M AY 2013
T H E S E C O N D A RY N E W S L E T T E R Secondary News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante
Ye a r 7 C h e m i s t s
Head of Secondary Message As I write this final message of the year I cannot believe that 10 months have almost passed since we returned to school in September. It has been another fantastic school year with a huge number of trips, extra-curricular activities, fundraising, sporting and music events squeezed into our time together. The progress and achievements of our children are also at the forefront of our minds and this year has been no exception, with our students continuing to achieve great things across the range of subjects and year groups. We will be celebrating these individual successes at Prize Giving in June and I am sure our senior students will reap the benefits of their hard work when the examination
results are released in August. Above all else, however, this year has allowed many of us to make new friends, to cement existing friendships, to experience new opportunities and along the way has hopefully provided us all with lots of fond memories to look back upon in the years to come. The combination of all this is what makes our school community so special and why your days in school really are the best of your lives. On a personal note, I would like to express my thanks to all the pupils, parents and staff for their support of me in my new role. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first year as Head of the Secondary School and I look forward to many
more to come. Many thanks also to the pupils and staff for their hard work this year and their continuous enthusiasm. I look forward to welcoming you all back to school on the 4th September, refreshed and relaxed after the summer break and I hope you all have a well-earned and enjoyable summer holiday.
Simon Wicks Head of Secondary