Petroperu | BBR - Brochure

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PETROPERU: on the road to compete globally Competition in the domestic fuel market thrusts PETROPERĂš toward high efficiency, taking the state-owned subsidiary into becoming not only the most important company in the oil & gas sector, but also nationwide

Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Produced by Jassen Pintado Interviewee Carlos Barrientos, Gerente General de PETROPERĂš




he oil & gas and

the Peruvian state amounted to

energy industries

US$1,593 million.

in Peru are highly

PETROPERÚ’s competition has

complex due to

driven the company to take such

the domestic

actions as optimizing its offer at

and international

affiliated service stations, as well as a

competition level and

new brand placement.

also regarding evolution in standards

“As I took my current position, I

and production, among other

noticed the company had already

aspects. PETROPERÚ thrives in this

entered the tier with heavyweight

scenery, leading the way in imports

global players in the domestic

and fuel markets, becoming the most market. The company’s economic productive and important company

recovery implies modernization to


keep up with such a challenge,”

In 2019, PETROPERÚ reached a 44% market share in the liquid

pointed out Carlos Barrientos, CEO for PETROPERÚ.

fuel market, domestically, earning a US$394 million EBITDA, more than double the amount earned in 2018, reporting a net utility of US$171 million. The company became able to reach such figures by optimizing costs in acquisitions of raw material and other products, besides cutting expenses, among other factors. The company’s contribution to


THE RIGHT LEADERSHIP TO TAKE ON COMPETITION FROM THE PRIVATE SECTOR Carlos Barrientos took over PETROPERÚ in August 2019. Before being named to the top position in the state’s oil & gas company, he worked in the private sector in industries such as logistics,

“The company had already entered the tier with heavyweight global players. THE COMPANY’S

ECONOMIC RECOVERY IMPLIES MODERNIZATION to keep up with such a challenge” - Carlos Barrientos, CEO for PETROPERÚ

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industrial machinery, as a consultant and

both companies share wide international

other positions which translated into the

experience in industrial facilities and other

experience and prestige that took him to


the CEO office in PETROPERÚ. Barrientos

The Talara refinery, which halted

earned a bachelor’s degree in business

operations from January 2020, once the

administration at the Pontifical Catholic

project entered its final phase before

University of Peru, where he also earned

completion, is subject to the following

an MBA. Other postgraduate degrees


for Barrientos include the Leading in Growth and Profitability course from the

• Making the most from raw

University of North Carolina Kenan-Flager

material. The Talara refinery is about

Business School and taking part in the CEO

to be introduced to the flexicoking

executive program from the Kellogg School

method, a late-generation technology

of Management at Northwestern University.

able to turn low-value residues into

“Being the CEO for PETROPERÚ is one

a environmentally-friendly fuel, thus

of my highest challenges, professionally,

becoming one of only seven refineries

considering it’s the most important

in the world where this process takes

company nationwide, which is under


constant transformation toward becoming a world class enterprise,” Barrientos

• Higher capacity. The new Talara


refinery relies on 16 processing units and five auxiliary plants, increasing

THE GREAT CHALLENGE OF THE TALARA REFINERY The current works at the Talara refinery are more than 90% in route to completion. These efforts are led by contractors Consorcio Cobra and Técnicas Reunidas,


capacity to 95,000 barrels per day, a significant improvement over the 65,000 per day max. produced by the old refinery.



Talara Refinery

• Sustainability and lesser

• Health. Fuel desulfurization is

environmental impact. At the new

projected to bring a very positive, high

Talara plant -which will be self-

impact on the environment, resulting

sufficient in terms of power supply-,

in estimated savings by US$300 million

sulfur particles are to be reduced to

annually in treatment for respiratory

less than 50 ppm. The removed sulfur

diseases among the Peruvian

will be used to produce sulfuric acid.


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“PETROPERÚ is under constant transformation toward becoming a


- Carlos Barrientos, CEO for PETROPERÚ




One more benefit brought by the refinery’s location will be the ability to process crude oil extracted from the Peruvian Amazonia, hence becoming more attractive as a recipient for investments in new oil lots, besides making the most out of the North Peruvian Pipeline. “The new refinery possesses strategic value for the oil & gas industry. In the medium term,

by 190 health professionals on site. WORLD CLASS PURVEYORS FOR A WORLD CLASS COMPANY Operations from PETROPERÚ demand top level resources, such as licensed technology from the most important companies in the industry, worldwide. Banks and specialized companies with international reputation act as consultants for financial

there’s a possibility of conveying

matters and social issues are

crude oil from Ecuador to be

being handled by the company

processed in Talara, creating

in collaboration with government

synergies both domestically and

agencies and speciliazied

abroad,” the CEO added.


Reaching the highest global

“This kind of support and

standards is part of the plan of

consultancy wouldn’t be possible

the project to be completed in

if our company didn’t count

November 2021. So far there

with skilled staff with enough

haven’t been any accidents

experience to make the most

resulting in fatalities or

from the knowledge we obtain

disabilities to any of the near

from tech, business and social

7,000 individuals involved in this

endeavors we are involved with,”

project, working under efficient

Barrientos declared.

safety conditions and supported

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TECH SUPPORT IN ALL FRONTS Speeding up processes

supporting integrity, transparency

through technology is constantly

and good corporate governance

evolving in PETROPERÚ.


Resources like SAP are joined

The company’s processing

by the virtual desk; management

plants and terminals throughout

duties are sped up through

Peru are also undergoing a digital

digital signatures, ramping up

transformation and the COVID19

procedures which formerly

pandemic turned telecommuting

took paperwork and now have

into a standard for office staff.

become digitized, speeding up interactions with suppliers,

The No r th Pe r uvian Pi pel i ne is also subject to upg rades enabl ing it to transpo r t more fuel in less time


clients and citizens, thus


Repairs, Manufacturing, Electromechanical Assembly, Industrial Cleaning, Industrial Sandblasting and Painting, Heavy and Light Fleet Maintenance, General Facility Maintenance During Shutdowns.

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Supplier Profile N u m b e r o f E m p l o ye e s : 19 2 t r a b a j a d o r e s Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 12 / 11/2 016 Industr y: Mantenimiento Plantas Industriales. R e p a r a c i o n e s , Fa b r i c a c i o n e s , M o n t a j e s Electromecánicos, Limpieza Industrial, Pintado Industrial, Mantenimiento Flotas Pesada y Liviana .

COUNTERACTING THE GLOBAL PANDEMIC Before 2019, when different factors were taking oil prices into a downward spiral, plans and operations from PETROPERÚ performed above expectations for the year, rising optimism looking ahead to 2020. As COVID19 hit with global quarantines, bringing plenty of economic activity to a halt, the company experienced a 70% drop in sales. Nevertheless, PETROPERÚ stood as an

Main Ser vices: Mantenimiento de plantas industriales.

essential activity without any production stoppage, fulfilling every commitment to

R e c e n t P r o ye c t s : S E R V I C I O D E R E PA R AC I O N D E 3 5 A N O M A L I A S P O R P E R D I DA D E E S P E S O R Y 0 1 B O L L A D U R A D E T E C TA DA C O N E L R A S PAT U B O I N S T R U M E N TA D O ( L I N S C A N ) E N E L T R A M O I I D E L O N P ( O L E O D U C TO N O R P E R UA N O ) - S E R V I C I O PA R A R E T I R A R I N T E R F E R E N C I A S O P E R AT I VA S E N L A S U N I DA D E S AU X I L I A R E S , T R A B A J O S C O M P L E M E N TA R I O S Y D E L P M R T ( P R OY E C TO D E M O D E R N I Z AC I O N R E F I N E R I A TA L A R A ) .

CEO: V í c to r A r t u r o C r u z Vá s q u e z - G e r e n te G e n e r a l We b p a g e : w w w.v i l o c r u .c o m


wholesale clients and service stations. Besides providing its staff of the required consumables to avoid spreading the disease, the company also developed information campaigns and increased medical insurance coverage, guaranteeing attention to COVID19 cases. “All of this has allowed the company to take a crucial role during the first months of the pandemic and also during the country’s economic recovery. This is an achievement for all of us,” the CEO said.




optimized, the company will donate an

through refineries, production plants, station

latest technology, including specialized

services and the North Peruvian Pipeline

equipment for the disease’s treatment

brings the company closer to different

such as ventilators and other breathing

communities with whom the company has

aid devices. This facility will be able to

established outreach projects. However,

host 45 patients, between moderate and

the pandemic resulted in the company

critical severity. The hospital is to be run by

refocusing its efforts to counterstrike

EsSalud, the healthcare branch for social

COVID19 in these communities.

security in Peru, which is not limited to

In Talara, where the refinery is being

entire modular hospital, furnished with the

patients with insurance.

New COVID19 modular hospital for Talara

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Other donations include bio-security company donated non-perishables at consumables and test kits, besides

the beginning of the pandemic. Other

engaging purveyors and other oil

communities such as the Peruvian

companies to provide corporate

Amazonas, Loreto and the Datem

contribution. Aid provided during the

del Maraùón province were benefited

emergency is an additional effort to

with medical attention and other

the yearly 3,500 medical appointments consumables. for vulnerable populations and


The company expects to resume

campaigns to eradicate dengue, Zika

previously established programs for

virus and chikungunya.

community outreach in more than 100

In other zones of Talara, Iquitos, Ilo,

communities neighboring the pipeline

Pucallpa, Villa Salvador and vicinities

as well as in other native communities

of the North Peruvian Pipeline, the

once the disease is controlled.

Noviembre 2020

NEW HORIZONS WITHIN THE ENERGY SECTOR PETROPERÚ is on its way to a successful run in lot 64 of the Peruvian oil concessions map. Operations in lot 192 are scheduled to begin in 2021 in partnership with companies in the private sector. Meanwhile, the North Peruvian Pipeline is to undergo a modernization process and upgrades in its

“The new refinery possesses strategic value for the oil & gas industry, creating synergies both


infrastructure to keep performing

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as the most important crude

in renewable energy, such

oil transport system, from the

as wind and solar energy,

rain forests to the Bayovar port

intending to power its own


facilities and partnering

For the long term,


afterwards with the purpose

PETROPERĂš is exploring

of its commercialization. This

possibilities within its current

may undoubtedly result in a

infrastructure to take part

masterstroke, considering

possible affectations to fossil

other markets slowly began

fuels, in a way that highs or

the road toward economic

lows in oil price don’t affect the

recovery. The crude oil price

company’s capacity to deliver

experiences a gradual recovery

energy nationwide.

and PETROPERÚ is resuming


PE T RO PE R Ú’s leadership has taken the company to become the main player in a highly competitive ma r ket i nvo lvi ng global companies

projects which had been already underway, such as plant construction in the Ilo, Pasco

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“WE ARE DETERMINED TO CONTRIBUTE IN ACCELERATING ECONOMIC RECOVERY while keeping strict safety protocols in all our operations. This is what we are committed to as a company and as a nation” - Carlos Barrientos, CEO for PETROPERÚ







and Madre de Dios communities,

more than $120 million in capital

and a signed agreement to export

expenditures and $287 million in

fuel to Bolivia.

operational expenses.

After the critical stage in Marc,

“We are determined to contribute in

as quarantines worldwide began,

accelerating economic recovery while

from June and onwards sales

keeping strict safety protocols in all

increased in 65%, projecting a 92%

our operations. This is what we are

recovery toward the end of 2020.

committed to as a company and as a

The necessary adjustments saved

nation,” Carlos Barrientos finalized.

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