THE TREND REPORT Here’s our round-up of the latest trends to help you design a day that’s as uniquely ‘wow’ as it is ‘now’ words Hannah May
When it comes to wedding trends, the trick is to take something you like and make it your own. Rather than copying the latest looks outright, infuse a sense of individual character by selecting a few focal trends from the moment to reflect the time in which you’re marrying, but do it in a personalised way to ensure it’s timelessly ‘you’.
Tree planting parties Weddings are getting greener. From zero-carbon events to barefoot parties in swoon-worthy outdoor spaces, couples are choosing to pay homage to and nurture Mother Nature in an ever-increasing number of ways. Tree planting provides the perfect gesture to symbolise a new start and give back to the earth, encouraging you and your guests to mindfully take stock in the simple and grounding act of rewilding benevolence. It could be featured as part of your ceremony, as an alternative gift list idea by requesting donations toward a tree planting project, or as a pre or post-wedding party at a location of your choice, be it your own garden or a local park as you gather loved ones for a gorgeously green day together followed by an al fresco feast.
#47 2021