Primary Newsletter January 2012 English

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Primary News from the Pupils and Teachers of The British School of Alicante

December Book Fair

M e s s a g e f r om t h e He ad of Pr i mary

Welcome back to a new school term. I am pleased to report that the pupils have settled quickly after the Christmas break, are working on their new topics and are continuing to lead very busy school days.

One area of school life that is particularly busy at the moment is the School Council, led by Mrs. Crompton and Mrs. Gandhi .The whole ethos of a school council is underpinned with pupils having a say and being more involved and valued. Such opportunities prepare pupils for real life experiences of citizenship.

to respond thoughtfully through democratic discussion, giving them confidence to take action and express their views. Indeed, one of our Council members expressed how he felt about the School Council: “When you get something changed or done, you can say, yeah, that was what I did”

As you are ware we have two representatives from each class from Year 2 to Year 6. This year the Council has split into working groups in order to promote a healthy school campaign. We have three groups working on topical issues such as, “Healthy Me”, “Eco Schools” and “Health and Safety”. Through regular meetings and discussions these groups have come up with ideas to promote a healthy lifestyle. During these meetings the pupils are given opportunities

Such responsibility given to the pupils gives them a certain degree of power in the best sense of the word, and, in turn, they use it to influence other children. In future newsletters you will be able to read and see how the campaign is progressing, and look out for our special theme days to promote a healthy wellbeing. Fiona Thomas Head of Primary

Early Years

News Happy new year from everyone in the Early Years Department! We are very happy to welcome back this term Se単ora Gemma Berenguel to Nursery and Reception and many congratulations on the arrival of her baby daughter, Emma. Thank you very much to Se単orita Ma Bel Moll who was covering for her last term.

This term the Nursery children have been talking about winter and have been very busy drawing snowmen and penguins and exploring winter objects and clothes. In Reception the children are learning about transport and have made some fantastic trains. Reception have made a fantastic start learning their letter sounds and feel very grown up now that they are taking home their book bags. Remember they need to come back to class every Wednesday please.

All of Early Years had great fun celebrating the Chinese New Year. We made lanterns, dragons and even had a go at Chinese writing and using chop sticks, which was quite challenging!

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Save the Children Diploma We would like to thank all pupils, parents and staff in helping to raise 1500 euros from bookmarks to help Save the Children. We are proud to present the diploma the school received for helping this organisation.

“Draw Your Christmas” Contest Clara (Year 5) and Sara (Year 1) were the winners of “Draw Your Christmas” contest by El Corte Inglés. Both proud winners show their fantastic drawings in this photo.

News From the Library On Friday 16th December our school hold its second book fair. As usual, we had many visitors browsing through books and buying lots. Students and teachers shared books and enjoyed reading together. Thanks to all who bought a book on that day because with every sale we got free books for the school.

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Year 2 Learns About Space In Year 2 we have been learning about Space and enjoyed a visit from ‘Ciencias Divertidas’ where we took part in lots of exciting activites including making a Sun Clock. We also learnt about the phases of the moon and why we have night and day.

Piano Recitals On January 23rd and 24th we had a lovely start to the week, with a series of short piano recitals in the library. Congratulations to all the pupils and teachers who have prepared these recitals.


t the end of November, Mrs Hughes and Mr Manning Fox took two football teams from Year 5 to The King’s Group School in Murcia to take part in a tournament involving six teams from four schools. Both teams played extremely well, with one team reaching the final before eventually losing in a penalty shootout. Everybody had a good day out in the sun and the teachers were very proud of both teams for their behaviour, sportsmanship and effort. Hopefully next year we will go one better and bring home the cup!

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Important Dates 6th February – Planetarium visit to school 8th February – Yr 6 Valor Trip 14th February – Yr 6 Chocolate Day 14th February – Nursery Parenting Class 20th February – Carnival Week 24th February – School Closed 28th February – Nursery Parenting Class

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