High value management providing electricity The expansion of the Electricity Distribution Network, regularization in collection and the creation of an infrastructure inventory add up to continuity duties and upgrades in the service’s commercialization Interviewee Ricardo Roa, CEO for Empresa EnergĂa Honduras
Produced by Jassen Pintado
mpresa Energía
months. After its third year of operations,
Honduras (EEH -
supervising company Manitoba Hydro
Honduras Energy
International (Canada) qualified EEH’s
Company) operates
compliance with contractual obligations at
and provides
maintenance to
the Electricity Distribution Network in
the country with challenges of its own with
this Central American country; EEH is
high grade complexity in terms of execution,
in charge of the commercial operation
requiring total coordination of authorities
and its upgrades, besides reducing and
and players from the State’s energy sector
controlling technical and non-technical
in order to achieve the best results. We
losses in the power system. EEH is created
bring operation and maintenance services
from the partnership between Eléctricas
to the power distribution system without the
de Medellín Ingeniería y Servicios, Unión
required expansion for growth in demand
Eléctrica and STENEE, adding more than
and without being in charge of management,
40-years experience with operations also
operations or maintenance of public lighting,
in Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico and
which limits responsibility between what
Panama. After its tender was accepted,
an operator can do and control,” declared
operations began in August 2016 for an
Ricardo Roa, CEO for EEH.
agreed length of seven years and six
Cur rent management at E E H is focused on controlling power losses
“EEH develops an important project for
November 2020
w w w.the b os tonb
A LIFETIME IN THE ENERGY INDUSTRY Ricardo Roa Barragán is in charge of
was promoted to president for the Bogota
EEH. The experienced engineer graduated
Energy Group after being president of TGI
from the National University of Colombia.
(International Gas Transporter), a position
“When I turned thirteen, I decided I
he held for two and a half years. He was
wanted to work in the energy sector, as
also director and energy business manager
I was becoming an electromechanical
of the Incauca and Providencia factories
technician I advanced in these studies
(property of the Ardila Lülle organization)
during more than six years along with high
for more than three years. Other previous
school in a polytechnic school, The Salesian
experience in Roa’s long career include the
Don Bosco Center of Bogotá. Afterwards, I
management position at Electrificadora de
opted to become a Mechanical Engineer,”
Santander, ANDESCO (National Association
Roa pointed out, his graduate thesis was
of in-property Public Services) and the
the design, construction and start up of a
Management of Public Services.
low potency (100W) portable wind turbine
Roa is actually taking a Master’s in
able to supply power to a home for natives
Political Studies at the Pontifical Xavierian
in the La Guajira region of Colombia.
University. Even with his plentiful resumé,
Roa has taken multiple courses and
Roa has shared his knowledge and
postgraduate studies, like the one on
has taught the Efficient Use of Energy
Engineering Management Systems
and Energy Generation subjects at the
from the Pontifical Xavierian University
National University of Colombia, Economic
(Colombia). Before becoming CEO for EEH
Regulation of Gas and Energy Rates as part
in April 2019, Roa was president of the La
of the Energy and Mineral Law specialty
Luna Thermal Power Station (Colombia)
at the Externado University of Colombia,
between September 2018 and March 2019,
as well as Energy Generation and Thermal
he was general manager of the CELCO
Cycles at the Antonio Nariño University.
company (electric controls, in Colombia)
from January 2017 to March 2018, he
November 2020
Rica rdo Roa, CEO fo r Emp resa Energía Honduras
inventory value increased in almost 400%
Distribution System in Honduras, back in
optimization, achieved thanks to the
2016, assets were worth approx. $279.4
knowledge about the actual Distribution
million. In less than four years, thanks
System, has allowed a substantial upgrade
to the geolocated inventory of the entire
in the service’s quality indicators up to 88%;
system and its updates, these assets
this figure belongs to failure frequency,
to a $886.56 million value. Operation
w w w.the b os tonb
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Suppliers Profile Number of Collaborating Consultants: B e t we e n 2 0 a n d 10 0 c o n s u l t a n t s s p e c i a l i z i n g i n d i f f e r e n t te c h n o l o g i e s (a c c o r d i n g to p r o j e c t d e m a n d ). Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 12 /2 2 /2 017 Industr y: Te c h n o l o g i c a l C o n s u l t i n g Main Ser vices: 2 51 / 5 0 0 0 Tr a n s l a t i o n r e s u l t s S A P i m p l e m e n t a t i o n , m i g r a t i o n s a n d m a i n te n a n c e . P r ov i s i o n i n g a n d m a i n te n a n c e s e r v i c e s f o r te c h n o l o g i c a l i n f r a s t r u c t u r e s . I m p l e m e n t a t i o n a n d D eve l o p m e n t o f Te c h n o l o g i c a l s o l u t i o n s . S t r a te g i c C o n s u l t i n g . P r o j e c t o f f i c e s e r v i c e s ( PM O) R e c e n t P r o ye c t s : Implementation of SAP S / 4 Hana. M i g r a t i o n f r o m EC C 6 . 0 to S / 4 H a n a . C u s to m E R P s f o r d i f f e r e n t p u b l i c a n d p r i va te s e c to r s President: D av i d Pe r e r a | C EO We b p a g e : w w w.d p e s .e s
service interruption average duration and performance time of incidents. Other improvement -in regard to previous management- which has been a factor in the company’s value increase has been the regularization of more than 80,000 users, obtaining payments for 334.98 GWh in the commercial system, equal to $57 million, after anomalies were detected and normalized.
INVESTMENTS FOCUS: UPGRADES AND CONTINUITY After four years in operation, EEH has already invested $120 million of which 65% has been destined to nationwide updating of infrastructure for metering and the remaining 35% to an upgrade of the SCADA (distribution control center) project, taking inventory of the Distribution Network and to deployment of the new InCMS commercial
w w w.the b os tonb
E E H del ive r s a quicke r response to emergency calls
system, replacing the IMB390 system,
answering to the market’s demands and
deemed obsolete. The new, reliable system
consumers’ conditions.
brings support and velocity to commercial
“EEH has brought relief to the country
processes, provides a larger data control,
regarding investments, knowledge transfer
as well as helps in delivering a better
and the technology the country requires
service to users.
to control electricity theft, legalization and
Regarding service regularization, up
connection of users making illegal use
until July 2020 the current management
of the power grid; this project becomes
has installed 645,601 metering units, both
important in the process against theft,
for regular and remote data intake, thus
which impacts the country’s economy for
November 2020
Since EEH was assigned to operate the electr icit y g r id, powe r fai l u res have been reduced
$510 million yearly, of which $240 million are technical losses from the distribution system and close to $270 million from electricity theft,” the CEO declared. PARTNERS, PURVEYORS, SUPPLIERS The entire EEH operation deals with more than 1,000 suppliers among materials, metering units, electrical goods, maintenance outsourcing, general services and logistics, to name a few. Dealing with them implies transparency in each process, searching for competitive options about every required item or service, considering quality, price, delivery time and flexible payment methods. In the same way, EEH’s suppliers must comply with quality standards in their services and deliver certified products. NON-STOP WORK DURING THE PANDEMIC Different from other sectors in the economy, a company in charge of the nation’s power supply cannot stop working. EEH not only has been running 24/7, but it also adapted new measures to guarantee service availability as a basic resource
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Núcleo – Grupo Amper carries out the implementation of the Advanced Electrical Distribution Management System (A-DMS) that includes the supervision of 53 substations of the national network of Honduras, operated by EEH. Thanks to Núcleo -Grupo Amper’s technology, EEH will be able to efficiently and sustainably manage the network, reducing the number and duration of supply interruptions, allowing the reduction of non-technical losses and improving the quality of services provided to its customers.
Supplier Profile
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regarding the workforce, EEH quickly
Number of Employees: 12 6 Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 0 1/ 0 1/ 19 7 9 Industr y: Global technology and industrial solutions company for the C o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d C o n t r o l s e c t o r. Main Ser vices: P r o v i d e s t u r n ke y s o l u t i o n s f o r Communications and Control projects based on the integration and own d e ve l o p m e n t o f p r o d u c t s a n d C o n t r o l and Automation Systems for the E l e c t r i c i t y, O i l & G a s , Wa t e r, R a i l w a y, I n d u s t r y, A e r o n a u t i c a l , M a r i t i m e , Securit y and Defense sectors Recent Prjects: 1) S C A DA / D M S p a r a E E H ( H o n d u r a s) : S i s t e m a S C A DA / D M S p a r a g e s t i ó n de la red de distribución de energía eléctrica de Honduras 2 ) S i s t e m a S DAC p a r a E n e l ( C h i l e) : S i s t e m a de Deslastre Automático de Carga para la red de distribución de energía eléctrica de la ciudad de Santiago de Chile 3 ) S C A DA /AG C p a r a C E P S A ( E s p a ñ a ) : Centro de Control de Generación con funcionalidad de Control Automático d e G e n e r a c i ó n ( AG C ) p a r a g e s t i ó n d e la zona de regulación de CEPSA 4) S i s t e m a s d e C o n t r o l d e S u b e s t a c i o n e s para REE (España): Super visión y c o n t r o l d e m á s d e 10 0 s u b e s t a c i o n e s de la red de transpor te de 220 kV y 400 kV de Red Eléctrica de España President: J a v i e r Va l e r o A r t o l a CEO: C é s a r R e ve n g a B u i g u e s We b p a g e : w w w. n u c l e o c c . c o m w w w. g r u p o a m p e r. c o m
identified vulnerable individuals, proceeding to rearrange their schedules, allowing more than 500 employees to work from home, and successfully deploying every protocol and standard in the book as demanded by the WHO and local authorities (SINAGER national system for risk management), such as: • Workplace sanitization • Enforcing masks, gloves, protective eyewear and use of sanitizing gel Also, more than 60% of the company’s workforce was tested for COVID-19. Operation-wise, the power service has been continuously supplied and some measures have been taken, such as interrupting preventive and programmed maintenance works and the non-interruption of the service to consumers with delayed payments, besides opening new channels for consumer attention such as the EEH app, a WhatsApp business line and the 118 call center.
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Nove i emmbberre 22002200
SUBSTANTIAL SUPPORT FOR THE WORKFORCE Leadership, working environment, compensation, benefits and growth opportunities make EEH a very attractive company to work for, being awarded a 2nd place in this category in Honduras from Central American recruiting company Tecoloco. Many EEH employees receive monthly
bonuses, and their children also receive
percentages for enrollment and tuition fees
bonuses at the end of the school year
in diploma courses and other specialized
for good grade average. Every employee
programs at institutions such as UNITEC
in EEH enjoys 75% medical insurance,
(Central American Technological University),
funeral services (applies for the employee,
CEUTEC (Centre for Technological
parents, spouse and children), extra
Development), UTH (Technological
vacation days for each year of service and
University of Honduras) and FUNIBER
accident insurance. Employees focused
(Iberoamerican University Foundation).
in continuing education also receive support from the company in determined
Training programs at EEH cover from technical and practical subjects to
w w w.the b os tonb
Supplier Profile
soft skills. And every worker’s safety is supported by the multidisciplinary Workplace Health and Safety team, formed
Number of Employees: 1. 2 81
by a thirteen-member staff.
Ye a r E s t a b l i s h e d : 07/ 16 / 19 75
Industr y: Integrator of ser vices and technological solutions suppor ted by a valuable group of strategic manufacturers. Main Ser vies: Our approach is the outsourcing of processes and technologies, operating with a focus on ser vice quality and permanent i n n ov a t i o n , i n t e g r a t i n g i n f o r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y, u n i f i e d c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d n e t w o r k i n g , c y b e r s e c u r i t y, i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d b u s i n e s s c o n t i n u i t y. Recent Prjects: EMPRESA DE ENERGÍA DE HONDUR AS – Contact center especializado. AVA N T E L – s u m i n i s t r o e implementación de la red de Te l e c o m u n i c a c i o n e s a n i ve l n a c i o n a l . T I G O C O LO M B I A T E L E C O M U N I C AC I O N E S . Ser vicios de ofimática, conectividad, i n t e r n e t y t e l e v i s i ó n , s e r v i c i o s d e vo z y colaboración, ser vicios de Cloud D a t a c e n t e r, c i b e r s e g u r i d a d , M o v i l i d a d I oT.
President: Luis Alber to Bocanegra C. We b p a g e : w w w. c o m w a r e . c o m . c o
EEH leaves a footprint in every community it’s engaged in, be it an urban setting, the countryside or in the rain forests. Regarding the environment, the company is constantly organizing reforestation programs, besides taking part in socioenvironmental themed events. Also, EEH coordinates programs aimed at vulnerable communities and children by making donations and managing other activities, thus establishing bonds able to share wellness and education, enabling access to the community regarding knowledge about the electrical power supply service. Along these four years, Corporate Social Responsibility activities by EEH have benefitted more than 230,000 inhabitants. ESTABLISHING AND KEEPING ORDER, THIS ADMINISTRATION’S TRADEMARK “Having high complexities in the social,
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T he H ondu ras Powe r D i s t r i bution Net wo r k has g row n mo re than 1 0 0 % - b o t h e x t e n s i o n a n d v a l u e - w i s e - s i n c e E E H t o o k o v e r i n 2 0 16
economic and cultural aspects of Honduras,
almost two million consumers being served
EEH’s presence -as an important link in
through a strong, safe, solid commercial
the supply chain of delivering electricity
platform which, for the first time, is a
power- has tended toward order, legality,
property in domain of the electrical sector in
respect to institutions and total support to
Honduras. Imposing order as a guarantee of
State Energy ENEE. This has not been an
the duties and rights of consumers and the
easy task among obsolete technology in the
minimal conditions for operators -no matter
electrical grid, among lack in investment,
where they come from- demands important
but mostly among a culture in which fraud is
efforts and resources, but it specially
deeply rooted; nevertheless, today’s power
demands having real conscience of having
grid relies on true, trustworthy data about
these responsibility institutionalized into
w w w.the b os tonb
this quandary of power failures; if this
condition and reporting until completion
situation is not properly controlled, society
of corresponding penal and judicial
is facing the unwanted scenario of having a
procedures, a labor which can hardly
rationed power supply. Continuity of these
be carried exclusively by EEH without
areas is foreseen to add to the strategy and
the support and powers of incumbent
control of the service delivery honoring a
commitment to investment pacted since our contract began running, with a main focus
workforce knows it, experiences it,
in recovery of non-technical losses in the
feels it. Besides the vast criticism we
system, regularizing users in energy-theft
receive permanently, we are this system’s
El sistema comercial de EEH ha reci bido i nve r siones substancia l es pa ra ope ra r a la vel ocidad y estĂĄnda res requer idos en la actualidad
“We still believe in this project; our
November 2020
operator and, unfortunately, we are not in capacity to create or assign any subsidy or exempt consumers which are recipients of the service we deliver and meter. These challenges become more relevant in the necessity of spreading an understanding of this market’s complexity and difficulties among society and state agencies, as we
require them to take part to process and
penalize users on fraud and electricity theft situations, changing the culture about fraud,” CEO Ricardo Roa finalized.
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