Ed it o r´s L e t t er
Welcome to the latest upgrade of Brazil Explore magazine It’s an exciting time to be alive. Wherever you turn the world is changing, geologically, politically, socially, and there is no country on this planet with more to contribute to this ferment than Brazil. For more than ten years, Brazil Explore has presented this nation in all its facets and with great enthusiasm. It established a central informational network for Brazilians living in the United States and demonstrated evidence of the vibrancy and diversity of their culture abroad. We celebrate our expansion this month with a Special feature about the recently published 2010 Brazilian census. In it are the results of extensive research about Brazilian emigrants in the world. Along with fascinating studies such as this you will find even more articles about culture, sport, people and style in every full-size issue. Simply put, we’re dedicated to importing the heart and soul of the Brazilian way of life! The time has arrived for Brazil to go public in a way that is unexpected and much desired. It
R e c i p e ............................................................................ 08 Peach Pie
P r o fi l e ........................................................................... 14 Tabom is Da Bomb!
B u s i n e s s ....................................................................... 20 Bring Your Company to Life
is a future that continues here. Brazil is slated to accomplish many great deeds and the capacity
S p o r t ............................................................................... 22
to meet these new challenges is in the hands and
A Low Tolerance
minds of its people. We aim to be there every magnificent step of the way to give you a front row
S p e c i a l ........................................................................... 28
seat as well as a backstage pass.
The Face of a Nation Abroad
If you’re ready for the adventure of a new millennium, then step aboard Brazil Explore magazine. It’s going to be quite a ride.
C u l tu r e ........................................................................... 38 Big Enough for American Cinema
Edward Pollard
To u r i s m .......................................................................... 44
A Tasteful Italian Outpost
10826 Venice Blvd # 105 - Culver City, CA - 90232 - USA Los Angeles: Phone: (310) 837 4299 | Fax: (310) 837-4294 www.brazilexplore.com | info@brazilexplore.com Las Vegas (702) 878-7007 | San Francisco (415)577-4436 | New York (718) 932-7169
4 | Brazil Explore Magazine
CEO Marcelo Gòmez CFO Adriana S. Saraiva Gòmez Marketing Milena Mello Nani Noronha Graphic Design Eduilson Wessler Coan
Photography Adrianno Santos English Editor Edward Pollard Portuguese Editor Andréa Eirado English Translator Romina Mello
Franchise Antônio Cajueiro (Las Vegas) Gleidson Martins (San Francisco) Josimar Moreira (New York) Contributors Bruno Romani Alexandre Anan Gayre Patriota Giselle Pekelman Clara Benjamin
Bel Martins-Vaccaro Gleidson Martins Una Proença Manoela Maia Granja Fernanda Melazo Warner Filho Tatiana Megann Moreno Carolina Cavalieri Aryadne Oliveira Aneph Reis
Brazil Explore Magazine | 5
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Re cip e
Peach Pie
Pavê de pêssego em calda
1 can peaches in syrup
1 lata de pêssegos em calda
1 cup milk
1 xícara (chá) de leite
1 can condensed milk
1 lata de leite condensado
3 egg yolks
2 gemas de ovo
2 tbsp corn starch
2 colheres (sopa) de maizena
1 box Brazilian champagne cookies
1 caixa de biscoito champanhe
Modo de Preparo
Strain peaches from syrup, but keep both (fruit
Em uma peneira, separe os pêssegos da calda.
and syrup). Combine milk, condensed milk, egg
Reserve-os (a fruta e a calda). Coloque em uma panela
yolks and corn starch in medium pan, mix well
média o leite com o leite condensado, as gemas e o
and heat, stirring until thick. Let cool and stir
amido, misture bem e leve ao fogo, mexendo sempre
from time to time. Put aside two peach halves
até engrossar. Deixe esfriar e mexa às vezes. Reserve
and chop the rest. Set the pie up in a glass dish,
duas metades de pêssego e pique o restante. Em
alternating layers of cookies, pre-moistened with
um refratário, monte o pavê alternando camadas de
peach syrup, then cream and chopped peaches.
biscoitos levemente umedecidos na calda reservada,
Top with cream. Shred remaining peach halves
o creme e pêssego picado. Finalize com o creme.
and decorate pie top. Refrigerate for two hours
Decore com o pêssego reservado, cortado em tirinhas,
before serving.
e leve à geladeira por duas horas antes de servir.
Time: 2 hrs 30 mins
Tempo: 2h30min
Servings: 8
Rende: 8 porções
“Editor's note: Some ingredients are only familiar to Brazilians. They should be available in Brazilian markets.”
8 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Brazil Explore Magazine | 9
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Brazil Explore Magazine | 13
P r ofi le
Ta bom is Da Bomb!
LA’s first known Brazilian food truck is turning heads and winning over passionate foodies. by Marcelle Franco photos Winnie Poon Ma
14 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Coxinha, pastel and brigadeiro are
face a divorce and take care of three little
some of the yummy Brazilian foods taking
children. But I have always had faith, and
over the streets of Los Angeles. Since April
knew that someday everything would be all
2010, Mrs. Ilse and her twin daughters
Jackeline and Juliana got themselves into
Mrs. Ilse wakes up at 6:00 a.m. ready to
the food business. Driving Los Angeles’s
go. She and her daughters work more than
first Brazilian food truck, named Tá Bom
12 hours a day, five days a week, serving
(It is Good) Truck, they cruise all over town
breakfast and lunch. Hot dogs, burritos
with their mouthwatering menu.
and tacos also get the Brazilian treatment.
Mrs. Ilse moved from her hometown São
“Cooking has always been my passion
Paulo to Los Angeles with her husband and
and I decided to make this a way of life.
three kids in 1988. “I remember around that
I make everything with lots of love”, she
time Brazil was under an intense economic
says proudly. Desserts are Jackeline’s job.
recession”, she says. “My younger son
“Since we are parked in a different place
was just eight months and the twins were
every day, my sister and I created a profile
only two years old. The family’s São Paulo
on Facebook so people can follow us”, she
sewing shop was no longer bringing in
explains. The truck is a rental, but they plan
much income. We were afraid we would
on buying their own. “It is so fulfilling to see
not be able to give them a good education”.
people from all over the world trying our
Around that time her husband had been
unique flavor”.
traveling to Los Angeles frequently to search
“We might open our own restaurant”,
foreign goods for the store. Stimulated
Ilse jokes. Whoever tastes it will attest
by the similar weather, they packed their
that Tá Bom is the best Brazilian food in
bags. Since arriving, Mrs. Ilse has been a
town. “The pastel and coxinha are simply
hairdresser, a forwarder and for many years
delicious”, says Hyun Chang, a Korean
an airline employee. That was until she lost
her job and divorced her husband. “It was not easy to adapt to a new language, work,
Contact: www.tabomtruck.com
Brazil Explore Magazine | 15
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Untitled-1 1
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Brazil Explore Magazine | 19
Bring Your Company to Life A useful set of reminders for foreign entrepreneurs by Bruna IndalĂŠcio
20 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Even if you are not a resident or citizen, you
Sole Proprietorship: This is the most common
can invest in the United States. B1 (business) visa
among small businesses. A sole owner is someone
holders have the right to acquire property, sign
who has, by him or herself, an unincorporated
contracts, and establish a business. However, there
are several steps and rules for starting a business,
· Partnership: Here, two or more people
which may vary from state to state. It is important
run the company together. Each person involved
to be informed of the legal issues regarding the
contributes with capital, labor and property or
process and to always consult your attorney.
shares profits and losses. This category must
The two initial steps to starting a business are: 1) Apply to register in the state of your choice, and
report annual income, deductions, etc., but it does not pay income taxes;
2) establish a registered agent with a valid address.
· Corporations: More common among large
This agent can be either the owner of the business
businesses, these entities are separate and
or another person who is authorized to receive
distinct from their owners. Some features are the
legal papers on behalf of the company.
limited liability, ease of company’s share transfers
According to attorney Genilde Guerra of Kravitz
and perpetual existence. A corporation does not
& Guerra Law Offices in Miami, Florida, paying taxes
necessarily need to be managed by its owners and
is another issue worth paying attention to. “The
remits taxes separately;
U.S. tax code can be confusing, even for those
· S Corporation: This is similar to a corporation
who have live here for a long time. The violation of
in regard to limited liability and ease of transfers.
fees may result in penalties,” she said.
However, taxes are charged directly to the
Foreigners who do not have a social security
company’s owners, thus avoiding double taxation.
number need to request an Individual Taxpayer
· Limited Liability Company (LLC): An LLC
Identification Number (ITIN) to begin the process of
may be formed by two or more persons; it has
starting a company.
low cost and requires little formality and limits
Learn the 10 basic steps for opening your
the owners’ responsibilities. It is popular among
own business as recommended by the U.S. Small
small companies with a sole owner who seeks
Business Administration:
the advantages of sole proprietorship, but without
1 - Start a business plan: Provide an executive
exposing his or her own properties.
summary, business description, marketing and
6 - Register a business name: For sole
management plans, finance projections and the
proprietors, this will be the owner’s full name. For
necessary documentation;
partnerships the legal name is the one given in the
2 - Seek assistance and training: Look for
agreement, or it can be formed by the partners’ last
professional advice and take advantage of free
names. For LLCs and corporations, it is the same
training sessions that will teach you everything
legal name that has been registered with the state
from how to prepare your business plan to finance
expansion and relocation; 3 - Define the business location: Find a location conducive to your type of company; 4 - Finance: Search options for government loans, venture capital and research grants;
7 - Get a Tax Identification Number: Find out what type of identification is necessary for your case; 8 - Register for state and local taxes: Apply for an ID number, workers’ compensation, unemployment and disability insurance;
5 - Determine the legal structure of your
9 - Get licenses: Get a list of federal, state
business: You must define the business entity
and local licenses that are required to start your
type. The business structure determines which
income tax return must be filled. The options of legal structures are:
10 - Understand employer responsibilities: Learn the necessary legal steps to hire employees.
Brazil Explore Magazine | 21
S po rt
A Low Tolerance
Two out of three Brazilian
soccer clubs sack coaches. by PFC
22 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Traditionally, Brazilian soccer champion-
O Campeonato Brasileiro é tradicionalmente
ships are marked by how many coaches are
conhecido pela grande rotatividade de técnicos
replaced each season, and the “Brasileirão
em uma mesma temporada, e no Brasileirão 2011
2011” is no different. If a team isn’t perform-
não tem sido diferente. Se um time não vai bem, a
ing well, the coach gets all the flak, right?
pressão cai toda no técnico, certo? Nem sempre
Well, not always. The highlight was Paulo
a regra é exatamente essa. Com destaque para a
César Carpegiane who, coaching São Pau-
queda de Paulo César Carpegiane, que no coman-
lo, won five games in a row, making history:
do do São Paulo, ganhou cinco jogos consecutivos,
never before had a team started the coun-
conseguindo um efeito histórico: nunca um time
try’s most disputed championship winning
tinha começado o campeonato mais disputado do
the first five games, absolutely leading the
país vencendo os cinco primeiros jogos com a lider-
tournament. Even though that happened,
ança absoluta do torneio. Mesmo assim Carpegiane
Carpegiane was replaced by Adílson Ba-
caiu, e Adílson Batista assumiu o Tricolor Paulista,
tista, who had been coaching the Atlético
depois de uma passagem frustrante pelo Atlético
Paranaense for a hot second.
This constant shuffling of coaches shows
A troca-troca dos treinadores no Brasileirão
how far Brazil is from appreciating long-term
mostra que o Brasil está longe de adotar uma políti-
relationships. Cuca’s season started so well
ca de longo prazo com os técnicos. Cuca teve um
leading Cruzeiro to defeat Estudiantes by 5-0.
início de ano fantástico dirigindo o Cruzeiro, tanto
But bad results in the tournament’s early
que em um dos primeiros jogos do ano, goleou o
stage shot his legs out from under him just
Estudiantes por cinco gols de diferença e se sagrou
as quickly. Joel Santana was next to step
campeão mineiro. Mas os resultados ruins no início
up; then he also departed to be replaced by
do campeonato derrubaram o técnico. A equipe Ce-
Émerson Ávila.
leste já está em seu terceiro treinador. Joel Santana
This season 13 out of 20 teams have switched coaches. The average is almost
assumiu após Cuca, mas também saiu, e agora Émerson Ávila está no comando do Cruzeiro.
one switch per round. Of the seven that
Dos 20 clubes, 13 já fizeram modificações. A
didn´t sign new leaders, only Coritiba is not
média chega à quase uma mudança de técnico
ranked among the favorites. Both América-
por rodada. Dos sete times que não trocaram de
MG and Avaí, each headed back to the
treinador, apenas o Coritiba não está entre os pri-
second division, have had four different
meiros. América-MG e Avaí, que estão na zona de
coaches, including provisional ones, at the
rebaixamento, já tiveram quatro técnicos diferentes
no Brasileirão, contando com atuações de interinos.
Not only teams change coaches, but
Sobre o troca-troca de comando, assim como
coaches will switch teams. At this Brasileirão,
os clubes mudam de técnico, os técnicos mudam
three of them also changed jerseys. After
de clube. E neste Brasileirão foram três os coman-
leaving Atlético-PR, Adílson Batista went to
dantes que mudaram de cor. Depois que deixou o
São Paulo, where he has remained. Renato
Atlético-PR, Adilson Batista foi para o São Paulo,
Gaúcho switched from Grêmio to Atlético-
onde está atualmente. Renato Gaúcho trocou o Grê-
PR, which now has Antônio Lopes who
mio pelo Atlético-PR, que agora conta com Antônio
formerly led América-MG. Among all these
Lopes, que dirigiu o América-MG. Entre as trocas de
changes, Cuca was the fiercest. He didn’t
clube por treinador, Cuca foi o mais radical e sequer
even change cities. After leaving Cruzeiro,
trocou de cidade. Depois que deixou o Cruzeiro, o
he stayed in Belo Horizonte and took over
treinador permaneceu em Belo Horizonte e assumiu
Atlético-MG, his old team’s nemesis.
o Atlético-MG, maior rival da Raposa.
Brazil Explore Magazine | 23
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Brazil Explore Magazine | 27
S p e c ia l
The Face of a Nation Abroad Brazil’s 2010 Census contains a wealth of data about its emigrants and their chosen destinations. Source: IBGE
28 | Brazil Explore Magazine
The United States remains the prime
in self-identified color or race. Among 191
destination of Brazilian emigrants, especially
million Brazilians in 2010, 91 million self
residents of Minas Gerais. São Paulo is
identified as Caucasian, 15 million as of
the main point of origin (approx. 106,000
African descent, 82 million as Latino, 2
people or 21.6%). This is the first time that
million as Asiatic and 817 thousand as
the IBGE has noted the following categories:
indigenous. There was a reduction in the
origin, destination, age and gender. The
proportion of Caucasians, from 53.7% in
2010 Census also shows that the highest
2000 to 47.7% in 2010, and increases in all
disparities remain between urban and
other categories. It was the first time that a
rural areas, though many indicators have
census registered a white population below
improved in the last ten years.
The average monthly income of people
Concerning the number of household
aged 10 or older is R$1,202. Rural incomes
reference persons, the results show that
average less than half (R$596) of those in
33% of households have more than one
urban regions (R$1,294). Women’s income
reference person.
(R$983) reaches 71% of men’s (R$1,392), a
Men were listed as head of the household
percentage that fluctuates between regions.
in 61.3% of housing units. Women were
The illiteracy rate dropped to 9.6%
more often listed as partners or spouses
for people aged 15 and over, a marked
(29.7%), while only 9.2% in this category
improvement over the 13.6% figure counted
were men. In addition to these facts, the 2010
in 2000. A major reduction occurred in the 10-14
Population Census Universe presented data
age bracket, but there were still 671,000
about growth and population composition,
illiterate children in this group in 2010 (3.9%
housing units, deaths, births and other
vs. 7.3% in 2000). Among people aged 10
or over with no income or with a monthly
per capita household income of up to 25%
housing units is available for all territory
of the minimum wage, the illiteracy rate hits
levels, including every neighborhood in
17.5%, whereas in the class living on 5 or
every municipality in the country. Brazilians live around the world
over minimum wages the rate was 0.3%. infrastructure
The estimated number of Brazilians living
improved between 2000 and 2010, (including
abroad reached 491,645 in 193 countries
less developed regions) it was not enough
in 2010, that number comprising 264,743
to diminish regional disparities in access to
women (53.8%) and 226,743 men (46.1%);
adequate conditions.
60% of the emigrants were 20-34 years
The Southeast region leads in coverage
old in 2010. That result does not include
of water supply, sanitary sewage systems
households in which all people could have
emigrated or in which resident relatives may
advances, the North and Northeast are far behind in these services. A good example
have died. The main destination was the United
is the public water supply system. In the
(13.4%), Spain (9.4%), Japan (7.4%), Italy
households, well above the North’s 54.5%.
(7.0%) and England (6.2%). The origin of
The 2010 Census also identified changes
49% of the emigrants was the Southeast
Brazil Explore Magazine | 29
S p e c ia l
The 2010 Brazilian Census provides an invaluable map of the movement of Brazilians outside the borders of their beloved homeland.
30 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Continents and countries Total of destination
Men Women 491,645 226,743 264,902 Africa 8,286 5,849 2,437 South Africa 2,479 1,617 862 Angola 3,696 2,950 746 Others 2,111 1,282 829 Central America 3,199 2,098 1,101 North America 129,940 64,004 65,936 Canada 10,450 5,061 5,389 United States 117,104 57,857 59,247 Mexico 2,386 1,086 1,300 South America 38,890 20,820 18,070 Argentina 8,631 3,875 4,756 Bolivia 7,919 4,434 3,485 Chile 2,533 1,165 1,368 French Guiana 3,822 2,156 1,666 Paraguay 4,926 2,863 2,063 Suriname 3,416 2,014 1,402 Uruguay 1,703 829 874 Venezuela 2,297 1,406 891 Others 3,643 2,078 1,565 Asia 43,912 25,341 18,571 China 2,209 1,279 930 Japan 36,202 21,189 15,013 Others 5,501 2,873 2,628 Europe 252,892 101,017 151,875 Germany 16,637 5,719 10,918 Austria 1,485 607 878 Belgium 5,563 2,413 3,150 Spain 46,330 16,833 29,497 France 17,743 7,476 10,267 Netherlands 5,250 1,768 3,482 Ireland 6,202 3,291 2,911 Italy 34,652 11,981 22,671 Norway 1,398 382 1,016 Portugal 65,969 28,771 37,198 United Kingdom 32,270 15,419 16,851 Sweden 1,723 592 1,131 Switzerland 12,120 3,194 8,926 Others 5,550 2,571 2,979 Oceania 13,880 7,233 6,647 Australia 10,836 5,581 5,255 New Zealand 2,980 1,623 1,357 Others 64 29 35 Not disclosed 646 381 265
Brazil Explore Magazine | 31
S p e c ia l
The census also tracks the origins of Brazilian emigrants who have chosen to live abroad. Total Men Women Brazil 491,645 226,743 264,902 North 33,966 13,906 20,060 Rondônia 7,785 3,915 3,870 Acre 1,276 605 671 Amazonas 3,582 1,250 2,332 Roraima 1,181 618 563 Pará 13,649 5,159 8,490 Amapá 2,310 956 1,354 Tocantins 4,183 1,403 2,780 Northeast 73,830 27,499 46,331 Maranhão 8,713 4,250 4,463 Piauí 2,060 788 1,272 Ceará 10,290 3,077 7,213 Rio Grande do Norte 4,549 1,350 3,199 Paraíba 4,062 1,555 2,507 Pernambuco 13,898 4,964 8,934 Alagoas 2,518 840 1,678 Sergipe 1,693 703 990 Bahia 26,047 9,972 16,075 Southeast 240,298 118,576 121,722 Minas Gerais 82,749 44,044 38,705 Espírito Santo 16,548 7,864 8,684 Rio de Janeiro 34,902 15,139 19,763 São Paulo 106,099 51,529 54,570 South 84,348 40,884 43,464 Paraná 45,863 22,445 23,418 Santa Catarina 17,502 8,434 9,068 Rio Grande do Sul 20,983 10,005 10,978 Midwest 59,203 25,878 33,325 Mato Grosso do Sul 7,977 3,774 4,203 Mato Grosso 8,221 3,738 4,483 Goiás 35,572 15,156 20,416 Distrito Federal 7,433 3,210 4,223
32 | Brazil Explore Magazine
region, especially São Paulo (21.6%) and Minas
possible explanation: linguistic similarity.
Gerais (16.8%), the first and second emigration
Goiás was the origin state with the highest
states of the country (106,099 and 82,749 people,
proportion of emigrants (5.92 people per thousand
residents), followed by Rondônia (4.98 per thousand),
The United States was the main destination of
Espírito Santo (4.71 per thousand) and Paraná (4.39
emigrants from all states, especially Minas Gerais
per thousand). Sobrália, São Geraldo da Piedade
(43.2%), Rio de Janeiro (30.6%), Goiás (22.6%), São
and Fernandes Tourinho, all in Minas Gerais, were
Paulo (20.1%) and Paraná (16.6%).
the Brazilian cities with the highest proportions of
Japan is received the second largest number
emigrants (88.85 emigrants per thousand residents;
of emigrants from São Paulo and Paraná, 20.1%
67.67; and 64.69, respectively). Among the capitals,
and 15.3%, respectively. Portugal was the second
Rio Branco (AC) was a highlight with a proportion
option for emigration in those leaving Rio de Janeiro
of 12.82 emigrants per thousand residents (ranked
(9.1%) and Minas Gerais (20.9%). People leaving
42nd nationally). Following is Macapá (AP), with
Goiás selected Spain as their second choice of
4.30 per thousand (rank: 37); Boa Vista with 3.42
destination (19.9%). Spain was also second or
per thousand (rank: 38) and Brasília with 2.89 per
third on the list of several other municipalities. One
thousand (rank: 41). Brazil Explore Magazine | 33
34 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Brazil Explore Magazine | 35
36 | Brazil Explore Magazine
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C u ltur e
Big Enough for American Cinema Marcio Rosario stirs pride among his countrymen with his award-winning acting by Aneph Reis
38 | Brazil Explore Magazine
Marcio Rosario began his career at four, then
O ator brasileiro Marcio Rosario, que começou
moved to the United States in 1999, building an
sua carreira aos quatro anos e se mudou para os
enviable resume. He’s taken part at the American
Estados Unidos em 1999, coleciona um currículo
Film Institute and has also worked closely with
privilegiado. Ele já participou do Instituto de Cinema
famous directors such as Japanese director
Americano e também trabalhou ao lado de direto-
Takashi Miike and the Romanian filmmaker
res famosos como o romeno Pouran Deherrkian,
Pouran Deherrkian, in Bitterland.
no filme “Bitterland” e do diretor japonês Takashi
Movies are not his only interest. Rosario
can also be seen on television, for example as
Marcio atua ainda na TV / Filmes Rosario e
a foreman named Veloso in the Brazilian soap
costuma ajudar as comunidades latinas. Uniu-se à
opera Araguaia on the Globo Network. When
Fundação Nacional Hispânica For The Arts (cofun-
not pursuing his onscreen career, he lends a
dada por Jimmy Smits, Sonia Braga e Esai Mora-
helping hand to Latin communities. He joined
les, grande fundação que dá bolsas de estudo para
the National Hispanic Foundation for the Arts, a
aqueles que querem seguir uma carreira nas artes).
large organization co-founded by Jimmy Smits,
Orgulhoso pela indicação do filme “Viver Outra
Sonia Braga and Esai Morales that provides
Vez”, como o único filme brasileiro selecionado para
scholarships to individuals who want to follow a
o Santa Catalina Film Festival, o festival que reúne
career in arts.
filmes de todo o mundo, Marcio conta um pouco
He is proud of his nomination for Viver Outra
sobre sua atuação. Ah! Vale lembrar que o filme foi
Vez, the only Brazilian movie selected at the Santa
recentemente exibido no Los Angeles Brazilian Film
Catalina Film Festival, which brings together
Festival e que foi exibido, com o título internacional
features from around the globe. It’s worth
de “Living Again”, no dia 07 de maio, em Los Angeles.
mentioning that this film was also shown at the
Indicado entre 150 atores, o ator brasileiro tem ain-
Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival and again on
da em seu currículo um papel de destaque no filme
May 7, 2011 in Los Angeles under the title Living
“An Evil Within”. Marcio
Again. Our successful Brazilian guy won awards in
two international festivals with his role in Viver
média-metragem “Viver Outra Vez” e dará início aos
Outra Vez. He was then chosen from among 150
ensaios de “An Evil Within”, dirigido por Sage Ban-
other actors to play a large role in director Sage
Bannik’s An Evil Within. Rosario auditioned for two
Rosario, que irá interpretar um dos perso-
weeks in Los Angeles for the role which will put
nagens principais da trama, passou por testes
him onscreen with Trish Egan (Twilight) and Sali
Sayler in the three-million-dollar flick which will be
shot in Oregon and Washington and is slated for
No elenco de “An Evil Within” também estão Trish
a summer 2012 release in the U.S.
Egan (Crepúsculo) e Sali Sayler (Aterrorizada). Du-
semanas escolhido
em entre
Los 150
rante três semanas, o ator irá exercitar as cenas de ação, como brigas e a fuga de um incêndio. O filme, com orçamento de três milhões de dólares, será rodado no Oregon e em Washington e o lançamento está previsto para o verão de 2012, nos Estados Unidos. Vale recordar que o último trabalho de Rosario na TV foi na novela Araguaia (Rede Globo), como o capataz Veloso.
Brazil Explore Magazine | 39
San Francisco
40 | Brazil Explore Magazine
San Francisco
Brazil Explore Magazine | 41
alguém aqui
fala a minha língua?
Solicite um intér prete: É o seu direito. E É A LEI. As leis estaduais e federais exigem que hospitais e clínicas forneçam intérpretes e materiais traduzidos a pacientes que não falam inglês fluentemente. O diagnóstico, tratamento, medicação e instruções corretas só são possíveis através da boa comunicação -- não através de uma criança, membro da família ou vizinho -- mas por um intérprete profissional que entenda a linguagem médica. Escreva uma carta em seu idioma sobre sua experiência com dificuladades encontradas no sistema de sáude. Ajude outras pessoas compartilhando sua história. Mande uma carta para o jornal ou revista onde viu este anúncio para: Attention: Language Access. Para maiores informações sobre o Language Access e o sistema de saúde de sua comunidade, visite www.ncmonline.com/languageaccess
Este anúncio foi patrocinado pelo THE CALIFORNIA ENDOWMENT
T o u ris m
A Tasteful Italian Outpost by Romina Mello Photos Santur/Noberto Cidade
If you want to drink good wine and learn a bit about italian culture, you do not need to go to italy. in southern santa catarina, 190 kilometers from its capital city, lies urussanga. it is a city of temperate weather and about 20,000 residents within 240 square kilometers.
44 | Brazil Explore Magazine
The main access is through Morro da Fumaça by taking highways BR-101, SC-444 and SC-445. The SC-446 will take to both southern access (through Criciúma and Co-
Even the most
cal do Sul) and northern (through Gravatal and
informal get-
SC-438 until Orleans.
togethers are
an engineer from Maranhão named Joaquim
accompanied by
ber of 1900. It is the main center of Italian im-
lots of music and
migrants coming mostly from Venice, Longa-
good wine”
These immigrants passed, at first, through
Orleans). From the west, the access is through Urussanga was founded in May 1878, by Vieira Ferreira and was incorporated in Octomigration in southern Santa Catarina with imrone, Lombardia, Friuli and Trentino Alto Adige. Azambuja, staying in big shacks until they were able to purchase their own land. Until its colonization the land was inhabited by Botocudo indians. So far there is still no agreement about the meaning of the city name. In Tupi-Guarani it can mean either “cold water river” or “wetland bird”, because there was a bird named “uru” and “çanga” means “a place with a lot of water”. Urussanga is another Santa Catarina city that invests in rural tourism. Not as much for its natural beauties as historical currency, especially Anita Garibaldi Square and buildings in the town’s countryside that are not only traditional, but original. The city also has a reproduction of La Pietá, from Michelangelo, a gift from Pope Paul VI on the occasion of the city’s centenary. The artwork can be viewed at the Nossa Senhora da Conceição Church. The city’s historic museum brings even more history to tourists and locals. It opened its doors in 1988, and shows life as lived during Italian immigrant colonization times up to the last half of the 20th century. Two of the rooms have a permanent exhibition that depicts the lives of those immigrants. Two other rooms store both technical collections (around 2,000 pieces) as well as temporary exhibits.
Brazil Explore Magazine | 45
T o u ris m
A mandatory stop is the rural property
If these are not enough reasons to
of the Galdino Benz Fontana family, the
get you to Urussanga, will a good wine
most well-known group of wooden struc-
do the trick? Urussanga is mainly known
tures of Urussanga. Others on the must-
for its Festa do Vinho (wine party), which
see list are the cultural center, the São
happens every even-numbered year, and
Gervásio and Protázio as well as the São
the Rittorno Alle Origini on odd years,
Bonato church, also Longarone Square
celebrating Italian culture. Both festivals
and the Nichele family house.
are held at Ado Cassetari municipal park
46 | Brazil Explore Magazine
It is the main center of Italian immigration in southern Santa Catarina with immigrants coming mostly from Venice, Longarone, Lombardia, Friuli and Trentino Alto Adige”
and receive thousands of tourists from all
chase, such as many types of cheeses,
over. Everyone is looking forward to taste,
wines, salamis, jellies, homemade cakes
quite literally, more of Urussanga’s culture
and breads. There is also a plan to build
and gastronomy.
some ecology hikes and fishing holes.
Even the most informal get-togethers
When planning a trip to Urussanga,
are accompanied by lots of music and
have no fear about infrastructure. The city
good wine. However, if the appreciation
has many restaurants, among them the
for wine goes beyond taste, there are
great Pirago. Urussanga also has many
many wineries in the city to visit. The Casa
hotels, inns, a water park, playgrounds,
Del Nonno and the Mazon, for example,
skate parks and more. It would be wise
show the visitor every step of the wine’s
to make reservations, especially around
industrialization process and its products.
festival and event times.
The Mazon Winery in São Pedro also
But it is not only tourism that keeps
built an inn with an excellent restaurant.
Urussanga running. Initially, its economy
The next step will be the construction of a
was based on agriculture and animal
rural mall for presenting products and ser-
husbandry. Today the city has a mixed
vices of the community for visitors to pur-
economic base spread among plastic,
ceramic and aluminum articles, as well as
is located on one of the country’s main
furniture, metallurgy, textiles, not to men-
coal reserves. The city’s subsoil conceals
tion the cultivation of corn, beans, rice,
other important minerals such as fluorite
tobacco, yucca, peaches, plums, poultry
and loam.
and pig breeding. In recent years it has also supported fisheries. For a long time Urussanga’s economic generator was coal mining because it
A piece of Italian culture and a little bit of history, all with a colonial wine taste. Urussanga is a must for everyone who loves a good wine with Italian flavor.
Brazil Explore Magazine | 47
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