Brutha Magazine Spring 2013

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Public Displays of Affection: Do or Don’t? Your Personal Blueprint for Love & Sex .

The Clothes we Love this Spring! New Year, New Body?

Would you date a single mother?


Julien Believe


Bahamian Sensation & Musical Icon BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013








issue 5


06 07 08 09


art & culture

44 ARTIST SPOTLIGHT Laughing Out Loud with The Bahamas’ Noo Generashunn comedians!

lifestyle 10 POWER & MONEY It’s time to follow your own dreams By Craig Bain 12 SHE SAYS – HE SAYS Zakiya Muwwakkil & Darnell Lamont on Public Displays of Affection. 18 CREATING THE BALANCE David Wygant provides your personal blueprint for love & sex. 20 WORK IT Can you date a Single Mother? David Wygant thinks so.

fashion 22 Spring Fashion Forward Inspiration. 38 Step up Brutha! Shoes make the man.

grooming & beauty 40 FACE IT Daphne Bethel talks why you should consider a micro-dermabrasion.

50 FEEDING ME So, we’re making Mini Meatloaves tonight. Courtesy of

feature 54 Bahamian Sensation & Musical Icon: Julien Believe talks with Brutha. 64 Keeshan Sands as Mr. Tourism United Nations.

outro 68 TECH & GADGETS The New BlackBerry Z10. By Travis T. Sweeting 70 MAN ON THE RISE Introducing Collage Entertainment’s EVP, Glenn Sherman Jr. 76 CRUISE CONTROL Meet the 2013 Mercedes-Benz GLK350 78 BRUTHAMAN Mastin Kipp tells us to Quiet our minds in order to Ignite our hearts.

42 MR. FITNESS Mikhail Barnett shares some tips and tricks to your new body for the new year.





To my Brutha,

Recently, I was having lunch with a few of my good friends. Conversation started getting heavy over a few mixers and scrumptious Bahamian delicacies. It was great to catch up with people whom you love dearly yet see very rarely due to varying schedules and different cities. At some point, we were talking about where we saw ourselves in another five years. Of course we all uttered the normal; more money, more material possessions, better career positions, etc. One Brutha explained that he is currently fighting amongst himself with his career choice, and hopefully, in five years or so he would be living out his dream career. Are you in the same position? Unfortunately, many Bruthas are going through the same thing. Holding on to jobs, relationships, and situations knowing they’d rather be elsewhere, and would be in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for societal stigmas and obligations. However, how much of yourself are you willing to risk loosing before you do what it is that makes YOU happy? Ultimately, the decision is your own. However, I ask that you consider the broad picture before making any drastic choices. Get out and plan the life to complete you. If plan A fails, as always, there are twenty five more letters in the alphabet. In this issue, check out some amazing Bruthas within the entertainment industry who are following their dreams and making things happen for them. We’ve also provided good reads on following your dreams, love & sex, dating, grooming your face and keeping your body in tip top shape for the new year. (Think of it as a little spring cleaning of mind, body and spirit). Lets not forget the Spring Fashion inspiration, the 2013 Mercedes Benz GLK 350 or the all new BlackBerry Z10 you’ll surely fall in love with. Remember, Brutha Magazine is all for you. Don’t forget to spread the word to another Brutha. Love your Brutha,




Editor-In-Chief Creative Director Fashion Director Contributing Stylist

Travis T. Sweeting Cardell J. McClam Tamar Moss J. Williard Warren McFarland Xavier Rucker Raynardo Williams

Copy Correspondents

Craig Bain Mikhail Barnett Taj Duncombe Mastin Kipp Zakiya Muwwakkil Darnell Lamont Walker David Wygant Daphne Smith-Bethel

Contributing Photographers

Corey N. Collins Makario Gibson Barry Williams

Art Director

Keisha Oliver

Web Editor Advertising Sales

Travis T. Sweeting Phone: 242-464-5782


Clask.Ic Publications P.O Box SS-5536 Nassau, Bahamas This Magazine is published quarterly. No part of Brutha Magazine may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written consent from Clask.ic Publications. We reserve the right to edit, rewrite, or refuse material and we are not responsible for products that appear in this publications. Š 2013 Brutha Magazine. All Rights Reserved. BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013






The majority of my life is spent photographing fashion and lifestyle around the world. When I’m not doing that it seems as if I spend the remainder of my time seeking inspiration. En route to becoming a photographer, I picked up a literature degree and some other bad habits we can talk about another time (smile).

Makario became immersed in photography after helping his father for several years in the family’s videography business. After hearing his father speak of his desire to branch into photography, Makario purchased his first camera primarily to make his father jealous and to push him into pursuing his goal of expanding the business. Makario first self-studied the craft for a year, teaching himself the proper use of the tools of the trade before starting Virtue Photography and arranging his first photoshoot in 2009. The company evolved further to ByMakario as Makario felt this title better suited his style, which focuses on lighting, composition and detail.

Raynardo “Nardo” Williams has a passion for fashion! Nardo uses his own unique style to provide styling expertise for men and women by choosing looks for special events, personal shopping, styling at photo shoots, and transforming the less fashionable into stylish, trendsetters. In 2011, Nardo established Nardo Wardrobe Consultants (NWC), with the mission to provide services such as personal shopping, closet organizing, and presentations on fashion. Since Nardo Wardrobe Consultant’s inception, business has taken off in Nardo’s favor, proving him to be a major talent for the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, USA.




J. Willard also better known as Joe Willard Stubbs B.A, M.S, has built a remarkable career as an expert personal image consultant, fashion stylist and pageant coach who gently and intuitively helps women, men and children communicate who they are through what they wear.

I’m a self taught stylist who has an addiction to fashion. I started off by helping dress models at fashion shows and it quickly progressed into something bigger. I have always caught myself staring at fashion spreads in magazines and all I could think about is how I could of styled that shoot.Fashion is my true love. Dressing men and women for special events, fashion shows, photo shoots, or just a night out on the town. I have had up’s and down’s in my styling career and have enjoyed every second of it. Working with Brutha magazine is definitely a highlight in my career.

Having honed his skills as the lead booking agent of Vision Management Group Inc. of Minneapolis, MN, Xavier has a deep passion for the fashion industry. After being mentored by the finest photographers, designers, producers, and stylists the Twin Cities has to offer, he decided that it was time to take his love of creative self expression to the next level. In 2012, Xavier decided to team with his best friend, and fellow stylist Warren McFarland to take on the styling world of fashion. By combining vintage pieces with modern twists, the pair has taken their styling skills and attention to details to the runways and photo-shoots of Minneapolis.

I’ve had some great career highlights this year such as being afforded the opportunity to shoot for Brutha Magazine. I stick close to reading the latest fashion magazines a few times a week or find myself occasionally parked in front of my dusty television watching Jeopardy or “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit”. I’m currently working on a few major life projects, with the main one being ‘work smart, not hard’.

In 2012, J. Willard launched his own company, Name You Style by J. Willard, on the beliefs that a dynamic image could be created without having to renounce one’s personal style or comfort. J. Willard offers private consultations and remarkable makeovers for all clients.



*two cents *your comments

*your tweets

“OK SIR... I SEE YOU.... I DIG IT!!” Alicia Seymour

@DaLioness Just wrapped up reading the winter edition of @BruthaMagazine…Check it out ppl!

“Yes you really left your mark on 2012..... this cover looks awesome Kedar Clarke” Feliche Elrico Ranger “No way bro... congrats the mag cover its great dude... well done” Renaldo Johnson “Get emmmmmmm Kedar!!! You look grown and sexy friend!” Kandice V. R. Hanna “Stunning” Antoine V. Duncombe

@Terran11 I must say Brutha Magazine is the real deal!!! Well put together @Matt_da_Model Be sure to check out the hottest magazine @BruthaMagazine…By Men For Men #Endorsed @GeeJayPhresh @BruthaMagazine Winter 2012 #Boom

“Mr. Kedar Clarke! Loving it” Kazz Forbes

@Air_Ease S/o to @GeeJayPhresh for showing me @BruthaMagazine page…

“My Bahamian Bruthas just FINE.. yes gawd!” Thia Nixon

@Dion_Live Shout out 2 @BruthaMagazine

“Omg...I’m lovin this...I need my subscription:) asap!” Nassau’s Finest “I like. Anxiously, awaiting!!! May YOU keep God as your guide and the wind beneath YOUR pinions!” Beverly Taylor

*add your two cents

@leeleerussell @Keisha_Oliver @BruthaMagazine @ KedarInStyle LOVE IT!!

We’d love to hear what you think of our winter 2012 issue. Contact us via email, facebook, or twitter today!

@BurselStylez @KedarInStyle @BruthaMagazine @ScharadL Fresh!!!

Email: Tweet: @BruthaMagazine




Uncertainty is one of the most difficult feelings to cope with. We often look back at our lives and wonder what if? What if I studied harder? What if I wasn’t too afraid to spark up conversation with that beautiful lady in the same aisle as me in the supermarket? What if I pursued my interest in arts and poetry and started creating my own pieces for display? What if?

Just one man with courage is the majority. Ali said it best, “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life”. This isn’t a mushy, inspirational piece however, where I tell you that anything is possible and that you can accomplish whatever you want to if you put your mind to it, make sure you take note. In reality, life for most of us isn’t a James Bond film with guns, beautiful women, awesome cars and well-tailored suits. Your dream to be a ruthless defense attorney like Jack McCoy, a millionaire “number boss” or the next Barack Obama probably will not happen. You want to be the next Jay-Z or Kobe Bryant but really chances of that happening are slim. You will have many naysayers in life, people that question you and put you down at any opportunity given, but who cares? As Charlie Chaplin, a British comic actor puts it, “Failure is unimportant; it takes courage to make a fool of yourself.” Having courage is the ability to resist fear and to master it. Ralph Lauren, a fashion icon dropped out of college and


joined the Army Reserve. His fashion career started as a clerk, and then as a tie salesman and now he’s one of the most recognizable names in fashion. There are many rags to riches stories to draw reference from; however I’m sure there are twice as many stories of rags staying rags. Who cares? Do you want to be the person to ask yourself, where would I be if I had done this differently? Most people dream about their ideal jobs or their ideal life, but we live so comfortably and safe that many of us won’t even dare to step out of our comfort zone and risk the possibility of failing. Every door we don’t try is a lost opportunity to a new experience. Every shot you don’t put up is a lost opportunity to score a basket. Every second wasted is time we will never get back. So why not try, try and fail, and try again? When I’m old with rusty knees, a cranky back and an equally cranky wife who had no idea what she got herself into by marrying me, I want to be remembered for what I did and what I achieved in life. Do you


have the balls enough to be happy? Do you have the courage enough to be different, to fail, but to take a shot at being what you want to be in life? Chances are you might fail, but the reward is so much greater. For many of us, we live our life in pursuit of selfactualization. We seek personal growth and selffulfillment as we aim to realize our potential. On our way to self-actualization among our basic needs, we seek achievement, status, prestige and self-esteem. The process of selfactualization is similar to the growth of a butterfly. The problem, however is that most people are content with living in the cocoon. Life as a butterfly is drastically different from life in a cocoon. As you spread your wings and fly, you realize your true potential. Why not start now? I’m not saying go out and be a butterfly, but it’s time to stop living in a box, asking what if and just do it! Get out there and try, fail and try again, because a life filled with regret, is a life void of happiness.

Following your dreams. By Craig Bain



BRUTHA_SHE SAYS From holding hands, to a passionate kiss, to a playful smack on the ass, public displays of affection also known as PDAs carry a range of expression that can warm the hearts or sicken the stomachs of onlookers. PDAs are outward expressions of intimacy that we either love or hate - and where one falls in this love/hate spectrum is determined by personal belief and level of comfort. So you find yourself head-over-heels in love and you just can’t keep your hands or lips to yourself. Or maybe you happen to be involved with someone but you would rather keep the intimacy indoors instead of outside. How do you know what is too much, what is too little, or just right when it comes to PDAs? Here are a few scenarios that may help.

Get a Damn Room!

The “Too Much” Scenario Personally speaking, I am a proponent of outward displays of love. Why? Because love is a beautiful thing—the highest form of expression. One of the most touching sights is one of a couple that genuinely loves each other sharing a tender embrace or an adoring gesture. But then there are the other public displays of affection—the ones that just go a little too far. These acts can range from explicit sexual language paired with genital fondling to outright public intercourse in inappropriate settings.




Now don’t get me wrong, I’m far from prudish and I even dare to say that these acts are okay in certain situations, but not in every case. If you find yourself feeling the need to get it on in a major way, but the setting is not conducive to the act, then it’s time for you and your partner to get a damn room. While I am all for sexual freedom and liberation, public sexual acts should be done with very careful consideration – especially while the sun is still shining. Although these types of PDAs may be fun for the exhibitionist couple and the voyeur in some of us, it can border on disrespectful and crude.

Stop Being Such a Prude! The “Too Little” Scenario

And then there are those who are in an intimate relationship but just don’t like to show affection publicly. Maybe you have a partner who wants a kiss or a hug but you shudder at the thought of showing your intimacy while others are present. If you find yourself in this scenario you might want to evaluate your emotive responsiveness and find out why you are so closed off around others. Once you figure that out, learn ways that you can express love to your mate in various settings no matter who is around. The key is to gradually increase your displays of affection so that your partner feels loved both publicly and privately.

Remember that while you may be fine with only showing affection while others aren’t looking, it may read as disinterest to your partner and that can lead to more problems down the line.

Just right. As previously mentioned, love is beautiful and it’s also contagious. Expressing love publicly creates a magnetic energy that goes beyond those expressing it and attaches to others. Furthermore, sharing intimacy with your partner while others are visible can strengthen the bond in the relationship as well as touch the heart of those witnessing it. The bottom line is no one can tell you how far is too far except for the police in some cases. If you find yourself in this scenario, refer back to the ‘Get a Damn Room’ section. Keep in mind, what may be appropriate in a nightclub among other adults or on a secluded beach at night is not appropriate in a public park while children are present. So go ahead, engage in intimate moments with your partner, but be careful to gauge your surroundings and remember one key word - RESPECT, for yourself, your partner and for others.

Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Do or Don’t? By Zakiya Muwwakkil


One of the most touching sights is one of a couple that genuinely loves each other sharing a tender embrace or an adoring gesture.







Public Displays of Affection (PDA) Do or Don’t? By Darnell Lamont Walker

I’ve never been fortunate enough to roof a house. Perhaps when I do, I’ll hold your hand and walk you across the street.

The first sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on social media. Slightly bullshit, I know, because I know plenty of secret relationships that are failing miserably, but it’s still quite a bit of truth. We’ve put on a body condom and slid gently into an expanded definition of Public Displays of Affection. I was shopping for a new bottle of cologne when she reached down and wrapped her pinky around mine. In a motion similar to that of swatting a fly attempting to land on your face after landing in shit, I got rid of her hand, and consequently her desire to reach for it again. But damn, why am I so against it? Those who examine relationships deeply, myself included, would probably speak about my belief that something better is always out there, and if that something better sees me holding hands with her, they’ll keep moving. For the sake of saving any current, future and past faces, that’s not the case. “You are not on my Facebook profile, and we are not kissing on Instagram and while standing in line to get tickets to Django because if I do not love you in public, I don’t have to hate you there either,” I laughed. Slightly inspired by my brother, Silas, and mostly inspired by truth, this had to be said. The rest of the truth is I’ve decided long ago to take the Oprah Winfrey approach. My relationships are my business, and the business of those in them with me.

Letting others in is just that: letting others in, and I have no made room for them, just us. We build these relationships like we build a house, but we’ll leave doors off. And we’ll stand on the inside when we put the roof on. If we build it right, we won’t be able to get out, nor will we want to, and no one else will be able to get. This is private. And then there’s the crossroad; the gray area. Don’t let the disdain for public announcements and display turn me into a tyrant of sorts. I love you in public like I love you in secret. I slip you notes, and laugh when you laugh, and we play fight walking down the busy street. We’re close, and it’s obvious. We’re like Shawn Carter and that woman he married. We’ll start here at gray and fade to black. I’ve never been fortunate enough to roof a house. Perhaps when I do, I’ll hold your hand and walk you across the street. I’ll walk to your left and my right hand will take over your back pocket like those white boys did to their girlfriends. To think I used to talk about them. Perhaps they were master architects. Put our affection on display for the world to see? Like Venus, Baquiat, Warhols and such? No, I’m not opposed; just a little nervous and cautious. But if we build according to the blueprint, we’ll be alright.







By David Wygant



Your personal blue print for love and sex! BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013

Here’s a quote that I want you guys to pin up on your board. You’re going to need it throughout your entire life. You’re going to need it in everything you do, from relationships to dating to work. Here’s the quote:

“Decide what you want, and learn how to ask for it.” Think about it. You have to make a decision. What do you want? What do you want in a date? What do you want to get out of a date? What do you want in relationships? How do you want to be treated in a relationship? How do you want to be loved? How do you want to give love? With work, you get to decide how to get a job, how to start a business, how to get clients, how you want your career shaped. The quote above works for everything. But, today, let’s zoom in on how it works for relationships. I truly believe we all have a blueprint, a blueprint on how we need to be loved, how we desire to be loved, and how being loved will satisfy us. All of us need to share this, whether you’re in a relationship or not. Communicate how you need to be loved. Are you somebody who likes to have sex for long periods, in lots of long, intimate sessions? Are you somebody who likes to travel with your partner? Are you somebody who likes deep conversations, and it’s really important? Are you somebody who is all about quality time with no distractions? Are you someone that likes to have their head rubbed? Learn what you want, decide what

you want, and learn how to ask for it. We give each other the blueprint when we’re first dating, during that excitement phase, when we’re first hanging out with somebody. We tell them everything we need, because we truly trust and believe that this person, this new special person that we feel wonderful things for, really gives a shit and wants to please us, wants to learn, wants to know what we’re all about and how we desire to be loved. Then, in a perfect world, that person will actually do those things that are important to the other person. The problem is that most relationships dissolve because the other person or both people stop doing the things that are most important to the other person due to whatever battlegrounds ruin those wishes. Some of us actually suck at delivering what the other person needs. There’s a book called “The Five Love Languages,” which I’ve discussed before. It talks about learning your partner’s likes and dislikes. Until you learn your partner’s style and rhythm, the relationship will be frustrating. Once you learn the love language, then every single day, you can go and do the things necessary. Every day you’ll be able to then do things that fill that person’s love tank. I believe it. I look at all my relationships and I realize the reason they weren’t successful was because the women I dated weren’t getting their love tank filled, and my love tank wasn’t full either. The book is great because it even zeroes in on how, even when your love tank is empty, you can go and fill the other person’s up, because somebody has to be full. And even though that other person may not react or fill up your love tank for a while, eventually that lover will, if they love you. Decide what you want, and learn how to ask for it. It’s pretty

amazing. It’s pretty simple. I think the majority of relationships fail because the couple sits there like two stones on a couch, not reaching, not doing a thing, because the other person isn’t doing it. It all starts usually when one person or both people have really described what they wanted and the other person doesn’t deliver. We’re talking simple things. What most of us usually want. I’ve had lots of relationships in my adult life, and it’s mostly simple things that people are asking for. The other person just doesn’t want to deliver. They can deliver for their kids, for their family members, and for their friends. Yet, with you, they won’t do it. If the other person can’t fulfill yours or doesn’t want to, that could be the end. But you can decide what you want, and learn how to ask for it. Every day, you need to think to yourself, what can I do to fill my partner’s love tank up? You need to do it, otherwise you’re a phony. All those wonderful promises and all those wonderful emotions and wonderful feelings you make and have in the beginning of the relationship are just a facade. If you’re that lazy and that mean – and I’m referring to when people act in a very passive aggressive way to really hurt somebody – you really don’t deserve to have a wonderful relationship. Relationships take work, and take effort. If you think the next one is magically going to be any better, you’re 100 percent wrong. Because what happens is, you’ll take the same behavior patterns, and lack of compassion for the other person’s needs, wants, and desires, and you’ll repeat that same pattern for the next person. Life works that way. It’s really that easy. Decide what you want and learn how to ask for it.

For dating advice visit BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013



You always swore you would never date a woman who has children.You’ve heard so many nightmare stories about it. You’ve heard about children acting up. You’ve heard about the lack of intimate one-on-one time.

I remember that I would flirt with her every time I saw her. About a year later after flirting with her and being friends with her boyfriend, she came to my office one day and told me that she wanted to take me to dinner.

There are so many things that can potentially go wrong. There is no spontaneity. Everything you’ve heard about children is multiplied by twenty because this kid isn’t even yours.

We went out to dinner. At dinner she looked at me and basically told me she was in love with me. I didn’t know what to do. I just really never wanted to adopt someone else’s kid, and she knew this.

You’ve also heard about the tenacious sex drive that single moms have. Because they’re with the kids five days a week and they only have two days free, in those two days they need to satisfy all their urges. They want to have sex, but they’re not about wasting time because their free time is so limited.

So a few weeks later, she actually dropped her kid off for a few hours at my office. It was torture. It was hell. I was exhausted. I wasn’t ready for that kind of commitment.

So here you are. You’ve met an amazing woman and you’re dating “the single mom.” This is something you’ve never wanted. Welcome to one of the toughest times of your adult adolescence, because this is the time that you are forced to grow up faster than ever before. I remember when I was living in Boulder, Colorado. I met a great woman named Denise who was beautiful and sexy. Everything about her was perfect, except she had a four year old kid (and a boyfriend at the time too).



I moved to San Diego. About six months later, I actually called her and said, “Moving to San Diego and walking away from you was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life.” By that time she had met someone else. I wasn’t ready to date a woman with a kid. I wasn’t really mature enough. I realized, though, that not doing it was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made. It’s true that there are going to be limitations when you date a woman who has a kid. She is still a woman, though, and she still has needs, wants and desires.

Also, it’s true that the child isn’t yours and that it is not a dream situation. In life, though, we can try to live the dream situation or we can just live life and take things as they come. In life, everything doesn’t go according to plan. Everything doesn’t go the way you think it’s supposed to go. So if you meet an incredible woman who has a child, and the child has a father who is in his or her life, remember that all that woman is looking for from you is to be a great man for her. When you spend time with the kid, enjoy the kid. Kids are beautiful. Kids are great. You can learn a lot of things about yourself through the child. She doesn’t need a substitute dad. She just needs you to be her boyfriend, to be her man. So if you’re dating a single mother, enjoy it! This woman may have a child, but you may not be able to meet another great woman like her. This is a great time in your life. It enables you to grow and experience things that you never thought you would experience. So, enjoy that single mother!

Would you date a single mother? For dating advice visit




Spring Fashion Forward Forward INSPIRATION







Yellow Lacoste cardigan-( B. Resale) Blue American Apparel shorts Straw hat- Photographer’s own Green button down- Abercombie & Fitch-( B. Resale) Yellow vintage bag- Willaim Park Shoes- Aldo



Peru tank - American Apparel Vintage Army pants Orange/Crème Nike’s - Model’s own Brown straw hat- Photographer’s own Bracelets - Aldo





Blazer- Anthony’s Minneapolis - Photographer’s own Yellow stripe shirt - B. Resale Cargo shorts - Abercrombie & Fitch - Model’s own Hat- Ricardo Pava - Photographer’s own Grey loafer’s - Model’s own Pocket square - Photographer’s own Vintage duffel bag - Mr. Roberts- B. Resale



Vintage Wrangler denim jacket - B. Resale Blue & White shorts - Creep Clothing ( Photographer’s own) Bracelet - Urban Outfitters Shirt: Merona Tie: Polo Ralph Lauren Traditional Colombian bag - Photographer’s own Nike Dunk’s - Model’s own





Pants - Traditional Senegalese drumming pants ( Photographer’s own) Blazer - Vintage Foreman & ClarkL (Photographer’s own) Pocket Square - Brioni Shirt - Alexander Wang Hat - Model’s own Grey loafers - Model’s own



Vintage Straw hat Blue blazer - William Park Salmon striped shirt - BDG (Model’s own) Pocket square - William Park Levi jean’s - Model’s own Vintage luggage - B.Resale Bracelet - Aldo






Model: Will Felder Shirt: H&M Shorts: Gap Shoes: Aldo Hat: H&M Accessories: Stylist Owned

Model: Derrick Koch | Blazer: William Park | Shirt: Top Shelf Vintage | Jeans: Models Own | Pocket Square: William Park | Bow Tie: William Park



Model: Montrell Williams Shirt: William Park Shirt: William Park Pants: Express Mens Wear Shoes: Aldo

Model: Derrick Koch Blazer: William Park | Shirt: Perry Ellis | Pocket Square: Freedom From Doubt | Bow Tie: Freedom From Doubt Jeans: Scotch and Soda Denim BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013





Model: Montrell Williams Shirt: B. Resale Shop Pants: Stylist Owned Shoes: Stylist Owned Accessories: B. Resale Shop Hat: Aldo

Model: Derrick Koch | Blazer: William Park | Shirt: Top Shelf Vintage | Jeans: Models Own | Pocket Square: William Park | Bow Tie: William Park



Model: Montrell Williams Shirt: William Park Pants: Stylist Owned Shoes: Stylist Owned Hat: Aldo Accessories: Stylist Owned

Model: Derrick Koch Blazer: William Park | Shirt: Perry Ellis | Pocket Square: Freedom From Doubt | Bow Tie: Freedom From Doubt Jeans: Scotch and Soda Denim BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013





Model: Will Felder Jacket: William Park Shirt: B. Resale Shop Pants: Stylist Owned Shoes: Aldo Tie: Wild Park Reserved Accessories: B. Resale Shop



Model: Will Felder Shirt: Stylist owned Pants: Express Shoes: Aldo Bow tie and cummerbund: Stylist owned BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013




N A S S AU , B A H A M A S




SHOES MAKE THE MAN by David Wygant

Take a look around today. Take a look at cars. What do you notice about them? The best looking cars always have the best rims. Walk around and look at Porsche Cayennes, look at BMW X5s, look at Audis. Look at the ones with the little itty-bitty rims. Then take a look at the ones that have the good rims. The way the car looks, the aggressive stance,

the way it sits on the street, the way the exhaust looks. Everything looks better on a car when it’s got bigger rims. But this has nothing to do with your cars. Take a look at your feet. And tell me, what do your feet say about you? What rims are to a car are what shoes are to a man.

Most guys have horrific shoes. Yet the first thing that women notice about a man is his shoes. Women are obsessed with shoes. I was in Nordstrom the other day, and I looked at this woman and said, “You just scored a couple of pairs of shoes.” She said, “I could score more. Do you want to buy me some?” And I said, “Meet me in line in three minutes, and we’ll see what you can pick out.” I was playing with her. But she was tempted. They’re so cheap in Nordstroms, I would have probably bought her a pair for $10. But most guys will leave the house with shoes that are not fit for wearing anywhere past the front door. Just like a car that’s got rims that are fit for a Tonka truck.Take a look at your closet and take a look at your shoes. Any shoes that are square, meaning shoes that look like bricks, get rid of. There’s nothing uglier than a pair of square shoes. Don’t you want to be noticed? Here’s the deal: you’re working so hard to become better at communicating with women. Why ruin all that good work with a pair of shoes that look like your grandfather passed them down or you got them at an outlet 13 years ago. Shoes make the man, so it’s time you became the man who owns the shoes. That’s all I have to say about that. Ladies, let’s hear from you. What do you think about men and their shoes?

Christian Louboutin Dandy Pik Pik Flat


Christian Louboutin Bruno

Giuseppe Zanotti Gold Plated and Studded Sandals



GUCCI Leather Horsebit Loafers




Skin care has never been a top priority for most men. In a world where women are the face for most skin care regimens, it’s no wonder most men would tend to shy away from the topic. Well guys, not anymore! Truth is skin care is not only for women. Living on a tropical, sizzling island, Men getting Microdermabrasions doesn’t seem like such a bad idea after all. Microdermabrasion is the latest trend among celebrities. It’s not only less invasive and less expensive than plastic surgery but it is also just

as effective as Botox or having a Chemical peel. Can you imagine if Men decided to join in on this new Micro craze? Don’t worry I promise by the time you’re finished reading, you will be able to pronounce it and embrace it! Living in the Bahamas we tend to forget that the heat rays from the sun can damage our skin. Eventually over time without proper attention, sun damage can lead to an increase in wrinkles, discoloration and freckles among other unsightly horrors! Women have skin treatments

done daily, weekly and monthly to maintain looks so why can’t men? With all the hard work that Men do, Microdermabrasion actually has better results on Men than women. OK, I can see you guys scratching your heads right now wondering what is this Microdermabrasion! Microdermabrasion is an advance facial scrub that involves applying tiny rough grains to the outer layer of the skin. It’s usually done to the face, neck and chest, though there are some places that include the arms and hands, and involves having a small vacuum suction or sandpaper

By Daphne Smith -Bethel

MICRODERMA-WHAT?: Why you should consider microdermabrasion. 40


Microdermabrasion is an advance facial scrub that involves applying tiny rough grains to the outer layer of the skin.

remove the top outer layer of the skin. It’s not as gruesome as you think. In fact this procedure is virtually painless and before you know it you’re done! It can be done as often as every two weeks, monthly or for more extreme cases can be done in weekly sessions. I know most guys right now are curled over laughing at the idea of ever sitting in a dermatologist office, getting a Microdermabrasion done.

more, the lack of attention towards the skin can lead to premature aging. Let’s face it; no one wants to look 50 years old when they are still 30! It’s perfectly understandable why guys would be reluctant to indulge in such a refreshing experience. Most places that do Microdermabrasions are spas, salons and other feminine outlets and that is the last place a guy would want to be caught. Well, unless he is dropping his wife off!

Not only does Microdermabrasion help to get rid of dead skin cells but it also can be helpful in the treatment of acne, discoloration, minor scars and those annoying ingrown hairs.

The results of a successful Microdermabrasion session lead to smoother, softer skin and with repeated use less appearance of acne and gradual fading of discoloration and scarring.

Because Men tend to neglect their skin over the years and are constantly shaving, working and shaving some

What woman can resist her man with smoother, clearer skin! I think all Men would agree that spending 60 minutes maximum for

a Microdermabrasion just to get in a little extra cuddle time is totally worth it! But if you are still on the shy side, there are lots of at home facial scrubs that can give you awesome Microdermabrasion results, and you still get the cuddle time! If you are comfortable, you can even have your significant other help apply it on for you! This process has little known side effects. The side effects that are noted, such as sensitivity to light a few days after the process, redness, or bruising is mild and usually goes away after time. So guys, now that we can pronounce Microdermabrasion, why not show your skin some love and embrace it!





“A body in motion tends to stay in motion!”



New Year New Body?

The holidays are behind us and now time for us to get on the right track. Let’s Spring into Fitness with these 5 easy steps:

By Mikhail Barnett

Cardiovascular Activity:

For most people cardio can be a long and drawn out process. Let’s bring life to it up by adding music to our routine or even watching your favorite movie/ TV Series. Cardio is the mean ammo in our repertoire to get our fat percentage where we want it. Take note that 3500 calories burn 1 pound of fat so for example if we are training to lose weight and we are working out 7 times a week we need to burn at least 500 calories a day. Make your cardio routine more exciting by using every piece of cardio machine in your fitness center. So create a routine so you can burn a total of 500 calories on the treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, recumbent bike etc and not just spending time on one cardio equipment. We can even shock our body with a cardio weight routine which is incorporating weights and doing cardio exercises. This brings me to my second step.

Weight Training:

There are many myths around weight lifting and many questions that aren’t answered correctly. For example “Will I get bulky?” And the answer is “No.” It’s all about the goals the individual wants to acquire from weight lifting. Look at the facts. When lifting weights you will build muscle - that’s just what happens. But you have the choice of being muscular or toned. At the end of the day we must take into consideration our rep range and the amount of weight we are using. Put simply, if our reps are between 1- 5 at maximum we will have

an increase in strength but very little hypertrophy (enlargement of muscles). Power Lifters usually train in this rep range. If our rep range is between 612 at maximum we will have optimum hypertrophy, for example Bodybuilders usually train in this rep range. Lastly if we are training between 13 – 20 + we gain very little muscle and a lot of endurance, for example marathon runners and cyclist train in this rep range. Take note that the body needs 10 to 15 minutes to warm up and then we start burning fat so it is important to take time for warming your body up before jumping into a weight routine.


The saying we are what we eat is true to a certain extent because the way our body looks depends on 80% of what we intake and the other 20% is exercise. We all are looking to be lean so we need to make sure our eating habits consist of a high protein and low fat/carbohydrate diet. Be sure we are eating 3 meals and 3 snacks at least every 3 hours with proper portions because this will increase the rate we burn fuel and not store as fat (increase metabolism). I also suggest you cut back on sweets and alcohol/ beers but its okay if you have a cheat day but be prepared to have a day to workout harder to burn those calories.


Be sure to consume a lot of water and stay hydrated. Studies show people that drink 1-2 cups of water before meals tend to eat 75- 90 calories less. We also

need to carefully read the fact label on soft drinks because sometimes we would consume 2-3 servings but because it is one bottle we think its one serving. For all the coffee lovers, it is okay to have a cup of “Joe” in the morning but please don’t over do it. Coffee has been linked to decreased risk of skin and prostate cancers. It might lower depression risk in women. It could protect you from Type 2 diabetes. It might stave off Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. And it tastes good. But be careful because you could get a jittery feeling, racing heartbeat, mild heartburn and shakiness. Caffeinated coffee also has shown to have addictive properties. Lastly just avoid sugary drinks that will spike your insulin levels as this will cause a major strain on your fitness levels/goals.

Outside the Box:

Let’s rev our fitness up a bit and shock our muscles by stepping outside the box or outside our comfort zone. Have you ever been mountain climbing? Have you ever tried yoga? Have you ever trained and competed in marathons? Have you ever tried kickboxing? Have you ever tried Pilates? Open your body and mind to different ways of getting fit by adding one of these features to your workout and just find the one you love. There are so many ways to stay in shape and you don’t have to be bored at the gym. Outdoors and different instructed classes have just as much to offer. At the end of the day we want to be active.






It’s a Noo Generashun kind of thing. You’ve probably come to know and love them via their YouTube hits such as “The Atlantis Robbery – How it Really Happened”, “Ghetto Pickup Lines” or “Oh Beyonce.” But what you don’t know is that apart from being just a bunch of fun-loving, seemingly crazy Bruthas, they’re definitely on the rise to becoming The Bahamas’ top comedians. They produce timely, charismatic – not to mention funny – vlogs (video blogs) that keep the masses coming back. Starting back in 2011, they’ve managed to accumulate some 626,000 plus video views and 5,463 subscribers. We invite you to dive into the lives of the Noo Generashun team, Tristan White and Marciano Darling:






“ My first performance was when I was about 10 years old, playing the part of Benjamin in ‘Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat’ at the Dundas Theatre.”

Tell us about the Noo Generashun Movement?

How did you get into entertainment?

TW: The Noo Generashun Movement is quite simple. We want to be associated with the feeling of happiness. When people watch our videos, we want them to feel happy and lighthearted. That’s our main goal.

TW: Back in grade 10, Marci and I, as well as two other friends of ours, used to make funny home videos that consisted of any and everything. We used to upload these videos on Facebook, and our circle of friends LOVED them. That was the first time I ever went through the process of shooting and editing videos.

MD: So, after a hard and exhausting day’s work, we aim to provide content that gives you that gutsplitting, teary, breathless comedy that gives you positive refreshment.

How did you two met?

Tristan White

TW: Marci and I met in grade 10. He had recently moved to St. Anne’s, and I had recently moved from St. Anne’s. He then began to hang out with my group of friends from there, so it was only a matter of time before we crossed paths, whether it was chilling at parties, or by each other’s houses. MD: Well, it was a warm summer day, and we…Just kidding. What he said.

MD: Well, I was always a dancer by heart. Naturally, I couldn’t help but exhibit my talents with every waking step, and soon that led to people requesting that I perform here and there. Then that led to posting dance videos on YouTube, then joining a dance crew and traveling with them to Las Vegas to compete. I guess you can say entertainment was a big part of my life from a very early age.

Can you recall your first time performing? TW: My first performance was when I was about 10 years old, playing the part of “Benjamin” in “Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat” at the Dundas Theatre. MD: Yeah, I definitely performed in primary school a couple of times. But my most vivid, early performance was that of my first Fun Day at St. Augustine’s College. I was in grade seven, year 2003, and we pretty much rocked the stage. The deal was sealed, that new boy with the glasses who look like a nerd is a dancer “chall” get to know him “gurl”.

How did it make you feel? TW: I was young, so as you can imagine, being in front of an auditorium full of people was quite intimidating. The first time I stepped on that stage, I was terrified, but after a few shows, I became more comfortable in front of people. MD: It made me feel weird, because after that, everyone in the school “knew me”. But it was kind of cool too, you know? But weird, because they would call me by my name and I hadn’t the slightest clue what their name was.

I know a lot of artists say they transform into a different person when performing, does this happen with you? TW: Definitely! When I get in front of a camera, I can feel my alter-ego exposing himself. I tend to become way more animated and confident. I’m almost addicted to that feeling! MD: Well, yes and no. My stage presence is definitely a different Marciano, but it’s still Marciano. You can find this different guy around my house (especially alone), and in front of my friends. Now the fact that I show this guy a lot more often nowadays, sadly, it’s becoming more and more difficult to tell the difference.

How does your work differ from other entertainers/ artists? TW: We like to come up with our own original content, and in that content, we put our own flavor to it. We tend to use funny facial expressions, poses, and we edit our videos in a certain way to catch the viewer off-guard, making them completely unaware of what to expect next. We also offer relatable content to our Bahamian viewers, making them feel a connection between us because they have personally witness what I am talking about in the video. MD: Well, it differs because I’m different from them as a person. My expression of wackiness is never going to be the exact same as someone else. How I receive, perceive and express a situation as humor is never going to be the exact same as someone else. And I’m not scared to be original, so naturally you get a different brand with me as opposed to with someone else.

Who is your favorite entertainer? Why? TW: My favorite entertainer is YouTube Sensation NigaHiga. I have been watching his videos for a few years now, and I really look up to him. His work is so creative and well done, and I hope to one day be on that level. BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013


BRUTHA_ARTIST SPOTLIGHT MD: Michael Jackson is my favorite entertainer, and it’s because he was not scared to be original.

Any one you really want to collaborate with? Why? TW: I would enjoy working with Collage Entertainment (The Stop Likin Man guys). I would REALLY enjoy collaborating with either NigaHiga, TimothyDeLaGhetto, Freddiew, or HotDamnIRock. MD: Kevin Hart, because he’s quite sarcastic and so am I.

Why Vlogs? TW: Vlogs are an easy way to make your content readily available for the public to view with just the click of a button. YouTube is an amazing tool. It allows you to upload your content, it calculates your views, and it even provides you with analytics. Not to mention, it gives people the option to subscribe to your channel, notifying them when you have a new video they can watch. We really just want to get our content out there, and vlogging was an easy way to do so. MD: It’s just another way for us to express ourselves. We are natural-born idiots, and vlogs are a perfect, no, PREMIUM, way for us to express that.

Tell us about the vlogging process for you? TW: I start by typing a script on my laptop, and when it is completed, I pretty much wait until I’m actually bored out of my mind and have nothing else to do but to make that video. When it’s time to shoot, I set up my room with lights, and my camera, and begin shooting, reading from the script mostly. If I feel like there needs to be a change in scenery for a certain shot, I do that after I finish all the shots from my room. After I get all my shots, the fun begins, POST-PRODUCTION! This is where I get to edit the video the way I see it in my head, adding sound effects, and cutting certain scenes a certain way. After all of this is done, I upload that video to YouTube in private, and then notify the public about the upcoming video via Facebook and Twitter to build anticipation. Then, at around 9 at night, I release the video. MD: Randomly, an idea hits me. I write it down, expand it, plan it, shoot it, edit it, upload it. After that, I bake cupcakes. 48


Which vlog was by far your favorite? Why? TW: My favorite vlog, by far, is “Crossing The Road”. It was so fun to shoot and edit. During editing, even I was laughing at myself. I mean come on, everyone has been in a situation where they have to be somewhere important, and some guy takes FOREVER to cross the road. MD: The Club was my favorite because it’s the most accurate, inside look at that other guy I was talking about. I’m in my room, doing the most absolute foolishness.

What are your plans for the future? TW: We are currently planning on expanding our brand to not only YouTube videos, but to parties. We are looking to have fun, unique parties for our friends and fans to all come together and have a great time. Our first one will be during Spring Break, and we will see where things go from there. MD: My plans are to push myself to my fullest potential. Then probably start selling mugs, hats, little trinkets and stuff.

Where can the public find your vlogs? TW:The public can watch our vlogs either on our YouTube channel, or our Facebook page. Simply search for “Noo Generashun” in your YouTube or Facebook search bar, and you will have access to all of our videos.

Anything you wish to share with up-and-coming entertainers out there? TW: My advice to any upcoming entertainer is to not try and be like someone else, but to become comfortable being yourself. People will be able to tell whether your work is truly coming from your heart, or whether you’re trying to copy someone else. Once you stay original and put your everything into your work, you will be just fine. MD: Don’t be scared to be original. Don’t give up. Be prepared to learn.

Marciano Darling

“Michael Jackson is my favorite entertainer, and it’s because he was not scared to be original.”




Glazed Mini Meatloaves INGREDIENTS:



1. Adjust an oven rack to the middle position and heat the oven to 425 degrees. Stir cracker crumbs, milk, parsley, Worcestershire sauce, egg, mustard, onion powder, garlic powder, 1 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon pepper together in a large bowl. Add ground meat and combine until uniform. Shape mixture into oval loaves (I doubled the recipe and got 10 mini loaves, so when I make the recipe without doubling it, I plan to shape into at least 5 loaves – they were definitely big enough to be perfectly filling!).

17-20 saltine crackers, crushed fine (about 2/3 cup) 1/4 cup whole milk 1/3 cup minced fresh parsley 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 large egg 1 1/2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon onion powder 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 1/2 pounds ground meat (I used a combination of lean ground chuck and lean ground pork) 2 teaspoons oil (I used canola oil)

Glaze: 1/2 cup ketchup 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar

2. Heat oil in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat until the oil is rippling. Add meatloaves (without letting them touch sides) and brown well on one side, 3-5 minutes. Carefully flip loaves over and tidy up edges using a spatula (I didn’t need to do this – my meatloaves managed to hold their shape really well). Brown on this side for another 2-3 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, mix glaze ingredients together until smooth. Transfer mini meatloaves to a foil-lined baking pan and spoon the glaze over the top of each meatloaf. Bake for 18-20 minutes, until the center of the loaf registers 160 degrees on an instantread thermometer (or do like I do and cut one of the little babies open and if it looks done – pull ‘em out of the oven!). Pair up with Homemade Mashed Potatoes and an Arugula Berry Salad for a scrumptious meal.

4 teaspoons cider vinegar Yield: Makes 4-5 mini meatloaves.

Recipe Source: adapted from The Best 30-Minute Recipe via Photos by:” 50


Courtesy of








Julien Believe. Bahamian Sensation by Zakiya Muwwakkil

& Musical Icon.



Styling: by J. Williard. Photography: Barry Williams Location: Compass Point Resort, Nassau, Bahamas. BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013



Singer/Songwriter Julien Believe brings to life a uniquely diverse musical talent that offers his listeners a fresh energy fueled by a deeper purpose. This 26-yearold Nassau, Bahamas native got his start in music at the young age of 12 simply for one reason – to impress the girls. In his constant pursuit to attract attention, Julien employed his natural vocal skills hoping to become the next schoolyard heartthrob. But to Julien’s surprise, mere musical talent was not enough to get the ladies. However, though the one who had his heart rejected him – his love for music created within itself a new object of affection to be pursued. Since evolving and finding deeper meaning in his art, Julien seeks to share his music with the main purpose of spreading hope, love and most of all for people to have fun. In order to chase after his dream, Julien has taken his musical voyage far and wide. One of the most pivotal points in his journey was his relocation to the United States – then as a part of the musical group EDJ. And it was during his relocation that Julien met and developed a friendship with actress/comedian, Monique. It was through this friendship, and Monique’s constant reiteration of the mantra “Julien, believe in yourself,” that he decided to take on the moniker Julien Believe. 56







With a new name and a new outlook on how far believing in oneself will take you on the path to stardom, Julien packed his bags and headed back home to the Bahamas to work and study the ins and outs of the music industry from a different angle. Needless to say the studying and experience paid off and after a three-year hiatus on the island, Julien again headed for the U.S. where he traveled throughout Atlanta, Philadelphia, New York City and Los Angeles. This in turn allowed him to create an unparalleled list of musical connections and mentorships that helped him hone his talent as well as open doors to multiple opportunities. Since then Julien has gone from singing in the garage to opening for big names like Brian McKnight, Mariah Carey, 50 Cent, Boyz II Men and Beres Hammond – to name a few. When asking Julien what it is that sets him apart from other current artists, his response is his ability to share his Caribbean culture in a unique way as well as the ability to present a message in his music




that makes him far from typical. Signing a record deal with Hush Productions is what led to the release of his hit song “Believe”. The release took Julien to a new level and ultimately became a new anthem of hope for not only the people of the Bahamas, but of personal triumph. During the time Julien was creating “Believe” he was also working through the loss of two grandparents and the hospitalization of his brother who was then in serious condition. Coupled with the message of personal perseverance and universal hope, “Believe” made its way into the hearts and radios of many, and the song went on to win the Rock the Mic 242 music competition hosted by world renowned Def Jam producer, Rocwilder. Now on his way to making a name for himself in the area of songwriting, Julien found himself on first name basis with the likes of Chrisette Michele, John Legend, Busta Rhymes, and others. This of course developed a deeper humility and a more fervent passion for his purpose as a musician, and armed with this knowledge Julien took it back to his Caribbean roots. Releasing his first major hit with the purpose of inspiring others, he released his second single, “Caribbean Slide” with the purpose of helping others have a good time. “Caribbean Slide” is an ear and eye catching song/dance combination that seeks to make you wind in the








name of fun. Like its predecessor “Believe”, “Caribbean Slide” has caught the attention of fans throughout the Caribbean. The song has been featured in videos as a workout routine and as a flash mob in Downtown Bahamas to raise awareness about violence against women. With the success of the past and the aspirations of a future, Julien Believe finds himself in a position of being a big name in music. But this aspiration is not limited to the musical realm. And though it has become a somewhat cliché proclamation, Julien’s ultimate goal is to work for world peace. When asked how he seeks to accomplish this, he expresses it through his profound desire to become a Bahamian Ambassador for the United Nations. An ever evolving appreciation of his art, a proficiency in the arena of songwriting, and the heart for social uplift sets Julien Believe apart as an artist whose talents and ambition will most definitely make him a lasting figure in the industry.

To connect with the music and the man, follow Julien on: Twitter: @JulienBelieve Facebook: Julien Believe





Styling by Tamar Moss 64



Mr Tourism United Nations 2012 by Taj Duncombe

This isn’t fair. No one should ever be as happy as I am to interview someone. I turn on my computer and in a few clicks I’m looking at the face of one of my oldest and best friends. I’ve known Keeshan Sands longer than I’ve known some of my family members. Grade school and middle school memories are littered with his jokes, sarcasm, and his winning smile. So yeah, before any questions were asked for this interview we had a few laughs, a quick catch-up, and a good gossip session. Eventually we did get down to business though:






What is your official title? Mr. Tourism United Nations

How long are you going to be Mr. Tourism UN?


This is a yearlong reign. It ends in December. I give up my title in Nigeria where the pageant is next year.

That means that I am an ambassador for the United Nations. My goal is to help better not only my community but all communities of the nations I represent.

And after this? What do you see yourself doing?

And what is it all about? The Tourism United nations pageant has been conceptualized as a prestigious international event, bringing together representatives of a wide range of communities and cultures from all over the globe, from the world’s most culturally diverse state. The aim is to share common values and foster international friendship and understanding.

How do you win your title? I was on a trip to Cat Island - a regatta. I did a fashion show there, and made a friend who was at the time Mr. Teen UN. He was the one who told me about Mr. Tourism, and that they needed someone to take on that title. So I began competing in pageants in Nassau and eventually won the Bahamian title. After that, I went to Jamaica and won the international title.

What was the pageant like? For me, the whole pageant on stage and off stage was nerve wrecking. The feeling of uncertainty whether the crowd will support you or will boo at you is totally not so entertaining at all. Nevertheless, one thing I’ve learned from that experience is that you just have to put your best foot forward and seize the moment.

I was thinking of doing Mr. World or Mr. SEA but Mr. World is giving me a little problem because of my height. If they don’t fall in line, I’m looking forward to taking other avenues.

And how has this changed you as a person? I feel I am more open-minded and more knowledgeable about a lot of things. This includes politics, cultures and countries, amongst other things. As Mr. Tourism UN you work with a lot of charities and non-profit organizations that count on you to help bring awareness to their cause and raise money. I am also more mindful of the decisions that I make. As a role model I learned that my decisions not only affect myself but people that look up to me, and I take that very seriously... The Tourism United Nations Pageants are aimed at identifying the world’s best tourism ambassadors, who possess the talents, skills and personalities to promote their respective countries in the name of tourism, international goodwill and cultural harmony. The pageant took place on Saturday December 8th 2013 in Kingston, Jamaica with contestants from Jamaica, Bahamas, Guyana, New Zealand, Bolivia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Europe, North America and Belize.

Would you recommend pageants to anyone? Definitely! Pageants can sometimes give us a once-in-a-lifetime experience that teaches us what we cannot learn in the four walls of the classroom.




Techno-Savvy Here’s the Blackberry® Z10 Guess what? BlackBerry® ran hot! With all of the Smartphone madness going on in the world – Iphone 5 here, Samsung S3 there, no wonder RIM (the maker’s of blackberry) came on board with the all-new, incredibly impressive BlackBerry® Z10. Fully loaded with new features and tricks, you’ll surely come to love everything you’ve already loved about BlackBerry® plus so much more. “A new experience where features and apps work together seamlessly and share your train of thought to help



you complete tasks faster and with ease,” said by Blackberry®. There’s the BlackBerry® Hub that you can reach with a single swipe on the screen. A full QWERTY keyboard that allows you to type faster and more accurately on a touch screen keyboard and even remembers how you spell certain words (take that Mr. autocorrect!). Yet, the coolest feature added that will surely wow all of the “BBMers” out there is the added video screen share where users can catch up face-to-face and share what’s on your screen with BBM Video with Screen Share.

Additional features you can check out via • • • • • • • • •

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The Man of The Moment: Glenn Sherman Jr. Meet Glenn Sherman Jr. You may know him from his theatrical performance in Collage Entertainment’s ‘Get Charlie.’ But let me be the first to share that despite his amazing performances and seemingly bold personality, Glenn surely retracts coyly into his shell once off stage.



Styling by Tamar Moss BRUTHA MAGAZINE // SPRING ISSUE 2013





As Co-Founder and Executive Vice President of Collage Entertainment, Glenn works tirelessly scouting new projects, directing, editing and acting in the name of his love for entertaining. Anyone who has seen this young Brutha act out before in a stage play, movie or video commercial has surely been deceived. He is that and so much more.

If I was an investor and you had 30 seconds of my time, tell me about your company and what it is that you do?

Brutha Magazine got the chance to have a heartto-heart with Glenn.

Collage Entertainment is an authentically Bahamian company that guarantees quality and creativity. We go above and beyond to provide the client with the best possible product. Along with our ever expanding fan base, Collage will continue to bridge the gap between age, race and class.

Tell us how you got into entertainment?

So once you got started, how long was it before you saw any real profit?

I’ve been involved in entertainment since 2004 and it is definitely one of the biggest parts of my life.

It wasn’t until Collage the group was turned into Collage the company in 2009 did we see any real profit.

What were some of your childhood hobbies? Glenn: As a child I always found myself watching behind-the-scenes shows to see exactly how movies were made as well as acting at any chance I got. While all the other kids wanted to be doctors and lawyers I much rathered enjoying just pretending to be them.

When did the urge to start Collage Entertainment first hit?

What were some of the pressures and/ or stresses involved in getting to this point? One of the main stresses is of course the money aspect because equipment is very expensive but Collage makes it work with our ability to think outside the box and work as a cohesive unit. We have in some respects perfected turning lemons into lemonade.

The urge came after Youth Alive (2004) was done and there was no outlet for us actors to continue doing what we loved to do.




Never dream make



How many people are employed with your company? There are currently over 20 persons in Collage’s pool of on-call talent who are hired on a projectto-project basis.

Why do you think you survived in the marketplace? I think our sheer creativity and ability to relate to our audience has kept us alive. As well as our own individual passion and drive to make this entertainment industry a lucrative one, not just for us but the country.

Is The Bahamas a prime place to start a business? Or are we too far behind in terms of technology and support, etc.? For us, basing Collage in The Bahamas was not really a hard decision to make. We love our country and believe in the idea of there being a thriving entertainment industry here. We see great opportunity here and we have a chance to mold this still very young industry to be a very formidable one. It has also been said that Bahamians don’t support their own. We have found that to be horribly untrue. Bahamians support what they are proud of.

r give up. If you can m it, you can e it happen. What are some projects you are currently working on?

And how are you thriving today? Collage constantly searches for the next way to impact and inspire our fellow Bahamians. So that pushes us to continually create bigger and better products. Put quite simply, we exist to produce. Collage’s work is well known, whether it’s from the popular “stop likin’ man” series or the lesser known “Off Course” series, we constantly meet fans of all aspects of our work.

Above all, how does Collage Entertainment differentiate itself from the competition? Originality and creativity. We strive to remain fresh and always take any topic from a completely different angle.

Well as with all of Collage’s projects they are top secret but I will say that there are big things in the making. The Get Charlie project was such a huge success for us you can expect more in the way of big screen entertainment.

What’s next for the group? Collage is currently in our off season phase but we are definitely looking to acquire new Bahamian talent and are looking to hit the international market.

Its hard making that first step, what advice would you give to other aspiring Brutha’s out there? Never give up. If you can dream it, you can make it happen. However having a dream is only the first step. A dream will always remain a dream if you don’t go out and actively pursue it. Hard work, determination and persistence is a must. Nothing worth having simply falls into your lap.




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Starting at $37,090 Aggressive refinement Progressive performance Impressive credentials A bold, redesigned GLK-Class Optional Panorama roof Vivid color displays and intuitive controls Advanced multimedia systems Active Curve Illumination and New Adaptive Highbeam Assist New 302-hp Direct Injection 3.5L V-6 engine New ECO Start/Stop with 7-speed automatic feature

For more Information and photos visit



The good “The 2013 Mercedes-Benz GLK350 is available with a full array of dashboard, safety, and convenience technology. The small, responsive crossover is well suited for city and highway driving.” The bad “Options can push the GLK’s price remarkably high. MercedesBenz’ Apps system is too slow and clunky to be useful.” The bottom line “Reasonably well-equipped, the 2013 Mercedes-Benz GLK350 4MATIC is a solid choice as a comfortable and capable urban crossover; just don’t get carried away with the options.” – Antuan Goodwin, via


The 2013 Mercedes-Benz GLK350




Quiet your Mind – Ignite your Heart “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we have learned here. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.” Marianne Williamson best-selling author and speaker.

They say that the longest journey we will take is not anywhere “out there” but within. And this journey is the journey from the HEAD to the HEART: the thinking mind to the feeling wisdom. This is our journey. I’ve been so attentive to this journey in my own, and lately I feel as if the message I am getting from The Uni-verse is the vital importance of this journey. The mind is a genius creation. Our logic is powerful. But wisdom is stronger than logic. And wisdom is something that can be felt in the heart and then attempted to be described by the mind. All art, music, poetry and sacred words are nudges from the heart as articulated by the mind. Not the other way around. So what does the journey from the head to the heart feel like? To me, it feels like meditating or being connected to all that is, to The Uni-verse and to The Divine and then focusing on feeling that expansive feeling in my chest. It’s a joyful feeling that I could write books and books about. But it’s a sense of bliss, a sense of peace, a sense of contentment and appreciation that words cannot describe. It doesn’t feel like the doubtful, questioning mind. It feels like an open,

expansive heart. And our goal could be to surrender the back and forth mind chatter and spend some time checking in with our heart. As I have been doing this meditation lately, it is as if my heart is giddy that I am finally paying attention, consciously, to it. It feels that when I tap into it, I know the answer to almost any question I am asking about my life. It feels like a wise and knowing friend that will never abandon me or put me down. It truly feels like this is the center of The Divine within me. And what I’ve noticed as I do this meditation is that for the majority of my life and even still, my mind has been running circles around it - using thoughts and judgments and justifications for why it is wrong. And I’ve been slowly opening up to this new perspective, but it’s been a long road with a lot of confusion. Lately it is as if I’ve been shown that tapping into this is the key to my continued living Salvation. That is to say - the promise of love, joy, abundance and challenges overcome. And it feels as if this part of myself is connected to the Greater Source that is the energy that supports The Uni-verse. So when I am paying attention to my heart, it is literally God/The Source/The Divine speaking to me.

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So I must ask myself to which I would rather listen - The Divine or my own mind. I can tell you that my own mind has almost killed me with drug and alcohol addiction. And even though my mind is intelligent and clever, the wisdom that emanates from my heart is Cosmic in nature. That is to say, it’s beyond the rational part of my mind. It’s tapped into a Larger Perspective. So my journey from this day forward is to make daily conscious contact with this part of myself and see where it leads me. I await with much positive expectation! We all have this ability. How can you quiet your mind and tap into the feeling and wisdom of your heart today? As always, the action happens over on the blog; head on over there and leave a comment on my blog “Quiet your mind - IGNITE your heart” and join in the conversation! The TDL Community thrives in the comments and it’s a GREAT place to get support! Love, Mastin








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