Secondary Newsletter February 2013 English

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T H E S E C O N D A RY N E W S L E T T E R Secondar y News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante

Activity week for ever yone

Head of Secondary Message February has been an exciting and enjoyable month in Secondary. Trips and Activities week has provided every pupil from Year 7 to Year 13 with the opportunity to enjoy new experiences and learn new skills. It is sometimes easy to forget that education goes far beyond just the academic experiences that we are able to offer our children in a school environment. Complementing that experience, with the wealth of activities you can see in this month’s newsletter, provides another dimension to the education we offer here at King’s College and enriches and supports what our pupils have been studying in class. A huge thank you to the parents, pupils and staff who worked so hard and enthusiastically to make the week the success it was. As well as activities week we have also been very fortunate to welcome back

the John Madejski Academy to our school again this month. The school, a Specialist Sports College based in the south of England, has a first-class Drama and Dance department and pupils from the academy led an exciting and inspiring set of workshops for many of our KS3 and KS4 pupils. The Year 7s were also treated to an awe-inspiring performance of the Shakespeare play, “Titus Andronicus”, which acted as a fantastic springboard from which to launch their own studies of the famous, English poet and playwright this coming term. The visit was a resounding success and we look forward to working closely with the Academy again on similar projects in future years. With all the excitement of activities week and the month’s other events behind us it is important now that we re-focus on the remaining four weeks of term. March

is an important time for all pupils, not least those who are about to sit external examinations, and by now all pupils in Years 11-13 should be well into their revision schedules and counting down the remaining time to those important dates. Mr. Roberts, our Director of Studies, will be writing more in our April issue regarding exam preparation and dealing with exam stress. If you do have any questions in the meantime then please do not hesitate to contact him.

Simon Wicks Head of Secondary Pag e 1

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