, prong and the wooden horse cart. The youth do want to help but will not completely take over. If we don’t want to lose this authentic landscape, we need to have a strategy in order for future generations to enjoy this jewel.

My nostalgia ...

Netherlands early 19th century

Summer 2012 in MaramureĹ&#x;

Cutting and collecting the hay along the Lek at Lopik.

Drying the hay.

A balanced landscape, easily to read! 7


The two parts of Maramureş

The old land of Maramureş is isolated between Gutai and Maramureş mountains and is part of the Carpathians. The two rivers provide a clear difference between the two areas. The Isa river is calmly, quiet and wide. While the vişeu river is bolt, wild and narrow under influence of bigger height differences. This difference can also be translated in the way the land is used. On the western side there is a hilly agricultural and traditional landscape with a few developments. While on the eastern side, a mountainous, wild nature and economically developed area is situated.

Iza valley

- calm, quiet and wide - groundwater and salt mines - terraced landscape - traditional

The train, used for the old ore mines and forestry, has had a significant contribution to the development.

Vişeu valley

- bolt, wild and narrow - ferruginous water - mountain landscape - modern

The two different area’s in Maramureş are clearly visible in all aspects. This is the starting point of the strategy of this thesis.

Iza valley:

ViĹ&#x;eu valley: calm quiet wide groundwater, salt mine

terraces landscape


bolt wild narrow ferruginous water

mountain landscape

modern 9


The players

The language was a major obstacle for me, in my search to find out what is really going on in MaramureĹ&#x;. This is why I came up with the idea of a puzzle. In this puzzle, you find a lot of different images of all kind of possible perspectives for the region. During my research, I realized that there are five major players, each with their own interests in the region: - The operatorAmbassador? Governor, would like to develop his municipality and make use of the EU.

- The farmer, thinks the current situation is fine and has a small but pleasant world. - Youth, would like to live in the area but can’t find work here. - The seasonal worker, moves abroad to earn money for his retirement. - The tourist, enjoy the beautiful scenery and special attractions. In general, all these parties are concerned about the future. The future is unclear and uncertain.

The key players

1. Operator Contribution goverment contacts knowledge money

Requirements vision implementation

2. Farmer


4. Seasonal worker 5. Tourist

knowledge of the area and employees traditions ideas and energy hard workers

buildings and land

money interest characteristic landscape

Grond ge誰nteresseerden

ideas and energy money

special experience culture landscape

employment buildings and land money

All players have concerns about the future! 11

problem definition:

The direction of the development

At this moment, MaramureĹ&#x; is a nice area, which is still evolving. At the time that these trends continue in the way that they do now, the particular character of the area will change and disappear. Four trends are clearly visible:

The natural system disappears from the valley

By ribbons of houses the relationship with the landscape will reduce

Fragmentation of the wilderness

By embedding and the existing qualities of the area and making them more visible, MaramureĹ&#x; can develop itself to be special tourist destination and create new opportunities for the future. UNESCO churches are tourist spots



Two valleys, two characters

The target of the new strategy is to create a readable landscape with a good relationship between the ribbon of houses and the surrounding landscape. The ultimate goal is to develop an interesting tourist product.

Iza valley, authentic terraced landscape In the authentic cultural landscape, the inhabitants are the key players. Anyone can open his gate and make the landscape accessible to visitors. To relieve the busy river valley, a transition zone will be created used for largescale developments such as; meadows, forestry and recreation.

Iza valley

1. Interconnectedness in the authentic cultural landscape

2. Transition zone for large-scale developments

Space and nature

Natural connection for humans and animals

Village with a high level of facilities

Landscape gates

Fast connection


Slow connection

The secret entrance of Ocna Ĺ&#x;ugatag

Vişeu valley, rough mountain landscape Mine shafts landscape of Borşa

In the rough Maramureş Mountains, people have to take a step back. Here is room for large-scale wilderness with grazers on the mountain pastures. Concentrated transfer points will provide access to the nature. The Vişeu valley is well developed. This will be reinforced and each group of houses will have at least one transfer point. The main connection of Maramureş to the mountains is situated in this valley.

Vişeu valley

Maramureş as a toerist product!

1. Business activity in the valley

2. Space and nature

Fast connection

Transition points

Natural connection for human and animal



Iza vallei, authentic terraced landscape

1. Interconnectedness Visiting the people at home: - Park your car - Enjoy traditional meals - Get in contact with residents - Learning about the area

Beautiful landscape: - Small trail structure - High biodiversity - Participation in the land - Sleep opportunities

Farmer on the move!


2. Transition zones Meadow


Recreation landscape

The youth and seasonal worker on the move!


Map of opportunities Interconnectedness in the authentic cultural landscape with large-scale developments on the transition zones.

small-scaled landscape

salt mine



gate to the landscape



small-scaled network

recreation developments

Salt mines of Ocna Ĺžugatag The salt mines are one of the special heritage sites of Ocna Ĺžugatag. There are four salt mines that operated around 1800. Around 1950 they were flooding with fresh water, and where therefor taken out of use. Now the old entrances are only visible by the salt lakes. The mine will function now as one of the many gates into the small scaled terraced landscape.

Mina gabor (dragos voda) The mine, Gabor 1921-1950

Mina bogdan voda (albert) The mine, Albert 1799- 1822

The salt mine is elaborated according to the following design principles: - Making the landscape visible - Old heritage experience able - Participation of residents - Using traditional materials

Mina mihai viteazu The mine, Michael de dappere 1802-1853 Mina ioan (Tau fara fund) The mine, Jan uw bodemloze

Particular cultural heritage, experienceable!


The footbridge used as an entrance and a link between the transition zone and the authentic cultural landscape. The footbridge, which is a translation of the format and structure of the underground mine, is the access to the river valley and the small-scale landscape. It also forms the link between the village Ocna Ĺžugatag and new recreational developments on the higher grounds. The seclusion of the salt lakes will be enhanced by planting cherry trees. These will provide not only in spring but also in summer a special character to the place.


The salt lakes accessible again!

Decline (the salt lakes are the remains of ancient entrances), to the salt.


Particularly wellness landscape in the winter

In the winter a special wellness landscape will appear. For the salt lakes will not freeze. Around the lakes, near the home of the residents and between the cherry trees wellness related services can be realized. 22

Accommodations at the transition zone and activities in the small scaled valley.

m 1:1000

Nice view on Ocna Ĺžugatag. From the transition zone, there are possibilities and opportunities for recreational development.



ViĹ&#x;eu valley, rough mountain landscape

The ViĹ&#x;eu valley exists of two zones, each with its own character and development opportunities. On the one hand, there are various of opportunities for development, in the busy and bustling river valley and on the other hand, you have the peace and tranquility of the MaramureĹ&#x; Mountains. transfer points will take care of the connection between the two zones. An old ore mine, has been elaborated. This may well serve as a future transfer point. The ore mine is elaborated according to the following design principles: - Making the landscape visible - Old heritage experience able - Participation of residents - Using traditional materials.


The ore mine - In 1774, the mine consisted of 16 galleries - 1820 - beginning of intensive exploitation of metallic ore deposits - 1880 - first appearance of large mining - 1900 - construction and operation of railways narrow 9 station BorĹ&#x;a for trade with the outside world.

- 1932 - the mine closes and is no longer economically interesting - 1941-1944 the Germans reopen the mine - 1973 New techniques are used, the mine was bigger and interesting again. Between 1997 and 2007 the mine finally closes.

Particular cultural heritage, experienceable!


A special ski slope in the winter.


On the edge of the MaramureĹ&#x; Mountains another special heritage is situated, a large ore mine. It is a special place because of its location, the view and the history. Mine shafts stabbing out of the mountain that shows the previous use. This place is ideal for a new large-scale development and will be used as a transfer point between the development and nature.

A wonderful place to enter the wilderness

On the one hand, the mine should be visible again by using small shafts for the new buildings and a large settling tank for ferrous water. On the other hand, it will connect to other small ski slopes nearby. The two seasons, summer and winter are very different by the huge differences in temperature. In winter with -20 째 C and in summer +25 째 C gives the area a completely different character. All holiday homes are accessible by ski! 27

Another character in summer time. The ski slopes will have another use in summer. On the terraces can be camped and on the slopes it is possible to bike and walk. In the summer it is possible to arrive at the recreation houses by toboggan


Each house has a beautiful view over the valley and the high peak of the Petrosul.

The recreation houses looks like mine shafts stabbing out of the and on the terraces can be camped in the summer.


TRAVELING THRO past - present - future


Sighetu Marmației M

Munții Gutâiului Ocna Sugatag


Residence Mine shaft landscape steamtrain wagons



Sleeping near the farmer



Agricultural area


Music event


Working at the farm

Find a bear with a guide

Traditional clothes

Car connection

Picking garden


Walking routes

Bike routes

learning to scythes

Ski area



Wellnes landscape



Ski area


Hotels and pensions

Shops near the farmer


Wild camping

Trout farm


Bike rental



Weaving mill

Canoe rental


in Maramureş

Farcâu + 1957

Parcul Natural Munții Maramureşului


Toroioaga + 1930 M

Vişeu de Sus

Dragomireşti Borşa

Parcul Național Munții Rodnei


Pietrosu Rodnei +2303


e Unesco churche Traditional wooden houses Traditional wooden gates

Discover the hidden jewel of Europe!

Do you want more information: RijkenVermaat landscape architects or

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