Jack Hi Summer 2021 Edition 121

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Edition 122 • Summer 2021

Blake Nairn wins Men's State Singles title… Also in this Issue: • Countryweek preview • Junior Bowls Committee established • BPL12 schedule • State Singles titles • Bullcreek AFA Bowling Club • New Innovations Committee


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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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Our Cover


Edition 122 • Summer 2021

Blake Nairn wins Men's State Singles title…

Jack Hi Editorial

with Aaron DELAPORTE Welcome to another edition of Jack Hi in what has been one of the most interesting seasons of bowls yet, as I currently write this wearing a face mask! Congratulation to two young stars of our game in Blake Nairn and Kristina Krstic who starred at Bassendean recently winning the State Singles. Read about how they shone through on pages 18 and 19. Other bowls action includes State Pairs 16-17, plus Over 60’s Triples and Pairs 20-22 and Dyenamic Masters action on page 28. Bullsbrook Bowling Club may just be the ultimate Bowlers paradise – its our feature club in this edition on pages 24-25. Bowls WA is just as busy off the greens with two new committees being recently formed. Junior Bowls (page 10) and the Innovations Committee (page 26) are both focused on the future of the sport and ensuring bowls is around for many more years. Until next time good bowling.

Features in this issue Women's State Pairs

State Singles Titles



Men's State Pairs


Ultimate Bowlers Paradise 24-25

Also in this Issue: • Countryweek preview • Junior Bowls Committee established • BPL12 schedule • State Singles titles • Bullcreek AFA Bowling Club • New Innovations Committee

• Cover: Blake Nairn wins Men's State Singles title.

Contents President’s Report..................................4 CEO’s Report.........................................5 Inclusive Practices..................................6 From the Umpires..................................8 From the Country Director.......................9 Junior Bowls Committee established......10 CSRFF Grants to five clubs....................12 Embracing technology in your club.........13 BPL12 Schedule Moama......................14 Women's State Pairs.............................16 Men's State Pairs..................................17 Men's State Singles..............................18 Women's State Singles..........................19 Women's O60s State Triples..................20 Men's O60s State Triples.......................21 Men's O60s State Pairs.........................22 Ultimate Bowlers Paradise................24-25 New Innovations Committee..................26 Get to know BowlsWA Board.................27 Jack Hi Rankings.................................27 Men's Masters Triples...........................28 Women's Masters Triples.......................28 Women's ILRR News............................30 Peter Manning honoured at Moora.........31

Submissions Clubs are reminded that the copy deadline for the next issue is 30th April 2021. Please email club articles to: aaron@bowlswa.com.au

C ampbell design

Jack Hi is produced for BowlsWA by Campbell Design. PO Box 1061 West Leederville Western Australia 6901. Greg Campbell: gregcam@iinet.net.au Phone: 08 9440 5863 • 0411 220 239.

©Copyright. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or stored in a retrieval system without the permission of the publisher. Opinions expressed in Jack Hi are not necessarily those of Bowls WA. Bowls WA believes that the material produced in this publication is accurate, but gives no warranty in relation thereto and disclaims all liability for claims against Bowls WA, Campbell Design, its employees, agents or any to her person which may rise from any persons’ action on the materials contained herein.

1st floor, 158 Main Street Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 123 Osborne Park WA 6917 Phone: 9340 0800. Fax: 9340 0888. Website: www.bowlswa.com.au President: Larry Bandy. CEO: Ken Pride Editor: Aaron Delaporte. All issues of Jack Hi are available from our website: www.bowlswa.com.au

From the President


Brian Lucas joins board of directors Good Governance – I am pleased to advise your Board of Directors appointed Brian Lucas from Sorrento last August as an Appointed Director, with the sole purpose of overseeing a complete review of Bowls WA's governance. He has formed a strong Committee and with the inclusion of Peter Minchin from "Purpose Driven Performance" will undertake a complete review of our Constitution, our objectives, our strategic plan and the role of all the underlying Committees to ensure we are covering all bases in the development and future of the game of Bowls in WA. The cost of the external consultant is being funded by the Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries via a Grant. Such a review has not been undertaken in the last 10 years. Obviously, our Association is financially very viable but there are always opportunities to improve our game for the enjoyment of more participants. I am optimistic the review will result in many benefits as to how the game is managed in the future.

Innovations Committee A further recent development has been the creation of the Innovations Committee chaired by Marc Abonnel. The purpose of the Committee is to seek out new ideas in regard to how we play the game in WA. I'm sure if any player not on the Committee, wants to present a sound proposition in writing to the Committee, they would certainly welcome it. This is an opportunity for all bowlers throughout the State to have your say as to how you think the game can change for the better. Reasoned proposals please?

Congratulations Kristina Congratulations to Kristina Krstic for making the Australian Jackaroos Squad and to Cody Packer for making the Emerging Jackaroos Squad - a fantastic effort and a just reward for the superb bowls they have both played in the BPL's, Masters events and State events. Kristina just won her fourth State Singles in January. Cody recently won the Masters Triples. On behalf of every WA bowler I wish you both the very best in your endeavours to represent Australia.


Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor win Pairs The Men's State Pairs played over 3 very hot days after Christmas saw two teams from Sorrento play off in the final. Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor defeated Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham and all four players are aged over 60 - a supreme effort. It is also in part a result of good governance by Sorrento Bowling Club in so much over the last few years have built up a club of 800 members, including 300 pennant bowlers. In addition they have 80 corporate bowlers that play through summer. The Club appointed a Club Coach in John Goddard and they have risen from a steady One Blue team to a contender for the Premier League pennant this year. All of this is a result of good management and planning. I'm sure Sorrento is willing to assist any other Club Boards that are interested in their processes. Personally I would love to see a lot more clubs replicate their success.

State Singles at Bassendean I recently attended the finals of the Men's and Women's State Singles at Bassendean. Kristina Kristic defeated Chris AceWatson from Boulder in the final. However, Chris is in the State squad and has the ability and drive to achieve State selection. Well done Kristina. In the Men's final Blake Nairn won his second title over a former winner in Warren Holt from Wagin. Blake had beaten John Goddard (a two time winner) in the semi final 25-24. Blake had a great day. Whilst we were able to live stream the Women's final, due to technical difficulties we were not able to live stream the Men's final! Apologies to all those who missed out on seeing the game especially our members in the Country. We will certainly review the reasons why it didn't happen and rectify it for future events. Wishing you good bowling in the second half of the season when promotions and pennants take on more significance.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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From the Chief Executive Officer




WA Bowls shows resilience during crisis At the time of writing it was fast approaching 12 months since we had ever heard of a virus COVID-19, let alone have our season and in many cases lives and livelihoods destroyed because of it. To suggest that this time a year later we would still be dealing daily with the restrictions it would bring and most likely continue to bring for some time yet beggars belief – but there we have it. To say we are fortunate here in WA is a massive understatement. To be selfish and only consider bowls for a moment, our events have bounced back to such an extent the majority of entries for state championships are now running at decade old highs. The state singles has seen entries (258) the highest since 2013/14, the Pairs (151) since 2014/15 and Fours (88) since prior to 2008/09 and this was only the men. The ladies are even more impressive with Singles (99) since prior to 2008/09, Pairs (77) since 2009/10 and Fours (41) since 2012/13. With early indications suggesting Country Week numbers are also strong winning major events has never been more challenging. Let’s hope this may continue into the years ahead (the entries not COVID!).

Looking ahead never more important Given the past year, being prepared for the future has never been more important and in doing so reviewing current practices to ensure the sport is in the best shape possible is the obvious starting point. To that end the Board has commissioned two sub-committees to review and make recommendations for any change to current practice; both on and off green. The first is off-green with the Governance Review Committee chaired by Board Director Brian Lucas. This committee will consider all matters of the Association’s governance, from the Constitution, to By Laws, and Committee structures to ensure all are up to the task and readying the sport for the next decade. The second is the Innovations Committee, borne out of the Bowls 2025 Committee from recent times. As its name suggests this group of experienced current bowlers, chaired by Board Director Marc Abonnel are considering all matters on-green, including not only current but potential future competitions and formats. Each committee in its own right is important to keep ahead of modern trends and ensure as best we can the game is structured on and off green for the future.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

Association funding through DLGSC DLGSC, the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries has agreed to continue funding for the Winning Drive program that has seen many metropolitan and particularly country clubs provided the opportunity for training and development in areas such as Bowls Link, Social Media, Marketing and Sponsorship acquisition. The funding support provided will be over two years and enable continued training and development of clubs, continuing to assist in their important objective of financial self-sufficiency; a key mission of Bowls WA. In addition, the Association also received funding for the Governance Review mentioned earlier allowing us to appoint a specialist consultant. From this funding Purpose Driven Performance will conduct a comprehensive review of the Association’s governance structures. The continued support by the State Government department DLGSC is as always much appreciated.

CSRFF success It has also been a great recent few months for clubs that have applied for state government infrastructure funding through the CSRFF scheme. Denison (two synthetics), Narrogin (one synthetic), Manning and Como (new toilets/change facilities), Sorrento (one synthetic), Northampton (one synthetic), Brunswick (one synthetic) and Pinjarra (one synthetic) are just some of the recipients of funding. Word has it that Belmont City and Forrestfield have been granted funds in the lead up to the state election, no doubt welcome boosts for both clubs.

New off-season high performance comp. To aid in the development of our state squads over the offseason as they prepare (hopefully) for the October Nationals on the Gold Coast a new high performance event is to be run. Eight teams of eight will battle it out over several rounds in varying disciplines between May and September in the lead up to state selection. The teams will have a Manager and Captain who will select their teams from the Open state squad and following that a combination of Over 60s and Academy squad members. The opportunity for other players to be considered will also be available, with all sides selecting via an on-line draft which players can nominate for if they wish. It should make for some very competitive bowls as team members battle it out for Sides selection.


Inclusive Practices Officer


Striving for Personal Achievement from Grass Root Inclusion Programs to National Events…

Kardinya BowlAbility program running strong after nine years In 2011 Kardinya agreed to host an annual BowlAbility program – most importantly, the program was approved with the knowledge that non-standardized artificial devices would be accessing the greens – wheelchairs and walkers that do not meet national standards such as tyre width and type – meaning that the program was truly inclusive to players who cannot afford equipment of such a standard. Another factor of this program’s success is affordability, with disability participants only charged a $5 green fee - that gives them bowls for up to 2 hours, access to the greens, and appropriate coaching – and support workers do not pay to attend with their clients in support of the Companion Card program. All support workers are taught to bowl with their clients, bringing more enjoyment and highlighting our sport to a larger community base. These two highlights of the program have ensured that it is still running nine years later – a very rare length of time for any disability specific sport program. (On a side note - after eight years of hosting the program Kardinya’s A Green was replaced – and NO damage was found to the surface beneath the green!)

• BowlAbility is a winner!

Foldable ramps of 1.5 and 2 metres are available to transport players on and off the greens, these are easily stored in the bowls shed, and a talented prior member crafted two ‘bowls chutes’ for players with a higher neurological disability to continue participation in the sport. The 2021 BowlAbility program begins on Friday 5 February and operates on a school term schedule: Term 1: Friday 5 February – Friday 26 March (2 April is Good Friday). Term 2: Friday 23 April – Friday 2 July. Term 3: Friday 23 July – Friday 24 September. Term 4: Friday 15 October – Friday 10 December (End of Year BBQ).

Upcoming 2021 Inclusion Events 1. Women’s Inter Region Round Robin, April 17 & 18, Willetton Bowling Club 2. State All Abilities Championships, April 17 & 18, Kardinya Bowling Club 3. State Bowling Arm Championships, May 3 & 4, Warnbro Bowling Club 4. National Bowling Arm Sides Championships, September 6 -10, Warnbro Bowling Club.

• Faye – a BowlAbility fan!

• Ben Chivers.

For information on Inclusive Practices please contact Denise McMillan on 0449 619 841 or denise@bowlswa.com.au


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021


From the Umpires


What can a club umpire do to be useful? The enjoyment of playing bowls is improved if everything runs smoothly and games run more smoothly if Umpires are able to arrive at decisions quickly. To arrive at decisions quickly and at the same time correctly the following are what a club’s umpire can do to prepare for when they are called.

Have enough umpires Work out what is the Goldilocks number of qualified Umpires for your club. (Not too few and not too many but just right). For metropolitan clubs that is enough to have a qualified umpire available for home pennants fixtures PLUS ONE to allow for when an umpire is not available. For Country clubs similarly it depends on your pennant commitments. Too few and your club will be reliant on visiting clubs’ umpires to officiate at your home games. Too many and some of your umpires will not be getting enough hands-on experience to maintain their skills (see maintain skills below).

Join your Match Committee Disputes referred to the Bowls WA Umpires Committee have a high proportion caused by unclear, unread or non-existent Conditions of Play. Calling on Umpires experience and training in order to have a good set of Conditions of Play for club events is a wise investment. For example, the rules around Substitution and what can a Controlling Body do if club championship games are rained off, are often not understood.

Continuous improvement Not all Umpires are the same and that diversity is a strength. New umpires are required to have three years’ experience of playing bowls and after completing their training have learnt the basics but are also required to continue their development. This can be done within a club by the more experienced acting as mentors to the less experienced. As a mentor, you should be available to answer any questions or clarifications plus have a quiet word with the less experienced umpire if you see something they might think about.

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au 8

The same working relationship can help as existing umpires find their physical capability to measure accurately is not what it used to be. The most experienced umpire can be Umpire of the Day, but ask the newer Umpires to do the measure. The Laws of the Sport of Bowls are revised every few years, Bowls WA handbooks with applicable regulations get updated each year and new Measuring Equipment comes on the market from time to time. As part of Continuous Improvement, club umpires should be reviewing new laws, regulations and equipment to see how they might impact on their club.

Maintain the club’s equipment For decisions to be made quickly and correctly, measuring equipment must be easy to use and in good repair. Most clubs have their equipment in a box or on a board with wheels so it can be moved close to where it is needed, but is the equipment inside complete, in good working order and is it easy to use? For example, measuring the length of a jack is faster if a selfwinding or fast winding 30-meter tape is used. A club umpire’s board/box should include as a minimum: • A box String measure • A peg string measure (for measurement over the edge of the ditch) • A 30 metre tape • Feeler gauges (wider than your smallest calliper’s small setting) • Callipers. (more than one to give a size range from smaller than the feeler gauges and larger than the smallest trammel) • A set of Trammels. • Laws of the Sport of Bowls (Crystal Mark 3.1. April 2019) • A Boundary Scope and/or a Line Sighter (preferably with legs) • Wedges • White background strips to be used with feeler gauges. • A set square to the location of bowls on the boundary whose edge is hidden by other bowls. Other useful items to have in the umpire’s box/board: • A tape measure with a 90 degree bracket and a wire or chain tail. (alternative measure for jack in the ditch and the only measure used from the bowl to the jack) • More wedges as they seem to disappear over a season. What not to have: • Surplus old measuring equipment that is past its use by date. Being prepared helps so please try some of the above.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

From the Country Director


Good luck to players during Country week With our borders closed over the festive season, catching up with family and friends has been difficult. Our Premier has shut down the border again because of new outbreaks of Covid 19 occurring on the eastern seaboard in the early New Year. Let’s hope this outbreak is brought under control as this may have an effect on whether the Australian Open goes ahead. At this stage our country bowls are continuing on where they left off at the end of 2020 with all Zones holding the Men’s ILRR on the second weekend in January. Well done to Batavia Red on winning the ILRR in the Northern Zone, Avon League in the Eastern Zone, South East Coastal League in the Southern Zone and South West League in the South West Zone. The ladies ILRR Pairs were held in November. Congratulations to Central Stirling on winning the Southern Zone, Batavia Red on winning the Northern Zone, Murray League on winning the South West Zone and Avon on winning the Eastern Zone. Country Week entries for the Men have closed and at this early stage numbers are similar to last year. Ladies Country Week Entries close early February and I wish everyone an enjoyable Country Week. Bowls Australia is working with all States to reduce the level of administration. The SWZ has moved a motion to abolish the administration of the Country Zones because technology has made it easier to communicate with Leagues in our Country areas. This does not mean we abolish IZRR’s or the All Stars for men and Country verses Metro for women before Country Week. At the moment the leagues in each Zone rotate to hold the IZRRs. The Country Committee who hold meetings three times a year would still operate but would ask members of each League to attend these meetings. I feel we would have better discussion from our Clubs as at the moment a lot of information is not getting to our playing members. The next meeting of the Country Committee is to be held on the 22nd February where this motion will be discussed. I would like to thank Aaron Delaporte for the time and effort he has put into getting the Bowls Link system up and running for this year’s pennants. Could I stress that each home team put the pennant scores on the system within 24 hours of the game finishing.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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Junior Committee underway

• The new Junior Bowls Committee: Laura Merz (Manning), Vicki Bowden (Halls Head), Mark Roemermann (Joondalup), Shane Smith (Quinns Rocks), Allan Petchell (Rossmoyne), Peter Collins (Mosman Park), Paul Norton (Mosman Park), Ken Perks (Morley), Steve Unsworth (BA RBM), Clive Adams (BA RBM).

Bowls WA has established a Junior Bowls Committee in an attempt to encourage more young people to get involved with the great sport of bowls. The purpose of the Committee is to assist clubs with providing pathways to young people that enter our sport, to keep them engaged, and to increase family involvement in the sport. Bowls WA has been aware that in some areas throughout the State there has been some fantastic programs taking place, encouraging students to try bowls, through school programs and through junior club clinics. These programs have largely been isolated however, so this Committee is seen as an opportunity to bring these great people together and help more clubs achieve in this area. The members of the Committee have all had involvement in junior programs, in one form or another, and are all passionate about encouraging more young people into the sport. Whilst one outcome of the Committee’s work may be more juniors being available for State representation, this is not the key role of the panel. The key role is a real focus at grassroots level to simply help clubs put successful junior programs in place, and then provide the pathways for them to follow through and remain engaged with our sport into the future.


“Everyone on the Committee has had success with junior programs in some form”, said RBM Clive Adams. “This Committee has been on myself and Steve’s agenda for some time, so it is exciting to see it coming together”. The first meeting of the Committee was held on Monday 8th December at Bowls WA headquarters, and it was a meeting full of ideas and passion. As the Committee evolves, you can expect to see guidelines and advice come directly from the Committee out to those at clubs, to help set them on the correct path. “A major attraction of our sport is family involvement”, Adams added. “By embracing students, and their families and showing them the experiences they can have together as a family, as well as then demonstrating the individual success that many of our young players have achieved, there is a great opportunity for Clubs to recruit new players, both young people, and adults”. Bowls Australia’s recently relaunched Rookie Rollers campaign, formerly Jr Jack Attack, will no doubt form part of the Committee’s discussions, however the pathways need to go beyond that. Once a program has been conducted at a school, what is next for anyone interested in taking up the sport more regularly? This will be a key area for the Committee to address.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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Five clubs to benefit from CSRFF grants

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Five WA bowls clubs will benefit from the latest round of Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) grants announced recently by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. Three greens projects were awarded, with one metropolitan club and two country clubs to benefit. The City of Joondalup was awarded $154,622 towards installation of a synthetic green at the very successful Sorrento Bowling Club. For Sorrento, one of WA’s largest clubs, the funding brings significant hard work over many years in planning this project, to fruition. Denison Bowling and Recreation Club, situated on the WA coast, in the beautiful surrounds of Dongara and Port Denison, received $174,999 towards installation of two synthetic greens. The club currently has three grass greens in place, however the installation of synthetic surfaces will ensure the club’s future, and ensure costs into the future are more easily identified and controlled. Finally, on the greens front, Narrogin Bowling Club received $111,703 towards conversion of one of its grass greens to synthetic.

Two other projects were awarded funding in the City of South Perth. Manning Bowling Club ($164,407) and Como Bowling Club ($122,766) were awarded grants for toilet upgrades required for both club houses. They will now, literally, be the place to go! CSRFF grants for small projects (up to $300,000 project total) are available twice per year, while there is also one additional opportunity, per year, for larger projects. Clubs that wish to apply for a CSRFF grant need to plan significantly in advance, as it is often the case that grants are not successful at the first attempt. CSRFF Small Grant applications are open now, however clubs must ensure they liaise with DLGSC representatives in their area, with Bowls WA CEO Ken Pride and with their local council before submitting a grant application. Each of these stakeholders plays an important part in funding or evaluating CSRFF applications. For more information on CSRFF grants, visit https://www. dlgsc.wa.gov.au/funding/sport-and-recreation-funding/ community-sporting-and-recreation-facilities-fund and contact your Regional Bowls Manager who will be able to assist and support you through the grant application process. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021


This workshop series aims to ensure the people within our clubs and their communities have the know-how to adapt to the ever changing world of online and digital technology. Look for the green sessions if you are just beginning your journey into the digital space, orange if you have some skills but would like to know more or need a refresher and blue if you think you are ready to help your club take things to the next level. WORKSHOP 1 – GETTING STARTED WORKSHOP 4 – FACEBOOK DEEP DIVE – ONLINE – 40 mins 40 mins Using the internet - using a web Setting up your account and browser, creating bookmarks and adjusting your privacy settings. How your newsfeed works. what copyright means online. Using email - how to set-up an How to identify possible scams. Sharing content, blocking or account and how to open, read and reporting inappropriate content. send emails safely. Using search engines - searching for Connecting and interacting with websites, using bookmarks and others. SESSIONS saving images and other files. Introduction to internet safety. 25 March via Zoom 1pm SESSIONS 26 March via Zoom 10am 8 March Willetton BC 6pm 12 March Osborne Park BC 10am WORKSHOP 5 – USING SOCIAL MEDIA TO GROW YOUR CLUB – 40 mins Why social media is a no-brainer and WORKSHOP 2 – CONNECTING WITH how to decide which platform is best. OTHERS – 60 mins The importance of governance and What you need in order to get set up policies, not just as users, but as for video calling administrators How to use the most common tools Why timing and strategy is everything for keeping in touch: Skype, The basics of advertising on social WhatsApp, FaceTime & Zoom. media SESSIONS SESSIONS 15 March Willetton BC 3pm 29 March via Zoom 10am 18 March Osborne Park BC 10am 29 March via Zoom 6pm WORKSHOP 3 - SOCIAL MEDIA BASICS – WORKSHOP 6 – FACEBOOK 30 mins Familiarise you with the world of ADVERTISING BASICS – 40 mins Facebook ads work when you have social media, including: how it works, the right goal, targeting, and test the benefits of using social media, plan in place. Learn the basics of the major social media apps and putting these things together. safety tips when using it. SESSIONS SESSIONS 22 March via Zoom 10am 1 April via Zoom 1pm 25 March via Zoom 10am 8 April via Zoom 10am

Register via the Bowls WA website

WORKSHOP 7 - IS YOUR WEBSITE RIGHT FOR YOUR CLUB? – 40 mins Why you need a website The importance of targeting it to the right people Using it to grow your club Privacy laws SESSIONS 12 April via Zoom 10am 12 April via Zoom 6pm

• Adrienne Bellairs.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021


, Women s State Pairs

Great mates claim title by Pieter Harris Mosman Park’s Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton have taken out their first WA Dyenamic Women’s State Pairs at the Bassendean Bowling Club with the finals played on Friday December 18th 2020. In the morning Semi-Finals Featherby and Warburton led for all but the first end in their match against Shaan Saunders and Amanda Masters (Osborne Park). After a single on the first end to Saunders, Featherby responded with a four and a two to take a six to one lead. That lead was then stretched to 11-3 at the halfway stage of the 18-end game. Featherby and Saunders would swap ends in the second half the Featherby and Warburton combination continuing to an 18-7 win. The other Semi-Final saw Kathy Gobbart (Gingin) and Judy Allen (Mosman Park) taking on Kristina Krstic and Helen Heal (Manning). Gobbart and Allen previously won the title together in the 2009-10 season and surprisingly Krstic, who has dominated the other state events over recent years, has not won the Women’s State Pairs since 2011-12.The match started with Gobbart winning the first three ends, including a three on the third end to lead 5-0. Three consecutive singles to Krstic and then a three on the eighth end saw the two teams locked together at six all. A two to Gobbart followed by two singles saw the teams again locked together at eight all. It was then that the Gobbart and Allen combination went on a run to the finish line by winning six of the last seven ends, although they were all singles. A total of fifteen singles over the eighteen ends showed how tight the game was with Gobbart and Allen finally prevailing 14-9. The afternoon Final was played in blustery conditions on a typical 16-17 second Bassendean green, with Featherby and Warburton jumping out quickly. Three singles and then a three saw Featherby with a strong 6-0 lead. Gobbart and Allen followed up with a run of three ends themselves to reduce the margin to 6-4 after seven ends.


• Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton – winners of the Women's State Pairs. Below: Lisa Featherby in action.

However, with Featherby especially at the top of her game, the lead again extended to be 10-4 at the halfway stage of the 18-end final. A single each kept the lead at six before Featherby and Warburton went on a match-defining run. First a four to go up 15-5, then a two and finally a single put them in a commanding 18-5 lead with four ends to play. A nice three to Gobbart showed that she was not going to go quietly and then when the next end was also set up with opportunities for Gobbart, it seemed like things might be getting interesting. It was then that Lisa Featherby stepped up as she had done the whole game, to put the game beyond doubt. Down two but with an opportunity to trail the jack, Featherby made light work of the pressure with perfect grass and perfect weight to trail the jack and make four shots. A single on the second last end to Featherby saw the two teams shaking hands and giving Lisa Featherby and Linda Warburton their first WA Women’s State Pairs Title.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

, Men s State Pairs

Eagles and Taylor outlast teammates by Pieter Harris The Dyenamic WA Men’s State Pairs Finals was both a statement for the Sorrento Bowling Club and the Over 60’s Bowlers in extreme heat at the Osborne Park Bowling Club on Tuesday 29th December 2020. Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor claimed their own and the Sorrento Bowling Club’s first WA Men’s State Pairs title when they defeated clubmates Chris Lander and Ross Cunningham in the final. In the first semi-final, Eagles and Taylor jumped out to a five-nil lead in their matchup against Blake Nairn (Cambridge) and Darren Wilkinson (Bunbury). A couple of quick replies to Nairn made it 4-5 before Eagles won six ends in a row to blow the game open at 13-4 after 10 ends. A couple of two’s put Nairn within touch at 9-16 with three ends to play, but as can happen when chasing numbers in a hurry, Nairn trying to trail the jack to make a number saw it go the wrong way and instead dropped a five to put the game out of reach. Lander and Cunningham were made to work hard for much of their semi-final against Charlie Slavich (Doubleview) and Corey Bessant (Mt Lawley), 3-3 after 3 ends, 5-5 after 5 ends and 7-6 after 8 ends saw the game seesawing from team to team. Lander/Cunningham began their break by winning four ends in a row beginning with a five on the 11th end and concluding with a two on the 14th end ballooning the lead out to 19-7. Slavich and Bessant stepped up their game and took consecutive three’s to give them hope going into the last two ends six behind, but Lander and Cunningham were up to the task and held their nerve winning both the last ends despite the severe pressure they were being put under. The final began in not only hot conditions but also great spirits with the Sorrento Bowling Club guaranteed to be welcoming home four worthy finalists in the near year. Also for the first time, in everybody’s memory, the Over 60’s were reminding the bowling world of their collective championship credentials with all four finalists proudly acknowledging their birth certificates. The first three ends saw the teams feel each other out resulting in singles before Eagles and Taylor made the first telling blow by grabbing a three and a 5-1 lead. All players were in the zone and a high standard final was the result but the player making the most impact was Bruce Eagles. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

• Greg Taylor and Bruce Eagles, winners of the Men's State Pairs.

Greg Taylor and Ross Cunningham were having a great battle in the lead and thirds position and Chris Lander was doing a great job in the second and skips position but Eagles was providing telling blows with his consistency on every end. For much of the game, both teams won multiple ends in a row. Lander won singles on the 5th and 6th ends but Eagles took a three and single on the 7th and 8th end. Two more singles from Lander saw a 5-9 advantage to Eagles even though both teams had won five ends each after 10 ends of the 18 end game. For the final 8 ends, the teams traded blows but again it was Lander winning singles and Eagles grabbing an occasional double. Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor grabbed a single on the 11th end to start the trading and finished the game with a single on the last end to win the game 16-8 and take home the title.


, Men s State Singles

, Nairn s the man

Past winners dominated the Dyenamic Sublimation Men’s WA State Singles semi-finals at the Bassendean Bowling Club on Sunday 24th January 2021, with only one player not previously having achieved the ultimate success. The first semi final saw 2017 champion Blake Nairn (Cambridge) take on 2002 and 2008 champion John Goddard (Hopetoun). Nairn dominated the first three ends collecting twos on each occasion to jump to a 6-nil lead before Goddard found his groove to win the next four ends including a full count of four on the sixth end. The two combatants went end for end to reach 15-15 all when Goddard went on a four end run and picking up his second maximum of the game to lead 2215. Not to be outdone, Nairn fought back with a three and a couple of singles to close the gap only to then see Goddard move to 24 and only one away for the final and Nairn’s elimination. As happens in many wins, a little bit of luck is required at the right time. First a slightly offline Nairn drive saw his own bowl squeeze out of the pack to roll onto the jack and collect one shot to move to 23-24. The next end, with the jack moved off the line and a metre of room, Goddard lined up with the winning bowl, but he was unable to beat the closest bowl and allow Nairn to move to 24-24. The last end saw both players drop their first two bowls two to three feet short before Nairn nailed the jack and left Goddard with a wall of bowls to fight through. After a couple of gallant attempts, Nairn held his shot and moved onto the final in a classic semi-final. Not to be outdone the second semi-final was just as intriguing with 2018 champion Warren Holt (Wagin) versus first time semi-finalist Daniel Wood (Swan). Both players displayed their whole array of shots making it a high quality and entertaining affair. The game went end for end with no more than three shots between them until Wood began a run on the eighteenth end. Down 12-15, Wood went two, two, one and three to reach 20 before Holt was able to score again. Again, the players exchanged ends, but Holt was able to grab a two and a three to draw level at 21 all. Wood took a two to draw within two of victory and had opportunities the next two ends but was unable to take

• Blake Nairn in action.

full advantage and Holt hung in there with singles. With the pressure continuing to rise both players rose to the occasion as they stepped up to another level, going bowl for bowl with the excellent crowd willing their favourite on. Finally, when the dust settled, Holt produced the draw shots when it mattered at the end and fell over the line to go into another final. As Blake Nairn had done in the semi-final, he started quickly and won the first five ends to put Warren Holt on the backfoot. After seven ends the score was 6-1 with only singles scored in a tightly contested game. Holt then began to find his range on a more consistent level and over the next eight ends and clawed his way back into the contest at 9-10. Seemingly going the better Holt looked likely to hit the front at some point but Nairn was having none of that. Stepping up his aggression, Nairn decided it was time to try and put Holt off his draw game. With his customary big drives hitting their mark, a different feel came over the game. By hitting his running shots, Nairn grew in confidence with his draw shots now becoming more consistent as well. First a two and then a three, the lead began to grow, a couple of singles and another three shot Nairn passed 20 and it looked like the championship was his for the taking. Nairn ended the match with eight straight ends totalling fifteen shots and the 2020-21 WA State Singles Championship.

• Blake Nairn and Kristina Kristic, state singles winners.


BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

, Women s State Singles

Krstic kills them with her brilliance A mixture of state singles finals experience took part in the Dyenamic Sublimation Women’s State Singles semi-finals at the Bassendean Bowling Club on Sunday January 24th. In the first semi-final Kristina Krstic (Manning) was shooting for her fourth title in the last six years while Pam Chalmers (Osborne Park) was looking for her first. Krstic started quickly by grabbing a four on the first end and putting Chalmers on the back foot. By the time the game had reached the eight end, Krstic had already established a 10-1 lead and was proving a little too consistent. Chalmers staged a mini fightback by winning three ends in a row and closing the gap to 7-12, only to see Krstic step up her game and score nine shots over four ends to race away to a 22-8 match winning lead, on one of those ends Chalmers drew all four bowls within inches only to see Krstic drive them out each time to be left with one shot of her own. Chalmers left bemused as to how she was unable to score such as the brilliance of Krstic. The two players traded singles over the concluding stages but Krstic was not going to relinquish her position and moved into another final with a 25-10 win over Pam Chalmers. The final started on an even keel with Kristina Krstic winning The second semi final was a similar mix of state singles the first few ends by taking a number of singles with great semi-final experience with Therese Hastings (Guilderton) four bowls going back and forth between the players. However, titles to her credit and Chris Ace-Watson (Boulder) looking for signs began to emerge that Krstic was going to start asking number one. However, in this game it was the less experienced some big questions of Chris Ace Watson’s consistency. Krstic player who shot away at the start and put the experienced is well known for her relentless pressure of Hastings on the backfoot. putting bowls on the jack and making her A three on the first end by Ace-Watson opponents come up with big bowls to hold was followed by a single and a two to her out. After ten ends it was 10-nil when a find herself with a 6-nil lead. relieved Ace-Watson got on the board with Hastings hit back as expected and had closed the gap to three by the tenth end at a single and then a two. This was followed 7-10. It was at this point Ace-Watson hit by a Krstic three and a single before she gave up a three of her own to Acehard and strung together seven winning ends in a row totalling 14 shots and only Watson which gave the contest some life. Sensing her opponent gain in confidence a single away from victory leading 24-7. from the three, Krstic went to another For four ends Hastings make Acelevel again and won the remaining seven Watson work putting together a string of ends to close out another WA State Singles wins including a four to move to 14 and Championship 25-6. Amazingly at just 26 put some doubt in the contest. years of age Krstic has already equalled her However, coming back from there Australia coach and mentor Therese Hastings against a quality opponent was always with four singles titles as the most wins by any going to be unlikely and Chris AceWatson closed it out with a 25-14 win. player in the competitions 85 year history. • Kristina Krstic

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021


, Women s Over 60s State Triples

Second title for Poletti, Spragg and Andersen by Pieter Harris The final of the Women’s Over 60’s State Triples saw the composite team of Lee Poletti, Vicki Spragg and Kerry Andersen claim their second triples title when they defeated the North Beach combination of Janet Cocks, Rhonda Prosser and Debbie Rhine on Friday November 27th 2020. Earlier in the day we were treated to two down to the line semi-finals when both games went to an extra end. In the first Semi-final the Janet Cocks team had to fight hard in a dour battle against the Bev Baker skipped team comprising Irene Arndt and Liz Marshall. With the Warwick Bowling Club greens running well, the two teams ended the game locked together on 13 all. Before Janet Cocks prevailed with a single to move into the final. If possible, the second Semi-final had even more tension with both team’s bowls going back and forth and umpire measures thrown in for good measure. In a high scoring game Poletti overcame 2017-18 champions Noelene Abe, Liz Matthews and Sue Hogg 19-18.

• Women's O60s Triples winners: Lee Poletti, Kerry Andersen and Vicki Spragg.

The Poletti, Spragg and Andersen combination last won the title in 2013-14 and having reached this final they were not going to let another opportunity slip. Leading from the front, Poletti slowly built a lead over Cocks, Prosser and Rhine and were never headed as they had a comfortable victory 23-15 to take the 2020-21 Over 60s State Triples Championship.


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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

, Men s Over 60s State Triples

Eagles, Linford, Taylor claim crown by Pieter Harris Sorrento’s Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford and Greg Taylor withstood plenty of pressure against the composite combination of Markus Merz, Max Petrich, and Greg Reagan to secure their first Motobility Men’s Over 60’s State Triples title at the Sorrento Bowling Club on Wednesday 25th November 2020. In the Semi finals the Eagles skipped team controlled the whole game against Lionel Bell, Ken Stower and Peter Allen by jumping out to an early 7-0 lead. A 12-4 scoreline at the halfway mark of the 18-end game allowed the Sorrento team to play with confidence to run out eventual winners 20-10. The other semi final saw a much closer game early in proceedings before eventually becoming a similar scoreline to the 1st semi-final. The Merz team started quickly up against the composite team of Peter Cole, John Trewhella, and Denis Nagle by leading 4-1 after three ends. However, Cole won three of the next four ends to lead 8-5 after seven ends. Three winning ends in a row then put Merz in a lead that his team would never relinquish. After trading a couple of further ends, Merz won five of the last six ends to pull away to a 2111 win and a place in the final. Playing in blustery conditions at Sorrento is not unheard of and the local team used that to their advantage early in the Motobility Men’s Over 60’s State Triples Final. Winning five of the first six ends, including a three on the first and third end gave Eagles, Linford, and Taylor an 8-2 advantage after five ends. The next five ends promised to put the Sorrento triple in an even more commanding position if it had not been for the inspired play of opposition skip Marcus Merz. A combination of solid play from Sorrento and Merz’s teammates struggling to find a consistent line and length in the conditions, left Merz playing to down heads more often than not. Three ends in a row Merz produced several saves by drawing shot with his last bowl. On the ninth end, Merz was able to produce a running shot that moved the jack towards the boundary to go one down instead of four down and then on the tenth end Merz sat an opposition bowl out of the head to go from one up to four up and draw his team level 9-9. As the breeze began to die down, Eagles hit back with a three of his own before the Merz team went on a run to win the next five ends in a row. While Merz’s teammates had produced some good bowls early in the game, they had been inconsistent, it was at this point Petrich and Reagan found some consistency and put the Sorrento front end players of Linford and Taylor under more pressure than they had been earlier in the match. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

• Ian Linford, Bruce Eagles and Greg Taylor with Larry Bandy.

With Merz still playing well it was up to the Sorrento combination to dig in and absorb the pressure and try to counterattack. At 17-12 up with only two ends to play it looked like Merz was on his way to complete a great comeback victory. However, a loose seventeenth end saw Eagles holding four shots with only one bowl each for the skips to play. As he had done most of the game, Merz stepped up and drew what looked like the match-winning shot, finishing less than a foot from the jack. But this time it was Eagles turn to answer his teams call by calmly stepping up with his last bowl and sitting the Merz shot out, making four shots, and drawing within one going into the last end. The last end was befitting of a final with the players going bowl for bowl. On the cross over to the skip’s bowls, it was Ian Linford with the tying bowl inches from the jack. With Eagles having the first bowl, he was unable to add to the count and draw the winning shot. Merz then stepped up and as he had done earlier in the game took the Sorrento bowl out to hold shot and have one hand on the trophy. Not to be denied, Eagles then played the bowl of the day. With two second shots, Eagles decided to put the pressure on and go for the win rather than drawing for an extra end. Finding his way through a small gap between the front bowls, Eagles was able to connect with the Merz team shot bowl, pushing it out of the head and snatching the trophy from the opposition grasp. Merz had one bowl to rectify the situation and claim the match but was unable to draw close enough leaving Bruce Eagles, Ian Linford and Greg Taylor with two shots, to claim a remarkable win 18-17. 21

, Men s Over 60s State Pairs

Alan Barker and Laurie Johnson crowned O60s pairs champions by Pieter Harris Quinns Rocks Alan Barker and Laurie Johnson have taken out the Men’s Over 60’s State Pairs Championship with a solid win over the composite team of Dave Cliff (Brookton) and Clem Nottle (Pingelly) at the Osborne Park Bowling Club on Wednesday January 20th 2021. After rain and thunderstorms caused the event to be rescheduled from the original dates in early November 2020, Bowls WA would like to thank and congratulate all competitors who came back to finish their sectional games even when they could not win the section. I am sure it was appreciated by those teams that were in contention. In the semi-finals, Barker and Johnson held on to win 19-15 win over Manning’s Keith Godfrey and Jo Angel after surviving a late charge from the Manning pair. While Cliff and Nottle were pushed all the way before finally coming out on top 14-13 over Wanneroo pairing Kingsley Toster and David Burns. With the weather being kind and not too hot and the Osborne Park green running well, it was set up for a great final. Alan Barker and Laurie Johnson won the first end but quickly found themselves behind with David Cliff and Clem Nottle winning the next three to take an early 4-1 lead. Barker and Johnson then did some damage by first taking a two and then grabbing a big five to jump to the lead. Not to be perturbed, Cliff and Nottle settled with a couple of two’s themselves to draw back level at 8-8.


• Over 60s State Pairs winners: Laurie Johnson and Alan Barker.

With Johnson particularly strong in the lead position, the Barker pair strung four ends together. Even more importantly, they were able to do it in multiples with a three and a four coming on the 10th and 11th end to stretch the lead out to 17-8. With six ends to play Cliff and Nottle started the road back and like their opponents won four ends in a row to get within three shots with two ends to play. While Cliff was able to score singles and two’s during the four end run, a couple of lost opportunities to get a large number with a trail of the jack would turn out to be crucial. Johnson was able to again come through backed up ably by skip Barker who played some crucial bowls when the ends were going against them. A single to Barker on the second last end gave him a four-shot lead and when Johnson got his first two bowls close on the last end, it was all about covering the angles for the remainder of the game. David Cliff started looking for ways to firstly put the jack in the ditch and then resorted to kill the end when all hope was lost and Barker was able to cover all possibilities of a four. However it wasn’t to be and Alan Barker and Laurie Johnson came away with the championship and a state title for both themselves and the Quinns Rocks Bowling Club. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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Club in Profile – Bullcreek AFA

Ultimate bowler’s paradise With two greens located above an underground parking facility, surrounded by luxury style retirement apartment buildings and with club amenities to rival a five star hotel the Bullcreek AFA Bowling Club may well just be the ultimate bowlers paradise. The club located within the Air Force Association (RAAFA) largest WA retirement village on Bullcreek Drive is currently having its synthetic greens upgraded and has benefitted from a brand new building named Cirrus which cost $32 million dollars to build, it was completed within 18 months in August last year. The village has 397 independent living units on the 28 acre estate and is also home to two residential care facilities with a further 164 beds. The complex in addition to the bowling club also has a full gymnasium with swimming pool and many other active social clubs. The Aviation Heritage Museum which also resides with the estate is also an amazing place to visit and provides a unique insight into • The view to the greens. how far aviation has progressed in a short space of time along with many historical pieces from wartime with a heavy emphasis of the Royal Australia Air Forces involvement. Surprising the bowling club which is located less than 15 minutes from the heart of Perth is one of 24

the smaller clubs in WA with less than 80 active bowling members, they have just one team in Men’s Saturday, Men’s Midweek and Women’s Tuesday Pennant Competitions. What is perhaps not known to many bowlers is that members do not need to be living within the expansive retirement estate of the Air Force Association to be members. Bowls WA Operations Manager Aaron Delaporte toured the new facilities in December last year and was impressed by what he saw. “The facilities provided to the bowlers at Bull Creek would rival the biggest and best clubs anywhere within Australia. For the residents within the estate to be able to walk out your self contained apartment and onto two excellent synthetic greens and the magnificent club house and bar facilities has to be what some bowlers could only dream of. I am genuinely surprised the clubs hasn’t got hundreds of bowlers given what is on offer here.” BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

• The Alfresco area.

• The Bullcreek foyer.

"The most important of all is that club is full of friendly members who participate in plenty of social bowls along with the more traditional club competitions, and of course, WA pennant competitions". Club member Kevin Thomson who showed Aaron around the amazing complex said the club is very keen to see new people join. “The total membership fee is just $200 and this gives you access to the modern bar facilities, dining area and lounge including the brand new alfresco area all of which is great for pleasant conversations before or after a game, in fact at any time. The RAAFA provides lunches and dinner fivedays a week which bowling members can take advantage of and the food is amazing prepared from their state of the art kitchen. However most important of all is that club is full of friendly members who participate in plenty of social bowls along with the more traditional club competitions and of course

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

WA pennant competitions. We are keen to let people know that you don’t need to be part of the estate to join the bowling club and we would love to see more bowlers enjoy our wonderful facilities.” “We are extremely thankful to the RAAFA for the recent upgrades including the re-surfacing of the greens which will now be perfect to play on. We just hope we get a lot more people over the next few years come along to play as we are looking forward to celebrating our 50th year anniversary in 2025,” said Kevin. There is no doubt Bull Creek AFA is one of the hidden gems within the WA bowls community with first class facilities to rival any club anywhere in Australia.

• The Bullcreek bar and restaurant.


New Innovations Committee

BowlsWA plans for change by Aaron Delaporte “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading,” is a quote from Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu which has never been truer in these current times. Our sport continues to face challenges with the impact of Covid-19, the steady longer term membership and pennant participation decline, along with the change of how society now communicates and operates in modern times, means we have to adapt to changes moving forward to sustain our sport into the future. As an organization Bowls WA will be embracing change with a three-pronged approach heading into 2021, all of which fall under our Strategic Plan:2017-2022. Important to this is we continue to focus on our organizational mission to provide leadership, support and guidance to our clubs and through growth achieve long term sustainability for the sport. Bowls WA is currently seeking government funding for all the projects listed below in what will be a busy but hopefully ultimately rewarding year for the organization.

Governance Review The first of these will be a Governance Review lead by a board appointed sub-committee chaired by Brian Lucas (Sorrento), with Ron Mance (North Beach), Ted Leahy (Cambridge), Clive Adams (RBM North/East) and Ken Pride (Bowls WA CEO). This review aligns to the number 1 priority identified in the 2020 released Strategic Priorities for WA Sport produced by Sport West in that individual sports need to engage at all levels to determine the governance arrangements appropriate for the size and complexity of their organisation rather than any single ‘corporate governance’ model. The review will include the appointment of a consultant to help guide the committee through the processes required to review the current Constitution, By Laws, Policies and Committee structures of Bowls WA along with the framing of a new Strategic Plan from 2022 and beyond. Bowls Clubs both metro and country based have already been notified about the project and will continue to be consulted so that the review remains ‘fit for purpose' for the sport with a completion of the review anticipated in mid 2021.

Innovations Committee Another board appointed sub-committee the Innovations Committee which is chaired by Board member Marc Abonnel (Kardinya) with Peter Barnett (Willetton), Jenny McLaughlin (North Beach), Hailey Packer (Manning), Ian Rennie (South Perth) and Aaron Delaporte (Bowls WA Operations) has initially been instructed to review the way the game is played within WA.


• Ian Rennie, Hailey Packer, Aaron Delaporte, Marc Abonnell, Jenni McLaughlin and Peter Barnett.

The committee which has met twice already has established some clear priorities for 2021 being: • A focus on increasing participation within the sport at all levels • Ensuring recommendations are well researched, communicated and managed with appropriate stakeholder engagement to ensure they are successful for the sport • An initial focus on creating a new competition(s) rather than trying to make major changes to existing competitions. Those within the bowls community can expect to see some surveys released shortly from this committee around issues within the sport. The committee will also be targeting those outside the sport who may be seen as potential future members to help guide them. This Committee will in due course make recommendations to the Bowls Management Committee.

Embracing New Technology Workshops The rapidly changing world, made even more noticeable by the responses required to the COVID-19 pandemic, has driven the need to build resilience into clubs and their local communities. This means ensuring the people within our clubs and communities have the know-how to adapt to the changing world and the increasing rise of a contactless community. The Winning Drive club development program will add another string to its bow when it presents a series of workshops to interested club members in the first half of 2021 around embracing new technology. In partnership with Pacmentality Consulting these workshops are designed to help members at various skill levels from the complete novice who has never used a computer or smart phone through to more advanced users who want to make the most out of what is available for clubs in 2021. Each workshop is supported by a handout with participants encouraged to take notes and ask questions. In total the full series will contain seven workshops with the introductory level being face to face whilst the remaining sessions will be conducted in an online environment. The sessions run from between 30-60 minutes and will have multiple session times available to suit those with even the busiest of schedules. Bowls WA will be releasing more important information around this exciting series of workshops shortly.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

Get to know the BowlsWA Board Name: Brian Lucas • Club: Sorrento Bowling Club Bowls Background: I joined Sorrento 35 years ago, playing pennants in all divisions, normally as a second. Participating on the Club’s executive over the past 13 years, I have assumed the roles of Treasurer, Vice President, and three years as President. Currently I hold the position of Independent Director on the Governing Council. Work Background: Most of my working life was spent in a wide range of roles in various government departments. My latter years with government were in the roles of a departmental Executive Director and CEO of a TAFE institute in the Pilbara. I currently consult to a vibrant marketing and advertising agency. What do you love about • Brian Lucas. Bowls: My parents both played bowls over many years and I witnessed the satisfactions, frustrations, and enduring friendships that they experienced. At the age of 45 I decided to follow suite. During the Covid-19 crisis we saw just how important bowls and clubs are in the lives of people. What would you like to see Bowls WA achieve in next few years: The fundamental issues facing Bowls WA include: • Understanding the complex environment within which bowling clubs operate and the challenges and opportunities that they face. • Growing active participation in pennants and bowls in general. • Making informed and considered decisions on behalf of clubs. • Applying its resources and expertise to best help clubs.

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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

WA BOWLS RANKINGS Based on prestigous events over 3 years

MEN Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20

Name Packer, Cody Slavich, John Trewhella, Daniel Pauling, Glen Moyle, Ryan Knott, Shane Mitchell, Matthew Butler, Blake Opie, Justin Rankin, Dave Nairn, Blake Bessant, Corey Brown, Daniel Mitchell, Thomas Loftus, Shane Marsland, Dale Manton, Beau Masel, Mark Sinden, Paul Gillingham, Brad

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Name Krstic, Kristina Merz, Laura Packer, Hailey Heal, Helen Featherby, Lisa Solly, Shari Abe, Noelene O'Brien, Robyn Warburton, Linda Andersen, Kerry Hastings, Therese Saunders, Shaan Chalmers, Pam Morss, Helen Madigan, Toni Poletti, Lee Blackwell, Kaye Blackwell, Donna Leahy, Irene Meehan, Elaine

Club Osborne Park Doubleview Scarborough South Perth Doubleview Manning Emu Point Manning South Perth Kardinya Cambridge Mt Lawley Sorrento Manning Sorrento Manning Bassendean Mt Lawley Mt Lawley North Beach

Total 311 224 184 164 137 132 131 127 126 117 114 99 94 93 88 86 79 72 72 70

WOMEN Club Manning Manning Manning Manning Mosman Park Osborne Park Corrigin Manning Mosman Park Mosman Park Guilderton Osborne Park Osborne Park South Perth Osborne Park Mosman Park North Beach Melville Boulder Warnbro

Total 370 368 321 188 181 176 168 158 157 120 116 115 112 101 94 91 78 64 51 50

Advertise with us! We offer very competitive rates for any advertising on our website or in the Jack Hi magazine. Contact Aaron Delaporte for further information. Tel: 08 9340 0800 or email: aaron@bowlswa.com.au or visit us on www.bowlswa.com.au


, Men s Masters Triples

Packer team win triples by Aaron Delaporte Cody Packer has cemented his ranking as the number 1 bowler in WA with another Masters victory teaming with Scott Walker and Jack East for a fairly comprehensive win in the Bassendean Men’s Masters Triples, supported by Cork and Bottle Sunday 29th November 2020. After getting through a strong section which included back to back winners John Slavich, Lee Such and Justin Opie the Packer team were too good for three very handy teams on finals day. They won their quarter final Ryan Moyle, Steve Novak and Gavin Faulkner 18-11 had a very comfortable 23-10 win over Mick Douthie, Richard Hunter, Peter Auguston before eventually prevailing in a good quality final 18-9 against Blake Nairn, Simon Alden and Clive Adams. In the final both teams trading single scores before Nairn’s team had their best end of the game scoring a triple to lead 4-1 however from that point onwards it was pretty much all Packers side with Jack East leading well and Scott Walker playing perhaps the best game on the rink with many pinpoint

• Men's Masters Triples winners: Jack East, Cody Packer and Scott Walker

draw shots up against a fluctuating breeze giving them the advantage on most ends. When needed Packer was also able to deliver the goods and he ultimately played the match winning bowl on the second last end with the score at 13-9 he removed the shot bowl to give his team a 3 and a 16-9 lead. When Nairn was unable to kill the end and Packer’s team picked up a two it was game over with the last end not required to be played. Nairn’s team had played well to make the final with two good wins leading into the final but despite having many good bowls couldn’t match the consistency of the winners overall. The event was the first major open win for Jack East. Congratulations to Bassendean Bowling Club for another great event and thank you to competition sponsors Cork and Bottle, one of the best wine bars in Perth.

, Women s Masters Triples

Twin sisters in big Masters win by Aaron Delaporte Twin sisters Shaan Saunders and Amanda Masters from Osborne Park Bowling Club have recorded their first major open title as they combined to trounce a strong field at the North Beach Ladies Masters Pairs yesterday Monday 11th January 2021. The competition which was scheduled to begin last Friday initially had a false start with play abandoned due to hot weather before matches were completed on Saturday and Sunday with the semi-finals and finals played out yesterday under much cooler conditions. Saunders and Masters were simply sensation in winning the event. They defeated Lee Poletti (Mosman Park) and Kaye Blackwell (North Beach) in the quarter finals before two big wins including a 22-12 semi-final victory over Vicky Ellis (North Beach) and Dot Glass (Northam) before winning the final impressively 21-9 over previous winners Kristina Krstic and Helen Heal from Manning. In the 18 end final Masters and Saunders began well winning the first four ends to lead 6-0 before the score progressed with bowls teams having some good ends to 9-5.


• Tournament sponsor Glenda Cooper with winners Amanda Masters and Shaan Saunders.

It was at this point the decisive end came when Amanda Masters played a great upshot to send the jack into the ditch and Shaan Saunders then removed the closest opposition bowl with another drive which resulted in them picking up 6 to move to a big 15-5 lead. The two teams traded scores over the remaining ends before Kristic and Heal conceded leaving Masters and Saunders elated with a great victory. Krstic and Heal had earlier survived a close encounter against Shelley Radcliffe and Renate Coote from Mosman Park 17-16. Congratulations to the finalist and all those who participated in this event. BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

EST 1996


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, Women s ILRR News

Avon Valley win EZ ILRR Pairs On Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th November 2020 the Eastern Zone ILRR Pairs was held at York Bowling Club. The eventual winners after two great days of bowling was Avon Valley Bowling League with 8 points and 10 rink wins, 2nd was Goldfields Bowling League with 6 points 8.5 rink wins, 3rd South Eastern Bowling League with 4 points 11 rink

wins, 4th East Avon Bowling League, 5th Central Wheatbelt Bowling League. Thank you to host League Avon Valley and the York Bowling Club for successfully running the event and to all teams from all Leagues for the fantastic bowls and sportsmanship over the weekend.

Red win NZ ILRR Batavia Pairs The Northern Zone Interleague Round Robin Pairs were held at Geraldton Bowling club on Friday 20th, Sat 21st, and Sun 22nd November 2020. Played in very difficult conditions with 40 knot winds and very fast greens the results were in doubt to the final round. The eventual winners were Batavia Red


with the remaining three Leagues equal second and needing rink wins to separate them, second place went to Batavia White from Moore Districts and Central Midlands. The champion team was Audrey Williamson and Julie McCabe from Geraldton bowling club.

BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

Green named in honour of Peter Manning On Saturday 5th December 2020 the Moora Bowling Club named their synthetic green the Peter Manning Green in honour of a man who has devoted a great deal of his life to the bowling club, and in particular the greens. Peter has not only worked very long and hard on the greens for over 40 years before the synthetic green was installed, he was always generous with his equipment and sponsorship and he had no hesitation to help the club with the purchase of new mats. This honour was bestowed before the start of Mens pennants against Dalwallinu and Ladies Club day. Congratulations Peter an honour well deserved. • Top: Family photo: L-R Phil Manning (son), Bruce (Hassa) Manning (Nephew), Peter Manning and Ron Manning (brother).

• President Peter Jorissen unveiling the new green name.

RAISE YOUR GAME The right bowl is crucial to making consistent shots, the right footwear is key to stability, and likewise the right shorts and pants give you the edge on the green! Whether you are a beginner or an elite bowler, you can feel the benefits when you’re sporting high end quality apparel. City Club bowls wear is specifically designed with bowlers in mind. Discover the advantages today!




BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021



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BowlsWA • Jack Hi • Summer 2021

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Articles inside

Peter Manning honoured at Moora

pages 31-32

Women's ILRR News

page 30

Ultimate Bowlers Paradise

pages 24-25

Men's O60s State Pairs

pages 22-23

Men's O60s State Triples

page 21

Women's State Singles

page 19

Women's O60s State Triples

page 20

Men's State Singles

page 18

Men's State Pairs

page 17

CEO’s Report

page 5

From the Country Director

page 9

Women's State Pairs

page 16

CSRFF Grants to five clubs

page 12

From the Umpires

page 8

Inclusive Practices

pages 6-7

President’s Report

page 4

Junior Bowls Committee established

pages 10-11
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