1 minute read
MS. HART (under her breath) Disgusting...
ALYA and JOHNNY‘s eyes are wide with shock. MS. HART closes her eyes for a moment, before drawing her focus to her remaining children.
MS. HART Alya.
ALYA Yes, Mother?
MS. HART Make sure that Johnathan goes to bed.
ALYA silently nods her head. MS. HART exhaustedly sighs as she gets up from her chair and leaves the room. Sobs can be heard from MATTEO. Underneath the table, ALYA holds JOHNNY’S hand.
C’mon bud, time for bed.
JOHNNY appears hesitant for a moment as he looks towards the door before facing Alya.
JOHNNY (Quietly)
ALYA and JOHNNY leave the kitchen. They walk up the stairs as MS. HART walks down carrying a belt. They do not make eye contact. CLOSE ON JOHNNY squeezing ALYA’s hand tighter.