A PRI L 2013
T H E S E C O N D A RY N E W S L E T T E R Secondar y News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante
Vi s i t f r o m E x - Pu p i l s
Head of Secondary Message Henry Ford once said “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success” and there was no greater example of the success of working together than the two fantastic performances of School of Rock this month. I was so impressed with the energy and enthusiasm that everybody brought to the stage. The many hours of preparation and rehearsal made for a wonderfully powerful and energizing performance. It is so important that our children have access to disciplines like music and drama. These subjects allow our pupils to express themselves in different ways and it was a delight to see some of our younger pupils, who would normally be quiet and reserved in the classroom, “strutting their stuff” on stage and playing the audience like true professionals! None of this is achievable without teamwork and everybody involved in School of Rock is to be congratulated and thanked for their efforts. A special thank you to Mr. Cook and Ms. Graves for their constant support, enthusiasm and encouragement; the memories of the
performance will stay with our pupils for many years to come. I am a true believer that our days in school are the best of our lives and our former students always tend to agree when they come to visit us once they have left. We are so fortunate that the feeling of being a large family in King’s College, Alicante has never been lost, regardless of how big we have grown. This is what makes our school so special for everybody involved with it. This month we were lucky enough to welcome back former pupils who left over the last few years so they could share their experiences at University with our Y12 and Y13 students. It was a great afternoon which everybody found enlightening and a proud moment to see former BSA pupils on the verge of graduating from University as qualified lawyers, doctors and engineers. You can read more about their talk inside this month’s newsletter. The example these former students set is very important to our more senior pupils who are about to run the exams gauntlet. By the time the next newsletter is published the majority
of the examinations will have finished and our pupils’ immediate futures, at least, will have already been defined. It is crucial that they give themselves choices for the future and with that in mind I urge them to listen to their teachers, read Mr. Roberts’ advice in last month’s issue and get stuck into some serious revision as a matter of urgency. Henry Ford’s quote is as relevant to you and your exams as it was for the school production. Working together, pupil, parents and school is the key to our academic success. Take advantage of all we have on offer here and talk to a member of staff if you have any worries or concerns. I wish everybody the best of luck with their IGCSE and A Level exams; the next few weeks are arguably the most important of your life so far.
Simon Wicks Head of Secondary