Hotel SA December 2021 - January 2022

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T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E AU S T R A L I A N H OT E L S A S S O C I AT I O N (S A B R A N C H) D E C 2 0 2 1-JA N 2 0 2 2



2021 Hotel of the Year Winners: Bridgeport Hotel & Marion Hotel


Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry W W W.A H A S A.A S N.AU

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Adapt and thrive in a world of change. Our Perks Hospitality specialist team offers insight, guidance and advisory to publicans across South Australia. We work with you to increase operational efficiency; streamline logistics and reporting; and maximise your financial position, no matter what the economic environment throws at you.

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Rezz’s 100-Year Vision

As of 2009, Rezz has been owned and operated by the Hamood family. This year, the “New Rezz” was unveiled.



‘Best in Class’ Bridgeport

Hotel SA interviewed Darren Steele about the Bridgeport Hotel being named joint ‘Hotel of the Year’ at this year’s awards.


Women in Hotels

Marion’s ‘Secret’ Success Anna Hurley talks about the significance of the Marion Hotel being named ‘Hotel of the Year’ for the second successive year.


President’s Lunch 2021

Looking Forward to 2022

04 From the President

16 Rezz’s 100-Year Vision

06 From the General Manager

30 President’s Lunch 2021

45 Chip in for Mary Potter Passes $1 Million

08 Scott’s Spot

32 Looking Forward to 2022: What’s Topical in IR

48 From the President (continued)

35 ‘Labour of Love’ to ‘Best in Class’

52 AHA|SA Corporate Partner Directory

12 Women in Hotels Christmas Fundraiser

40 ‘Secret’ Behind The Marion’s Success

53 AHA|SA Corporate Partners 2021-2022

14 Is There Such a Thing as a Pain-Free Business Loan?

45 New AHA|SA Bronze Corporate Partner – Make it Cheaper

54 AHA|SA Office Holders and Publishing

A brilliant turn-out with over 150 Women in Hotels and corporate partners at The Highway fundraiser. I N


More than 280 guests attended the annual President’s Lunch at the Adelaide Convention centre.

As we move into the Christmas and New Year period, we look at some of the topical issues that we will face in 2022 as an industry.


11 AHA|SA Donates $35,000 to Foodbank SA Meat Program

46 Regional Meetings

55 Gaming Care

Have you listened to the AHA|SA’s new podcast, Our Shout? In these monthly episodes we chat with publicans, corporate partners and other industry stakeholders to hear all the latest hotels news. Click here to listen 

Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry

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Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry


Burning Issues The following is my speech from this year’s AHA|SA President’s Lunch on Tuesday, December 7. It outlines key issues confronting our industry and it was presented to an audience that included the Premier Steven Marshall, the Leader of the Opposition Peter Malinauskus and many State and Federal ministers and MPs. Also in attendance were key decision makers from licensing, tourism, media and our sponsors.

Click here to watch video

It’s a long speech, use the links below to jump to specific topics: COVID-19 Roadmap  Live Music Voucher Scheme  City Revival Fund  Mental Health and Well Being  Skills Shortage Crisis  Liquor Licensing  Tourism  Fringe Benefit Tax  Alcohol Excise  Acknowledgements and Thank Yous  Merry Christmas! 

It’s a very great pleasure to welcome the fellow vaccinated. This year, the AHA|SA celebrates 150 years of advocating for the interests of our members. Through World Wars, depressions and recessions, 6 o’clock closing, the Xenophon years and now COVID-19, the Association has and always will energise friends and engage critics to achieve positive outcomes for our members.

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This means resisting the naysayers who compromise livelihoods and employment. With that front of mind, today I wish to outline the issues we face and with 2022 an election year at both State and Federal level, the path available for Governments to assist our 560 members spread across every State and Federal electorate, and the 26250 South Australians we employ. Back to Contents

COVID-19 ROADMAP Ahead of the State election, COVID-19 restrictions remain allencompassing for our membership. Pent up demand and rescheduled events has me feeling very positive when the COVID-19 handbrake is released. For most of this year, we were led to believe this would occur when the double vaccination mark reached 80% of the adult population. We were banking on that because that is what we were told. To have the goalposts moved to 90%, including over 12’s, right on the cusp of getting our business back to normal was demoralising. For many, this spelt the death knell of their 2nd consecutive Xmas season as we are held hostage by the unvaccinated and an abundance of caution from SA Health. By the end of next week (December 18), South Australia will be the only mainland state left still clinging onto hospitality restrictions for the vaccinated. With important trading days lying ahead, we cannot be the outlier state. Now, it is time to drop all restrictions. The transition committee model has largely served us well but with vaccination rates approaching required levels, the pathway out now requires different skill sets and critically, a wider view on risk and reward. The March election is the logical time for both major parties to announce they will take back control and commit to accountability being returned to Cabinet. Right now, we do require clear direction. The confusion over the ability to trade if vaccinated staff are forced to isolate is shared by all businesses. We had one beachside hotel, notified they were a hotspot, unable to open over the weekend through a lack of staff. Back to Contents

We nervously await clarification on what is intended by the Chief Health Officer’s declaration some restrictions will need to remain for 300 days beyond the 90% milestone. That is pretty much all of 2022. Confusion reigns if we are considered a higher risk sector for transmission of the virus. The COVID-19 Ready Plan published in late October identified stand up alcohol consumption and nightclubs as high risk even after the 90% vaccination threshold has been met. Logic would suggest if this is the case, our industry should have a mandated double-vaccination policy for all staff equivalent to that of other high-risk sectors. If the lack of a mandate means we are not high risk, the harsher restrictions that were imposed after the July lockdown should have been abandoned well before Omicron became a variant of concern. The language around our border status has created its own confusion. New testing requirements has put a hold on business travel, the 12 late interstate apologies for today’s lunch is a testament to that - but the decision on the weekend to keep our borders open was a mature one. We do look forward to the day we are back living in a united Australia, rather than a federation resembling a loose affiliation of nervous tribes. The South Australian economy is doing well, prompting some blinded by the good fortune of not being hurt by the pandemic - to label the AHA|SA as “whingers”. Let me assure you there are plenty out there still suffering, and the chorus of support publicly sharing our frustrations has grown to include: • Business SA • SA Tourism Industry Council • The Hospo Owners Collective • SA Wine Industry • Independent Retailers, Restaurant

& Caterers and the Live Music Alliance. Throughout this period, we have become accustomed to bureaucrats governing our lives. As challenging as it has been to implement their requirements, we accepted we have been living in unparalleled times and have banded together to protect our communities. Right now, we are concerned some regulators are forming an appetite to unreasonably remain in our businesses. Ministers must consider our twoyear journey and take command to rein in any regulatory overreach. Just one example of regulatory overreach. Surely someone could have whispered in the ear of the health bureaucracy that to saddle us with the release of their Tobacco Control Strategy discussion paper the week immediately following the difficult July lockdown may not be appropriate? The timing of the release was breathtaking. Insulting! We were still in heavy restrictions and many of our 21,000 stood down staff had not been recalled. There was no empathy that this has been the most difficult and uncertain period of our business lives. To seek to burden us with more costs and compliance at a time we are totally overwhelmed is beyond belief. This time, the requirement is for us to yet again remodel our premises to provide even more smoke free spaces at licensed venues. The AHA|SA argues the current strategies in pubs are proving highly effective. Smoking rates are currently 10.65% of the SA adult population. The understandable goal is to reduce that figure to 6.25% by 2025. What isn’t understandable is our members being turned into smoking cops and used as SA Health’s experimental playground to achieve it.

Continue reading: page 48 

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Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry


Crunch Time Mandatory vaccinations for customers and staff are inevitable in South Australia. Such mandates are a reality in all other states because those State Governments decided to make it compulsory for businesses and hospitality.

Click here to watch video

The SA Government have chosen not to. They say that the decision should be up to each business and not imposed by Government. But the devil is in the detail! The state’s COVID READY PLAN, released hurriedly on 25 October 2021 makes it very clear that when the State reaches a double vaccination level of 90% of 12-year olds and over, the current restrictions will be reviewed. Further, the COVID READY PLAN says quite clearly that ‘high risk’ activities such as night clubs (read this as code for dancing) and standing and consuming alcohol (as opposed to soft drink or water?) will only be available for those who are double vaccinated. That’s right! If a venue wishes to benefit from removing restrictions then the venue must mandate double vaccinations for customers and therefore by default, all staff – or at least those who are customer facing. If a venue chooses NOT to require double vaccinations, which will be their right, it will mean they will be denied the right to trade without restrictions. 6 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U

So, it’s essentially a Government imposed double vaccination mandate but via the back door. The venue has the ‘choice’ but the venue really has no choice as they will be placed at a significant commercial disadvantage compared to competitors who do require double vaccinations. Similarly, with 90% plus of the community vaccinated appropriately ie. double vaccinated, a large part of the community will be ‘demanding’ such a standard be applied at their favourite pub, bar, dining room, hotel, etc. Accepting this reality, members must start a process of consultation with employees. Back to Contents

Vale Doug Elefsen The hotel industry was deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Doug “Dougie” Elefsen. Doug was the publican of Minnipa Hotel and joined the Council in 1981 as the representative of the Eyre Peninsula region. He served with great distinction on Council for 30 years, and was a highly regarded voice around the table when decisions were being made that affected regional hotels. Doug was known as a man who was selfless in his service to

others, both in the local and hotel community, and he always worked to ensure the position of the AHA|SA was understood by MPs and aspiring politicians in his electorate He was awarded Life membership of the AHA|SA in 2001 for his support and dedication to the hotel industry and the AHA|SA council, before retiring from council in 2011.

Doug was survived by Beryl, his wife of 71 years who was recently inducted into the Women In Hotels Hall of Fame, and 18 great grandchildren and 1 great, great grandson. We send our deepest condolences to Beryl, Rick and Lorraine and families.

Doug was born in Minnipa in 1926 and enlisted in Australia’s war effort in 1944, attaining the rank of Leading Aircraftman. He was well known for his aviation skills - in fact he would fly his single engine plane to Adelaide to attend the AHA|SA Council meetings every month!

“The AHA|SA has developed an extensive resource handbook available on our website and we have the expertise to help you start that process.” The AHA|SA has developed an extensive resource handbook available on our website  and we have the expertise to help you start that process (please note members must be logged in to access resources). The Government’s failure to mandate puts every SA business at some risk of litigation, protest and abuse. That said, the sooner you action a double vaccination plan, the sooner you will enjoy improved trading conditions.

Ian Horne, AHA|SA General Manager Back to Contents

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Scott’s Spot Hello all and welcome to the Christmas edition of Scott’s Spot. This month’s edition will cover the usual short stories, and any random photo observations over the last month. REGIONAL MEETINGS At the time of writing, there has been one Regional held this month which covered the Yorke Peninsula at the Kadina Hotel . Not wanting to sound like a broken record, however, we had over 55 members and corporate partners attend this meeting with the al fresco dining area packed to the rafters. A massive thanks to Jo and Darren Cave (pictured below) along with the wonderful staff at the hotel for hosting this event on a perfect November day. The final Regional of the year is being held at the Marina Hotel  in Port Lincoln so looking forward to reporting in the New Year. The weather will be superb once again.

In the new AHA|SA Podcast, “Our Shout”, I have had the pleasure of interviewing many hotel identities. I recently met with Anna Hurley, Hotel Manager of the Marion Hotel , recently named Hotel of the Year 2021, jointly with the Bridgeport Hotel  in Murray Bridge, with the Marion going back-to-back! Thanks to Anna for providing insights into the success of the Marion Hotel.

Anna Hurley being interviewed for the “Our Shout” podcast.

Below is a photo of the Streaky Bay Hotel  team, that came across my desk, after hosting a Tasting Australia event the “Long Table Lunch – A Taste Of Streaky Bay” earlier this year. A beautiful photo on what would have been a wonderful day.

Kadina hosts, Jo and Darren Cave, along with the outdoor dining area (below) which Darren renovated through COVID-19 2020.

The Streaky Bay Hotel team.

A couple of outdoor snaps of the Rising Sun  in Port Wakefield. Fantastic venue and hospitality.

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On the road The Rising Sun in Port Wakefield.

Welcome to the Arthurton Hotel .

Beautiful views from the Sailmaster Hotel  deck.

 A couple of dining room shots from the renovated Cremorne Hotel . Didier from the AHA|SA typically finds himself in first photo if you look closely.

A couple of snaps of the award winning, Maylands Hotel .

Finally, congratulations to Darren and Kelly Beare, and all other parties involved, for owning and managing the Cremorne Hotel for 20 years. Have a safe, enjoyable and prosperous festive season, and fingers crossed 2022 brings some normality, which I may have said this time last year. Remember to send through your stories! Always a good chat with Dom at the Freeling Hotel .

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Until next year, bye for now.

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AHA|SA Donates $35,000 to Foodbank SA Meat Program Pubs with Heart (formerly known as Hotel Care) was established in 1994 by the South Australian Hotel Industry and Licensed Clubs Association, through the Independent Gaming Corporations and generates a pool of funding through its hotel members to give back in the way of community support. Since its inception the funding has provided over $21million to over 150 South Australian causes – vulnerable groups, people with disability, childhood diseases to name a few. Pubs with Heart is exactly that – showing the generosity of industry to assist those in need. Foodbank SA is the largest food relief organisation in South Australia. Their mission is to end hunger.

Foodbank SA provides enough food to put nearly seven million meals on the table of those in need across SA. We support more than 135,000 South Australians with food relief every month. One third of these are children. The Pubs with Heart funding underpins their Foodbank Meat Program in the Foodbank Food Hubs. Foodbank need up to 10 tonne of meat per month to meet the current levels of demand in their Food Hubs across the state. They currently are only able to supply up to five tonnes. The Foodbank Food Hubs provide a dignified shopping experience for South Australians that are referred in their times of need. Food Hubs are located across the state in Edwardstown, Elizabeth, Christies Beach, Woodville, Murray Bridge, Whyalla, Mount Gambier, Ceduna and two Mobile Food Hubs that support regional SA including Berri, Renmark, Waikerie, Barmera, Kadina, Clare, Port Lincoln, Victor Harbor, Mount Barker, Peterborough, Lobethal and Aldinga. The Meat Program enables Foodbank to provide up to an additional 11,000kg+ of meat on the table of those in need, the equivalent of more than 22,000+ meals. SOCIAL RETURN ON INVESTMENT According to an independent study into Foodbank’s social return on investment, Foodbank’s food assistance not only addresses people’s immediate nutrition needs but also contributes to improvements in their health, emotional wellbeing, sense of self-worth, social relationships and ultimately overall standard of living. Combined with the environmental savings of food not going to waste, the benefit to the individual and the broader community that flows from every kilogram of food distributed by Foodbank is valued at $23. The SROI on the Pubs with Heart Funding based solely on the 11,000kg = $250,000+ impact in the South Australian community. The announcement of the funding was made as part of the 2021 AHA|SA President’s Christmas Lunch presentation on 7 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre. A symbolic correlation will be drawn between each of the 350 guests in attendance representing 200 meals from each person to support providing food to the vulnerable in society.

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A brilliant turn-out with over 150 Women in Hotels and corporate partners at The Highway  network and fundraiser. Over $2,800 raised for the raffle for Junction Australia and a massive collection of items going to the many women in need across SA this Christmas. A cause very close to our hearts. Thank you to all the generous people who supported this important event. #sahotels

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n In Hotels


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Is There Such a Thing as a Pain-Free Business Loan? Many business owners and operators might think of the pain-free business loan like a unicorn – a mythical creature that is the stuff of legend. While “pain-free” might very well depend on your definition of the term, there are certainly ways to circumvent the seemingly endless cycle of repetitive admin and paperwork that normally tends to be the source of most headaches. For many publicans, investing in new or upgraded equipment and technology can be a key driver of growth that will allow you to take your operations to the next level. So, when considering any kind of business loan, such as equipment finance, exploring all the options available at the best available rate can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help smooth the lending experience and position you to get the most out of your providers. GET CLEAR ON WHAT FINANCING OPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE The most common product for financing assets such as motor vehicles, fit-outs or gaming machines is an equipment finance facility. Under this arrangement, usually with a bank, your business owns the asset, while the lender holds it as security in the event of default. An alternative to this is entering into a hire arrangement or operating lease with a lender. This kind of arrangement may potentially provide you with additional flexibility to own or upgrade the asset at the end of a lease or hire term. Effectively, you rent the item of equipment from the lender at an agreed rate for an agreed period, after which you can either choose to return it, purchase it outright by paying the remaining balance, or refinance the remaining balance over a further term. As Bruce Debenham, Perks Director of Banking and Finance  explains, there are some key differences between hire and lease arrangements that will determine which is suitable for your business.

“Certain assets may not be eligible for finance. For this reason, it is always best to discuss the assets and the funding you need to acquire those assets with a commercial finance broker  who will have access to a wide variety of lenders and be able to assess the most suitable option for your business,” he says. “Funding the cost to purchase plant and equipment is no different to any other key business decision – you really need to do your research and take the time to investigate the best option.” Another important factor to consider is the impact on the profit and the Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA), as different facility structures can lead to different outcomes. For example, for those businesses that have facilities that exceed $3 million, the lender may consider implementing financial covenants based on the EBITDA. In such cases, an equipment finance lease may be more preferable to an operating lease. This is because the interest cost of the equipment finance lease does not impact EBITDA, whereas the operating lease payment will impact EBITDA. NEGOTIATING THE BEST DEAL Dealing with lenders can be a time-consuming process and the back and forth can take hours and days of your time – time that many would argue, is better spent focusing on your business operations. This is where it can be potentially beneficial to engage the services of a finance broker. With access to many lenders, a broker can manage the entire process on your behalf, making sure that the process of negotiating finance is as painless and efficient as possible. This includes sourcing and assessing rates, terms and facilities from a wide network of lenders. A seasoned commercial finance broker is well positioned to give advice on which equipment finance options are best suited to your business , taking into account all aspects of your current situation. OUTSOURCE DOTTING THE I ’S & CROSSING THE T’S

“It really depends on your individual circumstances and the type of asset you’re after as to which will be the right option. It may be that for something like a vehicle, you want to enter into an operating lease arrangement, which will provide you with greater flexibility to upgrade in the future, while certain plant and equipment might have a longer useful life and could better fit the profile of an equipment loan or an equipment finance facility.”

When it comes to securing a loan for your business, there are a lot of steps you need to take to apply for, and successfully acquire, finance without delay. Having an expert to assist you with the process to ensure you have submitted all the necessary supporting documents can be key to a seamless lending process.

However, as Bruce notes, the eligibility of certain assets will depend on the individual lender and type of finance arrangement you seek.

Importantly, an experienced finance broker is also across the detail, so you don’t have to be. They help ensure that you don’t get caught out by any unexpected

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clauses or conditions which could impact the overall cost during and at the end of the finance term. RESEARCH BIG BANKS AND FIN-TECH LENDERS Getting transparency and access to great loan facilities can be limited to the scope of your current network. Researching other lending options with competitor banks and also expanding your search to include reputable fin-tech lenders can help to surface a greater number of options. Many of our clients have found that banking options can rely heavily on pre-existing relationships, so gaining the same level of transparency and insight from banks and other financiers that you may not have dealt with in the past can be challenging. Even if you are at the stage of shopping around, this is a scenario where speaking to other business owners, or cutting down the research time by engaging a finance broker with a dedicated team focused on equipment finance facilities, can be to your advantage. “So much of what is negotiable and available with lenders, especially the big four banks, can come down to personal relationships within the bank. This is such a critical part of getting the workflows right,” shares Bruce. “You can very quickly understand a lot about a commercial finance broker’s ability to get access to equipment loans quickly, and at the best available rate, based on their work experience and time in the industry.” MAXIMISE YOUR TIME WHEN SHOPPING FOR A LOAN In a highly competitive lending market, there are many options available for business owners seeking finance. It can, however, be an incredibly timeconsuming process to seek out the best rate from so many different lenders.

Pat Hodby

Where possible, a savvy broker should be able to work with you to ask for the information once and extrapolate from that the needs of all the various lenders that they will research for your equipment loan. Casting the net wide with the variety of lenders now available to the commercial market should not equate to multiplying the workload if you can help it. CAPITALISE ON THE OPPORTUNITY OF NOW On the back of a revolving door of operating restrictions , this ever-evolving economic environment presents a unique opportunity for savvy business operators to map out a strategy that will get them ahead of the pack. Sam Wagner , Director of Accounting  notes that those business owners who plan ahead now will be the ones to emerge stronger out of this economic downturn. “For those that are using the time productively to develop their businesses plan in a post-pandemic world, there will be many opportunities to be found.” “Importantly, for those eager to pursue growth or to increase your business’ efficiency by upgrading equipment, now is the prime time to be making those investments.” Given the current low-rate environment, there is certainly a strong case to be made for key asset purchases to be aligned to your broader strategic goals. The fact that you can receive the full tax deduction (in some circumstances) before you have finished paying for the asset provides a short to medium term cashflow benefit. In some cases where the asset cannot be written off at purchase, such as structural work, an operating lease may actually be more effective. Regardless, we would strongly recommend you discuss with your business adviser or accountant if unsure about which qualifies for what.

Pat Hodby  and Tom Paine  are Directors at Perks , South Australia’s leading privately-owned accounting and private wealth firm. They are the driving force behind the Perks Hospitality specialisation team and have both provided key advisory and operational support to a number of owner-operators in the sector, ranging from the structuring of their business, to back-of-house bookkeeping, to the streamlining and digitization of their support systems. Pat is also an active industry advocate for publicans and the hospitality industry and owns a successful pub in the Adelaide Hills.

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Tom Paine

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It was 1966 when Fred and Lorna Hamood purchased the old Reservoir Hotel. The couple, who shared a history as hoteliers, knocked down the original building and built a larger, more modern hotel in its place, which they ran for a number of years. After Fred and Lorna released the reins, the hotel was leased to various owners until the time came for the Hamood family to return to its helm. As of 2009, Rezz  has been owned and operated by the Hamoods: Richard and Rana, and Fred and Sue-Anne.

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This year, the “New Rezz” was unveiled, in a $7 million redevelopment Richard calls “part of a 100-year plan.” “The old hotel was underdeveloped as far as the resources of the land, and had an old building,” he said. “I think it had lost its identity. It wasn’t relevant to the current marketplace.”

“Rezz has three main areas: Café and Kids Zone... Z Cocktail Bar and Restaurant... Sports Bar and Beer Garden” The redevelopment was managed by Studio Nine Architects and Pascale Construction, a partnership Richard says will continue as the rest of the plan unfolds. He calls the new building “a cross between a hotel, a café and a resort.” Rezz has three main areas: • Café - a casual dining space with an indoor kids play space “Kids Zone”, outdoor terraces and lawns.



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Proudly supplying the Rezz Hotel

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JFloors are your local one-stop shop for all residential and commercial flooring solutions. We handle supply and installation for all kinds of under-foot options from carpet, vinyl, and timber. COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS

p (08) 7200 3330 m 0401 849 905 e

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Our flooring options cater for all types of commercial buildings from small retail through to large office spaces, high rise projects, and everything in between. The visuals of your business have a significant impact on what your customers think and how your staff feel; this is why we work closely with commercial clients to achieve the right flooring design for their needs. Our team is continually updating their knowledge of all available products and applications, so you can trust that JFloors has the best solution for your situation, every time.

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• Z Cocktail Bar and Restaurant - ideal for a sit-down meal, wine, cocktails and gins • Sports Bar - with 16 local and imported beers on tap • Plus the latest addition to the space, Business Pods, a small workspace outside the office or home. The fit-out is light and bright, and brickwork features heavily. The ceilings are high, and the kitchen is open. Perhaps the most unique design element is an expansive circular area where the main bar is situated, which Richard refers to as the “piazza” or the “promenade”.

When We Build, We Build Relationships

Since 1982 Pascale Construction has proudly delivered multiple construction projects across the hospitality sector. Our recent accomplishment, the Rezz Hotel, was our client’s vision in the making for more than 10 years and we are thrilled to have been integral as the build partner to bring it to life. Pascale Construction specialise in projects of unique complexity, which often require unwavering attention to detail, a dedicated commitment, and a personalised touch. We pride ourselves on our high-quality workmanship and a hassle-free build for our clients.


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“We always wanted to create this place where people could meet, and the best feeling I got for that was a piazza or promenade,” he said. “You go to Europe, in particular Italy, and the piazza is really the centre. It’s the heartbeat of the town. “We wanted to create that outside feel, inside.” Richard’s commitment to Rezz being a place for the community echoes the old Reservoir Hotel, which serviced workers from the nearby reservoir.

“You go to Europe, in particular Italy, and the piazza is really the centre. It’s the heartbeat of the town. We wanted to create that outside feel, inside.” “The demographic is broad because the offer - and the target market - changes depending on what time of day it is,” he said.

Skala Bakery is a proud supplier of the Rezz.


Since 1952, Skala has proudly carried on the traditions of artisan baking - making delicious breads, pastries and cakes with South Australian hands, and serving South Australian customers.

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Wholesale Retail 08 8240 2001 @skalabakery

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Hospitality & Commercial Furniture

Proud suppliers of commercial furniture to Rezz Hotel

48 Birralee Rd, Regency Park SA 5010 08 8232 4262 |

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26/11/2021 11:59:06 AM

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Midfield Food Services is proud to be a supply partner to the Rezz Hotel. Suppliers of quality meat products to the food service industry since 2004.

P 08 8368 5232 | E

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“The restaurant in the morning is aimed at business groups, then there’s the lunchtime trade, and in the evening you might have functions. “After that, it becomes the spill-out room for people who want to go to the Z Bar and have a nice cocktail or a gin or something like that.” The Hamoods also wanted Rezz to appeal to patrons with an appreciation for quality food. “We’ve got the provedore when you enter the building, and that starts the food journey,” said Richard. “People see the great food that’s on offer, with the cured meats and the antipasto platters, then they see the spectacular pizza oven and the Spanish churros fryer, Back to Contents

Congratulations to the Rezz Hotel on the new redevelopment. 88 Exeter Terrace, Dudley Park 5008 | 08 8234 9600 |

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the chargrilled steaks being cooked, the great coffee, and the kitchen, which is open … people come knowing they’re in for a really great food experience that’s affordable.” Rezz is staffed entirely by members of the local community and the Hamoods want it to be a desirable place to work. “The kitchen is designed so that the staff aren’t hidden behind four walls, so they had to be working in a really nice environment. “The customer appreciates the staff in the kitchen because they can see how hard they’re working, they can see that this is a genuine food outlet. “I hope we’ve been able to create that.” The 100-year plan, which Richard says is not just for the Hamoods, but for the whole community, has a number of stages. Stage two is the relocation of the bottle shop so it can be seen by passing traffic. Stage three features another ambitious build. “In the next 18 months, we’ll commence work on a 300-person function centre on top of the existing building. That will complement Thorndon Park across the road,” he said. “The stage after that, we’ll look back at our original plan to build 80 rooms of accommodation.”

Thus far, the locals have embraced this latest iteration of Rezz and if all goes to plan, the community will come together at Rezz for many, many years to come.


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“Rezz is staffed entirely by members of the local community and the Hamoods want it to be a desirable place to work.” REZZ, SA

ElectraSol were proud to be involved with the iconic Rezz Hotel project. Congratulations to Richard, Fred and the whole team!

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HOSTPLUS DELIVERS A PERSONAL BEST RETURN OF 21.3%^ IN 2021 Not only has Hostplus delivered its best ever single-year return for its Balanced (MySuper) Option, we’ve delivered top returns over the long term . Good numbers however you read it and a real WIN WIN for our members’ retirement savings. #

^Hostplus’ Balanced (MySuper) Option net annual return 2021. #20-year investment returns as reported in SuperRatings Accumulation Fund Crediting Rate Survey – SR50 Balanced (60-76) Index, 30 June 2021. Host-Plus Pty Limited ABN 79 008 634 704, AFSL 244392 as trustee for the Hostplus Superannuation Fund (the Fund) ABN 68 657 495 890, MySuper No 68 657 495 890 198. This information is general advice only and does not take into account your personal objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider if this information is appropriate for you in light of your circumstances before acting on it. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance and should never be the sole factor considered when selecting a superannuation fund. Please read the relevant Hostplus Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD), available at before making a decision about Hostplus. HP1548

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A H A | S A

P R E S I D E N T ’ S

More than 280 guests attended the annual President’s Lunch on Tuesday 7 December at the Adelaide Convention Centre . The event was a great success and had many politicians, business owners and special guests in attendance including Premier Steven Marshall, Opposition Leader Peter Malinauskas, Lord Mayor Sandy Verschoor and many state MPs, MLC, business leaders, media and key hotel stakeholders.


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The lunch was a prime opportunity for both the Premier and the Leader of the Opposition to share their ambitions with the industry ahead of the March 2022 election, and for the AHA|SA President David Basheer, to highlight the AHA|SA’s policy priorities. The AHA|SA, through its Pubs with Heart initiative, was also very pleased to donate $35,000 to Foodbank SA, which will provide 70,000 meals to help feed South Australians in need.

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President ’s Lunch


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Looking Forward to 2022: What’s Topical in IR OWEN WEBB - AHA|SA WORKPLACE RELATIONS MANAGER There is no doubt that from an industrial relations and human resources perspective, the last 12 months have thrown up some interesting “curve balls” for South Australian hospitality venues. Employers have had to manage the morale of their staff whilst contending with border closures, the policing of customers with ongoing restrictions to activities, a snap lockdown in July and the wellrecognised issue of the severe staff shortage across the industry. But as we move into the Christmas and New Year period and look forward to what 2022 brings us, we look at some of the topical issues that we will face in 2022 as an industry from a workplace relations perspective and what the implications are of those issues. VACCINATIONS IN THE WORKPLACE Vaccinations in the workplace and the question of whether to introduce workplace policies to mandate

COVID-19 vaccination for staff has certainly been a hot topic of debate right across the country in the latter half of 2021. Most other states and territories outside of South Australia have introduced at some point in time, laws through public health orders or emergency directions which require hospitality staff, by a particular date, to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 for them to be able to continue to be rostered to work on the licensed premises. These new laws have also introduced requirements for customers to also be fully vaccinated to be able to enter a licensed premise. South Australia however is in somewhat of a unique position in comparison to most other states and territories. At the time of writing this article, the South Australian Government has chosen not to introduce laws mandating COVID-19 vaccinations for employees working in the hospitality sector, apart from

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those working in a medi-hotel environment. So for South Australian hospitality venues we have moved into unchartered waters from an industrial relations perspective as venues weigh up the question of whether to introduce mandatory workplace COVID-19 vaccination policies for their staff. In the absence of any state government enforced laws on mandatory vaccination for hospitality staff, some venues, particularly some of the larger establishments, have chosen to introduce their own workplace policies on mandatory COVID-19 vaccination. So the question that beckons now and into 2022 for South Australian hospitality employers is where do they stand when it comes to directing staff to be vaccinated in the absence of any state government enforced laws? Back to Contents

LAWFUL AND REASONABLE DIRECTION We know that an employer can direct employees to get vaccinated where: • A specific law (such as a state public health order/emergency direction) requires an employee to be vaccinated; or • they have written permission to do so (such as under an employment contract or enterprise agreement which requires an employee to have the COVID-19 vaccination); or • the direction to be vaccinated is considered a “lawful and reasonable direction”. So what is of most significance for South Australian hospitality venues is the issue around whether a direction would be considered lawful and reasonable. The Fair Work Ombudsman has been helpful in providing more details on what factors may be considered relevant when determining whether an employer direction to an employee to be vaccinated is reasonable or not. Factors include but are not limited to: • The nature of each workplace (for example, the extent to which employees need to work in customer facing roles) • The extent of community transmission of COVID-19 in the location where the direction is to be given, including the risk of transmission of the Delta variant among employees, customers or other members of the community. • The terms of any public health order/emergency direction in place where the workplace is located • The effectiveness of the vaccine in reducing transmission of serious illness • Work health and safety obligations • Each employees’ circumstances, including their duties and the risks associated with their work Back to Contents

• Whether employees have a legitimate reason for not being vaccinated (for example a medical reason. With the decision from the South Australian Government to open the borders to interstate travellers on 23 November 2021, the likelihood of community transmission and spread of the virus in South Australia is much greater, putting employees in the hospitality environment at much greater risk of contracting the virus when compared to the risks before the borders were opened. In the absence of any state public health order/emergency direction for hospitality staff to be compulsorily vaccinated, an employer’s direction to employees in a hospitality environment in South Australia is likely to now be considered much more reasonable given the much higher likelihood of community transmission of COVID-19 occurring in the state. An employer direction to get the COVID-19 vaccination will be also be lawful if: • it does not breach any terms of the employment contract, any applicable award or enterprise agreement; and • it does not breach any applicable Commonwealth, state or territory law (for example, antidiscrimination laws), that apply to the employees. Under Australia’s anti-discrimination law, it is unlawful to treat a person less favourably on the basis of protected attributes, including gender, race, religion, disability or age. Mandating vaccination will not result in “direct discrimination” as an employee’s decision to refuse vaccination is not an attribute protected by any Australian discrimination laws. However, “indirect discrimination” is also prohibited by discrimination laws and could arise in certain circumstances.

MANDATORY WORKPLACE VACCINATION POLICIES The AHA|SA has provided through an “Employer Guide” information to Members on mandatory workplace vaccination policies for their staff including a template covering letter and policy. It is important to ensure that when looking to introduce such a policy, the following considerations are made: • Providing a period of consultation with your staff and any of their representative prior to the implementation of such a policy. • Consultation with any employee representatives such as Unions, particularly where a Union is a party to any Enterprise Agreement or Collective Agreement. • Providing a realistic timeframe for when the first and second dose vaccinations would be required, taking into consideration vaccine availability and mandatory times between doses. • Providing a clear outline of what would occur to those employees that choose not to be vaccinated. For example whether they would be transferred into another role, whether they would be allowed access to paid leave before being required to take leave without pay, and whether ultimately their employment could be terminated if they remain unvaccinated. There is no doubt that workplace vaccination policies for COVID-19 will need to be fine-tuned and adapted into 2022 as the levels of risk may change with the introduction of variant strains into the country and as the need for booster jabs becomes increasingly important. NEW EMPLOYEES Implementing workplace policies around vaccination is one thing for existing employees but there is also the need to ensure that the risks from COVID-19 in the workplace are minimised into the future.

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Increasingly employers are now placing terms into their standard contracts of employment to ensure that any new employees are fully vaccinated prior to commencement as part of their conditions of employment. As we potentially reduce the levels of restrictions close to Christmas this will no doubt become a popular way of ensuring that as new employees come into an employer’s business in 2022, the levels of vaccination across the workforce are maintained or potentially even increased. The AHA|SA can assist members with any enquiries they may have in relation to COVID-19 vaccination contract terms. WORK HEALTH & SAFETY OBLIGATIONS The South Australian Government’s decision to open the borders on 23 November 2021 was an important reminder that COVID-19 is still widespread across the world and that it is going to be more important than ever for the hospitality industry in 2022 to focus on the importance of work health and safety. Employers have a duty under the Work Health & Safety Act 2012 (SA) to ensure that they maintain a safe environment for their employees and also anyone who enters the premises. Part of maintaining a safe environment is to ensure that for hospitality venues they eliminate, or if that is not reasonably practicable, minimise the risks of COVID-19 in the workplace so far as is reasonably practicable. Employers need to ensure so far is reasonably practicable that they put control measures in place to minimise the risks of COVID-19 in the workplace. Such control measures can include: • Ensuring employees do not come to work when unwell • Practising social distancing • Improving ventilation, where appropriate • Practising and promoting good hygiene

• Increasing cleaning and maintenance, and • Wearing masks It is going to be even more critical now and into 2022 for employers to consult with their employees, assess any risks and hazards in the workplace and implement consistent and comprehensive practices and policies in relation to their workplace cleaning and hygiene standards. VISA CHANGES TO ALLEVIATE STAFFING SHORTAGES One of the consistent messages from hospitality employers in 2020 and 2021 has been just how difficult it is to find staff. The staffing shortages have been crippling to the hospitality sector with some businesses having to close at certain times because they simply cannot find enough staff to work across the businesses’ opening hours. One of the major contributing factors to these staffing shortages has been the lack of skilled migrants, international students and working holiday makers. Many of these migrants were left with no other choice but to leave Australia in 2020 to return to their homelands, unable to access government assistance packages such as the JobKeeper Program. It has been pleasing to see that there have been several key visa changes recently announced by the Federal Government that will help to alleviate the dire staff shortages across the country. These changes build on the announcement that fully vaccinated eligible temporary and provisional visa holders may enter Australia without a travel exemption from 15 December 2021.

• Extending for a further six-months, Visa Application Charge waivers for new Visitor visa applicants overseas where their visa expired, or will expire, between 1 January 2022 and 30 June 2022. • Allowing Temporary Graduate visa holders, who have been unable to travel to Australia as a result of COVID-19 international border restrictions, to apply for a replacement visa. • Increasing the length of stay on Temporary Graduate visas in the Masters by Coursework and Vocation Education and Training (VET) streams. • Simplifying the requirements for Temporary Graduate visa applicants for VET sector graduates. • Extending the existing measure for student and temporary graduates to recognise time spent offshore studying online to count towards qualifying for a Temporary Graduate visa application. • From 1 January 2022, Switzerland becoming the 45th country to have access to Australia’s Working Holiday Maker program. Young people from Switzerland, aged between 18 and 30, will be able to apply to stay in Australia for one year while undertaking short-term work and study. • Extending measures to further support New Zealand citizens adversely impacted by COVID-19 who are on a pathway to permanent residence.

Key visa changes include:

• Opening the pathways to permanent residence from 5 March 2022 for eligible Hong Kong and British National (Overseas) (BNO) passport holders, through two new visa streams.

• Improved access to permanent residence for Existing Temporary Skill Shortage (subclass 482) visa holders in the short-term stream and Legacy Temporary Work Skilled (subclass 457) visa holders who no longer meet the age requirement.

These changes to visa conditions and the return of international students and skilled migrants from December 2021 is certainly welcome news for the hospitality industry and will ensure that as we go into 2022 there will be a greater supply of labour available to fill the current shortages.

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The Bridgeport Hotel team accept the ‘Best Overall Hotel’ award at the 2021 AHA|SA Hotel Industry Awards for Excellence.


WHAT IS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE WIN TO THE HOTEL GROUP? “The Bridgeport has been such a labour of love for our owners, Ian Tregoning and Graham Hobbs. To win Best Overall Hotel vindicates their early vision and their persistence. “I think the first drawings took place back in May 2012 and it's well documented that we spent six years in planning, fighting tooth and nail to get through to the point where we could even start construction.” IT REALLY WAS A VERY STRATEGIC VISIONARY MOVE. YOU ARE IN SUCH A GO-AHEAD AREA OF THE STATE.

“Of course, the timing has been great. We're coming online at a time when Monarto is about to spend significant money on their operations and The Bend Motorsport Park has been a great success for the state. “There is also a myriad of other business development investment going on in the region at the moment. I SAW THE OWNERS’ REACTION ON THE NIGHT. HOW DID STAFF IN THE HOTEL REACT TO THE NEWS? “Staff were over the moon. “It's really difficult to describe to anyone the enormity of opening a hotel of this scale from scratch.

“That’s very true. A lot of people have assumed that we were backing on to projects like The Bend etc. with this development.

“Just opening the doors with effectively 150 staff that are largely new to the industry, and the excitement that goes with that, but also the challenges staff face until your systems etc. are bedded in.

“But when you look at the chronology, and how far back it was, it really does show how visionary Ian and Graham were for the region, well before many of these other major developments were in the pipeline.

“All of our staff went through the hard yards early on. To come out the other side with the ultimate accolade of being Hotel of the Year gives them a sense of pride and achievement for all the hard work that they've put in.

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“We have had a huge team involved with this project. You also have to remember that we are unlike most of our contemporaries. Due to our scale and our sister business, Living Choice Australia, our design team is all in-house, the architectural team is in-house, our builders are in-house and we operate the hotel in-house.” IS THERE ANY PARTICULAR PART OF THE HOTEL THAT'S GOING GANGBUSTERS OR HAS SURPRISED YOU HOW POPULAR IT IS? “The whole place is going gangbusters. “Food and beverage, in particular, has been fantastic. “We’ve been really happy with the way our food department has gone as that shows us that we're bringing a lot of people to the region to see our hotel. “In hearing from the other hoteliers in the town, they haven't been overly impacted.

“It's really difficult to describe to anyone the enormity of opening a hotel of this scale from scratch... with effectively 150 staff that are largely new to the industry... but also the challenges staff face until your systems etc. are bedded in.”

“That is a really positive story from our point of view. We obviously want to entertain the locals as much as possible, but we also aim to bring new visitors to the Greater Murraylands.

“Accommodation has been building organically. Unfortunately, we opened up straight into a lockdown in July, so border closures and other COVID-19 restrictions have certainly had some impact on us.

“Given the trading results and the sheer volume of people coming through the doors, we are clearly achieving that at the moment.

“We’re very, very happy with how it’s building though and, heading into the summer months, bookings are looking fantastic.



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“Whilst the whole industry has traded around COVID-19 restrictions, we have certainly been impacted by the resulting postponement of a number of major corporate events and conferencing bookings. The venue has been designed to cater for these activities, in particular, and they certainly bolster accommodation.

we're doing anywhere now and moving into the future.

“A number of customers have postponed major events in the first six months of the year, because of the uncertainty around COVID-19 restrictions and fear over things changing by the time they get to the event.

“This award will certainly help us market into those markets.”

“It's just a wonderful accolade. “We're really keen to use it as the borders are opening up, to really market into those interstate areas that we haven't pushed too hard into yet for obvious reasons.


“Thankfully, many of these are postponements only and are re-booked for early 2022, which is great. Hopefully we are all operating with more certainty by then.

“Ian probably mentioned on the night we opened that we're renovating already.

“We’re obviously all just moving with the times as they strike us at the moment.

“It's one of those things - we're in a world that moves very fast.

“We have also had a number of local events like the Pedal Prix and rowing regattas etc., cancelled for COVID-19 reasons. Obviously, these will have had an impact on us as well.

“We certainly aim to be as contemporary as we can, and remain so well into the future. Where we can improve, we are definitely not afraid to continue reinvesting in the site.

“But to be honest, given how well we are going at the moment, the sky’s the limit for us once we do get back to a level of normality.”

“Having said that, there’s isn’t too much that I think we’ve gotten wrong at this stage.


“We’re pretty happy with what we’ve got, and look forward to developing more on our systems, moving with the times as new opportunities and technologies emerge, especially in the digital space.

“It's certainly been a key focus in recent times and will obviously be a pillar in any form of marketing that

“For future business and marketing, we certainly want to embrace those technologies as much as we can.”

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For more information, visit Congratulations to The Hurley Group Marion Hotel & The EDP’s Bridgeport Hotel for this year’s AHA | SA Hotel Industry Awards For Excellence!

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“Staffing is an issue for everyone at the moment but it’s also a key ingredient in winning such an award.” AND SO HOW ARE YOU APPROACHING STAFFING AND SKILL SHORTAGES TO BE ABLE TO MAINTAIN THE QUALITY OF THE HOTEL?

“Part of it is the massive investment that was made in the hotel. When you spend $20 million on a hotel in suburban Adelaide, you’re going to make something pretty special.

“It is a huge challenge.

“In addition to that, there’s a lot of passion that’s gone into that project from the owners, Peter and Jenny Hurley and Tony Hurley and his wife, Karen.

“So we acknowledge we’re not going to find really any experienced hospitality staff in the current market.

“But the team at the hotel is a major contributing factor, there’s a lot of super passionate people on the staff, in the head office and in the team. “It’s a massive investment that took a lot of guts and then there’s a lot of passion that’s gone into it from a group of very passionate hospitality people.

“I think we’ve just gone back to basics, which is hire for attitude, train for skill.

“So what we’re looking for is people who care about their jobs, want to do a good job, and have a happy, cheery approach to work, and who want to enjoy being at work. “We try to also then create a really fun, enjoyable work environment for them. That’s really important.”

Four Seasons Fresh Proud suppliers of fresh produce to the Hurley Hotel Group Celebrating the Marion Hotel’s success Best Overall Hotel in South Australia 2020 & 2021 Market leaders with over 25 years experience HACCP Certified and Quality Endorsed Four Seasons Fresh providing temperature controlled warehousing and distribution ensuring clients enjoy a premium product with a premier service. Contact our office to discuss how we can support your business Phone (08) 8362 8201 | Email

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The Marion Hotel team celebrate their ‘Best Overall Hotel’ win at the 2021 AHA|SA Hotel Industry Awards for Excellence.


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Marion Hotel Venue Manager, Anna Hurley, saying a few words on the night.

“There has been a huge amount of change in the past 12 months. “I feel like our opening was so disrupted by COVID-19. When we reopened after COVID-19 and re-set everything up, we’ve gone about making a lot of improvements and finessing our products. “For example, getting the furniture layout right in the garden, which has changed a lot over the past 12 months. “And our thinking on what customers would want in the venue has changed a lot over the past 12 months as we’ve learned what they really want. It is a constant evolution of a hotel. We’re not standing still, we are continuing to improve in all aspects of what we’re providing.

“I feel like our opening was so disrupted by COVID-19. When we reopened after COVID-19 and re-set everything up, we’ve gone about making a lot of improvements and finessing our products.”

“But the whole team at the hotel and in the head office has an attitude of continuous improvement of services and of products and everything we do. Trying to be more efficient, trying to make life easier for the staff and trying to create more enjoyment for our customers. “We’re always looking at what we’re doing and see how we can do it better.

“You have to remember that we had officially just reopened a hotel, so you’re not going to get everything right at first go.


“You have to change and evolve in the first few years after opening a hotel.

“The biggest standout areas for me would be certainly functions and accommodation.

Congratulations Bridgeport Hotel & Marion Hotel Joint winners of SA’s Best Overall Hotel Proudly supplied with SA made A.H. Beard beds.

For more information visit or contact Caroline Medcraft | 0428 166 215

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MARION HOTEL TEMPORARY KITCHEN On 28 May 2018, Sam McInnes visited our Marion workshop where our temporary kitchens were set up. He said that the Marion Hotel needed to shut their kitchen for six months by 14 June to start their upgrades, and that he required one of our temporary kitchens. At the time we didn’t have any kitchens available, but we wanted to help the hotel transition through their renovations. We set ourselves a challenge to build a temporary kitchen in a 20FT container in just 14 days, from start to finish, and have it on-site and operational by 12 June. We are very proud to have been a part of the Marion Hotel project by keeping them operational during their refurbishment process. The Hurley Hotel Group are a great organisation to work with and have some of the best venues in Adelaide. At TJ Hire we have a range of 20FT shipping containers to suit your needs. Temporary kitchens, dishwashing rooms, preparation rooms, combination cool and freezer rooms and, our latest addition, a 20FT beer box. The beer box features 16 taps to pour your beer and the kegs are self-contained and refrigerated. All our containers feature doorways that line up, allowing you to walk from one to the other.

For all your temporary kitchen needs, contact us:

1800 TJ HIRE (85 4473) |

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“During the expansion of the bottle shop, we always knew that was going to be successful, we always knew there was scope to improve. And it’s probably been a bit more successful than we thought, thanks to the team that works out there. “But the functions have improved out of sight in the last six months. “Our team in that area has really got our services right and has also put a lot of focus into building our corporate market for our function rooms. “We have approximately doubled our corporate functions business in the past six months, which is quite an achievement and we’re really super proud of that.

“...the whole team at the hotel and in the head office has an attitude of continuous improvement of services and of products and everything we do. Trying to be more efficient, trying to make life easier for the staff and trying to create more enjoyment for our customers.” “I think accommodation is the other area that really surprises me every day. “Notwithstanding the lockdowns and other little disruptions throughout the year, accommodation has been incredibly strong.

“The suburban accommodation and regional accommodation has been much less affected than the CBD and unfortunately, the impacts on the CBD mean we’re gaining a little bit of additional business. “Our accommodation side has really blown me away. The occupancy is much higher than we ever expected, even pre-COVID. TELL US ABOUT THE MARKETING BENEFITS OF WINNING CONSECUTIVE HOTEL OF THE YEAR AWARDS. “We have definitely been able to leverage the awards this year. “Winning these awards gives us a real opportunity to talk about what we do, and then to show people that we’ve been acknowledged in the industry is a big selling point. “Especially when it comes to areas like corporate functions, to be able to say we’re an award winning venue, two years in a row, that really grabs attention. “It definitely does make a difference to your credibility.”

Congratulations to the Hurley’s Marion Hotel from Porter & Co. Wine Merchants P: 8373 3010

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New AHA|SA Bronze Corporate Partner – Make it Cheaper Make it Cheaper is here to help members reduce and manage their energy costs. AHA|SA members will receive an obligation-free review of their energy bills and contract together with details of alternative moneysaving energy offers, where available. Many businesses in the hotel and hospitality industry typically have a high energy consumption profile and it isn't just high electricity bills, many have very high gas usage too. It can often be the case when hotels and hospitality venues are starting out, they are hesitant to commit to long term commercial contracts. For this very reason it is essential to engage with an energy

procurement specialist like Make it Cheaper to ensure you contract your business correctly. Make it Cheaper’s energy experts continually monitor the market to find great offers, and they take care of the paperwork and retailer notifications to make switching simple. Hotels that move from current contracts into the cheaper price cycle can make substantial savings, and a number of plans now offset carbon emissions from energy usage for no extra cost. For a free review of your hotel’s energy bill click here 

Chip in for Mary Potter Passes $1 Million The 10th Chip in for Mary Potter Golf day raised over $150,000 this year, taking the accumulated total to over $1.1 million. The event’s Chair, Jenny Hurley, said the funds raised will enable the completion of the refurbishment project at the Mary Potter Hospice. “October 22nd, another great day of golf, great drinks, food and camaraderie – with the weather on our side - a near perfect day,” she said. “Along with the patients, their families and the staff at the Mary Potter Hospice, plus the staff, volunteers and board of Mary Potter Foundation - I would like to express my sincere appreciation for your generous support. “And a special mention to our joint

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Major Sponsors - Coopers, Lion and CUB.” Hole Sponsors were Thomas Foods International, Peter Kittle Toyota, SA Power Networks, Hurley Hotel Group, Coca Cola, PFD Food Services, Sip’n Save, Burke Urban/Wicks Estate Wines, Franklin Advisory, Bidfood, Perks Accountants, Bradley Trade Services, Adelaide Tools, Big Screen Video (BSV) and AON. Calvary North Adelaide Hospital was drink cart sponsor. Team sponsors were Ouwens Casserly Real Estate, Diageo, JB Were, BankSA, Built, JRCM Commercial Joinery, Treasury Wine Estate, Nelson Teamwear, ANZ Bank, Hugo Wines, Lane Print and Post and Joc & Co.

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The AHA|SA held two excellent regional meetings to wrap up 2021. Thanks to Darren and Jo for hosting the AHA|SA Yorke Peninsula Regional at The Kadina Hotel  on 17 November. It was a fantastic turnout by members and our wonderful corporate partners. It was also a brilliant afternoon at the Marina Hotel  for the Eyre Peninsula regional meeting on 30 November. Special thanks to Fran, Matt and Steve for hosting this great event.

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AHA|SA PRESIDENT’S SPEECH CONTINUED... Adding another layer of regulations before we emerge from damaging and uncertain times smacks of an out of touch, unsympathetic approach with no grasp of the commercial complexities of our time. Cabinet must ensure we are given regulatory peace to reset. COVID-19 has produced a twospeed hotel economy. Venues in the regions that service tourism have done well, whilst metropolitan pubs that have seen an increase in gaming revenue have recovered after the difficulties of 2020. By heavy contrast, many of our CBD venues and metropolitan hotels with accommodation assets are in deep trouble, along with members who don’t enjoy the benefit of significant gaming or retail revenue. Our pubs are the natural home of live music and it has been difficult to watch COVID-19 directions decimate this Industry. CBD, accommodation and live music businesses will require Government assistance long after the masks come off and everyone else’s lives return to normal. LIVE MUSIC VOUCHER SCHEME The AHA|SA is calling for a live music voucher scheme, modelled around the Great State Voucher programme as a welcome concession for musicians and live music venues still waiting for their business model to be able to return. Musicians can hold these vouchers allowing bricks and mortar venues throughout the state to engage them on nights other than Friday and Saturday, when otherwise it may not be commercially viable. CITY REVIVAL FUND The CBD and North Adelaide remain the most heavily affected COVID-19 region. The State Government’s Great State vouchers and Adelaide City Council’s Come Dine With Us

programme were successful as a short term lifeline. As we transition to a sense of normality, hospitality businesses in the most brutally affected areas will need on-going consideration. We would like to see the establishment of a City Revival Fund to provide CBD licensed bricks and mortar operators grants to improve live music infrastructure, outdoor dining amenities and signage. MENTAL HEALTH AND WELL BEING Mental Health has emerged as a worrying industry issue. This 21- month, white knuckle ride has seen operators and staff become vulnerable as lives are lived from press conference to press conference. COVID-19 has destroyed financial certainty and led to an unprecedented level of abuse to those who had the unfortunate task of imposing complex health orders. The wearing of masks for eight hours a day every day has done little to lift spirits. Just ask those looking after us today. This year we partnered with Employers Mutual to contribute $120,000 towards tailored industry specific mental health programmes. Mental Health issues are not overcome overnight and we are continuing discussions with the Breakthrough Foundation on further initiatives. We are urging the next State Government to provide $600,000 over two years to work with us, as the peak body, on a mental health and wellbeing support package to assist operators and workers in our sector. This funding will also support preventive initiatives leading to a healthy workforce. Assistance must remain for those left behind in the cause of keeping all South Australians safe. SKILLS SHORTAGE CRISIS Without doubt the greatest operational issue confronting our members is the skills shortage

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crisis. According to the National Skills Commission’s Recruitment report, two thirds of hospitality employers surveyed this year reported difficulties in recruiting. This compares to 41% of employers across all industries. Now is the time to pursue landmark reforms. Last month, hospitality vacancies across the country peaked at 97,375 positions. Responsibility lies with both levels of Government to remedy this issue and ensure the crippling labour shortage does not limit our recovery. The closing of international borders has exposed our industry’s reliance on skilled and in some cases unskilled migration. Our hotels are keen to train. Many of our larger operators have employed full time trainers and developed academy programmes, but it is clear our immediate issue is a numbers game. We applaud the Federal Government’s announcement to ramp up its skilled migration intake. Now, we urgently require the further loosening of migration criteria to fill the needs of the contemporary labour market. It is imperative that chefs, cooks and hotel & restaurant managers are able to secure a pathway to permanent residency. The misconception about migrants taking our locals jobs has been laid bare by the pandemic. We crave that global talent. It is acknowledged Governments are investing into training and incentivising employers to hire apprentices and trainees. But as vacancy rates skyrocket, much of the funding has missed the target. The training programs of today are a relic of a bygone era. A four-year cooking apprenticeship no longer meet the expectations of the fast moving highly digitized world of the Gen Z’ers. This leads to high dropout rates and qualified chef shortages. Back to Contents

As an industry, we need to be invited to sit at the table with Government to deliver shorter training modules that will appeal directly to today’s plugged in young adults, whilst not compromising this State’s fabulous food culture. Industry bodies with an appetite to drive training should be financially supported to do so. In 2015, recurrent Government funding was diverted from the highly successful Industry group training models. The deteriorating chef shortage stands as a monument to that policy failure.

The AHA|SA would like Government to mount a serious campaign reassuring school leavers and mature employees hospitality is a noble and fulfilling pursuit. A campaign that can celebrate the renowned food, wine and tourism opportunities our State can offer. Government policies must reflect we need help now. LIQUOR LICENSING

South Australians deserve a nimble training system that aligns with today’s expectations of both employer and trainee and offers lifelong opportunities for our people Due to COVID-19 uncertainties our brand has been trashed for current and prospective employees. We need assistance to get enthusiastic and skilled staff, stolen from us due

Liquor Production and Sales Licence – cellar door licenses if you likehave been approved. Rather than be granted in traditional locations, these have been issued for locations predominantly in suburbia – even private homes. Essentially, small bars in the suburbs circumventing Parliamentary approval.

to COVID-19 directions, back in our venues.

There is an obligation the granting of liquor licenses reflects the wishes of the Parliament. The ongoing deregulation of the liquor Licensing act - largely through interpretation rather than law - has seen a devaluing of a hotel license. What’s worse, there is no level playing field. Hotels seemingly carry regulatory burdens spared to some newer entries. Since February, 35 applications for a

There are mounting concerns these licenses are trading beyond their conditions. A cursory scan of their social media sites reveals many are not simply sampling their own produce, but carry full beer and spirit offers. To appreciate how far liquor licensing laws have moved in a short period, now your local snack bar or Bean Bar café can sell liquor free of many of the obligations imposed on traditional venues. This includes the cornerstone of responsible service of alcohol - the requirement for a trained Responsible Person on duty.

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Photo by Olivia Dowling

The Bean Bar now proudly displays signage promoting a bucket of four beers for $20 or an expresso martini for $14. It is difficult to envisage this was ever the intention of the recent Anderson review into licensing endorsed by both sides of politics. To add salt to the wound, there is proposed legislation to permanently enshrine a temporary COVID-19 provision allowing that very same Bean Bar or snack bar to sell take away liquor. The AHA|SA opposes such a move. Not only because there is poor governance over these venues, but there are too many precedents where these seemingly innocuous licenses morph into larger scale operations well beyond the scope of their original intention. And history says when the spread of liquor availability occurs, /tighter regulations always seem to target established hotels and bars. TOURISM South Australia’s pre COVID-19 $8.4 billion visitor economy requires impressive funding and a strong strategic vision to be grown in an environment where competing markets aggressively share similar ambitions. Before the COVID-19 wrecking ball, Adelaide had 3000 new hotel rooms committed and now must be filled. Similarly South Australians have rediscovered their own backyard, and new regional opportunities await. We require an increased conference bid fund combined with targeted cultural and sporting events, a Bledisloe Cup would be the holy grail - enticing interstate and overseas visitors to deliver taxpayer benefits. Only last week, the WA Government announced a $24-million increase in funding for that exact purpose. The once in a generation Riverbank Arena looms as an essential piece of tourism infrastructure. We understand there are competing interests on the public purse, but this investment will allow South Australia to better position itself to

compete successfully for national and international events and conferences, whilst strengthening the Riverbank’s positioning as a world-leading tourism precinct. The Arena, as part of an expanded Adelaide Convention Centre, is the state’s best long-term opportunity to grow tourism, directly benefiting accommodation hotels and food and beverage outlets, along with regional tourism when conference delegates extend their visits. Beyond tourism dollars, this development can ignite our state, leading to significant private investment, just like the redeveloped Adelaide Oval has done. Similar to the announcement of the redevelopment plans for the Adelaide Oval, there has been a mixed response to the Arena. But remember back in 2014, it simply took a Rolling Stones concert and another Port Adelaide victory in a sold-out Showdown to deliver the Oval instant public support. Kicking the proposal down the road to future generations will see an inevitable leakage of tourism dollars to the new conference facilities in Melbourne and Sydney and the proposed 18,000-seat facility.

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FRINGE BENEFIT TAX The AHA|SA endorses two important stimulus measures ahead of the Federal election. The next Federal Government needs to scrap the Fringe Benefit Tax and allow a deduction on accommodation, meals and drinks. It is a curious inconsistency that FBT does not exist for private board room catering,/thus diverting business away from our venues. A law firm or accountancy practice can entertain staff in their own boardroom tax haven, with a generous supply of food and liquor, but a plumber cannot buy his two apprentices a thank you parmy and pint in the pub and enjoy the same tax benefit. This proposal is no Government handout with EY forecasting the elimination of FBT on hospitality would have a strong 3.25 economic multiplier benefit boosting revenue and jobs. ALCOHOL EXCISE Australia is the third highest liquor taxed country in the world, 17 times greater than Germany. Norway is the highest, but that gap is narrowing after they recently Back to Contents

reduced their beer tax by 10%. Last month, Great Britain offered the biggest tax cut for beer in 50 years in what the Chancellor described as ‘a long -term investment in British pubs’. Australia needs to be brought in line with the rest of the world and cut the tax levied on keg beer by 50%. That represents only a 2% reduction in the annual alcohol excise receipts. Most pub jobs are on-premise and with 85% of our beer consumed still brewed here in Australia, this policy will also help protect the 100,000 Australian brewing industry jobs. And any such announcement would go down very well with the punters on the eve of a Federal election. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND THANK YOUS Last month we learnt of the sad passing of our life member Doug Elefsen. Born in Minnipa, Doug bought the local pub there in 1965 and it remains in the family today. Doug represented the Eyre Peninsula on the AHA|SA Council for 31 years, making the 784 km round trip to Adelaide on a monthly basis. To Doug’s wife of 71 years, Beryl, and the family, our deepest sympathies from all in the AHA|SA community. The AHA|SA would like to acknowledge the efforts of SAPOL over this difficult time. Thank you to Commissioner Grant Stevens for your leadership and the manner in which you have balanced sometimes seemingly impossible situations. Also an acknowledgement to Assistant Commissioner Noel Bamford, Chief Superintendent Stuart McLean and Chief Inspector Daniel Way for their preparedness to consult and the consideration given to our concerns. The March election will see Rob Lucas retire after 40 years’ service to the South Australian Parliament. The AHA|SA thanks Rob for his friendship and accessibility during Back to Contents

that time. We didn’t always get what we wanted with the Treasurer; in fact, the scoreboard lent heavily the other direction. However, Rob always addressed our concerns in a respectful and considered manner. Thank you, Rob, for all you have done for South Australia and particularly our members. Also retiring from politics is the Federal Member for Boothby, Nicole Flint. Nicole has been a fierce advocate for our industry in Canberra, and we have no doubt someone of Nicole’s talent has an important future role still to play in public life. After 18 years as Lion’s SA Regional Director, Jason Bailey this year moved on. Jason remains a much-loved figure amongst our hoteliers and many a deal was done in Lion’s favour off the back of the goodwill created by Bails. Jason embedded himself in all our lives, and whenever things got a bit tough, suddenly he would bob up on our doorstep with that impish grin and an arm around the shoulder. Jason, I am just one of the many here who thank you for your friendship and your service. You and Sarah will always be part of the AHA|SA family. And following Jason’s departure, we welcome Jarrod Shattok to the role and look forward to building on our long standing partnership After our Awards for Excellence was COVID-19 cancelled last year, we held our 2020 Awards in February and our 2021 gala night in October. Congratulations to the Hurley family for winning Hotel of the Year 2020 with the Marion Hotel and again being joint winners in 2021 with the Bridgeport Hotel - the inspiration of Ian Tregoning and Graham Hobbs. Thank you to our corporate partners. Despite experiencing your own COVID-19 challenges, your commitment to us is most valued.

I am so proud to lead the current AHA|SA State Council – a team of industry leaders who advance the cause of our membership with passion, care and intellect. Particular thanks to Senior Vice president Matt Binns, Vice President Andrew Bullock, Secretary / Treasurer Sam McInnes and our Executive Council members Matt Brien, Luke Donaldson and Matt Rogers for your support and wise council. The AHA|SA is truly blessed to have an outstanding management and office team effectively led by Ian Horne. Ian works his way around the corridors of power in this town like few others. With Anna Moeller, he spearheads our COVID-19 response team drawing valuable concessions to our members. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ladies and gentlemen, Merry Christmas, and thank you for the honour of your attendance today. Your invitation confirms your value to our Association. If during the holiday season you are looking for a beer a bite or a bed locally or in one of our fabulous regions, I would encourage you to consider the hospitality of our member venues who are major contributors to our state’s economy and community. As is the custom at our pre-election lunch, we invite the leaders of both major parties to address us. COVID-19 has turned the political landscape on its head and I don’t think any of us can truly appreciate the pressure it has placed on our leaders. Firstly, I would like to welcome our Premier Steven Marshall to the stage. Thank you.

David Basheer, AHA|SA President

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Andale Hotel Services 8234 0388 Bunnings Group 0435 630 660 Stoddart Manufacturing & Food Service Equipment 0427 106 103



Bentleys SA 8372 7900

Class A Energy Solutions 8391 4853

Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers

Make it Cheaper 02 9137 5260

08 8273 9300

Power Maintenance 1300 700 500

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159

Trans Tasman Energy Group 1300118 834




Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10

COMS System Ltd 04 21 341 261

Cardtronics 03 9574 4878

Vix Vision 0400 310 326

DBH Lawyers 8216 3389 Ryan & Durey Solicitors 6166 9000 Wallmans Lawyers 8235 3000

Next Payments 1300 659 918




Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers

Studio Nine Architects 8132 3999

Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 Wine Rewards 1300 374 287

Winnall & Co. 8379 3159

M A R K E T I N G & C O M M U N I C AT I O N S

F I R S T- A I D

Social Media AOK 1300 658 543


Big Screen Video 1300 244 727 Novatech Creative Event Technology 8352 0300 BACKGROUND MUSIC

Moov Music 1300 139 913 Zoo Business Media 07 5587 7222 BANKING & FINANCE

Bank SA 0403 603 018 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300 BEER DISPENSE EQUIPMENT

Andale Hotel Services 8234 0388 BEVERAGE GASES

BOC Limited 0424 647 568 Supagas 8252 7472 BEVERAGES

Accolade Wines 8392 2238 Australian Liquor Marketers 8405 7744 Carlton & United Breweries 8416 7819 Coca Cola Europacific 13 26 53 (13 Coke) Coopers Brewery 8440 1800 CUB Premium Beverages 8276 4888 Diageo 02 7227 8880 Empire Liquor 8371 0088 Lion 8354 8888 Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575 Oatley Fine Wine Merchants 1800 628 539 Options Craft Liquor Merchants 8346 9111 Pernod Ricard Australia 8208 2400 Samuel Smith & Son 8112 4200 Treasury Wine Estates 8301 5400 BOOKKEEPING

Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159 BUILDING EQUIPMENT/SUPPLIES/ HARDWARE

Bunnings Group 0435 630 660

08 8273 9300

St John 1300 360 455



Boylen 8233 9433 FIVEaa 8419 1395 Foxtel 1300 306 460 InDaily 8224 1600

Bidfood 0427 099 558 Galipo Foods 8168 2000 International Oyster & Seafoods 8231 6441 PFD Foodservice 8114 2300


Thomas Foods 8162 8400

OneMusic 8331 5800



Concept Collections 1300 269 800

1800 ON HOLD 07 5587 7222



Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966

Liquor Legends 0429 825072 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300 Tanda 1300 859 117 Winnall & Co. 8379 3159

Winnall & Co 8379 3159 G A M I N G L O YA LT Y

Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10 Bluize 1300 557 587 Qantum 0416 317 205



Bluize 1300 557 587 Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 H&L Australia 1800 778 340

Ainsworth Game Technology 0409 171 616 Aristocrat Technologies Australia 8273 9900 GBay / Aruze 0409 673 778


GFR PRO 0408 186 540

The Banner Crew 8240 0242

IGT 8231 8430

P R O P E R T Y S A L E S & V A L U AT I O N S

Independant Gaming Analysis 8376 6966

Knight Frank Valuations & Advisory SA 8233 5222

Konami Australia Pty Ltd 0409 047 899 Scientific Games 0400 002 229 MAX 8275 9700 GAMBLING SERVICES

The Lott 132 315


Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 Liquor Marketing Group 8416 7575 Urban Cellars 0429 825 072

UBET 8354 7300



DNA Security Solutions 1300 667 688

The Pub & Bar Card 1300 375 346

S P O R T S & E N T E R TA I N M E N T M E D I A


Foxtel 1300 306 460

Langfords Hotel Brokers 0410 605 224 McGees Property Hotel Brokers 8414 7800 H OT E L M A N AG E M E NT

Liquor Legends 0429 825 072 H&L Australia 1800 778 340 I N F O R M AT I O N S Y S T E M S / S I T E P R E P


Max Systems 8275 9700

Banktech/Maxetag 1800 08 09 10


S TA F F T R A I N I N G & R E C R U I T M E N T

Career Employment Group 8338 1492 Maxima 8340 7766 Migration Solutions 8210 9800 Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers 08 8273 9300 St John 1300 360 455 S U P E R A N N U AT I O N

Host­Plus 8219 3902

BK Electronics 0431 509 409

Aon Risk Solutions 8301 1111

Cardtronics 03 9574 4878

I . T. P R O D U C T S & S E R V I C E S

Next Payments 1300 659 918

Boylen 8233 9433

Boylen 8233 9433


Comp Now 1300 2667 669


Smart Cleaning Services 1300664647


EML 1800 469 931

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Corporate Partners 2021/22 D I A M O N D



131 733 S I L V E R For full product range and details of your nearest branch

Ainsworth Game Technology

Energy Action

Australian Liquor Marketers




Oatley Fine Wine Merchants

Social Media AOK

Big Screen Video



St John


Independant Gaming Analysis

Options Wine Merchants

Stoddart Food Equipment


Konami Australia Pty Ltd



Bunnings Group

Liquor Marketing Group

Samuel Smith & Son

Winnall & Co

Adelaide's 1800 ON HOLD

COMS System Ltd

Advisory SA

Power Maintenance Group

Andale Hotel Services

Concept Collections

Langfords Hotel Brokers

Ryan & Durey Solicitors


DBH Laywers

Liquor Legends

Studio Nine Architects

Bentleys Accountants

DNA Security Solutions

Make it Cheaper


BK Electronics


Maxima Training Group

The Banner Crew

BOC Limited

Empire Liquor

The Pub & Bar Card


GBay/Aruze Gaming

McGees Property Hotel Brokers

Trans Tasman Energy Group

Career Employment Group

Migration Solutions


Class A Energy Solutions

International Oyster & Seafoods

Comp Now

Knight Frank Valuations &

Novatech Creative Event Technology PFD063 Hotel SA Advert (1/4 Page).indd 1

Scientific Games Smart Cleaning Solutions 18/05/09 11:47 AM


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Next Payments Perks Accountants & Wealth Advisers

Vix Vision Wallmans Lawyers Wine Rewards

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Sunnyside Motel Hotel

Port Broughton


Angus John Swaeney

Kersbrook Tavern



Stockman 1857 Pty Ltd

Brown’s Well Tavern



All Areas Care & Support Pty Ltd

Tantanoola Tiger Hotel



Kompo Brothers Enterprises Pty Ltd

Port Broughton Hotel

Port Broughton


Duxton Port Broughton Custodian Pty Ltd

Risdon Hotel

Port Pirie


Duxton Risdon Custodian Pty Ltd

Point Pass Hotel

Point Pass


Vanessa Elvie Lehmann & Andrew Edwards Lehmann


Sofitel Adelaide






3/288 Glen Osmond Road, Fullarton SA 5063 P (08) 8233 9433 W


TIM BOYLEN Managing Director

Level 4, 60 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide SA 5000 POSTAL PO Box 3092, Rundle Mall SA 5000 PHONE (08) 8232 4525 TOLL FREE 1800 814 525 FAX (08) 8232 4979 EMAIL WEB


MADELAINE RASCHELLA ELLIOTT Studio Manager/Graphic Designer

Reach the decision makers in SA hotels by advertising in Hotel SA.

A D M I N I S T R AT I O N IAN HORNE General Manager OWEN WEBB Workplace Relations GARY COPPOLA Legal and Advocacy SCOTT VAUGHAN Membership & Business Services KATHERINE TAYLOR Communications and TAA (SA) LUCY RANDALL Events & Partnerships BRONTE McCARTHY Finance & Administration DIDIER VOLLERIN Liquor & Gaming LIZ TURLEY Training Coordinator ANNA MOELLER Executive Director Gaming Care

EXECUTIVE COUNCIL DAVID BASHEER President MATTHEW BINNS Vice President ANDREW BULLOCK Deputy Vice President SAM McINNES Secretary Treasurer LUKE DONALDSON Executive Council MATTHEW BRIEN Executive Council MATT ROGERS Executive Council

COUNCIL Andrew Kemp Andrew Gunn Andrew Plush Anna Hurley

Brad Barreau Darren Steel Elise Fassina Guy Matthews

James Franzon Jason Fahey Jason Kelly John Giannito

Karen Milessi Luke Donaldson Peter Johnson Simone Douglas

Tom Hannah Tony Franzon Trent Fahey Trevor Evans

Views expressed in Hotel SA are not necessarily those of the AHA|SA or the publisher and neither can accept, and therefore disclaims any liability, to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. We do not endorse any advertising materials, services offered within advertisements or products, special offers or goods promoted therein.

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Our Purpose - To provide the hotel industry the capacity to respond to community concerns related to the harm associated with gambling by contributing to early intervention and support for problem gamblers and their families. Our Goal - A compliant and proactive hotel industry that works with regulators, gambling help services, and players to limit the harm caused by gambling. Gaming Care is the hotels responsible gambling early intervention agency, and is an initiative of the AHA|SA. Gaming Care’s role to assist venues to minimise the harm caused by problematic gambling behaviour in all South Australian hotels with gaming machines by working directly with venue staff, Gambling Help Services, other relevant organisations and stakeholders.

For any assistance or support please contact your local Gaming Care Officer, or our office for information on how Gaming Care can assist your venue.


Assisting hotel staff in the early identification and support of patrons and staff who may be experiencing difficulty with their gaming behaviour. Developing and promoting initiatives, programs and policies designed to facilitate the early identification of problematic gambling behaviour. Assisting hotel staff in providing responsible gambling service,

 on or with the capacity to influence the service, by training

in responsible service of gambling. This helps reduce harm through the creation of a responsible gambling culture within the venue. Gaming Care has developed a Responsible Gambling Document for venues which details the ways in which staff training and measures for intervention with problem gamblers are implemented, and the roles of staff in the implementation of the code.

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T: 0 8 8 1 0 0 2 4 9 9 F : 0 8 8 2 3 2 4 9 7 9 E: INFO@GAMINGCARE.ORG.AU 4TH FLOOR AHA|SA HOUSE 60 HINDMARSH SQUARE, ADELAIDE SA 5000

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