Brainfeed Magazine Primary I June 2022

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Volume VI | Issue 1 | `85 | June 2O22

Chief Editor Kakani Veera Brahmam Sub Editor Shinjini Malik



Art & Design Riaz Ahmed Artist Circulation Hemachander S +91 91777 74851



Poem...................................................................... 3 Amazing Places................................................... 12 Events.................................................................... 13 Poster.................................................................... 14-15 Story...................................................................... 16 Story...................................................................... 17 Amazing Facts..................................................... 18 Quiz........................................................................ 19 Poem...................................................................... 20 Craft....................................................................... 21 Learn with Fun..................................................... 22 My Ice Stronger................................................... 23 Find Me.................................................................. 24 Crossword............................................................ 25 My Space.............................................................. 26 Picture Puzzle...................................................... 27

Printed, Published & Owned by Kakani Veera Brahmam Printed at Tirumala Printers Lakdikapul, Hyderabad Published at 8-3-191/565/K Vengal Rao Nagar SR Nagar Post, Hyderabad-38 Telangana, India Contact No. : 72O7O15151

Note: Dear parents and teachers, we would request you to go through our children’s magazines and encourage your children to read it as it is full of interesting things! We urge you to guide your children while reading the magazine as there are terms they might not recognize. We have used relatively strong words in some of the essays as it will help children develop a great vocabulary. There shouldn’t be any difficulty going through the pages as we have curated the edition keeping the children’s age group in mind. The magazine comes with a ‘word finder’ for terms that are not yet in children’s memory. We have also incorporated a ‘Did you know?’ section, for children to take interest in the topics! I hope you find the magazine interesting! Keep reading.

June 22



There was a tree

Who wanted to be free He wanted to run And dreamt of chasing the sun But nobody believed in him Except his friend Jim They both prayed for their dreams to come true, And one day out of the blue, God gave them a gift So that they could drift And together they soared the sky, And they could even fly! They flew over the moon, Then in the month of june, They came back to their roots And bore many fruits!

Out of the blue: Suddenly Chase: Get hold of something


June 22

First time ever in the history of mankind, schools were shut for more than 2O months globally. June 22



sure all of you are back to school by now and enjoying the summers after a long time! Well, school hasn’t been easy of late! Has it? You have to maintain social distancing, sanitize your hands regularly and also be ready with the readings. But do you know there are a few simple tricks you can follow, which can help you manage school easily? Well here are some of the things you should keep in mind to make your life a little easy: The first thing I’ll request you to do is meditate. This will help you glide through the lectures easily. The second thing is, take a break from technology. Start reading books manually. This will establish a material relationship with your books and help you focus naturally. Spend time painting and sketching. This will calm you down and make you happy. Try physical activities, as it will help you cleanse your soul of melancholy. Lastly, discuss with your friends, the important things in life, and how they have been managing the pandemic. First time ever in the history of mankind, schools were shut for more than 2O months globally.

Sanitize- Clean Melancholy- Feeling of loneliness


June 22

June 2022


The Proboscis Monkey is a type of monkey with a very large nose!

They are found in Borneo along rivers, mangrove and riverine forests. These monkeys like snacking on fruits and leaves but also eat flowers, insects and seeds with respect to the season. It loves to eat fruits from January to May while they like to feast on young leaves from June to December. They are great swimmers too, perhaps the type of monkey with the best swimming skills. They live in groups headed by one adult male, and several females and their offsprings. They may also exist in all male groups consisting of 9-20 individuals. The colour of the fur on their back can range from bright orange, yellowish brown, reddish brown or brick red and they are extremely social. Infants of this species are born with a blue face which slowly change colour as they grow up. Both males and females have a bulging stomach which makes it look like a Offspring: Infants pot belly! Funny things! Bulging: Hanging

Proboscis monkeys prefer unripe fruit over ripe fruit! Funny isn’t it? 7

June 2022

Little Prem likes to play jokes, With his friends and other folks. Finding tricks that he can play seems to make his day

Milly sits down on a chair but suddenly finds it isn’t there.

Vinit’s looking for his ball and finds it high up on the wall.

Jaya drinks a cup of tea; it tastes strange – what can it be?

June 22


Anu’s looking for her hat but doesn’t know just where it’s at. Mum bought plasters – oh, so many! Now she finds there aren’t any.

Suraj’s walking down the lane when suddenly it starts to rain!

Now Prem’s sitting all alone. Everyone’s left him on his own. No one likes his tricks, no way! None of his friends now want to play.

Prem says, ‘Playing these silly tricks was kind of fun.’ But having real fun means everyone enjoys the joke or the game. After all, we’re all the same.


June 22

Prem says “Sorry” to everyone. His friends forgive him, and their hearts are won.

Now once again, he has many friends, and this is where our story ends.

Written by: Sonal Ravi Andrews

Learning Outcomes:

Note for the Parent:


• • • • •

• Allow the child to look at the illustrations to build the story. • After a couple of rounds, read it aloud for/with them. • Instead of reinforcing the morale, ask what they like in the story. • Enquire‘if Prem did any of those things with you,’ how would he/she feel? • Challenge them to use new words to build other sentences. • Laugh with them, read with them and enjoy every word.

1. List out the rhyming words. 2.Talk about your experiences with tricks like these. 3. Draw one of your favourite scenes from the story.

• • • •

Rhyming words Vocabulary development Empathy Humour Consequences (Causal Thinking) Relatability Friendships Imagination Attention span development

June 22


Send us on the email with your name, age and school name.

Luca- This Pixar film is creatively funny, entertaining

and holds a deeply emotional story about friendship and acceptance. Luca, the main character, is a sea monster who lives in the depths of the sea with his family. His deepest desire, however, is to look beyond the surface of the ocean and explore the world, so he flees with his best friend, Alberto, to the town of Portorosso, where sea monsters are hunted.

The monster version of Luca has 3436 scales in his body!

Luca, the young sea monster who turns human when he is on land, teaches us not to be afraid, to go ashore to find the sunlight, and shows us that taking a leap towards happiness, everything becomes easier. He and his best friend Alberto convey the perfect message of sticking together and conquering one’s deepest fears. The movie teaches us acceptance, and portrays the true power of friendship and support from our loved ones.

Explore: Find out Flees: Runs away Conquer: Win


June 22

The Hobbiton - the enchanting New Zealand farm that was the

set of the film trilogies ‘The Lord of the Rings’ and ‘The Hobbit’is one of the most marvelous places one can be at. The tour of Hobbiton shows you the 44 Hobbit holes, with cute colourful doors. The fun part is that many of them are built to size and others so big that the hobbits seem like dwarves. Highlights include a tour of the lush pastures of the shire and fascinating visits to the Party Tree, Bilbo’s Bag End home and the Green Dragon Inn. There are eight seasonal gardens with real vegetables and an orchard with towering trees - some real and some meticulously crafted using a fiber-glass bark and silk leaves. Apples, Pears, and oak- you name it. Colourful flowers, from roses and ivies to Foxgloves and Magnolias, give life to the set. This idyllic village, with working props, gives us a life-like fantasy experience. To experience its mystical glory, millions of people from all over the world flock to the Hobbiton every year. Tours are free for children aged 9 and under!

The party tree unlike the rest of the other trees is a real tree.

Marvelous: Amazing Meticulous: With hard work and planning

June 22



you ever heard of a music festival with instruments made up of ICE? Well, The Ice Music Festival, which is held in Norway every year in the month of February, is a “glacier instrument” festival, in which everything, including the instruments, art, and the venue itself, is made of ice and snow! Musicians perform and produce sound using these instruments made of ice! The temperatures at the event are sub-zero, and everybody experiences a ‘chilly time’ quite literally. There are all types of instruments like horns, cellos, harps, percussions and many more- all carved of ice blocks, and what’s most interesting is that you never know which sound the instrument will produce, as the sound changes according to the temperature! Music enthusiasts from across the globe flock to this event, to experience the chilly sounds of ice! This is one of the most unusual festivals in the world and one should definitely visit it.

The ice music festival in Norway is held in February, just when the quality of the Ice is perfect!

Venue: Location Sub zero: Below O Degrees Celsius


June 22

International Yoga Day - June 21


Aeroplane pose





Gate pose



Mountain pose


Horse pose




Ice Skater pose


Neck pose


Seed pose


Owl pose


Tall Tree pose



Unicorn pose


Y y

June 22

Camel pose






Boat pose


Yoga pose

World Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st every year! People across the globe preach the importance of yoga in our daily lives! Yoga is a type of physical practice which originated in India. It is more than 5000 years old and is highly regarded across the world.


Dog pose



Jack pose

Plough pose





Kite pose

Lion pose



Queens pose


Volcano pose

Frog pose










Eagle pose


Warrior pose


Resting Crocodile pose


X-ray pose



Zeal pose



June 22

In the depths of a lush green forest, lived a gorgeous baby bear whose name was Maya, and a lovely tall giraffe whose name was Sam. Maya was amazing at Math, but Sam always thought Math was too hard. On the other hand, Sam was brilliant in English, but Maya always thought English was confusing.

One day as they were sitting together, they came up with a brilliant idea: they could teach each other, what they were not good at! And so they took their books out and sat, while Maya taught Sam addition, Sam taught Maya how to frame a sentence in English correctly. They became the best of friends, and succeeded at everything!

Everybody is unique, we can learn something from everybody!

Gorgeous: Beautiful Brilliant: Very Good Succeeded: Win

June 22


A rat was crossing a road on a very hot

Some days later, one evil man saw that beautiful Dove and decided to hunt it. The rat that was still there saw the evil man pointing a gun at the dove! Realizing the danger, he instantaneously bit the evil man on his foot! As the man screamed, the dove got alerted and flew away into the woods!

day in the summer of 2OO1. It was so hot that he couldn’t walk anymore without getting his thirst quenched. As luck would favour, he saw a pond full of water across the street. He felt lucky and decided to drink some water. So after crossing the road, he climbed a rock but, as he was about to drink some water, he slipped and fell into the pond! He was about to drown when a lovely Dove saw him struggle for his life and rescued it immediately without a thought.

Rescue: Save Alerted: Become aware

If you help others, others will help you too.


June 22

They can live for more than 1OO years. That’s longer than Humans and Elephants

breathe throuhg lungs. Not gills like fish!

Can Grow More Than 1OO Feet Long. They Can Weigh as Much as 3O Elephants

have three hearts that pump blue, copper-based blood.

June 22


1. Who made the first electric light bulb? A) Thomas Edison C) Max Planck

B) Charles Darwin D) James Watson

2. How many teeth do humans have? A) 1O C) 3O

B) 15 D) 32

3. What are female elephants called? A) Cows C) Mare

B) Peahen D) Elephant

4. Who invented the first computer? A) Thomas Edison B) Charles Babbage C) Graham Bell D) Benjamin Franklin

5. Who was George Washington? A) Scientist C) President

6. Which food is the Giant Panda’s staple or main diet?

B) Mathematician D) Artist

A) Grass C) Meat

B) Fish D) Bamboo

For Answers See Page 23 19

June 22

MAKING HAY ON A SUMMER DAY On a bright sunny day,

on rich green grass With lots of shrubs, overhead blue clouds passed

Then came, Tiggy, the tiger, with her orange stripes Shelly, the snail, with her shell of types

There was a polka dotted mushroom, a big green tree What a nice day, “do you agree?”

Then joined, Colin, the caterpillar, with his mint green fuzz And, Luca, the ladybug, with his polka dots going ‘buzz’ They sat on the grass and began to chat When all of a sudden, Colin thought he heard a gnat They looked around and found a lil bluebug Intrigued, they asked him his name, which was Brunard! They played all day and were humored!

Shrubs: Small plants Intrigued: Interested

June 22


What you need: • Coloured Papers • Scissors • Glue • Googly Eye


Take one yellow chart paper and cut two strips of 10 cm height. The width of one should be four cm, one of 5 cm.


Roll them up and secure it with a cello tape. Put the smaller roll on top of the larger one and stick it with glue.



Cut two webbed feet from an orange chart paper and stick it below.

Cut a strip of length 6cm and width 3cm, and fold it from the centre. Attach it in the front.



Add two googly eyes on top of the mouth.

Take a strip of orange chart paper, and cut it into frills. Stick it on its head.


June 22

Help the little duck find his mum

June 22


Find 7 differences between the two pictures

Find 1O objects in the picture Quiz Answers: 1-A, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B, 5-C, 6-D 23

June 22

What Comes Next?









Cross the odd one Out

June 22


Complete the puzzle by identifying the names of birds




R Across:




June 22



Look at the picture and make a story of your own within 1OO words

Note: The best entry will win a cash prize of Rs. 5OO. Send it to and include your name, class, address and school name. June 22


Arrange the puzzle in the correct order. Put the correct number in the space provided


June 22


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