Avaya (Colombia) | BBR - Brochure

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The digital tools and support companies need AVAYA Colombia has raised as a powerhouse and accelerator for business, as it has gained importance as the market’s leading digital resources facilitator

Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Translated by María Murgui de Pedro Interviewee Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia

AVAYA C o l o m b i a


n a global scale,

from Thunderbird School of Global

AVAYA is a synonym

Management (Arizona, USA) and

for dynamic and fluent

some studies on Digital Business

communications, for

Strategies from MIT (Massachusetts

flexible and adaptable

Institute of Technology).

environments and excellency in what

After a 20-year career, Mesa

Information and Communication

has experience in charge of digital

Technologies regards. The Company

transformation projects in different

– a spin-off from AT&T- follows a

sectors, in the creation and launch of

path in which, for 21 years, it has

business development strategies in

kept itself at the forefront by means

different companies from the sector

of technological innovations as well

such as Oracle Colombia, where

as by easing millions of operations to

he served as a general manager.

more than five million users in contact

Previously, he served as a Public

centers, becoming a referent in sectors Sector Director and as a hardware such as “solutions as a service” and

Sales Manager for the Andean Region.

as a facilitator of cloud transitions and

He also acted as Business Manager

digital transformations.

for Lenovo’s Enterprise division and, before that, he led IBM’s System X


strategy for Latin-America and

AVAYA’s Colombian operation. He


graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad

the Caribbean.

Javeriana (Colombia), owns a Master’s has made an important ally in unified Degree on Business Administration


communications out of it, besides

Digital Communications

Solutions of fered by AVAYA h a v e b e c o m e mo re rel evant w ith the increase in remote wo r k as a consequence of the global pandemic

being a supplier for nine out of ten

to be the country with AVAYA’s third

of the biggest “call centers” in the

largest revenue in Latin America.

country, increasing its market share up

To culminate that successful job,

to 50% according to the “Digitalization a new AVAYA Innovation Center has and Preparation for the Adoption

been built in Bogotá, a facility up to

of Solutions in the Cloud” report,

standards shared by the corporate

conducted by analysts Frost

headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, and

& Sullivan.

New Jersey, USA. A great investment

These efforts have made Colombia

has been made on this center to

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AVAYA C o l o m b i a


A V A Y A C o l o m b i aD i g i t a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Companies require the capacity to create applications from different elements, which would ease their communication and collaboration environment - Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia

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AVAYA C o l o m b i a

make innovations and high-level

To become closer to these models,

technological experiences available

AVAYA has considered three

to clients and strategic partners,

key factors:

becoming a hub able to provide

• Cloud solutions, where not

solutions in Digital Transformations

only is information stored, but also

and Unified Communication to


business leaders at every level, from

• Easing access to

entrepreneurs to senior management

technological resources, with

in Colombia’s large companies.

support from Artificial Intelligence and subscription models.


• Flexible and modular

AVAYA’s results in the recent “Life

technological architecture,

And Work Beyond 2020” survey

in which clients are enabled to

showed that the intention of the

generate custom-made solutions,

workforce in working activities should

covering any possible experience

be more flexible regarding employee’s

for different users.

physical presence in company offices and in their schedules, as well as

to create applications from different

users’ and consumers’ expectations

elements, which would ease creating

towards multichannel interaction with

the ideal communications and

brands and companies, in a way in

collaboration environment to manage

which they can receive an immediate

and train teams”, said Mesa.

response for their needs.


“Companies require the capacity

Digital Communications

AVAYA i n t e g r a t e s hubs w ith dif ferent applications, making co l labo rative work easier

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Our partnerships’ growth has enabled us to accelerate the introduction and adoption of new technologies and keep ourselves as a client-centered company - Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia


Digital Communications

INNOVATION SUPPORTING REMOTE COLLABORATION Resources available from AVAYA are useful tools which, after some time, become essential for collaborative

competitive in a market which is now more aggressive than ever”, the executive explained.

innovations is AVAYA Spaces, which


gathers applications into a hub and

with big brands, which enable the

makes collaborative work easier for

company into creating strategic

thousands of people.

alliances that result in the possibility

work. One of these important

Another recent remarkable launch

of offering innovative products for

has been AVAYA OneCloudTm,

companies of all sizes as well as

which aligns itself with services

easing their path to digitalization.

such as contact centers, unified

Brands such as AWS, Google

communications and communication

Cloud, IBM, Microsoft, Nuance,


Telmex and Verint, among others, are

These and other resources are

a part of the solutions AVAYA offers

available by the AVAYA OneCloudTm

to its customers and users to make a

Subscription model for software and


devices, which enables companies

“Our partnerships’ growth has

access these tools by flexible

enabled us to accelerate the

payment methods such as monthly

introduction and adoption of new

fees, according to their needs and

technologies, break the inertia

modular growth.

and keep ourselves as a client-

“This offer is available in all of Latin America and its aim is to fill in a gap

centered company”, the general manager stated.

that companies need to be more

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AVAYA C o l o m b i a

AVAYA o f f e r s customi zed subscr iption model s, cove r i ng the needs of companies of any size

COVID-19: A TRANSFORMATION AGENT The COVID-19 pandemic and its

has shown itself as a resilient

consequences have changed many

as well as thrusting those companies

detect opportunities for new business,

companies -even in positive aspects-

in need of these digital tools to keep

as an agent for emerging abilities

working during the emergency.

which perhaps didn’t gather that many


Company with a winning DNA, able to

Moreover, AVAYA supported

attention in the conditions prior to the

companies from all sectors in

health contingency. AVAYA Colombia

Colombia by giving away about 50,000

Digital Communications

free licenses to use their products in remote work, apart from offering

TALENT DETECTION AND BOOST AVAYA carries an important and

webinars to help companies face this

comprehensive task to detect and

situation so they could go on working.

support youngsters able to create

“The daily discipline and execution

innovative solutions with the help of

of the ‘Go To Market’ strategy has

technology. For that reason, AVAYA

been consolidated and changes

has created a cloud-based lab for

have really strengthened the team”,

entrepreneurs, having already trained

said Mesa.

more than 400 people to use the

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AVAYA C o l o m b i a

resources the company offers. This effort has spread to the Antioquía, Atlántico, Boyacá, Cauca and Cundinamarca departments, by working together with colleges such as Universidad de Antioquía, Universidad de Boyacá and Universidad de La Sabana, among others. RESOURCES FACING PRESENT AND FUTURE The forecast for AVAYA is positive,


Digital Communications

AVAYA w o r k s close to global technology suppliers

as the company has a highly qualified team to work and offer a services portfolio that provides support for the requirements the current situation and the future demand for the continuity of its clients’ businesses. An emphasis on cloud-based


applications and storage is foreseen, as well as a push to voice biometry and Artificial Intelligence to improve the customer’s experience.

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