Years Serving the SA Hotel Industry
Burning Issues The following is my speech from this year’s AHA|SA President’s Lunch on Tuesday, December 7. It outlines key issues confronting our industry and it was presented to an audience that included the Premier Steven Marshall, the Leader of the Opposition Peter Malinauskus and many State and Federal ministers and MPs. Also in attendance were key decision makers from licensing, tourism, media and our sponsors.
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It’s a long speech, use the links below to jump to specific topics: COVID-19 Roadmap Live Music Voucher Scheme City Revival Fund Mental Health and Well Being Skills Shortage Crisis Liquor Licensing Tourism Fringe Benefit Tax Alcohol Excise Acknowledgements and Thank Yous Merry Christmas!
It’s a very great pleasure to welcome the fellow vaccinated. This year, the AHA|SA celebrates 150 years of advocating for the interests of our members. Through World Wars, depressions and recessions, 6 o’clock closing, the Xenophon years and now COVID-19, the Association has and always will energise friends and engage critics to achieve positive outcomes for our members.
4 | Hotel SA | W W W . A H A S A . A S N . A U
This means resisting the naysayers who compromise livelihoods and employment. With that front of mind, today I wish to outline the issues we face and with 2022 an election year at both State and Federal level, the path available for Governments to assist our 560 members spread across every State and Federal electorate, and the 26250 South Australians we employ. Back to Contents