Leadership in rentals and commercial strategies
The SK Rental operation in Peru grows in strength along with the rest of the affiliates in the territory, becoming a benchmark in equipment rental and developing strategies for equipment sales Produced by Jassen Pintado Written by Mateo Rafael Tablado Interviwee Edmund Egg Noche, General Manager for SK Rental Peru
SK Rental Perú
SK Rental
is a
multinational machinery sale and rental company serving agriculture, construction, energy and mining, among other business sectors. The company was conceived in Chile in 1998 as an affiliate to SK Comercial, part of the important Sigdo Koppers corporation, also from Chile with global presence in machinery rental and sales, among other businesses. SK Rental S.A.C. Peru opened
Rental services offered by SK Rental Peru are an excellent alternative for short, medium and long-term projects, in comparison with CAPEX. CERTIFIED OPERATIONS SK Rental is a synonym of reliability to clients receiving excellent service under certified operations. Main credentials held by the company include the triple certification for ISO 9001:2015 management systems, ISO 14001:2015 quality
its first location -and country
management, the Environmental
headquarters- in Lima in 2006. Ever
Management Systems certification
since, the company has expanded
and recently concluded a successful
to cover Peruvian territory also with
migration to the ISO 45001:2018
locations in Arequipa and Piura.
standard for Occupational Health
Besides successful operations in
and Safety.
Chile and Peru, SK Rental’s leadership in machinery rental has also expanded WELL-STOCKED, UPDATED FLEET to Bolivia and Colombia. Machinery
SK Rental’s machinery fleet is
available in Peru from SK Rental
comprised of more than 4,500 units,
adds up to 14% of the company’s
offering variety for construction
machinery fleet in the region.
applications: crane lifts, power
We are a multi-brand company, which allows us to offer a portfolio for the rental market - Edmund Egg Noche, General Manager for SK Rental Peru
SK Rental Perú
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Cummins Perú
SK Rental Perú
generators, material handling
Renting is applicable for rentals longer
equipment, land moving equipment
than 24 months, thus creating a
and platforms, among other
convenient option for the agroindustry,
energy, logistics and specially the
SK Rental offers latest-generation,
mining sectors with flexible rental
low-houred equipment from top
agreements according to each
worldwide known brands, constantly
client’s needs.
updated, averaging less than 3,000 hour-use and models no older than three years, providing reliability and safety for high production levels, besides being low-emission vehicles with reduced fuel consumption. “We are a multi-brand company, which allows us to offer a portfolio of the best models from each brand for the rental market,” commented Edmund Egg Noche, General Manager for SK Rental Peru. THE OPERATIVE RENTING VALUE PROPOSAL
SELLING EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY Machinery sales from SK Rental are supported through different strategies. The company markets its own used and pre-owned equipment in the domestic and regional markets. Nevertheless, the company also offers the acquisition of specific units according to a client’s needs. SK Rental also offers clients the possibility of renting their own machinery through the Re-Rent program, and also helps clients into
Since 2020, SK Rental is introducing selling domestically or within the a long-term rental model: Operative
region via the Re-Sale program.
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SK Rental Perú
SK Rental cub re el ter r ito r io per uano a t ravés de sus sucursales en Lima, Arequipa y Piura
DIGITIZATION IN ALL FRONTS SK Rental Peru is supported by a
undertaking on a territorial level, set
proprietary ERP system for the In-
to be completed by late 2021, with
Rental business unit management,
the goal of increasing productivity
and it also relies on a SAP-R3
and efficiency, with the end result of
system. The company also uses
achieving client satisfaction.
different platforms for on-line video conferencing as well as for E-learning. These resources are already part
processes the company is
The Be-Rental and Be-Market platforms are already in the final stage of production and are just about to
of the Digital Transformation and
be released. The former is focused
Company Culture Transformation
toward rentals in general, while the
Hemos demostrado que podemos lograr grandes cosas priorizando la
seguridad de nuestro equipo humano y la de sus familias - Edmund Egg Noche, Gerente General de SK Rental Perú
latter is for used equipment sales.
become the center of every process
Be-Rental and Be-Market are
and service,” explained Egg Noche.
already working in Chile since 2021 be working for Peru and the rest of the
VALUE FOR PARTNERS AND SUPPLIERS Relationships between SK Rental
affiliates in other countries.
Peru and its partners and suppliers
and by the end of this year, both we’ll
“Both platforms are created with
SK Rental Perú
are held by basic concepts of safety,
the goal of supporting business
quality, lessening environmental
transactions, centralizing project
impact and compliance with Sigdo
information with us and increasing
Koppers’ corporate principles and
our client portfolio by letting clients
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The company is a reliable high-
place as an attractive company to
volume buyer for each brand’s
work for by creating and maintaining
dealer with solid financial backing.
a company culture in which values
“We look forward to building solid
such as respect, teamwork and
relationships with our purveyors and
communication, among others,
clients, directing efforts toward
stand out as main concepts in its
the long term,” the general
interactions, taking this prevailing
manager added.
internal atmosphere to its clients’ and purveyors’ perception, thus
COMPANY CULTURE SK Rental Peru aims at keeping its
highlighting the company staff’s human value.
SK Rental Perú
Constr ucción, miner ía, platafo r mas y generación de energía son sólo algunas de las aplicaciones de la Machiner y que SK Rental tiene disponible
“We’ve stood united through this
fleet with new, less-polluting
new normal, proving we can achieve
equipment, but also through concrete
important goals by prioritizing the
efforts, such as the “Un Contrato, Un
lives and safety of our staff and their
Árbol” campaign (“One contract, one
families,” Egg Noche declared.
tree”), in which proceeds are donated to environmental entities.
“Our campaigns are focused on diminishing any environmental impact
SK Rental Peru fulfills a commitment and prove we are a corporation to the environment beyond the
committed to our society and to our
constant updating of its machinery
planet,” the executive said.
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SK Rental Perú
15 years of experience and more than
10,000 honored contracts for public works
Goals such as the digital transformation the company is undergoing and the upcoming apps enabling faster transactions
and private projects for domestic and international clients. “Our vision is focused on continuous
for clients are becoming a reality, making
improvement, incorporating innovation
SK Rental Perú take big steps toward
through new technologies to optimize our
consolidation beyond its reputation in
work and services, setting the client in the
machinery rentals, but turning into a
center of every operation. We are a human
strategic partner for its clients in equipment
team committed to Peru’s development,”
sales, using every available resource to
concluded Edmund Egg Noche, General
display the totality of its potential after
Manager for SK Rental Peru.
Our vision is focused on continuous improvement,
incorporating innovation through new technologies to optimize our work and services, setting the client in the center of every operation - Edmund Egg Noche, General Manager for SK Rental Peru
SK Rental Perú
FOUNDED: 2006 En Perú (1998 en Chile) INDUSTRY: Machinery CONTACT: +51 (1) 514 1200
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