Primary Newsletter November 2011 English

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Primary News from the Pupils and Teachers of The British School of Alicante

Celebrating India

M e s s a g e f r om t h e He ad of Pr i mary There is no denying the fact that our children today are faced with more diversity than when we were their age. This raises questions as to how we teach our children about cultural diversity and tolerance. Research tells us that children develop their identity and attitudes through experience, and activities that are culturally specific inside and outside the classroom can help to develop a flexible perspective. Our curriculum allows for such experiences and some of our topics now include cultural themes. We recently looked at India and the whole

of Primary was involved in a variety of activities throughout the week. We learned about Indian art, literature and storytelling, as well as dance and food. The festival of Diwali was explored and it all culminated at the end of the week when we sampled Indian cuisine at lunchtime and dressed in Indian colours and costumes. We hope you enjoy looking at the photographs we took in this newsletter.

Fiona Thomas Head of Primary Pag e 1

Early Years News Food Glorious Food! The Nursery children have started their new topic of food and have been busy making model food from playdough and having lots of fun in the role play cafe in the classrooms. They have also been making chocolate sandwiches and pizza! Yum Yum!!

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Reception Super Heroes Week The Reception children had a fantastic week celebrating Super Heroes. The children made special masks and costumes and participated in lots of Super Hero activities in the Super Hero Bat Cave.

India Week in Early Years

Early Years Reminders Thank you all for your constant support in Early Years. Here are a few things to remember. • The children´s change of clothes bags need to be changed to winter clothes. Any clothes that are borrowed from school need to be returned please. • The children are not to bring toys to school. • We are developing our creative areas in our classroom and would appreciate if the children could bring in any clean old boxes, containers etc for us to do junk modelling.

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S PA C E d i o r a m a s


he Yr 2 pupils have all designed and made Space ´dioramas´ as part of a Design and Techology activity, connected with their Space Topic. There is an exhibition of their work currently set up in the main Library - They look brilliant , well done everyone!

NEWS FROM THE MUSIC DEPARTMENT Year 3 have been very busy this term exploring different instruments and using them to create descriptive sound. Excited children were invited to bring their own instruments and perform them in front of their friends.





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Diwali celebration Diwali, a festival of lights, is a Hindu festival which originated in India, but is now celebrated all over the world. It celebrates the triumph of good over evil and of light over darkness. Many customs and ceremonies are associayed with this joyful time when thousands of little clay lamps, called dipas, burn brightly from every house where the festival is observed. Prior to Diwali people clean their houses and decorate the floors, especially the floors of doorways and courtyards, with special designs called rangoli. Rangoli patterns are often made with colored rice flour, rice or spices. Lights are placed in the doorway to welcome Lakshmi to a house. Families get together for Diwali the way families gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. People exchange gifts of sweets and send Diwali cards to their friends. They also greet each other with their words "Subh Diwali," which means Happy Diwali. They wear new clothes, and those who have quarrelled try to patch up their differences at this time so that they may celebrate Diwali in friendship.

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Primary Uniform Reminder Please be reminded of the correct Primary Winter School Uniform: • Nursery and Reception – Tracksuits • Year 1 to Year 6 – School shirts/blouses (Not Polo Shirts) • Footwear – Navy or Black school shoes - available at the school shop

Important Dates Week beginning 28th November – Nursery and Reception Parent Meetings 6th December – School Closed 8th and 9th December – School Closed 13th December – Nursery Concert 14th December – Reception Concert 15th December – Year 1/2 concert 15th December - Year 5 Concert 16th December – Year 1 to Year6 reports available on-line 19th December – Primary Christmas Parties 20th December – Carol Concert 21st December – Term Ends

Glorieta del Reino Unido 5 Alicante 03008 Spain email:

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