Newsletter King’s College Alicante
Maths Day!
Message from the Head of Primary Spring is traditionally a time when new things happen and the world wakes after the winter. It’s certainly been a busy springtime so far in Primary! March has seen our week long Literacy Festival, World Maths Day celebration, an Early Years Teddy Bears picnic, our Primary parent meetings and, as I write, we are preparing for the Year 4 production, “ Go for Gold”. This is all in addition to our classroom learning! It’s important to join in the celebrations for World Book Week and World Maths Day. They are special occasions that help our children understand how fortunate they are to have the opportunity to learn at a good school. One of the lasting memories from my time in Africa is just how much education is valued, by children and adults alike. There was a real awareness that a good education holds the key
to the future and, for many people in Malawi, it was something they could not take for granted. Taking part in the Literacy Festival and Maths Day this month helps our children to realise the importance of core curriculum areas such as Literacy and Numeracy. We want to emphasise just how important it is to be a good learner, to celebrate their successes and to challenge all our pupils to make the very most of their opportunities. Best wishes
Mr. P.B. Sloan Head of Primary