Newsletter February 2014 Primary English

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Newsletter King’s College Alicante



Carnival of Fun!

Message from the Head of Primary At a recent assembly with Year 5 and 6 pupils we talked about why children come to school. Very quickly we had the obvious answer that children come to school to learn. We agreed that learning about academic subjects was at the heart of our school life and that it was very important to study hard and do well in these areas. We also discussed the fact that we have to learn about responsibility and that we must work hard to become good learners. We then went on to talk about the other things we learn at school, lessons that help to prepare us for life. Our football team’s trip to Murcia to take part in the Football Tournament there reminded us that in addition to the academic side of school, there are all sorts of other things we need to learn. Sport helps us to learn about being part of a team, working together and the importance of practice. It helps us to develop a range of attitudes from wanting to be a winner, to

learning how to deal with those occasions when we don’t win. The world our children is growing up in is fast paced and ever changing and will demand well qualified, confident young people who know how to manage change. At King’s we are focused on ensuring that we give children a top quality education that will allow them to achieve high standards academically, that gives them an excellent command of English, but that also helps to prepare them for life in the 21st century. Best wishes

Mr. P.B. Sloan Head of Primary

Early Years News This month in Early Years we have done lots of things. It has been so busy. Early Years saw a wonderful performance called “ El Arbol de la Vida” performed here at school by a local theatre group. It was fantastic and very visual.

In Nursery this month we have been investigating with different materials. We have learnt so much. Also we have started learning different Traditional stories e.g. “The Three Little Pigs” and had a lot of fun practising our English and learning new words and phrases. Now the weather is getting a bit warmer we are also enjoying using the playground more and making the most of the outdoor area.

Nursery now have a special assembly every Friday and we have included photos of the first children to get their special certificates for something special they have done or achieved. Well done!

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IPADS in Early Years We used ipads for the first time last Thursday 20th of February. I was amazed at how easy they were to use and how eager the children were to explore them. The children were fearless in their approach to relatively new technology and were soon showing me what they could do. This will definitely help them with the work we are currently doing with letters and sounds and as you can see they were very proud of their work! Mr. S Escott Reception Teacher

Year 2 News In year 2 we have been making 3D shapes. We have been learning their names and properties. In year 2 we have been using the ipads during Guided Reading.

Year 3 Numeracy Year 3 became witches and wizards in their numeracy lessons. They learned about capacity by making magic potions. First they followed instructions to make an invisibility potion, using a measuring jug to measure in millilitres. Then they were challenged to design their own magic potion which had to measure 1000ml. It was lots of fun!

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Cobis Poetry Competition - Years 5 and 6 have been invited to enter this year in the Cobis Poetry Competition which is on the theme of daydreams. Do you see yourself as a budding poet? Why not have a go? You will be competing with school all around the world! You could win a really great prize too!!


Wrapper Free Friday The Winners of the Wrapper Free Friday Poster competition are: •

Jimena, Year 3W

Mireia, Year 4B

Rocio, Year 4B. Runner up

Gema, Esperanza and Noelia, Year 6G

Jessica, Yer 6G. Runner up

Ask your teacher for the criteria or come and see Mrs Gandhi.

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Muffling Sound in Year 5 Year 5 have been learning all about sound this term in their “Good Vibrations� topic. One lesson involved investigating which materials are good to muffle the sound of an alarm clock. The materials they tested were: tin foil, bubble wrap, newspaper and fabric. Everyone had to make a prediction and explain their reasoning. Which material do you think would work best and why? They also had to decide how they were going to make a fair test. The children used a decibel meter application on the new school ipads to help them measure the volume of sound and they also recorded their experiment using the camera facility too.

Year 5 & 6 Art Gallery Year 5 & 6 had the chance to open their own Art Galllery. Their exposition had 4 different styles: Pointillism in Paris Picasso´s cubism in musical instruments Rainforest silhouettes Aztec calendars

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Design your very own musical instrument! Year 5´s homework project this term was to design and make a musical instrument using recycled materials! The instrument had to be able to change pitch and volume. It could be played by striking, plucking, hitting, shaking, blowing or any combination of the latter. The instruments were displayed in a museum held in school. The range and imagination involved was incredible. Here are some pictures to illustrate the effort and work the children put in. Mrs. V Hughes Year 6 Teacher

charitywork KCA fundraising A special congratulations to all pupils in Key Stage 2 and 3 for their collaboration in December last year for designing fantastic Christmas cards that were sold at school during our Christmas concerts and at reception to support the efforts of The Red Cross in the Philippines. All children involved proudly handed over the cheque for 540 euros and had a chat with Red Cross representatives about the work being undertaken in this area of the world. A great collaboration between primary and secondary that yielded a very positive result!

Thank you to Jesus 3S, Mia 3S, Martina 4J, Cayetana 4J, Aitana 5R, Julia 5R, Laura 5R, Sara 8G, Patricia 8G andYaiza 8P On 17th of February the school charity committee had a special assembly to welcome members of ADIMAR. ADIMAR is an association from Guardamar dedicated to helping disabled people. The objective of the association is to facilitate full integration and non-discrimination of physical, mental or sensory disabled people. The school collected a total of 909.75 euros for this cause. Congratulations to everyone involved in this wonderful project.

in the

NEWS King's College pupils celebrate academic success with many students obtaining fantastic results in their examinations. Pupils of King’s College Madrid, Alicante and Murcia have received their IGCSE and A Levels certificates from the renowned Edexcel and Cambridge International Examination centres for the examinations they sat last May and June. The results obtained by the students were outstanding with three pupils getting the best grades worldwide. To read the full article please click on the image.

Visit from

Mr Trevor Rowell We were delighted to welcome back Mr Trevor Rowell (King´s Group Board of Governors) for another visit to the school. Mr Rowell has been a regular guest at school over the past few years and always takes a great interest in the work and welfare of the children as well as the staff. During his recent visit, Mr Rowell met with new teachers and spent time chatting with representatives from the Primary Eco-Warriors and the 6th form Committee. Some Y6 pupils also demonstrated to Mr Rowell their new work using recently acquired iPads. This is a new initiative in school which Mr Rowell was very interested to learn about and to encourage in the future.

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Congratulations to Elena Benito King's Group CEO, Elena Benito receives an award in recognition of her outstanding career. To read the full article please click on the image beside.

Important Dates MARCH 2014

3 rd M a r c h t o 7 th M a r c h – L i t e r a c y F e s t i v a l 1 2 th M a r c h – W o r l d M a t h s D a y 1 7 th M a r c h t o 2 7 th M a r c h – P a r e n t M e e t i n g s 2 7 th M a r c h – Y e a r 4 P r o d u c t i o n 2 8 th M a r c h – B o o k F a i r 2 nd A p r i l – G r e a s e 3 rd A p r i l – G r e a s e

King’s College Alicante Glorieta del Reino Unido 5 Alicante 03008 Spain Tlf: 965 106 351 Fax: 965 108 096

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