Resilience of the Zwolle region

Page 1


Upcoming changes



New structure Old cognition

Amount of water

Amount of people





The great divergence





Borrowed size

Urban age


Water challenge

Resilience explanation



Old structure New cognition Zwolle Re gio n


Old structure Old cognition

New structure New cognition Resilience Stripe in Complex Urban System

>>> FACTS & FIGURES Team: Zhujun He Brian Nap Kim Schotting

4418239 4116852 4012666

Program: net transformation networks 691 km. POD stations 142 infrastructure 560 km. retail 5 ha. jobs 23.000 Type: integral idealistic strategy

When looking towards the region you can see different trends happening in the Netherlands. These can form threats for the region. Trends like greyfication, urban age, and shrinkage have influence on future functioning of the region. To prevent these trends from declining the livability the region needs to become resilient to the social, economical and environmental challenges in the 21 century. It needs to be able to deal with these future changes and design with them. By designing with these trends and their influence it’s possible to create a system in the region which is adaptable for these trend. A new system of networks and clusters can be created to form the base of future development and steer in creating connections.

Resilience focuses upon processes of reorganization. For complex urban system, dynamics that can be represented by an adaptive cycle, which shows four major phases. Firstly, problems lie in old structure, it has potential for change, then new cognitive started, and actions start to transform the structure to a more efficient one, the innovations will be tested in the near future, some fail and others survive and fit into a new process of cycle. This principle forms the base of the strategy. The plan contains two parts: network and clustering. These two elements work together in forming a new coherent structure for the future. They will enhance each other and will adapt to the trends happening.



Phase 2

Phase 1

The network will be formed by a new regional public transport network. This to increase the accessibility between places. The network should be none preferable and evenly spread out in the region. In this way the people of the region and the cities both benefit from it. At this moment Zwolle holds close to all regional facilities and functions. This creates a dependency of surroundings on Zwollle and enforces the shrinkage of the region by people moving towards Zwolle. So it’s necessary to let villages work together to tackle this problem and setup collective shopping centers to support their cluster. This way they will be less dependent on Zwolle for these facilities. To maintain the livability and balance over the region we want to use Robin Hood principle to redistribute facilities. There will be villages that can support clusters and by combing the region and network we can give access to all people to the shops. By the redirecting of shops and clustering of villages together they can work in setting up and maintaining functions. Villages and cities will actively support each other and they can create facilities they otherwise couldn’t sustain alone. This means facilities will be close by and accessible for all groups and people. You can live wherever in the region and still benefit from the facilities of the big cities. The pod system will be introduced in the region in a few phases. In the first phase the pod system will be introduced within the region. The system will follow a route to loop around the region. Within the village clusters the bus will remain active since the system will be slowly introduced in the region. In the next phase the pod can be ordered from the stage on the route which will then also include the region. It will be on­demand, it will follow in the begin a pattern of fixed lines but in contrary to the bus these lines are more flexible and not loops. The last phase will provide a pod­-system from door­to d ­ oor and on demand. The already exciting pod-infrastructure can be used as a storage and charging places for the pods from which they travel to the demanded location The pod­system can be integrated within the already existing infrastructure. To create a preference for this system

towards car use we can create separated lanes for public transport and pods. This will manly by on important regional connection and congested places within the city. Also in the city we can use already active bus roads to create shortcuts for the pod system. The region will be less depend on cars and insufficient bus system. Mobility will go up and it will be easy to travel to any places within the region. The system offers in the end quick easy access to any point in the region, this way the connection towards facilities in rural areas will be good and we can prevent shrinking of remote areas. People don’t need to move to the bigger cities to maintain their livability. Also the mobility of elderly can go up since the pod system can pick them up by their homes and it helps to stimulate the supporting size system since it’s easy access towards them. The system can go everywhere in the region and this contributes to the balanced system and resilience of the region. The network and reorganization of function will prevent shrinkage of the smaller towns of the region. It will keep the region mobile and more active since people in the region will more actively share facilities and work together. It will be less depended on Zwolle and have a more divers character. The strategy isn’t the answer to all problems and threats for the region. But the strategy can form the base for the framework of future plans for the region. It can prevent from favoring Zwolle in regional development. Looking in the context of the Netherlands can we use this strategy to deal with the trends and make other regions in the country resilient? The plan is a tailor made solution, however some of the elements can be used for restructuring other regions in the Netherlands. The pod network can be implemented on any place and the organization of functions can help to tackle shrinkage. However this region has a strong economical structure with Zwolle while regions like North Groningen and Limburg are struggling with adapting to their economic position.

Bridge length 225 m opening element 50 m Meppel - Kampen now 40 min. Meppel - Kampen new 25 min. Aimed effect: Harbour - Improve the export capability and goods flow towards the hinterland. Bridge - Create better connection between Kampen and Mappel. Bring Genemuiden and Zwartsluis together to work along.


Harbour- By developing an international harbour in Kampen, the travel distance of ships will be less. By extending the railway to the new harbour, a direct connection to Germany will be formed. The new harbour will be the biggest export partner of the region. As a result, Kampen will be more attractive to live as more jobs are provided. Water management can be taken in the former harbour areas.

Phase 1 Phase 2

Team: Zhujun He, Brian Nap, Kim Schotting Program: Harbour new harbour 252 ha. regional harbour 171 ha. jobs in harbour 16.000 spin off jobs 40.000

Bridge - The new bridge near Genemuiden provides a connection over the ‘Zwarte water’ and also a linkage between Meppel and Kampen. It provides separated lanes for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport. Cars are not expected otherwise the identity of Genemuiden will be harmed. The streets stay the same and noiseless POD´s will be introduced. Ships can pass when the decks shift into the bridge. Its unique structure can be an icon for the region.








am to K








Road to the center

LOCATION IMPRESSIONS Entrance to the center

Phase 2




Phase 1


New shopping street


Within the strategy, clusters of villages are formed so that the villages can facilitate for themselves. In each cluster there is a facility village where all the bigger shops of the village cluster are located. This is Elburg. In phase one an extra shopping street with big shops (HEMA, H&M etc.), bars and restaurants will be added. A division between local shops and the bigger shops will be made by placing them in different streets. The retail will be placed in the existing houses. Only the façade on the ground floor can be changed but the top floors need to remain the same. The identity of Elburg which is based on the housing will be maintained. The gym that is located just outside the city will house health facilities. With the easy access of the POD’s to this location elderly people can easily get health care at one location. When the shopping street shows to be successful and there is potential for growth the next shopping streets can be added in phase 2.

>>> FACTS & FIGURES Team: Kim Schotting


Program: phase 1 shopping street jobs

231 m. 250

phase 2 shopping street 680 m. jobs 700 POD network POD station

200 POD’s 1 big

Stakeholders involved: shopkeepers, municipality of Elburg, citizens of Elburg Aimed effect: Reducing the dependence on Zwolle of villages. Villages can keep existing and with that a part of the identity of the region will be maintained.

KAMPEN - SHOWCASE CITY Intercity Train station

Pick-up stores

Surprise & Shop


Small pod-station

Travel & Shop



Multi-Channel Retailing

Travel & Shop

Story & Shop

EfficientSurprise transit space&


Regional pod station Quick move-meeting space

Small Businesses Shared-space Street Albert Heijn Pickup Point, Heemstede

Active use of display space

Carnaby street, London

Downtown Container Park, Las Vegas

Small Industry 4.0 in Plinths Pop up-stores

Street is crowed with shopkeepers entrepreneurs, visitors and locals

No more clutterd space with signs and products

Story & Shop

Surprise & Shop

Regional transport iviinngg pod-stationLLiv

Mixed used zone

Living on top of functions

Main pod routes

Story & Shop

Rail network

use p ixeeddwuorksseshhoop quay: Mix Exhibition/showcase l, M otel,work Water oriented recreation g,holeisure te in water related and retail Water oriented recreation iv L g,h Livin shop-for-a-week, workshope space, foodhib and itionleisure Ex ura nt n hibitiont Re Exsta hop rksura Re Wosta p Worksho

Pods can stop and drop people/goods of at any point

Travel & Shop

g Livin ingg LLivivin g Livining Shopp g n i p p Sho

Travel and shop, multichain retailers, Story & Shop pick-up shops and ‘travel and go’

entrance street ing Liv ingg LLivivin g Livinuse Mixed e us ed Mix

Travel & Shop

Carnaby street, London


Albert Heijn Pickup Point, Heemstede

Program: net transformation urban area 2,5 ha. leisure 0,4 ha. commercial 1,9 ha. boulevard quay 605 m shopping street 735 m POD network 400 POD’s POD stations 2 big, 3 small jobs 500 Stakeholders involved: shopkeepers artists technology industry municipality Kampen real estate developers Aimed effect: Revitilization of retail center, increase liveliness by new functions and street scene

Mixed use in buildings: Living, hotel, B&B

Shared-space Street

Pedestrain orienteted quay

Exhabition space for bigger technology and products

Surprise & Shop

Containers offer space to temporarly workshops and restaurants

g Livin ingg LLivivin ng i Livus e

Quay is busy with entrepreneurs , visitors and locals

Mixed use Mixed

The city of Kampen will get a new position in the region by it’s new harbour and the supporting size system. In combination with the already existing retail in the city. Kampen can become a showcase city for the region showing regional products and technologies. This principle can help to reform the retail landscape of the city. Retail is changing because of the online shopping and so vacancy goes up, but it’s not about m2 of space but of the qualities of the area. By creating three different shopping themes it’s possible to create a more attractive shopping and staying area. The themes are Surprise & shop, Story & shop and Travel & Shop. The quay will be redeveloped in to a pleasant boulevard with water related retail and leisure. It will hold quick shifting retail and workshops, shop-for-week. The shopping street will transfer from littered with signs and products to a clear street with interactive edge between shop and street. Travel and go is for easy access ordering online, picking them up at station or hub and continue they journey. The three themes together form a new more resilient retail climate for Kampen. Carnaby street, London

Downtown Container Park, Las Vegas

Downtown Container Park, Las Vegas

Surprise & Shop

ng center: New functionsLin ivicity gg more mixed use and 4.0 inindustry LLivivin pop up stores, SpazioinTemporale, g g iv p insmall galleries display without shop SLhopand opping New functions inShstation area:

>>> FACTS & FIGURES Team: Brian Nap

Albert Heijn Pickup Point, Heemstede

Story & Shop


Redevolped city center street

Travel & Shop


New functions along quay: Living, hotel, B&B









option 2

PHASING option 1

source: Brainport’s life cycle- Dion van Dijk

The harbour of Meppel now functions as industrial area, one high- rise building will be maintained. By adopting Triple Helix to the interactive port, science centres are created as links between firms, the public and academic research groups. HBO Meppel will be established to serve the region better, developing a knowledge- based strategy and speeding up socio- economic development. Axis along two new bridges will be introduced, waterfront surrounding the port will be reclaimed as public spaces with high quality of design in order to improve the image of the port as well as city of Meppel. The accesses, orientation and height of the buildings should be carefully controlled. External and internal public spaces pattern is promoted which enhancing the free flow of people, ideas and innovations. Bus service on the commuting line is necessary once the HBO is set up, POD’s system also fits the network. Two phasing options are provided, but public realm should be created in the first place. Large cargo ships will be limited in the eastern water lane in the future in order to create a more pleasant environment.

>>> FACTS & FIGURES Team: Zhujun He


Program: net transformation urban area 66.95 ha. industrial 37 ha. residential 18 ha infrastructure 4 km. port 12.69 ha. waterfront 1.24 km houses 800 jobs 6,000 HBO students 5,000 Stakeholders involved: Municipality of Meppel residents of the port firms Aimed effect: Creating a better- established knowledge infractructure which works as an engine for innovation to occur in Zwolle region.

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