The mission to deliver the best meat to the
global market
Black Bamboo Enterprises consistently improves its production and expands its market globally, factors contributing to continue being a successful benchmark among Argentine meat producers
Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Interviewee Luis María Medina, Business Development Officer of Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A. Translated by Flávia Brancato
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
he south of the
Global Group, one of the most
Santa Fe province,
important food companies in Brazil
in Argentina, is one
until it was acquired in mid-2016 by
of the country’s
a consortium based in China and
areas where the
managed to increase a traditionally
best cattle for meat
good production, supported by the
consumption are
high quality of its product.
raised, and the small town of Hughes
“Today we are owned by a Chinese
- of just 5,000 inhabitants - is home to
group, with this group we have greatly
one of the most important company
improved the export performance
exporting this food variety.
and volume,” said Luis María Medina,
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A. is the name that since 2016 has been one of the most important
Business Development Officer of Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A. Luis María Medina studied
meatpackers in Argentina at the
veterinary medicine at the National
export level. The historic plant,
University of Rosario and he is
which has been operating for over
also a senior technician in the food
60 years, changed ownership several
industry, graduated from the National
times, from Argentinean livestock
Technological University. He also
producers to being owned by a
holds a certificate in beef production
company of British origin in 2004,
and has more than 30 years of
whose optimization enabled the
experience in the food industry, being
plant to reach the BRC (British Retail
specialized in beef cattle. In addition
Consortium) standard. In 2007, the
to his outstanding work in the Hughes
company became part of the Marfrig
meatpacker, Medina also worked
May 2021
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
La nueva marca de un frigorífico histórico
for the former Compañía Elaboradora
de Productos Alimenticios de Argentina
(CEPA), in the same industry, and later on
Meatex and Hughes are brands that,
for Quickfood and Marfrig, before Black
in different presentations, stand for the
Bamboo became property of a Chinese
company around the world. Black Bamboo
Enterprises has all the authorizations and
“I have experienced all areas, I know the
sanitary, food and commercial certifications
company’s entire operation from all angles”,
from Argentina’s authorities, and it stands
said the executive.
out for exporting these meat products --
w w w.the b os tonb
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
“With this group we have greatly improved
- Luis María Medina, Business Development Officer of Black
the export performance and volume”
Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
considered among the best in the world -- to Brazil, China, Israel, the
and country. “Our main business fluctuates
United States and Europe, in addition
between China and Israel in volume
to the countries bordering Argentina,
and revenue. There are people who
among others.
improve their purchasing power and
Reaching so many markets implies
the first thing they want is to eat
challenges that go beyond the
better, and to do this, red meat protein
preparation of a high-quality product,
is the most valued of them all”, said
originated from animals with an
Medina, who added that efforts by the
excellent diet and that have undergone company have more than doubled the
special care, and also requires
production capacity, increasing annual
compliance with a series of standards
revenue from US$40 million to US$
and certifications in each region
130 million.
May 2021
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
The company holds the most demanding cer tif ications both in the domestic ma r ket and fo r expo r t to Ch i na, Eu rope, I s rael and other countr ies
w w w.the b os tonb
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N u m b e r o f E m p l o ye e s : 40
Recent Projects: 1. D e ve l o p m e n t a n d i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f a c o m p r e h e n s i ve f i r e n e t w o r k . 2 . E x p a n s i o n o f p r o d u c t s t o r a g e c a p a c i t y, quadrupling the previously existing one. 3. Incorporation of the fractionation and commercialization of Butane Gas, with a strong commercial impact on our arrival at home user s. 4. Automation of the product fractionation process. 5 . I n c r e a s e i n t h e f l e e t o f o w n t r u c k s , t o m a ke supply and distribution logistics more efficient. 6 . A m b i t i o u s i n ve s t m e n t p l a n t o expand our packaging park.
President: M a r i s a Pa c i n i We b p a g e : h t t p: // l i d e r g a s .c o m . a r
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
SUPPLIERS: PROVEN QUALITIES Black Bamboo chooses suppliers and strategic partners based on the
Enterprises’ production and, therefore, key requirements of quality of product in revenue are the consequences of and services. investments in certain activities. In 2019, the company invested
The same spirit of service and communication is reflected in the
in a rotating restraint box with Kosher
companies that collaborate with
specifications, which contributes
Black Bamboo, keeping the senior
to beef exports to Israel’s market.
management’s channels open,
Two packaging warehouses were
thus making collaboration and
also built and equipped for the
transactions easier.
company’s products. Management-wise, operations are
MORE THAN A LINK supported by a SAP system, and there WITH THE COMMUNITY, A LANDMARK IN TOWN is a SAP module for specific tasks The meat processing plant has such as management, foreign trade, maintenance, human resources, and
established ties with the community
others. Other software used in Black
for quite some time, leading to
Bamboo’s activities is BeefTrazz,
constant contact with institutions such
useful for full meat traceability.
as the city council, local hospitals,
w w w.the b os tonb
We are in Business to Protect, We Solve Critical Packaging Challenges, We Will Leave Our World Better Than We found it Sealed Air brings together best-in-class packaging solutions, automated packaging equipment, and customized services to create a better, faster, safer, and smarter global supply chain.
Supplier Profile
the police force and other entities. In addition to these links, Black Bamboo Enterprises employs 600 workers directly and another 150 indirectly, making it not only the most important source of employment in Hughes, but
N u m b e r o f E m p l o ye e s : 16 . 5 0 0
also in the area south of Santa Fe. Black Bamboo offers good salaries,
Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d 19 5 7
performance bonuses - which have obviously broken records in recent years
Industr y: Packaging industr y
Main Ser vices: Packaging solutions, equipment, ser vices and automation to provide protection for supplies and food
Recent Projects: Sustainability commitment 2025: • I n ve s t m e n t i n i n n o v a t i o n : D e s i g n a n d d e ve l o p p a c k a g i n g s o l u t i o n s t o b e 10 0% r e c y c l a b l e o r r e u s a b l e . • E l i m i n a t e p l a s t i c w a s t e : A c h i e ve a n a m b i t i o u s t a r g e t o f 5 0% a ve r a g e r e c y c l e d content in all packaging solutions, of which 6 0% i s p o s t- c o n s u m e r r e c y c l e d c o n t e n t . • Collaborate for Change: Lead collaborations with par tner s around the world to increase recycling and reuse rates.
President & CEO: Te d D o h e ny
- and other fringe benefits, including an employee dining room with excellent quality options, as well as significant discounts at the butcher shop recently opened by the company to the public at large. The company also has a trade school open each year to new students, where they learn all the tasks and activities carried out in the meatpacker, such as slaughtering, all about meat cuts and food handling, among others. “For the city’s people, to work at the meatpacker is a good job opportunity. People have the possibility of not
We b p a g e : w w w. s e a l e d a i r.c o m
migrating. If I didn’t have this place to work, I would have to migrate to another
w w w.the b os tonb
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
part of the country”,
Enterprises’ work, both within
explained the executive.
the company and with the industry’s environment.
FUTURE PLANS, THE ROAD TO A GREEN OPERATION AND NEW MARKETS The next few years raise good expectations for Black Bamboo
There are people who improve their purchasing power and want to eat better, and red meat
protein is the most valued of them all - Luis María Medina, Business Development Officer of Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
May 2021
On the one hand, it is moving towards a more environmentally friendly operation by converting all gastric material from cattle into compost, taking steps towards
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
achieving zero environmental impact. Another project already started is
start-up of a plant purchased a few years ago in Vivoratá, a town near the
the construction of a carton freezer,
city of Mar del Plata, in the province
a dynamic freezing tunnel to provide
of Buenos Aires. The reopening of this
high cold capacity to the plant.
plant implies work not only with cattle,
Expanding its operations through the Argentine territory, the company acquired and is already working on the
but also with pigs, pork meat has high demand in the Eastern market. And to expand Black Bamboo’s
w w w.the b os tonb
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
The Meatex and Hughes brands, in thei r dif ferent cuts, are benchmarks in the national and inter national beef ma r kets
May 2021
Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
FOUNDED: coverage in new markets, work is being performed to enter the United States market, a plan whose strategy requires certified quality cuts, such as the black angus. “Argentina is having a very good development regarding the meat
industry, it has a very important future. Argentine meat is a trademark in the world. There is a great demand for beef, the entire Argentine industry is expecting to achieve even a better
performance”, concluded Luis María Medina, Business Development Officer of Black Bamboo Enterprises S.A.
w w w.the b os tonb
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