Secondary Newsletter January 2014

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Newsletter King’s College Alicante



New Sixth Form Room Message from the Head of Secondary Throughout January many of us think or talk about our New Year Resolutions – those promises we all make so willingly to ourselves after the Christmas period is over and that soon become distant memories as the year progresses. But New Year Resolutions don’t have to be all about eating less, going to the gym more or using your gadgets with less frequency; it’s a great time of year to think about the things we want to change in our lives and to focus on what we can achieve in the future, instead of what’s happened or hasn’t happened in the past. It’s exactly that, that I would encourage all our pupils to start doing if they haven’t done so already. Your resolutions this year can provide an opportunity for you to look at how you can improve your intellectual and academic selves – in short to make sure each and every one of you does your best and achieves your potential. There’s a famous saying that talks about life not

being a dress rehearsal and clearly there is a lot of truth and wisdom contained in that expression. But, fortunately for us all, your school days do give you the opportunity to make mistakes, learn from them and consequently change how you approach challenges you may encounter in the future. They are, in effect, an academic rehearsal in preparation for those final IGCSE or A Level exams. Whatever year you are in and however well you have done, use the feedback your teachers give you, reflect honestly on how hard and consistently you have applied yourself to your studies and make sure that the dress rehearsal to date means you finish the year in the strongest position you possibly can.

Mr. S Wicks Head of Secondary

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