Newsletter King’s College Alicante
Message from the Head of Primary Greetings from a very chilly Primary Department! As I write the temperatures have been falling and winter has well and truly arrived. It may be cold outside, however, our children have shown what truly warm hearts they possess. I was absolutely delighted with the enthusiasm and energy that our Year 5 and 6 pupils put into their efforts during the recent Cake Sale held to raise money for the Phillipines Disaster fund.
The day of the sale saw children in Years 5 and 6 bringing delicious cakes, of all shapes and sizes, into school. Throughout the day, the cakes were bought and enjoyed by hundreds of pupils from Year 1 right through to Sixth Form. The final amount raised was a fantastic €1039, which was handed over to Cruz Roja. All of the money will go to families in the Phillipines, providing food, shelter and emergency supplies. The money raised is an impressive amount and it’s great that we have been able to help people caught up in this terrible tragedy. However, looking beyond the money, this was an important day for our children too. Every child comes to school to learn, however, there are lessons that are not found in text books or on the internet.
These are lessons about how we grow as individuals and how we make choices about the kind of person we will become. The Cake Sale gave our children an opportunity to show that they care about others, to demonstrate that they can do something positive and practical to help and that when we work together we can make something special happen. These are qualities that will enrich our children’s lives, as well as help them grow as positive, confident and caring members of our community. Many thanks to you for your support in either providing cakes, or in giving your children euros to spend. Thanks too, to our staff who organised the day. Anne Frank wrote that ‘No-one has ever become poor through giving’. Our school community became a little richer this month thanks to our Cake Sale. Best wishes
Mr. P.B. Sloan Head of Primary