Undergraduate Portfolio

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About Me






BOWEN LIU Email: Bowenl3@student.unimelb.edu.au Mobile:: +61 424055863 Address: 1801/9 waterside PL, Docklan 3008. Melbourne, VIC, AU

My name is Bowen LIU, and I am a renctly graudate student of University of Melbourne with a bancholer of environment degree, major in architecture. From my perspective, The Architecture is one of the most valuable and meaningful majors to study. Because architecture is about the making of places where people spend their lives. Architects are not just concerned with the exterior and interior design of a building, but the environment as a whole. Architecture is mostly about human beings living in a “better” way than before. Moreover, It is easy to define Architecture, but the word has far deeper meaning than it implies. Architecture covered various knowledge from almost every aspect such as Art, History, Material Science, Physics, Engineering… Anything and everything that can help improve the living environment of human beings. Although every people recognize the architecture is the most difficult course to take, but I'd love to challenge this and improve myself into another level.








01 2018 Semester 2

STUDIO fire Tutor: Robert Polglase Inidividual

"THE WOOD HOME" UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL The subject is the capstone subject for the Architecture major in the Bachelor of Environments. It is intended that the subject will integrate previous coursework in the major. The core of the undergraduate design sequence is the development of both design thinking and dexterity with tools. The design brief is required us to design a new sports stadium and a learning complex building of the university high school which located at the Royal Parade and Story Street, Parkville. Through the site visit, I found that the old form of building layout created a very depressing box liked, and pool lighting condtion passive learning environment. It lack of enough informal learning area and socializing area.

Key Design Principles SENCE OF LIGHT & WARM











My concept is tring to create a homely feel that students loves to spend time in there and always feel warm, comfort and social engaged. Just like their second home. Meanwhile, Many of the characteristics of wood are particularly important to my deign. Such as the feelings of natural warmth and the comfort that wood elicits in people has the effect of reducing stress and increasing positive social interactions. Therefore using wood as the main material of my design is the perfect descision.

Interior Designer : Velux Group

Sofa Designer : IKEA

Figure1a : Section Long Cut

Figure1b : Section Short Cut

Architecture: Malardalens University Location: Swden Architect: 3XN

Site Plan & Site Analysis

Site Plan & Site Analysis

Figure 1x : Location Analysis Diagram

Figure 2 : Ground Floor Plan

Figure 3 : Ground Floor Program Diagram

Figure 6 : Second Floor Plan

Figure 6 : Second Floor Program Diagram

Figure 4 : First Floor Plan

Figure 5 : First Floor Program Diagram

Figure 1y : Circulation & Entrance

Figure 1 : 1:1000 Site Plan

Figure 1z : Sunlight Diagram

Sports Stadium Floor Plan

Figure 7 : Third Floor Plan

Figure 8 : Third Floor Program Diagram

Building Analysis Figure 16 : Timber Facade Connection

Two at r i u m we l co m e s m o re sunlight into the interior space and will attracting student arround these two atrium and make this place social.

Figure 12 : Atrium

Timber facade vertical shading, the density changes through the north side to control the best sunlight condition for different functioning area.

Figure 14 : Timber Facade

Figure 11: Sports Department Facade Diagram

The building core not only play the loadbearing role of the south part of the building, but also play the role for circulation, the elevator and fire staircase and the toillet at each level

Figure 9 : Sports Department Plan Figure 10: Sports Department Program Diagram

Figure 13 : Building Core

Concrete load bearing system at the north part of building to create open layout for social area. and load bearing wall system at south to achive the passive formal learning space. Figure 15 : Load Bearing System Figure 16 : Facade System

Figure 18 : Story Street Entry Exteroir Render

Figure 17 : 3D Floor Plan Analysis Diagram

Figure 19 : Ground Floor Library Interior Render

Figure 20: First Floor Window Seat Interior Render

Figure 22 : Second Floor Informal Meeting Area Interior Render

Figure 21 : First Floor Reading Corridor Interior Render

Figure 23 : Second &Third Floor Communication Stairs Interior Render


2017 Semester 2

STUDIO AIR Tutor: David Wegman Inidividual

"THE SRS CORRIDOR" Digital Alchemy is a studio led by tutor David Wegman. Besides fully embraced the parametric design technology, this studio set up a goal to explore the bridge between the self-knowledge expression and digital architecture to humanise and hamonise our connection between ideas of self, design tool and physical form. The generative design approch of this studio is draw the inspiration from the a type of fear. And using the architectural form to heal the original fear. My fear is about the losing control. And my process is the roller coaster. The fear of losing control mainly comes from the sudden and violent acceleration, extreme speed, terrigying height and unpredictable violent twsiting, rotating, and diving movement. Therefore the project SRS Corridol is intend to use its archtectural form and inner space to control people’s behavior and movement to heal the fear of losing control.

Form Exploration

Concept Diagram

Family Exploration 3.4

Family Exploration 2.7

Family Exploration 2.1 Triangle base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment

Cutted and Stand Octagon Arch form with space in the middle.

Octagon base form with control of radius of ring shape change and the size random box line work experiment











Cutted and Stand Octagon Arch form with space in the middle.

Octagon base form with control of cross section's form of ring shape change and the control of rotation experiment



Family Exploration 3.5

Family Exploration 2.8

Square base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment


The control of Rotation and cutting height of the orginal form experiment



Family Exploration 2.2



The control of the size of random box line work experiment

Figure 1: Fear of roller coaster Accident Collage 2.2.7


Family Exploration 2.3

Family Exploration 4.0 Family Exploration 3.0

Pentagon base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment

Original Pattern Cross Cut Experimention. Best selected form from species 2 are used as the original form for cut

Cutted and Stand Triangle Arch form with space in the middle.


The control of Rotation and cross section form and cutting height of the orginal formexperiment



With space in the middle, people could climb in through the edge of the geometry and



Family Exploration 4.1 Family Exploration 2.4

Reduce the amount of th line work after the explosion of the random box line work to create interesting skeletal frame


Hexagon base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment

Family Exploration 3.1


Initial Design Proposal The design of proposal is my favorite . The skeletal frame structure. It has a strong connection with my initial fear of the uncertainty, and random factors could lead the accident of the roller coaster. And I love the form and the richness of the line work. However, the biggest problem is almost impossible to 3d print.




4.1.5 3.1.1



(Through the experimentation, we found that when F=24 could achieve the most pleasent line

The control of the size of random box line work experiment



From Triangle base form to Octagon base form with factor (rotation time)=24

Cutted and Stand Triangle Arch form with space in the middle.

Figure 2: Diagram of Roller Coaster Motion





Famliy Exploration 2.5 Family Exploration 4.2

Family Exploration 3.2

Heptagon base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment

Triangle base form, Factor 2, 5, 8,

Cutted and Stand pentagon Arch form with space in the middle.


The control of Rotation and cutting height of the orginal form experiment

16, 26 experimentation




Family Exploration 2.6 Family Exploration 4.3

Family Exploration 3.3

Octagon base form with control of rotation and random box line work random shake experiment

Octagon base form, Factor 2, 5, 8,

2.6.1 Cutted and Stand Pentagon Arch form with space in the middle.

16, 26 experimentation


4.3.1 The control of the size of random box line work experiment

First, because the overall structure is very complex and not fully connected. Secondly, The structure itself cannot achieve self-support. The most important thing is that it can not create the interior space which makes it difficult to achieve as architecture. Therefore, under the tutor’'s persuasion, I gave up this design proposal.


Figure 3: Proposal Perspective View






I decided to change my proposal from a solid form for people to lean on to the skeletal form with the internal space. People not only could use the form and the outside area but also able to enter and interact with the form via the internal space.

Figure 4: Proposal Close Up View

Therefore, go back to the section of the species exploration. The 4.0.3 is more in line with my new requirements. Compared with the proposal 5, the shape of 4.0.3 is more regular and more likely for people to lean on and have the ability to form the inner corridor space.

Figure 5: New Proposal 1 formed a relatively regular interior space.

Figure 6: The New Proposal 1's form have the change of height which makes people can not always walk straight at the interior space.

4.0.5 Compare to the 4.0.1 and 4.0.2 which are very regular triangles and quadrilateral shapes, the shape of 4.0.4 is much more flexible and interesting. Meanwhile, Compare to the 4.04 and 4.05, Because Although the shapes of these two are very interesting, there is no way to form a relatively regular inner space and the smooth exterior surface for people to lean on. Therefore, in order to compromise the shape and function, I choose the 4.0.3, which not only have relatively interesting form but also could form regular interior space.

Figure 8: The interior air bag mattress design

For internal design, I don't want to leave it blank inside, which only allow people to walk on the ground. I want to add some interior design to help the exterior shape achieve the purpose of my design more profoundly. Figure 7: The opening of the new proposal 1

According to the need, I added an opening on the exterior shape. This opening could lead people into the middle semi-closed space.

The interior design inspired by the SRS (safety airbag system). Because to cure my fear of losing control, the first thing came up to my mind is the SRS. These softbags can save your life when the accident occurs. Meanwhile, These differently sized airbags make it difficult for people to stand and walk in it there it could achieve the purpose of slow people’s movement

SRS Corridor

3D Print Fabrication Process

Figure 12: New Proposal 1 3D Printing Struggle .

Because of the Grasshopper program, when directly generate the thickness of each frame line work, There will be serious connection problems. The connecting points of each line work can not be matched, Meanwhile, it looks very disordered and different in length of each member. In addition, each member of the framework is all tube shape without the real

Figure 15: Makebot File -- Supporting Material.

Figure 14: Makebot File -- Supporting Material.

After the investigation, there were two reasons, Firstly, The minimum thickness of 3D printing is 2mm, and the original setting was 1.5mm. Moreover, When making printing documents, I should check and choose the options of supporting material. The computer will automatically help analyze the load-bearing capacity of the structure while adding extra supporting material to the appropriate place to solve the phenomenon of structural damage. Figure 16: Makebot File -- Supporting Material.

Figure 13: New Proposal 1 Modification 3D Printing .

The problem is difficult to solve from original grasshopper file. Therefore, I decided to bake the model out of the grasshopper program and then manually fixing the connection, length and the thickness problem with rhino.

Figure 9: Render Perspective 1 SRS Corridor

The SRS Corridor consists of two part, the outside space, and interior space. There is the opening leading people into the middle area. And the entrance of the corridor is on both sides. As for the exterior form of the design, only the triangular frame is the load-bearing structure. Rest of them are all made by the soft material. People don’t have to go inside of the corridor through the entrance. They could pull and open those line frame and step into the interior space. They could pull and open those line frame and step into the interior space. Regarding healing my fear of lose control, the first impression comes up to my mind is the safety equipment could save my life when the accident happen. Such as the SRS(safety airbag). The internal airbag design is driven from this. Secondly. , The sudden and brutal acceleration and the great height is a terrifying factor of losing control. Therefore, I want my design to have the ability to slow down people’s actions and make them have to bend their back or crawl to stay low gravity center. Therefore, because of the exterior form have the change of the height which makes people inside could not always

walk straight. The bumpy, soft airbag makes people cannot run fast or jump. Those factors cause people inside will spontaneously stay low or walk bented or crawl. However, when you give up to trying to get rid of the restriction of the form, and completely keep ur body on the soft airbag you will feel great. The feeling of being wrapped up in the soft stuff. Just like on the bed. It also will make people slow down their movement Meanwhile, in the interior space, The form of the corridor also forms a lot of ramps in the interior space that allow people to lean on. Moreover, because of the line work of the form, The lighting effect inside is quite interesting. It is the feel of twisting. Just like on the roller coaster. But because on the roller coaster, it is so fast. This twisting visual effect makes you feel sick. But when you sit there and see this pattern is quite amazing.

Figure10: Render

Perspective 1 SRS Corridor

Figure 11: Render

Perspective 1 SRS Corridor

Figure 17: 3d printed physical model perspective 1

Figure 18: 3d printed physical model perspective 2

Figure 19: 3d printed physical model perspective 3

Figure 20: 3d printed physical model perspective 4

As for the architectural meaning. I want to make this place like the playground for kids and the resting place for parents. The meaning of this design is that the parents won’t worry about their kids got hurt. Because the interior design of the corridor slows people down, the kids couldn’t run fast and make a chase. And because inside is all soft, so even they fall down, they won’t get hurt. So the parents can rest assured that the children play in it.

Form Exploration Compare to the large installation which is through the narrow interior space that the form created to control people’s motion. I wish the new proposal could use its own form and the integration of the environment to make people reach a very comfortable and slow state


pecies Exploration

Inspired by the beanbag. It allows people to lie in it and feel soft wrapped Therefore, to achieve the shape I wanted, I went back to PartB's species exploration. I found in the doughnut-shaped family 2 has not fully been explored, If i change the twisted direction, the form may produce comfortable and smooth surfaces allow people to lie on. Therefore, I did the further explorations of species family 2


WIFI PODs in this model is the glossy surface and contains soft material inside. Personally, I prefer the simple design. I especially enjoy the ramp of this side. It gonna be smooth and comfortable when people lean on it.





The space between them allows a tree to make the leaves as the natural shelter. It’s very pleasant and enjoyable and slow pace to lie under this shade.


There are many of them in this area to form a more social and public resting area.













The most important is that there is a plug is designed at the bottom. It can be charged for people. And also provide wifi service. For Wifi Pods, the same idea as the SRS Corridor. To slow down people’s movement. What difference is that the form is more simple. If we could say that the large proposal controls people’s action by the interior form. Then, this design is using its softness and smooth exterior form and function and landscape to slow people’s action and make people feel peace. First of all, let's look at the model. The material used

election Analysis and Further Improvement

2.015 and 2.017 are two relatively good test results. Because they constituted a relatively smooth surface can make people comfortable to lying or lean on the form.

Figure 24: 3D Printed physical model

The feature of 2.015 is that it forms the plumpest and smooth surface I especially enjoy the ramp on the left side. It feels very natural and suitable for people lie on. Secondly, 2.017 forms the shape of the back of the sofa. However, my original idea was to blend form with the landscape. So I do not want the form blocking the landscape. Therefore, the 2.015 was finally adopted Figure 25: 3D Printed physical model

Figure 23: WIFI POD Concept Render 3

Figure 21: WIFI POD Concept Render 1

Because especially in places like this park, it's hard to find a place to recharge, And this place not only provides a resting area And it can also serve people who need recharging and wifi. At night, it will also light them self. That’s the reason I apply the bright color over each them is to make them still looks great at night. The colorful light endowed this place the sense of romantic. Young lovers can enjoy the beauty of the night and the slow atmosphere of romance

Figure 22: WIFI POD Concept Render 2

03 2017 Semester 1

Digital design & fabrication Tutor: Siavish Malek Assosicate with : Pauline, Arkun, Yixuan

"THE RARINBOW HOOP" This subject served as an introduction to digital design and the workflow from ideas to the making of physical objects. The brief calls for innovative design of a second skin by using the skin and bone system. The second skin will explore, measure, and/or negotiate the boundary of personal space. Our project focused on exploring the personal space of low vision people. For most of people, the personal space in front of face is relatively big, because the eyes is the part which is open to the outside world and information most. To the contrast, the lackness of eyesight will narrow the demand of personal space around the face area will be smaller than others. Moreover,low vision makes other senses become stronger than normal person.



The project "Rainbow Hoop" is designed for reducing the visual sense and increasing the other sense such as hearing and tactile sense and it was constructed in the skin and bone system. People who are wearing the rainbow hoop could experience the restriction of low vision, but higher auditory sense and tactile sense.

Prototype Test

Final Prototype Optimization

3.1 Fabrication Of Prototype V.2 Through the test of strings patterns, we chose 4 of these ways of connection which are tension patterns, cross patterns, ruled surface patterns and square patterns.

String Patterns Testing And Analysis According to the initial response from the Module 2 recap, therefore, before we build the prototype, we start with testing of strings patterns and analysis its different function. And decided which patters should apply in which part of our model.

Rhombus Pattern 1. Strong tension 2. Fixed at 4 points result in the transform of the plastic circle.

Based on different functions of different connect patterns, we allocate different patterns into the different position in our design to give it best chance to show its advantage. Tension Patterns is performing good in tension. However, the material of 6mm clear vinyl tubing is too light to achieve tension by using its self-weight.

Cross Pattern have ability to create t h e m o st d e n s i t y p atte r n a n d moreover provide the best even force distribution

Squire Pattern 1. Strong tension 2. Repetition and rotation of the squire pattern resulting in the great ability to form the circular for of the bone structure.

Using straw as the bone structure and cut it into different size, put the strings in to the staw and through the way of connecting to form the ruled surface. 1. Beautiful Patterns with hign desnsity. 2. Good in tenstion

Testing string patterns effect on the prototype V.2 In the design of prototype V.2, we decided to use the new bone material which is the 6mm clear vinyl tubing. Based on the issue we have on the M2, therefore, we decided to abandon the real joints and use the strings to play the role of the joints

Ruled Surface Pattern have a really good perform to form a beautiful and complex surface on the tube. Moreover, ruled surface is also a great way of connecting in the position where having the cross of pipes.

Tension Patterns is performing good in tension, however, with the restriction of the self-weight of the tube, the tension patterns only work well in the space of one bent tube. And have good ability to hold its curve.

After making the model, we found that the string pattern will not perform well at 6mm clear vinyl tubing because it is too light and not enough self-weight to keep the string fully in

Tension Pattern 1. Great in tension 2. Especially for two component which having a heavier weight.

3.2 Fabrication Of Prototype V.3

We used different colors of strings to demonstrate its different functions.

Because of the tension pattern's super ability to hold two components which have heavier weight. Therefore, we used tension patterns to act as the load-bearing elements to hold and carry the structure up to the position we want. All these load-bearing elements in tension patterns are in the color of purpose

Moreover, we also used this pattern as the eye cover surface. Because that this is the best way to create the most density surface in a single surface.

3.2 Final Prototype Development

In the design of the prototype V.3, in order to resolve the issue of the prototype V.2, we came up the form of many regular circles, and the bottom circle use the 10 mm transparent pipe to act as the load elements to increase the prototype's self-weight to help the strings expand well and fully in tension. And Same as the prototype V.2, there is no joints between each circle and the strings act as the joints. And we will use different strings patterns in different part to show its different function.

Bone Material Testing

We used the cross patterns on the surface over the head. For a reason is that the cross patterns could provide the most evenly force distribution. Which is the most comfortable way for people to wear?

We tested the acrylic board as the bone structure, and laser cuts it into form and cutting holes on the acrylic board. Then put the strings on it. Through the processing, we found that the acrylic board is too easy to broke.

The whole structure sits on the head and uses its self-weight to expand. However, as the images show that some of the strings were still very loose.We have to use hand to stretch to keep the tension of the strings.

As the picture shown below. Because of our project is using the self-weight as the energy to keep the string fully intension. Therefore, the weight may break the bone structure and also the material of acrylic is relatively light weight.

After analysis of our prototype V.3, we found that, although we add a 10mm transparent pipe at the bottom, still not enough self-weight to let the whole structure expand fully in tention. And the other reason that makes the tension of the strings not enough is that the some of the areas is not evenly stressed.

10 mm transparent pipes 10 mm transparent pipe at the bottom to increase theself weight

10 mm transparent pipe at the bottom to increase theself weight

The square pattern can hold the circular form of the pipe while remaining in good tension. Therefore, the reason we use the square pattern in this area is that we what to keep this semi-circle remain its curve to satisfy the shape we design in the 3d model.

3.7 Assembly Drawing

This pattern is the another version of square patterns. This shape is a triangle pattern; we transfer the square patterns to triangular to allow this patterns to hold the semi-circle shape rather than a circle shape. C4: 1470mm

All this triangle pattern are in the color of green

C1: 1130mm

C2: 1380mm

C5: 1380mm

C3: 1580mm

Moreover, we also used this pattern as the eye cover surface. Because that this is the best way to create the most density surface in a single surface. The ruled surface pattern have the advantages to create a beautiful and intricate surface. Meanwhile, it is also a great way of connecting two pipes cross to each other. Therefore, we decided to use this pattern to some the place where the pipe cross. We used yellow strings to express this. Moreover, we also used red strings in the ruled surface. However, the red string is not used to connecting two pipes cross to each but is for holding the curve form of the pipe while creating beautiful patterns.

Rainbow Hoop






2.0 Footings


2.1 Concrete grade 25Mpa, 80 slump, max aggregate 20mm 2.2 F7 footings (1200x1200x600) with reinforced steel mesh SL81 bottom cover 30 mm. 2.3 EB1 footings (300mm W, 600mm D) with reinforced steel mesh 3-L12TM top and bottom. 2.4 Bored Pier (300mm W, 2000mm D) with reinforced steel 1N20 Bar Central.

2.5 Mass Concrete stands on the layer of siltstone




3.0 Ground Floor



3.1 Concrete susended slab with 150mm thickness. F’c= 32MPa, with reinforced SL 92 Mesh (30mm cover to and bottom). Meanwhile, Bar chairs located at 1200 max.

Crs. In both direction, where necessary provide barrow planks over reinforcment to prevent displacement during concrete pour.


3.2 0.3mm polythene membrane 3.3 100mm Void Form polystyrene layer. 3.4 Compacted Sand 3.5 CC3 400x300 Concrete Column, Provide 15mm chamfer to all exposed corners typical, 6N24 bar vertically, N12 LIGS- 300 CRS (40 cover) 3.6 Stud outriggers connected to internal stud wall to support external stud wall 3.8 Aluminium Composite wall cladding with sisalation fixed to proprietary battens 3.9 Double stud wall with min 100mm thick 14kg/m Insulation to internal stud wall and provide 1 layer of 13mm Thick Fire Rated Plaster board 3.10 90mm High hollow block Venner wall, The hollow brick in size 390x90x90, However, some of the brick were cut into half of the original size to ensure the accomplishment of the curve shape wall 3.11 Brick Ties 3.12 Flashing 3.13 Weep Holes 3.14 Autex acoustic panel, Internal wall linings as per internal elevations install over plaster board 3.15 Layer of 13mm thick fire rated plasterboard to internal face of stud wall 3.16 150 Wide concrete hob finish with min 100 mm above finish external surface finish 3.17 Carpet Flooring Covering With Acoustic Underlay 3.18 SF7 13mm Plasterboard or Moisture resistant + 90 mm stud wall 3.19 SF9 13mm plaster board + 90mm stud wall with sarking + Insulationas required by acoustic ENG 3.20 Powdercoat Aluminium Window Frame with 150 mm nominal thickness 3.21 1545x 900 powder coated spill air louvers to fit with window frame.





7.1 5.8 5.10 4.2

7.9 7.7




4.0 Ground Floor Ceiling


4.1 2x13 Frycheck Plaster board to ceilling 4.2 Ceiling Insulation 4.3 Rondo ‘Duo’ Exposed grid suspension system with 38mm high main tee and 24mm




grid face.


4.4 Ceiling Clip

5.0 First Floor

5.1 Post tensioned Slab 5.4 Light Weight Timber stud work frame 5.5 C1 89x89x6.0 SHS Grade 350MPa MIN 5.6 100 mm wide powder coated aluminium center glazed window frame 5.7 provide backing rod & silicone seal to finish against window frame finish plaster boardwith p-50 trim. 5.8 SF5, NOM 46mm O/A Aluminium Composite Cladiding System 90mm stud frame with sarking+90mm insulation to achieve min Themal Rating of R 2.8 + 13mm plasterboard 5.9 SF6, 13mm Plasterboard or Moisture resistant + 90 mm stud wall both side. 5.10 SF8, 13mm Plaster board+ 90mm stud frame with sarking+ Insulation as required By acoustic ENG + 13mm Plasterboard 5.11 CB2 Carpet


3.21 2.1


3.2 3.6


6.1 WH3 230 PFC connects 89*89*6.0 SHS, 2M20-8.8/S bolts. 100mm thick

cleat, 6mm CFW site weld to cast in plate.

6.2 WB1 70x5.0 Flat MS PLATE 6.3 RB2 20mm Diameter Rod, Universal Wind Bracing Bracket Support From Roof Purlins At Midspan. 6.4 BP1 2/C20024 6.5 B1A 150 PFC with size in 150.0 mm x 75 mm 6.6 Z/C250024




6.0 First Floor Ceiling

7.0 Roof




BIO 21 Science Sub School University of Melbourne Parkville Campus

1.1 FILL -Non Descriptive Crushed Rock -Grey. -Moist, Sand. -Medium Dense. -Cement Stabilised from 0.3 metres 1.2 CLAY(CL) -Orange Brown 0.60 . s 80 kPa -Moist, Silty. -Stiff. 1.3 SILTSTONE -Extremely Weathered 1.10 . -Yellow Orange/Grey 1.20 . -Very Silty, Gravels 1.30 . -Very Low Rock Strength 1.40 . -Tending to Extremely Weathered Siltstone 3.0 1.4 Pave Extend 1.5 Garden Soil





Tutor: Timothy Derham Inidividual


1.0 Foundation



The project we learn from is the BIO 21 Science Sub School University of Melbourne Parkville Campus. The outcome of this suject is the 1:20 axonometric drawing and a cutway 1: 20 scaled model which showing all of the construction element from ground to roof level.





2018 Semester 1

underpinnings of architecture.




This subject articulates and tests t h e i d e a o f c o n st r u c t i o n a s a process requiring cultural and technical choices. Construction Design moves from the analysis of specific architectural ideas to arrive at the evaluation and selection of implementation solutions. Mixing built examples and project proposals; students will investigate h o w to i d e nt i f y, e va l u ate a n d engage with the technological

7.1 Accoustic Insulation 7.2 Two Layers of 13mm Plasterboard linng to underside of purlins to full extend of Theatrette 7.3 Purlin 7.4 Foil Paper 7.5 Safety Mesh 7.6 Colorbond finish Roof Sheet spandek over insulation, spacer 5 degree pitch 7.7 250w Folded Metal Eaves Gutter with 2 hat sections in between. 7.8 Vally Gutter 7.9 150 DP HDPE 7.10 Parapet Capping 7.11 Profiled Metal Cladding to back of parapet on top hats.



1.4 3.16



3.5 3.1 2.3

1.1 1.2 Student Name:

Bowen Liu

Student Number:


Project Name:

BIO21 Science Sub School University of Melbourne Parkville Campus

ABPL30041 Construction Design Assignment 1

Tutor Name:

Timothy Derham


Section Allocation:


1 :20 0

Tutorial Group Number:





N 2 M


Construction Analysis explores the idea of construction as a process strategically linking determinate principles, materials, elements, systems and techniques. During this subject, i analyized the construction processs of The B l a c k H o u s e d e s i g n e d by the tutor Ray Cheung. It is a

05 2017 Semester 1

CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS Tutor: Raymond Chueng Inidividual

The Black House

two-story high, timber framed residensial building. Through this suject i have learned foundamental construction process. As the outcome of the subject, the flip book of showing the construction process of the black house has shown at this section.

Welding fixed joints

- The type of the squre mesh is SL 92 means the mesh has 9mm bars running at 200mm centers. - The squire mesh provided 2-way strength - The trench mesh is stronger lengthwise.

Traffic sign to help managing the traffic during the demolish period

Demolish the original building and recycle and resold the material like roof tiles.

Welding fixed joints

On Site Toillet for builders Concrete Truck with big crane go all the way up over the top the tree and wire.

The stud are normally arranged about 450mm between each member. While the nogging are not arrange in a straight line is for creating the space for nailing

Shear plate with bolts (flexible joints)

Bearing Plate with bolts (flexible joints)

Fist fill the trench and then top of the reinforcement steel

Rubber ring - Water proof

The connection between two beam.

- The Steel reinforcement supported by the bar chairs, while the hydronic heating system go over the top of the steel mesh and tied up with the tie. - The bar chair is 25mm below the concrete surface.

Excavator - excavate for the trenches - excavate for the PVC pipe system

Primer + Glue - Stronger Connection

Steel column and beam can be welded with plates and joints to make the connection.


The blue layer is called fire stop paper. This paper could slow down the speed of the fire spreading to protect the house next to it.

Nut packer Rebate

The nail are different for connecting the bottom plate and the concrete. The worker uses the nail gun to shoot the concrete nail in to bottom stud and concrete to connect them together.

Clamps is a temporary structure that are used for the increase the pressure between the timber stud and the steel collum to ensure they stay together during the construction

bearing plate

PVC PIPE. Sewage for toilet is 3 inches For Landry sink and washing machine are 2 inches For bathroom and sink of kitchen generally use a 1.5 inches pipes

The laser level is a control tool for keeping the level in the right possition

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 1 Site Preparation

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

welding fixed joints

Pad footing for the Concrete Truck - The Pad footing is not only for balancing the truck itself - But also for protect existing road surface by spreading the point load into a larger surface to reduce the intensity of the pressure/

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 1

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1


Trowel: the worker using this tool to make the concrete flat Vibrator: the worker using this tool to eliminating the oxen bubble with the concrete

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 2 Ground Floor Support

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

The connection between beam and column top.

The connection between the column and concrete slab

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 1

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 3

Preparation of ground floor structure

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 3

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 4

Ground floor building frame

Welding Fixed Joints

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 4

Top Plate

Liquid Nails For Particle board and Cement sheet


Metal Flashing

Liquid Nails is a high strength construction adhesive, which is great for bonding timber particle board and cement sheet. The connection between the steel balcony and the steel column - Some part are connected with steel column by welding fixed joints - Some parts are connected by bolts

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

- it is piece of metal which leads the water out of the window and interior space

Steel bracing Ties every member together The first floor underlay are mainly particle board and the cement sheet are used for the toilet area. They are all connected to the possi truss by nail.

The frame is used for let those two batten possition on the right angle

Metal Hanger The noggings are normally arranged in a horizontal way. However, in some possition like openning, turnning point, and plywood sheet are normally laid the nogging in vertical way.

The bracing is laid under the stud attached with screws to againt the lateral movement.

Nail Timber batten

The roof truss is fixed to the timber structure with Metal Hanger and extrusion

The possi truss is laid next to the timber beam and the metal hanger connect this two member together.

I beam

Glass Window Aluminium Frame The window flashing is installed on top and bottom part of the window to prevent the water penetrate into the house

Jack Stud Window Connection Detail


The screw connect the window frame and the timber stud together. The gap between the window frame and the timber stud will be tramped.

The metal power truss provide the extra support besides the window and doors. The bolts go through the concrete slab and timber bottom plate and connect to the power truss

The extra stud and the pywood sheet increase the structre's ability of resisting the latera movement.

The Connection between the possi truss and the timber beam

Aluminium Frame

Nail plate - Tie and joining the timber member of the truss - Hammer down - Manufactured off the site. Machine presses.

End of the truss goes up is good for the compression


The Connection between the possi truss and the steel beam The possi truss is hang over the steel beam and there are timber batten are laid in the gap of the I beam and over the I beam. While the nail go through the possi truss in to the timber batten and I beam to connect to each member

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Trim deck roof



Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 5

Preparation of 1st floor structure

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 5


Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 6 First Floor Framing

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 6

Box Gutter

Timber batten

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 7 Roof Structure

The cladding for the first floor faรงade is the weathertex board. The original color of the weathertex board is white and it was painted into black


Steel Frame

This is the Solar hot water system frame laid over the roof for supporting the solar tubes

The pipes already laid vertically through the space that kept from the bottom plate

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 8 Window System

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 8

Plaster Board To Ceiling

Metal Corner Bead Corner bead is a material that is used on the corners of walls in drywall construction to make the corners crisp and professional looking. it also reinforces the corners, making them less prone to denting and other types of damage.


Timber stud

3. 4.



Insulate the pipes between the floor with tape Place the insulation in to the ceiling. Apply the glue to the battens Attach the plasterboard to the battens by screws

Plaster board

Timber Stud

Water proof screw has the rubber washer to prevent water penetrate through the gap of the screw and the trim deck.

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

The extra timber batten laid horizontally between the timber stud is for supporting the weight of the hot and cold water pipes

The cladding for the steel balcony is the timber batten. The timber batten laid vertically on the steel balcony and the screw connect them together. There are smaller timber batten laid vertically in between each timber batten and enhanced the stability of the cladding.

Screw on the roof cover

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

The pipe is used for delivering the cold water from the ground to the solar hot water system.

Electricity Wire


Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 7

The connection between the power truss, the bottom plate and the concrete slab

Pipe System

Solar Hot Water System

Smaller timber batten Timber batten

The roof decking overlaid with each piece of trim deck to cover the whole area

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Timber batten

Foil insulation

Trim deck turn up on edges Capping turn down leads the water onto the roof and also prevents the water infiltration. While the capping is for protecting the faรงade from the rust.

The Aluminum Framed window are manufactured off the site and it was delivered to the site.

On one end, the roof truss is fixed to the timber structure by nails. The roof bracing ends againts the roof truss

There are across steel bracing above the roof truss and the timber batten laid above the bracing. This kind of layer provide ability of resists the lateral movement of the roof structure.


Turn up

Roof truss

The timber batten across the lintel gives this structure a lateral support to resist the lateral movement.

Extra stud to support the turnning point.

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Trim deck roof

Trim deck turn down on edges

Timber batten

Steel Framing Strap And Brace Tensioner for tie up the steel bracing on the timber stud.

Foil Paper

The large channels that the trim deck contains lead the rain water to the box gutter in the lower degree.

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 9 Roof Cover

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Concrete Render

Nail for connecting the mesh paper and the plastic foam

Plastic Foam

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 9

Mesh Paper Concrete Render

Mesh Paper

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 10 External Cladding

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

The spotted gum has been used as facade of the laundry area and it was connected by nail.

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 10

Electricity Wires go along with the timber batten and go through the top plate and timber stud

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

Flat Joint: The joint compound used at the horizontal gap between the plasterboard.

The space in between the possi truss allows the water pipes go through the ceiling area.

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 11 Service

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

The internal wall is consists by plasterboard made of gypsum plaster. It connect with the timber stud wall by nail.

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 11

ABPL 20033 Construction Analysis Plan Portion: A1

The pink insulation is installed in the space between the plaster board internal wall and timber stud wall for thermal mass function

Assignment 3 - Flipbook Stage 12 Finishing Trades

The Black House Section Scale 1: 50

Bowen Liu (783990) Tutor: Ray Cheung Page Number: 12

BOWEN LIU Email: Bowenl3@student.unimelb.edu.au Mobile:: +61 424055863 Address: 1801/9 waterside PL, Docklan 3008. Melbourne, VIC, AU

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