Rodio Swissboring | BBR_Brochure

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GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING AND SPECIALIZED CONSTRUCTION WITH SOLID GLOBAL SUPPORT With a wide presence across Central America, Rodio Swissboring is an outstanding partner for the civil engineering and energy sectors, taking care of specialized tasks in underground construction, maritime engineering and tunneling

Rodio Swissboring 60 aĂąos LATAM

Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado

Produced by Jassen Pintado

Interviewee Federico Rosenberg, CEO

Rodio Swissboring



odio Swissboring started

projects in the region”, said Federico

more than 60 years

Rosenberg, Regional Director for

ago, when the company

Rodio Swissboring in Central America,

opened in El Salvador

which has also taken part in important

as the Swissboring

projects in other regions, precisely

Overseas Crp. Ltd. The

in the Dominican Republic, Ecuador

company’s history goes

and Mexico.

back to 1930s Switzerland. After the

Rosenberg, a geologist and civil

first projects were completed in El

engineer graduated from Texas

Salvador, the company’s headquarters

A&M. “I’ve been part of the group

moved to Guatemala in 1970, and

for 30 years. Had my start in Spain

new offices opened in the rest of the

holding different positions, from

Central American countries through

project engineer, engineer in charge

the years.

of machinery, production manager,

Once in the 21st century, the

CEO at Guatemala and finally as the

company’s partnership went through

regional director for the last ten years,”

changes, ending up in Soletanche

Rosenberg commented.

Bachy owning 100% of Rodio the latter bringing leadership in


geotechnical engineering, mining,

along the Central American market

maritime engineering and specialized

through the years has taken place in

civil engineering to the French

projects for both the private and public

group’s leadership.

sectors. This market shares plenty of

Swissboring from 2015 on, with

“Since our beginnings, we have

features, but it also presents different

taken part in different stages during the conditions, and its constant evolution construction of the main infrastructure


December 2020

demands adaptability and versatility.

- Federico Rosenberg, CEO for Rodio Swissboring in Central America

“We have taken part in the

main infrastructure projects in the region”

“One of the key aspects to maintain

Rodio Swissboring engages in high-

ourselves at the forefront of the market

scale projects such as the Panama

is focusing on our clients’ needs,

Canal, taking part in the canal’s

bringing as many innovative solutions

recent expansion and its new third

as possible,” the executive declared.

set of locks, as well as laying the

w w w.the b os tonb


We are a group of investors and experts in the infrastructure sector with the objective of developing and building with strong bonds so that constructions are of great value and forever. We set our bases to to respond effectively to the great challenges, because we understood that it is possible to believe in an infrastructure at international levels with the current requirements.

Infrastructures so well made, that they last forever. Visit us at:

Everything we build is forever

Follow us:

Supplier Profile Number of Employees: 50+ Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 2 0 0 4 Industr y: Construction Main Ser vices: B r i d g e b u i l d e r s p e c i a l i z i n g i n l a u n c h i n g m i xe d c o n f i g u r a t i o n s u p e r s t r u c t u r e s . Recent Projects: S u p e r e s t r u c t u r a P U E N T E 15 - VA S . The project consists of planning the engineering and Construction of the bridge. Scope, a s s e m b l y, t r a n s p o r t o f t h e p a r t s , l a u n c h i n g o f t h e s u p e r s t r u c t u r e a n d a s s u r a n c e o f t h e m a q u i l a . T h e t y p o l o g y o f “ B R I D G E 15”, o b j e c t o f t h i s c o n t r a c t , i s o f t h r e e ( 3 ) s p a n s o f f i f t y- o n e ( 51), f i f t y ( 5 0 ) a n d s i x t y ( 6 0 ) m e t e r s , t h e g r o u n d p l a n i s c u r ve d t h r o u g h o u t i t s l e n g t h f o l l ow i n g a c i r c u l a r a l i g n m e n t w i t h a r a d i u s o f o n e h u n d r e d f o r t y- e i g h t (14 8 ) m e t e r s w i t h a c o n s t a n t l o n g i t u d i n a l s l o p e o f t h r e e p o i n t f i f t e e n p e r c e n t ( 3 .15%) a s c e n d i n g f r o m t h e a b u t m e n t i d e n t i f i e d w i t h n u m b e r o n e (1) t o a b u t m e n t n u m b e r t wo (2 ). T h e c r o s s s e c t i o n h a s a s u p e r e l e va t i o n o f s e ve n p o i n t s i x p e r c e n t ( 7. 6%) a n d i s d e s i g n e d to b e l a u n c h e d f r o m a p l a t f o r m to i t s f i n a l p o s i t i o n . To t a l we i g h t 14 9 0 t o n s . C E O : A l f r e d o Fe r n a n d e z Va l e n z u e l a We b p a g e : w w w.v i t s a .c o

foundations for the third bridge across

Rican capital, the company laid down

the artificial waterway; also in Panama, the foundations and built the slope


the company worked in Line 1 of the

protection at the new US Embassy in

Panama Metro rapid transit system.

Tegucigalpa (Honduras); both of these

In San José, Rodio Swissboring

last processes were also performed at

was in charge of the excavation and

the new US Embassy in Guatemala,

protection of the basements at the

as the next headquarters for the US

building of the Legislative Assembly

in these two countries are currently

of Costa Rica. Also in the Costa

under construction.

December 2020


Active ancho r blocks and struts in the Quo and Granat building project in Guatemala Cit y

AVANT-GARDE PROCEDURES Rodio Swissboring has brought

technique according to the land’s conditions. Rodio Swissboring relies

to the territory a wide array of

on support from sister company

procedures and techniques supported

MENARD when a plot of land must

by late-generation technology, such

undergo such a specialized process.

as introducing ground improvement to

MENARD, also a Soletanche Bachy

Central America. Ground improvement company, is a global leader in ground is becoming a standard procedure

improvement and is constantly

in complex grounds, using a proper

investing in avant-garde machinery

w w w.the b os tonb










Data Acquisition








Tilt Meters


Strain Gauges


Crack Meters


Track Monitoring

EL Tiltmeter

Spot Weldable SG

VW Crackmeter

Settlement and Twist

MEMS Tiltmeter

Arc Weldable SG

3D Crackmeter

Monitoring for Rail

Wireless Tiltmeter

Embedment SG





Settlement Systems




Monitoring Software




Custom Solutions

Custom Campbell Scientific Datalogger System

Wireless Dataloggers


Field Readouts

Inclinometer Casing

Borehole VW Piezometer

VW Settlement Cell





Push-In VW Piezometer

Borros Anchor

Magnet Extensometer



Digitilt AT System

Standpipe Piezometer



VW Analyzer

DigiPro2 Software

Water Level Indicator


11 7





Find out more - Contact your Latin America representative Ing. Rodolfo Saavedra:


and equipment to perform these tasks. Other specialized procedures also carried by Rodio Swissboring in Central America is tunnel and microtunnel boring and construction, with support from BESSAC,

Anchor blocks and soil nailing at the Vía Alter na Sur highway in Guatemala

another sister company specialized in these kind of projects, useful for the mining, energy and transportation sectors as well as for public waterworks, to name a few. PARTNERS AND PURVEYORS: BEYOND MERE COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS Machinery, tools and equipment stand out from Rodio Swissboring’s supply chain. The company takes part in projects which demand specialized procedures in construction, mining and the energy sectors,

Anchor pile foundation at J i boa b r idge, E l Sa lvado r

among others; thus requiring unique machinery and equipment with certain features and capabilities, taking Rodio Swissboring into joining manufacturers in their R&D department, engaging with design and upgrades to equipment for required, specific functions. “We deal with the subsoil and all of what’s below the surface, where conditions are

Piles and sheetpi l ing at Mi raflores locks in the Panama Cana l

always changing; there will always be some improvement to adapt ourselves to it and

w w w.the b os tonb



Supplier Profile

optimize our performance,” Rosenberg summed it up.

N u m b e r o f E m p l o ye e s : 450+ Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 19 5 4

PART OF A GLOBAL NETWORK OF MUTUAL SUPPORT The heralded support Rodio Swissboring receives from other Soletanche Bachy companies such as BESSAC and MENARD,

Industr y: Mix to Listo belongs to the Construction I n d u s t r y, s p e c i f i c a l l y t o t h e p r o d u c t i o n and distribution of ready-mix concrete.

Main Ser vices: Guatemalan company with more than 65 year s of experience in the production and distribution of ready-mix concrete, along with the ser vices associated with i t s p l a c e m e n t . We h a ve b e e n p r e s e n t i n the construction of the most impor tant infrastructure, building and housing projects i n t h e c o u n t r y, a s w e l l a s i n t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h o u s a n d s o f p r i v a t e p r o j e c t s . We h a ve m o r e t h a n 10 p r o d u c t i o n p l a n t s s t r a t e g i c a l l y distributed throughout the countr y to s e r ve a l l k i n d s o f c o n s t r u c t i o n p r o j e c t s .

R e c e n t P r o ye c t s : We t a ke p a r t i n t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e m o s t r e l e v a n t p r o j e c t s i n t h e c o u n t r y, s u c h a s : Fu e n t e s d e l Va l l e N o r t e , A l t o s d e S a n Nicolás, Por tal San Isidro residential projects; infrastructure projects such as the Quetzal C o n t a i n e r Te r m i n a l a n d t h e n e w E m b a s s y o f the United States of America, among others.

Unit Manager: A s t r i d Pe l l e c e r We b p a g e : w w w. m i x to l i s to.c o m

among others, displays the advantages of being part of a solid group with global presence. There is technical and logistic support and plentiful resources, besides relying on a wide network of experts sharing experience, processes and new techniques. On its behalf, the Central American operation of Rodio Swissboring is highly specialized in mining and geothermal exploration and also offers support to other companies in the Soletanche Bachy Group. “We have a fine-tuned network. Most companies have a specialty in a specific area and support each other,” the regional director commented. Another advantage shared by every company in the group is that personnel receives specialized training, which is considered a crucial factor for the success of Rodio Swissboring.

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“We regularly send our staff either to train based in specific programs in technical or operational areas or in other group companies, thus creating important opportunities for development,” Rosenberg explained. LINKS TO THE COMMUNITY: EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENT Rodio Swissboring’s CSR efforts are focused on programs related to education, a crucial factor for every country’s development. The company is also developing an action plan with the main purpose of reducing its carbon footprint by 30% before 2030. “Our global group policy is this important commitment to the environment, which increasingly impacts our operation,” the executive pointed out. UP NEXT: A WAGER INTO PROJECT CONTINUITY 2021 is foreseen as a very interesting year for Rodio Swissboring, facing different projects both for the private and public sectors which had to be stopped or started during 2020 and which certainly will go on

w w w.the b os tonb


DYWIDAG makes infrastructure safer, stronger, and smarter. We work with government authorities, asset owners, construction companies, and design offices to support their infrastructure projects.

Rio del Este Shopping Center Rionegro – Colombia

PH-6 Puente Honda – Colombia

Q Office, Medellín – Colombia


“Our main goal is to

become more consolidated and keep taking part in important projectss” - Federico Rosenberg, CEO for Rodio Swissboring in Central America


December 2020


Supplier Profile N u m b e r o f E m p l o ye e s : 15 0 0 + Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 18 6 5 Industr y: We o f f e r s o l u t i o n s f o r I n f r a s t r u c t u r e , Commercial and Residential Construction, monitoring ser vices, maintenance and repair

Main Ser vices: eotechnics. Rock and soil anchoring systems for the stabilization of the soil and its infrastructure Life span management. Maintenance work, monitoring schemes and robotic inspections for each phase of the project.

Recent Projects: H i d r o e l é c t r i c a C h i vo r - C o l o m b i a . S u p p l y o f 8 4 a c t i ve g r o u n d a n c h o r s w i t h DY W I DAG 47 b a r s w i t h d o u b l e c o r r o s i o n protection for the stabilization of par tially s u b m e r g e d s l o p e s ( 1,7 75 m i n t o t a l ) .



(in Central America) INDUSTRY:


during 2021, which means the company will certainly be engaged in infrastructure mega projects for transportation, energy, mining, maritime engineering and tunneling -to name a few-, both on its own and

CEO: M a t t i Ku i va l a i n e n , C h i e f E xe c u t i ve O f f i c e r

also with support from other Soletanche

We b p a g e : w w w.d y w i d a g g r o u p.c o m /

year with a lot of challenges. Our main goal

Bachy companies. “We foresee 2021 as a very interesting is to become more consolidated in the region and keep taking part in important projects as general contractors,” Federico Rosenberg finalized.

w w w.the b os tonb


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