1 minute read
World Population Day • To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee is published
In this touching film, we see a little girl who visits a home for children holding a yellow umbrella, and meets a little boy, Joseph, whose greatest desire is to own a yellow umbrella. She finds out about Joseph’s heartbreaking past and doesn’t hesitate to give him the umbrella she owns. Through Joseph’s story, we learn that he does not dwell in his past. Instead, goes on to set up his own umbrella shop and becomes the source of happiness for other kids. Kids who are less fortunate and needy. The little girl teaches us to be compassionate and empathetic towards others. The story asks us to be kind because we do not know about other people’s tough times. The language of kindness is the best language indeed!
Hesitate: being reluctant or unwilling to do something Compassionate: feeling or showing concern for others