rich girl named Seeta lived in a small town called Ambikapur. Due to a great emergency, Seeta had to visit her mother in a distant town. In a large pot, Seeta put all her jewellery and filled the other half of the pot with olives and sent it to her friend Indira. Seeta didn’t tell Indira about the enormous wealth in the pot. She just told Indira to keep the pot safely as it was delicate and precious. On returning to Ambikapur after two years, Seeta immediately went to Indira’s house to fetch her pot. But on opening the pot, Seeta saw all her jewellery was gone! Infuriated, Seeta went to the court and accused indira of stealing her gold.
After an hour, the king ruled that Indira had indeed stolen Seeta’s gold! The ministers enquired how the king was so sure, the king said, “Seeta told me she had filled half the pot with her jewellery and the other half with olives at the time she left the pot with Indira, two years back! But when we opened the pot today, the olives were still raw! If Indira didn’t open the pot, the olives would have perished by now! Isn’t it simple?”
Distant: Far away Accuse: Blame
Crimes can’t be hidden for too long!
August 22