ECO-MODEL network

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ECO-MODEL network Where the green, blue and grey meet!

Group 7 Brian Nap Fieke Beemster Nikita Baliga

4116852 1547097 4424573


ABSTRACT The city of Sao Paolo is one of the top ten largest cities in the world, with a population of 22 million and a surface comparable to the Randstad in the Netherlands. The city has a great variety of residential areas and a well conserved business district but there are also favelas or informal housing. All inhabitant are mostly dependent from the Billings water reservoir. This Billings reservoir has the socio-spatial and ecological qualities that are unique to the metropolitan region of Sao Paolo. It has the potential to become a model for ecological sustainability and economic possibility. It has the capacity to be transformed into a recreational hub along the eco-corridor. However, it lacks a clear framework for growth in the future. The lack of infrastructure and planning policy in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo are possible reasons for the disorder in urban flows. Therefore, by creating an integrated structure for green, blue & grey networks, the area can be directed towards an environmentally sensitive and economically driven development in the future. In this report, a comprehensive strategy at the macro and micro scale is proposed, which guides the design. The design proposal is created with the Hidronel project, a project already

proposed for the Billing’s reservoir, as the basis. By implementing the proposed design an improvement can be accomplished in terms of mobility, ecology and economy.




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Ring road connectivity Ring road connectivity Diversity in landscape Diversity in landscape Diversity in population Diversity in population Community


Cultural centres Cultural centres Biodiversity


Water source

Water source



Water pollution Water pollution Lack of public transport Lack of public transport Dredging





re ats






Social segregationSocial segregation

re ats


W ea


W ea

Lack of slow transport Lack of slow transport Low surface permeablity Low surface permeablity Poor living conditions Poor living conditions Water as transportWater as transport High speed trafficHigh speed traffic Droughts


Industrial pollution Industrial pollution





Figure. 2 Key issues of Sao Paulo



CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - Description and analysis From the first impressions of visiting the city of Sao Paulo and the project area of the Billing’s reservoir, a SWOT analysis was done. The main strengths and weaknesses were classified broadly into three themes, namely, Mobility, Ecology and Economy(Figure 1&2). The strength of the precinct is the diversity in the landscape. The intersection of water and land in the contoured terrain, creates a unique mix of grasslands, forest and wetlands. This combination is a breeding ground for a distinct biodiversity of aerial and aquatic wildlife. The proximity of industries in the area provides economic possibility by providing job opportunities for the inhabitants in the area. The connectivity of the area through the ring road is also a potential for the development of the economic zone. The Billing’s reservoir is the largest water source for the city of Sao Paulo. The use of the reservoir for water transport is the strength of the water-body that is yet to be exploited. But, the area also encounters problems such as flooding and water pollution which is posing as a threat rather than an opportunity. The urban pressure of the city has lead to the favelas or informal

settlements along the reservoir which is also contributing to the ecological issues of the area. The large population in these favelas are confronted with the poor connectivity through public transport to the economic zones in the city centre. This compels the inhabitants to depend on private transport which further leads to congestion due inadequate infrastructure in the city. Therefore, the inter-relation of the issues related to mobility and ecology are resulting in the stagnancy in the economic growth of the city. Hence, the three problems will the investigated in further detail to help create a design addressing the issues in a holistic manner.


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - MOBILITY To understand the issue of mobility, it is important to analyse the main economic generators of the city and how the current state of their connectivity from the rest of the city is (Figure 3). These generators mainly consisted of the old and new business districts and the extent of the industries which were spread over the city.

network that facilitates the connectivity to these generators was mapped (Figure 4). It was understood that the connectivity around and to the city centre is strong. But as one moves away form the centre, the connectivity through public transport gets weak.

Secondly, the public transport

Figure. 3 Economic generators of Sao Paulo

Figure. 4 Existing public transport network in Sao Paulo


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - MOBILITY The recent Hidronel project is an attempt to improve this connectivity using water as a means of transport (Figure 5). The design of this project is well formulated and the full implementation of this project could be step towards resolving the mobility problems in the city.

that there is a gap in the integration of the two (Figure 6). The project will further investigate how this project can aid the bridging of this gap to promote accessibility within the city of Sao Paulo.

However, when the hidronel project was overlaid on the existing transport system, it was observed

Figure. 5 Proposed Hidronel project

Figure. 6 Gap in between the existing and proposed transport system


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - ECOLOGY The diversity in landscape in the Billing’s reservoir is unique ot the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo (Figure 6). The high points of the contour also gives an idea of how the terrain spatially divides the neighborhoods(Figure 9).

area wiht higher and lower risk of flooding can be identified. It is also observed that some of these areas are occupied by informal settlements(Figure 10). This has various repurcussions socially and ecologically.

With the help of the contour map, the flow of water into the reservoir is mapped. Through this map overlay,

Figure. 9 Morphology of the area

Figure. 10 Existing favelas in the area


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - ECOLOGY This unregulated squatting of people causes many serious issues in the Billing’s reservoir. The lack of infrastructure for the waste disposal in these informal settlements is the main cause of water pollution of the reservoir. The reservoir is being dredged regularly to improve the quality fo the water. But this is a temporary solution

Figure. 11 Informal settlements

Figure. 12 Pollution in the city

for a permanent problem. This solution is also very specific to the area, while the water that flows through the city also suffers from the wates disposed at the Billing’s reservoir. The issue of housing and waste disposal need to be thought of together to improve the quality of the water in the reservoir.

Figure. 12 Pollution in the Billing’s reservoir


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - ECONOMY The economic point of view of this area is looked at in terms of the amount of time needed to access the business districts of the city. The issue of traffic congestion is the main hurdles to improve the accessibility of the city. With google traffic mapping as a resource, the bottlenecks of the city were mapped. It was observed

Figure. 13 Traffic bottlemecks in the city

that the roads that lead from the Billing’s reservoir to the main business districts of the city were the critical spines(Figure 13).


CONTEXT AND PROBLEM FIELD - ECONOMY To reinforce the argument, a brief test was conducted to find the time taken to travel from the project area to two different destinations in the city. One destination was at the macro scale, which was the city centre and the other at a meso scale which was the closest industrial district.

and during congestion differed by a phenomenal difference in time. This reinstates the problem of time and lack of economic possibility.

As seen in the figures below, the travel time during no congestion

Travel time to the OLD CITY CENTRE when

Travel time to Bernardo do Campo when

NOT CONGESTED : 36 minutes CONGESTED : 85 minutes

NOT CONGESTED : 20 minutes CONGESTED : 35 minutes

Figure. 14 Time take to the city centre

Figure. 15 Time taken to the industrial district


PROBLEM STATEMENT The Billings reservoir has the socio-spatial and ecological qualities that are unique to the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo. It has the potential to become a model for ecological sustainablity & economic possibility. It has the capacity to be transformed into a recreational hub along the eco-corridor. However, it lacks a clear framework for growth in the future. The lack of infrastructure and planning

Figure. 16 Ecological issues

Figure. 18 Mobility issues

policy in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo are possible reasons for the disorder in urban flows. Therefore, by creating an integrated structure for green, blue & grey networks, the area can be directed towards an environmentally sensitve & economically driven development in the future.

Figure. 17 Economic issues


RESEARCH AND DESIGN AIMS How to create a framework for development by creating a hierarchial structure for the green, blue and grey network? How to create a hierarchy in the transport structure using water as a mode of transport?

Figure. 19 Transport

How to resolve ecological issues in the given morphological context? How to enhance the spatial quality to make it socially and economically viable?


image caption image caption

image caption image caption

Figure. 20 Transport


METHODOLOGY AND REFERENTIAL THEORIES A methodology can be described as, the study or description of methods and techniques used to carry out the research and the resulting design. In this project a set of methods were used, starting with different analyses which have been applied to the project site. The first technique used was to visit the project area and the relevant observations were noted. From the observations, the SWOT analysis was carried out. The results of the SWOT helped to classify the problem into three main categories. Further, the three themes of economy, ecology and mobility were investigated. But most importantly, a detailed analysis of the proposed interventions in the city of Sao Paulo were studied. In Sao Paolo at the FAU USP, the fluvial metropolis research group led by Alexander Delijaicov are already working at a solution for Sao Paolo (Grupo Metrópole Fluvial, 2015). They are trying to achieve a metropolitan waterway ring for Sao Paolo. Main idea is to add canals at some parts to close the waterway ring. Besides closing the water network, nodes next to the Billings reservoir are proposed to work as hubs. These hubs have different goals, they can work as dredging-ports, sludge-ports, trans-ports and eco-ports. Passengers can be transported over the water for purposes of tourism and reservoir crossings. The Hidroanel metropolis plans are used as basis of the design

in this report. Mobility and economic issues of he area were analysed through online research whereas the ecology was analysed with the maps. From these analyses, the key issues were identified and a problem statement and research question was formulated. To answer the research question, strategy & aims were deviced. To design the project, best practises of the transport system from the cities of Bogota and Curitiba, were studied to give a better understanding of the subject. A network strategy was recommended to ease the gap in the transport scenario. Design was created on different nodes in alignment with the network strategy along the Billing’s reservoir to demonstrate the influence of the context on the design of the node. To reinforce the design, it was assessed in different ways, starting with the four step transport model to assess people flows., explained clearly in the appendix. After this a phasing is done to show how the implementation of the design is proposed. This phasing is related to the stakeholders that are involved. Once the assessment is done, conclusions can be drawn and the importance and the effects of the design are given.



Legend Legenda Legenda Legenda Legenda Legenda Legenda Legenda image caption image caption

1 km Figure. 21 Future 0 public transport network 5 km of Sao Paulo


STRATEGY AND AIMS For this chapter we will focus on ‘how can we create this network of green, blue and grey?’ How are the axis and nodes combined to a network but also implement the structures of the Sao Paulo Metropole and Hidroanel Project.This chapter will describe how we can turn our project scope towards a strategy aims which will later lead to a design. The base of the strategy was formed by a toolbox. This toolbox is used for not only design but also analysis of the exciting situation. After that a new hierarchy of routes is created and the street profile gets addaped to favour new modes of transport in stead of cars. Important for the design was working on a good way to bring structure and hierarchy for creating the network and assigning these ‘ECOnodes’. So here fore a scheme was made for the relations between green, blue and grey. The strategy is about setting up a new hierarchy for public transport network. This networks will improve connectivity towards city center and working districts and will offer more travel opportunities. Besides that it will also improve street profiles favoring slow traffic (pedestrians and cyclists) and public transport, this leading to a decrease of congestion on road. But also offering economic opportunities around the ECO-nodes.

To show the importance and the idea of the green, blue and grey network a scheme was made to show their relationships and what they hold (figure 22). So between the grey and blue is the opportunity for water transport. Between blue and green room is made for irrigation and filtration. And green and grey form the place for attractive slow networks for people to reach nearby destinations. This list is based on the Hidroanel project (figure 23). This list contains morphological features, like wasteflow or water corridor, this way trash and water can be cleaned/collected before entering reservoir. But also features like proximity to communities to set up such a point accessible by water and road to provide public transport services. So as can see the criteria list is linked towards the functions list. These functions form more general topic which the ECO-nodes will address. Based on these topics a strategy is made using a toolbox of elements.


Figure. 22 Interrelationship of green, blue and grey networks Criteria

Criteria Functions


where water flows in bassin

where water flows in cleansing Water bassin

Water cleansing

accessible by road

accessible by road Trash distribution collection

Trash distribution collection

proximity to green space

proximity to green Combine modes space transporation

Combine modes transporation

along ecological corridors

along ecological corridors Continuing of green corridors

Continuing of green corridors

proximity to communities

proximity to communities

Near public transport

Near public transport

In waste flow corridor

In waste flow corridor

Sufficient depth/width

Sufficient depth/width

Figure. 23 Criteria list and common functions for ECO-node

Economic cluster

Economic cluster

Public space

Public space




ECO-MODEL Toolbox Ecology




Figure. 24 Toolbox of program based on Economy, Mobility and Ecology

So we made a toolbox for the design with measurements and program which can be implemented in the ECO-nodes. These can reach from general ones like water storage to the methods of storage like wetlands, bioswales and watersquares. But we also used the toolbox as method for analysis to see what elements are existing in the different scales. Which character an area has (Ecology, Economy or Mobility) and which priorities and which the program the ECO-nodes. This gave structure towards the character of the ECO-node and improves their role within the context of the area. Here you can see the analysis of the Meta (figure 25) and Macro scale (figure 26) . For example it’s visible that the Sao Paulo urbanized area is focused on economy while the more rural are has more ecological priority based around preservation.

Figure. 25 Analysis of Meta-scale based on toolbox

Figure. 26 Analysis of Macro-scale based on toolbox


Figure. 27 New network hierarchy proposed

Figure. 28 New network hierarchy proposed


Figure. 29 Overlaying nodes and network hierarchy


The new network will be created based analysis and the evaluation of the Hidroanel plan. It consists of 3 parts. The ECO-BRT corridor, the already existing BRT Corridor and new BRT connector between these two points(Figure 31).For these 3 types of routes a new suggestion for the section is made to better integrate public transport and slow traffic in the street profile.





Figure. 30 ECO-BRT nodes metropolitan scale




Figure. 31 ECO-BRT nodes at the Billings reservoir


BRT LANE Road width Bus priority lane Car lane

: approx 30m/ 100ft : 80 km/h maximum speed : 80 km/h maximum speed

Figure. 32 BRT nodes at the Billings reservoir

The BRT lane is a rapid bus corridor transporting people trowards city center and working locations. Already exsiting corridors get upgraded to more favor public transport.

ECO- BRT LANE Road width Car/bus speed

: approx 15m/ 60ft : 60 km/h maximum speed

Figure. 33 ECO-BRT nodes at the Billings reservoir

The ECO- BRT lane connects all the ECO-nodes in the metropolitan area. This road connection in combination with the new water connection will offer quick transport around and between the outskirts of Sao Paulo.


BRT CONNECTORS Road width : approx 12m/ 40ft Car/Bus speed : 40 km/h maximum speed

Figure. 34 BRT connector

The BRT CONNECTORS form the missing link between the already existing BRT corridors and the new to make ECO-BRT this makes it possible for people in this area to quicker access the city center and workplaces through public transport.

SLOW NETWORK Road width : approx 7.5 m/ 20ft Car speed : 30 km/h maximum speed

Figure. 35 Slow network

The SLOW network is a zone of routes towards the ECO-BRT corridor and the BRT connectors so people can access the public transport routes by slow traffic. Making it easy to use bike or walking as mode of transportation. It’s the last mile zone.


DESIGN In the design it’s about the elaboration of the strategy for the ECO-nodes. Here we will look at two different nodes with different characters and give a design concept and make for one node a more finalized design. This includes more elaborated program of functions and also design and visuals. For the design of the ECO-node we used the toolbox to see what’s already there in the area and the focus of the ECO-node (figure 36). This ECO-node will focus on Ecology and Mobility being a potential important transportation hub and protecting and enhancing the nearby Buffalo park. The analysis lead to first scheme for the design with some functions (figure 37). This makes a first plan for BUS PARKING

organization of space. There is one canal dug to the Billings reservoir for water transport and next to it are wetlands which can filter and clean the water besides storing it. Also this clean water is maintained the people before it overflows in the reservoir, which is more contaminated (see figure 38). Also the node gets the function as hub of the community, not only for transport but also including retail, leisure and trash collection. The plan of the design is shown in figure x. In figure 39 is visible how the different flows of green, blue and grey come together in the ECO-node. There are slow-network routes going in the neighborhood and the ECO-BRT and BRT connectors stop in this node also this node houses an fast connection








Figure. 36 analysis ECO-node Praia do Leblon










Figure.37 concept scheme of ECO-node organization












Figure. 38 ECO-node design

Figure.39 ECO-node design flows of green, blue and grey


A-’A B-’B

Figure. 40 .1 Section A-’A Figure. 41 .1

Figure. 40 Section

Figure. 41 .1 Section B-’B Figure. 41.1

Figure. 41 Section B-’B

Clean Figure. 42 Section scheme of wetland and water purification




Figure. 43 Overview of ECO-node design

In the isometric overview (figure 43) you can see the design and how it’s placed in the landscape. It visible how the design uses the landscape for the shaping of the wetlands and the design of the build volumes. These are based on the flow/movement of people and the morphology. Because the port and bus-stop are located closely to each other it makes for easy transfer of transport. Trash from the streams is collected under the square this can be used for recycled articles. The contained water flows at the start of the wetland and gets filtered by the vegetation and flows downhill because of the height difference in the landscape. In the sections (figure 41) it’s visible that the streams of water are separated and how the water and design relates to the height differences of the landscape.

The people living in some illegal settlements on the project site can be relocated in the social housing designed in the ECO-node this way they don’t have to be relocated to other parts and the community can remain. These social housing is located on the edges of the square. The ECOnode also offers the opportunity to house new economic functions and businesses making it attractive to live nearby and offering more local jobs. On the next page the functions of the ECO-node will be described more elaborately.


Figure. 44 Overview of ECO-node functions

The ECO-node holds different functions besides being only a transport hub. It functions as transfer point between different modes of transportation: pedestrian, cyclist, bus, waterbus. It functions as center of neighborhood and tries to include daily life in it’s design. It can hold a supermarket for daily groceries and each morning a market can take place on the square. Retail related to food and waste collection and recycling can be set up. This offers to opportunity to integrate waste and transport; for example people can hand in their waste and get credit to travel with public transport or if delivering more can exchange it for food products. The shape of the buildings makes it possible to leisure on the green roofs but also makes it possible to make it an urban theater. It can host local cultural events, like movie nights or music performances. Also the promenade makes it attractive to go for stroll along the water between canal and wetlands. At the end of the

promenade the water is cleaned by the wetlands and offers the opportunity to be used for recreation and a small beach is created. This way people are able to really use the water and benefit from it. The watersquares offer the opportunity to let children of the neighborhood play with the element safely and also gives some storage capacity with peak rainfalls. So in the morning markets take place and people go by public transport to their work, in the afternoon people can take a break in the wetlands or eat lunch on the green roofs while children can play on the square or parks. During the evening people can barbecue at the beach at the end of promenade. And as it gets dark a local band gives an performance for everybody to enjoy at the urban theater. A few visualizations have been made to give an impression of the ECO-node, the buildings, the wetlands and beach (figure 47).


Figure. 45 View from the Av. Alvarenga

Figure. 46 View from the canal

Figure. 47 View of the promenade


To test the design, another node was choosen to see how different morphology and local functions changes the design. From the analysis (figure 48) it’s clear that this node has economic priorities with industry, businesses and cargo flows in it’s proximity. This has lead to a scheme which makes this ECO-node not only a transport hub but also a cargo hub. It becomes an trransfer point for goods

and a park combined with water storage and filtration. Due to the morphology, the landscape is used to clean the water alonge a longer length. The conceptual scheme of organization of the ECO-node is visible (figure 9). This shows how different nodes have similarities and differences and shows the process of coming towards as design scheme for the node.








Figure. 48 concept scheme of ECO-node organization (Balneário Mar Paulista) ECO-MODEL Toolbox Ecology









Figure. 49 analysis ECO-node Balneário Mar Paulista


Figure. 50 Future public transport network of Sao Paulo


Assesment : Transport model

Assessment transport model In the proposed plans new modalities in public transport are available. After implementation of the proposed plans the people movement flows will probably change because of the new modalities and new routes that are proposed. In appendix A, a full explanation of the used model techniques can be found. The model is applied to two different routes, starting with the project side to the city centre. Three different modes are assessed, the car, public transport on road and the water network. There is expected to see a shift from the car and public transport on road to the new proposed water network. The same steps are taken for another route, to increase feasibility of the model. This route is from a more southern place by the Billings reservoir to Bernardo Campo, an industrial area near the project side. Also in this scenario the modal shift takes place as expected. These number are not exactly right of course. With the right encouragement for people to try the new modes, this is what could happen. An example of encouragement is for example trash collection points at the water network. By bringing in trash, people can get a discount for their transport by the water network.

Destination city centre

Travel time to the CITY CENTRE when roads are NOT CONGESTED : 36 minutes


:85 minutes

City Centre Route

Total Costs (in BRL)



Public transport on road


Assesment : Transport model Destination Bernardo do Campo Water network



Figure. 51 Destination city centre

Travel time to Bernardo do Campo when roads are NOT CONGESTED : 20 minutes


: 35 minutes

Bernardo do Campo Route

Total Costs (in BRL)



Public transport on road


Water network


Figure. x52 Destination Bernardo do Campo

Travel Ti


l Time (in min)

% use before

% use after










ime (in min)

% use before

% use after











Figure. 53 Example of busmap based on ECO-node design and transport model



PHASING The phasing is done for two different scales. Starting with the metropolitan scale. This scale is also divided in two parts but should be implemented at the same time. By looking at the nodes, the first nodes to be implemented are at the Billings reservoir, where the congestion and water pollution is biggest. After this the nodes follow from the most congested parts of the city to the less congested parts. When looking at the implementation of the water network, first the water ring will be completed, after this the waste management and the water network will be implemented. Once the water network is in use, the land network will be less

congested and can be dealt with. After which the slow network can be completed. An integrated network will be the output. By looking at the micro scale, first the water filtration plans will be implemented, at the same time as the waste management at the higher scale. Then the water network will be made possible, the connection to the land network and the slow network. After the component of leisure can be added to the nodes and the node will be completed. This time scale relates to the time scale at the higher level.


water ring

waste management

water mobility

land mobility

slow network

integrated network

metropolitan scale micro scale Now





place making

Figure. 54 Phasing all scales


STAKEHOLDERS A stakeholder analysis is been done and stakeholders have been identified for every phase of the implementation. The stakeholders with a + are positive to the plans of that phase and the stakeholders with a - are negative to the plans of that phase. The negative stakeholders with a lot of power and interest will be most harmful for the project. They will need a kind of compensation. In this case inhabitants of the favelas will be negative because some of them will have to leave their houses. Social housing could be a solution for this. This is already done in the same area

Figure. 55 Phasing with stakeholders

before and proven to work. Other stakeholders that are negative are the salesmen and restaurant owners. During implementation they will have less customers but the promise of a lot more customers in the future, once the implementation phase is finished will probably be enough. Governmental institutions are both positive and negative, this is because they will like the project but they will have to invest a lot.

38 High

Manage closely

Keep satisfied +/- Federal government

- Inhabitants favelas represented by household association

+/- State government

+ Public transport companies: Railway (CPTM) and bus (SPTrans, Mobibrazil and EMTU) +/- District and municipal government


Keep informed

Monitor + Inhabitants formal housing, represented by municipality (submunicipality dadema from

- Restaurant/bar owners

- Salesmen Religious associa+ Construction companies + Waste management companies, (municipal company)




Figure. 56 Development phase

Manage closely

Keep satisfied

+ Public transport companies: Railway (CPTM) and bus (SPTrans, Mobibrazil and EMTU)

+/- Federal government

+/- District and municipal government

+/- State government



Keep informed


+ Inhabitants formal housing, represented by municipality (submunicipality dadema from district pedreira).

- Inhabitants favelas represented by household association - Restaurant/bar owners

Religious associations - Salesmen

+ Waste management companies, (municipal company)

+ Construction companies






Figure. 57 Implementation phase

Manage closely

Keep satisfied +/- Federal government

+ Public transport companies: Railway (CPTM) and bus (SPTrans, Mobibrazil and

+/- State government

+/- District and municipal government

Keep informed


- Inhabitants favelas represented by household association - Restaurant/bar owners

Religious associa-

- Salesmen + Construction companies + Waste management companies, (municipal company) + Inhabitants formal housing, represented by municipality (submunicipality dadema from district pedreira).




Figure. 58 Maintainance phase


IMPORTANCE AND EFFECTS Conclusions can be drawn in terms of mobility, ecology and economy. By implementing the proposed design for the city of Sao Paolo, an improvement is seen with the transport model. Approximately 20% less cars and 37% less passengers will use the road network which will result in less congestion. Therefore, a decrease of emissions will occur, less fuel will be

used and by using the water network, there will be a higher awareness for the water. In the long term the air will be cleaner, and so will the water and land. In terms of economy, the design will result in a lower overall travel time. Hence, lower travel costs, which gives the people more opportunity to travel and more economic possibilities within th city.

Lesser cars on the road Decrease in emissions Lower fuel use By using water network, higher awareness

Cleaner air, water and land ECOLOGY


20% (approx.) less private cars

on the road


less passengers use land public transport reducing pressure


Decrease in travel time Lower travel costs Higher economic possibility


RELEVANCE AND ETHICAL DIMENSION When implementing the proposed design it has a great deal of influence on the daily schedule of people living in the node areas. Problems are identified but great improvement in terms of mobility, ecology and economy can be established. The main problems by implementing the design are the informal houses that have to be replaced. This will be kept to a minimum but inhabitants might not agree without a repayment. Another problem is the finance for the implementation of the design for which investments by governmental institutions are necessary as well as from other stakeholders. The design has the potential to achieve different things, starting with increasing mobility. People will have less travel time and therefore can reach their destination more easily. When looking at the travel times for the inhabitants of Sao Paolo, a great improvement for their daily life can be accomplished. When looking at ecology, the water waste management will increase the livability in the city. Less water pollution is expected and therefore even the smell of the water might get better. The amount of drinking water will be sufficient to provide the city with drinking water. When travel times get lower, the city will be at ease, people will

have more opportunity to travel and therefore have more economic possibilities. Overall, the people of Sao Paolo will have an improvement in their livability and an opportunity to improve their lifestyle. This is achievable because of the new proposed framework that can handle growth in the future.


REFERENCES G1 Sao Paolo. (2015, june 1). Motoristas reclamam das condições da Estrada do Alvarenga, em SP. Retrieved june 1, 2015, from G1 Sao Paolo: sao-paulo/noticia/2011/12/motoristas-reclamam-das-condicoes-da-estrada-do-alvarenga-em-sp.html Gemiddeld gezien. (2015, sd sd). Gemiddeld verbruik. Retrieved june 1, 2015, from gemiddeld gezien: http:// Global Petrol Prices. (2015, june 1). Brazil Gasoline prices, liter. Retrieved june 1, 2015, from Global Petrol Prices: :// Brazil/gasoline_prices/ Grupo Metrópole Fluvial. (2015, sd sd). Hidroanel Metropolotano de Sao Paolo. Opgeroepen op april 10, 2015, van Grupo Metrópole Fluvial: http:// Ortuzar, J., & Willumsen, L. (2011). Modelling transport. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Waterbus. (2015, june 1). Waterbus Routekaart. Retrieved june 1, 2015, from Waterbus: http://www.waterbus. nl/landing.php

Wiki. (2015, sd sd). Paraisópolis (São Paulo). Retrieved june 1, 2015, from Wiki: Parais%C3%B3polis_(S%C3%A3o_ Paulo)


Appendix A Four step transport model In the proposed plans new modalities in public transport are available. After implementation of the proposed plans the people movement flows will probably change because of the new modalities and new routes that are proposed. In this appendix an explanation of the proposed model is given. This model is applied to two different routes from origin project site to destinations city centre and Bernardo Campo. For every route, three different modalities are assessed. The car, public transport by road and the new water network. To find out which percentage of people will use the new route, the four step transport model will be used (Ortuzar & Willumsen, 2011). Two of the four steps of this model are necessary to find the assignment over the different routes. In this chapter first the methodology of the four step transport model is explained. After this in subsection two, the data collection is given. Then in subsection three the calculations and the model itself can be found. Finally in subsection four, the results are given and conclusions are drawn. 1. Methodology of the four step transport model The four step transport model exists as expected from four steps.

The first step is the trip generation, with this step the total number of generated trips are modeled. The second step, trip distribution uses this number of trips as input and gives us the distribution of the total number of trips over different zones. Output of this step is an origin destination matrix. The first two steps of the four step model will not be used in this report since the number of trips from our origin to the destination are found in literature. This makes the number of trips more accurate. The following steps will be used in this report. The third step of the model is the modal split. With this step the modal split of users can be modeled. The choice for a mode depends on different characteristics of the modes, among which the costs, travel time, convenience etc. The fourth step of the transport model is the assignment to the network. Congestion due to capacity problems can be taken into account in this step. The three routes that have been found exist of different modalities, since we do not take every route into account but only those three routes the third and the fourth step will be combined. The number of trips between origin (project site) and destination (city centre) can be assigned to the three different routes by using discrete choice modeling and the multi nominal logit model. The following formulas are used: In which: = Utility route I = Random utility component = Tastes / weights for attribute m


The first formula can be used to find the utility of a route. After this the third formula will be used to calculate the chance that a person would actually choose the route. After this the number of trips can be multiplied by the probability of a route. This will give the expected distribution over the three different routes. 2. Data collection To use the model, a lot data is necessary. In this section the input data for the model can be found. Since there is no data available for everything, assumptions are done for some input. First a map is shown in which the three routes are made comprehensible, a route by car that already exists, a route by bus that already exists and a route by the water network that is introduced. After that all variables and parameters are given, there is also explained how they are substantiated. Project site to City centre (see figure x): Route 1 Car Route 2 Additional public transport Route 3 Water network Project side to XX (see figure x): Route 1 Car Route 2 Additional public transport Route 3 Water network

Costs For all routes the costs for the passenger are needed. If the costs are higher, less people will actually take this route. The costs are calculated for all three routes. In Brazil the monetary unit is the Brazilian Real (BRL), one Real is worth 0.29 euro (Source: http:// A ride by a bus is for every distance and time in the bus the same price, this is 3,50 BRL. The price for the ferry is not registered, because the modality does not exist yet. Therefore a ticket price of also 3,50 BRL is assumed. The only mode left is driving by car, the average fuel price in Brazil in the last 6 months has an average of 3.31 BRL. To compute the costs for the car, also an average fuel use is found (Gemiddeld gezien, 2015). For gasoline this is a use of 1 liter for every 14 km. In Brazil, also biofuels are used a lot. Biofuels are less expensive. Besides this, when there is congestion there will be used more gasoline or biofuels. Since they cancel each other out, there is assumed that the numbers for gasoline can be used. Project site to city centre Car

Route 1

Route 3 Water network Total costs per mode choice 7.50 BRL

Route 2 Additional public transport

7.00 BRL


Figure. 59 Brazilian fuel price (Global Petrol Prices, 2015)

Project site to Bernardo Campo Car

Route 1

Route 2 Additional public transport Route 3 Water network

Total costs per mode choice 3.92 BRL

3.50 BRL

3.50 BRL

Time The time for all three routes are also necessary since a longer route will attract less people. Also for time assumptions need to be done. There is known that traveling by bus from origin to destination takes 94 minutes. A fast ferry can be used, this ferry has an average speed of 40 km/h (Waterbus, 2015). By car the time to get from origin to destination is at this moment 46 minutes. With this knowledge the table below is established.

Project site to city centre Car

Route 1

Route 2 Additional public transport Route 3 Water network Project site to Bernardo Campo Car

Route 1

Route 2 Additional public transport Route 3 Water network

Total travel time per mode choice 46 min

1.34 hour

1.16 hour Total travel time per mode choice 20 min

1.18 hour

15 min


Number of trips from origin to destination Parais贸polis has an estimated population between 80,000 and 100,000 people. It contains about 20,000 households (Wiki, 2015). According to (G1 Sao Paolo, 2015), more than 210,000 people depend on 23 bus lines passing through the road, Estrada do Alvarenga. 3. Model In this chapter the data is used as input, the formulas are filled in and can be found below. This gives the following output the City centre: Route V -5.884 -5.696 -5.624 This gives the following output to Bernardo Campo: Route V -5.884 -5.696 -5.624 The V for every route stands for the utility that people would give to this route in comparing to each other. It is important to mention that the values can only be assessed by comparing them to each other, not to zero. By using the output in the logit model,

the following formula can be used: This gives the following output to the city centre: Route P 2 routes P 3 routes 45 %

28.5 %

55 %

34.4 % 37 %

This gives the following output to Bernardo Campo: Route P 2 routes P 3 routes 48 %

28.6 %

52 %

31.2 % 40.2 %

4. Results & conclusions What can be seen is that in case of the first destination, the city centre. Approximately 37 % less congestion on the road. In the second case to Bernardo campo this is about 40 %. The model can be found in the excel file that is added. In this excel file the time and costs for all destinations can be used as input in the yellow block. Output can be found in the blue block. With these numbers and with the amount of people travelling daily, the capacity can be calculated. This is also done with the model in the green block and can be used to compute for example the following time table:


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