Digital communications for today’s enterprises
MELIÁ September 2021 |
(Dominican Republic) Beyond hospitality and into new leisure ventures
ARANWA HOTELS RESORTS & SPAS (Peru) Wellness and hospitality at Peru’s dreamiest destinations
SIMPLOT (Mexico) The best fries in the best conditions in every table
Responsible gold production and explorations in Nicaragua Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
Ten megaprojects never finished
WHO WE ARE Managing Director
Social Media Director
Jassen Pintado
Maria Elena Gastelum
Creative Director
Content Coordinator
Omar Rodríguez
Alicia Barrantes
Editor in Chief
Project Directors
Rafael Tablado
Ana Macfarland David Alarcon
Finance Director
Giuseppe Modenesi
Christina Schoch
Lucy Verde Marcelo Modenesi
EDITOR’S LETTER: September 2021
We greet you with utter joy to find our work
a decade to become one of the leaders
once again in your hands and grabbing your
into supplying frozen fries for food service
businesses in this territory.
Our cover features Petri Salopera, Calibre
In the leisure sector we are delighted to
Mining’s VP of Sustainability, who shared
share with you what Aranwa Hotels Spa
with us not only important aspects about the
& Resorts has to offer for those traveling
Canadian company’s efforts in production
to Peru, this boutique hotel chain blends
and exploration in the Central American
lodging with wellness, creating unique
country, but also making sure the benefits
experiences in dreamy settings. On their
from their operation in Nicaragua also reach
behalf, Meliá Hotels International operates a
the communities surrounding them.
powerhouse in the Dominican Republic with
On its behalf, AVAYA Colombia keeps
five hotels aimed at travelers into different
becoming instrumental to digitization for
plans and purposes, be it romantic getaways
companies in their turf, enabling client
as well as family vacations, and they’re
representatives to experience their available
venturing into new territories within leisure
technology first hand.
and entertainment, find out more about them!
From up north, J.R. Simplot’s division in Mexico and Central America needed only
Mateo Rafael Tablado, Editor in Chief at The Boston Business Review Email:
w w w.the b os tonb
ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION, DEDICATED TO MAKING YOUR BUSINESS MORE SUCCESSFUL. Architecture company dedicated to design and construction, with extensive management in sectors such as Retail and Workplace. Our methodology is based on experience and the will to make your business more successful.
Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
HOSPITALITY An array of possibilities in the Dominican Republic
Gold standards for mining in Nicaragua
TECHNOLOGY The digital tools and support companies need
66. 72.
MINERÍA Bertling Logistics in Miami your end-to-end logistics partner for mining projects
Juan Manuel Mesa
Orica Increasing productivity and reducing risks in every blast
Simplot Mexico Networking to deliver the best, ready to eat product
100. w w w.the b os tonb
Impulse, ambition, wrong managerial manoeuvres, and other factors contributed to the fact that the constructions on the following list remain unfinished, great beyond the fact that some of them, perhaps, should have never been started
Translated by María Murgui de Pedro
• INDIA TOWER, MUMBAI, INDIA The construction of this skyscraper was started in 2010. Stopped in 2011 due to a dispute between project developers and local authorities. The 126-story building was due originally for 2016, but it was cancelled permanently in 2015.
September 2021
• GARDEN BRIDGE PROJECT - LONDON, ENGLAND Since the end of the 1990s,
tourists per year. The original US$85 million budget was increased in 2015 to US$260
different public figures promoted the
million, which led to criticism. In 2017
construction of a bridge over the River
the cost raised to US$280 million.
Thames whose main attribute would
Apple was invited to fund the project
be to feature a large garden from side
and the company wanted to build a
to side. In 2012, the designs of the
store in the center of the bridge, which
3939.59 sq. ft. construction, which
was finally rejected. The contractor
would connect the South Bank to the
pocketed US$ 60 million because some
Temple District, were revealed, and it
documents had been signed, besides
was estimated that it would be open
more than US$12.5 million were already
18 hours a day and attract three million
spent on design expenses.
w w w.the b os tonb
• DOHA SHARQ CROSSING BRIDGES – DOHA BAY, QATAR After Qatar was designed as host for the 2022 football World Cup, plenty of investments in infrastructure were started in Qatar. In 2011 the construction of this structure was announced, consisting of three bridges
with Hamad Airport and designed by Santiago Calatrava. Less than two years later, the project was stopped due to the decrease of oil prices and the demand for workforce in other construction areas. In 2020 a US$140,000 million investment was
interconnected by long under-water
announced to finish mega-projects,
tunnels, which would make a total of
which means its reactivation is
seven and a half miles for a flow of
possible, but it wouldn’t be finished for
6,000 vehicles per hour, connecting
the 2022 World Cup.
September 2021
• XIANGYUN INTERNATIONAL PROJECT - XIANGYUN, CHINA China’s transformation in the last three decades has generated numerous infrastructure projects, as
2014, when the building company was investigated for corruption. The properties prices fell, and the company declared bankruptcy. The project
well as some constructions which have
developer in charge aimed at investing
been abandoned. This happened in
US$17,000 million on the project, and
Xiangyun, a mega-project which was
700 dwellings had been sold when the
practically a new city with a residential
construction was stopped by the local
area and an entertainment one.
authorities in 2017; the buildings are in
The construction was stopped in
ruins nowadays.
w w w.the b os tonb
of US$13,300 million. With the construction having already started, the latest elected
government studied different options to government, which took office in build a new airport in this capital city.
late 2018, considered the project
A project in a place designated in 2001
unfeasible, alleging -among other
was cancelled due to protests from the
matters- corruption in the processes
inhabitants of a part of the area, as their and tenders, and announced its definite
lands would have been expropriated.
cancellation at the beginning of 2019.
The project was considered once
The government has now a US$4.2
again in 2014, leaving out the areas
billion debt as a compensation to
in conflict, considering its opening in
investors and companies which were
October 2021, with a construction cost
hired for the project.
September 2021
• NEW BRIDGE OVER THE RIVER YALU – CHINA / NORTH KOREA The almost two miles structure was conceived as a replacement of
Korean side reached a field near Sinuiju, with no bridge-related activity. In 2017 North Korea required that
the Sino-Korean Friendship Bridge
China should assume the construction
and to contribute to the business
expenses of the North-Korean side.
relationships between both countries.
In mid-2020 the project was stopped
Its construction started in 2011, but the
again, being almost finished, and the
US$350 million project was stopped
works were re-started in October of the
between 2014 and 2019, as the North-
same year.
w w w.the b os tonb
• CONFINANZAS FINANCE CENTER / DAVID’S TOWER – CARACAS, VENEZUELA Local entrepreneur David Brillembourg, who passed away in 1993, came up with the idea of building this skyscraper during the oil and financial boom in the 1980s. The construction of the building was stopped in 1994 due to a banking crisis in Venezuela and the government took control of it. The government tried to auction the unfinished complex in 2001 without success. A dwelling crisis in 2007 led to the squatting of the building by more than 200 families, who improvised some basic services and even started some informal businesses. In 2015, the inhabitants were relocated, and the structure was damaged during the earthquakes in August 2018; it is empty up to date.
September 2021
• GOLDIN FINANCE 117 - TIANJIN, CHINA The construction of this skyscraper started in 2008 and, by 2012, the 1958 ft and 128-story main structure was ready. Its completion was due for 2014, but at the beginning of 2010 its
Shortly after resuming its construction, the project developer declared bankruptcy. In 2018, there was an attempt to re-start the works, but no company took the project, which has attracted expert athletes to climb this kind of structures. The structure remains unfinished,
construction was stopped because
and it will remain so, as the Chinese
of the financial crises of the previous
government banned the construction
years, being retaken eventually in 2011,
of buildings taller than 500 meters
and postponing its completion until
(1640.42) ft in April 2020.
w w w.the b os tonb
• SECOND AVENUE SUBWAY LINE – NEW YORK, USA The story of this construction dates back from 1920, and even in 1942 and 1955 , respectively, the line elevated
project was restarted once again in 2007 and its first stage -consisting of three stations- was opened at the beginning of 2017, with a 1.8-
sections that it would have replaced
mile section and a cost of US$4,450
were demolished.
million. The cost of the second stage
In 1972, the project was restarted
tunnels had been completed. The
is estimated in US$6,000 for a 1.5-mile
due to a tax crisis in the city, just to
section, and its opening is planned
be stopped again in 1975, after some
between 2027 and 2029.
September 2021
• RYUGYONG HOTEL - PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA In some moment of its enigmatic existence, North Korea had the strange idea of attracting tourism. To accommodate and assemble all that tourism, in 1987 they started the construction of a pyramid-shaped, 105-floor building which would have been the world’s tallest hotel at that time. Plenty of the funds for the construction came from the then Soviet Union, as consequence of its fall and its coincidence with a North-Korean economic crisis, the project was stopped in 1992. In 2008 the works were restarted and by 2011 its exterior was completed with the installation of windows. The openings which were announced for 2012 and 2013 have been postponed, and on one of the side walls of the building informally known by foreign media as the “Hotel of Doom”, a LED screen has been placed, where animated films and propaganda scenes are shown. It is estimated that its completion would cost US$2,000 million, which is 5% of North Korea’s GDP.
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The most pleasurable stay
in Peru
The best services in hospitality blend with health and wellbeing through the acclaimed Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas property collection, delivering a unique concept in Peru
Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Interviewee Rosana Martínez, CBO for Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
eru has a lot to offer either as a leisure destination or for business trips. The growth of its hospitality industry displays the kind of recent developments that have attracted
the most singular way. Each hotel is different and intertwined with its location’s traits, beyond the general concept displayed at each Aranwa property, regarding service and wellbeing. Aranwa hotels have been recipients
investment from abroad since a
of accolades on many occasions,
few years back, in the same way
besides being listed among the top
domestic capital has been injected
ten hotels in South America and the
into the market, resulting in successful
world by Tripadvisor and World Travel
Awards users, and by Condé Nast
Among these relatively new developments, Aranwa Hotels Resorts
Traveler readers. The hotel chain belongs to Grupo
& Spas stands out as a collection of
San Pablo, the largest private
hotels offering the most attractive
healthcare network in Peru, with more
destination itinerary in Peru, blending
than 30 years looking after the people
the attributes of a boutique hotel along
of Peru, led by Dr. José Álvarez Blas.
the amenities provided by the best
“Working with a company within the
spas into a context of Peruvian culture
healthcare sector brings a different
and history, resulting in hospitality
perspective. Health and wellbeing are
services well above standards.
taken to the hospitality industry with
“Aranwa” means “legend” in Quechuan, summarizing the feelings
that Aranwa hotels can evoke in
September 2021
high standards along with Peruvian and international cuisine,” said Rosana
Working with a company within the healthcare sector brings a different perspective. Health and wellbeing are taken to the hospitality industry with high standards - Rosana Martínez, CBO for Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas w w w.the b os tonb
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
Cu ltu ra l el ements on its i nte r io r s have cont r i buted to have A ranwa Cusco Boutique Hotel being named cit y patr imony
Martínez, CBO for Aranwa Hotels
right place at the right time”, Rosana
Resorts & Spas.
Martínez did not begin her career
in the tourism sector, but still within related activities. Martínez earned a Bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting from Ricardo Palma
and outstanding career in the
University, in Lima. After working
hospitality industry, which at times
briefly in this trade, a friend invited
could be defined by “being in the
her to the sales department of PFA
September 2021
(Pension Fund Administrator) and
decision, she was hired by the then
soon after she enrolled in American
known as El Pardo hotel (currently
Airlines, not long after she completed
belonging to the Doubletree by Hilton
her training in the USA, she decided to chain) as a sales executive, and work within the tourism industry, but
afterwards she arrived at Antigua
not precisely onboard a plane.
Miraflores Hotel, where she took on
“The service provided in an airline
multiple duties with the property’s
is also applicable to hospitality,” the
opening as a starting point. After
executive said. After making this
Antigua Miraflores, Martínez was
w w w.the b os tonb
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
hired by the property who would
In Oro Verde, Martínez was in
later become Oro Verde hotel, which
charge of serving important foreign
currently hosts Swissotel Lima,
delegations for global and regional
where for more than a decade her
summits with heads of state,
career developed into more important
monarchs and also professional
positions, from being Sales Director
sports teams, besides the everyday
to Sales Manager, until becoming
chores her position entailed. Little did
Chief of Sales, taking part in the
she know this was the setup for an
executive board.
upcoming challenge.
September 2021
While in a sabbatical between
properties in Vichayito and in the
2007 and 2008 to complete a Master
Sacred Valley when Martínez joined
in Business Management at the St.
the company in January 2009 to
Ignatius of Loyola University, the
lead the expansion to Cusco, Colca
alumni relations department at the
and Paracas.
university contacted Martínez to tell
“In Aranwa not only did I get the
her about an opening in a new resort
chance to contribute with my previous
chain for which she was the ideal
experience, but I have also learned a
fit. Aranwa had just opened with
lot from the different approach held
w w w.the b os tonb
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
A ranwa Pa raca s Reso r ts & Spa del ive r s a st ylish brand of wel lness to the Pe r uvian coast
September 2021
by Grupo San Pablo, led by Dr. José
The property hosts 115 rooms, 30
Álvarez Blas and Gabriel Álvarez
of which are colonial-style suites,
Huiman, and along my great team
furnished according to that time
we’ve achieved positioning Aranwa
period and enhanced with Cuscan
as one of the most important hotel
art pieces. The Presidential, del Lago
chains in the country. I’m in charge
and del Río suites stand out as ideal
of the commercial area for the five
settings for special occasions.
properties and five years ago I also
Aranwa Sacred Valley is also
took on the Marketing department,”
host to the “Unno Spa”, one of the
Martínez explained. Besides the
largest in its kind in South America,
aforementioned, she has also
with a 26,900 sq ft area, recipient of
completed other courses to update
accolades such as the Best Spa in
her knowledge in different areas,
Peru in the 2020 World Spa Awards,
as required to run and manage the
being also nominated for 2021. Unno
Aranwa operation.
Spa offers 11 treatment rooms, three
hydrotherapy pools with different temperature, foot bath, Vichy shower, hyperbaric chamber, Inca sauna and
Wellness opened in October 2008. The other services that make this a praiseworthy spa. property is located in the Urubamba Valley -the Incas’ Sacred Valley- near the banks of the Vilcanota River. The land where the hotel was built
CONCEPT IN EXPANSION Once into the second decade of the
belonged to the Yaravilca Hacienda,
21st century, Aranwa has expanded,
from the colonial period, during
currently offering five destinations,
the 17th century.
all of them in Peru: Colca, Cusco,
w w w.the b os tonb
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
Our hotels share a much appraised Peruvian essence, which is mostly sought after by our foreign guests - Rosana Martínez, CBO for Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
Paracas, Sacred Valley and Vichayito.
the executive declared.
The concept behind these five properties is the goal to achieve wellness and tranquillity in a place designed to generate a relaxing, comfortable experience
Downtown Cusco was the capital
As a collection of hotels, Aranwa
of the Incan empire and is currently
encompasses five properties, each
a must-stop destination in the road
with a unique personality in harmony
to Machu Picchu, and it also hosts
with its surroundings.
Aranwa Cusco, a five-star boutique
“Our hotels share a much appraised
hotel, considered the third best hotel
Peruvian essence, which is mostly
worldwide and second best in South
sought after by our foreign guests,”
America in 2020 by Condé Nast
September 2021
Traveler magazine. The mansion where the hotel was built was designed as historical patrimony of the city of Cusco, and as such it’s considered a museum
and hydro massage tub. INTO THE DIGITAL AGE Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas finds itself at the forefront of digital technology, relying on
hotel, besides hosting unique art in
the necessary resources to ease
its facilities, which offers guests audio
online reservations and being
tours in English and Spanish.
supported by a semi-automatic
Among other amenities, rooms are
CRM and client support system.
furnished with an intelligent oxygen system, bathrooms with electric underfloor heating, Scottish shower
CLOSE TO SUPPLIERS The supply chain at Aranwa Hotels
w w w.the b os tonb
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas
Resorts & Spas is subject to a
furnished to serve its inhabitants.
thorough, detailed process as is every guest’s stay. The group carries a supplier
REACTIVATION AS A GOAL Among the goals set by Aranwa,
validation program, ensuring the latter
consolidation of domestic guests’
align with the hotel’s standards.
loyalty is thriving due to the COVID19
One of Aranwa’s main purposes is
restrictions, and since May 2021 the
to work with suppliers located in the
group has been directing efforts to
hotels’ surrounding communities, thus
attract foreign guests once again.
creating opportunities in each area,
Not everything depends upon
besides hiring and training staff from
Aranwa Hotels Resorts & Spas, but
these zones.
it should be noted that the group obtained the highest certification
in health and safety management
Through Grupo San Pablo, Aranwa
on behalf of the SGS global firm,
is involved in benefit and social assistance activities in areas such as
“International tourism will be
education, culture, science and arts
reactivating as countries reach a
for children and individuals in extreme
higher vaccination average, generating
poverty conditions.
confidence for travelers to arrive at
And in the Huayllabamba
specialized in compliance certification.
foreign destinations,” concluded
community, in the vicinity of Aranwa
Rosana Martínez, CBO for Aranwa
Sacred Valley, a medical post was
Hotels Resorts & Spas.
September 2021
2008 INDUSTRY: Hospitality
w w w.the b os tonb
An array of possibilities in the Dominican Republic For 25 years, Meliá has achieved a superb operation in Dominican Republic, offering a wide variety of experiences for different travel plans and is now investing in new entertainment options.
Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Translated by María Murgui de Pedro Interviewee Santiago Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director for Meliá Hotels International in the Dominican Republic
ince 1956, Meliá
MELIÁ IN THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: A VARIETY OF POSSIBILITIES Meliá Hotels International started operating in the Dominican Republic
Hotel International -a hotel chain
in 1996 with the Meliá Bávaro. After
founded in Spain by Gabriel Escarrer-
more than 25 years, Meliá now offers
has moved on from its hotel operations
five hotels, coming up to more than
in tourist destinations in the Iberian
3,000 rooms, besides three casinos, an
country, such as its properties in
important real property operation, three
Majorca and the rest of the Balearic
golf courses in the Cocotal area, as well
Islands, to spread its lodging service
as a shopping mall about to become an
style at an international level, starting
amusement park.
with Meliá Bali, in Indonesia, and
Four of the hotels are in the same
afterwards dabbling into the Americas
one million-plus square feet area in
in countries such as Mexico and the
a premium location in the Dominican
Dominican Republic, among others,
Republic as Bávaro beaches are.
currently operating more than 380
If there is a concept which unifies
hotels in four continents, besides being the following properties -besides
listed in Spain’s stock exchange within
Meliá’s characteristic touch- is their
the IBEX 35 index, which gathers the
horizontality, with a low density per
best 35 companies in the country.
square foot and wide gardens:
September 2021
“The differentiation attribute by which Meliá stands out is the human element, it is in them where we have our great value” - Santiago Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director for Meliá Hotels International in the Dominican Republic
w w w.the b os tonb
• Meliá Caribe Beach, with a family concept.
-Paradisus Grand Cana, also with one of the best beaches and unrivalled gardens.
-Meliá Punta Cana Beach, an adults only property, Wellbeing and Wellness inclusive.
• Paradisus Punta Cana, which is about three miles away from the rest and is also one of the first Meliá’s
• Paradisus Palma Real, one Meliá’s flagships and one of the most beautiful among the Paradisus line and in the Dominican Republic.
September 2021
properties on the island, open since 1998. “The differentiation attribute by which Meliá stands out is our human
element, it is in them where we have
internship and afterwards became
our great value”, pointed out Santiago
promoted to leadership positions,
Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director
working in different countries in f
for Meliá Hotels International in the
our continents.
Dominican Republic. A CAREER STANDING OUT DUE TO CONSTANT GROWTH Santiago Rivera Núñez has
Rivera Núñez took part in the opening of the first Spanish hotel in China, specifically in Shanghai, and has worked in Meliá’s properties
developed his entire career at Meliá
in Tunisia and Mexico, besides the
Hotels International, where he first
Dominican Republic.
entered to carry out his professional
“Meliá is the ideal company to
w w w.the b os tonb
”Meliá is the ideal company to get trained and grow.
I am really proud of belonging to this great family” - Santiago Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director for Meliá Hotels International in the Dominican Republic
September 2021
learn and grow. I am really proud of
which also carries a “wellness” concept
belonging to this large family”, the
besides having sustainable structures.
executive commented.
New restaurants have been created
MELIÁ’S TRANSFORMATION IN DOMINICAN TERRITORY Within Meliá Hotels International’s operation in the Dominican Republic, changes are happening from the inside, strengthening synergies and simplifying processes, increasing efficiency and being enabled to provide a better experience for guests. Since more than two years ago, the company has accomplished a
in this hotel to widen the culinary experience and a luxurious YHI SPA -Meliá’s brand- has recently been opened, using organic products which are 100% local. • Paradisus Palma Real keeps that breathtaking sight of the Caribbean upon arrival, as well as counting with “The Reserve for Adults Only” and its family version “The Reserve”.
series of important investments, which, beyond the closing of hotels
• Meliá Punta Cana is also
from March until October 2020 due to
headquarters for “The Level Adults
COVID-19 restrictions, are a part of a
Only”, with spectacular sights for
project whose core has not really been
sunrises and twilights from its rooftop.
modified; not so the properties, which
The whole hotel is enhanced with
are becoming a real sensation that
wellness attributes, having its rooms
goes beyond the hospitable aspect to
equipped by DELOS, with mattresses
dabble directly in entertainment.
with temperature control, air purifiers,
This is only a part of the new Meliá’s look in the Dominican Republic: • Meliá Punta Cana Beach, one
vitamin C showers and even a personalised welcome carried by Deepak Chopra.
of the “adults-only” themed hotels
w w w.the b os tonb
• Meliá Caribe Beach keeps
previously The Grand Reserve. The
its family vacation essence, but it
new hotel, which is in Paradisus
has been renovated with three new
Grand Cana, offers a premium deluxe
restaurants apart from an amusement
concept update, besides counting
water park, Splash Island -independent with attractions such as another from a Kids Zone-. It also counts with a Splash water park. In this family hotel, “The Level” version adapted to a family
every room is a suite and the ones on
ground level are “swim-up” rooms.
One of the most recent investments
The luxury is present in each of its
- over US$150 million- is referred
eight restaurants, and it also has MAIA
Circle -because of its circular shape-,
Signature spa, by Natura Bissé.
September 2021
“We must do things we did not use to do, as guests become more informed, demanding more
and will have significance in all of the Dominican Republic. Via a strategic partnership, it
personalised, higher quality
is foreseen that Katmandú, an
experiences”, declared Rivera Núñez.
amusement theme park, will open
KATMANDU, THE GREAT CHALLENGE The Meliá Hotels International’s
in late 2022. Besides rides, Katmandu will also offer a shopping area and highly
stellar project in the Dominican
digitized operations are expected in
Republic ventures completely into the
the property, which will even offer 360º
entertainment and leisure sectores
as well as virtual reality experiences,
w w w.the b os tonb
“Guests become more informed, demanding more personalized, higher quality experiences” - Santiago Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director for Meliá Hotels International in the Dominican Republic
generating value both for the Meliá hotels, the Punta Cana area and the country. BEING A PART OF A THRIVING MARKET Meliá is not alone, and the hotel offer in this area in the Dominican Republic generates a high competition. This has brought investments also from leisurerelated sectors, as hotel industry and tourism are, and the area will probably host more hotels and theme parks in the mid-term.
September 2021
“There are many companies, both Anglo-Saxon and Hispanic which are investing a great amount of money in the country and in the area. I can say that this is the perfect moment to invest in the Dominican Republic”, concluded
1996 ein the Dominican Republic. 1956 worldwide
INDUSTRY Hospitality CONTACT +1(809) 688-5000
Santiago Rivera Núñez, Area Managing Director for Meliá Hotels International in the Dominican Republic.
w w w.the b os tonb
Gold standards for mining in Nicaragua
Assertive efforts able to increase value in production and within surrounding communities take Calibre Mining into a leading gold producer in Nicaragua
Produced by Jassen Pintado Interviewee Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
Calibre Mining Corp.
alibre Mining is a Canadian company with corporate headquarters in Vancouver, British Columbia, operating in Nicaragua. The
company trades in the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: CXB). The company’s executive leadership
Salopera earned a Master’s Degree in Development Studies, Latin American Studies and Social Studies from the University of Helsinki (Finland), besides taking part in postgraduate studies in Community Relations at the University of Queensland (Australia). Salopera’s experience has taken
is formed by an outstanding group
him to executive positions in mining
of individuals with decades worth
companies such as BHP and Newmont-
of experience not only in mining but
Goldcorp (both in Chile), Rio Tinto
also in public companies. The group’s
(Peru) and Newcrest (Ecuador).
successful precedents include the
Besides mining, Salopera has also
sale of seven mining companies in
been involved in academics and
transactions amounting to more than
NGOs in Europe and Latin America,
$5 billion.
focusing on environmental, community,
“We are focused on generating sustainable value for the long term
sustainability and media matters, besides government relations.
for shareholders, the communities we
“Mining and its potential for positive,
operate in and every party of interest,”
sustainable change generation is one of
said Petri Salopera, Vice-President of
the subjects that I’m most passionate
Sustainability at Calibre Mining.
about,” commented the executive.
September 2021
Calibre Mining Corp.
- Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
w w w.the b os tonb
Solutions designed for the client’s needs, with advice throughout the process
Tajo Mina el Limón. Cliente: Calibre Mining
With more than 15 years of experience and vast experience in the manufacture and commercialization of explosives, Explotec is synonymous with applied chemical engineering.
REGIONAL LEVEL CLIENTS • Constructora Meco • Lafarge-Holcim • Cemex • • Constructora Santa Fe • Calibre Mining • Argos • • Minerales de Occidente • Cementos del Norte • Mina Mochito • • Traesa • Macoma • Pedregal • Azvi • La Cantera •
2 km al Oeste del Ebais de Volio, San Ramón, Alajuela
San Salvador, Colonia San Mateo, Avenida Montevideo #9L
(506) 2456-0000
(503) 2223-8412 / 7069-1363
EXPLOTEC NICARAGUA Edicio Kakau, 7mo piso, módulos A-704 y A-705. (505) 2293-9470 / 8930-4271
Calibre Mining Corp.
“Estamos enfocados en generar valor sostenible a largo plazo para todas las partes interesadas” - Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
Calibre’s production in Nicaragua currently generates 36% of the country’s exports in gold. And in 2020 only, Calibre’s expenditures paid nearly $200 million in the country among operational expenses, employee salaries and benefits, capital expenses as well as in direct investments contributing to wellbeing and education in communities where the company operates in, while creating more than 3,000 positions for direct and indirect
labor, and counting with 98% of Nicaraguan nationals on its staff. Not bad for a company that arrived in the country in 2009 whose main operations were mining exploration, near the country’s Caribbean coast, mainly. “Nicaragua has a mining tradition; we’ve always stated that the country has well established, clear laws regulating the mining industry,” Salopera declared. KEY ACQUISITIONS
In 2019, Calibre acquired assets
w w w.the b os tonb
Calibre Mining Corp.
in Nicaragua from B2Gold. This
Exploration with the purpose of
transaction included La Libertad
increasing investments in different
(in Chontales) and El Limón mines;
mining projects within Nicaragua.
currently, both locations are goldproducing sites. Also, the company owns the Pavón and Eastern Borosi
Calibre Mining’s operational model is run under the “Hub and Spoke” scheme:
(EBP) projects, which imply a significant extracting minerals from different sites to contribution to the companies’ be carried into processing plants which operations in Nicaragua. Calibre also acquired several
sum a processing capacity of 2.7 million tons per year, which allows to ramp up
exploration concessions, and in
production rapidly and with low costs,
March 2020 the company signed
delivering long-term value
an agreement along with Rio Tinto
for shareholders.
w w w.the b os tonb
Calibre Mining Corp.
This combination allows reinvestment for exploration in emerging areas. OPTIMIZED PROCESSES
Calibre Mining uses up to 97% of recycled water in production processes through tailings dams, which are built with waterproof materials to avoid residuals being in contact with the ground or groundwaters.
“Mining and its potential for positive, sustainable change generation is one of the subjects that I’m most passionate about”
Tailings storage facilities include piezometers to measure residuals in tailings and embankments. “As a company, we are focused
- Petri Salopera, Vicepresidente de
on a sustainable performance with
Sostenibilidad en
disciplined growth,” the executive
Calibre Mining
In 2020, Calibre mining invested $58.6 million in purchases. The company is conveniently supported by Bertling Logistics, Canchanya Ingenieros, Casa Pellas, Empremar,
w w w.the b os tonb
Calibre Mining Corp.
Calibre Mining directs ef fo r ts towa rd sustainable operations and contr ibutes towa rd operating in sustainable communities
Explotec, Grupo Santa Fe, Kal Tire, NIMAC and Puma Energy, among other companies. Every Calibre Mining supplier,
Purchases Task Force. The Directive Committee for Local Content was established in 2020 and is in charge of supervision, revision,
either big or small, is aligned with the
approval and support of strategies
company’s standards about ethics and
based in each site.
care for the environment. Calibre also has supplier development programs
During 2020, the entire staff at
either for key suppliers countrywide
Calibre Mining was subject to safety
or local suppliers in each site, with the
training sessions focused in each
latter group being managed by the Local different area, pointing out possible
September 2021
Calibre Mining Corp.
The staf f at Cal ib re Mining is subject to r igo rous training sessions fo r safet y and r isk exposure
w w w.the b os tonb
An excellent operational performance does not need many words of explanation, but one simple answer: Bertling in Miami. Local services include: Project Freight Forwarding • Trucking • Resupply Logistics • Customs Clearance • Warehousing IT & Software Solutions Bertling Logistics, Inc. 12604 N.W. 115th Ave. FL 33178 Miami United States of America Nestor Gonzalez, Commercial Director +1 305 7931367 Visit to find out more.
September 2021
Calibre Mining Corp.
dangers and risk exposure, besides
“This brought a positive impact in
spreading safety regulations for
our staff and we have been allowed
each aspect.
to operate without having to halt
Nine other specialized technical safety trainings were added,
our operations again since,” Salopera added.
accomplishing goals beyond the basic requirements. ADAPTING TO CONDITIONS DURING THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY
Consequences deriving from de COVID-19 pandemic also affected the mining industry, and Calibre Mining
Caring for the environment and company efforts in surrounding communities are an important part of Calibre Mining’s success. Since 2020, the company has
adapted to the new conditions after
held multiple meetings with different
a temporary halt to activity during
groups such as native communities,
April 2020.
among others, which are aware of the
Top priority for operations under
company’s responsible operations
these new conditions has been the
firsthand. All of these interactions take
safety and wellbeing of company
place under the best global practices
employees; for this purpose, Calibre
carried out by Calibre and under
Mining developed and implemented 17
the company’s Native Communities
new biosecurity protocols.
Standards, besides being in contact
w w w.the b os tonb
Contact and follow us:
Expect more at every stage of tire life
Whatever your goals – reducing costs, improving uptime or fulfilling sustainability commitments – Kal Tire’s Mining Tire Group has proven solutions. With productivity expertise, tire management innovation and highly trained people executing to standard, at Kal Tire, we believe you can expect more.
Calibre Mining Corp.
“The country has well established, clear laws regulating the mining industry” - Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining
with the Regional Governments of the
sustainable gold mining industry based
North and South Caribbean Coast.
on a deep understanding of gold’s role
The company operates under
in society, today and in coming years.
Nicaraguan regulations, besides
“The goal is delivering value for
carrying out practices aligned with the
our groups of interest in a responsible
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
way through innovative management
(SDG), publishing its first Sustainable
focused on participation,” declared
Development Report. It’s also worth
the executive.
mentioning that in August 2020, the company joined the World Gold Council (WGC). As members of this
• In the Pavón Mine (located in
organization, we share a unified vision
Rancho Grande, Matagalpa), Calibre
of our responsibility in securing a
Mining partnered with the CEN
w w w.the b os tonb
Calibre Mining Corp.
Ca l i b re M i n i n g’s p ro d u ct i o n co nt r i b u te s to m o re t h a n 3 0 % of N i ca ra g u a’s g o l d ex p o r t s
environmental organization (Center for Understanding with Nature) to join
hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020, Calibre
environmental, social and economic
Mining created a humanitarian aid fund
goals within this site.
along with local authorities and NGOs,
• In the El Limón Mine, the
helping vulnerable communities in
company co-financed a campaign
the Rosita, Siuna, Bonanza, Rancho
from the Ministry of Health, benefitting
Grande, El Tuma-La Dalia, El Cua and
5,055 residents from El Limón and
San José de Bocay communities.
surroundings, reducing risk of infections
• After damages caused by
• In Rancho Grande, the company
from diseases such as dengue fever
built a new educational center for
and Zika virus.
the Yahosca Arriba community,
September 2021
Calibre Mining Corp.
The company i s a l so i nvo lved i n othe r ex p l o ration projects, some of them along strategic par tners
with improved infrastructure -including
WGC, with the duty of complying
solar panels-, benefitting more
with the Responsible Gold Mining
than 40 students.
Principles (RGMP) from this entity. The
Toward the end of 2021, gold
company is already directing efforts to align with these regulations, as well
production from Calibre Mining is
as with the International Council on
projected to reach between 170,000
Mining and Metals Principles, besides
and 180,000 oz.
its commitment to comply with efforts
Previously, with the purpose of creating a mid-level gold mining company, in 2020 Calibre joined the
aligned to the UN’s SDGs. It’s projected that the company will be taking three years to totally comply
w w w.the b os tonb
Calibre Mining Corp.
The Mining specialists with safety, care for the environment and quality. Canchanya Ingenieros S.R.L. Peruvian company, established in 1993, specializing in the execution of works and comprehensive managementof underground and open-pit mining operations. Telephone Nicaragua: +505 7516 1796 Telephone Peru: +511 995723074
with RGMP, current efforts to fulfill this goal include identifying areas of
Fuels and lubricants that offer integrated solutions to ensure smooth, efficient and safe operations.
improvement as well as those that are already aligned with such standards. Other purposes for Calibre Mining include reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the mid-term. “We keep our goal of interacting in an open, respectful way to continue contributing in a positive, constructive manner to improve people’s living conditions,” finalized Petri Salopera, Vice-President of Sustainability at Calibre Mining.
Calibre Mining Corp.
im Nicaragua
EMPLOYEES: 3,614 employees (as of August, 20211)
w w w.the b os tonb
BERTLING LOGISTICS IN MIAMI your end-to-end logistics partner for mining projects
Bertling Logistics, Inc. Miami was founded in 1998 and has since developed into one of the leading – if not the only truly project-focused – logistics services provider in the area. The office is headed by Néstor González, leading the commercial department and Alicia Byrne managing operational activities in the region. Over the last years, Bertling Miami has developed a special logistics service portfolio for the mining industry and has been handling manifold resupply and logistics for mining products conveyand all over Central and South America. From ad-hoc equipment supply shipments to bulky mining machinery and vehicles – Bertling Miami is a logistics leader in this sector. With its worldwide office network and wide-range network of subcontractors and local logistics partners, Bertling Miami solves every logistical challenge to supply - often remote- mine sites on time and on
w w w.the b os tonb
Bertling Logistics Group
budget to ensure operations without
and materials without delay – albeit
any disturbance.
the current challenging market
For a current gold mine project in the environment caused by rate volatility, Dominican Republic, Bertling Miami has port congestion and Covid-19. About had a record month after the other in
500 containers are shipped for this
2021, with recently over 111 shipments contract per year. from 15 foreign locations handled in one month only, including about 200
Also, the tailor-made and highly visible IT system Bertling Miami
pick-ups in the USA alone – which is no applies and individualizes for each problem for the experienced logistics
mining project, has been a success
experts at Miami, who transport the
factor. Clients appreciate the many
different mining spare parts, equipment different EDI connections, reporting
September 2021
and tracking opportunities to have
and end-to-end service offering of
full transparency over each and every
Bertling Miami is completed with
shipment. In addition, overall process
a modern warehouse facility for
improvements to digitize the mining
sophisticated material handling and
resupply operations, Bertling’s in-house storage solutions – a service which developed smart device tracking and
many mining companies value for
eco-footprint tracking and offsetting
storage of parts and equipment,
solutions are increasingly requested by
using Bertling’s facility for onward
their international mining customer to
transportation upon demand –
meet their sustainability and efficiency
all transparently connected and
goals and targets.
traceable via Bertling’s transport
The unique mining logistics expertise
management system.
w w w.the b os tonb
Bertling Logistics Group
September 2021
Bertling – We deliver our promise. ABOUT BERTLING
Bertling was founded in Germany more than 155 years ago and
visible and efficiently-run supplychains for transports and projects of any scale. Working with an international
has since developed from a local
network of 54 offices in 33 countries
chartering and ship-owning business
and dedicated partners plus 700
to a globally recognized logistics and
logistics employees, Bertling is ideally
shipping company, offering complex
positioned to provide end-to-end
project freight forwarding, GFF and
turnkey logistics and shipping services
resupply transport solutions as well as worldwide leading ship-owning, chartering and brokerage services to its global clients. Bertling’s value adds in-house IT services which encompass
to the energy, oil & gas, mining & construction, infrastructure, renewables and petrochemical industries. Bertling’s highly specialized logistics services
state-of-the art transport management
also encompass Bertling Enviro,
tools, real-time tracking/tracing,
Bertling Bulk Liquids, Bertling Class 1
reporting and overall digitalization
and Bertling Trucking solutions.
solutions to build sustainable, highly BERTLING CONTACT FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
Néstor González Commercial Director Phone: +1 786 8640550 Ext. 1562 Mobile: +1 305 7931367
w w w.the b os tonb
productivity and reducing risks in every blast
Produced by Jassen Pintado Interviewee Diego Vallim, Country Manager, Orica Brasil
Orica Brasil
Orica delivers avant-garde blast and explosives solutions to the Brazilian market, mainly benefitting the mining industry by increasing its productivity and delivering higher safety standards
rica is the
countries, providing jobs for more than
worldwide leader 13,000 employees, of which more than in production
200 are tech specialists, making Orica
and distribution
the number one commercial explosive
of blasting
supplier worldwide.
and initiation
“We are a community of engineers,
systems, besides scientists, technicians, operators, providing other
business specialists and on-site
solutions, from cyanide production
personnel working together to support
for gold extraction to cutting-edge
our clients day in and day out,”
technology in digital solutions and
commented Diego Vallim, Country
other blasting services, contributing
Manager for Orica Brazil.
to a safe, efficient and responsible resource extraction and monitoring. The company dates back to 1874, as a supplier for Australian goldfields.
Diego Vallim has been in charge of Orica Brazil since 2021, after joining
After more than 146 years in business, the company in 2016 as Senior Orica has presence in more than 100
September 2021
Sourcing Manager for Latin America,
Orica Brasil
“We are a community of specialists working together to support our clients” - Diego Vallim, Country Manager, Orica Brazil
w w w.the b os tonb
Orica Brasil
being based in Chile. Vallim took
to design safe blasts. Other services
part in a Management Leadership
such as risk-reducing geotechnical
Program and was selected for this
monitoring are provided by the
position afterwards. The acquisition
GroundProbe™ division.
of Peruvian company Exsa by Orica, a $200 million operation, is listed among
in Brazil, mainly for iron and gold
his recent accomplishments.
extraction, as well as for other basic
His education includes an MBA,
metals and quarries, besides offering
among other courses in Brazil and
solutions to construction and oil & gas
abroad. Before joining Orica, Vallim
also held leadership positions for
The company relies on its
companies in the automotive and
production plants within the country,
mining industries.
where initiation systems and
supported by a wide supply network
Orica’s presence in Brazil dates back to the 1980s. In Brazil, the
Orica serves the mining industry
emulsions are produced, and it’s also covering clients in all of the Brazilian territory. “We are known for our safety culture
company currently offers its entire
and for our skills to create value
solutions and product portfolio for
through products and technology, but
blasting, from initiation systems and
mainly for our staff’s capabilities,”
emulsions to high-end technology
Vallim pointed out.
September 2021
Orica Brasil
w w w.the b os tonb
Orica Brasil
• Avatel™: A digitized underground INNOVATION ON EVERY FRONT
Being the global leader in blasting and explosives for the mining and construction sectors implies that every new product made available by Orica does not follow any path previously travelled, but rather becomes a trendsetting innovation in the industry, capable of disrupting the way any specialized task has been performed. The most outstanding solutions among the company’s latest development are: • WebGen™: This wireless initiation system avoids the use of down-lines and connecting wires. Its reach gets the signal through rocks, air and water, resulting in safe, reliable blasts without risking any injury to staff, increasing productivity and reducing costs. WebGen™ is SIL3certified (Safety Integrity Level), and is
charging system designed to initiate blasts from a safe cabin, reducing exposure to any harm. Avatel™ was created in collaboration with Epiroc, another leading company in mining machinery. • GroundProbe: This division recently developed RAR (real aperture radar) and SAR (synthetic aperture radar) devices, able to monitor slope stability, the GMS robotic station for prism monitoring, the GML for convergence monitoring in underground mining, and the RGRVelox (reactive geohazard radar) for reactive monitoring and alarming for tailings dam breaches. DISRUPTING MINING WITH DESIGN FOR OUTCOME
The Design For Outcome system offers a comprehensive digital solution
the only commercial explosive with the to gather and manage data, previous highest security grade.
September 2021
blast results as well as rock and ore
Orica Brasil
properties to use with predictive
electronic initiation systems such as
algorithms, delivering possible
I-kon III, the most advanced in its kind,
outcomes and determining the
able to optimize small and large scale
quantity of explosives to use in
blast times, automatically generating
each procedure depending on
blast sequence reprogramming,
expected results.
increasing reliability under severe
Design For Outcome is enhanced when paired with the BlastIQ™ cloudbased platform, which manages the stored data from blasts and perforation, easing integration with
weather conditions and able to reduce blast delays. AN INDUSTRY GIANT WITHIN THE SOUTH AMERICAN GIANT
One of the most important aspects
w w w.the b os tonb
Orica Brasil
for Orica, globally, is its R&D
and safety in blasting, globally,
department, which receives annual
after more than 100 year-experience
investments for more than $50 million,
in different kinds of mining
where more than 60 data analysts
operations worldwide.
come up with the newest solutions with latest-generation technology,
slope monitoring are within our reach,
setting goals such as reducing
thrusting Brazil into the forefront of
personnel exposure to any risk during
the world’s mining industry,” declared
blasts, operational excellence as well
the executive.
as maintaining and improving global sustainability standards. Orica has factories and
The restrictions and consequences derived from the COVID19 pandemic
development centers worldwide,
resulted in a testing time for Orica
which brings flexibility and other
Brazil’s resilience and adaptability.
advantages to its supply chain
Many of the duties required to
and logistics, which benefit also
complete essential activities supplied
from partnerships with clients
by the company must be carried on
and suppliers.
site, and these are performed by more
All of these factors enable the
“The latest solutions in blasting and
than half of the staff. In the same way,
company to guarantee the availability
such unusual conditions allowed for
of the most advanced solutions in
a complete overview of company
Brazil, delivering the best execution
procedures, thus accelerating the
September 2021
Orica Brasil
“We are known for our safety culture and for our skills to create value, but mainly for our staff’s capabilities” - Diego Vallim, Country Manager, Orica Brazil
w w w.the b os tonb
Orica Brasil
Incl usion is not a second thought in O r ica B raz i l, as women hold positions from leader ship roles to the fo refront of f ield operations
automation and digitization strategy,
there have been tangible results, but
thrusting new practices such as
still with so much to accomplish. 33%
remote assistance through AR
of leadership positions for Orica in
(augmented reality).
Latin America are held by women, while in graduate programs this grows
Orica focuses on inclusion and diversity strategies, a subject in which
September 2021
to 50%. Also, 35% of positions in charge of different squads are held by women. There’s still room to grow in
Orica Brasil
Te c h n o l o g i e s a n d d a ta i nte g ra t i o n of fe re d by O r ica have d i s r upted the m i n i ng i ndust r y
field positions, though Orica
whose path to reach it requires
Brazil proudly hired the first MMU
effort through resources in the
female driver.
company’s hands. Orica’s purpose is to generate value
For the foreseeable future, Orica plans to get into a certain scenario
and allow its disruptive solutions to evolve, such as WebGen™ technology, GroundProbe™ radars, and the BlastIQ™ digital platform,
w w w.the b os tonb
Orica Brasil
“The latest solutions in blasting and slope monitoring are within our reach, thrusting Brazil into the forefront of the world’s mining industry” - Diego Vallim, Country Manager, Orica Brazil
September 2021
Orica Brasil
delivering increased safety and productivity through these solutions. Also, strengthening its industrial presence in Brazil and the rest of Latin America to optimize its supply chain in the territory, and capitalizing on what this represents regarding raw material and finished products management, contributing to make Orica become a strategic partner for its clients.
FOUNDED: 1874 (in Australia) INDUSTRY: Mining WEBPAGE: TEL: (+55) 12 214 1300 EMAIL:
w w w.the b os tonb
The digital tools and support companies need AVAYA Colombia has raised as a powerhouse and accelerator for business, as it has gained importance as the market’s leading digital resources facilitator
Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Translated by María Murgui de Pedro Interviewee Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia
AVAYA C o l o m b i a
n a global scale,
from Thunderbird School of Global
AVAYA is a synonym
Management (Arizona, USA) and
for dynamic and fluent
some studies on Digital Business
communications, for
Strategies from MIT (Massachusetts
flexible and adaptable
Institute of Technology).
environments and excellency in what
After a 20-year career, Mesa
Information and Communication
has experience in charge of digital
Technologies regards. The Company
transformation projects in different
– a spin-off from AT&T- follows a
sectors, in the creation and launch of
path in which, for 21 years, it has
business development strategies in
kept itself at the forefront by means
different companies from the sector
of technological innovations as well
such as Oracle Colombia, where
as by easing millions of operations to
he served as a general manager.
more than five million users in contact
Previously, he served as a Public
centers, becoming a referent in sectors Sector Director and as a hardware such as “solutions as a service” and
Sales Manager for the Andean Region.
as a facilitator of cloud transitions and
He also acted as Business Manager
digital transformations.
for Lenovo’s Enterprise division and, before that, he led IBM’s System X
strategy for Latin-America and
AVAYA’s Colombian operation. He
graduated in Electronic Engineering from the Pontificia Universidad
the Caribbean.
Javeriana (Colombia), owns a Master’s has made an important ally in unified Degree on Business Administration
September 2021
communications out of it, besides
Digital Communications
Solutions of fered by AVAYA h a v e b e c o m e mo re rel evant w ith the increase in remote wo r k as a consequence of the global pandemic
being a supplier for nine out of ten
to be the country with AVAYA’s third
of the biggest “call centers” in the
largest revenue in Latin America.
country, increasing its market share up
To culminate that successful job,
to 50% according to the “Digitalization a new AVAYA Innovation Center has and Preparation for the Adoption
been built in Bogotá, a facility up to
of Solutions in the Cloud” report,
standards shared by the corporate
conducted by analysts Frost
headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, and
& Sullivan.
New Jersey, USA. A great investment
These efforts have made Colombia
has been made on this center to
w w w.the b os tonb
AVAYA C o l o m b i a
September 2021
A V A Y A C o l oDmi b g ii at a l C o m m u n i c a t i o n s
Companies require the capacity to create applications from different elements, which would ease their communication and collaboration environment - Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia
w w w.the b os tonb
AVAYA C o l o m b i a
make innovations and high-level
To become closer to these models,
technological experiences available
AVAYA has considered three
to clients and strategic partners,
key factors:
becoming a hub able to provide
• Cloud solutions, where not
solutions in Digital Transformations
only is information stored, but also
and Unified Communication to
business leaders at every level, from
• Easing access to
entrepreneurs to senior management
technological resources, with
in Colombia’s large companies.
support from Artificial Intelligence and subscription models.
• Flexible and modular
AVAYA’s results in the recent “Life
technological architecture,
And Work Beyond 2020” survey
in which clients are enabled to
showed that the intention of the
generate custom-made solutions,
workforce in working activities should
covering any possible experience
be more flexible regarding employee’s
for different users.
physical presence in company offices and in their schedules, as well as
to create applications from different
users’ and consumers’ expectations
elements, which would ease creating
towards multichannel interaction with
the ideal communications and
brands and companies, in a way in
collaboration environment to manage
which they can receive an immediate
and train teams”, said Mesa.
response for their needs.
“Companies require the capacity
September 2021
Digital Communications
AVAYA i n t e g r a t e s hubs w ith dif ferent applications, making co l labo rative work easier
w w w.the b os tonb
Our partnerships’ growth has enabled us to accelerate the introduction and adoption of new technologies and keep ourselves as a client-centered company - Juan Manuel Mesa, General Manager for AVAYA Colombia
September 2021
Digital Communications
INNOVATION SUPPORTING REMOTE COLLABORATION Resources available from AVAYA are useful tools which, after some time, become essential for collaborative
competitive in a market which is now more aggressive than ever”, the executive explained.
innovations is AVAYA Spaces, which
gathers applications into a hub and
with big brands, which enable the
makes collaborative work easier for
company into creating strategic
thousands of people.
alliances that result in the possibility
work. One of these important
Another recent remarkable launch
of offering innovative products for
has been AVAYA OneCloudTm,
companies of all sizes as well as
which aligns itself with services
easing their path to digitalization.
such as contact centers, unified
Brands such as AWS, Google
communications and communication
Cloud, IBM, Microsoft, Nuance,
Telmex and Verint, among others, are
These and other resources are
a part of the solutions AVAYA offers
available by the AVAYA OneCloudTm
to its customers and users to make a
Subscription model for software and
devices, which enables companies
“Our partnerships’ growth has
access these tools by flexible
enabled us to accelerate the
payment methods such as monthly
introduction and adoption of new
fees, according to their needs and
technologies, break the inertia
modular growth.
and keep ourselves as a client-
“This offer is available in all of Latin America and its aim is to fill in a gap
centered company”, the general manager stated.
that companies need to be more
w w w.the b os tonb
AVAYA C o l o m b i a
AVAYA o f f e r s customi zed subscr iption model s, cove r i ng the needs of companies of any size
COVID-19: A TRANSFORMATION AGENT The COVID-19 pandemic and its
has shown itself as a resilient
consequences have changed many
as well as thrusting those companies
detect opportunities for new business,
companies -even in positive aspects-
in need of these digital tools to keep
as an agent for emerging abilities
working during the emergency.
which perhaps didn’t gather that many
Company with a winning DNA, able to
Moreover, AVAYA supported
attention in the conditions prior to the
companies from all sectors in
health contingency. AVAYA Colombia
Colombia by giving away about 50,000
September 2021
Digital Communications
free licenses to use their products in remote work, apart from offering
TALENT DETECTION AND BOOST AVAYA carries an important and
webinars to help companies face this
comprehensive task to detect and
situation so they could go on working.
support youngsters able to create
“The daily discipline and execution
innovative solutions with the help of
of the ‘Go To Market’ strategy has
technology. For that reason, AVAYA
been consolidated and changes
has created a cloud-based lab for
have really strengthened the team”,
entrepreneurs, having already trained
said Mesa.
more than 400 people to use the
w w w.the b os tonb
AVAYA C o l o m b i a
resources the company offers. This effort has spread to the Antioquía, Atlántico, Boyacá, Cauca and Cundinamarca departments, by working together with colleges such as Universidad de Antioquía, Universidad de Boyacá and Universidad de La Sabana, among others. RESOURCES FACING PRESENT AND FUTURE The forecast for AVAYA is positive,
September 2021
Digital Communications
AVAYA w o r k s close to global technology suppliers
as the company has a highly qualified team to work and offer a services portfolio that provides support for the requirements the current situation and the future demand for the continuity of its clients’ businesses. An emphasis on cloud-based
applications and storage is foreseen, as well as a push to voice biometry and Artificial Intelligence to improve the customer’s experience.
w w w.the b os tonb
NETWORKING TO DELIVER THE BEST, READY TO EAT PRODUCT Joining forces with raw materials suppliers and strategic partners in logistics takes Simplot to the top of the frozen french fries market
Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Interviewee Luis Alberto Rodríguez Mastache, CEO for Simplot México Interviewee Alberto Ponce, Supply Chain Director for Mexico and Central America at Simplot
Simplot México
ohn Richard Simplot
generates value in the food industry,
gave his own name to
providing resources to support
the company he founded
its suppliers and relying on these
during the late 1920s
resources to thrive in the global market
in Boise, Idaho, a state
since the early 21st century, with a
widely known for its
decade’s worth of labor in Mexico.
high volume of potato production. The JR
“We are interested in winning, we think Mexico can host world-class
Simplot company has always been a
organizations,” commented Luis
standout in innovation, besides facing
Alberto Rodríguez Mastache, CEO for
and surpassing different challenges,
Simplot Mexico, and also in charge of
detecting opportunities and making
the Central America territory for the
the most of them to achieve growth for company. decades, developing the business of empire after striking important deals
with the McDonald’s fast-food chain
Bachelor’s degree in Marketing
and its owner, Ray A. Kroc.
from ITESM (Monterrey Institute of
frozen french fries, and becoming an
Currently, Simplot generates 11%
Technology and Higher Education,
of french fries imports in Mexico, and,
in Mexico), graduating with honors
along two other companies, adds to
through a scholarship. Afterwards,
60% to 65% of the specialty’s global
he completed an MBA from IPADE
(PanAmerican Institute for High
Through its food, agriculture, turf and livestock divisions, Simplot
September 2021
Business Management, in Mexico), he also completed Humanities studies at
Simplot México
“We all have leadership within our duties, we all have a leadership example for things to happen” - Alberto Ponce, Supply Chain Director for Mexico and Central America at Simplot
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Simplot México
the University of Granada (Spain) and
“It’s our duty to make our
the Strategic Business Negotiations
organization grow in Mexico under the
Program at Ivey Business School (part
values the company has displayed:
of the Western University, in Canada).
generating value along with suppliers,
His 30-year experience has led him
clients and distributors,” the
to different areas such as sales
executive said.
and operations, besides marketing,
Alberto Ponce is in charge of
working for multinational companies
the supply chain. Ponce earned a
in the food and beverage industry, and
degree in Industrial Engineering from
being part of Simplot since 2015.
ITESM (State of Mexico campus),
September 2021
Simplot México
and also earned an MBA from the
environment,” pointed out Ponce,
University of Texas at Austin. His
Supply Chain Director for Mexico and
14-year experience has led him to
Central America at Simplot.
global companies such as ColgatePalmolive, Coca-Cola and Philip Morris. “To achieve growth, we need
the right people. Once the right
potatoes are imported into Mexico,
people are here, the most important
which, along with the 350 million
thing is keeping the talent in a safe
pounds imported into Central America
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Simplot México
and the Caribbean add up to 750 million lb, which amounts to almost a
the different ways to carry out plans. • Product portfolio: The
billion lb in a global market worth 26
Quality Assurance and Research &
billion lb of potatoes. Simplot’s main
Development departments contribute
focus is on food service businesses,
to deliver products with the highest
which includes restaurants of every
quality and consistency; R&D
level, grocery stores, retail chains and
also directs efforts to upcoming
other specialized outlets.
innovations. As a result of such efforts,
“Our value proposition offers
the company is able to offer a product
solutions for what our clients are
that maintains its temperature for 40
looking for,” Rodríguez Mastache
minutes, resulting in a warm, crispy
product as delivery customers receive
SUPPORT FROM THE PARENT COMPANY IN EVERY FRONT The structure providing support to
their meal. • Innovation system: Investment
the Simplot Mexico operation covers
in technology and standardized
beyond the values and principles
systems, answering to processes
of a family business, which brought
deployed during the last two years,
success to the company in its home
led by the implementation of the SAP-
country, but it’s also based in three
HANA ERP platform.
key factors: This structure allows Simplot Mexico • Strategic support: The
and affiliates worldwide to work with
necessary support to design and track freedom, responsibility and authority the company’s course, from goals to
September 2021
to make decisions and carry concrete
Simplot México
“Our duty now is to develop a logistics network that enables us to deliver our products in a more efficient manner” - Luis Alberto Rodríguez Mastache, CEO for Simplot México
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Simplot México
September 2021
Simplot México
actions to increase profitability.
as delivery to every food service unit becomes a challenge.
LARGER PRODUCTION ABILITY To back Simplot’s strategic
Synergies have been developed to counteract the contraction among
positioning in the fries specialty, the
available carriers in the US to bring the
company opened new production
product down to Mexico’s northern
plants in Argentina and duplicated
border and rely on a nationwide
its production capacity in Canada
distribution network.
and China. Regarding Mexico and Central
In Central America, the company is developing a similar network, able to
America, Simplot doubled production
work with the same efficiency as the
capacity for avocado in Mexico, with
one in Mexico does.
the company’s plants in Morelia and Irapuato leading the way.
“Our distribution partners are doing a great job, we are setting
“Our production facilities in Mexico
up agreements with Mexican
deliver global production for Mexico,
entrepreneurs to reach more
the United States and Asia,” Ponce
locations,” Rodríguez Mastache
declared. Simplot’s strategic partners in
CHALLENGES FACED BY LOGISTICS One of the most important tasks
logistics operate units furnished with GPS, led by monitoring stations
in the Logistics department for
for easy location 24/7, in the same
Simplot Mexico is developing
way maritime shipping lines operate
distribution networks, considering how tracking platforms. fragmented distribution is in Mexico,
“We strive to promote solutions
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COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS SOLUTIONS Leading company in logistics solutions for the Cold Chain in food industry in MEXICO AND PERU
Almacenaje • Distribución • Acondicionamiento de Mercancía • Certificado para Exportar
Tel 55 5290 5086 • Sales 55 4440 3746
along with our distributors and show
Simplot Grower Solution advisory
them that investments in technology
services, which provides resources
are important as it is connecting
such as information, valuable data
through social media, offering
and advanced products for farmers to
different options and the importance
obtain successful crops.
of delivering a quality product,” Rodríguez Mastache commented. ACHIEVEMENT VIA SIMPLOT GROWER SOLUTION Depending from different potato farmers led Simplot to create the
September 2021
This program has been successful with small farmers in the US and Canada, in the same way it has been developed in Mexico, so far, under the “Partners in Growth” brand philosophy.
Simplot México
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Simplot México
“In this way, we guarantee quality and support our partners’ growth,” Ponce added. “GREAT PLACE TO WORK” Simplot Mexico considers the long term as an important factor to create and maintain sustainable systems, also in aspects such as driving its workforce development. Such an environment favoring outstanding performance has not only earned
September 2021
Simplot México
Simplot Mexico being listed as a “Great Place to Work”, but has held the company in this ranking during the last four years, factoring along other elements such as the professional/
(JR Simplot in EEUU)
personal life balance aspect among employees. “We all have leadership within
our duties, we all have a leadership example for things to happen,” Ponce concluded.
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